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1 pag. 124: Ex. A. Arriba. Grammar study.

Ex. A abajo   

A) Label each picture with the correct phrase in the box.

Get a vaccination get sightseeing apply for visa talk to the travel


Buy a ticket apply for a make a reservation check the itinerary

2 Pag 125: Conversation :Translate


A) Close your book and listen to the conversation. Where is Peter going

On his vacation?

Ed: So, Peter, when are you taking your vacation?

Peter: In September. I'm going to South Africa.

Ed: Wow, South Africa! What a great trip!

Peter: It will be. But first I have to get a new passport, and 1have to apply

For a visa.

Ed: That sounds like a hassle!

Peter: t's not so bad. I can get the visa from my travel agent. And I don't

Have to get any vaccinations.


Ed: Entonces, Peter, ¿cuándo te vas de vacaciones?

Peter: En septiembre. Me voy a Sudáfrica.

Ed: ¡Vaya, Sudáfrica! ¡Qué gran viaje!

Peter: Lo será. Pero primero tengo que conseguir un nuevo pasaporte y tengo que
solicitarlo para una visa.

Ed: ¡Suena complicado!

Peter: No está tan mal. Puedo obtener la visa de mi agente de viajes. Y yo no

Tengo que vacunarme.

3 pag 128 Ex A y B.

Language Expansion: At the airport

A) Write the numbers of the words from the box in the correct circles.

Circles correct

1- Gate
2- Carry-on bag
3- Departures
4- Security check
5- Airline agent
6- Terminal
7- Baggage claim
8- Boarding pass

B) Complete the Sentences Use the words from exercise A.

1. At the Security check officers look inside your bags.

2 You can take a small Baggage on the plane with you.

3. After your flight, get your bags from the Baggage claim

4. The Airline agent looks at your ticket and gives you a seat.

5. When you are going somewhere, you go to the Terminal area

6. The gate is the big building at the airport.

7. The departure IS a door where you get on the airplane.

8. Your boarding pass IS a paper with your seat number.

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