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ationwi e!

Talk Live! •

Voice Mail!


News 12 AIDS This Week' 22

Outtakes 18 In Our Own Hands 26
Outspoken 4
Letters 5
FILM: Jennie livingston Stonewall Riots 5
Karl Soehnlein speaks with the Blurt Oul 6
quickly ascending director ... 54 Sotomayor 8
Jennifer Camper 10
MUSIC: Video Guide Notes From Home 24
Joe Clark deconstructs MTv. •. 56
In Our Own Hands 26
SIT AND SPIN: New Yorks Cmig Insider Trading 28
spencer and Vidor AnonJll11OUS7. .56 . Milestones 30
THEATER:An Unfinished Song GlAAD Tidings ; 30
Michael Paller examines our Look Out 46
grief. 57 Gossip Watch 48
Gaydar 49
B.OOKS: AIDS In America
Out On the Town 51
David Trinidad reviews a special
issue o}Long Shot magazine .. 5 9 Field Tripping 52
Going Out. 65
BOOKS: Possession: A Ro- Tuning, In 68
mance Anne Rul3enstein rectifies
the misinterpretations. .....•.•• 5 9
Dancing Out 70
Bar Guide 71
LIP SERVICE:Thin and dry .. 60 Community Directory 73
,.•• Classifieds 77
POETRY:LeHer ToAn Alcoholic Personals 85
Michael Klein .•...•••..•...• 61
Crossword .........•........ 98
Virgin Birth
Michael Musto on Madonna s ascension as a queer icon ••••••••••••••• 34
Eating Michelangelo
Signorile sli111Sdoum •••••••••••••••••••• 42 's ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Cover photo:' Patrick Demarcheller

Cover design: Marla C. Perez

OutWeek (lSSN 1047-8442) is published weekly (51 issues) by OutWeek Publishing Corporation, 159 West 2S!h
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The entire contents of OutWeek are copyrig~ 1991 by OutWeek PubliShing Corporation, and may not be
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S/M and the Test AR11EDITOR
of Tolerance


The treatment of sexual minorities is a litmus test of social toler- POETRY, DAVID TRINIDAD; UmNGS, DALE PECK
ance. And it's a litmus test most societies and individuals fail, even CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS
progressive and otherwise enlightened ones. In part, this is because JUIis 1tJtrK del VaDe. V'dDria A BIO'MIWIII1II, t.Wk Chesoot. Joe CII1t.
sexual difference challenges not only people's irrational and deeply Soot! IIMah. Arthur S.leonard, Avril Mc:Donald, DIIlCaIl 0Ib0me. Rachel
Peppel; Dell RidanIs, Maar Roahan, James WaIer, Alan WhB,IMie WoIIord
held aversion to nonconfonnity, but often their ethical, moral or reli- •

gious beliefs as well. NEWS WIRE SERVICES

Cliff O'Nein, Rex Wockner. John Zeh

People who wish to rid themselves of the curse of bias should
therefore look long and hard at those prejudices which they feel are CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
IlJadlay Ball, Charles ~, Greg Baysans, Ri BIotcher, Peter Bowen.
rati<;>naland "justified." It's important to detennine whether one is bas- Max Cavilch. Sarah Chinn. Anne-dlrietine d'Adeeky. Christopher Davia. Susie Day,
,ing one's b4ts on ethical, moral or political arguments, or merely Kathleen Joan DeBold, Risa Denenberg, John Donahue, MonIca DorenIiamp.
Dawn FaIaIi, David Feinberg. Jim Fouratt. IIeaIrix Galea, Michael Goff.
using such claims to support bigotry which is, in reality, deeply em0- Neei18 Hanrahan. Ernest Hanly, Joe E. Jeffrays.lany kramer, GeraRt Mackey,
tional and irrational. Maria Maggenli, Jim Marb, Michael Paller, Sydney Pokorny. John Preeton.
All this should seem patently obvious to queers, who as a pe0- Allen R_ff, Anne Rubell8llin. Sarah Schulman,lra Silverberg, Karl Soehnlein.
Jamee St Jamee. WICkie S1ampe, Bruce C. Steele, Otis Stuart, liz Tracey,

have endured centuries of irrational hatred based on supposedly
• Jonn Wasaer. JohrtWing, Madam X. Eva Yaa Asantewaa
."rational" arguments. But although it should seem obvious, it fre-
quently. is not. A case in point is the queer world's treatment of one Alison Bec:hdel. Mark Burdell, Jennifer Camper. Tom KaHn,
of its prirruuy sexual minorities, the S/M and leather community. Kris KovIck, Andrea Natale, DanIel Sotomayor
Th<;:reare many arguments used by lesbians and gay men to CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS •
deny validity or access to leather people. One is that S!M and its B~I Bylsura.Greg Clark, Deti Del Vale. Charles Fowler, Marc Geller,
EfraIn J. Gonzalez. Morgan Gwenwald, Marilyn Humphries, Andrew Llchl8l18lein.
accoutrements. are an affront to survivors----particularly, in our com- T.L. Lilt, PalBy Lynch, Jim Marb. Tom McGovern. Tom McKiIterIck. Myrna Morales,
munity, lesbian sulVivors-of incest, violence and sexual abuse. This Scoll Morgan. Elen B. Neiprie. Rink. Lisa Romerein. Lee Snider/Photo Images,
objection has sometimes prompted the organizers of conferences Ben Thombeny, Tber8S1 C. Thadan~ Michael Wakefield .
and musk: festivals to deny or limit access to S/M practicioners. PRODUCTION MANAGER DIANA OSTERFELD
Another argument, advanced forcefully in the reactionary book PRODUcnON EDITOR JAMES CONRAD
After tbe Ball, is that S/M gives all queers a ood image, and that for COPY CHIEF WALTER ARMSTRONG .',
lesbians and gay meri to achieve acceptance in society we must ren- PAUL V. LEONE
der S/M and its imagery invisible. CAMERA TECHNICIAN SALVADOR MENDEZ. JR. .'
.As with mor<).l,ethical or political arguments against sexual INTERNS Justine Barda. Robert CampbeR. Ann
difference generally, .these contentions are not totally without Conner, Patricia Lohr, Sara Sinmone
basis... Some sUlVivors of sexual violence are indeed made uncom-
fortable by S/M imagery, and straight America frequently equates
S/M with queers. But to use such arguements to silence or repress
S&M practioners is no different than to use similar arguments to
silence or repress lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites or any VEllA CORNELIUS. JACK HOFFMANN, EVA LEONARD. COLL£EN
other sexual nonconformists. MANGAN, TROY MASTERS. ARMANDA C. SQUADRILLI
Like other such maverick movements, S/M is often <tradical and
liberating form of sexual self-<liscovery that's a positive force in many
(NEW ENGlAND) BRIAN ANDREOLA (617)265-0518 ,
lives. People in the leather world are deeply integrated into both les- ADVERTISING CooROINATOR MATIHEW DAVIS
bian and gay male culture, and are often leaders in politics, service MARKEllNG,cIRCULATIoN GRANT LUKENBILL
agencies and.AIDS activism. OF COUNSEL MICHAEL CARVER
But even if S/M culture were permeated with apathy, escapism 11IEASURER LAWRENCE BASILE
and negativity, even if there were nothing positive to say about it at COMPlWOLLER VICTORIA STARR
all, that's still no excuse for its suppression within queer culture. It's CREDIT MANAGER KATRINA SIMPSON
easy to, be tolerant ·of minor and superficial differences, or differ- PUBLISHER'S ASSISTANT JIM PROVENZANO
ences mitigated by acceptab!e traits. The true test of tolerance comes ADMINIS11IATIVE ASSISTANT DARLA J. FJELD
when there is indeed some rationale to bolster our bigotry, and we
nonetheless rise above it to embrace even uncomfortable diversity, PRESIDENT KENDALL MORRISON
This is what we, as queers, are asking from society in general. 159 W. 25th St. 7th Aoor, New Yor1l. NY 10001
It's not too much to ask of ourselves. (212) 337-1200 FAX: (212) 337-1220

4 OUTWEEK M.rch 20, ~-~


, .- .

QUEEN AFFIRMATIVE those men, womenandchil- Jan, 23]. Weight and image on fat people (that we're lazy,
"We are all in the gutter, dren living with AIDS, and that issues in the lesbian and gay selfish, greedy and lack self-
but sorrie of us are looking at I'm wearing it until a cure is communities could generate control) are unbelievably
the stars." -Oscar Wilde found~They are impressed and volumes of written material, painful. It's been known for
In my opinion, James St. sympathetic. Invariably, people and I think the pressure to decades that people are fat for
James and his "Diary of a Mad have forgotten that this war is "look good" is yet another genetic reasons more than
Queen" is a new star in Out- still being waged. form of oppression foisted anything else (see Anne \
WeeKs galaxy of fabulocity, I think we should all upon us by the majority cul-. Beller's Fatand Thin: A Natural
Debauched and proud of it, in remind the people we come in ture. Jay Blotcher's writing History of·ObesitYJ. 2) While it
the gutter but looking glam- contact with each day that once again points out that is possible for people who are
orous for it; James puts the prone to being fat to lose
high camp, hilarious irony and weight and look "normal"
fun self-mockery back into srONEWlIl.1. RIOrS BY ANDREA NATALIE ("acceptable?"), it is hard work
being gay. . lhat takes a lifetime commit-
The Mad Queen's careen- ment. It is comparable to
ing lifestyle may not be for being a bodybuilder, pro.fes-
\ everyone, A pretty sight? No, sional • dancer or artist: You
But a mad and fabulous spec- always work or you lose your
tacle? Yes! His "Diary" is progress. What Jenny Craig,
.about what comedienne Kate , Nutri-System and Ultra Slim
Clinton calls our Right to Fast won't talk about are the
Laugh, including at our own studies that consistently show
outrageous selves. And just 95 percent to 98 percent of
ignore all those offended by dieters returning to their origi-
James' exploits. They're just nal weight within two years.
grumpy gays-you know, "For Fat people are easy targets for
love and for life, we're not judgement as negative social
going out." models of health and looks,
Thanks to OutWeek for . 3) Ron, in the article, said
being so,jo your queen-affir- it best: "I still have a fat per-
mative face. son's personality." Fat or thin,
Robert Bray the image issue is connected
Washington, D,C, with growing up different and
longing for the external accep-
TIE A PINK RIBBON ... tance of that difference. It's
. In a recent "Gaydar" arti- about wanting to feel OK about
cle [no. 85, Feb. 13], Michael ourselves, yet still having that .
Goff asked where were the childhood fear of not seeing
Pink Ribbons for the AIDS cri- anyone like ourselves out there.
sis? It got me thinking. AIDS is still here, still killing. self-acceptance is a precious How different would we feel 'if
Where, indeed? I urge all my fellow Out- thing, and for many people we'd had gay and lesbial,1role
Everybody at work is Week readers to start wearing hard to come by. . models and same-sex couples
wearing a yellow ribbon for the a pink ribbon as they go There are a few points I to look to growing up? How
soldiers in the Middle East. through their day. We must would like to have seen made much more positive would we
Ttiis past week I added a pink not let others forget! more clear: 1) Being over- feel if were were encouraged
ribbon to my yellow ribbon. Michael Mondello weight does not imply the in our uniqueness? Wouldn't it
- - Once or twice a day someone Midlile Island, N. Y. presence of an eating disorder, be nice to feel good about
asks me what the pink ribbon Most obese people eat no ourselves without needing to
is for. I tell them that its for the IMAGE ISSUE more than "normal" people, reinforce that feeling with neg-
over 100,000 Americans who Thank you for the article Nor is being fat a moral ative judgements?
have died of AIDS, as well as "A Matter of Gravity" [no. 82, issue the social projections Thanks, OutWeek, for
• "

helping us all toward the goals their apologis~s claim that bisexuality. I am a Kinsey 3,
of loving and accepting our- the current difficulties stem which means I feel equal
selves and others. from a decision by activists attraction for both sexes
Mark Moody to stop giving police advance (actually, I am more physical-
San Francisco information about the times ly attracted to men and more
and locations of demonstra- emotionally attracted to
LAMB, BAM, THANK tions," Who's kidding whom women, but that's just me),
YOU, MA'AM here? The police in their Before coming out I was
Having seen The Silence "undercover" drag are at every bit as sexually active
of the Lambs, I can appreciate every ACT UP/NY meeting, with bOth sexes as I am today
the critical acclaim it is receiv-
m ,,',
we know it, they know it and (though coming out has
.'lIbWERI\NG~',. ing even by your reviewer, you know it. The police had allowed me to form relation-
WE tWILL, GO ••• Monica Dorenkamp [no. 88, at least two hours notice ships), I have a 'girlfriend of
March 13]. Her assessment is regarding the Feb, 11 demo six years, who I h~ve always
accurate but her conclusions and I'm sure knew pretty levelled with (even when I
, So tnPcll:.fOI'mytliolo:,jf . are, in my opinion, way off.
. , ,

much exactly what form that was in the closet). I have

,!~s" True, the queerness of the demo would take, There is no never "snuck out",pn her, •
hOmosexual male killers may_seem "superflu- excuse wh-atsoever for the' in fact, my lover'moved in
~ - ',J'
·z"alous and. I. ous" and "inconsequential."
But that is exactly the point so
violent actions the NYPD with us three years ago, As a
took against a peaceful group family, we are open to practi-
,finicg ,J,:
akoilt"col'o,.,'/ WP ,o~" &ii' ,lW~r':' eloquently and rightfully
',' ' F of. gay.' and AIDS activists that cally everyone and we'are
'libricsadd home:de~" ,
ij' [I: •
argued by Michelangelo Sig-
night, and no other minority active in the gay' ,community
• ,atlon.:Arecent arti~
.,,, .,,,,.. "E._" ~lli
norile, and .,others who have
.... ' .<'\;.
group would' put up with here (although, we expect to
", ,""'" ,'''tr'' '!"i ,,' ""
been sqhool~d by the late,

. ':I,!. t~,Th.,'fV.!,wr!'rIc !!;,

such bullshit: 0'
Where is increase our activism after we
great Vito Russo. Mayor Dinl!ins? When I saw finish our degrees).
1iriJljiF.t1itlltd':C .
",. ','1JJi!

~-- The danger in this film is in
~. i~
the cops raise their billy A writer recently spoke
"Pf!.j~.ning ;8~~$~~se)l. , the fact that it is,so good, Laud- clubs and charge us my first about the "growing acceptabil-
Dec~r to,J~Jess . ~, able for the skill, talent and thought went: to my own and ity" of bisexuality among col-
" ""'ttJ~.~~·=~i:[_rn.f
,' technique that went into it, it will
, definitely get someone an
. my·fdends' safety, My sec- lege students and~how easy it
ond t'hought was to Kent is for bisexuals to fit into the
tllbl';., lJ~tero".bow.r Oscar,And by those standards, State. Remember the Crosby, .general straight society, Boy,
birds~who, a_ide hom it will deserve at ·Ieast one Stills
, and Nash song "Ohio"? have you got a lesson comingl
'.n·glgi"g,~ih bUllyjng'¥ award. And the fact that audi-· Well, I s,ncerely hope I never , Sure, it's hard to come
ences, including Ms. Doren- have to hear Jimmy home and say·, '''Mo:m., I'm
~a~lng" rilu~'I', "",lso W kamp and her gay male friend, i.
Somerville singing about gay," But have' you' eifer had
drape' trails of orchids come away from the movie full "four dead in NYC," to say, "Mom, nofonlY' am I
over:lhei'r: bo•• rs;" ~'
of awe for its stars and director,
Ron Parisi breaking the 'gay' taboo,' but
only shows how potent and sin- Manhattan I'm also breaking the 'bigamy
, .. >-- •

.. .ill,repla~iftgfa"ing
~*tr W*A.W!'·~ , ,~:~;; ,"'~."'71 •
. ister are the forces of greed
~"A '"
taboo.'"? Have you ever been
,flowers \'I(ithfresh behindthis movie, Those super- MOM, I'M BI ostracized by straight society
ones.~ A scientist hot • fluous details that identify and With great personal inter- because you're "gay" while
on the b9wertrail mystify the queerness of the est I read the article on bisex- being ostracized by gay soci-
n", 1!2,,, 'WAr;;;.""" cl0'-Ui@V;;i:,,.,':;:,,,,;?i
;&.14, ~~'8}"
, ?'llii' 0"~'ii©, 11( ~,,', '. "
killers are, nonetheless, major
·?W' ,
uality ["Bise~ual Revolution," ety for being "straight?" How
"offered IiOwerbirds contributors to the much-hyped no, 84, Feb, 6], After all, about being the "token bisex-
, ,,; :#
poke.r. chips of several eeriness. Absolutely unneces-' bisexual articles (and especial- ual" everywhere you go? At
diH"r~n~~OI!!,s.£He sary, as other details could have ly books!) are generally few every rally, every bar, every
' •
ttiT:tthe birCis been usedthat would not betray
any sexuality, but guaranteedto
and far between. You see, I meeting? How'abo:ut the
am a bisexual. thought that if gay n:iarriage
ha"e.definitecolor work on account of the sure- Hold·on! I've been follow- becomes .Iegal you'll'still be
, ,\W ,. "·"'FF ~ :ff", . }''*; -"
They "
ness of mainstream America's ing the letters column since on the outside because of the
W rnove,d "
th....,. cljips unbridled homophobia. the article appeared. I know afore-mention'ed bigamy
.roun'd, ,Iacingcer. Signorile is totally right- that many of you think I'm issue? How about being fag-
• •
onI Keep it up, confused (after all, I'm young: bashed behind the loca,l bar
tain colors inside their Ted Paigle 23) or copping out. In fact, I'm (last summer) and having no
J\' fig '_ ~,' (;%1 . ' J?
ik.- .
. - .,
and others 't-.
in " Philadelphia so far in the closet I wouldn't one in the 'gay community be
.Ihe,courtyard out,side. dare write an editorial letter to sym pathetic b' "bis
CROSBY, STILLS AND a gay magazine, let alone hold don't get bashed?" ,
Some threw all the, .-ASH? a subscription to onel And all this just for a con-
""colors'out~" ..:wI! iF
Your editorial [no. 88, Sarcasm aside, let me current bisexual: In fact, most
o Sarah Pettit March 6] states, "Police and offer yet another apology for bisexuals are serial, chi1nging
back and forth between sexes one in the eye and seen the noble breed, bred for hunting, of censorious political correct-
over their lifetime. lights that play there as it sits meant to sack quail and help ness, with the same old soul-
Yes, people, we do exist. up and extends a paw, Doubt- policemen track down fugitives damaging characterization of
And yes, it's also true that some less, they have not. How else with the aid, I always like to the poodle as just some hand
people adopt the bisexual title to explain the wanton and think, of psychics, An intensely prop for one more cinematic
for concealment or confusion.

mean-spirited stereotype, spiritual dog, sensitive yet dress designer,;
But don't try to tell me how I Precious. sprightly in movement, the I applaud OutWeek in its
feel. I swing back and forth in As someone who has poodle remains one of the mission as moral arbiter. A
my general affections for him loved-and yes, lost;:-:-apoo- most maligned creatures in fic- thankless, never pleasant job,
or her (or both) relatively quick- die, I would like to tell these tion and film, We find no Mimi, too easily mocked and dis-
ly (a matter of weeks, days or callous moviemakers that the Come Home. no Allouette: Dog missed with a deadly roll of
even minutes) and not only is poodle-be he or she stan- of the Yukon. Instead, we are the eyes, the job of critiquing
Sexualdesire a factor here: I'm dard, miniature or toy-is a served up, even in these times fictional conceits and the dead
talking about love. devotioll-
all those things that make a
relationship work
So go on ahead and feel
your bigotry against bis like
me, I'll still march in the
marches,'go to the meetings,
petition for changes for your
rights, But it would help if you /
would consider mine,
Chris Rorence
Lexington, Ky.

I am frankly dismayed at
how widely OufWeek missed
the mark in its recent attack •
on the film The Silence of the ,

Lambs, As far as the film's

• Call Toll-Free for a Consultation at No Out-of-Pocket
alleged homophobia; I must Expense with a Male or Female Physidan. Board
confess that I am of average Certified Surgeons, Internists and Gastroenterologists.
intelligence, yet I experienced • We successfuUy treat all rectal problems - hemorrhoids, •
no confusion keeping the fissures, warts - in our modern offices. Evening am
homicidal maniac, Buffalo Bill, Saturday appointments availablel
distinct in my mind from gay
people in' general. • Laser Benefits: No Pain! No Bleeding! Fast return to
The bias in this film lies normal activities. No hospital stay, Most Insurance
elsewhere and I am saddened Plans Accepted. .
that so astute a moral watch-
dog as OutWeek has missed • TOO Services forthe DEAF (212) 472-7223.
the real outrage here, .
. What did appall me about Laser Medical Associates
this sickening film was its irre-
sponsible depiction of french Initial Consult. at Jeffrey E. Lavigne, M.D. Free
No Out-of Pocket Fellow Inlernationai College of Surgeons Transportation
poodles, Expense _ with Procedure
The character of Precious,
as played by the poodle Darla, UPTOWN GRAND CENTRAL DOWNTOWN
was a complete and total lie, 7 E, 68th St. 60 E. 42nd St. #901 67BnBlSl
Another in a long and shame-
less line of yapping, brainless • WOODSIDE MT. VERNON FOREST HILLS
creatures with pom-poms for 53-19 32nd Ave 559 Gramatan Ave, #205 I(>6-15 Queens Blvd.
hair and no more sense than •

to jump down a well in pursuit -MERRICK SCARSDALE BROOKLYN

1757 Merrick Ave. 697 Central Ave, Wmsburg Bank Bldg, #914
of a chicken bone. I wonder if
the producers of this film have
ever lived in the same house 1-800-MD-TUSCH
with a poodle, or even looked New York City: (212) 517 ·2850

.seriousness they so obviously Cathedral were scheduled to this matter. This was the first
"Christ Himself" ,espoused.
warrant is a labor you have make their final court appear- . indication that Judge Kahn had
Ross Jacobs
courageously elected yourself ance. Paul Scheckman, aka some difficulty with the case.
to do: Thank you. Thank you "chief hO(lcho," and I were After some discussion it
for all of us in tne community. CALL ME informed that Judge Kahn became clear that Jlldge Kahn
But please, OutWeek, get your This is in response to the would like to meet with us, off would n~ed to take an active
priorities in order. Poodles letter. in the March 6, 1991 the record and outside the role in the plea-negotiation

have feelings too, edition [no, 88] of OutWeek presence of the defendants. process, Since there were
John Ca/endo signed by Christopher Lynn. In Hence, the three of us and issues·which both ~ides could
. North Bergen, NJ his .letter, Mr. Lynn purported James Lin, the assigned pros- not agree upon, the judge indi-
to know the contents of an ecutor, retired to the Judge's cated that, although she felt
CHRIST ALMIGHTY off-the-record conversation to robing room, s~e could be fair and impartial,
JESUS which he was not privy. The conversation began "There were things in her life
I am not a Christian nor do Instead of seeking an explana- with the judge informing tIS which may have bearing upon
I practice or believe in the tion, perhaps Mr, Lynn should that she only agreed to preside her decisiol1sin this case." The
Judaism in which I was raised. provide information about the over the cases ~ecause it was prosecutor asked the judge to
Yet I needto comment on ,
"Stig- source of his knowledge, her understanding that the explain this cryptic ·comment
mata Department," the lead As Mr. ,.Lynn must be cases would be disposed and she refused. It was then
item in Andrew. Miller's "Rim aware, I am the attorney he of-that no ,legal arguments th~t the prosecutor asked the
Shots" [no. 88, Mar. 13]. I also addresses as "t~e attorney for would be made, no legal rlll- judge to recuse herself.
have a list of gripes with the the ACT UP protestors," ings would' be required. She , This entire conversation
Catholic Church, St. Patrick's (Surely, if he had personal indicated that she .had previ- took place in a rQom where
Cathedral and Cardinal O'Con- knowledge of t~e information ously advised her supervisor only the four indiviQuals men-
nor. However,to include "Christ he imparts he must be aware that she would be uncomfort- . tioned previously were pre- ,

Himself" on this list indicates of my name.) On the day in !lble either actively participat- sent. ~r. ~ynn was certainly
that Mr. Miller, like Cardinal question, the;'ifl~ivid4als . ing in plea negotiations or ren- notarnonQ them. !f Mr. Lynn
O'Connor, has no idea what arrested inside St. Patrick's dering any legal decisions in had the courtesy to telephone

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a OUTWEEK March 20, 1_1

o •

me and ask for an explanation dent without any explanation, Day or march" indeed! I, as a neutralize it.
· ' of the off-the-record conver- How about mentioning that, lapsed Dubliner, experienced MarkP. Ring
sation, I certainly would have "Ireland's anachronistic legis- no amount of ruaile buaille Brooklyn
• provided it. lation criminalizing homosexu- agus reac sa tigh on reading •

Once we went back into ality" was put on our statute this. The absurdity of senti- Avril MacDonald re-
• · the coiJrtroom and on the books by the British. The state mentalizing the late '70s and sponds: My essay was in no
. . r'ecord, the judge asked the of the entire nation has pro- early '80s we leave to the way intended as a history of
prosecutor if he was proffer- found historical al1dpolitical New World; nonetheless, I gay politics in the Republic
ing a motion for the judge to roots. To address.hom9pho- can recall many a lavender- of Ireland since the time of
recuse herself, Mr. Lynn is bia, or any repressive aspects tinged, Gay Pride Saturday British Occupation, but mere-
, correct about one thing-I of Irish society, one cannot afternoon in June in Baile Iyas a personal comment on
had no position on her ignore where those values Atha Cliath when many a the prevailing state of affairs
recusal.The judge had already came from. straight Dubliner, Southern based on my impressions
admitted her reluctance to

The report was mislead- or at least South for the day, formed during 22 years liv-
handle any legal questions and ing when it stated that Ireland were also "gay for a day," ing in Dublin and a two-week
had indicated that she might has never had a Gay Pride Day The Powerscourt Center fes- visit home at Christmas.
lie affected by some aspect of or march. I have been in sev- tooned with pink regalia, the If I failed to address the
. her personal life. Therefore, eral pride marches in Dublin. green surrounded by queers historical and political roots of
'she was,' in my opinion, obli- Having an Irish lesbian in New of varying degrees of Ireland's social repression or
gated 'to recuse herself. Sub- York tell me that they never fabulousness- those were, elaborate on the current
sequently, in a seperate but happened is very disturbing. in fact, the days, and it church and government poli-
'- related case, Judge Kahn was Also, Dublin is not Ireland and wasn't always as dire as she tics and was consequently
,;asked to explain her reasons even though the article con- makes it sound. misleading, I apologize.
fOr recusal and she refused to centrates on Dublin, there are Notwithstanding the cur- However, to adequately
. offer any. strong communities in Cork, rent paltriness of turnouts for explain why things are as
. Judge Kahn, as presiding Belfast, Galway and Derry ACT UP/Dublih and candle- they are would necessitate
judge, certainly had the where there have' been light vigilS in honor of those an inquiry into the Irish mind
power to refuse to recuse marches always promoting who have died of AIDS, and its influences, and such
herself if she felt she could visibility through fighting Dublin had at that time (the a study was beyond my
preside over the prceedings. homophobia, period of my recollection is ambitions.
~b~ cho~e not to do so, Any . What annoyed me most is from 1981, when I demurely At any rate whatever the
~.Ialm; by anyone, .that the
... J ~ • ,
the notion that Irish lesbians shook off the dual confines causativefactors of the current

was "simply complying •
. an'd gays are being swept of high school and the closet, social and political climate-
wi a motion",, is a complete along by the tide of reform. If until 1986, when the ongoing and I take your point, Anne
~jortion of reality. Judge anything, I would find fault cultural strangulation super- Maguire-the Republichas had
Ka· n, and Judge Kahn alone, with the amount of energy that vised by the Roman Catholic ample time since independence
~nows the precise reasons fo~ the gay community has always church proved to be, in the to right the wrongs inherited
herx recusal. . put into social reform issues el1d, too trying for me) a from the British.
, Next time, Mr. Lynn, because there has never been thriving if furtive gay culture, I did not suggest that
instead" of seeking a public much pOsitive feedback from marked by highly yisible Irish gays are being swept
&xplanaJion, call me ... my . straight activists. resistance, Doesn't Ms. along by the tide of reform
:number IS in the book.
#',. .
FQryour readers' informa- McDonald remember the (which is still only in the
ii Lori Coben tion there is an Irish lesbianand Fairview Park murder and pipeline), but expressed hope
.' , Manbattan gay organization here in New ensuing protests? Or the that this would not be the
(, ,.' York. For information call (212) National Gay Federation's case, And I was not underes-
~PLUCK OF THE IRISH 967-7711,ext. 3078. Or write to dogged efforts at media visi- timating the achievements of
. , ; At the outset of reading PO Box 4276, Rockefeller Sta- bility, a tradition without Irish gay activists, but merely
A il McDonald's article, "The tion, NewYork, NY 10185. which Senator Norris' saying that homosexuality
,Ot,er Dublin," [no, 87, Feb. Anne Maguire .- admirable achievements remains unacceptable in Ire-
'2 " " was very pleased, How- Brooklyn would never have been real- land in spite' of all their good
ever, there are a few questions ized as triumphantly (I' hope) .work. I realize that it takes
i would like the author to While it was certainly as they have? more than queer activism to
address, and also I have some refreshing to hear a contem- Aside from its character change people's attitudes.
· ...'.make.
pOIntsto '
porary gay voice from Ire- as jeremiad, Ms. McDonald's
Without accepting, con- land, it would be doing many account was very welcome. PECK/RUBENSTEIN
cerning or forgiving Ireland individuals ana organizations Much of the shameful truth of Can we have more of
and the Irish for their homo- a sad disservice to let many Irish small-mindedness is Ann Rubenstein and Dale
phobia, I think that it is far too of Ms, McDonald's inaccura- contained in her piece, and it Peck, please? I'm sure all
easy to lash the system of cies off the hook, "I reland is ruthless exposure of this readers have their fantasies
social repression that is evi- has never had a Gay Pride sort that will one day, I hope about what we'd do if we

owned OutWeek, and mine
• •
say. These are the kind of finds offensive, The facilita- dreds of thousands of gay
. is to give' Rubenstein a writers you should be tor is then obliged to halt white men were exterminat-

cover story on the topic of encouragmg. discussion and move on to ed in Nazi concentration
her choice and to let Peck Paul A.H. Babitts another topic. Questions camps. This is in spite of the
have a free rein in features. Manhattan about why the discussion is fact that many of us gay
Rubenstein has a trenchant offensive are not enter- white men were brought up

grip on topics ranging from GWM BASHING tained, and people with in poor families (myself
foreign affairs to Saturday Just when I thought that questions are encouraged to included), This is in spite of
morning TV. She's also gay direct-action groups had educate themselves, rather the fact that many of us are
developing a true voice and peaked in their ever-growing than actually asking a mem- suffering the terror and pain
her column has a strident, sport of bashing gay white ber of the offended group." of HIV infection, the added
but even, sound. I know men as convenientscapegoats In Toronto, the rule has discrimination it brings and
this past issue was Peck's for everything they dislike in apparently "driven away the devastating losS' of ,

first, but his psycho-social this ugly, unfair world, I read some of the group's most ,
lovers and friends to AIDS
approach to music review more garbage that stuns me active members," for more than a decade,
makes real reading: He's evenmore. The definition of "tradi- The individuals in
nobody's press agent. The Both the Toronto chap- tionally oppressed minority" Toronto and Seattle
best writers are ones who ter of Queer Nation and ACT does not include gay men responsi ble for allowing
address wide audiences, UP/Seattle have passed new who are white. This is in the new rules to pass are
and both Rubenstein and rules. As stated in no. 85 of spite of .the fact that gay indeed pathetic characters.
Peck seem to have us all in OutWeek [Feb, 13] the rule white men have suffered If they truly buy into these
mind. Unlike some Out- in Toronto "gives any mem- throughout history with notions. then they are
Week writers and colum- be r of a 'traditionally being beaten up in school, in remarkably stupid and nar-
nists, they have references oppressed minority' the the home and on the streets, row-minded. If they did it
outside their own lives, an right to interrupt discussion as have gays and lesbians of for pragmatic reasons,
understanding of other' and point out to the facilita- all backgrounds. This is in then they are fOols and
worlds, and something to tor any comment he or she spite of the fact• that hun- hypocrites. They have

, •


10 OUTWEEK M.rch 20. 11_11

allowed themselves to be lunacy and, hypocrisy, , •

intimidated into codifying a Although he may be the first

form of double-standard to claim a large dose of self- orrec'tions ,
morality even as they so interest in his actions (he ,
I . .
zealously preach their oppo- wants to go on living), I • La Mama 1beater's phone number is (212) 475-7710
sition to such behavior when admire him tremendously. He and not 775-7710, We regret the error. ,.
it is directed at other groups, is especially courageous
I have been to meetings because, being a. Latino, he ,

in New York City of direct- was vulnerable to even more bisexual relationships occurs being abused and require
action groups whose activi- criticism for joinil1gup with with probably the same level accountability from those who
ties are so important and (perhaps leading') the new of incidence as in heterosexu- batter,
whose members have so group which has so-many of al relationships (which is esti- Lucy M, Notaro
much vital energy, I have seen those villainous, power-hun- mated at around 40 percent). Coordinator of Domestic
lesbians and gay men and gry gay white males. He was The actual incidence of Violence Services
whites, Blacks, Latinos and particularly effective in domestic violence is most Gay and Lesbian
Asians earnestly trying to responding in OutWeek to a likely much higher than the Anti-Violence Project

work together to fight the very mean-spirited letter current statistics indicate but, Manhattan
injustices that plague us about his actions by two mid- due to ,the isolation, shame
every day, But I have also wit- dle-class HlV-negative fe- and self-blame that accompa- GO GLOBAL
nessed a dark side to many of males, co-authored by Sue nies and is caused by batter- Just a point of information
these same meetings: The Hyde, formerly of NGLTF.As if ing, survivors are less likely to on Duncan Osborne's article
manipulation of all that ener- they know what it's like to report its occurrence. In addi- about the International Lesbian
gy by knee-jerk ideologues; have AIDS, Hang in there, tion to these factors, a further and Gay Association in, issue
the know-nothing stereotyp- Daniel. You've got courage, complication within the les- no, 86, Feb, 20., Heritage of
ing that portrays gay white common sense and you're bian, gay and bisexual com- Pride, organizers of the Lesbian
males as always power-hun- nobody's tool. We need more munity regarding the underre- and Gay Pride Weekend Rally,
gry and financially comfort- like you. porting of battering is that March and Dance on the Pier,
able; the irrational accusa- Edward O'Toole domestic violence is an atroci- is, indeed, proud to add its
tions and the tired left-wing Manhattan ty that exists within the com- name to your list as an
rhetoric that renounces all munity and is perpetrated by active/paid-up member of'lLGA
evil in the world to one race FUNGUS OR WHAT? community members; there is for more than a year. This
(white) and one sex (male). Just a note concerning the no external oppressor to point brings the count to five for
Last year, some members article, "PCP in Elderly has 'no a finger at. Given the difficul- OutWeek's documentation
of S n Francisco's ACT UP, Implications' for HIV Commu- ties community members (NGLTF, . Lambda Legal
whe . confronted with similar nity" [no, 86, Feb,20]. must already face at the hands Defense, LGCSC, GMSMA and
ideo! gic'al in-fighting while Paragraph one states that and minds of homophobes, HOP). If your organization is
thousands continued to die of PCPis a "fungus," this reality can be an ugly one not a member, hopefully Mr.
AIDS, instead of limiting free PCP is not a fungus but a to meet. . ,. Osborne's informative and weI/-
speech and codifying a new protoz-Oa. , It is the unfortunate reali- written article will urge you to
double standard, chose an . With so much incorrect ty that although our lesbian, join to further bridge any gap,
approach' with more integrity. information these days con- ~gay and bisexual sisters and bringing the US representation
They started a separate group cerning AIDS and the oppor- brothers suffer the same closer to the rest of the world
of ACT UP, which returned to tunistic infl!ctions secondary to abuses that the battered in the constant struggle for aI/
t~e basics of what ACT UP the disease, I just thought it women's movement has lesbian and gay rights.
was formed to do fight AIDS necessaryto point out the error, struggled against for the past Heritage of Pride
by getting the government and . Love your magazine! ten years, there are still gaps Manhattan
other institutions to. develop
Jim de Lacerda in services to our community ,.
mor~ and better treatments San Francisco when it comes to shelters, .,
All letters to the , edi-
and [by fighting all forms of _ adequate counseling services tor must include a
discrimination against those BATTER UP and appropriate responses name, '-address and
who are HIV-positive or per- Cheers to OutWeek for from the criminal justice sys-,
daytime phone,. aI-
ceived to be. including articles on lesbian tem. Given these factors, I though names may

