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“FEMIN”- comes from the latin root word

“FEMINA”, meaning woman.

“-ISM” is a suffix derived from the greek
“ισμός” or “ismós” that turns the
preceding noun into a verb, implying a
belief, practice, or worldview.
The first recorded use of the word in English
was 1851, but at that time it just meant “the
state of being feminine.” Then, in 1837, French
philosopher and utopian socialist Charles
Fourier coined the word word “féminisme” to
mean advocacy of women’s rights.
“feminisme” (1837)
“qualities of females” (1851)
“advocacy of women’s right”
“Feminism, the belief in social,
economic, and political equality of the
sexes. Although largely originating in
the West, feminism is manifested
worldwide and is represented by various
institutions committed to activity on
behalf of women’s rights and interests.”
“Feminism is a movement that
seeks equality for people of any
gender. It is founded on the belief
that people should be able to
pursue any opportunity and
demonstrate at any characteristic
regardless of gender.”
-Dr. Susan Currie Sivek
“Advocacy of the equality of
the sexes and the
establishment of the political,
social, and the economic
rights of the female sex”
-Adam Nemmers
“Feminism is a way of looking at the world which
women occupy from the perspective of women. It has at
its central focus the concept of patriarchy which can be
described as a system of male authority which
oppresses women through its social, political and
economic institutions. Feminism is, therefore, a critique of
patriarchy on the one hand and an ideology committed
to women’s emancipation on the other”.
Feminism is, therefore, a doctrine which is concerned
with emancipation of women. But broadly speaking
the concept embraces other areas of women’s life
such as their development, role in political, social,
cultural and economic affairs. It also talks about
women’s rights and freedom.
Quite simply, feminism is about all genders having
equal rights and opportunities.
It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and
strengths, and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights.
It’s about leveling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that
diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to
boys and men.
“I believe in equality. And I
believe there is no difference
between a man and a woman.
I even believe that a woman is
more powerful than men.”
-Malala Yousafzai
1. The advocacy of women's rights on the
basis of the equality of the sexes
2. The theory of the political, economic, and
social equality of the sexes
3. The belief that men and women should
have equal rights and opportunities
4. The doctrine advocating social, political,
and all other rights of women equal to
those of men
Feminism, the belief in social, economic,
and political equality of the sexes.
Although largely originating in the West,
feminism is manifested worldwide
and is represented by various institutions
committed to activity on behalf of
women’s rights and interests.
-In Spain, the Royal Academy Dictionary defines feminism as a "social doctrine which
allows women the abilities and rights previously reserved for men."
-Feminism has gathered together a constellation of women opposed to "masculine tyranny."
Adrienne Rich coined the term "action feminists" to describe all those women in all
societies and cultures who have opposed male hegemony.
-Woman Question. Women who were involved in this, defending us, were in general the
antecedents of what Virginia Woolf called "the daughters of educated men."
-Women begin to express a collective voice during the French Revolution
The First Demands
-Right to dispose of their own property and their own money.
-Ensured reduced personal autonomy for women in so much as
their goods and income were administered by their husbands.
-Demand for access to appropriate waged work
-Right to education
The fight for suffrage 19th to 20th Century
-In reality the demand for the female vote was one of the main
causes of women’s mobilization. This was why feminists thought the vote
would give them access to the centers of political decision and would
allow them to create laws which would abolish other social inequities.
The press and public organizations
-The scheme is simple: the creation of a feminist newspaper
is parallel to the creation of an organisation. The newspaper serves
as a magnetic attraction to feminists and as an organ of propaganda.
-These organizations are the means by which
energies are focused and strategies and models of
political action are developed in order to solve
the social question of women.
-In broad outline we have divided the feminist movement into its
political and social aspects. French and English women better represent the first,
that is to say, a political and democratic feminism oriented towards the full
integration of women into the polis. This has its clearest expression in the fight
for the suffrage. Spain and Italy are outstanding examples of the second, where
feminists primarily emphasized the right to education and the improvement of
social conditions.
The Feminism of the 1960s
The unrest and of the discovery of oppression in the era of legal equality was Simon
de Beauvoir’s book The Second Sex (1949). The other landmark that we must record even though
outside of our geographical remit, though no less influential for that, as Betty Friedan’s The
Feminine Mystique (1963) which denounced the cultural discomfort of US women. One or another
noted how informal social control had been very effective in imposing a hegemonic model of
gender which identified woman as mother and wife; this model cut off all possibility of personal
realization and made those women culpable who were unhappy with this life choice.
The idea of Feminism developed in America in the late 19th century to the early 20th

American feminism was part of a social reform in which abolitionism was the central
cause and included movements advocating the civil and political rights of American
women. Feminist questioned the role of gender within the framework of patriarchal

Feminist Elizabeth Cady Staton criticize the unfair treatment and the law favoring
the dominance of men, then she observed the long decade of struggle for gender
inequality. Staton wanted to terminate the social construction of the 19 century gender
roles that men dominated the public sphere by working, voting and participating in
politics and women were relegated to submissive roles.
 Elizabeth Cady Staton started the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s right
convention in the United States, which outlined the ideology and political strategies to
vanished the idea of Patriarchal regime.

