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Cracked Pot

1. Title

Long Ago in the days when cats and dogs could sing and pots and pans could
talk, in a country far away from this one, there lived a young girl.

2. Her name was Aysha. Ashya’s family was very poor. They lived in a hut on the
side of a mountain where there was no running water.

As Aysha was the strongest it was her job to carry two large clay pots down to
the stream every day and bring back enough water for cooking and washing.
The pots where heavy so Aysha hung them on a yoke which spread the weight
across her shoulders.

It wasn’t so bad walking down to the stream as the pots where empty but coming
back up the steep path was hard work.

3 (6). Now one of the clay pots had a small crack. And as Aysha trudged up the
path it weeped water.
By the time she arrived at the hut there was always one full pot of water and one
half. The people in the village sighed and shook their heads when they saw
young Aysha carrying the water everyday. ‘She is too young for so much
responsibility. Look one of her pots is cracked and leaks water all along the path.’

4. Now the pots overheard the people gossiping. The perfect pot. Laughed and
said to the cracked the pot, ‘Listen to what they say. You are useless.

Everyday you arrive at the hut half full. Poor Aysha, she has to carry your weight
and every day you let her down. Whereas I on the other hand fulfil my
obligations!’ The pot with the leak was hurt by the criticism. It cried to Ashya. ‘I
am useless. I have a crack a flaw that can’t be repaired. Everyday you waste
time and strength carrying me up to the hut. I am no good to you.’

Aysha was surprised by the cracked pot’s outburst. She spoke kindly saying,
‘Tomorrow when we go for water look down at the side of the path and tell me
what you see.

5. The next day as Aysha went down the side of the mountain, the perfect pot
was smug in the knowledge that it was doing the best job.

The cracked pot looked down at the stones and dry earth scattered beside the
When they arrived at the bottom Aysha asked the cracked pot, ‘What did you see
along the path?’ The pot said sadly, ‘I saw nothing but dry earth and stone. Not a
living thing’
Aysha smiled as she filled the pots with water. Then she said to the cracked pot.
‘Look now at the other side of the path as I carry you back up the mountain and
tell me what you see.’

6 (3). And the cracked pot did as Aysha asked and looked down at the path
weeping tears of water all the way.

When they arrived at the hut, Aysha asked the cracked pot, ‘So what did you see
when you looked down at this side of the path?’

‘I saw fragrant and colourful wildflowers.’

7. Aysha smiled, ‘Do you understand cracked pot, it is because of your

imperfection that the path is watered every day? And so evey day, I can pick
flowers to grace our table. Cracked Pot, you, my friend, are perfect.’

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