One of the individuals battering in the two most would like to challenge the be withheld at the
who broke away is Daniel recent issues [no, 87, Feb. 27 lesbian, gay and bisexual author's request .. Out-
Sotomayor, a PWA of Puerto and no, 88, March 6]! It was community to begin the week reserves the
Rican background who is a refreshing to. have media painful process ofacknowl- right to edit letters
frequent illustrator for Out- acknowledgement of such a edging the incidence of batter- for clarity and space
Week. 'Sotomayor has been closeted community issue. ing within our community so considerations.
particularly outspoken in Domestic violence or bat- that together we can provide
exposing the new breed of tering in lesbian, gay and assistance to those who are

port of Operation

Stonn," said
Barrett Brick, exec-
utive director of
the World Congress
of Gay and Lesbian
Jewish Organiza-
tions, while the
conflict was still
raging last month.
:1 Citing the course
"":1 of events that led up
to World War II,
Brick stated that
early appeasement
of Hitler by WeStern ';:>'

powers allowed the

murder of 'millions .li
of Jews and tens of
thousands of gay ~
men and lesbians ~
, during the Holocaust :!.
For Brick, President .g
George Bush's anaI- ~
ogy of Saddam Hus- ~
sein with Hitler is ~
quite real. ~
BOTH SIDESNOW- "It is both my .
Barrett Brick in Washington; Lesbian protestor in San Francisco, experience as a Jew
• and a gay person
by Duncan Osborne victions that exist in their community. that moves me," states Brick. "The pink
NEW YORK-While u.s. involve- Nowhere was the sheer breadth of triangle is more than just rhetoric,"
ment in the Persian Gulf conflict, which that • political spectrum more apparent On Feb. 16, Brick led a contingent
seemed last, week to be winding down, than among gay and lesbian Jews, who of gay and lesbian Desert Stonn sup-
gave both nationalists and peaceniks have been both some of the most zealous porters, dubbed Gays Against Isola-

reason to take to the str~ts for a few supporters of government policy and tionism and Appeasement, to a rally in
months, the War-That-Was-Not-WorId- some of the mo5I: ardent anti-war activW, support of US involvement in the Mid-
War III also provided lesbians and gay "I am opposed to isolationism, I dle East. The 20-member gay contin-

men with a rare view of the divergent, am opposed to appeasement of rapa- gent, Brick said, was well received by
although deeply rooted, political con- cious dictators and very much in sup- the 500 other rally participants.

of 2 OUTWEEK March 20, 11_11

However, Brick is careful to distin-
guish between a pro-war stance and his
support of Desert Storm. "Nolxxly in their
right mind likes war," he told OutWrek
The World Congress, the organi-
zation Brick directs, bas not issued
any statement on the conflict, despite
Brick's position. "My sense is that sup-
port for Desert Storm ranges from
grudging to enthusiastic," he noted. I
c:: The World Congress has 33 mem-
--, ber organizations in six countries, with
an additional 18 slated to join. Brick
estimated individual membership
between 8,000 and 10,000. The offices
of one member group, the Israeli AIDS -A WAR 11IAT DIDNT HAVETO HAPPEN--
Task Force, sustained collateral dam- leslie Cagan at an anti-war meeting in Washington
age in a SCUD attack on Tel Aviv.
But it is a Jewish lesbian who has ACf UP and Queer Nation on the war. was released from the military when
led a coalition against American They sometimes encountered anti- superiors learned she was a lesbian.
involvement in the war in the Persian Semitism in the anti-war movement, "As a Jew, I remember the six mil-
brought to the surface by Israel's lion, as a gay Jew I think of the 500,000
NEWS FOCUS alliance with US foreign policy. pink triangles who died at Dachau," says
Those gay Jews on the other side Shalom, who saw the US initiative to oust
Gulf. Vehemently opposed to US inter- of the issue found that anti-war stance Saddam Hussein from Kuwait as a neces-
vention in the Persian Gulf is Leslie incomprehensible. Another Desert sity, and expressed compassion for the
Cagan, coordinator for the National Storm~suppOrter is Miriam Ben-Shalom, Iraqi people.
Campaign for Peace in the Middle East a former US Army drill sargeant who Saa GAY dEWS on paga 33
and a longtime New York gay politico.
The Campaign organized the Jan. 26
rally opposing the war in Washington
'I-r;:=====::::::=':::::::::::::::=================; I
that drew 250,000 participants.
, "I am completely appalled and. horri-

fied at the way our government executed ANEW /r1ENU, IP RE~NrZE

polk:y in the Middle East," said Cagan. She A }lEWcHfF-- "7'1'. ~- ~/CE5
dismissed the Hitler/Hussein analogy, and Ho,W CAN YOU SAY ANY WHERE.
is even skeptical of the motives behind
American government support for Israel.
'The alliance with Israel is strategic OL() SAl. '\. t
'and not a part of ending anti-Semitism,"
she stated. In Glgan's view, the US is moti-
vated by economic and political concerns,
as it seeks to reassert superpower status. L
Relating a nuanced stance typical
of opinion on this war, Cagan rejects ,
Hussein and the Iraqi invasion of
Kuwait, but added, "This is an example
of ~ war that did not have to happen.
When the US turned down the Soviet
peace proposal, it was clear the US
was hell-bent on a military victory."
She spoke for many gay and les-
bian Jews across the country who
involved themselves in one way or
another in the anti-war movement as 1 •
soon as the conflict erupted. Jewish
gay men and lesbians marched in the
streets of New York and San Francisco, AN 1116 "AHOMARK HOUn
wrote essays in the Village Voice, and CO,,"", CHAI"."
focused the attention of groups like 11,)0 ""-11:10 "101 (Zll) 989.0)\)
I _,
.* ---- __ 1

March 20, 1_1 OUTWEEK 'I 3

• •

by Duncan Osborne Comparing Myers to Stephen more important to be an advocate."
NEW YORK-After his frrst year at Joseph, the health commissioner under Recognizing that Myers has had to
the helm of the Department of Health, former Mayor Ed Koch who was fre- make a difficult transition from running
Dr. Woodrow Myers is drawing criti- quently at odds with ACf UP, Elovich Indiana's Department of Health to a far
cism from AIDS advocates and former added, "I did not agree with some of more complex agency in New York,
department employees that his admin- Stephen Joseph's ideas, but he was Hansell nevertheless faults the commis-
istration lacks leadership, fails to estab- hands-on. Joseph enjoyed public debate. sioner for a lack of leadership, and
lish any cohesive policy and avoids Myers is not interested in debate." says the department is possessed of an
debate on important issues. But high- And the criticism comes from "ivory tower" quality .

level department appointees say the other quarters as well. "I sense some "I don't have the sense that Myers
department's work has been con~ reluctance on Myers' part to come out is open to debate from outside the
strained by significant budget cuts, and publicly and strongly on public health agency," said Hansell. "He is cut off
that Myers has opted for a style of low- issues," said David Hansell, deputy from outside organizations,"

key advocacy, keeping him available to Senior-level department appointees
all sides on controversial issues. NEWS FOCUS do see a subdued style on Myers' part,
"I see no health policy, no direc- but insist he remains a successful advo-
tion, and no effective use of existing executive director at the Gay Men's cate, despite the lower profile,
resources," said Richard Elovich, a Health Crisis, whose organization "I think the, main difference is that the
" member of the AIDS Coalition to backed Myers' appointment a year ago. style of this health department is a little
Unleash Power and longtime advocate While Hansell agrees that funding cuts' more subtle," said Ellen Lovitz, deputy
for needle exchange and drug treat- "
equal to ten percent of the agency's commissioner for health support '.sentices,,
ment, who represen.ted ACf UP on the total budget have hampered programs, in contrasting Myers to his predecessor.
city's HN Planning Council. he adds, "The dollars make it even "Dr. Myers chooses the behind-the-
scenes, quiet, but nevertheless strong
approach in lobbying for his positions." •
Several ,
advocates and former
employees cited recent debate over the
condom distribution plan put forth by
Schools' Chancellor Joseph Fernandez
when faulting Myers on advocacy.
While Myers did testify before the
Board of Education at public hearings,
GMHC's Hansell wanted health depart-
ment support for the plan to come lear- .
lier and more publicly. Health depart- ->c
ment officers say Myers' quiet advocacy ~
was essential in passing the plan, ~ ,
":'~.:: "Myers did speak publicly, but he ~
also did other things," said Dr. Ken- .§.

neth Ong, the health department's!

deputy commissioner for disease inter- j

vention. "Myers did speak to board ~ :
_members and I think he played a piv- S
otal role in gerting the swing vote." if
HEALTHY UVlNHleftto right) General Counsel Ron Bogard, Deputy Commissioners Department appointees say Myers'
Ellen lovitz, Ken Ong, Rick Atkins, Peggy Hamburg, Asst. Dep. Comm, Jerry Aanders . low profile kept him accessible to all

..4 OUTWEEK M.rch 20, 119911

board members during the condom
debate and, according to published SWING OUT SISTER
reports, it was a last minute phone call
to Myers from school board member CHICAGO-Mayor Richard in these areas, she said.
Westina Matthews, who held the swing Daley's choice to fill the long-vacant This response baffles ACT UP

vote, that convinced Matthews to vote post of health commissioner is Sr. spokesman Tim Miller, "The conser-
in favor of the plan, Sheila
, Lyne, a Roman Catholic nun vative Catholics in Chicago can cause'
"I would have liked it if the com- from the Religious Sisters of Mercy. her a lot of trouble and the Daley
missioner had been more vocal," But ~ a Catholic nun support the administration is being naive if they
admitted Peggy Hamburg, deputy com- health department's pro-i:hoice, pro-gay, think that that's not a possibility,"
missioner for family health services, pro-<:ondom,pro-birth control policies? Miller explained.
who nevertheless approves of Myers' Bishops, clergy and religious Lyne, whose appointment to the
quiet profile. "Obviously his interven- leaders worldwide have been $97,752 per year post must still be
tioI) with Westina Matthews was criti- silenced by the Vatican for deviating confirmed by the City Council, has
cal,~ she added. . from the church line on these issues been deputy director at the health
"Myers gave the health underpin- in recent years. department since last August.
ning for that plan," said Ron Bogard, But Sr. Lyne says these apparent The health department has been
the department's openly gay general conflicts do not trouble her, and that without an acting commissioner since
counsel. "He consistently, throughout people should forget about them and last August and without a permanent
that process, put forward the public- let her get to work. She has no plans commissioner since early 1989.
health position." to alter health/department programs -Rex Wockner
But a similar complaint is made by
advocates when discussing Myers' par-
ticipation in the debate over proposed with New York's health problems. form of policymaking.
Centers for Disease Control guidelines "Where is the policy?"said one for- "There has not been a strategic
that would have made lflV screening mer employee, who spoke on condi- plan that has come out of the depart-
for healthcare workers mandatory. tion of anonymity. "What is Woody ment," Hamburg continued. "Our criti-
While numerous organizations, includ- Myers' stance or policy? I don't think he cal policy issues have been· how to
ing the American Medical Association, has any policy, either macro or micro." appro;lch enormous budget cuts in a
the American Dental Association and To an extent, even current depart- setting of problems that have always
the New York State Department of mental appointees concede this point, far outstripped resources."
Health, weighed in with public state- but insist that budget matters have Departmental appointees also
meats, both pro and con, New York drawn much of the agency's attention insist that funding cuts notwithstand-
City's Department of Health did not in its first year under Myers. ing, the department is moving ahead
appear to be in the fight. "It depends on what level you with programs and policies that are
• • • • •
Department appointees dispute define policy at," said Hamburg, citing not recelvmg recogmtion,
this ,characterization. Both Ong and support for the condom plan as a ••• HEALTH on page 95
Myets travelled to the CDC to testify
against such guidelines, and deputy
commissioner Hamburg, a forrn,er WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE?
el,Ilployee of the National Institutes of
Health under Anthony Fauci, claims WASHINGTON-Seven AIDS vacant room of the office's chief.
that action by Myers in late December activists were arrested here Feb. 20 The office, like the position, has
prevented the CDC guidelines from on Charges of illegal entry, after occu- been empty for two months. For one
being published in the Federal Regis- pying the office of the DC commis- year prior, the post was filled by a
ter, an initial step in making them law. sioner of public health for almost temporary acting chief, who has
"Good politics is not always loud . three hours. The demonstration was .since resigned. '
politics," said Dr. Richard Atkins, intended to call attention to what DC Commissioner of Public Health
deputy commissioner for external protestors called-the "failure" of the Dr. Georges C. Benjamin explained to
affairs. "I think this commissioner is DC Office of AIDS Activities to spend reporters that he has been unable to
particularly sensitive to the nuances of appropriated AIDS monies and launch permanently fill the position due to a
politics, and able t6 use good political HIV education programs. one-year hiring freeze and has only
strategy often to its most effective en~." With a small group of supporters recently been authorized. to begin
The harshest criticism of Myers'-f1fSt and reporters in tow, the seven mem- searching for a new chief.
year pertains to policy matters. &hoing bers of Oppression Under. Target The protestors also criticized Mayor
ACf UP's Elovjch, a number of former -(OUn, a local gay and lesbian activist Sharon Dixon for not having appointed a
employees, admittedly bitter and angry group, marched through the suite of new chief of AIDS activities in the two
about their departures from the depart- offices comprising the DC Office of months she has beenin office.
ment, say the department has failed to AI DS Activities and occupied the -Cliff O'Neill
produce any unified policy for dealing

• •
.,rl rl •
, b

• •
b,1 IS
by Nina Reyes representatives and journalists, as he increases in anti-gay violence thro~-
NEW YORK-The occµrrence of promised to personally deliver to state out the country. i
hate crimes against lesbians and gay men senators the forms documenting individ- last year's grim statistics,rolled from
rose drastically last year across the ual's testimony of anti-gay violence. reports made in six major cities, showed
nation, prompting anti-violence activists "We cannot bring back James Zap- that violence against gay men and lesbians
to .initiate a new strategy aimed at influ- palorti, Julio Rivera, and the others rose an average of 42 percent over inci-
enCingnational policy on the issue. who have been killed by acts of hate dents reported in 1989, while in Min-
neapolis/St. Paul, incidents leaped 133
percent over the previous year.
"The rise in documented anti-gay
incidents reflects a variety of factors,
·,',;:;~3l including greater reporting by victims,"
' '':::<iiL/'i'"i.·.·.}~ii~i" ,. '~~F'="""" '.'.~ observed Kevin Be(rill, director of the
·····!\N.i.i.~*·~V,.·., ..$lIit\..
.. . .,. •.u ·u·.·. .. u' •. .:"iiii. ··.~tlll
.... :i~
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's
Anti-Violence Project. "However, such
large increases, especially in the number
of physical assaults, indicate that .the
severity of the problems has gro~in
~~ .:•...:.. - .... _
... ,'.}
these communities over the past year," ,
1S~:rc\::s" :; : ) . One potential!y powerful tool that
(~,7 ~.
activists hope to utilize with the .cam-
paign is the Federal Hate Crime~ Statis-
tics Act, which was enacted with much '5
,', . ',-
.. fanfare last year. "We believe the FBI ~
[which is charged with. collecting aI}d :~
reporting crimes under the act] is mak- :z:
HATE (RIMES ing a vigorous and good-faith effort to
. . "~' .. ,:
. ", " ,
, implement the law," Berrill noted. ~
However, he warned, suggesting ~
one area of advocacy that the Cam- If
paign to Count and Counter Hate
Crimes would logically focus on, ":This
On the local level, Mayor David in our city," Dinkins stated. "But we . law will not be worth the pape~, it's
DWdns announced the launching of a can work together to prove the severity printed on if it is not fully funded."
bias-crime documentation project of this problem-and to put tough In New York City, which recorded •

designed to sway Republican state new laws on the books, to punish the highest number of bias-motivated
senators, who have opposed state those who would deny us our right to assaults in the study, anti-gay assaults
hate-crimes legislation that would be who we want to be, and to choose rose 65 percent over 1989's figures.
increase penalties for perpetrators con- whom we love." Altogether, 507 bias-motivated anti-gay
victed of bias-motivated crimes. [The Both the mayor's documentation assaults were reported here in 1990.
documentation form is reprinted on project, and the national campaign to The police department classified 102 •

page 31,] . encourage reporting of hate crimes crimes as anti-gay, a 108 percent
"It is essential that we secure this and to advocate for more vigorous offi- increase over the previous year's total.
powerful new ammunition against all cial intervention, titled the Campaign "We are saddened, but not sur-
hate crimes," Dinkins said last week, to Count and Counter Hate Crimes, prised, to be leading the nation in anti-
before an audience of community-group were developed in' response to sharp gay and anti-lesbian a:ime," says Matt

• ,
Foreman, director of the dty's Anti-Vio- ~

lence Project. "Allof this was compounded

by silence from civic leaders, community
leaders and religious leaders."
--. - (
One of the more chilling statistics
that Foreman cited from last year's ~
. THIS! ¥_... .......

S • t.~·1LJII D ' ~
blotter revealed that at least once a W A-ICG.OR .' .E i
week for 23 consecutive weeks, gang ~ 100% COTTON WHITE T-SltRTS - $12.95 5OJ5O WHITE SWEATSHIRTS - $16.95 SIZES - S,M.L.XL Iii
attacks on lesbians and gay men sent IWIE '
• .
~,' . .
victims into the hospital. Foreman also AIlIlIESS .'
disclosed that 80 percent of the hate- aTY ' ST ZIP
crime victims his agency dealt with r ~
required medical attention. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:
Altogether, 1,558 incidents were P.O. BOX 06103 SHI'P1NG • HANDUNG $2.50 PER ITEM t----\
repot'ted to anti-violence agencies in the COI;UMBUS. OH 43206 GRAND TOTAl •
six cities represented in NGLTF's study.
San Francisco had the second highest
number of recorded incidents, with 425,
followed by Los Angeles which had 199,
Chicago with ~98, metropolitan Boston
with 147, and 112 reports of anti-queer
violence in MinneapolislSt Paul. Activists
emphasized that they believe the reported A fascinating
incidents reflect only a fraction of the
study of
episodes that actually occurred in the
cities included in the study.
ONLyr the world of
New York Attorney General
MARCH drag balls
Robert Abrams, surrounded by local
and national gay anti-violence activists
13·16 •

and victims of hate-motivated crimes, • •

described hate crimes as "revolting,
disgusting and intolerable."
Abrams also strongly urged his
colleagues in the state legislature to
pass the proposed hate-crimes bill in
this legislative session, "It has been
• •

suggested that by dropping gays and

lesbians from this legislation, the sen-
ate might pass it," Abrams related, "I
reject this pernicious notion that we ,to ..... a .. t OJ'INNII LIVINGSTON

afford protection to some victims of co·,.o 1.11' IWIMAI

prejudice while leaving others vulner-

able, This is especially true of gays
and lesbians, who are now the num-
ber !,>ne
, target of the merchants of
hate in our society."
The Campaign to Count and
Counter Hate Crimes, coordinated
by the Task Force in conjunction
with local gay and lesbian anti-vio-
lence agencies, and partially funded
,:': 0·1

by a grant from the Public Welfire

Foundation, was introduced last "THE MOST DYNAMIC DOCUMENTARY SINCE
week simultaneously in cities across ER & ME. * * * * ..-Larry Frncclle, us
With the $50,000 award to the - - .... _ ...... 1•• OfIfWUK
Task Force's Anti-Violence Project,
"SEE THIS MOVIE." - ..... IIaIcIIpoIc. 1M".
NGLTF became the first lesbian and .upported MON-FRI 2,3:35,5:10,6:45,8:20, 10
gay organization to receive a grant '&NEA SAT-SUNI, 2:35. 4: I 0, 5:45, 7:20, 8:55, 10:30
from the Public Welfare Foundation, T 209 WEST HOUSTON ST, NYC 10014 WEST OF 6TH AVE) 727·8110 I

, ';"- .,-
. ,,
· -' .,' .

'j -

.CH CUOMO .S which represents commercial insurers,

said that it would fight the bill tooth
, - .

TO ASS and nail, because it is in the business
· "
",' ,
of underwriting risks. "In the case of
IRISHGAY'S INS CEFOR AIDS" patients, there isn't a premium
. E ·
it commisurate with their risks," accord- I!


• •
, ' ,,. ,-
ing to Jude Payne, a senior policy pna-
,. lyst with HAA in Washington DC. ,
" "The burden on the state is not
NEW~YORK-The Irish Lesbian ALBANY~overnor Mario Cuomo
and Gay\Organizatton has had its has proposed a bill that would prohibit going to lessen because AIDS patients
· " .
applicatiqn to march in this year's St. health insurance companies from deny- can't get insurance," she told OutWeek
Patrick'sDay ,.. Parade, on, March 16, ing premiums to HIV-positive,people. it "Opening up private insurance won't
turned down by the parade commit- is an attempt to achieve legislatively make any difference to these people,
tee, on the grounds of "municipal what he tried and failed in p~ years to because if they couldn't afford to get
and physical restrictions." do administratively: shift, the cost of health insurance when they were healthy,
The parade committee, which is a health care for people with' HIV and they probably can't afford it now."
sub-committee of the Ancient Order of AIDS from the state to private industry. The insurance industry also argues
Hibernians, told the Irish gays that In December, the Court of Appeals that if it is forced to insure HIV-posi-
there is a waiting list to march in the overturned a 1987 ,
state regulation that tive people, it would be a great drain
parade and that they will have to wait would have prevented health insurers on its resources, and it would conse-
like anyone else. from denying coverage on the basis of quently have to raise premiums so
. "The group is not being discrimi- HIV-test results ..The court said that the high that health .insurance would
nated against," said parade chainnan state was not empowered to promul- , become unaffordable for all. .
Francis Beirne. "They are eligible to gate such a regulation. It also points out that other high-risk
march. Who are we to say that they The new bill, which in addition to diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and
can't? But not this year. The parade is compelling health insurers to insure heart disease are uninsurable and , . asks
already too long, and it has been people with HIV and AIDS, will also why AIDSshould be treated differently.
moved up half-an-hour this year." forbid them from testing applicants for But Guttenburg claims)hat if
ILGO is having talks with the HIV, or enquiring if they have already insurance companies are licensed to
parad~ committee to establish that been tested. It· is expected to meet provide a service, then the sta,te has a
there is in fact a waiting list, and fierce opposition from the health insur- right to intervene if that service is not
that they are being treated fairly. ance industry and from within the being provided. "Health insurance is a

Anne Maguire, a spokesperson' for Republican-controlled state senate. vital link to medical science and insur-
the group said that "if the waiting Steve Guttenburg, acting executive ance companies have a duty to pro-
list is legitimate then that's fair director of the People with AIDS Coali- vide it," he said. And he disputes the
enough. If not, then we will fight tion in New York City welcomed the industry's, claim that it could not sus-
them all the way." bill, but cautioned that "Cuomo is not tain the risk of insuring PWAs, pointing
Judy Ann O'Riordan, deputy going to have any success until we to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, whiq has
, ~

director of European-American have a responsive state senate. The bill an open enrollment, calling it a proto-
Affairs at the mayor's office, is doomed before it begins, because type that should be expanded,
which is. trying to facilitate dia- the insurance lobby is incredibly Blue Cross/Blue Shield is given a .
logue between the two parties, strong and there is a lack of concern 13 percent hospital differential by the
told OutWeek that she knew of by the legislature." state in return for ensuring everyone.
other groups which had to wait ' Wayne Kawadler, a representative "The 13 percent does not cover
to march in the parade, such as of ACf UP's Insurance and Access sub- [all costs], but we feel that we have a
the Irish Immigration Reform committee also predicted that the bill social responsibility to provide health
Movement. stood a "slim to none" chance of being insurance to everyone," said its
"If,. however, they are being passed, and he expressed fear that Mario spokesperson, John Kelly.
denied for no good reason then it will Cuomo was only paying lip service to He believes that commercial insurers
constitute unfair treatment. It's a sensi- PWAs in introducing the bill and would, should also offer insurance to everyone.
tive issue," she concluded. not put his political weight behind it. The Cuomo bill raises again the

-Avril McDonald The Health AssOciation of America, question of who should provide health

'1 a

OUTWEEK March 20, 119911

care, said Kelly. He suggested that coop-
erative models between the state govern-
ment, private industry and individuals
such as Blue Cross should be emulated, ,
-Avril McDonald/New York


..,NEW YORK-The American Psy-

choa:balytic Association, the largest and
most influential organization of its kind
in the nation will adopt a position state-
ment setting out its "opposition to any
public or private discrimination against
any homosexuaIly-oriented individuals,"
according to director Helen Fisher,
The Association is a professional
organization of 3,000 psychoanaIysts that
sets and maintains standards for'the pro-
fession and for affiliated societies and
training colleges,
The statement will be published'
probably in the journal B)dJiatrIc New; in
May, in response to negative comments
published in the May 1989 issue of that
jOOmal cooaming the .>
dation's SIance on . ,sI'X: said.
There the Association's reluctance to
adopt a position statement condemning
discrimination against gay people on the
grounds that it was not within its
province to take a formal stand on social
issues, was roundly criticized. Dr, Judd
Marmor, a professor of psychiatry at
UQ.A Medical School, said that the APNs
stance was "an example of a subtle,
unjustified prejudice against homosexuals
that has characterized the psychoanalytic
profession for many years. "
Although homosexuality was
"depathologized" by the American Psychi-
airic Assodltion
in 1973, psychoanalytic
. lit- Her new CD or cassette, Feel So Young,
eratui'e and speakers at natioruil meetin~
continue to refer to gay people as is by calling 1-800-933-REDDY.
"deviants" and "perveI1S" and, in fact, con- Nohvailable in record stores. •

tribute to the widespread discrimination •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

against lesbians and gay men said Dr. Or send $9.99 for cassette or $12.99 for CD (free postage) to:
Richard Isay, a µofesscr cf clinkal µ;yd)iatty
at ComeInJniversity, and a veteran cam- Helen Reddy, Inc.

µligner against the APNs SIance. 2210 Wilshire Blvd., Dept 175
"Within conventional psychoanaly- Santa Monica, CA 90403

sis, there is still very much a feeling that "Environmentally sensitive packaging.
homosexuality is a fIXation at an early
developmental level," he said. Helen Reddy appearing at Michael's Pub in New York City, March 12,30.
As part of their training, psych0ana- For reservations call (212) 758-2272
lysts have themselves analyzed, but

TRISKAIDEKAPHO· new director of NGLTF's Privacy and Civil Rights Project,

. BIA'REVISITED: Noth- which wprks on sodomy law reform, local gay rights legisla- .
• ing like a good boycott to tion, and ending discrimination in the US military.
make the mayor skittish. Drake is the former co-chair of the Illinois Gay and Les-
Channel 13 is starting up bian Task'Force and a founder of the Chicago Area Republi-
its beg-a-thon again and can Gay Orga'nization, and a tireless AIDS lobbyist who
the city's gay community is fought repressive 'AIDS-related legislation in the Illinois'
tearing up its checkbooks. state house last year.
And the mayor?' . . And Sue Hyde, the Privacy Project's former director; told .
"Channel 13 does a Outlines Wire Service, "I'm delighted this leftist lesbian
better job in covering these activist has been succeeded by a Republican legislative whiz." .

important issues than most , .

by ANDREW MILLER other television stations," THREE PEOPLE WHO FOUND JOBS DURING 4.
he quoth, "While strong RECESSION: Closer to home, the ACLU's national Les~.

efforts s'hould be made to increase the media's presentation bian and Gay Rights Project at last 1""' -----

of lesbian and gay issues to the general public, I do not has a new attorney. Ruth Harlow, who
believe a boycott of WNET's fund-raising drive is the 'right has joined projeCt director Bill Ruben-
course of action a~this time." , stein's formidable staff from the ACLU
Considering all the airtime Dinkins gets on Channel 13, of New Jersey, will also be working on
it's hard to figure why the mayor would care one way. or the AIDS' issues, ,

other, really, but Rim Shots is glad to see City Hall is on top And Chris Babick has officially
of all the important issues. become the executive director of the

People With AIDS Coalition, after ..

CAN YOU SAY CONDOM?: "By approving schools' serving val'iously as its deputy direc-
chancellor Joseph A, Fernandez's HIV/AIDS initiative, the tor, director of publication and acting ~

Board of Education has cast its vote for the lives of New ED since 1987, RUTH HARLOW
York's young people," said t~e statement released by David Back in WaShington, Jeff Levi, who
Hansell, the deputy executive director for policy at the Gay preceded Urvashi Vaid as the executive director at the NGLTF,is
Men's Health Crisis. the new director of government affairs at the AIDS Action
It continued: "In a city where the rat~ of HIV infection is Council, where he will lobby for federal AIDS appropriations
the highest in the nation, teenagers represent the next wave and drug development. '\
of the AIDS epidemic. It is the responsibi!jty of all New York- . ,~
ers to acknowledge that many of our adolescents have WON'T YOU GO HOME, BILL DANNEMEYER,
already begun to engage in sexual activities, and that we . WON'T YOU GO HOME?: So, Rep, William Dan-
must recognize the potential consequences. The Board of nemeyer was drooling over his copy of the Federal.Regi~et; ,
Education has taken the first step, authorizing a plao that recently, when he discovered that the Department of t:tous-
will provide teenagers with both the information and the, ing and Urban Development had recently awarded a $2,25
means to safeguard their future." ,million transitional housing grant to the Los Angeles Gay
Condom. C-O-N-D-O-M, Condom, . '.. and Lesbian Community Services Center, which will use the
money to provide shelter to homeless adolescents, .
PEARLS BEFORE SWINE: This week's Dorothy Park- "Spen~ing scarce federal tax dollars on such a program .,_
er Memorial Quote of the Week award goes to Leather is debatable in and of itself, but giving federal dollars to an
Daddy titleholder Don Thompson, who lamented the dearth organization that derives its identity from a particular sex act
of participants in recent leather contests in "This Week in is absurd," the gentleman from California opined in an angry
Leather," the Feb. 28 installment of a regular column in the letter he dashed off Feb, 19 to HUD Secretary Jack Kemp, 7
San Francisco Sentinel. \ "Why would Gay and Lesbian Community Services be
"Part of the problem may be confusion about what we providing this housing absent any federal funding?" he won- "-
really mean by 'being into leather,''' he deduced. "There are dered in print. "The Salvation Army does all the time. One can •

people for whom Leather is a fashion statement. You know only guess what Gay and Lesbian Community "-
Services does
the type, Leather is black, therefore it goes with anything, ali the time."
especially pearls." Rim Shots found that the Secretary's office hadn't.
cared to hazard a guess, "HUD is prohibited from denying
I GUESS THIS MEANS I HAVE TO STOP WRIT· funds to any qualified grant applicant, and the Center met all .
ING NASTY THINGS ABOUT GAY REPUBLI· of the requirements," a spOkesperson for the agency told
CANS: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force made histo- Rim Shots.
ry again last month, when it hired its first openly Republican It's bad when people on the right-wing of your own
staffer. Tim Drake, a longtime fixture in Chicago politics, is the party don't even want to listen to your gay-baiting.

20 OUTWEEK March 20, 1891

, "

• ",

" ~ '~

because of its anti-gay stance, gay men and
lesbians must hide their sexual orientations New York
or risk being declated unfit, Isay added.
Isay says that he is the only openly gay •

man who is certified by the .c

.Association, although one gay man and one
lesbian have been accepted for training
within .the last five years. It was only once
he had established a su~ careerthat
Isay cure out "with disastrous effect."
"I had served as president of the psy-
choanalYtic SOCiety and of a numDei df
other committees, and when 1 came out 1 , .
simply stopped getting referrals from my
Charming, Newly Renovated
colleagues. Along with the CIA and the
Brownstone Conveniently
Located in Chelsea .
mili~, the psychoanalytic profession . is
. -All Rooms Have

the most homophobic," he declared

Isay is welcoming the Association's Washing Facilites
decision, although peremains skeptical , -Share Bath
-Continental Breakfast
of its potential impact, because it will not, Included
effect the Psychoanalytic Assodati6n-affil-
.Single $65 ·Double $80 • Studio $99
iated inStitutes, suchas training collegeS. ALL TAXES INCLUDED
"It will be up' to the affiliated bodies
to make their owrt pOlicies, and the fact -Weekly Rates Upon Request
is that some of them are rejecting openly Advance Reservations Suggested!
gay men and lesbfuns on the grounds of
their horiibsexualit}r." 212-243-9669
Although anti'<liScriminatiori legisla·
tion eXiSts in some cities and Stites, it Colonial House Inn
CHELSEA 318 W. 22nd SI., NYC 10011
does not effectiVely stop training colleges
from'discriminatlng, he said. The P~o:-
analytic Association~ FISher said that she I
.,l' • II! • • .• • • '.•
Vi '---"'"
expected affiliated training colleges to
endorse the official line.
The Boston Psychoanalytic Sod~iy
-vitin2:! :
and Institute recently beat the APA to th~ • •
post by adding a statement of non-discrinli-
• •
• nation on' the grounds of sexual 0rieniation
to its application materials last October.
• •
The president:-'dect of Boston PsychO- • •
~ytic, Dr. Elizabeth Reid, said that the • •
Institlite W:ls merely forrtlalizihg a poIi<y of • •
non ". , that it haS followed for • •
~. 'we were going through our applirn- • '\'0)..1 art: !n n~\'ited ,tn ~:\perien(e llU r st yil' \)1

tions 'inaterials', and it was suggested to us sm.lll-hlltel hospltaht~,. \Vhere strangers

t&. the Arr.lerican Civil Liberties Union that

• hl'((}ml' friends ilnd friends Derome doser.

.we sfioulct make oUr policy explicit ri She • •
added that she fouhd it "a little amazing" • •
that it was the only; college affiliated with • •ill
the As<;ocjation to adopt Such a statement •
The director of the AD-Us national •


Lesbian arid Gay Rights Project, Bill Ruben-
stein, welComed the InStitute's mOve 'and • Incl udes continental breakfast. Single or •
said that "Changing attitUdes in the psych~ • doubl,e occupancy. Add 9.7% tax. Subject to •
analytic conununity is particularly impbt- • cl\'ailability. Advance reservations suggested.
For r('sen'afions, call1-8()()-842-34S0 •
tant because society has long based its • • •
discriminatory attitude,s on the infonna-
c ~'I 'LER I
tion distributed by' analysts." Inn Town Bed & Breakfast
'-:'Avrll McDonald 26 Chandler at Berkeley, Boston. M.A02116 (617) 4·82-3450

M.rch 20, .._ .. OUTWEEK 21'

'edited by Paul Rykoff Coleman


PEPTIDE LICENSE treatment of HIV infections,» according to scheduled to meet with NIMH officials

MAY GO TO the public notice. The proposed agree- in Washington on March 8,

-P.RC!New York
ment stipulates that ongoing phase 1clini-
TWO FIRMS cal safety trials, and initiating phase 2 and

SPRINGFIELD,Va.-The Department 3 trials for efficacy, are to be carri~ on DRUG FOR INTES
separately by each firm toward the goal of
of Commerce is proposing that two fums
get licenses to take over sralled govern- commercial availability, . ORGANISM AVAILABLE
ment-sponsored clinical trials of Peptide Meanwhile, treatmen~ activists have AGAIN
T, an· anti-HIV agent that its proponents been wrangling with NIMH officials over a
say improves neuropsychiatric symptoms delayed phase 2 trial at the University of NEW YORK-A. drug that people
in people infected with the human Southern California, That trial will use a with HIV infection began taking recently
immunodefidency virus. placebo and will be double-blind---nCither to combat a difficult-to-treat diarrhea-
The finns, Integra Institute and ~ the investigators nor the subjects will causing organism is back in the phanna-
MacFadden, would assume clinical testing des after supplies ran out this sununer,
responsibilities from the National Institute according to its manufacturer, .
of Mental Health, which holds the drug's The drug, paromomycin, marketed
patent. If uncontested" the proposed At Jeast one party is •
under the brand name Humatln, is a pre-
agreement will go into effect after a 6o-day scription antibiotic indicated for intestinal
public comment period, which began with known to be a friend of amebiasis, Last year, demand for the
a notice in the Feb. 7 Federal Register. agent increased three-fold after people
Treatment activists say the NIMH PWAs. But they're only with HN infection, a cryptosporidiosis
and the Food and Drug Administration one piece of the pie. diagnosis and a physician's prescription
have hampere9 continuation of clinical sought the drug, a spokesperson fOr the
trials and have made it virtually impos- manufacturer, New Jersey-based Warner- ,
sible for those who feel they need the lambert Co" told OutWwk
drug to get it from the drug underground The drug is not indicated for cryp-
or on an IDA-approved,
. "
compassionate- know who is getting the iDhaied agent. tosporidiosis, but once appro~ b}r the
use basis. Whether either of the potential The activis!s are objecting to a provision Food and Drug AdminisIration, it may be
licensees will make access outside of a that the study participants receive the presaibed for any off-label use. '"Here's a
clinical trial easier, they say, is still pl~cebo for six months after the study $Ig al?Proved, available and anecdotaI1y
unknown, "One would hope so due to ends, to allow a look at what happens effective, and then the supplies driel;!
the. fact that at least flntegral is when someone on the drug is taken off it. up," said John Hatchett of the PWA Coali-
known to be a friend of PWAs," John Although the phase 1 trials have tion in Manhattan.