 The Seneca Falls Convention was the first wave of feminism that have taken place in
American history. The second wave came in 1960, the goal was the to pass the equal
rights amendment, giving equal rights regardless of sex. The third wave began in the mid-
90s when women adopted the belief of ‘Universal Womanhood’ feminist believe that
women can be attractive and possesses intelligence. They defined femininity as people
and not as object of an oppressive patriarchy.
“I would have girls regard
themselves not as adjectives
but as nouns.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Feminist Voltairine de Cleyre began Excerpt:
writing her sentiments in 1891. Her Why am I the slave of Man? Why is my brain said
awareness to inequality brought her to not to be the equal of his brain? Why is my work
question gender roles, traditional marriage not paid equally with his? Why must my body be
controlled by my husband? Why may he take my
and sex slavery. Her idea of feminism was children away from me? Will them away while yet
seen in her book “sex slavery” unborn? Let every woman ask…“There are two
reasons why,” answered in her and these ultimately
Voltairine argued that the influences of church reducible to a single principle — the authoritarian
and state is the reason for sex slavery , fostering supreme power GOD-idea, and its two instruments
the birth of inequality in one nation, she added — the Church — that is, the priests — the State
that the escape to sex slavery is “The freedom to — that is, the legislators… These two things, the
control her own person” the right to control their mind domination of the Church and the body
own lives and destinies completely, the right to be domination of the State, are the causes of Sex
free as autonomous individuals. Slavery.
“I never expect men to give us
liberty. No, women, we are not
worth it until we take it.”
Voltairine de Cleyre
In the book wrote by Charlotte Perkins Gilman "The Yellow Wallpaper"
(1892) she envisioned the dramatic account of the growing insanity of a
woman who feels that the people around her pay no attention to her
desire to put her intellectual and creative faculties to use.
She also wrote a kind of feminist Utopian novel called Herland (1915). In
this work women reproduce by means of virgin birth and live in a
harmonious, matriarchal society which is superior to the patriarchal
society in every sense.
“And woman should stand beside
her husband as a comrade of his
soul, not the servant of his body.”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
American feminist writer, Marilyn French argues that the first three millennia of
civilization were organized into what she calls matricentries, societies in which
women were of central importance and in which fertility, continuation, and sharing
were dominant. Patriarchy all but destroyed these primitive egalitarian societies and
inaugurated a rule in which men, now perceived as distinct from animals, controlled
women and nature and vied with one another for domination.

French define feminism as men and women share the pains and joys of the human
“I hate the discussion of
feminism that end up with, who
does the dishes, she said. So do I.
But at the end there are always
the damned dishes.”
Marilyn French
"Asian woman" is marginalized and triply marginalized
on account of her sex her poverty, her lower status as an
ethnic cultural, religious, and sexual minority:
1979 UN Convention on
the Elimination of
All Forms of
Discrimination Against
The feminist movement are also known as the women's movement, it is a series of
campaign to fight for the social discrimination of women. The feminist argues that
women should be equally treated in all aspects, education, employment and social
justification. The range of movements that feminist act were in order to achieve the
same goal, that is the equal rights for women. Women's movements have campaigned
and continue to fight for women's rights, and they also worked to protect women and
girls from sexual harassment, and domestic violence.
 Vietnam - Women’s Union, founded in 1930
 GABRIELA Philippines, established in 1984
 Foundation For Women in Thailand formed in 1984
 Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) of Malaysia 1985
 AWARE Singapore, founded in 1985
 Fokupers of Timor-Leste, established in 1997
 Komnas Perempuan of Indonesia (formerly, the National Commission on
Violence Against Women) was formed in 1998
 Chab Dai Cambodia, founded in 2005
BAPS 3-1


BAYRON, John Mark

INTONG, Elden Mae
LEYNES, Jenella Joyce
MANICDAO, Francisco
RUFIN, Kristine Bernadeth

BAPS 135

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