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RNG Reporter by mingot and OmegaDonut

New in Version 9
- Added support for non-C-Gear seeds to Time Finder
- Added limited support for PID\nature prediction to Time Finder
- Added support for 5th gen Wondercards
- Added support for 5th gen Egg PIDs
- Added DS Parameter finding, used for non-C-Gear seed prediction
- Added support for 64-bit and Colosseum\XD RNGs to Researcher
- Researcher now outputs seeds in hex
- Time Finder now has multi-CPU core optimizations for 5th gen searches
- Time Finder and DS Parameter search now updates list in realtime
New in Version 8.40
- Added Method 5, used for predicting IVs for Black\White
- Added support for C-Gear seeds to Seed to Time and Time Finder
New in Version 8.31
- Fixed a problem with Shaymin stats in IV checker.
- Renamed "Actual" Column.
New in Version 8.30
- Reseach window added
- Fixed problem with open seed finder not showing all results for delays under 1
- Fixed problem with enabling search for SID in pandoras box
New in Version 8.20
- Fixed issue in egg IV timefinder that was caused by entering zero as a startin
g frame when generating adjacents.
- Added vertical searching on egg pid frames for coin flips.
- Added vertical searching on egg pid frames for natures.
New in Version 8.10
- Fixed issue where open search on the seed finder could return an incorrect see
- Add odd/even only filtering to the seed to time dialog
- Added custom delay range to Stat Seed Finder
New in Version 8.00
- Fixed issue when going to seed to time dialog from time finder with no year en
- Fixed some CSV issues related to SpD repeating in the heading
- Fixed issue where shiny egg rmb menu could show when there were no items.
- Seed to time now supports searching on Elm responses.
- Seed to time now supports searching on roamer locations
- Added a nice map that shows all HGSS roamer routes
- Added vertical searching on frame window for Elm responses.
- Cleaned up the initial seed finder and added functionality to save the DPP/HGS
S/Custom/Open options.
- Added nice images to the coin flip search window.
New in Version 7.50
- Seed to Time has preliminary support for Elm responses
- All applicible frame generators now show Elm responses
- Parent IVs can now be used when using the Egg IV Timefinder (thanks, bbq)
New in Version 7.40
- Fixed issue with too many results returning from the initial seed finder.
- Added an IV range initial seed finder
- The main screen now shows HG/SS roamer locations
- The main screen now shows HG/SS elm call information
- The encounter screen now works for HG/SS encounters (except nibble prediction)
New in Version 7.30
- Added support for Chained Shinies (Method 1-equivalent only)
- Added support for international parents in the Shiny Egg Finder
- Added support for low-frame shiny eggs in the Shiny Egg Finder, for HGSS
- Added support for HG/SS Egg IVs
- Added support for delays above 999 in the time finder
- Integrated Wild Eep's ID\SID Finder ("Pandora's Box")
New in Version 7.10
- Added Support for Method K, the HeartGold/SoulSiver method
New in Version 7.01
- Fixed issue with some CSV output
- Fixed issue with chain to pid text for 12.5 female gender ration
- Added an option to open searching slightly for HgSs.
New in Version 7.00
- Fixed issue with some CSV output
- Added Context menu option (in timefinders) to copy seed to clipboard
- Added adjacents finder to the Seed to Time function
- Added a function to get the SID from a group of chained shinys
New in Version 6.11
- Fixed issue with happiness RMB option not showing up.
New in Version 6.10
- Encouner slot finder. Right click on any method J frame and select "Calculate
Encounter Slots"
- When Seed->Time is used from the main page the current seed is set is used to
populate the seed field.
New in Version 6.00
- Timefinder only picks up the ID/SID when you first open the the window. Make i
t either pick it up on each activate or allow them to be entered directly on the
timefinder screen.
- Any time you "Generate" a coin flip sequence is shown on the main screen for t
he particular seed.
- Seed to time no longer crashes on blank year
- Seed to time no longer allows years less than 2000.
- Time finder no longer allows years less than 2000.
- MinusOnes shiny finder is now built in as the Egg PID Time Finder. Thanks Minu
- There is now an option to show Odd/Even only in the Egg IV Time Finder.