Perry Ryan of the Provincetown Positive shown Peptide T to be safe, 'with no Humatin's unavailability coincided
PWA Coalition told OutWeek "But they're tOxicity reported, the IDA has cut off with the US military's troop build-Up in
only one piece of the pie." the sources that allowed users to get it the Gulf last sununer, prompting sojne in
Peptide T and Integra have inter- through buyers' clubs. It is available the HIV-infected, community to 5pepllate
twining histories. The institute was through Community Research Initia- that all supplies were diverted to the Gulf.
formed. by Peptide T's co-inventor Dr. tive/New England, but only to those The Warner-Lambert spokesperson, ,
Candace Pert and colleagues, after leav- continuing in a phase 1 study that· Peter Wolf, said, that this .was
untrue, He
. ing positions at the NIMH It conducted began at the Fenway ainic in Boston. was only aware of the demand by people
initial phase 1 clinical trials for safety until And CRI's contract with NIMH, which with mv infection in the past month. He
Bristol-Myers Co. dropped its sponsor- supplies the drug, expires in Septem- . explamed that Humatin is an old drug;
ship, leaving the institute without any ber. A eRI spokesperson told OUtWeek demand is so low that only one batch is
funds to continue. that she did not know whether the made every year, When demand tripled,
The synthetic peptide, a chain ·of contract would be extended, "It would he said, the company made rrore, How-
eight amino adds, is believed to inhibit be nice to have a better handle on ever, production was slowed when a

HN-replication by blocking a receptor, things," she said, "so our patients know batch failed to pass microbiologic testing,
CD4, on the vira1 envelope. what to expect.» Wolf said that the drug's price, $19
The proposed licenses are co- A coalition of activists from ACf to $21 for a bottle of 16, is no different
exclusive and limited to the "therapeutic UP chapters along the East Coast are S •• AIDS on .. - ••• 2

• •

The New York City Districting

Commission invites all New
Yorkers. to attend a series of hear-
ings and to share their ideas and
concems with Commission mem-
bers as the commission prepares
to draw the lines for 51 new City
Council . districts .

The New York City Districting

Corrynission is an independent
bodY created for the purpose of
dralfAng't,he boundaries of the City
Council districts. The districting
commission will do this on or
before June 3.1991 based on the
1990 census. The commission
I. .-

welcomes testimony on population

changes and residency pattems.
The goal of redistricting is to
provide fair and effective represen-
~ion f'c:>rall the people of the city.
In drawing council boundaries.
the DistriCting Commission must ' Lay end e rH e i 9 h t 5
meet reqLiremt:mts of federal.
state. and city laws and regu~- Lesbian "'Gay Neighbors of Inwood .. Washington Heights
tion~. and will seek to respect bor-
ough lines. neighborhoods. and
C0rlffnu~ities as much as possible.
I: I ,.
March 13 - Boys and Girls High \

School. 1700 Fulton St.. Brooklyn •

March 21 -I.S, 237. 46-21

Colden St.. Brooklyn
'March 27 - P.S. 6. 45 East
81/st St~'• Manhattan
- - -
. April 3 - Herbert H. Lehman $1.25 PER MINUTE
High School. 3000 E. Tremont
Ave!. Bronx
~ch hearing will start at 7:00
.pm~'Members of the public can
sign in to speak on the day of the
hearing beginning at 6:30 pm, at ·GOSSIP IIIWI -lATIIT RlllAII DATil-
the hearing site. A Spanish transla-
tor and a sign language interpreter
will be available.



11 Park Place, Suite 1616
Tel. (212) 766-2200
.... h 20, 1_1 OUTWEEK 23


by Robert Vazquez

fter a long I grew up a skinny, dark-skinned, own community. And I have made the
A. night at the gay, New York Puerto Rican boy who decision to be in my communitiY. To
club where I work was pushed into assimilation by my try to work, play, live and emppwer
the door, my friend family's desire for the American Dream. myself within my Latino community
Jose and I· decided Because I chose to move within the and other communities of color.
to go hang out at a white world, racism in all of its insidi- Honey, I don't wan~ to do the racism
Latino club on the ous manifestations became a daily work at home anymore.
West Side. While \ companion. Sometimes, I could ignore
we were' there it and go about my business. Other
checking out the times, it was up in my face and I had
cute Latino home . to smack it down.
boys and fierce Latina banjy girls: the . But I have reached the point
only white (European-American) man where I am tired of having to deal
in the entire club zeroed In on yours with racism. (No shit, honey.) My
truly, and tried to pick my up. As we sero-positive status (a true reality
spoke, I realized that he was there check) makes me choose my battles
because he wanted to sleep with a these days. The more I experience and
· Latino man. learn about racism in this country, in
There was a time when I might this city, in the lesbian and gay com-
not have cared, and would even have munity, the angrier and more frus-
brought him home. But I shook my trated I get. And the angrier I get, the
head and walked away. less patience I have.
A couple of weeks ago, I went There are some things I really
away on a weekend retreat for gay don't want to put energy into anymore.
men of color. A great weekend in I have no desire to sit down and edu-
upstate New York'in a safe "white-free cate white people excuse me, Euro-
zone." It is difficult for me to articulate pean Americans--about racism any-
my feelings wqile being in that place. more. I really don't have the time. But
A feeling of safety. Comunidad. A as I write this, I realize that I must con-
sense of being home. That feeling of tinue doing anti-racism work publicly,
rightness, the confirmation of some- because it has to be done. It is always
thing that had been formulating itself the responsibility of the disenfran-
in my mind for a long time. chised to work for their own libera-
As we talked about family and tion. Needless to say, my ange! and
race and lovers, I knew that the week- frustration level keep increasing.
end was the start of a new phase in But you know something? I am
· my life: achange that would affect not not going to do it at home anymore.
only myself, but all of my friends and No more sleeping with white boys.
· loved ones. I talked with a friend about this
I had been in the white world for decision, and he told me that my deci-
too long. My grandmother, Providen- sion not to date or sleep with white
cia,. has an expression, "Una mosca en men anymore was racist, that I had to
un vaso de leche." A fly in a glass of come from a place of love' and not of I don't want to have to lie in my
milk, For too long, I had lived sur- anger, that Latinos are the fierce ruling bed with some European-American
rounded by the white European and people and it is up to us to transform man teaching Racism 101. Nor do I
American culture, with Euro-American the world. want to sit down with the cute white

friends and lovers, the dark face in a transformation begins boy I've been dating and interpret
sea of pale ones. It is now time to at home, within one's own community. what the comment, "I love sleeping
change that. Empowerment is being part of your with Puerto Ricans" really means. I

24 OUTWEEK March 20, 1_1

want to nix the grueling explanation .. •
between the movie and the restaurant

about why I thought the movie was
racist. I'm not being defensive, racist or
overreacting. I consider the change
self-empowerment. I can be prejudiced
about the issue of race, but I don't A FREE PASSOVER CELEBRATION MEAL
have the power to enforce my preju-
dices. And prejudice plus power For all people with HW+IAIDS, their families,
equals racism. friends, lovers, and health care workers
It's interesting. My therapist tells
me that I just want to be understood. A,
lot of my white friends become very featuring a performance by the
defensive when I explain this decision.
Some of my friends who are Latinos, NYC Gay Men's Chorus
Afritan Americans, Asians, Native
Americans, said, "Robert, I made that
decision years ago." Date: Sunday, March 24, 1991
I don't want to be fetishized and
exoticized any more because of my
Time: 1:00 P,M.
skin color. My culture, my language Place: Lincoln Square Synagogue
and my politics are things I would Amsterdam at 69th Street
like to share with the men who share RSVP: By March 15, 1991 (include number ofpeople)*
my life and my bed. I want that Phone: 212-787-7600
bond, the sense of home that I can
only get from my people, from a
brother, from my barrio or other *Prior
are necessary. We will not be able to admit anyone without a reservation.
communities of color.
Why? There are tense discussions
and stomach-churning confrontations
on racism that I don't want to have
withiboyfriends anymore. Not that that
has ~appened with all of them. But
there was always a moment when my
:es me SMILE!
stomach fell because of something he
had said. .
I am not saying that racism
doesn't exist within the Latino commu-
nity or other communities of color. I
know a lot of brothers and sisters out
there working that skin-color-privilege
thang. I grew up among family mem-
bers who, as dark as they are, were
very proud to be Puerto Rican and not
Blac~, thank you very much, and don't
mi~e us for Blacks because we are
Spaf1i1sh,That's the kind of bullshit I
want to work on, both in the lesbian
and gay community as well as among
straight Latinos.
Now, don't get me wrong. I pub-
licly support interracial relationships. DEMETRIOS SENGOS, DDS
Two people joining together and lov-'
ing each other across the abyss .of
racial differences is a truly revolution- & AsSOCIATES
ary act, and I support those brave indi- Preventative & Cosmetic D~ntistry
viduals in that endeavor. But for 475 FIFTH AVENUE (212)779-2414
myself, it's hasta fa vista, white boy.T By Appointment
Robert Vazquez, a native of Fort
Apache in the Bronx, is an artist living Amex- Visa-Master-Card-Insurance
on the Lower East Side.

March 20, ...... OUTWEEK 25

a monthly column about women's health

omen, , Les lans an Po itics
by Risa Dennenberg

he National been ignored in disastrous ways by the every newspaper and magazine carried
T Institutes of medical establishm~nt and the govern- stories on women and AIDS. ACf UP
Health, or NIH, and ment. Women are also at risk of dying held successful, well-attended demon-
the National Insti- without adequate diagnoses, health strations last fall that focused on women
tute of Allergies and care or entitlements. and HIV one against discriminatory
Infectious Diseases, Women have done research on practices in granting disability benefits
NIAID, hosted a shoestring budgets and made sex workers, by the Social Security Administration in
National Confer- lesbians, housewives and teenagers visible. October in Washington, and another at
ence on Women We have been talking, speaking in public the CDC in Atlanta in December, protest-
and HIV Infection forums, demonstrating, writing medical ing the archaic and male-biased defmi-
on Dec. 13 and 14, 1990, at the Sheraton articles, political books, novels and poetry. tion of AIDS. And on Dec. 13 and 14,
Hotel in Washington, DC. Everyone We have exposed the health-au-e system the government big boys sponsored a
agreed that it was long overdue. But fOf stone by stone, and threatened to bring it national conference on women and IllY
, ,

women, AIDS activists and women with to its knees. We've uncovered the lesbian infection. Shouldn't we be pleased? But, c:i
Hiv illneSs it wasn't good enough. It left ~es, the drug ~es for women, the lack course, everything has a context.
the bitter taste of being unac-
knowledged, exploited,
ripped off and marginalized.
NIH, NIAID, the Centers
for Disease Control and the
AIDS Clinical Trial Groups
have thoroughly ignored
women throughout the
decade of AIDS. In parallel
fashion, the non-governmen-
tal AIDS establishment, ser-
vice organizations and
activist groups have ignored

women with AIDS, and the
work of women AIDS "
. :';0.:--..
.. . •
.. '--...;,
:.:. .. .... : .:.... "S."
activists. Women have been ..... ,

exploited, called vectors and

vessels of disease, tested
without permission and
against their wishes, refused
or been forced to abort preg- ..
· nancies and denied access to

drug trials and health care. .

· And women activists, in ·'CAUSE I'M A WOMAN. W-O-M-A-N. rLl SAY IT AGAIN...•
opposing this exploitation, -ACT UP at the San Francisco AIDS Conference last year. •

have been advised to wait, •

to shut up, to take care of the people of health care and clinicaI trials, We've filed On July 27, 1990, seven lesbians
and let the men take care of the politics. lawsuits and challenged the CDC's defini- from ACf UP/NY and IDC squared off
I have my own personal heroes in tion of AIDS in women. We've created with Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID,
the AIDS crisis, and mo~t of them are videos, mms, photography and art. As and Dan Hoth, director at NIAID's
lesbians. J can't begin to recount all usual, we have had almost no resources Division of AIDS, demanding a serious
the work they've done, soundly prov- and little support for this work. conference on women and AIDS. This
ing the obvious: Women are at risk of But it seems that lately our work. is meeting followed deliberate and well-
contracting AIDS, and that risk has having an impact. Suddenly, in late 1990, planned demonstrations and daring

26 ou ••VEEK March 20, .._ ..



actions around the country, to high- plenary session, HIV-positivewomen and Committee of ACT UP/NY, who were,'
light the need to see women as at risk women working with them commanded unbeknownst to us, headmg to a social
and to do something about it. the attention of the audience for about event , with these same dreaded gov-
The gist of our meeting with Fauci two hours, with riveting stories about emment bureaucrats.
and Hoth was to demand that a confer- how life really is, completely disrupting I don't expect the government or
ence happen immediately, planned by the planned schedule. And the feds glad- the American Medical Association to

women with HIV illness and women who ly took credit for our work, looking good notice, support, validate or give a damn
work directly with them. We challenged off the sweat of our bodies. about women's lives or women's work. I
their knowledge of the issues, and their S6, imagine our fury, when, like do expect that they will steal ,our work,
willingness to learn. We left the meeting ships irlthenight, three of the women exploit us and discredit activists. But in
furious. Fauci told us that he preferred who .h~d met with Fauci and Hoth in the midst of this expected treachery,
dealing with "gay-male ACf UP." July, collided in the lobby of the Shera- which is clearly an attack on all activists,
! By the time the conference occurred,/
ton at the close of the conference, with See W'OMEN"S HEALTH
on page &2
activists justifiably wondered whether' it members of the Treatment and Data
I was worth attending. Linda Meredith of, (,""
ACT UP;DC, who had been involved in

every step of the struggle with NIAID,

had resigned from the steering conmittee
in dismay of the process. Terry McGov-
ern, the who designed the
lawsuit against the Social Security Admin-
istration, was barred from speaking on Aeeounhnf
the panel about legal issues because of
her role in a lawsuit against the govern-
226 Wert 711t Sfreet, New Vor~, New Vor~ 10023
ment. Many grass-roots organizers and 212/595-1075
health-<:areworkers who work daily with
women with HIV illness were excluded.
Persoul Tax Plallllilig lid Preparatioll
And women with HN infection were Small BullieS! Aeeoulltillg lid Taxes
marginalized into the panel on "Living
with HN," with. giving
Speeializillg ill Small eooperath,e Apartmellt eorporafions
personal perspectives at the end of the
seeond morning's plenary session. Mem-
• • •
while, a Public H€3lth Service representa-
tive .was placed'on 28 of the 38 sched-
uIed panel presentations, and Fauci and America's Largest
Hoth were feattu:ed;prominently. Gay/Lesbian
We then had to fight over every
basic issue we have been working on Computer
for years. Women with HIV illness Information
should get gynecological evaluations and a.e

Pap smears twice a year, no? Well, not


a&ording to Tedd Ellerbrook of the
CDC. And AZT acts the same in •
Women's bodies as it does in men's bod-
ies, according to the representative from
Burroughs Wellcome, the company
which makes, and profits from, the drug. .
<;:ervicalcancer and pelvic inflarrunatory
disease in HIV-positive women are still
not considered AIDS, and won't ever be
if the CDC continues to call the shots.
Woman-to-woman transmission? Les-
Call us with your
bians with HIV illness? Totally marginal- Computerl
ized topics. Research? Well, everyone
agree$, that there hasn't been enough. , 718 ,
However, the government still seems to
think 'of this as a justification for doing . 849-1614
nothing. We were prepared to educate,
but we were forced to debate. (modem) c::'hc.

In the most poignant and useful

exchange, during the second morning's

by Allen Roskoff

Rubber Up for check and be there. For information, or to against domestic partnership legislation.
Safety join GLAAD and begin receiving their •
On Feb. 27, newsletter, call them at (212) 966-1700. And the Losers Please
our community and Remember, the only way to defeat In addition to the defeated candi-
New York City won homophobia is to confront it. dates, there were several others who lost
• • •
a major VictOry In when Fisher won. They include several
the fight against Millman supporters such as Assembly-
AIDS. That night Brooklyn's Gayest District member Eileen Dugan, Senator Martin
the Board of Edu- On Feb. 26, Kenneth Fisher, a 38- Connor and Assembly Speaker Mel
. 1·,,'0
cation passed the year-old lawyer, was elected City Miller. But perhaps the biggest loser was
chancellor's school condom plan by a Council member in a special election the all-but-declared mayoral candidate,
four to three vote. It followed an 11th in Brooklyn's "gayest" Council district. Council President Andrew Stein. Stein
hour statement of support from Mayor Fisher's victory over eight opponents played a high-profile role in the Millman
Dinkins. However, Dr. Westina Matthews, did not bring much joy to the lesbian campaign and supplied pivotal troops in
Dinkins' board appointee who cast the and gay community, which played a the race. A Millman victory would have
swing vote in favor of the plan, said that major role in supporting runner-up added significantly to his base in Brook-
she would ask the board at a later time Joan Millman. Millman, 50, an educator lyn, Instead, not only did Stein's candi-
to amend the plan to allow parents to and Brooklyn Heights district leader, date lose, but in Fisher he faces the kind
opt their children out of receiving con- was supported by Lambda Indepen- of player he doesn't want to have as his
doms. This would gut the significance of dent Democrats of Brooklyn, who enemy. Fisher can now serve as a
.the plan and must be prevented. Kudos showed their political muscle by deliv- beachhead for Dinkins' reelection, or for
to the chancellor for remaining firm, to ering their constituency to her. another xpayoral candidate. And Fisher
the mayor for, his endorsement, and to The district is significant to our com- has his own future to advance. He is
those who voted in the afflllllative. This munity because of its representatives' his- expected to be a viable citywide candi-
time right-wing zanies lost to common toric support for gay rights legislation.
sense. It was a great day for city students. Representing the district in the early 70s
date in either '93 or '97.
As a postscript, it should be noted
Many lives will be saved. was k'0nard Skulnick, who was one of that Millman lost SOme progressive votes
the four original sponsors of the Gay as a result of her support from ~ght~wing
Raising Madonna Rights Bill when "mends" like the caustic . Council member Noach Dear and nght-
Get out your' checkbooks, we're Carol Greitzer weren't. Skulnick was fol- wing Assemblymember Dov Hikind,
going to dinner. On April 21 the Gay and lowed by Fred Richmond, who later both of whom are notoriously anti-gay,
Lesbian Alliance• Against Defamation became a member of Congress, and then
(GLAAD) will present its second-annual by Abe Gerges. All three were steadfast Queens Boulevard
Media Awards with events in both New sponsors of our legislation. The new There will be a special election for
Yolk and Los Angeles. International! pop Council member ~oesnot promise to be the 22nd Council district in Queens on
suPerstar Madonna and an episode of !,he SO steadfast in his support. April 16. However, one of the two major
Simpsons' cartoon program featuring Har- Fisher ran with the support of the candidates has dropped out of the race
vey Fierstein are among those slated to be Brooklyn Borough President Howard and another one has popped up. Jack
honored at the event, which will recog- Golden (no mend of our community) and Chartier, an aide to Assembly mem~r
nize the best and worst of print and anti-gay Council members Enoch Alan Hevesi, told party leaders he had
broadcast media representations of lesbian Williams and Priscilla Wooten. Fisher has decided not to run. That left Karen •
and gay issues and people. In addition, said that he would vote for the domestic Koslowitz in the race. Kosiowitz is a For-
special notice will be made of the Fmpire partnership bill but that he would prob- est Hills Districtleader and an aide to City
State Building's lavender illumination last ably not sponsor it He said, "I don't have Council President Andrew Stein. Besides
Gay Pride weekend, which was largely a a relationship over a long enough period Stein, Koslowitz is supported by anti-gay
result of GIAAO's efforts. The New York of time to be able to take a full pulpit on Queens County leader and right-to-life
event will be held atop the World Trade the issue. I don't ideologically have a Congressmember Thomas Manton. ,-Man-
Center and the LA event will be at the problem with the concept, but it's a ques- ton and his county o~tion are.;chal-
Beverly, Hilton Hotel. Ttck~ prices range tion of how we can accomodate the inter- lenging the new city charter rule that says
from $175 to $500 and GLAAD wants ests of the largest number of people," candidates in special dections can't run
your support. GLAAD/NY's Executive Fisher won because of overwhelming on regular party lines. This is interesting in
Director Stephen Beck promises an excit- support from the district's large Hasidic that it was Manton and Vallone who quar-
ing and uplifting event. So write out your community, and their spokespeople are terbacked the approval of the charter
change with this non-partisan provision in Tbe Law Firm of
iWE I·
it. Manton is Vallone's county leader. Is
Manton now trying to endorse Vallone? Wbere It's The People That Matter
The pUlpose of the charter rules was to
• Personal Injury and Negligence PARKSIDE Lodge-Westgate
prevent the party "bosses" from "appoint- • Criminal Oefense/OWI!rraffic
30 miles north oj DaUas
ing" the new Council members. Manton is • Real Estate
• Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning Metro (214) 434-j549
trying to destroy that reform. The new
(817) 565-8100
opponent is Seymour Friedman, who was
a Queens civil court judge who won
• Business and Corporate Law
'AUMatters Confidential CALL NOW FOR
against the Queens County organization, ••
Can~4hours a Oay-7 days a Week SAFE-CONFIDENTIAL
and then resigned to go into a lucrative with offices in NYC. and on long Island Chemical Dependency & Eating Disorder
law practice. He then attempted to run for Treatment for Gay/lesbian Individuals
Manhattan borough president in 1985 with
(212)594-7642 Phones answered 24 Hours a Day
(516) 248"6822 Metro (214) 434-3549
the backing of multi-millionaire and gadfly
Abe Hirschfield. Seymour Friedman is also
a millionaire, and currently resides in the

Queens' Council district. The situation is
very fluid, but that is the way it is at this
point in time. You will be kept posted.
The word around town is that both
Manton and City Council Speaker Peter STONEWALL CHORALE
Vallone have already lined up in support Bill pnugradt, Music Director
of a Stein mayoralty in '93. Chartier with
resigned from running due to immense
pressure from Manton to Hevesi. The THE LESBIAN AND GAY CHORUS
Koslowitz candidacy is vel)' important to OF WASHINGTON, D.C.
Mark Bowman, Director
the all but announced mayoralty of
Andrew Stein. This really isn't a surprise
as neither Manton or Vallone has shown
much support for issues confronting ten-
ants, the middle class, those overly con-
cerned with dvil rights and other such •
Combined chorus
concerns. Don't look for progressive gays
of 120 voices
to support Stein. Although he advocates
gay rights, he hasn't signed on to sponsor
the domestic partnership bill, and his THE GREAT HALL
commitment is to landlords and develop- (71hSlrCCI al Third Ave., NYC)

ers rather than to the homeless and the

poor. Queens is a powerful prize in a
mayoralty and a lock on the borough
give Stein's mayoral run a leg up.
Watch as death penalty advocate Stein •

o/ings in his troops.

The Chartier withdrawal is also a
defeat for the labor unions who were
behind his bid, including the Teamsters,
the United Federation of Teachers and .
the Health and Hospital Workers' Union. Samuel Barber, Reincarnations
• .. • .. •'1

• • •
.• .'• ,-

Johannes Brahms, Zigeunerlieder (Gypsy Songs) SATURDAY

I" • I
.\ \
Meanwhile in the VIllage, the land of Ralph Vaughan Willillms, Toward the Unknown Region
the free and the gay, it looks as though text by Walt Whitman MARCli:ici,1991 .
• , •',1 selections rrom our guest chorus' exciting program
Bella Abzug's youngest daughter will in "Sing a New Day." 8:00 PM
fact run for the City Council. The
youngest one was looking at a bid for
TICKETS: 'SIJ.50 at Judith's Room, A Different Light, and Oscar Wilde bookstores, or call
Fred Ohrenstein's senate seat, but with •
(212)6084504 for advance purchase and group sales information.
the Ohrenstein trial put off indefinitely
(maybe to never happen) the Abzug eyes - The peiformance will be signed for the hearing impaired, stage left.
have 'wandered back to the City Council.
This could pair her off agaiDst the openly-
gay candidate Tom Duane. It's interesting
because in the past, Abzug has been sup-
portive of a Duane candidacy.T

• ,

Tom, also known as Yoko and Huh,
born in the coal-mining region of Ohio
I (Barnesville, home of the annual Pumpkin
Festival and Pumpkin Queen), first ven-
tured forth after high school to Ft. Laud-
I erdale, where he supported himself as a
I bag-boy at the local Kroger's grocery store
and studied art. On a plane trip to New
York to visit his brother (who also died of
AIDS), Tom met Patrick and thus began a
great friendship, which merely changed
with Tom's recent death. Soon Tom moved
to New York to be wild and fabulous and
was-and set out on a stage of his life that
was to touch and inspire many people, To
say that he was a brave and Singular spirit
is to recognize the limitations of language,
He was an absolutely unique and unforget-
table presence, forever enthralled by the
beauty of life, love, art and the divine mys-
teries, forever luxurious.
Tom J, Arick was born on Aug, 25,
1959, and he died on Feb. 17, 1991.
-James Presley

Star Trek
by Kirk-Evan Billet
"What would you have us do, put pink triangles on them? Arnold's reference to characterizing gay starfleet officers by
Have them sashay down the corridors?" These insensitive com- stereotypes is narrow, to say the least. Since this show already
ments were made at the February Star Trek convention, Richard delves into'the characters' personal lives to some degree or
Arnold of Paramount Studios was responding to complaints that another, and has included some romantic storylines, it's not •

Star Trek: The Next Generation doesn't include any openly les- unreasonable to expect to see someone lesbian or gay among
bian or gay characters. the crew. If you agree that this show is an obvious opportunity
One of the premises of this TV show is that it's the 24th for introducing positive lesbian and gay characters, encourage
century and prejudice, bigotry and discrimination are all long the producer in this direction. Write to: Gene Roddenberry, Exec-
forgotten. The diversity of the starship's crew is itself a subtle utive Producer, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Paramount Tele-
attack on the racism and sexism of the present. But even Star vision, 5555 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038.
Trek still has one foot firmly planted in the 20th century, since
everyone still answers to a white male captain, and since the GlAAD Tidings is a program of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
point of bigotry being dead is made without any reference to Against Defamation, For more information about the material
sexual minorities. in this week's column, or about GlAAD, call (212) 966-1700.

30 OUTWEEK March 20, 1991

I •

Reprinted as a community service in conjunction with the Mayor's Liaison to the Lesbian and Gay
Communities and the New York City Commission on Human Rights.
Dear New Yorker, Dear Community Representative, ,

The New York State legislature is once again about As the Commissioner/Chair for the City's
to consider passing the New York State bia&-reJatedviolence Human Rights Commission, and the Mayor's Liaison to the
bill, which will provide stiff penalties for those col\victed of Gay and Lesbian Communities, we urge you to participate
hate crimes based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, in the Mayor's project to document violence against gay
disability, age, or sexual orientation. One obstacle to the men and lesbians. Everyone in our community must come
bill's passage is the vocal opposition of those who believe together to rid our city of the blight of hate crimes, As you'll
gay men and lesbians do not deserve the protections see from the form, you need not include your name if you
afforded the other victims of hate crimes. The bill's oppo- prefer anonymity. The information you supply will be a
nents also state that gay men and lesbians do not suffer from vital part of the presentation Mayor Dinkins makes in su}>'
bias and hate crimes in numbers similar to other groups. We port of the New York State bia&-reJatedviolence bill, As you
know that this is not true. On the reverse side of this letter is may know, the NYS Senate has refused to enact the bill f
a form designed to allow you to document the anti-gay or because it includes provisions directed at sexual-orienta- f
anti-lesbian bias you personally eXperienced or know of sec- tion-based violence. We hope this project will demonstrate
ond-hand. Please take the time to document your experi- the need for such broad-based legislation. Please lend us
I ence(s) so that your voice can be included when I present your whole-hearted support in the worthwhile project, so
these forms to state legislators as evidence of the compelling that each of us can benefit from this attempt to ensure an
need to protect the gay and lesbian communities from vio- environment free from hate.
lence. Thank you.
Marjorie Hill, Ph.D.
Mayor David N. Dinkins f
Mayor's Liaison to the Gay
and Lesbian Communities

Readers should return completed fonns to:

Bias Documentation Project
NYC Commission on Human Rights Dennis deLeon, Esq.
52 Duane Street Commissioner/Chair
New York, NY 10007 NYC Commission on Human Rights f
f I
, . f
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1fro ••• p_g_ 13 Israel without suppol1ing JsrneIi pom, db- What was clear from interviews
ers objected to spending bi1lions on a war with Jews and Jewish religious leaders
Both Brick and'Shalom objected to a when funding for critical issues, such as around the , country was that opinions
position paper issued by the National Gay AIDS, is never found on the war ran deeper than facile patri- .
and Lesbian Task Force, the Washington • The strongest feelings at the syna- otic demands that we must support our
lY.Lsedgay-rights group. gogue came with the Iraqi SCUD attacks troops. And for many gay Jews,' the
On Jan. 30, the Task Force put out a on Tel Aviv, war served to bring them together,
six-page document opposing the war. "'fbeJirst night that Israel was Lesbian Rabbi Stacy Ofner; who
Predicting that the war would divert funds attackedl people were so honified that we serves Congregation Shir Tikvah in St.
from many pressing
. problems, held aii',impromptu service," Rabbi Eger Paul, told Out Week, "My experience
including AIDS, lesbian health issues and reported "People wanted to be in temple. during the last month was obviously
anti-gay violence, NGL1F's position paper They felt the need to be in a community horrible, tragic and scary. And it
found .support for the war impossible, asJews, and as gays andlesbians." seIVed to unify my congregation." ...
given the military's policy of di5criminating
· against gay men and lesbians.
Brick dismissed the Task ~orce paper •

as "six pages of paciftst verbiage" and

added, "The idea that you have to choose DR. T. W. FONVILLE
between gunS and butter sounds very
much like Ronald Reagan." . . ANNOUNCPS THE Rm.ocAnON OF
"I was very disappointed,"
Shalom. "What distressed me is the pecu-
said HIs INn!RNAL MEDICINE PRAcnCE Wil iam B. DeBonis D.D.S.
To Quality, Perso,nal Dentistry •
liar, naive leftism that controls many of
our national organizations."
, J3rick' and Shalom rejected the view (BI!TWI!EN 9111 & 10111 STREETS) Suite 704
· that gay men and lesbians mw;t necessarily . NEW YORK.,NY 10003 200 West 57th Street
reject the military and military action due to , l'ELEPHONE: New York, New York 10019
a ry policy .. (212) 3~3-2650
(212) 674-1020/505-6467
"I care about the US," said Shalom. •

Office Hours by Appointment Only

· ''But I am not happy about the discrimi-
nation gays and lesbians suffer."
Here in New York, Mel Rosen, chair-
man of the board at Congregation Beth OUR SKIN POC 1580ARD-
Simchat Torah, the gay and lesbian syna- DERMATOLOGIST . HE
BUT AS AN .~ ~
gogue, told OutWeekthat his congregation INTERNIST, ~ /' ~. KNOWS WHAT'S
largely, if not entirely, supported the US TOO! 'l"% ~.. GOING ON
intervention. . -" (i' (~, OUT!
"I have the sense that a lot of people ,"-,:' ..~1\\\1
\' "(, ')
were for the war.', When Israel ~ being ,.."

-', "
...........: -
attacked we band together," said R~.
The, 18-year-old congregation, with a mem-
bership of 1,000, began the practice of
singing the American and Israeli national
anthems after the first Iraqi SCUD attacks - --:-_i-
on Israel. Many members were moved to ) r" '.
~- l
support the war effort by da;e ties to Israel. '.
But the experience Rosen relates by .

no means holds true at gay synagogues ,

across the country. DONALD RUDIKOFF M.D., P.C.

"I think it was fairly split between WESTSIDE DERMATOLOGY •
people who thought President Bush was •

right, and another half who thought this Treatment of all skin & scalp conditions
was an overreaction," said lesbian Rabbi •
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est gay synagogue, Congregation Beth Collagen treatment of wrinkles
Chayim Chadashim, in Los Angeles. Diagnosis & treatment of all skin conditions associated with ARC.
Rabbi Eger states that many in her 19-
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the war as well. While some of the 400 con-
gregants reportedly feel a connection to ' 212/496-1400 Daytime & evening hours

March 20, 1_1 OUTWEEK 33

,'., •


Madonna. Is she the Queen ,

She stands before

the queer nation
Madonna Louise
of Queers, who's done more Veronica Cicconne
for fag and dyke visibility confeSsor, mistress,
master, virgin,
whore, wiser sister,
than any star since nastier daughter,
, siren, strumpet,

couturier and ....

Stonewall? Or is she just .-
- Q).

material girl for .c
I those in the mar- '"

ket for lace, chif- . CI Q)

t.. milking us for shock value, , fon and any other 'J;

f: , material that &.
and laughing all the way provocatively

. reveals bare flesh. <L.


