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1. Describe the human situation inside the cave?

- The people inside the cave are trapped within a dark wave, tied by the neck and legs against the wall
where they can only get a sight of shadows reflected on the wall. They think that the shadows projected
were figures of animals and humans. There are instances where these creatures have conversations as
they pass by the cave, which makes the prisoners think that the shadows reflected were not anything
but real beings. They are held back to see the real world, which is suffocating. The prisoners lost the
ability to know reality and were blinded in a superficial world of appearances.

2. Was the process of escape an easy task? What does this escape represent?

The escape is not an easy task, because imagine if you are in their situation where you grew seeing
things and actions that you believe are true but get slapped with the reality that all the things you see
are not true. Imagine the hardship and confusion you will feel to grasp what is happening and acquire
new knowledge about the situation. The escape of the prisoner represents the journey of seeing the
world of reality. This reality is not what the prisoner sees; however, it is what the prisoner could not see.

3. Describe the life of the escapee when he was outside the cave?

The prisoner realized that the things he sees inside the cave is not actually the real thing and it is an
error. It is hard to imagine that your initial knowledge about things is not the real thing. You will just
wish to go back in the past and don’t accept the reality because people will only question you which the
prisoner shows and resulted to suffocation to acquire new knowledge and grasp the entire situation.

4. Why was Socrates accused of the crimes he never committed?

Socrates were accused of corrupting the Athens’ youth and failing to acknowledge the gods that his city
acknowledges which he later introduces new Gods. The people thinks that Socrates is asking politico-
philosophic questions to his students which they think resulted to moral corruption and impiety. He was
accused because they think that his words are corrupting the youth.

5. Was the death of Socrates worth it for speaking the truth? Explain your thought

Yes, because him speaking the truth made us think broadly on the meaning and purpose of existence. It
made me think and crave more on learning the true meaning of existence

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