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Supplementary Material


(Compulsory Supplementary Material for Elementary Module.
Suggested Supplementary Material for Lower Intermediate Module)
We use the Simple Present tense to talk about things we usually do. Notice that in affirmative sentences, the
verbs always end in «s», «es» or «ies» when referring to the third person singular (he, she, it); for example:

read - reads ; go - goes ; study - studies.

See how we form the Simple Present tense:

I / You / We / They make
a lot of noise
He / She / It makes
II / You / We / They do
not make a lot of noise
She / He / It does
Do II / You / We / They
make a lot of noise?
Does she / he / it

EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb shown in parentheses.
Example: Susan works (work) at a travel agency.

1. I (play) tennis on Saturday.

2. He (read) the paper every day.

3. She (study) after work.

4. They (travel) to Viña every weekend.

5. We (go) to Tronwell three times a week.

6. You (drink) coffee every day.

EXERCISE 2. Fill in the blanks of the following conversations with the correct form of the auxiliary verb do.

1. A : Good morning, Sally you know what time it is?

B : Yes, I . It is 8:00 o’clock.

2. A : we all go to the same classroom?

B : No, we . There are too many students. We need two groups.

3. A : Mark, you walk to work every day?

B : Yes, I .

4. A : she like to cook?

B : Yes, she . She cooks very well.

Supplementary Material
EXERCISE 3. Answer the following questions using the appropriate form of the auxiliary
verb do. Use affirmative or negative sentences.

Example: Does Chris play tennis every day?

No, he doesn't. He plays tennis on weekends.

1. Do you buy your groceries in the supermarket?

2. Does your wife/husband watch TV at night?

3. Do you study English every day?

4. Does your wife/husband speak English?

EXERCISE 4. Write two questions for each affirmative statement, using the question
words provided.

Example: They watch the news on TV every day.

When do they watch TV ?
What do they watch on TV ?

1. Mark plays tennis every weekend.

What ?

When ?

2. Miss Lincoln teaches English at high school.

Who ?

Where ?

3. Marie reads romance stories.

What ?

Who ?

4. Peter and Christian play instruments in the school band.

Where ?

What ?

5. My friend goes to the beach every weekend.

Where ?

When ?

Supplementary Material


1. play
2. reads
3. studies
4. travel
5. go
6. drink


1. A : do
B : do
2. A : Do
B : don't
3. A : do
B : do
4. A : Does
B : does


1. Yes, I do. I buy my groceries in the supermarket.

No, I don't. I buy my groceries in the grocery store.

2. Yes, he / she does. He / She watches T.V at night.

No, he / she doesn't. He / She reads the newspaper at night.

3. Yes, I do. I study English every day.

No, I don't I study English three times a week.

4. Yes, he / she does. He / she speaks English.

No, he / she doesn't. He / She speaks Spanish.


1. What does Mark play ( every weekend) ?

What does Mark do every weekend?
When does Mark play tennis?

2. Who teaches English ( at high school) ?

Where does Miss Lincoln teach ( English) ?

3. What does Mary read?

Who reads romance stories?

4. Where do Peter and Christian play (instruments) ?

What do Peter and Christian play ( in the school band) ?
What do Peter and Christian do in the school band?

5. Where does your friend go every weekend?

When does your friend go to the beach?

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