She writhes in our daymares, touches her- •

to the bank? Or both? self in our daydreams, shuns us in our

ni,glltmares, undulates and ovulates in the '
, • ;t

,tabloids that we devour to get doser to I
Musto probes the tangled this glittering enigma, knowing that even '
half-truths about her will ineV~bly be .
more compelling than irrevocable facts Ii
ties that bind lesbians and about, say, Pebbles or Sheena Easton.
She shimmies into our, fag imagina-
gays to pop's top Icon. tion, spreads her legs for our dyke appro-
bation, grabs us by the pudenda and

, •


M..... h 20, 1_1 OU' 'WEEK. 3'5 .

makes us face thin~ we didn't think it was possible to learn
from pop music. After an hour's private session with her, we're
aroused but wearing condoms, mad at her for ripping us off,
but somehow thanking her for noticing us, legitimizing us,
pulling us by our bootstraps up out of hiding and into the pub-
lic pleasuredome of scrutiny and success. As with no other star
before her, we've ceased to be just an audience watching, like
Bette Midier's higher being, from a distance (the distance Bette
herself has studiously maintained since her baths' days). Deliri-
ously, we imagine we're sitting with her in the arena---not
cheering from the bleachers, but laughing alon~ide her onstage
and sharing in the kudos from the thron~ who recognize that
we're a big part of her triumph--even if any real attempt to get
near our lady of the poses would have a bouncer dragging US
out by the neck as she sang "keep people together" with her
usual twisted sense of irony.
But Madonna has nothing, and everything, to do with real-
ness. Aloof, prepackaged and encased in the heavy artillery of
superstar merchandising, she somehow pierces through the
machinery to bare her intentions so frankly we feel intimate
with her, breaking down barriers between audience and per-
fonner as she brings her deepest secrets into our homes with
diary-like immediacy. She's both untouchable and alarmingly
accessible----the icon next door, the best friend in a glass
booth--illld all the contradictions feed into our burgeoning
interest, fueling the flames of fascination for someone who's
brought crass exploitation to new levels of art, and art to new
depths of entertaining debasement.
We don't even know this girl, but we spend more time talk-
ing about her than about our real friends, devote more hours to
analyzing every cut of her gowns than to our own personal
problems. She wears a man's suit and monocle and grabs her
crotch in the "Express Yourself' video, and suddenly that
becomes the most pressing issue of the week, surpassing any
scheduled root -canaI work, rent payments or international. skir-
mish. She says (jokingly?) on national television that she goes to
the lesbian bar The Cubby Hole, and that's all anyone of any
age group or walk of life can talk about-for two y~ now!
The obsession grows to scary, almost pathological heights, feed-
ing on itself to become more and more ravenously consuming,
and we don't tty to curb it; this is the healthiest of our vices,
after all. However seemingly trivial, it helps us confront religious
guilt, purges us of libidinal inhibitions and forces us to rethink
the limitations of gender, intercourse and responsibility all with
a good beat that you can dance to.
By now, we finally Seem willing to release Judy Garland
from her afterlife responsibility of being our quintessential icon.
And in the land of the living, career stagnation has robbed
Diana, Lml and Barbra of their chances, while Donna thumped .
the bible on our heads in a way that made it bounce back into
her face. 1hat leaves Madonna as Queer Queen, and she merits
the title as someone who isn't afraid to offend straight America,
if it does the rest of us some good. She'd never use the bible
against queers, but she just might use queers against the qible.
And unlike past icons, she's not a vulnerable toy, but a m,aster '"
of her own fate who's only chained to a bed when she cqains ~
herself, and who only cuts loose when some rich, powerful man ~
decides to come up with a bauble to make it worth her while. ~o
She's not the Iip-quivering, tragic and overpowered figure Mari- £
Iyn Monroe was-now and then she just pretends to be before

Everything, adInits Madonna, relates to •

sex -without it she -wouldn't be here in

• •

the first place. With her, the sex IS

flagrant, shaIneless and constant. And


a lot of tiInes, tha:hk God, it's gay.

tossing it off for the next fabulous guise. become career moves. With each controversy, she emerges more
It's all calculated, controlled, temporaty and autoerotic. famous and salable, allusions to lesbianism (to name one "scan-
Madonna doesn't strip for anyone else, she uncorks herself for dal") serving only to make her even more desirable to her fans,
the sheer pleasure she takes in her own physicality, enjoying the Reinventing herself constantly, in the way the rapidly aging M1V
nuances of her own body even more than we do. Her pride, generation seemingly requires, she's elevated ''What next?" to an
flamboyance and glamour reach out to gay guys as, much as her art fonn. We collectively gasp over each new shock and brace
butch/fern dichotomy and her refusal to be victimized strikes a ourselves for the next, slightly larger one (until snuff looms as
chord in lesbians. As a result, Madonna-the great leveller, a the only remaining frontier). In her publicity-seeking quest for
breath mint and a candy mint----4sthe first superstar to appeal thrills, isn't she just using us to advance her own notoriety?
equally to both camps. It's not the divisive old Judy story, with Probably, but isn't that infmitely better than a star (Andrew Dice
guys weeping along with the diva as'She longs to go over the Clay, for example) who uses homophobia to the same end? And
rainbow and track down the man that got away, while women hasn't she accorded us our own share of good press, not just
cringe. We aU cheer Madonna as she climbs barefoot over the bilked us for her own good? With Madonna, you tend to answer
rainbow, grabs the pot of gold and forces that man to·trade it in a lot of questions with a lot of other questions.
for the world's largest diamond ring. The whole scenario is so , Madonna's gay images exploit us, but it's an exploitation
appealing that, sick as it is, straights like it too. we enjoy. We want to be visible in videos, milked for eroticism,
Why do we all worship at this person's throne so devoutly, pandered to as an audience. We want representations of pop
even when we're fed up and want her to leave us alone with all music to have same-sex stuff going on, at least as much as goes
the old guilts and repressions? Because, like, you know, she's so on in rea1life (Since David Geffen has admitted to being bisex-
articulate? Because, like, you know, she's so underexposed? ual, shouldn't his company's videos be half-straight and half-
Because she's the only singer/actress to juggle both nude center- gay?). To leave that element out of human experience has
folds and Lincoln Center ("I'm not ashamed," she announced, always been strangely unnatural, as though no thin people or
presumably about both career moves)? children with blue eyes were allowed to penetrate the sanctum
No, as with everything else in the transparent world of pop, of music television.
it has to do with sex-the sex the star delivers, withholds and Madonna makes ~erything permissible, and even if the
sells. Everything, admits Madonna, relates to sex-without it she censors knock her down, she ultimately beats them at their
wouldn't be here in the ftrst place. And with her, the sex is right own game. In the sexist context of M1V, she's like a slap of
there on the surface, not in any withering, subliminal message •

that we can subtly pick up between the lines. It's flagrant,

shameless and constant. And a lot of times, thank God-from a
distance it's gay.
She's unafraid to venture into gay temtory-not only not
fearing, but almost relishing the consequences the way no other
straight star is clliring enough to do. Performers who are inse- -
cure about their own sexuality notoriously steer clear of gay and
lesbian associations because they're nervous about what those
associations might say about themselves. But Madonna who
seems awesomely secure in her sexuality,and all the forms that
it may take is as far from the valley of Richard Simmons (who
won't allow gay humor on a talk show he's on because he has
lij "an image problem") as you can get on the axis of People maga-
'iij zine 2elebs. Madonna wants an image problem Blatantly rub-
! bing qer desires in the faces of the ~titbourgeoisie, she plays
g> with gender roles in ways that any nuddle-of-the-road performer
(5 would toss into the career-move trash heap (where Shelley
~ Long's decision to leave Cheers festers).
6: But-irony of ironies-Madonna's refusals to confonn

_ ....h 20, .._ .. GUI WEEK 37

• •

cake for equal time's sake the frolicking mermen of "Cher-
ish," the sinewy, Metropolis-like laborers of "Express Yourself,"
even (are we allowed to lust over him?) the hot, if brutally
abusive, dad of "Oh, Father." The woman who introduced
Herb Ritts to video is definitdy someone doing gay men a
favor. And for the ladies, at the center of it all is
Madonna-twirling half-nakedly and writhing endlessly in
gondolas, on dirt roads, on altars-but shrewdly, not "like a"
zombie. Her message, projected while twirling, is for women
to shamelessly use their wiles to get whatever respect and
appliances they want from men. It's not exactly the most
advanced brand of feminism, but it may be the most realistic;
society puts women at a disadvantage, she's saying, and it's up
to them to use every trick imaginable to overcome that and
make men their slaves. Like gay activists who vow to get their
point across "by any means necessary," Madonna will do any-
thing to get an edge over her male counterparts. She's not
fighting for equality within the system, but for superiority c:
through deviousness and manipulation. You can almost see .-
her taking over Nightf{ne on the air a fa ACf UP; her mission: £lo
to force Ted Koppel to bark (or, worse, recite this line: ~

"Shangbai Surprise was fur and away the best movie of the ~

'80s"). But of course, she did take over Nightitne already.

There are problems with Madonna's somewhat stunted
agenda-yes, she chose to lick milk out of a bowl, but couldn't
she have chosen something else?-yet I'm pretty much sold. She
realness from the next century. M1V, remember, is the land explains "Express YO\lrself' by giggling, "Pussy rules the world,"
where at/hard-rock videos have to include fast-motor vehicles and if having a pussy can get that many greased musclestuds
and scantily clad girls jiggling around or striking dehumanized, turning cartwheels around you, then I want one.
zombiesque poses. Songs like "Cheny Pie" and "Simply Irre- Beyond serving as a purveyor of fine hoef, Madonna
sistible" render females as furniture-like objects, alluring acces- throws seemingly limitless other curves into the stasis of con-
sories for the pubescent straight male audience to whack their temporary life. Several of the male suitors fawning over her in
puds over and dispose of. The format can hardly be described • the "Material Girl" video looked a lot more futerested in getting
. .
as a parade of feminism (even Madonna's brand). Yet our self- if !to her red dress than into her. The courtesans in her Marie
righteous queen of causes, Sinead O'Connor-who recently Antoinette version of ~ogue" emitted enough gay resonances to
boycotted the Grammys because she refuses to be part of a make the excitable Arsenio Hall extremely nervous (he cOuldn't
"sexist" and "materialistic" business--gleefully accepted several resist putting down their foppish outfits on his show,pres\im-
M1V awards last year, as if this were the highest accolact->from ably forgetting that he himself has appeared in full drag). And
a world where women, gays and people of color run free. her even more outlandish male backup dancers prancing
M1V, my dears, is a land that is just starting to wake up to around in full-figure Gaultier bras (on her "Blond Ambition"

gay issues (some of which were wdkovered in their "Sex in tour) were a busty touch that one probably wouldn't expect at a
the '90s" special). But it's got as fur to go ill that endeavor"as it Mariah Carey show.
does in portraying women as independent of their bikinis. To But then you wouldn't expect Mariah to anonymously c0-
this day, anyone who is too eccentric (i.e., gay) doesn't cut it as produce drag-perfomer Lypsinka's show, or to hang out at the
an on-air regular; an ACf UP "Read My Lips" T-shirt that shows drag-rendezvous bar Edd,,:,eiss, either. The club----an atmo-
same-sex kissing gets computer scrambled; and while 2 Live spheric 10vtXiive set in a German restaurant where all three
Crew's controversial utterances are discussed endlessly, no men- genders compete for wiener schnitzd-was recently descended
tion of the grossly homophobic rap group Audio Two manages upon by Madonna, Liza Minnelli and Naomi Uimpbell-togeth-
. to seep into airtime. Recently, a network' rep wouldn't even con- er-in a priceless meeting of queen bees and wannabes. Most
sider placing a picture of me in drag (as Madonna, of course) on of the transsexual regulars were atWitter, but not happy; they'd .
. the air-though she desperately wanted to---as if cross-dressing been upstaged in their own natural habitat by the very women
were somehow against FCC regulations. they were trying to become. I hear the place hasn't been the
MIVs sti1l so regimented in the way it clings to hoary, mis- same since.
guided values of decency and acceptab~ity that anyone who lbe video equivalent of Edelweiss, "Justify My Love" shat-
challenges them seems revolutionary. While Sinead did tty to tered rules in the most self-aggrandizing--but ultimately liberat-
shake things up-with the boys dancing together in her video ing way. With its scenes of voyeurism, lesbianism and cross-,.
from Red Hot and B/ue-rpore than anyone it's Madonna who's dressing, it may have been a typical night on the town for most
dissolved the network's prejudices, often by feeding right into of us, but to M1V, it was a visit from another planet bearing
them, then throwing them a whammy. eveiything they fmd repugnant. Especially since a topless girl in
It's into this stagnant world that she's force-injected beef- suspenders wanders through the sexy murk, it was bound to be

38 OUTWEEK March 20, 1991

Tony Ward is the perfect partner in

Madonna's love criITles; she couldn't

have auditioned a better boyfriend

• to serve her pu~posesof scandal

•• i\ .
and sensationalisITl.

banned by the network-only to end up for sale around the him completely, Madonna just basks in the bad-mouthing.'
country amid a hailstorm of controversy, attention and money- And the controversies keep coming. This May expect a
money-money. It seemed Madonna deliberately played into concert documentary called T7Ulh or Dare, which in bootleg
M1V's homophobia, hoping the product would offend them versions making the rounds on both coasts has already caused
enough to be blacklisted, so she could then serve it up, for a more tongue-wagging than even the version of Peter Pan (with
price, to a hungry public nursed on hype. And eventually, I've Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell) turdballing our way. This is not
heard, M1V win show it (maybe with a few cuts) so every- another Bring on the Night, where the biggest revelation is Sting
body ends up rich and happy, except for those who realize they being a little snippy to a musician. It's a sensationally private
didn't have to buy it after all. peek at a truly complex, outrageous creature who's always act-
But what a product. dutching her throbbing head as she ing up in order to be the center of attehtion-a very real
shuffles through a dank conidor, Madonna has so many fan- glimpse at the startling games she plays, made all the more
tasies to stop in and visit on the way to the nipples at the end delicious by her having approved every second of it. Out of
that the video becomes a veritable shrimp-and-salad bar of control, doing things anyone else would have exercised their
taboo thrills. Suggestions of S/M, sapphism (Madonna kisses a power to edit out (though she still might),. Madonna once again
male-looking female as boyfriend Tony Ward looks on intently), questions our views of what is and isn't acceptable star, and
interracial sex (shades of "Like a Prayer") and androgyny pile human, behavior.
up, and you wonder why she didn't have time to throw in a Growing up in a large fumily in which she competed for
willing sheep or two, or at least a two-headed dildo. "I want to he, father'S attention, Madonna must have -rehearsed her nasty-
kiss you in Paris," she coos, but you know if she did, her girl act for years, because in the mID, as a bad seed trapped in !l
boyfriend would be watching with one hand on his crotch. woman's body, she's got it down pat. The T7Ulh or Dare
The video was the clearest proof that Tony Ward is the per- Madonna is proud of her naughtiness, and exults in it so invol-
feet partner in Madonna's love crimes; she couldn't have audi- untarily that sometimes she even shocks herself Oike when she .
tioned a boyfriend to better serve her purposes of scandal and explains how as a girl she'd crawl into bed with Dad to sleep
sensationalism. An alleged bisexual (the StaT'sJanet Charlton better, which she did.. she laughs-"after he fucked me"~. At
told a talk-show host that Tony will sleep with apparently any-
thing that's put in front of him-now if 1 could only get in front
of him), Tony's been both engaged and mamed to other
~omen, but--not your typical spouse was known to dress as
Madonna, and also fantasize about the star watching him having
.sex. He's always been obsessed with Madonna just like she's
always been obsessed with Madonna.
Supposedly, when they first combusted at a party (he'd
been in her "Like a Prayer" video, but she'd hardly noticed),
Madonna put a cigarette out on Tony and it was love at first
bum. She quickly found that the publicity he generated--he
was a gay-porn magazine model, etc., etc.-created even more
steam in ways that the highest paid publicist couldn't have
dreamed up. The ultimate freewheeling, pansexUai plaything,
he's the ideal human brooch for Madonna, who apparently
enjoys having a love slave a lot more than she enjoyed suppos-
c: edly being tied to a chair by Sean Penn. Whether or not the
'-co relationship's still sizzling (we hear Tony's backing off a bit from
J her ego), he appeals to all our fascination with Madonna's gay-
love, as we sit and wonder endlessly who straps-what-on and

does-what-to-whom. And we should thank Madonna for giving
us the chance to wonder. While most stars would have tried to
suppress such a boyfriend's gay/drag associations or dumped

March 20, 199 .. OUTWEEK 39

one point, she's seen deep-throating an Evian bottle just
because she can ("And honey, she swallows," her backup singer
says). She also plays Truth or Dare with her male dancers, ask-
ing truths like "Have you ever gotten butt-fucked?" and dares
like "Show me your dick." Has Whitney Houston ever made that
demand of anyone?
As Warren Beatty skulks through the background of the ,
film trying not to be noticed, Madonna takes center stage, hors-
ing around with her dancers (all but one of whom are gay) try-
ing to resolve the sexuality clashes that unexpectedly erupt The
token straight dancer, it seems, has never been exposed to gay
people before, and he's a bit freaked, especially since they've
been promising to nail his ass on the tour. A voguing fish out of
water, he tells Madonna, "I'm not used to being around fags and
stuff," and she tells him to get over it. Then, efficiently enough,
she instructs the other backup dancers to lighten up because the
guy hasn't been around long enough to build up the defense
mechanisms they have. Her handling of the whole mess seems
pretty intelligent for a superstar, though of course the ultimate
gay-positive thing to do would have been to say, "Ab, let them
nail you. Maybe you'll like it."
In a scene where she's performing at a benefit for the Keith
Haring Foundation, Madonna fiustratedly announces that she's
trying to unite thousands against homophobia and bigotry'"'and I
can't even unify seven dancers." Her willingness to even try is
kind of touching. More crassly, Madonna says in the ftlm, "i'd kill
fags who hate women .." (More likely, they'd kill her first.) But
then she's lovable again, making the lesbian revelation we've all
dreamed of, as she admits that an old girlfriend of hers-who's
now married with children--used to finger-fuck her when they
were kids (Justify my glove ...). This isn't a joke, either. In a cross-
cutting sequence, Madonna is sQown describing the episode
delightedly as the mend, who admits to having done a lot of
drugs back then, tries to remember it, ultimately taking .
na's word. No value judgement is made of the act-no firigers
are pointed, as it were
it's just another cute . admission served
up to unnelVe the complacent public and exacerbate'Madonna's
reputation for opening her heart, her mouth, and our eyes. In its
nonchalance, it both shocks and satisfies.
Even Sandra Bemhard-who's not a dyke, yes she is, no
she's no't~ks openly on camera about her girlmend, making
one wonder if perhaps she's a dyke again. We also can't help
thinking that she's now decided to. be an acknowledged lesbian
because she's been pressured to be, or if she's only pulling this
as another filthy stunt to later deny. The sight of her brings back
all that Letterman brouhaha, when Madonna and Sandra canied
on like girlfriends and confessed to being Cubby Hole regulars, .
only to then spend two years trying to live it down--as if it
were something they had to live down (it only made them that
much more famous and talked about). No one said, "I'm not
going to see Without You I'm Nothing or Dick Tracy because
those girls are lesbians." And if Sandra or Madonna have con-
vinced themselves that people did say that, then they're using
their own homophobia to rationalize their shortcomings.
Seemingly desperate to go from the fringe to main-
stream---illld her rambunctious talent merits the leap--Sandra
hasn't been able to decide how to keep her gay audience while
amassing a larger one. Instead, she spites gays, then still fmds
that doesn't help advance her career. Like Boy George, who
cloaked himself in fake bisexuality and ended up becoming the

And yet, Madonna: did let us dow-noShe

could have said, "Yes, Sandra and I dive •

on each other nightly," w-hether or not


they really do. But she reneged, and for

' ..:

lonce w-e did feel like we'd been had.


kind of drug-abusing, hotel room-trashing rock star he so could have said, "Yes, Sandra and I dive on each other nightly,"
loathed, Sandra runs the risk of developing into what she once whether or not they really do (and I have my own thoughts on
made fun of. dothed in designer duds, lunching with Isaac that subject). But she reneged, and for once we did feel like
Mizrahi, changing her sexuality every five minutes, she's treach- we'd been had.
erously close to being the climbing vine she's not supposed to The using issue came up again last year when Madonna
respect. Hopefully, she's learned from Madonna that keeping released ''Vogue''--at a time when we jaded New York folk were
your edge may be the best way to go forward, sure the trend was way over-and once again proved that her
The whole self-loathing Letterman episode continues to timing was impeccable. Middle America was all primped and
leave a foul taste, as if we'd been teased Into thinking these ready for it, legs akimbo and arms in a fonnation. In accessorizing
were .our friends, then repeatedly clubbed over the head by herself with a Black/Hispanic, gay/drag art form for mass success,
their "aIann at being considered so. Still, it's important to remem- Madonna was doing her usual shtick of taking something bub-
ber tlpt it was Sandra, not Madonna, who later said they'd been bling under the surface and putting it over in a big way. She was
dragged into a "cesspool of degradation" by being labeled les- inviting public perception to a movement that seemed to have
bians. It was Sandra, not Madonna, who told the inquisitive, become slick enough to warrant a commercial venue. And she
press to "kiss my fat butt." It was Sandra, not Madonna, who was, quite blatantly, ripping it off. What Madonna does best is
announced, "I'm not a lesbian and I'm sick of being called one." exploit what she sees on the street, and since gay Blacks are at
And besides, it somehow seems more acceptable for a the forefront of so much of that, it was probably inevitable that
woman who's not a lesbian (Madonna) to say, "We were just they'd end up being the targets of her co-opting frenzy. Whether
kidding. I'm not really," than a woman who is (Sandra) to do they should feel grateful or raped is another issue.
the same. And yet-illl, the tangled thoughts while not as While most voguers struggle through their low-income
damagingly as Sandra, Madonna did let us down. She could lives, becoming powerful real men and women only in the con-
have responded to queries with, "Well, maybe I do go to the trived world of thevoguing balls, Madonna approached the
Cubby Hole and maybe I don't," and continued to act as if there phenomenon from the opposite direction, as a well~ff, pam-
would be nothing wrong with that. She could have chosen that pered celebrity sluriuning up in Harlem for effect. She's that rare
moment to bring up those misty finger-fucking memories. She voguer who can both strike a pose and also strike a multi-mil-
lion deal with a record and movie company. By saturating the
airwaves with voguing, she certainly helped it, and voguers in
general, become more visible, but that's like saying Vanilla Ice
did Blacks a favor by making rap more visible.
Of course, another argument is that Madonna did employ
gay people of color in her video and on her tour. But wasn't
that just to add authenticity to her well-researched attempt at
currency? The questions don't quit, especially in light of rumors
that the song's lyrics "It makes no difference if you're black or
white, if you're a boy or a girl"-were supposed to include ref-
erences to gays, but in the fmaJ whitewashed version, glaringly
didn't. Ultimately, we won and lost on the ''Voguing'' issue; it
was Madonna's nod to this creative underground and her subtle
stab in its back. As with many of her exploitative choices, she
ended up helping herself more than anybody.
Fortunately, she's proven herself to be a good friend to the
gay and AIDS community, doing enough selfless things to per-
en haps ameliorate the memory of the debatable ones. Someone
who has kids chanting along with her, "Hey you, don't be silly,
put a rubber on your willy," is far more valuable an ally than
say, a Sebastian Bach, who asks his audience to chirp along
See MADONNA on page 62

March 20, 1_1 ou ••VEEK 41



How to get


Some Piece 0


and Fat. Skinny, Fat, skinny.
The story of my life', .
a Smaller· And yours too, maybe.
OK, we've been through a lot of this before, We've
Waistline, discussed queer self-abuse, queer obsession with a
sickeningly perfect body image, queer internalized
homophobia, queer rejection by our own kind, this·
Both at you-can't-be-too-thin society, 12-step programs, ram-
pant anorexia and clubs like Girth and Mirth,
the Same , But we haven't talked about Eating Awareness Training, or EAT, and a
man named Ross Jacobs. Just as I was ballooning out of control last sUlIUller
(once again), this wonderful, proud, gay man and his program shrunk me

Time. back down. How much weight did I lose? I have no idea. What can you eat?
Anything you want. Can you keep the pounds off? So far, so good. How do I


feel? Marvelous, darling, just marvelous!
Is i~hai:d? Almost painless.
leven years ago, Ross Jacobs was
E just another closet case, married Or. Charles Franchino ,

and living in the suburbs and eating his

sorrows away. ''I'd come home every 30 Fifth Avenue
night to a beautiful meal that was pre- '.
pared for me," he recalls. "I sat down New York,
New York 10011
. .'. .
and ate it, regardless of how I felt. I
was unhappy
and frustrated, and I was 212.673.4331
very repressed in terms of my homo-
sexuality. I put on somewhere between
30 and 40 pounds." office hours by appointment • •
Jacobs' coming-out process made
him more aware of his physical being. "I
looked at myself and thought, I want to
take care of myself," he says. It was in
1982, while contemplating the inevitable
end of his nianiage, that he discovered R. Allen Wood, D,C.
EAT, via ·the book by the same name, •

written by Molly Groger. Based in LA, Chiropractic Care

Groger, now a consultant to Blue Cross For Peak Performancel
in Southern California, had by then
helped hundreds of people overcome
(415) 563-1655
weight problems. "I read the book •

straight through," he says. "It helped with

3727 Buchanan Sr, Ste. 310
other parts of my life too. It pushed me a
San Francisco, CA 94123
little bit more out of the closet. A lot of
the training was about getting in touch
with yourself, trusting yourself."
Having successfully lost weight,
Jacobs eventually met Groger and, so
impressed by the program, decided that Dr, Adam L. Nachmias Dr, Paul A. Olshansky
he wanted to teach it. After spending 433 Ninth St. Dr. Bette Gonzalez
some time with Groger, learning how to 28 East 10th Street
at Seventh Ave.
train people in EAT,Jacobs was awarded
a license to be an EAT instructor in New, Park Slope, Brooklyn ,
Greenwich Village
York. He now has a very queer clientele (718) 832-7300 (212) 674-4600
(in addition to his more corporate cus-
tomers like Citibank). He points out that,
As chiropractors, our
th'ough he taught himself the program by
using the book (which is now available goal is getting people
i'n paperback for $8 from Summit
well through balanc-
Books), most people "need somebody to
take them through the process." ing the body'S nervous

system and through

hen I first received Jacobs' litera-
ture in the mail at Out Week, I spinal alignment in a
thought that the program must be some • •
non-invasive manner.
sort of cult. It all seemed so weird, and it •

certainly promised too much. "What if We use a combina-

you could eat whatever you want, when-
tion of chiropractic
ever you want and still keep your natural
shape?" the brochure asked. ''What if you adjustment, deep :;
• •

could reclaim your right to eat without t

fissue work, and
compulsion, obsession or suffering?
What if you could stop watching your individual exercise FREE EXAMINATION! CONSULTATION-$100 value
weight and stop dieting forever?" And all Most Major Medical Insurance: Workman's Compensatlon/Local
program. 1199/Medlcare/GHI
this in six weekly, one-hour meetings.
Yeah, right. .

OU~E~K 4~,

But I was desperate. I just bad to
try it. When you're at that point where
you can see the splits in the annpits of
that tired Williwear suit as you (make
your debut on 48 Hours, it's titltle for
drastic measures.
At my first session (one-on-one,
fJn/;~oJua/;o~!JrDffn: although Jacobs does group training
Tanning also), I learned all about "experienciIig"
4 Sessions my food, eating without any distractions, ,
and "listening" to my body. At the end of
that session, Jacobs handed me a plastic
Novu S35 .., mallet. I was supposed to go home, take
• all of my clothes off and look at my
body in the mirror. I was to s'imply
9 am-Midnight Monday-Friday observe it, feel it and accept it-not
10 am-1 0 pm Saturday-Sunday judge it, not feel guilty about it and not
say to 'myself, "Ugh! You ugly piece of
Electrolysis, Waxing, shit." If I did lapse into that fypical
& Massage 112 CHRISTOPHER STREET behavior, I was to hit myself oV'er the
for men and women (212)924-0551 head with the mallet, which would make
a hideous squeaking noise.
I told people about this at parties.
They thought that I was crazy. CIthought
that I was crazy.) It prompted Michael
Musto to write in the Village Voice tha~
"hitting yourself over the head with a
plastic mallet after looking in the mirror"
is one of the hot new trends;.in addition
to "Barbie house-hunting and co-depen-
dency hospitals."
But the hammer thing is just one
aspect (albeit a sensationalistic one) of a
• Are ·you experiencing anxiety, confusion, or stress from coming much more complex program that really
out, relationship problems, HIV status, or addictive behavior? makes a lot of sense. EAT teaches you
how to free yourself of guilt regarding
N • Psychotherapy in a gay-positive environment can help you to your body and food, and, through a
M , better cope with the problems and challenges you may face, series of behavioral exercises, retrains
you to eat properly. EAT doesn't
~ • With over 12 years of experience serving the lesbian and gay promise that you'll necessarily be ultra-
co tbin-but, rather, that you'll melt into
• ... ,.............
community, Butch Peaston provides compassionate therapy that
your. natural body, whatever that .
III can open doors of understanding,
c is and that you'll stay that way, more
<U or less, because you've learned how to
eat instead of dieting .
:::J Over the six-week period, I learned
E that my whole way of looking at food
8 Psychotherapist had been problematic. I educated myself
.~ (212) 243-1570 about hunger levels, expectations, "sab-
-1! •
otage," fears, inner strength and various
CI other concepts. And I reeducated myself
0 12-step/Addiction Specialist· Group or Individual Sessions
Convenient Chelsea Location about wben to eat. Just as Jacobs found
that coming out as gay and dealing with
- CD
his eating problem were related, I also

44 au. WEEK M ..... h 20, 11_11 •


found that EAT addressed many other
paid advertisement
areas of my life beyond eating.
Most remarkable about the process
is that I never had to willfully restrict my
food intake or stop eating any kind of'
food. With EAT, you make all the deci- I

sions. You eat whatever you want, as Diagnosis

• much as you want. The difference is that
you learn to listen to your body instead
of your mind (which has, for years, been for PCP
polluted with all the wrong habits), and
you fmd that your body actually wants If you are HIV positive with aT
different foods sometimes, and usually a cell count of 200 or tesswith a new
lot less of them. or increasing cough, shortness of
I lost a lot of weight. I don't know breath, fatigue and/or fevers, you
how much because, according to EAT may have Pneumocystis carinii
principles, scales are a no-no; they only pneumonia (PCP), Until recently
measure the symptom (pounds) and • To Health. the only way to confirrn or exclude
have no bearing on the problem (the
way you eat). I soon felt great and found
through Chiropractic this diagnosis has been to undergo
myself doing a lot more things working bronchoscopy, a procedure in
Dr, Steven Margolin,
out, walking to and from work, dancing which a respiratory specialist pass-
all night. And this was all before the end es a flexible tube into the lungs to
114.East 28th Street,
of th~ program. Suite 100 obtain fluid and sometimes tissue
. ;The big question everyone wants New York, New York for examination, Usually , exam-
answered is, Can you keep the w~ight 10016 ination of sputum has been inade-
oft? Well, seeing as EAT is not a diet'but (212) 725-8626 quate and the diagnosis frequently
rather a way of life, the weight, theoreti- missed, Now with the develop-
Photo: Nigel Teare
cally, should stay off because you've ment of a new immunoflourescent
realigned your eating habits. For the
test which is extremely sensitive
most part that has been true; since last \
and accurate, the diagnosis of PCP
August, when I fmished the program I Attend the • from sputum examination elimi-
certainly haven't gaiu,ed the weight back.
And yet, there are times when I've seen LESBIAN AND GAY nates the need for bronchoscopy in
over 90 percent of cases,
myself slipping back to the old way.of COMMUNITY FORUM
thinking, eating the way I used to. That • At our facility we obtain a spu-
can be frightening and frustrating. But ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;1 turn specimen within minutes by a

I've , found that it's easier to get back on procedure known as sputum induc-
track with EAT; it begins to become as hosted by the tion which requires inhaling a mist
much of a habit as the old way of eating of 3 percent saline which provokes
once was.
coughing-up of a deep specimen.
Is EAT the magic bullet? Well, no. CAMPAIGN FUND We perfonn the immunoflourescent
The complexities surrounding weight
test immediately and report the re-
issues are such that nothing could ever ! ..
sults the same day to you and your
possibly be. EAT takes work, as with
doctor, There is no risk, discomfort,
€verything else. It's just a lot easier than
dieting. And it certainly doesn't make . • Saturday, March 16, or hospitalization involved,. The
cost is $200 and is reimbursible by
you feel as if the world is a hopeless from 1:00-3:00 p,m, . ,
most Insurance earners,
place where all sorts of restrictions are • Lesbian and Gay
placed upon you, as do many .diets. To For further information or an
the contrary, EAT is empowering on so
Community Services appointment contact:
many levels. It makes you realize, for the Center 208 W. 13th •
fust time perhaps, that you are in control. St" NY Anthony D. Blau, M.D.
And, overall, it's a lot more sane even if • Refreshments will be •. Medical Director
you have'to hit yourself in the head with . served The Downtown Pulmonary Center
a plastic mallet once in while .... 314 West 14th Street
• It's free, and all
New York, ~Y 10014
For more information about Eating are welcome,
(212) 691-6384
Awareness Training, contact RossJacobs
at (212) 929-0661.

March 20, 1_1 00. 'WEEK 45


•• •



, . ,


Perhaps it's one of
those lasting cultural
effects of whats-her-
name's scandalous

video. Or maybe it has

to do with the fact
that the editors at
three of the top
women's fashion mag-
azines are dykes.
Whatever the reason,
lezzie-fun is suddenly
bubbling over on the
glossy pages of all
the glamour rags.