- Multiple frames can be searched in the Egg IV Time Finder.
New in Version 5.20
- Add hidden powers to the method 1 IVs output
- Add open search to the initial seed finder
- Write new CSV output for method 1 (wondercard) IVs
- Split egg IVs CSV classes to remove time from DPPt
- FIX: Seed to time seed textbox no longer accepts more than 8 characters
- FIX: Main seed textbox no longer accepts more than 8 characters
- FIX: Offset column not honoring offset checkbox in stat seed finder.
- FIX: often scatters things/scatters things often were broken in IV checker.
- FIX: Blank seed no longer crashes seed to time.
New in Version 5.10
- Added Wondercard IVs generation method
- FIX: No initial seed found when using Method 1/Frame 1 Pokemon to seed
New in Version 5.00
- Remove Time field from Method J output
- Remove Time field from DPPt Breeding output
- Added the mini-dex to show abilities (4th gen) and base stats for all pokemon.
- Added simple standalone IV checker functionality.
- Monster seed in initial seed finder no londer shown by default, but can be sho
wn with checkbox.
- Offset in initial seed finder no longer shown by default, but can be shown wit
h checkbox.
- Add IV Check to Seed Finder
- Flip finder (10 flips) in the egg iv time finder
- FIX: problem with max frame not being honored all of the time in the capture t
ime finder.
- FIX: crash bug when invalid seed was entered into the seed->time dialog.
- FIX: problem with progress dialog when > 2^31 frames searched.
New in Version 4.60
- Added a list of 10 Coin Flips to the breeding Time Finder to make it easier to
see if you hit the correct Date/Time/Delay without having to hatch an egg or sc
ent a Pokemon.
- Added Coin Flips to breeding Time Finder CSV output.
- Added a Coin Column to the DPPt Breeding output.
- Added a Coin Column to the DPPt Breeding CSV output.
- Added Actual to the Method J CSV output.
- FIX: Made Method J CSV output work.
- FIX: Corrected a problem with the Seed to Time dialog.
- FIX: Don't let the RMB menu show on the IVs to PID dialog if there are no item
displayed in the grid.
- FIX: Clicking the Time Finder button when the Time Finder is already open will
now properly focus that window.
New in Version 4.50
- Add IV -> Seed for different methods to aid 3rd gen abusers.
- Fix offset in seed finder to match frame after generate (off by 2 right now)
- SID detection function (need method 2/3 ivs->seed)
- Changed most text in program from "offset" to more appropriate "frame"
- Added a way to open seed to time from main screen.
- Added Method 4 generation.
New in Version 4.20
- Captured Pokemon Timefinder
- Fix emerald no splits output
- Added monster seed back to seed finder
New in Version 4.10
- Add Emerald Alternate Method: Breeding (Emerald Alternate)
- Show abilities as 0/1 for parity with Smogon PID Articles
- New method for 4th Gen Method 1 Non-Runners (method J synch/nosynch)
- Tightened up seed finder. Faster, less false positives.
- Don't show monster frame in seed finder.5:18 PM 5/3/2009
- Fix masked text boxes to select all OnEnter.
- Fixed crash bug when finding adjacents from 0 seconds
New in version 4.00
- Remove offset from poketech app
- Change text in poketech app display to note double taps.
- Notice box on advanced seeder to notify when no monster was found.
- Hide all but IV output for bred method frames to avoid any confusion.
- Hide all but PID output for platinum breeding
- RMB Button to clear the start frame / max results
- Fix Bug in Simple Seeder
- Output to CSV.
- Timefinder added for Platinum Egg IVs
- Adjacent Listings for Timefinder
- Split the seed finder into tabs to avoid confusion on what to fill out.
- Adjusted the minimum delay that will be reported on the seed finder to 500+yea
New in version 3.00
- Platinum Egg PIDS (both methods)
- Poketech app calculator
- Save of ID and SID
New in version 2.10
- Advanced platinum seed finder
New in version 2.00:
- Set target frame
- Jump to target frame
- Time based filter/centering of spreads.
- Clear buttons for search filters
- Save window position
- Added new search type (HP) that matches odd OR even perfect hidden power numbe
- Gender Output
- Open seeding.
- Platinum seed generator.
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