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Sharing Knowledge and Skills Among Members to Provide Information, Education and Communication

and Household Teaching in Disease Prevention and ControlLESSON 1: Community Networks for Health


Community Networks for Health Programs refers to the group of individuals, advocates, politicians,
sectoral leaders, government and non-government organizations and institutions brought together by
their common goal to forward health programs.

Forming community networks for health programs is a strategy to achieve the following:

Identify common health problems and the actions needed to solve them with the help of the community

Create a support group for community members to help them strengthen their healthy habits.

Encourage more community members to avail of Barangay Health Programs and Services.

Raise the awareness of community members regarding health issues and wellness practices.

Empower community members to take responsibility and action for their own health needs.

Integrate health programs in the community’s culture; thus, making them sustainable.

In this lesson, we will help aspiring Barangay Health Workers appreciate the purpose of building
community networks for health programs and perform the general principles in forming and maintaining
community networks.

TOPIC 1: Forming Community Networks

In the previous lesson, we learned the purposes and general guidelines of community networks. In this
lesson, we will discuss the step-by-step process of forming and maintaining them.
TOPIC 2: Reminders for Establishing and Maintaining General Guidelines in Forming and Maintaining
Community Networks
After learning the purposes of having community networks, we will now discuss the general
guidelines to observe in forming and maintaining community networks. It is important for BHWs to
observe and practice these guidelines in order to cultivate respect, trust and commitment to actively
participate in health programs among its members.
LESSON 2: Basic Primary Health Care Services Promotion


In the introductory module of Barangay Health Services NC II, we defined Primary Health Care as
essential health care for all. It is a type of health care that focuses on promotion, protection, prevention,
cure, rehabilitation, and palliative care all throughout a person’s life course. It empowers individuals,
families, and communities to uphold health and lifestyle wellness (WHO, 2019).

Primary Health Promotion includes the following:

DOH Policies and Guidelines (AO, DM, DO)

Local Policies and Guidelines (Ordinances, Resolutions, Memorandum)

Traditional Beliefs and Practices

According to DOH, primary health promotion and communication is behavior-centered, with the
following goals:

To create a supportive environment

To ensure the provision of accessible, user-friendly micronutrient supplementation services.

To increase demand for micronutrient supplementation services.

As a Barangay Health Worker, you must support the provision of primary health care. It is your duty to
conduct primary health care promotion among the residents of their Barangay.

In this lesson, we will discuss what is primary health care promotion, what are its principles, goals,
strategies and the topics that it hopes to promote.

TOPIC 1: Principles of Primary Health Promotion

Primary Health Care Promotion is the process of informing the people regarding the factors that
influence health and the ways to improve their health. It focuses on protection, prevention, cure,
rehabilitation and other specialized care services that Barangay residents can avail themselves.

Primary Health Care Promotion is carried out “through advocacy, empowerment of people and building
social support systems that enable people to make healthy choices and live healthy lives.” It also utilizes
“communication strategies to inform and influence the way individuals and communities think, feel,
behave, and make informed decisions about their health. (Health Promotion and Communication, DOH,
2015)". According to DOH, primary health promotion should be effective, efficient and sustainable.
TOPIC 2: Primary Health Care Promotion Strategies

According to DOH, the following are primary health care promotion strategies:
LESSON 3: Ensuring Effective Promotion of Basic Primary Health Care Services

In the previous lesson, we learned what primary health promotion is, its principles, goals, strategies and
the topics that it must cover.

In this lesson, we will discuss how to conduct an effective primary health care services promotion.

TOPIC 1: Using Presentations in Promoting Basic Primary Health Care Services

As a BHW, you can use the following modes to promote Basic Primary Health Care Services:



House to house

Barangay assembly

Text messages

Social Media


The following are the presentation techniques you can use in promoting health care services in your

Visual presentation



Online or virtual presentation

One-on-one counseling

TOPIC 2: Obtaining Feedback and Evaluating Results

Feedback is a return of information regarding the result or experience of a product, service,

performance, etc. Giving and receiving feedback is essential in the improvement in the personal
qualities and professional work of Barangay Health Workers.

Benefits of Constructive Feedback:

Reduces major mistakes through open communication.

Serves as the basis for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a person, product, service and

It motivates people to do better.

It can build trust and honesty; thus, form better relationships between co-workers and clients.
It can cultivate a friendly work environment.

Tips for receiving feedback

Listen to the message.

Do not defend or argue.

Clarify if you are unsure.

Accept praise; don’t write it off.

Focus on what is being said; don’t feel that you have to agree or disagree.

Ensure that you understand what is being said; show that you understand.

Consider asking what they would like to see done differently.

Thank the giver – they have just taken a risk for you.

TOPIC 2: Obtaining Feedback and Evaluating Results

Dos and Don'ts of Providing Feedback

Obtaining feedback is an important component of primary health care promotion. BHWs shall use this
feedbacks along with the results of monitoring the clients/ community’s health status to evaluate the
effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the primary health care promotion.

Here are some reminders for providing feedback:

LESSON 1: Providing Basic Health Education


Health education is one strategy for implementing health promotion and disease prevention programs.
Health education provides learning experiences on health topics. Health education strategies are
tailored for their target population.
In the previous unit, we learned about primary health care promotion. While it is important that
residents of the Barangay know the primary health care services that they can avail themselves, it is also
necessary to deepen their understanding of their personal and community health.

In this lesson, we will discuss what is basic health education, how to practice effective and efficient
health education and the most common topics of health education.

TOPIC 1: Providing Effective and Efficient Health Education

Instead of focusing on facts and knowledge, an effective and efficient health education strategy
emphasizes the following:

Teaching applicable health information.

Focuses on clear and specific health outcomes and behavioral changes.

Provides basic, accurate and functional health knowledge that can impact decisions and actions.

Uses teaching styles, learning activities, materials, and language that respect the community’s culture.

Gives ample time for learning and application.

Shaping personal values and beliefs that support healthy behaviors.

Address personal values, behavior and beliefs.

Shaping group norms that value a healthy lifestyle.

Addresses group norms, social pressures and influences.

Developing the essential health skills necessary to adopt, practice, and maintain health-enhancing

Builds confidence, competence and self-efficacy.

TOPIC 2: Common Health Education Topics

The following are the common health education topics:

Physical Activity and Nutrition

Overweight and Obesity

Tobacco and Smoking

Substance Abuse


Mental Health

Injury and Violence

Environmental Quality
Maternal and Child

Health Promotions

LESSON 2: Strategies for Providing Basic Health Education to Community


Health education presents information to target populations on particular health topics, including the
health benefits/threats they face, and provides tools to build capacity and support behavior change in
an appropriate setting.

In this lesson, we will discuss the different basic health education strategies that you use.

TOPIC 1: Common Health Education Activities/ Strategies

Examples of health education activities/ strategies include:

TOPIC 2: Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Strategy

Effective health education must achieve the following:

Participation of the target population.

Completion of a community needs assessment to identify community capacity, resources, priorities, and
Planned learning activities that increase participants' knowledge and skills.

Implementation of programs with integrated, well-planned curricula and materials that take place in a
setting convenient for participants.

Presentation of information with audiovisual and computer-based supports such as slides and
projectors, videos, books, CDs, posters, pictures, websites, or software programs.

Ensuring proficiency of program staff, through training, to maintain fidelity to the program model.

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