'.~lieve it or not, I December, when Lambda

B have the Liz Smith
• <i
originally bought blocks of
Desk Calendar. (I didn't .. ~cc.D tickets to sell for their

buy it myself-I swear!- <C: event in April. But the

a friend gave it to me for Shubert Organization now
my birthday last Decem- says that the groups can
ber.) On each day, Liz sell the tickets---'.lnd get
gives you some piece of out of this mess-up until
drivel, a tidbit of Ameri- two weeks before the
can gossip from the past show. If they sold th<; tick-
that's bound to make you go "Uggh!" doesn't matter what the story is about ets now, Lambda and the Cfnter
Oh, how I would love to create the and whether or not Lambda and/or the would lose none of the money they
Queer Scandal Desk Calendar. Each Center find it problematic. TIlE TRUTH shelled out, but would forgo $150,000
day would recount some past scenario IS TIIAT MANY PEOPLE IN TIlE LES- in net profits they stand to make.
in which we found ourselves spinning, BIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY ARE Lambda's head honcho, Tom Stoddard,
panting, ranting and raving. And we'd OFFENDED BY IT-PARTICULARLY says they just can't do that---they can't
find that, just as one scandal wound give up that kind of money. And the
itself down, another would whirl into Center, we hear, is being pressured
our existence from the horizon like enormously by gay white male theater
some incredible tornado. queens who are also big donors to
Take the current scene, for exam- the Center-not to "cave in" tp the
ple. While a firestorm was raging Asian groups.
around The Silence of the Lambs, the
Miss Saigon controversY---'.lctually, the
LAMBDA AND In other words, Lambda and the
Center are saying that they will tqlerate
second Miss Saigon controversy (or is racism and sexism for a price. TIIAT IS
it the third?)-was fast picking up APPALLING! AND WE MUST ,NOT
steam. Now, it's past the boiling THE CENTER ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. WE MUST
point. And ,
Lambda Legal Defense and DEMAND,AS A UNIFIED COMMUNI1Y
the Lesbian and Gay Community Ser- TO WHICH LAMBDA AND TIlE CEN-
vices Center are finding themselves TER MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE, TIIAT
embroiled in a hotter-than-hot WILL TOLER- THE ORGANIZATIONS DROP THIS
brouhaha which they are sleazily try- • FUNDRAISER. Stoddard, you're once
ing to talk their way out of. Ultimate- again putting yourself in a major bind.
ly, this is a much more well-defined Didn't you notice how quickly AmFAR
situation than that of The Stlence of ATE RACISM dropped Stlence of the Lambs as 'soon as
,the Lambs, with the issues of racism they smelled controversy?·ti)n'~ tou see
t and sexism cle:tr-cut and undeniable. that this is only going to blow up into a
. And it's causing an enormous bigger thing? And when the ,mainstream
am.ount of distress in an already AND SEXISM media gets a hold' of it, well, forget
, overworked community. . about it! The idea of yet another scan-
. For several months, Asian-Ameri- dal surrounding Miss Saigon is enough
. can lesbian and gay groups have been to make them salivate ten times over.
pressuring ,Lambda and the Center not FORA PRICE. Can't you just see those cameras
to use Cameron Mackintosh's Miss swooping down on the protestors cany-
Saigon for fundraisers which thos~ ing the "Lambda is racist" signs in front
organizations had. planned. Asian Les- of the show?
bians of the East Coast and Gay Asian Of course, I know what we're
and Pacific Islander Men charged that, being accused of by all this talk .

far beyond the Jonathan Pryce skir- ASIANS, WHO ARE THE VERY SUB- We're being called "politically cor-
,mish, there. are lots of other problems JECf OF THE WORK. For that reason rect," a term that has now become
, with this show, including "racist and alone, Lambda and the Center should one of the most negative labels one
sexist content, a trivialization and not be involved in fundraisers using could possibly be branded with, all
romanticization of the Viet Nam War, this show. thanks to the mainstream media's
.,and a tradition of white privilege to Trying to soften the attacks made incessant attacks on campus politics,
portray Asians." on the organization, Lamba is pinning and the leftie press' desire to just stick
A look at the script bears this out: the rap on the Asian gay groups for its head in the sand on this one (yes, I
The heroine is described as a "slit," not pointing these problems out in mean the Village Voice), rather than
who exists strictly for the plea- • •• fight off the attackers.
sure of the white man who It's now gotten to the point

her. But it really II e 10110 I DOrlI where-after Newsweek and

48 OUTWEEK March 20, 1_1

New York and a slew of other publica-

tions---the more-hideous-by-the-month .
Details magazine has jumped on the
bandwagon. After we lambasted them •

incessantly, regarding their lack of

queer coverage and their rampant het- u::rar Sto •
erosexism, DetailS response seems to •

be this little dittie in their asinine "Eye-

witness" column in the March issue: OS ANGELES---Soit's time for that this Nintendo Gulf War toy, and no
"Hello, I am politically correct. Have I l cigarette. America finally got off. one is going to top it soon. But you
mentioned yet how gay I am? In spirit, Was it good for you, too? Despite per- know what happens to little boys who
at least, if not in actual practice. Which formance anxiety and fears of impo- play with their joy sticks too much.
is to say that my sympathy-no, 1ny tence, we stroked. and posed and Everything is made easy in LA,
empathy with gay and lesbian or talked dirty, had six months of fore- though I know it's been said before.
wait, my solidarit~with my gay and play and finally came. What a fanta- The LA Times distills each story to one
lesbian brothers and sisters is so pro- sy-forcing a whole butch country sentence, so you don't really have to
found as to make any distinction down on their -knees for our beautiful read the articles, leaving more time for
between me and them a matter of young men. All you had to do was the Calendar section.
hairsplitting. I despise hairsplitting. watch report after report of Iraqi sol- The left coast Times did a great
that's why I make sure I mention my diers and our boys to know that, job on the Cracker Barrel controversy
political position early and often." indeed, America wants to be a top. (as did The New York Times). It
HOW. DARE YOU MOCK US, YOU I suppose Los Angeles was the seems that a cheese shoppe, of all
BASTARDS! Especially after you best place to be when the war ended. places, decided it would be inconsis-
haven't done shit to serve this commu- Though the news was coming out of tent with the traditional American val-
nity dn the pages of your downward- New York or Atlanta, the inspiration ues "of our customer base to continue
spiraling rag. (Yes, everyone knows was here. If Spielberg hadn't done to employ individuals ...whose sexual
how you lost Guess Jeans, your Star Wars, we wouldn't have been as preferences fail to demonstrate normal
biggest advertiser--an eight pager- awed by America's space-age weapons. heterosexual values which have been
because they thought your editorial Every tape released by the Pentagon the foundation of families in Ol\r soci-
content was lame.) became a direct hit, destroying the evil ety." Always back to those mythic
Hopefully, Joe Dolce, a gay writ~r Death Star. We got the high score on American families.
and editor who's got the right zing and Though the company retracted the
who's recently been hired as a senior' statement the next· day, the Crackpot
editor at Details, will be able to turn
things around a bit. And at least keep
illie Barrel chairman said they still wouldn't

the closet-case quotient down on the

mag's pages.
Speaking of closets and such, I do
have to tell everyone what the hell is
going on with dearest Whitney. Ever
s'tnce we spoke about Ms. Houston
and her "personal assistant" Robin
''crawford flying separately and eating
at different tables at dinner parties, the
calls from people who've worked with
her and and Arista Records' head Clive
Davis (both in the past and presently),
have come pouring in. Now we have
lots of information to bargain with.
And we know, Mr. Davis, all about the
plans to have Whitney linked to four
or five different men over the next six
months, all for bearding purposes. -
But it won't work, buster. And if I
were you, I'd cool it. You see, we're ••
coming closer and closer and closer
and closer. Yes, Mr. Davis. Things may I
even come popping out of your own •

storage space very shortly, if you

know what I mean." •

employ homosexuals if there was a pretty-boy soap Bold and tbe Beauti- something that happens, and it is fair
potential for disrup~ion in rural co~- ful has accused his fathe~ of sexual game for a soap opera., The problem
munities. Fags and dykes are always abuse, and it is doing wonderful things is that it plays very nicely into all
the ones causing disruptions. They justfor the ratings. LA Times reporter Irv those great stereotypes of child-
can't stop beating up on rednecks. Letofsky quoted B&B's co-creator/ molesting homosexuals. The LA Times
The key to the LA Times piece, executive producer/writer, "Until we doesn't mention that this type of
however, was their discussion of how did this, we· thought everything had . incest is no more prevalent than
this kind of thing can and does contin-been exploited." I guess this was his father/daughter, or the fact that child-
ue even without a stated policy. Robertlucky day. molesting is not part-and-parcel of
Bray of. the National Gay and Lesbian Not having seen the show, I homosexual experiences.
Task Force says companies regularly don't know how responsibly they've Actually, the tone of the piece
get rid of lesbians and gays. They sim-dealt with the topic. But from the sin- implies that father-son incest is the
ply "disguise the terminations." gle line of dialogue Letofsky quotes, biggest problem since global warming.
• •• I'm not optimistic. "All these years I Todd Mckee, who plays the molested
But on to the Calendar section was tortured. Those nights, the dark- boy, says,' "It's surprising how many
and a huge feature, "Soap Tackles the ness, your voice, your hands ...In my people have these actual experiences,"
Ultimate Taboo: Father-son incest." It little boy's mind I thought it was and then goes on to share excerpts
seems that a character on the daytime love ..." Father-son incest is obviously from letters he's received.
While I'm sure the makers of B&B
and the LA Times think they're doing a
lot of good by bringing out this sensi-
tive subject, as always, it must be done
• • • responsibly. And that would include
some discussion and dismissal of pop-
LA Dish Edition All the unconfirmed rumors that will fit ... Sly ular misconceptions about maid/male
child abuse.
Stallone and John Travolta havQrented a flat together in West Holly- • • •
Actually, what passes for news in
LA is often only so much dish. The
wood ... In Travolta's next film he plays headmaster of a boy's
cable channel of choice is not C-
Span, as in DC, or Public Access in
school. The film editors, who have nicknamed the film "Gay is Good" New York. Here it is the "P"
cbannel-'J. low budget Entertain-
in their funny straight-man way, had to cut a number of scenes
• ment Tonight which just goes on and
on. Two queens host. the show, and
where Travolta looks too "sympathetically" at the boys. There's also while the rest of the country , :tuned
, . into Stormin' Norman this week, 14\
a great spanking scene.,.Meanwhile, Frank Stallone and Doll lun- tuned into the Marion Bralldo testi-
mony at his son's murder trial. Such
dren's restaurant Black and, Bloo is the home to a new queer club, acting you have never seen. Follow-
• ing Brando, they did an in-depth story
. Trade, on Tuesdays. Advocate editors, lance loud, wayward film- on Bob Mackie and his glamrags for
girls. Backed with the predictable
makers, and activists galore make the scene .,. Dolf made a scene Madonna soundtrack, Bob waxed on
disparagingly about young starlets
like Julia Roberts, who prefer a
at the Versace fashion show to benefit AIDS Project LA when he
spare, "arty" black dress to one of his
glitzy gowns.
came up to two (not one) beautiful male models at the end of the It's the fag channel-'J.ll the time.

Actually, it's quite a queer town,

ni.ght. All he said was, "You're coming with me." And they did ... from West Hollywood to Burbank's
executive offices. The universal
Michelle Pfeiffer is working hard to set up an AIDS movie, in which response to an upcoming Advocate
story on homophobia in Hollywood is
she gets the disease from an IVDU boyfriend. The script includes "are there any straight people in the

• movie business at all?" David Geffen
many great gay characters~octors and PWAs. gave them some great quotes for the
story, but they got one of those calls
• -M.G. from his lawyers and couldn't use
some of them. T

50 OUTWEEK March 20, .._ ..

There are critical moments ..- ..-.: .".-.
Liz: You fool, if he is such a
in ones life meeting someone, masochist then he was probably
or reading a book that changes happy to lose.
your life (as if this were possible), Sydney: OK, so I'm naive, but
or a sudden realization which I certainly didn't ask Sal Piro2 to
reveals the trne nature of some- eilter the competition and take off
thing to you. James Joyce called his little Dr. Frankenfurter outfit.
these moments epiphanier-and Liz: I liked Shampoo3. There's
very often these moments are a nice, wholesome club.
caused by a particular per- Sydney: Wholesome? The
son--in Ltzs case, her mother. whole thing is like Pee Wee~ Play-
The occasion of her last phone house on Add. You don't pack a
can galX!cause for a rather dis- bag for that kind of trip. I probably
turbing, yet sman, epiphan~r shouldn't admit this, but my idea
an epiphanette, if you will. of a good time is sitting on the
swing lip-synching "Gypsies,
LIZ: Sydney, I have to Tramps and Thieves."
quit the column. My mother just liz: Yeah, but the problem
started eying when she read the with the club is simply that the
part about Madonna ma5turbat- rooms are small and intimate
ing. She's afraid my grandmoth- enough that if you get there before
er will read it-since we're anyone else, no one will come in
national. My aunt will buy it and while you're in there. And then
leave it on a table just to get me you get mad when somebody
in trouble. I can't write this col- comes in and breaks the living
umn, I can't live this life... room ambience you've created. Or
else they just think you're hosting a
SYDNEY: What? You told me'your mother used to party and start hitting you up for drink tickets.
make breakfast for your overnight tricks, the ones you brought Sydney: I wish I was hosting the party. Then I could have
to your house, anyway. I don't see how she could be upset walked through the door and into the library. Instead, I had to
about Madonna masturbating and besides, I would think that if go all the way down and into the main club through all those
Madonna can hold her head high at family reunions, then you hairsprayed big-hair types to get to Chauncey and Mykul
have little to be afraid of. Let's face it: You haven't grabbed your Tronn's p~ that was just in the next room.
"crotch on national 1V lately, have you? Surely we can think of Liz: Oh, poor baby. I thought you liked those big-hair
something other than Madonna to talk about. I'm getting really types, Sydney.
tired of her. Sydney: least you know they're girls. The real
Liz: The breakfast thing was a private seal)' part is that everyone was talking about
family matter. I wasn't writing about my how obnoxious that security guard was. In
loose morals for everyone and their high fact, it was all anyone could talk about. I
school English teacher to read about then. mean, he's a total star now and for what?
She just made me realize that we spend Being .a nightmare. •
.our nights watching people whip each liz: How novel. But that's how people
other, and themselves, to house music and become "celebrities" on the club scene the
call it entertainment. more people you annoy, the more they
Sydney: Oh god, you mean the go-go remember you. Some people actually coast for
boy at Morel? He's the new club star. After • years on the skills they have developed for
that bare-bottomed club kid spank~ him annoying peOple. You should actually last for-
during the Hunt Man competition, all any- ever then.
one can talk about is how much he likes to Sydney: I'm not annoying, I'm just misun-
be whipped. And to think I voted for him derstood. Besides, there are many more
out of pity ... See LIZ & SYDNEY on pag_ 75

, '" ~



he most puzzling aspect code. A steering committee

T of this room of 75 naked
. ,
men is that nobody is eating the
approves referrals. Annual mem-
bership is $25. Special events
mozzarella sticks. The finger range from nude wrestling
food lies in a serving tray, demonstrations to last month's
; untouched, growing cold. Peo- Leather and Feathers costume
ple seem to favor the fried party. For the Christmas party,
chicken wings, tearing into them gifts are donated to Bailey
with gusto and wiping their House, the Manhattan home for
greasy fingers on paper napkins, . PWAs. Organization rules are few
the closest thing to protective and simple. Excessive alcohol
cbvering that anybody has. and drug use are forbidden. Sex-
Welcome to a social event ual activity is also not tolerated.
:'by Males Au Naturale (MAN), Murray intones, "You more or
: the gay-male-nudist group: less keep it cool. If you wanna
It is a chilly Saturday shake hands or hug, you ClIl do
crvening on Christopher Street. that'. But don't start grabbing
The moon seems frozen in the someone's cock." Official policy 1;1
clear, black sky. People rush aside, one member confided, :g;
from the streets to escape the summer events in the country ~
cold. In this second-story space, often end with several people iij
~Jhe only hint of winter weather catching poison ivy in the ~
is a breeze that occasionally darnedest places.. ;:;
slips in at floor-level. There are
variations on nudism here. Most
After an hour, the .
has .,
filled. wit~ people'1'lew mem- ~
. are birthday-suit purists. Some bers, ldentifie(j by blue tenycloth Qj
adorn themselves with nipple armbands, have be,en . coaxed .£
rings or cockrings. Others, more into conversation by regulars. ~
pragmatic, w:ear white socks Flesh becomes the greatest com- ~
against the cool wooden floors. mon denominator. Stripped of if
The only de rigueur garment this evening is a white nametag, their clothes, people are shom of social class, occUpational trap-
! suspended on a pink ribbon around the neck. Measuring two,. pings and the typical frosty barroom personae. The faces and
, inches-by-four-inches, it offers little in the way of protection for bodies range, for the most part, from average to pleasing. Rick,
the skittish. But it provides a delicious charade. By straining to 30, a regal Rastafarian with large dreadlocks, explains: "When
read the nametag of your neighbor, you take in a generous people remove their clothing, you ClIl't judge any trappings that
view of his penis. Of course, most organs are flaccid. Some would put them in one little comer. You're gonna have to start
. men tug furtively at their sluggish members, in order to COOJ{ a taking on everybody for just what they are, totally raw, Then you
.. more impressive dangle. find out if there's a level of substance you're interested in socially'
The truth is oppressively evident: We are guilty of being vic- or not. It's a good equalizer."
tims of a prudish society. The men of MAN gather, in the words AI, an elegant silver-haired man, resembles Picasso's Don
of co-founder Murray, "to puncture some myths ....Everyone Quixote. A Cuban native, 67, he has visited naturist groups all
thinks thin nudism equals lust equals sex," he says, his florid over the country. He suggests that the lack of clothing is the
complexion growing redder with agitation. "The misconception dismissal of one final barrier between people. "Clothes make
, is that everything that is done in the nude is sexual." As the the man, and we don't have any clothes, so you can get to
room fills with people, and the dlattering reaches a crescendo, [their personality] quicker." John, a short, boyish clone, is an
the initial thrill of comparing tallywhackers and muscle tone accountant from New Jersey and a naturist for six years. As an
pales. Even in the buff, talking about the weather becomes stan- active member of MAN, he's gained a better sense of self,
dard party conversation. especially bare-assed. "I'm one of those who
To join MAN's roster of 200 members is BVdl looks better without clothes."
relatively easy if you've gotten over the dress DIener s.... FIELD TRIPPING 00" p...g.. 75


.......... '" ~



01Laser M£9i.£!!' n~~~~cia

- ..J Fellow International Co~ege of Surgeons
" 7 East 68th 51. 60 East 42nd 51. M901 67 Brood St.
53·19 32nd Ave. 559 Gramatan Ave. 106-15 Queens Blvd.
~ 697 Central Ave. Wmsburg Bank Bldg. M914 1757 Merrick Ave.

" - ,
'...- - --- .-. - ...


An Interview
With Director
Jennie Livingston
by Karl Soehnlein
"It's a miracle a film like this ever
got made in the first place," says direc-
tor Jennie Livingston about her film,
Paris Is Burning, a documentary about
the House Balls at the center of much of
New York City's Black gay subculture .

In.addition to being a first-time filmmak-
er who had to raise a couple hundred
thousand dollars, she had to surmount
the challenges of capturing, in a fair and
non-exploitative fashion, a world she
came to as an outsider.
Livingston discovered the Ball
world by chance, stumbling upon some
Voguers in Washington Square Park in
. the summer of 1985. With their permis-
sion, she filmed them, conducted a few
interviews about what they were doing
and put it all together as an NYU Film
School project. However, she realized
that the subject called for a much larger

exploration. She began ,going to Balls
that year, talking to participants and
BURNINGUP- Director Jennie Livingston

S4 OUTWEEK March 20, ~99~

filming them vogueing on the floor and
talking in their homes. 'The next winter,
she edited a five-minute trailer which
became her vehicle to raise funds for a
feature film.
Through a series of government
and foundation grants, some big
money from WNYC and the BBC, as
well as smaller contributions from
family and friends, the film was fund-
ed. Having completed it last year, Liv-
ingston is finally reaping the rewards.
The Los Angeles Film Critics named
Paris Is Burning the best documentary
of 1990, and she took home top hon-
ors in the documentary category last
month at the prestigious Sundance
Film Festival. This week, it opens for
its first theatrical run at Film Forum.
NOT SHADY JUST RBI~TheHouse of Labeija
Karl Soehnlein: You got into this
as someone who's not part of the cul- film, you can hardly even hear it over many aspects of the Ball life I wish I
ture. How did you build up the kind of people commenting on it. It's a bit like could have left in. Jonathan [Oppen-
trust where people are so open to talk- home movies: "Look at Miss Octavia!" heim, Livingston's editor! and I were
.ing about their personal experiences? Pepper [mother of the blouse of Labeijal constantly joking about the mini-series
Jennie Livingston: First of all, I showed the film at her Ball. The feed- we could make with the outtakes.
went in as a photographer, and that was back'I have gotten is that people really KS: What was your experience at
appreciated because it's clearly a culture liked it. the Sundance Festival? . ,
that is about performance and being KS: With Madonna's Vogue and In 'JL: It was up and down, being in a
given credit. These are people with star Living Colors "Men on ..." characters, it's place with industry people who are talk-
quality who aren't treated like stars. The clear that a crossover is happening, ing about big money but treating you not
popping flashbulb is the ultimate entree where this culture is being repackaged very nicely because you're a female film-
in a way. Then I was just there so for the outside world. What do the pea- maker. A man can come in with a five-
much. When you spend hours sitting in pie in your fUmthink about all that? minute film he's made that someone
people's houses and taking them out to JL: The reaction is mixed. People'. thinks is hot, and everyone's like ''Yeah
meals and being at the balls you gain like Madcinna's video and are happy son, let's get you a job," and a woman
credibility. You're not just there for the that it's she who brought it to public ,comes in with a feature, and at eyery
quick interview. I also targeted people attention. Some people have gotten level they're finding excuses not to give
who were articulate, who had stuff they jobs. Jose Extravaganza danced in her money. On the other hand, it was
wanted to say and were very happy that Vogue and in Madonna's latest video. also a place where I could talk to more
anyone wanted to listen. Willi Ninja is choreographing and danc- women filmmakers than I had in my life.
KS: But didn't the fact that you're a ing allover the world. The Balls them- I can't stress enough how valuable it was
<"white lesbian going into a world of selves have come downtown, and that's to meet other filmmakers who've gone
Black queens and street kids make that likely how Madonna discovered it, through the same struggles. It felt like a
difficult? 'cause I never saw Madonna in Harlem. real rite of passage.
, JL: If you know someone over a A broader audience comes, people can KS: The press coverage completely
period of two years, and they still charge more money, people make more marginalized your film. You split the
remain their sex and their race, you've money, and that's only good. You can jury prize with Barbara Kopple's Ameri-
got to be a pretty sexist, racist person. I still walk a Ball, you still belong to a can Dream, which was described very
ceased to be "that white girl" and House, and maybe there's the hope that admirably by The New York Times as a
became "Miss Jennie." I certainly came so~eone will see yo~. I'm sure there filf!l "about labor struggles," whereas
of age as a gay person making this film. are some people who resent it; Madon- Paris Is Burning was described as
I don't think I felt particularly gay or na's making a lot more money on "highly wrought drag queens at their
particularly politicized when I started vogueing than any of them ever did. sewing machines."
doing this film. Making the film really KS: Are there lesbians JL: And the only person at
helped my process of coming to tenns in "the Ball world? They're a sewing machine is not a drag
with who I am. It's been a great gift. not shown in your film. queen! Paris is about racism,
KS: What is the reaction to the film· JL: There defmitely are, gender, American greed in the
from people who are in it? but the women really are '80s. The reviewers just showed
JL: When Ball people watch the peripheral. There were so no respect.. ..The coverage in

March 20, ~_~ ou ••Ii7EEK 55

The NYTImesand LA TImesis unabashedly •

• .homophobic .. t's I
KS: Do you think there's more of
that ahead, the marginalization? by Joe Clark history of rap. Thus brought up to date,
JL: I hope not. Tons of people who Consume, consume, consume. formerly clueless Blockheads can start
are straight have seen the ftIm and have Isn't everything a commodity nowa- listening to real rap.
liked it. The films I'm working on now days even music? And what better LL Cool J, Around the Way Girl
aren't gay films-not like I'll never place to advertise these canned goods (Paris Barclay, director): If this guy had
make a gay film again, but just because than on television? That, I guess, is talent to match his looks, there wouldn't
the particular stories I'm obsessed with why we have music videos. But even if be room in the public consciousness for
are not. But they very much have a gay they're no more than brazen commer- an MC Hammer, and think of how better
sensibility, in'spired by Fassbinder or cials for the latest trend in pre-digested off we'd be then. It's a shame U's video
Waters. There are four projects, and sound, music videos still merit scrutiny, imagery has leaned consistently toward
whichever one gets off the ground fll'St if for nothing other than their imagery's the sexist and exploitative, a trend this
will be the one I do ... sheer power. tepid single can only prolong. The
KS: In the context of this interview, New Kids on the Block, Games' meta-story line is LL's search for an
is there anything you'd say to the gay (Paris Barclay and Lynn Goldsmith, "around the way girl" for his video. But
and lesbian community? . directors): Don't sell these guys short. his handlers don't bring him what he
. JL: I just hope that People who are With their earlier single "The Right Stuff," wants: "All you give me is stuck-up
in a position of power to support gay NKOTB showed that they actually are tuna," complains the man whose
fimmakers and to support films about capable of creating a recherche pop acronyms mean ladies Love Cool James.
gay subjects are more supportive. In tune that doesn't insult their intelligence Hmm. If they're so stuck up, U, why so
funding Paris, I felt very angered by or ours. "Games" and its video are a many chest-level closeups of dancing
some of the restrictions that the gay crash course in hiphop----Qnd that may babes? Why the roving-camera shots of
community places on people who rep- be just what the quintet's shrieking "chicks" sucking lollipops? And if you're
resent it, like from the Chicago Resource teenage audience needs. Donnie "Deep- such a natural stud, LL, why do you
Center '[a gay and lesbian foundation!' Down-l'm-Actua11y-Black" , Wahlberg need to dance with your shirt off so
What hurt me was not so much that opens the vid in a Malcolm X jacket much? You may be attracting a crowd
they didn't fund the fllm--because you and gold chains (ahhh, nostalgia) then that you can't handle-guys, that is.
can never assume you'll be funded by raps about positivity. Lyrics are punctuat- "Stuck-up tuna," indeed.
anyone [but) I believe that they didn't ed by a host of sung~ George Michael,
like the idea of supporting a fllm about and-sampled keywords Freedom '90 (David
gay people that were Black drag (no sellout, word, sucker, , Fincher, director):
queens. Some mainstream gay people and that Flavor fave, George becomes king
See LIVINGSTON on boyee) that lived fast and and queen of the hill
page 62 died hard in the brief for this ,concentrated
. ,


.Dd = Craig Spencer

and Viceor Anony7nOus?

B: FUCKf (The Pyranrid.J

1.1"1 Don't Want to Lose Your Love" by The Emotions
.2.! "Where Has Love Gone" (GTO Remix) by Holly dohnson
3. "Situation" (RemiX) by Yazoo
4. "Boogie on Reggae Woman" by Stevie Wonder

5. "Bow Down Mister"f"Love's Gonna Let You Down" by
Boy George
6. "Back in Love Again" by LTD
7. "Don't Go Away" by Bone Breakers
• 8. "Chile of the Bass Generation" by Mental Cube

9. "Feel the Bass" by Sydney Fresh

10. "Suck it Deep" by Raw Sex (Bootleg)

S6 OUTWEEK March 20, ~99~

dollop of homoeroticism for the craving gems of detail you'll fmd in the series. before our very eyes for lack of Itchy
masses. Let's give him a round of Two guys dance together here, you'll and Scratchy T-shirts, those lovers or bat-
applause, first of all, for staying out of his note, and one of them likes it. A dog terers or both blow each other up in a
videos, which I hope will pound another runs by, its yelps calling bart!bart!bart! cameo. Fun for the whole family-just
nail into the coffin of that tired old as it retreats. While civilization crumbles don't buy the album ....
paradigm of musicians ineptly mouthing -.',
, -.... .-..
' ' ,..
; = ..
.'.': -':.:-: ::';:::::::"::::::.'::::::::::::':/'-C';:';;:;: :::;::::: ::::::;.;.
their songs on camera. Instead, startlingly ,-.-, ,', -," -, -.'.-,-

beautiful women do the lip-synching for

him. The women largely sing alone, but
all sing the same tune, an alleg~ of-
queer existence if ever I saw one. And
despite appearances, the two Jrfmen
who prick their fingers end up suoong ,-
-'-'-';-:. "
. ",:,';': ::.:-..;.:.,

their own, not each other's, distin8l\ish-

ing this as the first video to feature safer
blood-sister rituals. (Welcome to )the
'90s.) Meanwhile, a stud in a leatheriack-

et, a long-haired boy in a tank top and a

largely naked man swinging from gravity

boots add up to more than a few raised
eybrows in the Land of the Fag. If that
weren't dreamy enough, the word "ass"
is embodied by a boy in boxer shorts.
The Simpsons, Do' the Bartman
(Matt Groening, director): Much less hor-
rible than you may think, this video CO(1-
tains surprisingly good musicianship and
the same concentration of sly, surreal .; PlAYiN'THEIR GAME-New Kids on the Block

rle ?

fearlessly. He speaks in aphorisms. The
smell of the night air, he says, "is preg-
AN UNFINISHED SONG. Book, music.and lyrics by James J. Mellon. nant with tomorrow." Upon presenting a
The Provincetown Playhouse. 133 MacDougal Street. (212) 477-5048. musical gift to Worth (Aloysius GigO, the
conservative law student who becomes
• • • •

his lover, Mort says, "For tomorrow, So

by Michael Paller insured differently, if at all), it matters you 'never forget today."
Mort is one of the few gay a great deal. For starters, parents of He and tlWorth come to New York
<;haracters in recent plays who is dying, bone cancer victims come to the funer- from .New Hampshire, along with

but not of AIDS. He has bone cancer. It al, don't mind knowing the friends and Mort's friend Beth (Beth LeaveO. Beth

him that, nevertheless, people probably don't dispute wills. And then, loves Mort-but learns to accept hi,S
will assume he has AIDS. "Gay plus of course, there is the range of inge- being gay, Completing the circle of
any illness," he says with some annoy- nious horrors society inflicts on PWAs friends are Brad, an actor (Robert lam-
ance, "equals AIDS." This may be true, while they're still alive . bert), and his ditzy girlfriend, Debbie

but one wonders why, in his situation, However, one assumes that in his (Joanna Glushak). Why she must be
he's so disturbed that people might new musical, An Unfinished Song, . ditzy is another good question-appar-
think he has AIDS rather than bone James J. Mellon, who wrote the book, entiy for comic relief.
cancer. As if to prove his point, even music and lyrics, wants to concentrate Worth has a severe case of c1oset-
Mort's father believes his son died of not on dying, but on grieving, grow- . itis. Beth is his date at all his law firm's
AIDS and skips the funeral. "What ing-and living. The point, after all, functions. Eventually, he accepts a trans-
does it matter what he died ot?" Mort's should be not merely that Mort died, fer to Chicago; Mort remains in New
friends angrily ask. "His son died. Isn't but that Mort lived. York. When Mort is diagnosed with can-
that the point?" Mort (Ken Land) cer, he refuses to tell
In a perfect world, it wouldn't is' a free-spirited Worth. The ever-faith-
matter what disease kills us. In this composer who loves ful Beth cares for him,
one, however, where a person with life and encourages informing Worth only
AIDS is treated rather differently than . his friends to ex- after Mort dies. The
one with bone cancer (not to mention plore it ever more survivors gather, fIrst


in the New York apartment, later on adds pace aod an uncluttered look to tain and distill even a part of the emo-
the beach where the lovers met, to whatever real feeling can be found in tional ravages unleashed by this epi-
recall Mort and scatter his ashes ap-d the script. demic.
move on. Most of the smart lines belong to It should be stated, however, that
The performers are energetic, Beth. Besides having the best dialogue, the opening-night audience seemed
bright-eyed and eager to please. Leavel's engaging, dominating pres- very moved and appreciative for the
They all acquit themselves as well ence makes her the evening's most chance to grieve for their own losses.
as the material allows; the reality memorable performer. Indeed, the Is providing such an opportunity,
they represent is, however, of a very women generally have the better mate- even in a rather shopworn form, a
narrow scope. Mellon employs the rial-perhaps because the very safe bad thing? Gathering an audience to
most conventional musical comedy form of An Unfinished Song is more publically share a painful experience,
t forms to shape his material. The suitable for comic relief than for the and to help purge its pain, is one of

CONTEMPLATING THE CLOSET-Actors Ken Land and Aloysius Gigl

.. IS smart In
sCnpt . the way
that snap- exploration of authentic feeling. the theater's great purposes (and one'
py television sitcoms are smart; and, Mellon's purpose-giving comfort reason why a gay theater needs to
just as those shows do, Mellon's and meaning to events which seem exist now in New York). On the other
script also includes a large , dose of meaningless-is important. But the hand, to claim that it doesn't matter
sentimentality. (His portrayal of form he has chosen sacrifices too what one dies of, and then to
Worth; however, contains an interest- many of the ineffable qualities that exploit-however gently or uninten-
ing twist. In order to make the trip lend such a fate whatever significance tionally-:-t:he grief of men and women
to scatter Mort's ashes, he has told it may possess. His meanings are who have lost friends and lovers' to
his bosses he is atteQding a wed- more banal than authentic, less truly AIDS, seems to be having it both
ding. He is not changed at all by moving than simply familiar, Perhaps ways. While others in the audience
Mort's death.) Mellon is abetted iii some form other than a conventional were greatly moved, this musical, gave
this by Simon Levy's direction, which musical is required to effectively con- me not a little pause.T

58 OUTWEEK March 20, "lSS"I

• lingers in her mind like a dim, bad dream:

rOWIln eas I called him in]uly. He didn't know
who I was,
"AIDS IN AMERICA," Long Shot (vol. 10). Edited by Danny Shot couldn't fmish a sentence, slurred
and Mary Shanley. Long Shot Productions, Inc. $7.50 pb. 94 pp. his words, apologized.
It was 1985. I didn't understand AIDS,
by David Trinidad note, conveying, in just a few expert how you got it, what it did.
"AIDS in America," a special issue lines, Di4g0s''progression
. . .
from hope to In "Elegy for the Old Stud," David
of Long Shot magazine, adds a number sUlVivor'$ guilt to a brave, unflinching West envisions "mostly dead" friends
of valuable writings to the constantly acceptan~e of the inevitable. moving like ghosts through a now-
expanding body of AIDS literature. Co- Though none is as stunning as straight, now-hip San Francisco bar.
editors Danny Shot and Mary Shanley "Parachute," there are other impressive West's poem haunts in more ways than
have put together an effective collec- poems in the magazine and, as one one: Ari entire lifestyle one which
tion of poems, essays, stories and lyrics might expect, many of them are ele- was based on compulsiveness, per-
(including Lou Reed's "Halloween gies. Denise Duhamel's "Beauties Who haps, or naivete-trails behind many
Parade") dealing with the devastating Live Only for· an Afternoon" is a fan's like a lost soul crying for eternal rest.
impact that AIDS has had, and contin- tribute to actress/writer Cookie Mueller: Overall, the quality of the poems in
ues to have, on all of our lives. The "You read your stories in the dank- "AIDS in America" is uneven, yet all of
issue also contains paintings and pho- ness/of the Lower East Side's ABC No them, due to the subject matter, are
tos by such artists as Lisa Genet, David Rio/ and I talked about you for weeks." moving. Even the seven poems by Ray-
Johnson and Denis O'Sullivan. There's Mary Shanley's "for j.j. mitchell" mond Roy LaRose, a cycle chronicling
anger in these pieces, of course, and paints a more intimate picture of the the death of a beloved friend, which
sadness, and sometimes joy (albeit the pain of loss: may seem weak individually, have a
joy of relief after much suffering). days before he died i was trying cumulative and, ultimately, stining effect.
What's lacking, primarily, is a sense to comfort him with inspirational Kevin Hayes' high-pressured "Dream
of hope, which selVes to remind us that wo,rds abQut how it helps to try Boy Dream", Richard Treitner's "Lament",
there's not very much to hope for, espe- and accept the things we can't change. Joseph Hargraves' Ginsberg-like litany
cially now, in the midst of a needless , "BULISHIT;' he barked ... and Michael Klein's "After the Disease
war. A feeling of helplessness, of finali- IDON'T ACCEPT TIllS. Concept" are all fme poems. Among the
ty, permeates this issue-emotions WEYSHOULDIAC~THBn prose pieces, Stuart Timmons' memoir of
expressed in a dark, dead-end alley. Yet' a friend's funeral is particularly memo-
i'm sorry i said that jj.
the need to express these powerful rable. The editors are to be commended
i don't accept it either...
emotions becomes a kind of hope, in for compiling this collection. It affirms
and of itself. As Jim Fouratt writes in his In "Richard," an elegy to a co-worker, that many of us are giving a voice to,
introduction, "You can, like I attempt to Ronna Levy captures the initial shock of . and trying to make sense of, our pain.
do, release your grief and anger by encountering the disease, a memol)' that . Reason enough for hope of sorts:'"
putting your creativity into the fight for
life against the homophobia, racism and
sexism that keeps the government play-
ing ,politics with the health of each and
every one of us." POSSESSION: A ROMANCE by A. S. Byatt. Random House. $22.95
. Shortly before his death last
<' d. 555 pp.
December, Tim Dlugos contributed one
of his poems, "Parachute," to Shot and
Shanley's project. "Parachute" shines by Anne Rubenstein ar's wish-fulftllment fantasy.
here; it is a direct, impeccably crafted The enthusiastic reviews for Possession tells two tales. It begins
statement of a person with AIDS' con- Possession from mainstream papers like with a literal)' detective stol)', in which
cerns and fears. Jane DeLynn, in her Tbe New York Times,made the novel two British scholars help each other fig-
obituary of Dlugos (OutWeek no. 79-80, sound homophobic. Critics saw Posses- ure out the precise nature of a relation-
Jan. 9, 1991), points out that "before sion as a snide commental)' on academ- ship between two 19th-century poets.
Tim's sickness he was a good poet, but ic dykes, in particular, and they loved it. They begin as reluctant partners each
it may have been AIDS that made him What a relief to discover that the Times studies one of the poets-and end as
a great one." This greatness is evident was wrong again. Yes, Possession is a lovers. Meanwhile, their colleagues
in "Parachute," which begins with an fine novel. No, Possession is not a fic- (including an American lesbian) aid or
amazing depiction of AIDS as "an insa- tionalized repudiation of hinder their work,
tiable and prowling beast/with razor the last 20 years of les- motivated variously
teeth and a persistent/stink that sticks bian-feminist scholarship. by national pride,
to every/living branch or flower/its Quite the' reverse. It is, feminist solidarity,
rank fur brushes/as it stalks its prey." on one of its many levels, academic jealousy,
The poem ends on an equally amazing a lesbian-feminist schol- scholarly curiosity,

March 20, .._ .. OUTWEEK 59


.JESUS! .CHRIST! SUPER· . ning short tribute to the movies, Superstar

STAR! ... Don't walk. Run, skip, mince or 'is a must see. (And sneak upstairs to see
ascend fabulously from the L train stop the stunning restoration job in the main
on First Avenue, but get your heinie to theater.)
the newly renovated Village East Cine-
mas on Second Avenue and East Twelfth HOLLYWOOD AREA, SUNNY,
Street for a viewing of Superstar: The Life CELLULOID SCREEN, LOTS OF
and Times of Andy Warhol. Chuck Work- CLOSET SPACE ... We are very, very
man's masterful paean to the man "who confused by the ad we saw in this morn-
made fame more famous" presents Warhol faithfuls like ing's Times. It advertises a film entitled Closet Land. In
Fran Lebowitz, TJltra Violet, Dennis Hopper, Sylvia "we copy superi!Jlposed over very mellifluous graphics, we
were the beautiful people" Miles, Bobby Short ami Viva, read: "It could be about helplessness. It's about power. It
having their own 15 minutes all over again. At times hilar- CQuid be about imprisonment. It's about freedom. It could
iously funny and shockingly grim (Gerard Malanga's be about them. It could also be about you." Then again, it
recitation of the cause of death of half a dozen of his Fac- could be a somebody's idea of a sick joke. The film, while
torymates comes to mind) the film is in the end a fine "it deals with artistic freedom, political intolerance and
tribute to Warhol's undeniable, if resisted, influence on Art abuse" (so say the press materials), ain't about the closet
with a capital A. you and I know.
Playing on a double bill with Workman's award-win- -compiled by Andrew MiUer, Sarah Pettit

That revievvers kindness and greed. Byatt, a respectable and a diary.

literary theorist, understands the weird Byatt well knows the limits of
blend of emotion~ that intersect to pro- what such documents can tell us after
duce dry, academic fact, and portrays it a century. Women's lack of words to
Illanaged to read as well as Dorothy Sayers, Umberto describe their sexual feelings and
Eco, or Randell Jarrell did. But she behavior, our ignorance of what peo-
also gives us a seconp story, the story ple meant when they wrote words
hidden at the heart of the 2Oth-century which were perfectly clear to them,
the novel's detective work. the pointlessness of writing down
Through their love letters, their what "everyone knew" then, reti-
poetry and the letters and diaries of cences, falsehoods and' the· tefldency
their friends we track the unfolding of unimportant pieces of paper to dis-
lesbians as affair of Randolph Henry Ash, a appear over time: These· mark the

Robert Browning type, and Christabel edges of what we know for sure
• LaMotte, who is much more Christina about the past, especially the lesbian
ridiculous only Rossetti than Elizabeth Barrett Brown- past. The improbable way that Posses-
ing. This story requires Byatt to sionS long-hidden letters, diaries and
invent the voices of various imaginary fortuitous relics reappear just as they
eminent Victorians. In an inspired bit are needed even in chronological
shovvs hovv badly of literary ventriloquism, she gives us order!-hints at Byatt's construction of
the poetry and prose, public and pri- a scholar's daydream, the fantasy that
vate, of Ash and LaMotte. (Byatt's everything could be known. As she
• best joke is to invent a biography of says, "There are things that happen

their hOIllophobia Ash called The Great Ventriloquist, a and leave no discernible trace, are not
title that suits Robert Browning and spoken or written of, though it would
/ Byatt equally.) But Byatt also imag- be very wrong to say that subsequent
ines the diary of Mrs, Ash, a perfect events go on indifferently, all the
interfere~vvith Victorian Angel of the House in all same, as though such things had
her maddening omissions, as well as never been." Byatt goes on to demon-
a precisely typical memoir of a Lon- strate that fiction satisfies us better
don spiritualist and the journal of a than fact could, by writing three chap-
. . their critical French teenager (who will grow up to ters which straightforwardly tell the
be a novelist herselO with a crush on "truth" of crucial passages in the 19th-
her cousin, LaMotte. LaMotte's first century story, So, unlike any story that
lover, a painter named Blanche real historians have been able to tell,
abilities. Glover, gets her say as well, in letters Possession imagines crucial details of
60 OUTWEEK March 20, UHt1

19th-century lesbian lives.

