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David Cotham

8 August, 2021

Professor Lark

History 153

Historical Fiction: Vietnam Protestor

The United States has seriously escalated their efforts with the conflict in Vietnam.

Personally, I think that this has little to do with the liberation of the people in Vietnam. As if the

politicians care about that. I believe this is a political move to intervein with the communist and

to get expand our global power and outreach. This is a sad use of our country’s time and

resources. Usually, anyone who shares my opinion gets shouted down. Even worse, some people

have lost their lives in protest like what happened at that university in Ohio, Kent State, earlier

this month. My name is Kyle Smith and I am heading with some friends to Washington, D.C. to

give those politicians a piece of my mind.

Many of the universities around the nation have had protested and have been brutally

attacked by the police and even tear gassed. The national guard in some occasions have been

called in. As a Detroiter, these kinds of tactics phase me. I have protested against racism 3 years

prior in my own city. I want to see a world where we do not have to resort to war, hate, and


I respect our soldiers and what they are trying to do for our country but there are many

cases where Vietnamese families have been ruthlessly been murdered, raped, and displaced from

their homes. Several war crimes have been committed on both sides. There is no justification for

why we got involved in the war. Hopefully people with listen and finally stop the fighting. We

need to get out of Vietnam!

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