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Supplementary Material


(Compulsory Supplementary Material for Elementary Module.
Suggested Supplementary Material for Lower Intermediate Module.)

Depending on the context, we can use either Possessive Adjectives or Possessive Pronouns to indicate
possession. Possessive adjectives almost always come before a noun. Possessive pronouns replace a noun;

This is my car. (Possessive Adjective)

This car is mine. (Possessive Pronoun)

EXERCISE 1. Put in suitable Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives to complete

these pairs of sentences.

Example: house is around the corner. is on the next street.

His house is around the corner. Mine is on the next street.

1. Mary is wearing new dress. I'll wear tomorrow.

2. Can I use pen for a moment, please? I don't have with me.

3. Is that dog, Peter? No, it isn't ; it is John's.

4. The Levys often invite us to house. They often come to .

5. What’s name, little boy? name is Greg. What’s ?

6. Is tie new, Pete? Yes, it is. What about ? is not. It's old.

EXERCISE 2. Answer the following questions according to the chart below, using the Genitive Case
andPossessive Pronouns.

Example: Whose lamp is this?

It's the Brown's. It’s theirs.

Peter Mary The Brown Family You

compact discs a lamp a book

a red sweater
a leather jacket cars pencils
a house

1. Whose leather jacket is this?

2. Whose house is that?

3. Whose compact disks are these?

4. Whose red sweater is this?

Supplementary Material
5. Whose cars are those?

6. Whose Tronwell book is that?

EXERCISE 3. Insert the missing Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronoun.

Example: I want to invite friends to the party, but Linda doesn't want to invite .
I want to invite my friends to the party, but Linda doesn't want to invite hers.

1. Heather doesn't have lighter with her. Can you lend me ?

2. Tell William not to forget to bring book. And I won't forget !

3. We paint house every year. Do you paint every year, too?

4. They are on time for class, but Helen is late for .

5. pen doesn't write! Can I use ?

6. This dog doesn't want to eat food! Are those cats eating ?

EXERCISE 4. Complete the blank spaces with the missing Possessive Adjectives.

Dear Carlos:

Hello! name is Jane and I live in Manchester.

address is 23, Greenlane. I’m married and husband writes for a
newspaper. job is very interesting. We have two children
names are Diana and John. They are very nice and they love animals a lot.
daughter has a dog, name is Sally.
son has a cat, name is Ted. Well, on Sundays we visit
grandparents. house is in the country.
Write and tell me about family and hobbies.


Supplementary Material


1. her / mine
2. your / mine
3. your / mine
4. their / ours
5. your / My / yours
6. your / yours / mine


1. It's Peter's. It's his.

2. It's The Brown's. It's theirs.
3. They're Peter's. They're his.
4. It's Mary's. It's hers.
5. They're The Levy's. They're theirs.
6. It's ..... 's. It's mine.


1. her / yours
2. his / mine
3. our / yours
4. their / hers
5. My / yours
6. its / theirs


my / My / my / His / their / Our / its-her /

Our / its-his / our / Their / your

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