A,S. Byatt has written a generous oan •
story, one which carefully does not I

highlight the two heterosexual cou- by Michael Klein

ples at its double-center by ridiculing
the other characters. Instead, I could ,see through my lover
Byatt-in the great tradition of 19th- each. night until I poured beer into me
century novelists-sets these couples ~ ...

among other characters, gay and and' he poured beer into him
straight, to whom they have serious
and I drank his drunkenness in.
and conflicting responsibilities. That

reviewers managed to read the novel's
We were rounds of blanks in the false bed.
lesbians as ridiculous only shows how
badly their homophobia interferes I used to be like you.
with their critical abilities. Byatt plays
games with readers' prejudices: First I used to be like you, could see
we hear of Lenora Stern, the American through the beer on the kitchen table

lesbian character, as a potential dan- •
ger to the investigation, then we read because I was on an earlier beer
the cloyingly sentimental note Stern trying to break the line
has left on LaMotte's grave, so we are
primed to dislike her. When she fmal- that connected me to you, or earth
Iy appears on the scene, though, her and its waves.
devotion to truth, her sense of humor
and her capacity to forgive surprise There used to be a ritual life had
us. Best of all, her love of women when I used to be like you
makes her a better scholar, because
Byatt sees feminism as a serious criti- of never moving into me
cal practice. and all I could imagine was bemoaning life
Furthermore, because we glimpse
Blanche Glover only at her worst or the crime-line of chalk
moments, as Ash is breaking up her
• around the ravaged body
happy home with LaMotte, we miss
the depth of the women's bond. It is
so that what tried to leave
only in the last pages, when we read a
the wound through a gun or a knife
letter LaMotte sent to Ash at the end of
their lives, that we realize that much as
LaMotte pined for Ash all her life, she would stay in. And when I used
also yearned for Glover. (The new infor- to be like you
mation makes us reread LaMotte's
poems in earlier chapters, just as the I couldn't think. The drone
20th-century scholars have had to reread I thought was thinking clicked
them.) The novelist forces us to face our
expectation-formed by reading too to the next empty barrel and never flew until I
many romantic novels that LaMotte's stopped being like you
heterosexual affair was the "serious"
one, and our tendency to forget the and became someone the risk, the stopped drink,
carded lesbian relationship in the rush saved.
to find out what happened next. '
In describing the lesbian-positive All I can tell you is what comes back.
aspects of Possession, I have neglected The waves!'T--
its other virtues. If you have ever wbn- .
dered how academics can bear to billowed by their dream of wave!'T-S
spend so much time in libraries, this, come back.
novel answers the question. If you •
need a quick review of post-post-
structuralist literary theory, it's here. Michael Klein Is a current fellow at the Fine
Possession is troubling funny, and Arts Work Center In Provincetown and the
deeply pleasurable. With any luck, it editor of Poets For Life: ,Seventy-Six Poets
will be out in paperback just in time Respond to AIDS (Crown, 1989), which won
for beach reading.'" the 1990 Lambda Book Award in Poetry.T
March 20, OUTWEEK 6"1
• •

· LIVINGSTON I can't do them, then I don't want to One wants her, of course, to go far-
CQntlnLlec::l 'fIrC»1T1
page 5&

make movies at all; then you're freer, ther-to break down even more boundaries
just can't take that we're not all "nice," and because you don't have to conform to a and help us to become more visible,
we don't all want to be portrayed as "nice." system that never wanted your vision in accepted, appreciated. We want to find
There are also people in the straight the first place. That's the big hope we chinks in her armor, pierce her steely deter-
minority community, like this Latino guy have for the future of queer film.'" mination and uncover larger parts of
who said, 'Why do you want to make us wannth and vulnerability, in the same way
look so bad?' And 1 said, 'I don't think Paris Is Burning opens March 13 at she longed for a pat on the back from her
that showing that gay people exist in the New York:S Film Forum and in cities father as a child. We want her to pull us
cOIllID,unityis making you look bad, and nationwide in April. higher as she goes higher, make us as uni-
I don't think that by enforcing homopho- versally loved and talked about as herself.
L bia in a minority community you're But it's possible to expect too much from a
going to stave off racism,' 1 don't want ,to star who, after all, doesn't just exist as a
be at odds; 1 want us to be a coalition. forum for our own political aspirations.
KS: In terms of the gay community;
CC»... tl ........ d 'l'rc. ... p"g_ ....... So this might be a good point at
it seems more time is spent yelling at which to stop analyzing and just enjoy the
straight filmmakers who are making with "AIDS Kills Fags Dead." Madonna's applauSe. Beauty's where you find it ...
homophobic films than in putting our assumed more than her share of respon-
energy toward those in our community siblity in the AIDS crisis, a crisis that's
who are making their own ftlms. divided the entertainment world into
JL: 1 also feel, like: Leave people moralists (Ax! Rose), self-aggrandizers AIDS
alone who are in the closet, and let (Dionne Watwick), people who'd like to ........ cI .rCII ..... p_goe> 22
them do their work, because they may help but feel it wouldn't be good for the ,

than before the additional demand. He

decide to come out. Why trash Jodie career (fill in the blank) and a handful of
said that price gouging, a practice
.Foster? It would be great if she came outspoken leaders. Madonna has a per-
used by some other pharmaceutical
out, but 1 don't want to expend my sonal stake in the crisis; her old New
companies that raise prices when
energy worrying about people who are York roommate Martin Burgoyne died of
there is added demand by people with
out and people who are in, because I AIDS (and she quietly assumed a lot of
HIV infection, would be "inhumane"
just don't think you're ever going to drag his expenses), and so did her dance
and "unthinkable,"
those people out. teacher and mentor Christopher Flynn,
Before Warner-Lambert said that
If you look at a lot of women per- prompting the tabs to report, "Madonna
supplies would be available, the PWA
fonners who are in the closet, they have Heartbroken as Her • First Love Dies of
Health Group, a buyer's club in Man-
it much harder than men. It's harder for AIDS." Propelled by these losses (and
hattan, was' securing its own supplies.
me to be open than for Gus Van Sant Keith Haring's), she determined to make
The group's director, Derek Hodel,
[Drugstore Cowboy and Mala Nochel it in vogue to fight an otherwise unpopu-
told OutWeek the group would sell the
because, frankly, it's harder for me to be lar, unfabulous battle. Recently, she told
1 drug if there was a large demand,
a director than .for him. This friend told the BBC, "I have such a youthful follow-
which he doesn't believe there is.
me she had a meeting with Brian De ing and a very large gay following that "

r · Palma, and he told her, 'Male directors since 1 have that ear, it's very important
"This is not a big-selling drug," he
said. "I suspect a three-fold increase is
get three films, women directors get for me to be a spokesperson."
not much."'"
,- one,' So 1 can understand somebody like And for someone who clawed her
Jodie or whomever, they already have way to the top half-naked and made a
these strikes against them. I'm not will- career eking glamour out of cold, grasp-
ing t.o say, 'Give up your career for the ing greed, she's been very generous.
sake of a political agenda.' That is a While the organizers of one recent AIDS
decision I don't want to make for some- drag ball complained that she withdrew
one else's life. 1 don't think you should participation, it's hard to argue with what
never express frustration about it, but I she has done, and ridiculous to expe~
think it's more appropriate to express her to put her name on every charity
frustration at the system. opportunity offered. To her credit, she
KS: I have a lot of problems with was the first star to put safer-sex informa-
Center for Anti-Violence Education
· the hypocrisy of it. Jodie Foster has it a tion in her records, she's talked openly
lot better than most people I know, against the church's AIDS policies and in SEI1 DEFENSE• KARATE • TAl em
even someone like yourself who is tak- favor of condoms and she's donated large 5 week SD COUTseforwomen • SDfor
ing much greater risks. sums to AIDS charities, always keeping lesbians and gay men • workshops

)L:.But/on the other hand, I'm in a

the subject in the public eye despite the throughout the NYC area • karate & tat
different position because I don't think government's attempts to render it invisi- chi classes for women
there's a kovie 1 want to make that fits ble. Fortunately, as a role model and evo- 421 5th Avenue
into that kystem. Once you say, 'I just cator of change, Madonna is right now Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215
want to ~e these weird movies, and if more powerful than the government. 718-788-1775

62 ou I LVEEK March 20, 'tiM'"

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. •
ADVANCE LISTINGS Madeleine Olnek's Three Storleli
High, a humorous play about the
THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL afterlife. Direcled by Deb Margolin.
RESEARCH presents The State of The play tells the stories of those
the City: A Gay and Lesbian Who were not able to "fully Inhabit"
Perspective, given in conjunction their lives and are now forced to
with OufWeek magazine. "Gay men relive their experiences, detail by
and lesbians are vital participants excruciating detail., iri a grol!p situa-
in the life of New York City," !!ays tion. In particular, the play focuses
the class description. "Despite this, on Francine, a young woman who
many believe that the popular was never able to face her sexual-
media and mainstream arts com- ity. $10. Feb. 21 through March 21.
munities either fail to represent or Cooper Square Theatre. 50 E.
actually misrepresent gay and les- Seventh SI. Info: (212) 989-0788.
bian concerns." Given in three ses- Send announcements and listings to: 159 W.
sions which focus on the arts, the STAGE WORKS presents Bent, by
media and politics, respectively, the
25th St., 7th floor, New York, NY 10001. Next Martin She.rman .. Directed by
classes will be led by Arts Editor Thomas D. Sentell. With John
deadline: Monday, March 11, for iSsue #91, Blllylock, Jerry Ferris, Bob
Sarah Pettit, Features Editor
Michelangelo Signorile and News which hits the stands on Monday, March 17. Fucaloro, Paul Montagna, Chris
Editor Andrew Miller. $15 for the Quaranta and Hal Smith. $7 or
course, $8 for a single session. The TDF. The Brownstone Gallery. 76
first session is April 25. For more Seventh Ave. Brooklyn. Fridays and
info, contact the New School at Saturdays at 8 pm through March
(212) 741-5600 .. 23. Reservations: (718) 636-8736.

THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL PS 122 presents Connecting

RESEARCH presents Gay and Lives, documents from the AIDS
Lesbian Writing: From World crisis. Photographs by Karen
War II to Stonewall. Instructor: Crumley, Tomas Gaspar,. ~tave
Joseph Cady. "The years after Hart, Tom McGovern, Jane Rosett,

World War II witnessed a significant Scott Thode and Charles Wemple.
. body of gay and lesbian literature Curated by Nan Goldin and Allen
that has tended to become over- Frame ..Opening Feb. 28 at 6 pm.
shadowed by the more open homo- , '. PS 122. 150 First Ave. Gallery
sexual expression of the post- .Join the L~SBIAtf HERSTORYARCHIVESand the CEN· hours: Th-Su, 12- 6 pm. (212)
Stonewall years of the '70s and TER In c.·iebratlng's History Mont .. with 228-4249. Through March 24.
'80s. But the relative burst in gay Keepln' On: Images of Afrlcan.Amerlcan Lesbians.
and lesbian writing from the mid- This photography exhibition Is wheelchair accessible, JUDY'S RESTAURANT AND
1940s through the 1960s con- and can be seen at the Center daily from 4-6 pm. 208 CABARET presents Evan
tributed to the chan'ge in cultural W. 13th St. For more Info, contact the Archives at Matthews, performing a blend of
atmosphere that helped make pos- (212) 874·7232. •' popular tunes, jazz, blues and the-
sible the contemporary gay and -
ater music. $8 coverl$10 minimum.
lesbian liberation movement and is "For all of you who like to bend over and take It like a 49 W. 44th SI. Wednesdays at 9
an integral part of the background man" (they said that, not me), CELLBLOCK 28 helps· and 11 pm. Reservations: (212)
of the present gay and lesbian situ- the New York Strap and Paddle Association throw a 764-8930. March 6-27.
ation. Among the authors we may party. It's at the Cellblock. 28 Ninth Ave., between
consdier are: Tennessee Williams, 13th and 14th streets. March 11. Doors open 8 pm. PS 122 presents Penny Arcade's
Carson McCullers, Allen Ginsberg, (212) 733-3144. I,.a Mlserla ... The Misery, an emo-
Sylvia Townsend Warner, James tionally charged look at growing up
Baldwin and Janet Flanner: The Don't miss this: The PYRAMID presents Not Yet Italian in America, which uses,
six sessions begin on April 4. $130. Censored, a forty.woman, multimedia "forum on big amont other things, nearly 40 min-
Info: Jim O'Connor at the New brOther, women and sex." 'the show was put together utes of a filmed ongoing argument
School at (212) 741-8778. by DARE, a newly forliie~ fou,...wornancollective. From between Penny Arcade and her
6-8 pm, it's open viewing. of the Installed .pieces and immigrant mother. PS 122. 150
,THE ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT videos, as well as the piercing and tattoo clinics. From First Ave. Thursdays through
offers a Support Group for gay 8-11 pm, live performances ara highlighted. AHer 11, Sundays at 9:30 pm. Reservations:
men and lesbians who are now or It's regular Cllt Club East action. $1 before 81$5 aHer. (212) 477-5288. Through March 31.
<' have been involved in abusive rela- The Pyramid. 101 Ave. A, between 6th and 7th streets.
tionships. The 12-week groups, March 12 from 6-11 pm. Info: (212) 807·8050. MOSAIC BOOKS presents Prlnny
which start in March, have profes- AlavI. The photographer's work,
sional leaders and are completely Three great performers that go great together: mostly nudes, will be on display at
. Confidential. Info: (212) 807-0197. COOPER UNION presents .Jessica Hagedom, Holly the bookstore. 167 Ave. B, at 10th
, Hughes and Karin Finley In Women Against AIDS, a Street. 2-10 pm daily. (212) 475-
LIVELY ARTS benefit for the Women and AIDS Resource Network. 8623. Through April 6.
Also see the daily listings for show- It's only 5 bucks and It's for a good cause, so go.
ings of one or two days. Cooper Union Great HaU. Marrch 12 at 8 pm. (212) PS 122 presents Mabou Mines' The
.353-4158. Bribe, a poetic musical work in
N.EW YORK CITY GAY MEN'S progress which traces a day In the
CHORUS presents You're Gonna In yet another exciting team-up, the PUBLISHING TRI. life of Gill Clciut. Written by Terry
Love Tomorrow, a Stephen ANGLE presents Queer Moments In Creat O'Reilly. Directed by Ruth
Sondheim revue. The revue fea- > Llterature-Craat Moments in Queer Literature, a fund· Maleczech. Music by John Zorn.
tures material spa.nning the length o raiser for the gay and lesbian library at the Performed by O'Reilly and Black-
of Sondheim's career. $20. The Community Center. Featuring performances by Eyed Susan. $6. PS 122. 150 First
Harold Clurman Theatre. 412 W. Ave. March 13, 20, 27 and April 24 at
42nd SI., between Ninth and Tenth • 8 pm. Reservations: (212) 4n-5288.
avenues. March 6-8 and 13-15 at
8 pm, March 9 and 16 at 2 pm, THE LESBIAN HERSTORY AR-
March 10 and 17 at 3 pm. TIckets: CHIVES and THE CENTER pre-
(212) 279-4200. sent Keepln' On: Images of
African-American Lesbians.
BAD NEIGHBORS presents Opening Feb. 28. Wheelchair

March 20, 1991 OUTWEEK 6S

accessible. The Center. 208 W. 13th Censored, a forty-woman, multime-

. SI. Hours: daily, 4-6 pm. For more dia 'forum on big brother, Women
info, contact the Archives at (212) and sex" put on by DARE, a newly
874-7232 .. . Olympia, Ivory, John Kelly, L1.a Kron, Quentin Crl.p, formed four-woman collective. From
Claire Mowed. Again, It'. Ju.t 5 buck •• The Limelight. 6-8 pm, it's open viewing of the
55 GROVE STREET presents Cam Sixth Avenue at 21.t Street. March 13 at 7:30 pm. installed pieces and videos, as well
Brainard and Bob Koherr's Info: Michele Karl.berg at (212) 629·8140 or Robin as the piercing and tattoo clinics.
Brlckface & Stucco, performers Hardy at (212) 254-4709. From 8-11 pm, live performances
who both appeared in Parting are highlighted. After 11, it's regular
Glances, their original comedy mate- CAVE CAN EM a.k., "Haven't You Alway. Been a Slave Clit Club East action. $1 before 8/$5
rial includes two jocks who learn to the Cave?· Here'. a chance-for women only-to after. The Pyramid. 101 Ave. A,
they can vogue, retired Solid Gold pay obel.ance to Cave Can em one la.t time. DJ between 6th and 7th streets. 6-11
Dancers, Amish rappers who put the Moaning L1.a. $5. Cave Canem. 24 FI... t Ave., between pm. Info: (212) 807-8050.
"men back in Mennonite," an early 1st and 2nd .treet •• March 14 at 8 pm.
Simon & Garlunkel, and the Rocky BISEXUAL WOMEN'S GROUP
Mountain Butt Boys who open at a CONTINENTAL DIVIDE pre.ent. The Scout., a queer· General Meeting. Meets the second
gay rodeo in West Hollywood; videos led rock and roll band. Third Avenue at St. Mark. and fourth Wednesday of each
serve as transitions between live Place. March 14 at 10 pm. Info: (212) 929-6924. month. The Center. 208 W. 13th SI.
routines; at 55 Grove St (west of 7th 6:3Q--8pm.
Ave South); $8 + 2-drink minimum; Big men, express yourselves! It's the GIRTH AND
FRI at 8 pm; 366-5438 MIRTH CLUB'. always well.attended Leather Men'. GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS pre-
Party, and It'. happening at The Center •.208 W. 13th St. sents a Health Seminar: Insurance
AMERICAN PLACE THEATER pre- March 16. Call for copmplete details: (914) 699-7735. Information. 129 W. 20th SI., third
sents I Stand Before You Naked by floor. 7 pm. For more information,
Joyce Carol Oates, about ten Sing, .Ing a .0ng .... COOPER UNION pre.ent. The call the GMHC hotline at (212) 807-
women dealing with life in today's Stonewall Chorale with their gu.e.ts, The Lesbian and 6655. TDD (212) 645-7470 for the
America; with Elizabeth Alley, Gay Chorus of Washington, DC. Each chorus will per· hearing impaired.
Penny Templeton, Nancy Barrett, form their own' program, and join together in a com·
Annie McGreevey, Marguerite bined ensemble of over 125 queer voices. The program LESBIANS AND GAY MEN OF NEW
• • BRUNSWICK presents Deb
Kuhn, Bronwen Booth; 111 W 46 includes Samuel Barber, Johanes Brahms and Ralph
St; $20; Wed-Sat at 8 pm, Wed & Vaughn Williams. $13.50. The Great Hall at Cooper Guston, attorney, discussing legal
Sat at 2 pm, SUN at 3 pm; 840-3074 Union. 7 East 7th St. March 16. Info: (212) 608-4504. issues that concern gay men and
lesbians, including survivor benefits,
CHARLES LUDLAM THEATRE pre- You've got to live a little, laugh a Iittle .... THEATER. joint ownership and living wills.
sents Ludlam's Camille, starring NADA gives you a chance with Shelly Mars In A Day In Friends Meeting. House. 109 Nichol
and directed by Everett Quinton, Hollywood, a Night ot Sodom, "being an evening of Ave. New Brunswick, NJ.
with Cheryl Reeves, Ken Scullin, commentary on male Impersonation, AIDS, dyke- (908) 247-0515.
Georg Osterman, Eureka, Bobb drama and a little SIM." $8. Theater Nada (formerly
Reed, Jim Lamb, Carl Claybourne, Theater Funambules). 167 Ludlow St. March 16 at 10 COOPER UNION presents Women
H.M. Kououkas, Jean-Claude pm. (212) 420·1466. Against AIDS, a benefit for the
Vasseux, Steven Pell, 1 Sheridan Women and AIDS Resource
Square; $25; TUE-FRI at 8 pm, SAT Finally, for those of you who like to dress up, it's The Network. This benefit features per-
&SUN at 7 pm; 691-2271 IMPERIAL COURT OF NEW YORK's fifth annual Night formance artists Jessica Hagedorn,
of a Thousand Gowns Charlt.y Ball. The $100 ticket Holly Hughes and Karen Finley.
CHERRY LANE THEATRE presents benefits the Gay and Lesbian Community Services $5. Cooper Union Great Hall. 8 pm.
David Stevens' The Sum of Us, by Center. The Roosevelt Hotel. March 16. For complete (212) 353-4158.
the writer of Breaker Morant, starring information, contact Ben Freeman at (212) 673-7633.
Tony Goldwyn and Richard MEN OF ALL COlORS TOGETHER
Venture, directed by Kevin NY Political Action/Media Out-
Dowling, about a father who tries to reach Meeting. The.Ceriter. 208 W.
help with his son's• gay relationships 13th St. 6:30 pm. (212) 222-9794.
while he looks for a new wife; 38 fantasy, from the Cotton to Motown. 21 Normandy Heights Rd. Monistown,
Commerce St; $27;50-$32.50; TUE- Men, with wigs, examine incandes- NJ. Info: GAAMC Gay Helpline: (201) THE NEW YORK ADVERTISING
FRI at 8 pm, SAT at at 7 & 10 pm, cent images of the blues' queens 285-1595. AND COMMUNICATIONS NET-
SUN at 3 & 7:30 pm; 989-2020 and their descendants. $10. The WORK presents an Open House at
Producers Club. 358 W. 44th St., ACT UP General Meeting. Cooper John Dowdell's post-production facil-
LUCILLE.LORTEL THEATER pre- 2nd floor, suite 7. Fridays atll pm. Union. Fourth Avenue at 7th Street. ity, the first in New York to use Rank
. sents Falsettoland, the William (212) 971-9021. 7:30 pm. Info: 564-AIDS. Cintel's totally digital URSA. 218 E.
Finn/James Lapine musical. The third 45th 51. 6:3Q--8:30pm.
in Rnn's Marvin Trilogy, Falsettoland MONDAY, MARCH 11 CELLBLOCK 28 presents the New
examines the impact of AIDS on a gay York Strap and Paddle STEVE MCGRAW'S SUPPER CLUB
male couple, a lesbian couple, a het- SAGE presents Adult Survivors of Association Party. "For ali of you presents Jamie De Roy and
erosexual couple and a child. 121 Sexual Abuse, an experiential ther- who like to bend over and take it like Friends, an evening of cabaret fea-
Christopher st. $27.50-$35. Tu--F at apy group for women ages 21 and a man." Cellblock 28. 28 Ninth Ave., turing Ms. De Roy and La Vern
8 pm. Sa at 7 and 10 pm. Su at 3 pm. up to support the recover process between 13th and 14th streets. Baker (star of Black and Blue),
(212) 924-a782. and free you from the pain and Doors open 8 pm. (212) 733-3144. Marlo Cantone, Dolores Gray,
silence of sexual . abuse. Rhonda Hansome, Jay Leonhart,

RAPPTHEATRE COMPANY revives Psychotherapists: Joyce Z. Meyers, TUESDAY, MARCH 12 Harold Rand and Bill Scheft. $15
Thomas M. Disch's The Cardinal CSW and Robbye Stuart-Russell, cover/$8 minimum. Steve McGraw's.
Detoxes, "a chilling look inside the MA. The Cent,er. 208 W. 13th St. LONG ISLAND GAY MEN'S GROUP 158 W. 72nd St. 8 pm. Reservations:
hierarchy of the modern Catholic 7-8:30 pm. (212) 741-2247. presents Gay Rage. No more Mr. (212) 595-7400.
Church exploring such issues as Nicegay. For complete details on this
AIDS, abortion, ties to organized GAY ACTIVIST ALLIANCE IN MOR- bi-monthly discussion group, contact THE NINTH STREET CENTER pre-
crime and homosexuality'; directed RIS COUNTY presents Womyn's LlGMG at (516) 694-2407. sents Queer Questions, Queer
by R. Jeffrey Cohen, starring Network and Men's Rap Group at Answ.ers, a series of rap groups
George McGrath as the Cardinal; 7:30 pm, before their General GAY MEN OF THE BRONX General whose focus is defining homosexual-
220 E 4 St; $10 (TDK ok); FRI & Meeting at 8:30 pm. Tonighfs topic" "If Meeting. 1 Fordham Plaza, 8th floor. ity for the 1990s. Tonight's facilitator:
SAT at to &11:30 pm, SUN at 2 pm Love is the Answer, I Want a Second 6-8 pm. Info: Chris (212) 0806 Rich Kamencik. 319 E. 9th St., base-
(RT= 35 min.); 529-6160.. Opinion." Phil. McCabe will lead an (English) or Robert ,(212) 882-3404. ment. 8-10 pm. (212) 228-5153.
experiential workshop designed ·to Meetings are 2nd and 4th Tuesdays;
MEN WITH WIGS, INC., presents explore sexuality, interpersonal com- next is Feb. 26. W,MARCH13
It's a Man's World: Ladles Sing the munications, and how to get what you •

Blues, a fun,filled, gender-bender want. Monistown Unitarian Fellowship. THE PYRAMID presents Not Yet BRONX AIDS SERVICES offers a

66 OUTWEEK March 20, 1991

Support Group for HIV-Posltlve GAY AND LESBIAN INDEPENDENT bian and gay community; Anne game: Dyke Dilemma. 7 pm. Call 24
• Women. Share your concerns, ideas DEMOCRATS present a Mackay, East End Women for the hours in advance for confirmation ,
and feelings. Free and confidential. Symposium: ·Police Violence, Past Arts; and Nan DuBois, NOW-NYC.' address, directions and car-pooling.
The morning program is in Spanish, and Present, Against the Lesbian NOW-NYC Offices. 15 W. 18th St., (718) 965-7678. .
the afternoon program is in English. and Gay Community: What We Can 9th floor. 6:30 pm. (212) 807-0721.
One Fordham Plaza, 8th floor. Bronx. Do." Speakers include, Margarita GAY MEN OF tHE BRONX presents
10-11 am and 1:30-2:30 pm. Info: Lopez, Dr. Mini Lu, Bruce Bentley JUDITH'S ROOM presents Kay Drinks and Dinner at Montezuma
Edith Gutierrez at (212) 933-2400 or and Bill Dobbs, among others. The Gardner, reading from her book, Mexican restaurant. 119. W.
lsa Martinez at (212) 295-5605. Center. 208 W. 13th St. 8 pm. Sounding the Inner Landscape: Kingsbridge Rd. 7.:30 pm. Please
Music as Medicine. Judith's Room. RSVP by March 13 to Ron at (212)
AIDS AND ADOLESCENTS NET- A DIFFERENT liGHT p.resents 681 Washington St. 7 pm. (212) 727- 519-8746.
WORK OF NEW YORK Network Sarah Schulman, re~dir1.g··fromher 7330.
Monthly Meeting. 121 Sixth Ave., book, People in Troubliil.548 Hudson MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER
6th floor. 3-0 pm. (212) 925-6675. St. 8 pm. Info: (212) 989-4850. THE CENTER presents Orientation presents a Panel Discussion:
for women only, in celebration of "Women and HIV and AIDS:' David
THE GAY AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIO- GAY MALE SIM ACTIVISTS pre- women's history month. The pro- Housel and Joe Franco are the co-
LENCE PROJECT Peer Counsel- sents End Games: Concluding an gram is wheelchair-accessible and chairs. The Center. 208 W. 13th SI.
Ing for survivors of bias assault, SIM Scene. Ray Matienzo, a past will by ASL interpreted. Spanish 7:45 pm. (212) 222-9794.
domestic violence and sexual chair of GMSMA, will lead the dis- interpretation is also available. $3.
assault. Held every Wednesday and cussion. $4 for members/$6 for non- The Center. 208 W. 13th St. 7 pm. THE ANSWER IS LOVING Women
Thursday from 6-8 pm. The Center. members. The Center. 208 W. 13th (212) 620-7310. Talking Women's Talk: Women
208 W. 13th St. (212) 807-0197. St. 8 pm. (212) 727~878. and Success, 'How do we view our-
DIXON PLACE presents Oliver selves? What is our frame of refer-
BRONX LESBIANS UNITED IN SIS- GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS pre- Wadsworth, in Struggles in Daddy's ence.What is our lot, our job, what is
TERHOOD General Meting. s,ents Men Meeting Men. No regis- Dress, a solo performance where expected of us, what do we expect,
Tonight's topic: 'Invisibility of Lesbian tration required. The Center. 208 W.. ·Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Monroe and a what is our sense of accompliSh-
Mothers in the Lesbian and Gay 13th SI. 8-19:30 pm. pack of red wolves struggle against ments?"; 1964 E 35 St, Bklyn; 7:45-
Community.' One Fordham Plaza, their adve·rsaries." Also on the bill: 10 pm; $10; Ruth Berman & Connie
suite 800. Bronx. 6:30-8 pm. Info: THE EAGLE presents Movie Night: Dan Hurlin and Victoria Marks, Kurtz, 718/998-2305.
Miriam at (212) 409-2692 in Die Hard 2: Ole Harder. Talk about saying 'No equals yes. Yes equals
Spanish, and Lisa at (212) 829-9817 deadly deja vul Everyone's favorite no. What are we girls to do?" $6 or BODY POSITIVE Friday Night
in English. beleaguered cop, John McClane TDF. Dixon Place. 37 E. 1st SI., Social, for all HIV-positive individuals
(Bruce Willis), returns if! last sum- between First and Second avenues. and their friends, Fre. MiddleCollegiate
BISEXUAL WOMEN'S SUPPORT mer's action-packed blockbuster. 8 pm. (212) 673-6752. Church. 50 E. 7th St., off Second Ave.
GROUP Discussion and The Eagle. 142 Eleventh Ave., at 8-10 pm. (212) 721-1346.
Workshop. Tonight's topic: ·Why 21st Street. 11 pm. 691-8451. CAVE CAN EM presents Slave to
Are We So Shy? How to Come on to the Cave, a chance for women only PS 122 presents Scratch 'n" Sniff
Women." Women only. $3. The CELLBLOCK ,28 Hot Ash Party. It's to say goodbye to Cave Canem in Avant-Garde-Arama, with host Ken
Center. 208 W. 13th St. 6:30-8 pm. .the Cellblock's own version of style. DJ Moaning Lisa. $5. Cave Bullock. Featuring Uzi Parnes (per-
(212) 459-4784. Operation Desert Smoke. Uniforms Canem. 24 First Ave., between 1st formance), Nurla Olive-Belies
and fatigues are the order of the and 2nd streets. 8 pm. (dance), Brain Dewan (music), Hapl
JUDITH'S ROOM presents Joy Harjo night. Free cigars at the bar. Phace (performance), Alvin Eng
reading with Nancy Krlcorlan, one of Cellblock 28. 28 Ninth Ave., between WEBO SPACE presents Matthew (performance), Jim Browne (film),
four winners of the 1990 Judith's 13th and 14th streets. Doors open 8 Courtney and Alchemy Poetry Maestro Subgum and the Whole
Room Emerging Talent Competition. pm. (212) 733-3144. Hour, featuring Robin GOldsmith, (music). Part two of the program
Judith's Room. 681 Washington St. 7 Karl HOlmquist, David Huberman, concludes tomorrow. $10 or TDF
pm. (212) 727-7330. THURSDAY, MARCH 14 Seth King, Tsaurah 'Utzky and plus $5. PS 122 150 First Ave. 8 pm.
Gavin Moses. $4. Webo Space. 317 (212) 477-5288.
SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LES- BRONX AIDS SERVICES offers a E. Houston SI., at Attorney SI. 9 pm.
BIANS presents Pool Night. Support Group for HIV-Posltlve •

Featuring free pool, ping pong, bil- Women. This is an ongoing, closed CONTINENTAL DIVIDE presents
liards, air hockey and shooting group. Individual consultations are The Scouts, a queer-led rock and INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUE pre-
hoops at Brownstone Billiard. required before admittance. Free. roll band. Third Avenue at SI. Marks sents Hatha Yoga Class. Hatha
Seventh Ave. at Flatbush. 349 E. 149th St., room 609. Bronx. Place. 10 pm. Info: (212) 929-6924. Yoga refers to the physical postures,
Afterwards, relax at the Roost at 9 11 am to 12:30 pm. Info: Donna deep relaxation and breathing prac-
pm. Seventh Avenue at 8th Street. Bersch at (212) 585-5001. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 tices which revitalize and strengthen
The evening begins at 7 pm. Please the body and calm the mind. This
,call 24 hours in advance to confirm THE GAy AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIO- THE NEW YORK ADVERTISING class is especially for those who are
all SAL activities: (718) 965-7578. LENCE PROJECT Peer Counseling AND COMMUNICATIONS NET- HIV-positive. IYI. 227 W. 13th St.
for survivors of bias assault, domes- WORK presents a Career 12-1 :30 pm. (212) 929-0586.
INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUTE pre- tic violence and sexual assault. Held Workshop With Kate Wendleton.
sents PATH Seminars: The Body- every Wednesday and Thursday Wendleton is the direcotr of the New THE GIRTH AND MIRTH CLUB
'Mind Connection. Tonight's topic: from 6-8 pm. The Center. 208 W. School's Sunday Career Center and Leather Men's Party. The Center.
Visualization. Seminar leader: Peter 13th St (212) 807-0197. the author of Job Changing 208 W. 13th St. Call for time and
Hendrickson, PhD, psychologist. $7 Worl<book for Executives, Managers other details: (914) 699-7735.
per class (scholarships available). BRONX LESBIANS UNITED IN SIS- - and Professionals (you'll need a
IYI. 227 W. 13th St.7:30-9 pm. (212) TERHOOD General Meting. copy of the book'for the program). COOPER UNION presents The
929-0586. Tonight's topic: ·Happy Women's The morning session dea,ls with Stonewall Chorale with their
History Month Social." Bring food resume writing, obtaining interviews guests, The. Lesbian and Gay
THE PUBLISHING TRIANGLE pre- and drink to share. One Fordham and kiling off your competition. The Chorus of Washington, D.C.. Each
sents a Queer Moments In Great Plaza, suite 800. Bronx. 6:30-8 pm. afternoon session deals with prepar- chorus will perform their own pro-
Literature-Great Moments In Info: 'Miriam at (212) 409-2692 in ing for interviews, handling tough gram, and join together in a com-
Queer Literature, a fund-raiser for SpaniSh, and Lisa at (212) 829-9811 questions and salary negotiation. bined ensemble of over 1.25voices.
the gay and lesbian library at the in English. The Center. 208 W. 13th St. 10 am The program includes Samuel •

Community Center. Featuring perfor- and 2 pm. For pricing and registra- Barber, Johanees Brahms and Ralph
mances by Olympia, Ivory, John THE LESBIAN !=tIGHTS COMMIT- tion info: (212) 517-0380.. Vaughn Williams. $13.50. the Great
Kelly, Lisa Kron, Quentin Crips, TEE OF NOW-NYC and the SER- Hall at Cooper Union. 7 East 7th SI.
Claire Mowed. $5. The Limelight. VICE FUND OF NOW-NYC present SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LES- Info: (212) 608-4504.
Sixth Avenue at 21st Street. 7:30 a Panel Discussion and Forum. BIANS takes a Field Trip: Thlrty-
pm. Info: Michele Kar1sberg at (212) With Susan T. Chasin, Visibilities, Plus Potluck and Game Night. Join SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LES-
629-8140 or Robin Hardy at (212) the lesbian magazine; Dr. Marjorie them In the East Village for fun, food BIANS takes a Field Trip: Women's
254-4709. Hili, the mayor's office for the les- and games. Tonight's featured Theater/Dlnner/Etc.1 Night at 7 pm-

March 20,1_1 OUTWEEK 67·



Tuning In: A TV/Radio Guide for OutWeekReaders
• •

Information must be received by Monday to be included in the following week's issue. Send items to
OutWeek listings, 159W. 25th St, NY, NY 10001.

ME (Arts & Ern. 555 Fifth Ave, 10th R, NYC 101117;661-45001 Midnight RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show: male and female strippers,live
CCTV (Rick X, Box 790, NYC 101081 call-in show; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35
GBS (Gay Broadcasting System, Butch Peaston, 178 7th Ave, Ste. A-3, NYC 10011;
243-15701 THURSDAY, MARCH 7
GCN (Gay Cable Network. lou Maletta, 32 Union Square East. Suite 1217;477- 1:00 PM WBAI-FM This Way Out; the international gay/lesbian news maga-
42201 zine; 99.5 FM (:301
GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis, Jean Car1omusto, 129W20 St. NYC 101111;807- 1:30 PM WBAI-FM An Afternoon Ouling: local news and information about
75171 the gay and lesbian community with Larry Gutenburg; 99.5 FM (:301
RB PROD (Robin Byrd Prod., Box 305, NYC 10021;988-2973) 6;00 PM WFOX- TV Golden Girls A female friend of Dorothy's falls for Rose,
WABC-TV InW63 St. NYC 10023;456-7777)' in what TV Guide calls "an apisode about lesbianism: CH 5.
WBAI-FM (505 8th Ave, 19th R, NYC 10018;Z79-0707) 10:00 PM GCN Be Our Guest entertainmentfor and aboutthe lesbian/gay
ill WeBS-TV (51 W 52 St St. NYC 101119;975-4321) community; Manhattan Cable, CH 0/17 (:301
WNBC-TV (30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC 10112;664-4444) 10:30 PMGMHC living W/IfJ AIDS'. health and politics; Manhattan Cable, CH
WNET-TV (356W58 St. NYC 101119;560-300II)
WNYW-TV (Fox, 1211AV/AM, NYC 101Xl6;556-2400) V/35 (:301
11:00 PM GCN Gay U.SA: news and entertainment from around the coun-
WPIX- TV (220 E42 Sf, NYC 101117;949-110111
try; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:00)
Midnight GCN Men in Films. male erotica, interviews with adultfilmstars;
7:00 AM MAX Mommie DearestWholesome family entertainment. Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:301
9:00 AM WCBS- TV Geraldo Scheduled topic: rape.CH 2- 12:30 AM RB PROD Men For Merr. Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
10:00 AM WCBS- TV Sally Jessy Raphael Scheduled topic: seeking retribu- stars; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:301
tion after being physically or sexually abused, Make sure the G-man and
SJR know that there are queer aspects to these issues as well. CH 2- .FRIDAY, MARCH 15
11:00 AM MAX Nuns on the Run As I recall, this is a movie about unattrac- 1:30AM WNBC-TV Bob CostBsScheduled: Harry Connick, Jr. I confess, I
tive men in bad drag. Repeated at 11 pm and Friday at 2:40 am. > don't know if he has any talent, but ..those eyes, thatfacel CH 4.
1:30 PM WUSa 90.1 FM The Word Is OutMarc Gu.nning hosts a weekly les- 1:30 PM SHO Cry-Baby John Waters does-I mean, directs-Johnny
bian, gay and bisexual variety show. Depp. Forthose of us who work, it's repeated at 11 pm.
2;00 PM WUSB 90.1 FM Lavender Wimmin News, songs and music pro- 2:30 PM WBAI-FM Rompiendo el Silencio: todos los viernes, Gonzalo
duced by women forwomen. Aburto con temas y noticias para la comunidad latina gay y lesbian a;
2:30 PM WUSB 90.1 FM This Way Out More queer news. 99.5 FM (:151
8:30 PM Manhattan Cable The Brenda and Glennda Show CH 17 3:00 PM WNBC- TV Joan Rivers Joan hosts the Imperial Court of New York.
9:00 PM GBS Out in the 90's. community news, discussion, interviews. Ba They promise a "fashion show format," and plan to 'tell the wol1d that we
Cable, CH 56 (1:001 are not just a bunch of men in drag, but are concerned, aware and con-
11:30 PM Tomorrow/Tonight live: entertainment; Manhattan and Paragon tributing members of the community: Say it, sister. CH 4,
Cable, CH 0/17 (1:001 ' 4:00 PM WASC-TV Oprah WinfreyScheduled: hairstylists. The fur will be
Midnight CCTV The Closet Case Show: KlosatKlips; Manhattan IParagon f1ying,l'm sure. CH 7.
Cable, CH C/16 (:301 6:00 PM WFOX-TV 21 Jump StreetMcCann becomes involved with a
cheerleader who has AIDS, Ch 11.
TUESDAY, MARCH 12 , 6.110PM 1MC Torch Song Trilogy You're gonna have to tape 21 Jump Street,
9:00 AM WCBS- TY Geraldo Scheduled topic: medical experimentation. CH 2 because here's your chance to see Harvey, our hero. ' .
. 11:35 AM TNT TheGorgeous Hussy Joan Crawford is the title character. 7:00 PM WBAI-FM AIDS In Focus, Michael Alcalay, produc 1:00 AM RB
8:00 PM WNET-TV Andre 's MotherThe mother of a man who died of AIDS PROD The Robin Byrd Show: male and female strippers; Manhattan
and his lover "deal differendy with their grief: CH 13, Cable, CH V/35 (1:001
8:00 PM HBO Dangerous liaisonsWrth Uma and Glenn and John and
Keanu, you don't need a plot, but this movie's got one to knock the false ~ATURDAY, MARCH 16
eyelashes off even the most jaded queen, Repeated Monday at 3:40 am, 4.110AM USA The Ouling How could I resist listing that? (It is, by the way, a
10:00 PM Desde Hollywood Invitada: la actriz Jodie .Foster. CH 41, thriller about a genie released from his bottle after 3,000 years.1
10:00 PM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show: male and female strippers; . 8:30 AM WBAI-FM Any Saturday with David Rothenberg; live call-in; 99.5
Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:001 FM (2:001
11:00 PM AlfThe show I'm most looking forward to this week: Aif dreams of 7:00 PM GCN Gay U.SA: news and entertainment from around the country;
becoming a Gilligan's Island castaway, Mary Ann, The Professor, Sa. Unity, ACV Cable, CH 56 (1:00) (For Manhattan Cable, see THURSDAy)
Gilligan and the Skipper have cameos. CH 20.. 8.110PM WNET- TV Bernstein at 701A salute to the late, gay conductor, CH
11:00 PM GBS Out in the 90's. news, informatioiland interviews; 13. I
• Manhattan/paragon Cable, CH C/16 (1:001 11:00 PM Gay TV: male porn; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35
1:30 AM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show: male & female strippers;
. WEDNESDAY, MARCI:I 13 . Manhattan Cable; CH , V/35 (1:00)
1:30 AM ESPN Star Shot Scheduled: Celebrity clay-targ~shooting. Gee,l
can think of lots of stars with feat of clay whom I'd like to see shot. SUNDAY, MARCH 17 ,

9:00 AM WCBS- TV Geraldo Scheduled topic: sexual harassment. CH 2- 7:30 PM WBAI-FM The Gay Show Bob Storm, Larry Gutenburg, Allan Ross
1:00 PM AMC The Gay Divorcee A gay title does not a gay movie make, but and Marie Becker host (tentatively): Dicl( Dadey, executive director of
this one has Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers at least Repeated at 5 pm, the Empire State Pride Agenda; Sam Ciccone and Peter Guardino of
.4:00 PM WNBC-TV Phil Donahue Scheduled topic: sexually explicit home GOAL; and Dan Martin and Michael Biello, creators of Homo Love Song,
videos. CH 4. Alternates with Out/oaks, 99.5 FM (1:001,
8:00 PM WNET- TV Big Bird's Birthday At press time, it was unknown if Bert 111'.30PM RB PROD Men For Merr. Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
and Ernie would be appearing, or if they were at home in the bedroom stars; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:301
they've publically shared for years. CH 13. 11:00 PM GBS Way Out( Mark Chesnut and Michelle VanVoomies host part
9:00 PM WNET- TV The Rocky and Bullwinkle Storyyat another faous pair of two of Ann Northrup's recent lecture atthe Center. Rich Volo is the pro-
cartoon characters carrying on together CH 13.. ducer. CH C/16 (:30)
' .

&8 OUTWEEK March 20, 1_1 ,

• •

ish. For non-smoking lesbians over $1.50 green beers. $6 general NETWORK in cooperation with the ILGA fund-raiser in April. The
age 35. Also tonight, at 7:30, it's admission. Tod's. 2 Georges Rd. ADOLESCENT AIDS NETWORK Center. 208 W. 13th St. 8 pm.
Diversity Night, SAL's first official New Brunswick, NJ. (201) 545-8990. OF NEW YORK presents its Annual
multicultural night. SAL encouranges Adolescent Theatre Festival. The SOUTHERNERS presents a'
women of all colors to come. Bring GAY FATHER'S FORUM March three day program includes, today, Potluck Dinner. If you attend,
snacks, beverages, games and cas- Social. Join them for brunch at the the STAR Theatre, Family Life please bring food according to the
settes. Please call 24 hours in Townhouse restaurant. 2 pm. Call for Theatre and Dandelion Productions. following categories: Las.t names
advance to confirm all SAL events: complete details: (212) 288-3236. Free. Bruno Walter Auditorium at beginning with A-E, bring deserts
(718) 965-7578. Lincoln Center. 111Amsterdam Ave., and appetizers; F-J bring entrees;
MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER at 66th Street. 4-5:30 pm each day. K-O bring vegetables or salads; and
LESBIANS AND GAY MEN OF NEW present Rhythm Natlo'n 3 Tea For reservatiPlls, contact Ken P-Z bring potatoes, starches or
BRUNSWICK present a Potluck Dance. $5 in advance a'nd'for mem- Hornbeck at (212) 794-3315. [See breads. Southerners will' provide iced
Dim1er. Join them at Ray's in New bers/$7 at door.135 W:"14th St., 2nd March 19 and 20.) tea and soda. $5 members/$8 non-
Brunswick. Please call ahead to let fioor, between Sixth and. Seventh members. The Center. 208 W. 13th
them what you're bringing. 7 pm. For avenues. 2-5 pm. (212) 222-9794. THE NEW YORK BAR ASSOCIA- St. 8 pm. (212) 674-8073.
complete info: (908) 247-0515. TION presents Doctors and Other

PS 122 presents Scratch 'n' Sniff presents Lesbians In Latin Policy Review. Speakers: Michael
Avant-Garde-Arama, with host Ken America, featuring Mariana Romo- Greco, MD, JD, Chief, Dividsionof THE BRONX AIDS EDUCATORS
Bullock. Featuring Brendan de Carmona of Las Buenas Amlgas. Allergy and Clinical Immunology- NETWORK General Meeting.
Valiance (performance), Naaz $4 donation includes refreshments. Infectious Diseases and Epidemi- Uncoln Hospital, conference room 3.
Hossei n i (dance/performance), TlJe Center. 208 W. 13th St. 3 pm. ology at St. Luke's-Roosevelt 234 E. 1491hSt. Bronx. 9:30-11 am.
Dudley (monologue/music), Richard Info: (212) 627-1398. Hospital Center; Kathryn C. Meyer, Info: Janet Goldberg at (212) 293-
"Pookle" Winberg (performance), Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs, 2658 or Rosaline Morales at (212)
Theresa Haney (dance/perfor- JUDITH'S ROOM presents bell Beth Israel Medical Center; David 295-5605.
mance). Rud.y Burckhardt (film) hooks, reading from her book, yearn- Rogers, MD, Walsh McDermott
and Maestro Subgum and the ing: race, gender and cultural politics. Professor of Medicine, Cornell THE ADOLESCENT THEATRE
Whole (music.) $10 or TDF plus $5. Judith's Room, 681 Washington St. 3 Medical School and Vice-Chairman, NETWORK in cooperation with the
PS 122 150 First Ave. 8 pm. (212) pm. (212).727-7330. National Commission on AIDS; Lani ADOLESCENT AIDS NETWORK
477-5288. [See March 15 for the first Sanjeck,Associ<lteExecutive Director, OF NEW YORK presents its Annual
half of this program.) IN YOUR FACE PRODUCTIONS . New York StateWide S.enior Actoin Adolescent Theatre Festival. The
presents Insignificant Other, a CounCil, New York City Patient's three day program includes, today,
KMTM presents Fall Down, Spring comedy-by Lon Lowry about break- Rights Hotline; Harvey F. Wachsman, Teatro Vida, the Greater Brownsville
Up, a movement concert featuring the ing up. Starring Vincent Caruso and MD, JD. Co-sponsoredby the Ad Hoc Youth Council, SPARK Players and
choreogrllphy of Carol Dilley, Rod C. Hayes III of the Freelance Committee on AIDS. NYC Bar Reflections. Free. Bruno Walter
Michael Foley, Joy Kellman, Acting Group (yes, that's FAG for Association.42 W. 44th Sl 7 pm. Auditorium at Lincoln Center. 111
Michele Miller, Amy Pivar, Sarah short). $5. The Center. 208 W. 13th Amsterdam Ave., at 66th Street.
Pogostin and Sabatino Verlezza. St. 5 and 8 pm. (212) 924-7602: SAGE presents Adult Survivors of 4-5:30 pm each day. For reserva-
$10. Dance Space Inc. 622 Broadway, Sexual Abuse, an experiential 'ther- tions, contact Ken Hornbeck at (212)
6th floor, between !3leecker and LAVENDER HEIGHTS presents its apy group for women ages 21 and 794-3315. [See March 18 and 20.)
Houston streets. 8 pm. Reservations: Monthly Third-Sunday Potluck. up to support the recover process
(212) 777-8067.[See March 17.) Celebrate the third birthday of the les- and free you from the pai nand GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS pre-
bian and gay neighbors association of silence of sexual abuse. sents a Health Seminar: Benefits
THE NINTH STREET CENTER pre- Washington Heights and Inwood. Psychotherapists: Joyce Z. Meyers, Information and Nutritional
sents Queer Questions, Queer Bring a dish and enjoy socializing, CSW and Robbye S!uart-Russell, Issues. 129 W. 20th St., third and
Answers, a series of rap groups networking, games and volleyball. $2 MA. The Center. 208 W. 13th St. sixth floors. 7 pm. For more'informa-
whose focus is defining homosexual- suggested donation. Cornerstone 7-8:30 pm. (212) 741-2247. tion, call the GMHC hotline at (212)
ity for the 1990s. Tonight's facilitator: Center. 178 Bennett Ave., one block 807-6655. TDD (212) 645-7470 for
Bob Fink. 319 E. 9th St., basement. west of Broadway at 1891hStreet. 6 GAY AcflVIST ALLIANCE OF the hearing impaired.
8-10 pm. (212) 228-5153. pm. Info: (212) 569-2023. MORRIS COUNTY 1 .presents
Womyn's Network and Men's Rap TWENTYSOMETHING presents a
THEATER NADA presents Shelly PEOPLE WITH AIDS COALITION Group at 7:30 pm, before their Rap Group, addressing "HomophO-
Mars in A Day in Hollywood, a Night presents a Sunday Evening General Meeting at 8:30 pm. bia: Internal and External." $3.The
of Sodom, ·being an evening of com- Weekly Social fQr gay men and les- Tonight's topic" ·Play Safe Batter- Center. 208 W. 13th St. 89:30 pm.
me,ntary on male impersonation, bians who are HIV-positive or have ies Not Included." Sex educator Info: Perry at (212) 242-3038.
AIDS, dyke~rama and a little S/M." AIDS, and their friends. PWAC Steve Brown facilitates a workshop
$8. Theater Nada (formerly Theater Living room. 6:30-9:30 pm. (212) on safe sex fun and games. THE COALITION FOR LESBIAN
Fµnambules). 167 Ludlow St. 10 pm. 889-2334. Morristown unitarian Fellowship. 21 AND GAY RIGHTS General
(212) 420-1466. [See March 23.) Normandy Heights Rd. Morristown, Meeting. The Center. 208 W. 13th
SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LES- NJ. Info: GAAMC Gay Helpline: St. 8 pm. (212) 627-1398.
JOCELYN AND JULIE present Clit BIANS presents St. Patrick's Day (201) 285-1595.
Club Saturdays. Now you can ·sat- Potluck. Wear green and bring MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER
isfy your urges all weekend." Their green food, but please, no alcohol ACT UP General Meeting. Cooper Newsletter Editing. 225 W. 34th St.,
fiyer says ·Coming soon. Maybe tonight. 7:30 pm. Please call 24 Union. Fourth Avenue at 7th StrElet. #1500. 8 pm. Call Lidell before
March 16; so I call to make sure this hours in advance to confirm all SAL 7:30 pm. Info: 564-AIDS. attending: (212) 736-5295.
is opening weekend.· The Pyramid. events: (718) 965-7578. •

101 Ave. A: (212) 406-1114. IN OUR OWN WRITE Writer's STEVE MCGRAW'S SUPPER CLUB
KMTM presents Fall Down, Spring Workshop for lesbian and gay writ- presents Jamie De Roy and
THE IMPERIAL COURT OF NEW Up, a movement concert featuring ers. Workshops are held on the first Friends, an evening of cabaret fea-
YORK presents the fifth annual Night the choreography of Carol Dilley, and third Mondays of the month. turing Ms. De Roy and Doug
of a Thousand Gowns Charity Ball, Michael Foley, Joy Kellman, Please bring work. The Center. 208 Bernstein, Denis Markel and the
benefitting The Gay and Lesbian Michele Miller, Amy Plvar, Sarah . W. 13th St. 8-10 pm. (212) 620-7310. cast of Showing Off; Ellen Foley;
Community Services Center. $100. Pogostin and Sabatino Verlezza. Caroline Rhea; Jonathan
The Roosevelt Hotel. For tickets and $10. Dance Space Inc. 622 THE INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN Solomon; Stiller and Ash; and K.T.
complete information, contact Ben Broadway, 6th floor, between AND GAY ASSOCIATION Center Sullivan. $15 cover/$8 minimum.
Freeman at (212) 673-7633. Bleecker and Housfon streets. 8 pm. Liaison Committee Meeting. Steve McGraw's. 158 W. 72nd SI. 8
Reservations: (212) 777-8067. [SEle Topics: upcoming world conference pm. Reservations: (212) 595-7400.
SUNDAY, MARCH 17 March 16.) in Guadalajara, Mexico; continuing
United Nations efforts; meeting
TOD'S WOMEN'S CLUB AND CAFE MONDAY, MARCH 18 Amnesty International regarding their MORE LISTINGS
presents a St. Patrick's Day Party, "mandate" being changed to include
featuring hot buffet, $2 house drinks, THE ADOLESCENT THEATRE oppression of lesbians and gay men; NEXT WEEK
March 20, 1_1 OU' WEEK 69

Monday Private Eyes ( YMVA Night; students, profession-

als, men) 12 W 21 St. 206-7772
Private Eyes (Marc Berkley's Kool Komra.ds;
strippers; downtown crowd, students, pro- . Stingray's (New club, new sound system, Free
before 10 pm, $7 after,) 641 W. 51st St. (212)
fessionals. 2-4-1 drinks till midnight .$7) 12
II W 21 St. (212) 206-7772. 664-8668
Pyramid ( Ivory presents 'Gentle on My Mind." + Visions (women's party) 56-01 Queens Blvd,
Opening March 4. No cover, no hassles, no Woodside, Queens; info 718/846-7131, club
kidding.) 101 Avenue A. (212) 473-7184. 718/899-9031

Tuesday Saturday
+ Clit Club (Drink specials till midnight Lesbian Barefoot Boogie (2nd & 4th SAT; adults/kids,
erotic videos and slides. $3 before mid- smoke & alcohol free; 8:30 pm -12:30 am, $4;
night/$!! after.) Pyramid. 101 Avenue A. (212) next is Dec 8) 434 6th Ave (btwn 9/10 Sts),
473-7184. 4th Aoor; 832-6759
+ ",Club Edelweiss ('lVs, TSs, gays, bi·s,.sin- Center (2nd & 4th Sat, 9 pm to 1 am, $8. OJ Peter
Send information, Arden.) 208 W 13 St; 620-7310
gles, couples'; TUES especially for lesbians;
corrections, and complaints + Center ('Women & Friends." Every first
but open to all TUE-SUN night) 167 W 29;
to OutWeek Listings, 159 W Saturday, Next is April6. OJ Gini DeSantis. 9
Danceteria (Coming soon: Chip Duckett's gay 25 St, NY, NY 10.0.01.You pm to 1 am.) 208 W 13 St. (212) 620-7210.
Tuesdays, Keep your eyes on this space for may also fax the listings + Clit ClUb (Jocelyn and Julie expand to both
opening.) 29 E. 29th St. editor at (212) 337-122.0. weekend nights. Look for opening night on
+ Grand Central (Women's nighttonight. Mixed March 16.) The Pyramid. 101 Ave. A. (212)
We-Su.) 210 Merrick Road, Rockville 406-1114.
Jtn[newinfo] +[women] Club West End (Michael Fesco's Saturdays;
Centre, U; (516) 536-4800.
Jack Officer's Club (Cruising, Bruising, Drinking ~[attracts TVs] midnight - 9 am) 547 W 21 St
and Carousing. Audio, Video.and Manual Columbie Dances (SamE BuT DifferenT. Third
Manipulation by OJ Craig. $3) 505 E. 8th St 1 Saturday dances. OJ Karin Ward, 10 pm - 3
.Roxy (John Blair's 'Muscle on Wheels." Gay am; $5) Earl Hall, 116 St/B'way; 629-1989
rollerskating. Doors open at 8 pm. Varied "'Controversy (Drinking, dancing and scandal
cover.) 515 W 18 St; 645-5156. with your host laHoma Van Zandt OJ's
Patrick Butts and Tennessee. $5.) Pyramid,
Wednesday women WED) corner 10th/Jefferson behind 101 Avenue A. (212) 473-7184. •
",Channel 69 (Drag Extravaganza, with Tabbool football stadium, Hoboken, NJ; 201-795-1161 419 419 N. Highway, Southampton, U; 516{283-
Go-go stars, OJ Dany Johnson. Sexy, Hatfield's (2-4-1 drinks, female impersonators; 5001
upbeat, East Village fag and dyke crowd. also open nightly, women on TUE & FRI) 126- Lava Zone (dancing & performers) 70 Beach St,
$5.) Pyramid. 101 Avenue A. (212) 473-7184. 10 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, Queens; Staten Island; 718/442-5692
718/261-8484 House House Girls (All new. $7.) Speed Limit 55.
The Building (Dallas' The Boys' Room; House
More Men (Tony, Keith and Dominic present OJ 154 W. 26th St. (212) 505-0232.
music, downtown crowd, go-go boys and a
60-foot ceiling; $10/$7 with invite) 51 W 26 Tommy Richardson, go-go boys, videos, bil- +Girl Saturdays/Cheap Thrills (Shescape and
St; 576-1890 liards. $10/$7 with invite.) 239 Eleventh Girlgate host. OJ Dany Johnson. Go-go girls,
, + Excalibur (Ladies Night, $1 drinks) corner . Ave,(212) 633-0701. billiards. $5 before 11.) Irving Plaza. Irving
10th/Jefferson behind football stadium, "'Roxy (Disco Interruptus. Dugwah's 30th birth- Place at 15th Street. (212) 645-6479,
Hoboken, NJ; 201-795-1161 day (again). Performances by Throbbers Meat (OJ Aldo Hernandez, every Saturday; go-
",Limelight ('Queer U." DJs Andy Anderson and and Shelly Mars. Decor by Hililebrando de go boys, videos; opens 10 pm; $5)432 W 14
St. . ,':'
Keoki. $5/$10) Sixth Avenue at 20 Street. Castro. OJ Sister Dimension. Featuring Lady
(212) 807-7850. Bunny and Zaldy. $10) 515 W 18th St. 645- ",Roxy (Locomotion; gay boys, guys, men; non-
+ Cadillac Bar (Gini DeSantis presents Pure 5156. gay women, some lesbians; mix Depends on
Party Production Dances for Women, every Stingray's (New club, new sound system, party) 515 W 18 St (btwn 10/11 Aves); 645-
Wed., $5, Free buffet 6-8 pm, Renee Cooke, everything else is a surprise. No cover , 5156
Bartender.) (Entrance on W. 22nd) 16W. 22 tonight) 641 W. 51st St. (212) 664-8668 + Silver Lining (women's Sat) 175 Cherry Lane,
. between 5/6 Aoral Park, U; 516/354-9641
+ Rrivate Eyes (Shescape Afterwork Party, 5-10 Friday Sound Factory (mostly gay; serious House/Club
pm; $5 before 7 pm/$7 after; 2-4-1 drinks ABC (Chip Duckett·s ABC Fridays, OJ Merritt; dancing, no alcohol, opens 11 pm) 530 W 27
before 7) 12 W 21 St; info 645-6479, club 206- ballroom, balcony, boogying; $10/$7 w. St (lOth/11th Aves); 643-0728
7772 invite; opened Nov. 16) 17 Irving Place at 15 Stingray's (Brand new club, brand new sound
Private Eyes (YMVA Night; students, profls, St system, everything else is a surprise, $8.)
women; performers; $7; door often benefits + Clit Club (Jocelyn & Julie, Every Friday Party; 641 W. 51st St. (212) 664-8668
a gay/lesbian organization) 12 W 21 St; 206- go-go girls, lesbo videos; opens 8 pm, bil-
. 7772 liards & $1 drinks between 8 and 9 pm; $5) Sunday •
Silver Lining (2-4-1 drinks, also open Tues-Sun, 432 W 14 St; 406-1114 The Building (Dallas' The Men's Room, stu-
.women SAT) 175 Cherry Lane, Roral Pk, U; Columbia Dances (1st Friday of every month, dents, professionals, men; go-go boys & 6O-
516/354-9641 Earl Hall, 10 pm-2 am.) 116th St & ft. ceiling) 51 W 26 St; 576-1890
,. Stutz (2-4-1 drinks, also open daily) 202 Broadway; 854-3574 days "'FUCKI. (DJs Craig and Victor spin industrial,
Westchester Ave, White Plains; 914[761- + Hatfield's (women's nights are TUE & FRI) house, bass, soul and twirly disco.
126-10 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, Queens; Downstairs, the Lesbian Luv Lounge with OJ
718/261-8484 Lori E. Seid and guest DJs. $5.) Pyramid. 101
Avenue A. (212) 473-7184.
Thursday The Limelight ('Mea Culpa; for men, with video'
Kelly's (OJ Moaning Lisa spins the records for
Blai:glama (Celebrating gay men and women ot. and live entertainment $7/$10.) 47 W, 20th
,. St. (212) 807-7840. dancing dykes. Doors open at 8 pm. $3.) 46
color. Bi-montly; next is Feb. 28.) Pyramid.
101 Ave, A. (212) 473-7184. Meat on Friday (Xclusive performances at 1:30 Bedford St (212) 929-9322.
"'Copacabana (last Thu. of the month Susanne am. OJ Nobody's Pussy. $5.) Pyramid. 101 Monster (Sunday Tea Dance at 4 pm; dancing
Bartsch party; iffy door) 10 E 60 St, at Fifth Avenue A. (212) 473-7184. also on other nights from 10 pm) 80 Grove St
Ave; 755-6010 + Millennium (Ladies' NigM 1770 NY Ave (Ate at Sheridan Sq.; 924-3557
I" . Excalibur ($1 drinks, also open Tues-Sun, 110), Huntington, U; 516/351-1402 More (James St. James, Bella Bolski present)
70 OUTWEEK March 20, 1991

239 Eleventh Ave. 633-0701.
Safe Sundays (Kool Komrads' party at the
Cadillac Bar; go-go boys, $2 shots, $5 beer
bias from 5-8 pm.) 15 W. 21st St (212) 645-

20/20 (Michael Fesco's Tea Dance, opens 4 pm;
$6; free Mimosas & BMs from 4-6, buffet at
7:30) 20 W 20 St; 727-8841.
The World (Christina Vista and Junior Vazquez
Chelsea Eighty-Eights, 228 W, 10th St, 924-0088
present an after-hours party. Doors open at
midnight) 254 E. 2nd St., at Avenue C. Barbary CoaSt, 64 Seventh Ave. (14th St) 675-0385 The Hangout (J's) 679 Hudson St, 242-9272
,.." .
The Break;:J32 Eighth Ave. (22nd St) 627-0072 Julius, 159 W. fllth St, 929-9672
Every Night (or almost) Cellblock 28,28Ninth Ave., 733-3144(M-W) Keller's,384 West SVChristopher, 243-1907
• Badrock (lesbian club, closed MON & TUE)
Chelsea Transfer, 131 Eighth Ave. (bet 16th and Kelly's Village West. 46 Bedford St,929-9322
121 Woodfield Rd, W. Hempstead, LI;
516/486-9516 17th) 929-7183 Marie's Crisis, 59 Grove St, (Seventh Ave.} 243-
""Club Edelweiss ('TVs, TSs, gays, bi's, singles, Eagle's Nest, 142 Eleventh Ave; (21st St) 691-8451 9323
couples all welcome'; TUE for lesbians, but Private Eyes, 12W. 21st St (bet Fifth and Sixth The Monster, 80 Grove St (Seventh Ave.) 924-3558
open to all TUE-SUN night) 167 W 29; 868- Avenues) 206-7770 New Jimmy's 53 Christopher St, 463·0950
6989 Rawhide, 212 Eighth Ave., (21st St), unlisted Ninth Circle, 139W. 10th St, 243-9204
419 (nightly Gay House Party, opens Ii pm) 419
Spike, 120 Eleventh Ave., 243-9688 Sneakers, 392 West St, 242-9830
N. Highway (Rte 27), Southampton, LI;
516/283-5001 The Vault, 28 Ninth Ave., 733-3144 (F,7-11 pm, Two Potato, 145 Christopher St, 242-9340
Grand Central (closed Mon, 2-4-1 drinks women) 255-6758 Ty's, 114 Christopher St, 741-9641
Thursday) 210 Merrick Road, Rockville Uncle Charlie's, 56 Greenwich Ave., 255-8787
Centre, LI; 516/536-4800 West Village
Magic Touch (ethnic mix: Anglo/Latin/Asian) 73- Badlands, Christopher and West streets, 741-9236 West Side
1337th Rd, Jackson Heights, Queens; Boots & Saddle, 76 Christopher St, 929-9684 Candle Bar,:119Amersterdam Ave., 874-9155
718/429-8605 Crazy Nanny's 21 Seventh Ave. South 366312 Cat's, 730 Eighth Ave., 221-7559
Monster (West Village) 80 Grove St at Sheridan (women)
, Sq.; 924-3557 Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, 757-0788
D.T:s Fat Cat 281 W. 12th St, 243-9041 Gents, 360 W. 42nd St, (Ninth Ave.)967-D659
• Pandora's Box (formerly the Duchess)
Sheridan Square & 7th Avenue. (212) 242- Pandora~ Box, 70 Grove St (Seventh Ave.) 242- Sally's Hideaway, 264 W. 43rd St, 221-9152
1408. 1408 (women)
Town & Country, Ninth Ave. at 45th St,307-1503
The Pyramid (Look under daily listings for indi- Dugout, 185 Christopher St., 242-9113 (formerly the
vidual parties and themes. Also check Going Ramrod) continued next page
Outfor special events.) 101 Ave. A. (212)
Spectrum (good mix of gay men & lesbians;
Fear 6bc)ttt.s. Terror whispers.
closed Mon-Tue, WED free, THU free & 2-4-1
drinks, FRI male/temale strippers, SAT
• recording stars, SUN variety show & free
admission 9-10 pm; Coors served) 802 64th St ,
@ 8th Ave, Bay Ridge, Bklyn; 718/238-8213.
• Tod's (Night club and restaurant Mostly
. women, but men are OK.) 2 Georges Rd.
New Brunswick, NJ. (201) 545-8990. Over 600 titles
From the people who brought you the all-
from $19-29.95
new, all-queer Pyramid, it's:
The Bank
t' 225 E, Houston St., at Essex Street
(212) 505-5033
March 13: Grand opening night
·Performances by John Kelly and Joey DEAN R. KOONTZ'
Arias. DJs Craig Spencer, Patrick Butts,
Aldo Hernandez and Tennessee. $10/$7.
March 14: Upstairs it's Sperm Bank for Fags, ~

with your hostess, Hapi Phace, DJs Craig

Spencer and Victor Anonymous? and hot
and sleazy Boy Action. Downstairs, Egg Send $1 for brochure
Bank for Dykes features guest DJs and ' Get $2 coupon off of order
hot and sleazy Girl Action. $10/$7. . AVAD..AB1.B AT

March 15: Alternative Music Night, hosted by . ATKOL

Lee Chappell, David Leigh and Michael t
POBOX 2596
OJ Ralph Duncan. Live bands, promo par-
ties and give-aways. Mixed crowd. $10!$7. MUHLENBERG STATION
March 16: Controversy. This week the theme is PLAINFIELD, NJ 07060 200 A 9th Ave. bet 22nd & 23rd SIS.
Holy Chaos 2. 'See what Patrick Buchanan 800-88-ATKOL NY. NY 10011 212-645-0999
called 'a smash ...a sacreligious night- M-"Ib. 10 aJU-1Oprit
mare," OJ Patrick Butts. Drag queens, In New Jersey (908) 756-0601 F-Sat 10aJU-11prn
drinking, dancing and scandal. $15/$10/$7. Void where prohibited Sun 11ant-1 Oprit

March 20, 1_1 OUTWEEK 711

Trix,, 246 W. 48th St., (bet B'way and Eighth ve.) Friend's Tavern, 78"11 Roosevelt Ave., Jackson Long Island Suffolk·
664-8331 .. , Heights,397-7256
area code 516)
The Works, 428 Columbus Ave. (at 81st), 799-7365 Hatfield's, 126-10 Queens Blvd.,Kew Gardens,
419,419 North Highway (Rt. 27), Southampton,
East Side . 283-5001
Hideaway, 87-36 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica,657-4885
Bogart's, 320 E. 59th St, 688-8534 Bunkhouse, 192 N. Main St, Sayville, 567-2865
Love Boat, n-02 Broadway, Elmhurst, 29-8670
Brandy's Piano Bar, 235 E. 84th St.,650-1944 Cherry'S, Bayview Walk, Cherry Grove, Fire Island,
Magic Touch, 73-13 37th Rd., Jackson Heights, 597-6820
G.H. Club, 353 E. 53rd St, 223,9752
429-8605 Club Swamp, Disco/Annex Restaurant, Montauk
Johnny's Pub, 123 E. 47th St,355-8714
Staten Island Hwy, Wainscott, 537-3332
NY Confidential, 306 E. 49th St.,308-839O
(area code 718) Ice Palace, Cherry Grove Beach Club, Fire Island,
Rounds, 303 E. 53rd St., 593-0807
Sand castle, 86 Mills Ave., 447-9365 597-6600
South Dakaota, 405 3rd Ave., (29th St)684-8376
Kiss, 161 Farmardie Dr., Lake Ronkonkoma, 467-9273
Star Sapphire, 400 E. 59th St.,688-4710 Westchester Club 6IMI, 6IMI Sunrise Highway, W. Babylon,
The Townhouse, 236 E. 58th St., 754-4649 (area code 914) 661-9580
Twenty·Nine Palms, 129 Lexington Ave., 686-8299 P)ayroom,590 Nepplirhan Ave., Yonkers, 965-6900 Millennium, lnO New York Ave., Huntingdon,
Stutz, 202 Westchester Ave., White Plains, 351-1402
Eilst Village
761-3100 Starz,836 Grand Blvd., Deer Park, 242-3857
The Bar, 68 2nd Ave., (4th St)674-9714
Long Island Nassau Thunders, 894 Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, 864-1410
101 Avenue A, (formerly the Pyramid), 101 Avenue
A,420-1590 (area code 516) New Jersey
Tunnel Bar, 1161stAve., (7th St)7n-9'Bl Bedrock, 121 Woodfield Rd., West Hempstead, (area code 201)
486-9516 (women)
Brooklyn Blanche, 47-2 Boundary Ave., Farmingdale, 694-
Charlie's West. 536 Main St., E. Orange, 678-5002
(area code 718) Feather's, n Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge,
6906 342-6410
After Five Plus, 5 Front St, 852-0139 Grand Central, 210 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre,

Friendly's Bar, 6310 Park Ave" West New York,
Spectrum, 802 64th St, (Eighth Ave.), 745-9611 536-4800 854-9895
Sweet Sensations, 6322 20th St, 435-2580 Pal Joey's, 2457 Jerusalem Ave., North Bellmore, Excaliliur, 10th and Jefferson, Hoboken, 795-1023
Queens Silver Lining, 175 Cherry Lane, New Hyde Park,
Nite Lite, 509 22nd St., Union City,863-9515
(area code 718) 354-9641 Vibrations, 165 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, 836-5518
Breadstix, 113-24 Queens Blvd., Forest Hills, Station House Pub, 3547 Merrick Rd., Seaford, 785- Yacht Club, 366 Berksire Valley Rd" Jefferson,
236-0300 9808 697-9780


NY's non-profit leSbian/gay
psychotherapy center
Group's forming: male
couples, men's/ women's
Sliding scale fees
Insurance accepted
118 W. 72nd Street, Suite 1
New York, NY 10023
(212) 799-9432

Dr. Charles Silverstein

Psychotherapist & Author



233 West 83rd St., New York, N.Y. 10024


72 OIl,llTWEEK March 20, 1991

A.C.Q.C. AIDS CENTER OF 212-674-5m4, or write to: P.O.Box BISEXUALYount COMMlINnY Friday each month, 7pm, at'The
QUEENS COUNTY SOCIAL SER- 6628, NY,NY1016U023. Informal social & support group RESEARat 1\III1AT1VE Center, 208 W. 13th St, Wellt of
VICES EDUCATION - BUDDIES- . for Bisexual kids/youth. Monthly CRI tests experimental drugs and 7th Ave. Contribution: $6. Bring a
COUNSEUNG-SUPPORGROUPS A11I (AIDS TREATMENT meeting/potluck lunch held treatments for AIDS and HIV main course for 4 people (or pay'a
Volunteer Opportunities (718) 896- RESOURCES, IIIC.) 1:OOpm'on fourth Sunday of the related illnesses. Monthly treat- $5 food charge.) For information
2500(voice) (718) B96-2985(TDD) Publishes a quarterly Directory of month at members homes. Call ment and research group for HIV+ call: 212-979-7541 or212-28&-3236
clinical trials of experimental NYABN for this month's location. individuals. Treatment and
ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to AIDS/HIV treatments in NY/NJ, This group is part of the NewYorit research newsletter, forums and GlAAD -Gay & 1Mbian AlIi_
Unleash Power) and Philadelphia, and has educa- Area Bisexual Network. public seminars. Call Alice Spears Apiiilt o.r.n.tion
496A Hudson Street, Suite G4 tional materials! seminars for trial or Ken Fornataro at (212) 481-1«!iO 80 Varick Street, NYC 10013 (212)
NYC 10014 (212) 564-2437 A participants. A1R also advocates BWS-BRONX LESBIANS for info and ma~ing list. 966-1700 GlAAD combats homo-
diverse, non-partisan group of for improvements in the trial sys- UNnEDINS~RHOOD phobia in the media and els'l-
individuals united in anger and tem. 259 W. 30th st., 9th fl., NYC, Social, political and support CONGIIEGATIONBETH where by promoting visibility of
committed to direct action to 10001.(212) 268-4196. Publications networking group for women SIMCHATTORAH the lesbian and gay community
end the AIDS crisis. Gen. meet- free,ld9nation requested. and their friends. Regular social NY's Gay and Lesbian Synagogue and organizing grassroots
ings Mon. nights 7:30, in The events and meetin'gs on the first Services Friday at 8:30pm 57 response to anti-gay bigotry. Do
Great Hall, Cooper Union, on BARASSOCIATIONFUR and third Fridays of evety Bethune Street For info. call: (212) you have 30 minutes a month to
Cooper Square between Astor IRlMAN RIGHTS month. At The Community Cen- 929-9498. fight homophobia?Join the
and St. Marks Place's.' Lawyars Referral Service for ter, 208 W. 13 Street, from 6:30- GlAAD PhoneTreelCall (212~966-
the Lesbian and Gay Community 8pm. For more info call Lisa at CONGIIEGATION 1700for information.
AIDS RESOURCECENTER (ARC) Full Range of Legal Services (212) 829-9817. B'NAI JESHURUN
Supportive housing for home- (212) 459-4873 Free Walk-in Monthly Spritual Gatherings and GlII
less PWAs IBailey House and Legal Cl,inic. Tuesday 6-8 pm. BODYPOSITlVE free catered festiveluncheOl1S for Gay and Lesbian Independent
apartments). Non-judgemental Lesbian & Gay Community If you or your lover has tested all People With AIDS, their lovers Broadcasters invites you to tun~
pastoral care for PWAs and Centro Ground Roor HIV+, we offer support groups, and families. Program includes into OunOOKS on WBAI-NY, 99.5
loved ones. Volunteer opportu- seminars, public forums, refer- music and discussion led by our FM every other Sunday, 7:30-
nities. (212) 481-1270, 24 West BIDS (BISEXUAL DOMINANCE & ence library, referrals, social Rabbis. Call (212)767-71DJ 8:30pm and join us every Tuesday
30th St., NYC 10001 SUBMISSION GROUP) activities and up-to-date at 7:00pm to 9:00pm to become a
Share S/M experiences and national monthly, 'THE BODY DIGMTY . member of GLIB. No experience
ALDEC/APlI<I-NY fantasies with others in a posi, .', POSITIVE" ($2!i{year). (212) 721- BIG APPlE needed. 505 Eighth Avenue,. NY;
IAsian L.. bians of the Eut tive, non-judgemental atmo- 1348.2095 Broadway, Suite 306, A community of Lesbian and Gay NY 10018 Attn: Outlooks or call
CouVAsian Pacific Le.bian sphere. First Sunday of the NY, 10023 Catholics. Activities include Utur- (212)245-638&-ask for GUB.
Network-New York) We are a month, 4:45pm at the Commu- gies and socials every Sa~, 8:00
political, social and supportive nity Center 208 W. 13 Street, BROOKLYN'Sl£SB1AN AND GAY pm, at the Center, 208 W. 13 GAY& l£SB1AN HEALJH
network of Asian Pacific les· NYC. This group is part of the POImCAL CWB lAMBDA Street, NYC.CaIl(212) 81&-1300. CONCERNS
. bians. Planning meetings on the New York Area Bisexual Net- INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATS An office of the NYC Dept. of
1st Sunday and social events work. Ll.D. endorses and works for DIGNnY NEW YORK Health, provides linkages betwn
on the last Friday of each candidates in local, state and Lesbian and gay Catholics and NYC Health & Human Svcs, and
month. Call (212) 517-5598 for BISEXUAL INFURMATION & national elections, lobbies for leg- friends AIDS Ministry, Spiritual the Lesbian & Gay community,
more information. COUNSEUNG SERVICE, INC. islation, and conducts community Development The Cathedral Pro- focusing in All health concerns;
A professionaly staffed, non- outreach through stnaet fairs and ject Worship Services & Social- resource information fo'r health
AMERICAN GAY/ profit organization for bisexu- meetings 01; special topics. Join Sun. Eves. 7:3Opm-St John's Epi&- services consumers and
LESBIANATHBSTS als, their families and partners, us. 336 Ninth St, Suite 135 Brook- copal Church 218West 11th Stnaet providers. 125 Worth Street, Box
AGA. Inc1701 7th Avenue, Suite fa cing problems of a psycho- lyn, NY 11215 (718) 9flS.8482 C Waverly-675-2179 67, New York, NY 10013. For info
9W/New York, New York 10036 logical or medical kind. We also call (212)se&-4lm.
work with those in doubt a bout CIIa..E OF MORE UGHT BJGE Education in a Di_1ed
A non-profit. educational organi-
zation dedicated to preserving their sexuality. Confidentiality is Spiritual support and sharing in a
Gay EmrihHI,*11I
separation between state and protected by law. For informa- gay/lesbian affirmative group. For the physically disabled Les- Dedicated to safe and responsi-
church and upholding the civil tion phone: (212) ~9500 West-Park Presbyterian Church bian and Gay Community. P.O.Box ble S/M since 1981. Open meet-
rights of Lesbian and Gay Athe- 165 West 86th Street Wed: wor- 305 Village Station, New York, NY ings w/programs on S/M tech-
ists. Meetings the firsts Sunday . BISEXUALPRIDE ship service 6:30 pm, program 10014 niques,lifestyie issues, political
Community Centor, 1 t~ 3 P.M. Dial DISCUSSION GROUP 7:30: Marsha (212)304-4373 Char- and social concerns. Also special
a Gay Atheists (718)899-1737, 24 Topical discussions ~n issues of lie (212) 691-7118. . FRONT RUNNBIS . events, speakers bureau, work-
hours. interest to the community in a A running club for lesbian and gay shops, demos, affinity groups,
congenial atmosphere, fol- COMMlJNITY IEAU1I athletes of all abilities. Fun Runs newsletlllr, more. GMSMA - Dept.
ARCS (AlDS-ReiataI lowed by an informal dinner at PROJECT of 1-6 miles held every Sat. at 0, 498A Hudson Street, Suite 023
. . Conwnunity Services) a friendly local restaurant. 208 West 13th Street, NYC, New 1Dam and Weds. at 7pm in Central ,NYC10014.(212)n7-!Jf18.
for Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Every Sunday, 3:00-4:30pm at York 10011 f;lr Appointments and Park and every Tues. at 7pm in
Rockland, Sullivan,Ulster and the Community Center 208 W. 13 Information (212) 675-3559 Prospect Park. For information: GMAD (GAYMEN OFAAIICAN
Westchester counties. AIDS Street, NYC. Part of the New (TTYNoice)PROVIDING CARING, call (212) n4-97oo. DESCINI)
education, client services, crisis York Area Bisexual Network. SENSITIVE AND _LOW COST 80 Varick Street, NYC10013 a sup"
intervention, support groups, HEALTHCARE SERVICES TO THE THE GAYAAlICAN port group of Gay Men Of African
case management, buddy and BIWAYS NIWYORK I£SBIAN AND GAYCOMMUNITY AMERICANS OF Descent dedicated to consciou&-
hospital visitor program. 214 Monthly social events for the WESTatESTER(The G.A.A.) nes&-rai8ing and the development
Central Ave., White Plains, NY Bisexual community and friends. COMMlJNnY IEAU1I is a community baaed support of the Lesbian and Gay Commu-
10606 (914) 993-0606 838 Broad- Call NYABNfor details of upcom- PROJECT's HEAllH INFURMA- group formed in Westchester nity. GMAD is inclusive of African,
way, Newburgh, NY 12250 (914) ing events. (212) nON UNE FOR lIENS County. Various activities are African-American, Caribbean and
562-5005 AIDSline (914)993-
.. 4S!)-47B4
Do you have questions about planned for the coming months. Hispanic/ Latino men of color.
0607 BIPAC (BISEXUAL pounCAI. your health? Your Body? Com, Call 914-376-0727 for more info. Meetings' are held, \.weldy, on fri-
ACTIONCOMMrmE) ing Out? Safer Sex? Feel like days. For information, call 718-
ASIANS & FRIENDS- NEW YORK Political action on issues of you have no one to talk to? Not GAYrATHBI'S FORUM 802-0162.
A not,for-profit organization importence to the Bisexual /Les- any morel Now you can call the A support organization for gay
which promotes friendships with bian/Gay community. Monthly HOn-LlNE.212-255-1517The father's, thair lovers, and others in GAYIlEN"S HEALJH
Asian/Pacific Islander, Asian, meeting! potluck held 8:00pm on Teen HOn-LiNE for Healthl Call child-nurturing situations. CRISIS HOTUNE
American, and non,Asian gay' fourth Thursday of the month at Monday to Thursday, 7pm to Monthly meetings include a FOR INFORMATION ON SAFER
men through social, cultural, edu- members homes. Call NYABNfor 9pm. At other times, leave a potluck supper, support groups on SEX AND HIV-RELATEDHEALTH
cational, and service activities this month's location. ((212) 459- message and we'll call you varied specialized topics, speak- SERVICES, AND FOR INFORMA-
and programs. Call our HotUne: 4784 backl ers, and socializing.Meetings: 1st TION ON ONE-TIME, WALK-IN

March 20, 1_1 OU I WEEK 73

AIDS COUNSELING SERVICES INSTTIUTE RIR IIJMAN unions working on domestic part- gay tennis club includes play- BLA PO Box 174, Midtown Sta-
212-8117-6&55212~5-7470 TDD mENTTTYINc. narship benafits and AIDS issues. ers from beginning to tourna- tion, New Yom, NY 10018 or call
(Fer the Heering Impaired) Mon.- New Yorlt's non-profit lesbian and For more information call ment level. Monthly tennis par- (212) 807-8578 for information.
Fri. llY.lOa.m. to 9 pm. 12:00to 3:00 gay psychotherapy center. (212}923-8600., tias. Winter indoor league.
Ucensed psychologists, psychia- Come play with usl For informa- NORTHERN UGHIS
GIIITH" MIRTH trists, and clinical social worltel'S. LUBIAN AMI GAY tion: MTG, Suite K63, 498-A • •
CLUB OF NEW YORK Sliding scale fees. Insurance RIGHTSPROJECT Hudson St., New York, NY Improving auality of Life for Peo-
Social club for heavy, chubby gay accepted. Individual, couple, and of tha American Civil Libertie. 10025. (718) 852-8582. pia with AIDS/HIV. THE AIDS
men & their admirers. Monthly family therapy. Variety of Men's Union KNOW YOUR RIGHTS/ MASTERY WORKSHOP: Exploring
socials at the "Cants!', weekly bar and women's groups forming WE'RE EXPANDINGTHEM (212) MOCA (MIn '" tolar AIDS tha poasibili1ies fla powerful and
nights Thursdays at the 'Chelsea continuously. 118W. nnd Street 944-9800, axt 545 Prewntion 1'IogrIm.) creativelita in the face Of AIDS.
Transfer', monthly Fat Apple 212-79&-9432 Provides safer sex and AIDS edu- C8n(212)~8554
Review, bi-monthly FAR. pen- lESBIANS AMI GAYS cation information to gay and
pals. For more information call INTEGRlTYJNY . OFRATBUSH bisexual Men of Color; coordi- NYC GAY" LESBIAN _
Ernie at 914-699-7735 or write: Lesbiim and Gay Episcopalians Brooklyn's social organization nates a networlt of peer-support ANTI-VlOliNCE PROJECJ
G&M/NY, Dept. 0, P.O. Box 10, and friands. Eucharist and pro- for both gay men and les- groups for gay and bisexual Man Counseling, advocacy, and infor-
Palham, NY 10803. gram avery Thursday, 7:30pm. St bians. P.O. Box 106, Midwood of Color in all 5 boroughs of New mation for survivors of anti-gay
Luke's Church, Hudson and Station Brooklyn, NY 11230· YorltCity 303 Ninth Ave, New YorX. and anti-lesbian violence, saxual
HEAL Christopher Sts. INFO: P.O. Box (718) 859-9437 NY 10001 or can (21~)239-1796. assault, domestic violence, and
(1INIth Ed.-1ion AIDS LiailOll) 5202, NY NY 10185(718) 720-31!i4 other types of victimization. All
Weekly info. and support group LUBIAN HERSTORYARCIIVES NATIONAl. GAYAMI LUBIAN services free and confidential.24 •

for traatments for AIDS which do lAMBDA P.O. Box 1258 New York, Naw TASKFORCE hour hotline (212) 807-0191
not compromise the immune sys- LEGAl. DEHNSE York 10116212/874-7232Since is the national grassroots poIi1ical
tam further, including altemative AND mUCATlON RJND 1974, the Archives has inspired, organization for lesbians and gay OF
and holistic approaches. Wed Precedent-setting litigation shaped and reflected Lesbian men. Membership is $3O/year. LESBIAN AND GAYS

8pm. 208 W. 13th St. (212}674- nationwide for lesbians, gay men lives everywhere. Call to Issue-oriented projacts address Let P/FLAG help you and your
HOPE. and people with AIDS. Member- arrange 8 visit or to voluntaer violence, sodomy laws, AlD~, gay family deal with the upheaval of
ship ($40 and up) inc. newsletter for Thursday worltnights. rights ordinances, families, your coming out. Our meetings
IERlTAGE OF PRIDE-INC. and invitations to special events. --------IL media, etc. through lobbying, are frae: monthly on the 4th Sun-
Organizers of New Yor1(sLesbian Volunteer night on Thursdays. ONGISlAND ACT-UP education, organizing and direct day, at 3:00 pm, in Duane Church,
and Gay Pride avants: the March, Intake calls: 2-4pm Mon thru Fri Meets Tuesdays at 8pm at 181 action. NGLlF 1517 U Street NW, 201 Wast 13th. Info? call Jaanna,
tha Rally and the Dance on the (212) 99!HI585. Post Ave. in Westbury, NY. Support Washington, DC 20009. (202)332, 212-483-0629
Pier. Call (212) 691-1774 for meet- us for change on Long Island. 6483.
ing schadula or more infonnation. IAVA-(l.E.SBlANSABOIlT Mailing address: PO Box 514, P£OPLEWIIH AIDS •
208 Wast 13th Straat, NY, NY VlSUALAR1) WBstbury, NY 115!1l.51&-33&-4862. NEW YORKADVERTISING AND COAlJl1ON
I 10011. ,Call for slides for Lesbian Artists' ~ICA11ONS NEtWORK (212) 532-0290(1-8110-828-3280(
I Exhibition, Gay & Lesbian Com- LSM NYACN is the community's Hotline (212) 532-0588Monday
HEI1IICK-MAIITIN munity Center, NYC. For more is a support and inf,ormation largest gay and lesbian profes- thru Friday lOam~pm Meal pro-
INSITTUJE information, send SASE to : group for lesbians and bisexual sional group, walcoming all in grams, support groups, aduca-
for lasbian a nd gay youth. Coun- Miriam Fougere, 118 Fort Greene women interested in fantaay, role- communications-and thair tional and referral servicas for
seling, drop-in canter (M-F, 3- Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217. playing, bindage, discipline, S/M, friends. Monthly meetings, 3rd PWA's and PWArc'a.
6pm), rap groups, Harvey Milk fetishes, altemate gender indenti- Wad 6:30pm at tha Community
High School, AIDS and safar sex lESBIAN AND GAY ties, costumes and so forth. Mem- Center. Members' newsletter, PEOPI.f WIJII AIDS
information, referrals, profas- ADII.TEDUCATORS bership is available only to job hotline, annual directory. HEAIlH GROUP
sional education. (212) 633-8920 Meet with other lesbians and women 18'/liars and older. Actual Phone (212) 517-0380 for more Undarground buyer's club import-
(voice) (212) 633-8926 TIY for gays who worlt in adult education exparience is not required but info. Mention OutWeek for one ing n,*yat-apprClV8d madications
and nutritional supplemants. 31 ,
daaf. as teachers, administrators, genuina interest and an opan frae newsletter.
counselors, b.rtors, etc., to discuss mind are. For infonnation plaase West 28th St 4th Root (212) 532-
HISPANIC UNnED issues such as coming out to staff write: P.O. Box 993, Murray Hill N.Y.RiMMES 0280
GAYS" lESBIANS and students, materials and cur- Station, New York,NY 10158 Support and discusaion group for .
Educational sarvicas, political riculum, workshop and confer- lesbians who self identify as P1NK~ PllROl.
action, counsaling and social ence participation. We meet the MAIIANImIA: RIVERSIDERS RlR Femma and are primarily Community straet patrol in East
activities in Spanish arid English first Friday of every month at 8:00 lES~YCONCBlNS auractad to butch women. For and West Vill~ga dedi cited to
by and for the Letino Lesbian and, pm at the Lesbian and gay Com- Monthly program meating on mambership information call Lisa daterring viol8!,1t crime againat
Gay Community. General meetings munity Center 208 West 13th second Sunday.for gay/lesbian (212)829-9817. glY. and lesbians. For info and
8:00 pm 4th Thursday of every Straat. Call Bryna Diamond at Christians and friends. Educa- meeting time for West Village,
month at 2IlI West 13th Street Call (212) 932-7902 (days) for infonna- tional, political, and social N.y. WOMEN'S SOFIBAl1GUILD cI1l212-475-4383. for East Vil-
201-853-7824or write H.U.G.L,P.O. lion activities scheduled, 12:30 p.m. For ,GXperienced, serious Softball Ilge Patrol info, call 212-248- j

Box 226 Canal Street Station, New Riversida Church, 490 Riversida Players, Coaches and Managlll'S. 6586.70 A GflIenwich Ave., Box
yorX. NY 10019.. THELUBIAN AMI GAY Drive, Sunday worship 10:45 Wa play mo4'fast pitch week.,ws 107, NYC 10011
BIG APPLE CORPS a.m .. For info.,call (212) 222-5900 in Manhattan and Quaans. Try-
IDENTnY HOUSE Get your instrument out of the (ext. 290) outa begin Feb. 11 thru April- or PROFESSIONALS IN FUNVIDEO
Now in our 20th year, we provide closat and come play with us. untilfilled. (212)2!'O-1379Janet. 338 Canal Straet, 8th Roor, NYC
peer counseling, therapy referrals Symphonic, Marching, Jazz, Dix- MARANMHA: RIVERSIDERS RlR 10013212-&15-3351
and groups for the lasbian, gay ialand, Rock, Rute Ensemblas and IES~Y CONCBlNS NlNIH STREET CENTBI
and bisaxual community. Call us Woodwinds. 123 West 44th St. is a dues. supported group within Since 1973, a community dedi- II1&II NATION
at (212) 243-8181. Visit us at 544 Suite 12L New York, NY 10036 the Rivarside Church. We are cated to demonstrating that a Queer Nation is a multi-cultural
6th Ave., bat.waan 14th-15t~ (212) 889-2922. unable to aflrot you standard rate homosexuallifastyte is 1\ rational, direct action group dadicated to
Streats, Manhattan. of $400.00 per yaar at this tima, dasirable choice fOJ individuals fighting homophobia, quail,
! ,
LUBIAN"GAY but will be increasing our dues in dissatisfied with the rewards of invisibility, and all forma of
INI'EIINAnONAL GAY" CO.,UNnY the next fiscal year to include conventional living. Psychologi- oppression that any quaers
lESBIAN HUMANRIGHTS SERVICES CENIBI mora advertising funds. cally - focussed rap groups, Tuea., might face. Anyon. can suggest
COMMISSION 208 Wast 13th Street New Yom, Sat., 8 to 10 pm. peer counselling an action and should come to
works to focus the spotlight of NY 10011 (212) 620-7310 9am- MEN OFAl1C01.ORS available. 319 E. 9 Street, Naw meetings prepared to organize
world opinion pn tha oppres- 11pm everyday. A place for com- TOGEIHBINY Yorlt, NY'I0003, for info call (212) and implement it QN, Box 1524,
sion of gays and lesbians munity organizing and net- worlt- A multi-racial group of g!ly men 22&-5153. Cooper Station, New York, NY
throughout the world. Currently ing, social sarvices, cultural against racism. Meetings every 10003. Call 212c483-7208 for
organizing an Inti symposium program's, and social events Friday night at 7:45 at the Lesbian NORTHAMERICAN ~OY meating info.
on Gay and Lesbia n issues to sponsored by tha Center and and Gay Community Sarvices LOVEASSOCIAnON (NAMatA)
be held in Moscow and Lenin- more than 150 community organi- Center,208 W. 13th Street. For Dedicated to sexual freedom SAGE: ---4Seni- Action in
grad in July 1991, in additon to' zations. more info. call: (212) 2~ or and especially interested in gay a Gay Emill.lnl nil
many other exciting projects. (212)222-9194. intargenerational relationships. Social Sarvice Agency. providing
For more info writa IGLHRC, lESBIAN AND GAY Monthly Bulletin and regular care, activitias, & educational
2978 Folsom Steat, SF CA 94110, lABOR NETWORK METROPOUfAN TENNIS chapter maetings on the first services for gay & lesbian I8nior
or call (415}647-0453. An organization of Lesbians and GROUP(MTG) Saturday of each month. Yearly citizens. Also sarves ovar 180
Gays who are active in their labor Our 200 member lasbian and membership is $20; write NAM- homebound saniors & older
74 ou, WEEK March 20, 'flag..


WA's .2111West 13th St NYCl0011,(212)741-2247 LIZ & SYDNEY FIELD TRIPPING'

C,., ........d "roe» ... p_g_ ts ... "rCIJ ... 52
For all of us interested in reaching out to ea'ch other in people heading that list-can you believe Danny, a broad-shouldered go-go
exuberance to spontaneously explore and expand that Michael AIig and Keoki celebrated dancer, 'l:l, with a boy's cartoonish face, is .
upon the Seth/Jane Roberts 'Philosophy" as it realtes their fifth anniversaty as a couple. more succinct about the merits of natur-
to our lives, personally, sexually and politically. Call Al
(212) 97&-5104 Liz: A couple of ~hat? ism. "You get to see the goods up front."
Sydney: Now, now ... .! mean five Six months ago, he met his lover, Antho-
ADVENTURESOCIETY years' Qn.,the club scene is like a 50th ny, , at a MAN event. Next week, they're
A non-profit club offering Outdoor activities for every v.;eddin,g anriiversary in real life. flying to Brussels for a honeymoon.
season including hiking, biking, skiing, water activities Every party has its wiseacre. Given
and other outdoor activities for the Gay/Lesbian com-
LiZ: One club year is equal to seven
munity. For infonnation or complimentary Newsletter human years. No, wait, that's dog years. the absence of a lampshade, Bruce has
call (212) 598-4n6. Silly me. I hope if I am ever blessed festooned himself with nametags. Mes-
TASK FORCEANNOUNCEMENT enough, I will choose. to spend my.fifth sages range from the titillating "Easy to
The legal Action Center located at 153 Waverly Place, anniversaty as they did. Be Hard" to the up-front "Touch My
NY,NY 10014, has begun two new programs. All their
services are free. The HIV/AIDS'Legal Service Project Sydney: You mean an intimate din- Balls." Bruce, a short, dark-haired man
provides free legal services to people with HIV/AIDS. ner for ZOO where social graces means with mischievous eyes, explains that the
Their scope of serVice is• wide, encompassing child that its OK to throw your lukewarm latter billboard receives divergent reac-
care and custody, discrimination, hou, housing, health'(
health planning, confidentiality and employment. The french fries on the person sitting next to tions. Either people oblige him right
I HIV/AIDSAgency Training and Assistance Project pro-
vides technical assistance to public and private agen-
you and a boy in five-inch heels walks
down the middle of the table pouring
away, or they walk away quickly.
A little after 11 pm, innuendo
cies about legal and policy issues on HIV/AIDS and
drug abuse. They provide training, individual consulta- wine into your glass and onto your plate? hangs heavily in the air. Both the ever-
tions, and model policy guidelines, among other items. If
you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Liz: Something like that. Maybe with- flowing beer and the dance music have
Catherine O'Neil at (212)2<U-1313. Th. Asloci.tion of out the boy. But all of this forces me to relaxed people. Members have huddled
Nun •• in AIDS C.r. (ANAC) just received Chapter ask a question: When was the moment in small circles, leaning against each .
Charter for the local Greater New York Chapter. They
. have monthly meetings with speakers and networking that made you know that you belonged other and even stroking faces, shoul-
opportunities. Their next meeting is scheduled for Jan- in nightlife? That this was where you ders, chests. Soon, erections are bloom-
uary 9,1991,6-8 pm. at the AIDS Institute,S Penn Plaza,
4th floor, NY,NY. If you have any further questions, were'happy? ing. But intimacy goes no further.
please contect Janet Vaccariello at (212)340-8n4 Sydney: 'When Kitty Boots5, patent- Nudism for a cause is a relatively
leather stil1ettos and all, walked on top of new phenomenon. It originated in the
Community volunteers providing a weekly buffet sup- a go-go boy, and I saw that the other early part of this century in Germany and
per for the Brooklyn AIDS community. TOUCH meets dancer was jealously flogging himself was dubbed Nacktkultur (naked culture)
Monday eves. 5pm to 6:30pm- at downtown Brooklyn
Friends Meeting House (110 Schennerhom SI. near with his studded leather belt, just waiting or Freikorperkultur (free body culture).
Boerum Place). Limited transportation may be .for his tum with Miss Kitty. Its tenets were grounded in a fierce sense
arranged. Info: (718) 622-2756. TOUCHwelcomes con-
tributions of funds, food and volunteers. liz: .1bat's Mistress Boots, if you're of nationalism and a back-to-nature cru-
nasty. I'm sure Doris Klosteri' was very sade. It spread to the United States dur-
UlSTER COlM'Y GAY AND lESBIAN AWANCE happy with her birthday. performance, . ing the '30s. Nudists argue that clothing
Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
at the Unitarian Church on Sawkill Road in Kingston. don't you think? , fosters body-loathing and deprives the
For Infonnation, call 91U26-3203 . Sydney: Yes, but did her mother human form of air and sunlight. Nudism,
UNITY,. make breakfast for them? T they say, promotes good health.
NEEDS YOUto become a part of itl Organizers for Gay Notes: Bill, 33, an advertising account exec-
G.ames IV, to be held in New York in 1994. Olympic- • 1. One of two gay nights-Thursday's utive with a ready smile and hyena laugh,
style sports and cultural event is largest in world.
Theme is INCLUSION,everyone is needed. SUPPORT "More Men" is beefcake night, where even suIV:eys the room. Regarding health and
'THE GAMES by volunteering, joining or making a dona- . the drag show has muscle; Sunday's nudity, he assures me: "You'll fmd no cor-
tion. Call 212-732-3612 or write UNllY '94, PO Box 202,
NY,NY 10038. includes more lesbians, svelte drag queens relation. We have our share of meat-eaters
and the It Twins. and alcoholics and smokers and drug-
, .WllAMI...w-tI'. Health Action And Mobilization.
A direct action group commited to demanding, secur-. 2. President of the ROCky Horror Pic- abusers. We're just like DOnna! people,
ing and defending absolute reproductive freedom and ture Show Fan Club and gets more press ,for but we like to take our clothes off'."
quality health care for all women; We meet every Wed.
at 6:30pm at 105, E 22nd Street, 4th floor. 212-713- .
no reason, Nude idealism goes only so far. At
5966Mailing address: WHAMI, PO Box 733, NYC10009 3. Renovated baCk of Umelight consist'- midnight, the lights come up, and people
.' ing of nine rooms organized loosely on an 90n their clothes again. With the clothes
A non-profit, Lesbian community center serving "Alice in Wonderland" theme. Home to gay come the extra baggage: body-shyness
Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Thurs. night Friday night party "Mea Culpa" and a Thurs- and image-<ieception. In our lifetime, it
weekly discussion groups. 8:30 pm, for other actiVities
please contect us at 516-483-2050. day party called "The Altered States of Con- appears, naturism is restricted to private
sciousness." Aldous Huxley would be proud. parties or tropical islands. ,In a perfect
WIIES1UNG FOR GAYS &lESBIANS world, would Murray be walking the
Watch the men of the knights wrestling club inaction •
4. "Funk, Inc."
every Sunday at 7:30 PM at the GAYCENTER.The club 5. Member of the House of Domina- streets freely, his gonads to the wind? "I
also conduct training classes on alternate Saturdays tion. Need we say more? don't know," he falters. "I would like to,
afternoon (lst & 3rd Saturdaysfor men 2nd & 4th Sat-
urdays for women) for morelnfonnation please calh 6. Editrix of Fad magazine. but I know it's not gonna happen." T
716-639-5141 •



• ,


BUDDY DIKMAN, CPA ~ome join our new semester. Day and Attorney at law, Real Estate; cO-OPt •

BARBARA L1,CPA evening classes available, N,Y. School Condo Closings - Bankruptcy; Incorpo-
YEAR-AROUND TAX PLANNING of American Sign Language, For more rations; Wills, 37 E. 28th Street, Suite
AND PREPARATION information call 679-7446. 700,rlYC(212)447~
Switchboard-of NY needs men and COMPUTERS
women to volunteer now. Training to
AlloUICEMEITS start soon. Ifyou can give at least 6 Tbe Male Stop
hours per in 0 nth cia I (212)m-1800.
A computer BaS.
Personal and Professional Network- Use your modem.
ing for lesbian and gay Horticulturists, , (212)721-41111 Free!
Write Liatris International PO Box
1336, Davis, CA 95617
Repairs and New Installations. Com-
Ministry to CLEANINB mercial and Residential. Courteous, Pro-
fessional Service. Available Eves. and
Persons for the best a partment cleaning-
Weekends. (718) 782-4735
AIDS. CLEANERS reliable/responsible/ CoUISElIlG
efficient Tel. 212-645-9197
Call Tony or Bill at the ~'

Church of St. Francis

New A Capella Group sought by 2 lesbians for

Seeks strong singers (tenors & a!1Ds) Counseling

April 1st. Will pay up to
who read music. Wide Variety of musi- $850. Call 212-941-0721 212-989-6006
cal styles, commitmentto progressive .

politics, feminism, gay liberation, For, GAY MEN'S WORKSHOPS

more information call Elliot718-624-m6 Assertiveness Training
Self-Esteem Improvement
Monthly/4 Sessions Low Fee
+ Psychotheraphy Groups wkly
Union Sq, Office/Free Consult
Dr. Mark Williams 212-691-6161
Certified/20 yrs experience

Brian performs sensitive psychic
readings in home, office, or by phone.
Serving the gay community with
accuracy, humor, and care. Forfree
information or appointment;
212 - 969-0843

, . :~;:.";:;ii.:;.....


March 20....... OUTWEEK 77

When you, finally get serious ...

prr Lobby ReceptioniSt..
2 pit positions, weekday & weekend
evenings. requires excellent people

skills, good writing/phone skills for very

busy building. 15hours/wk. $7/hrtn start
The Introduction Service for Professionally-Oriented Gay Men
Serving the.Tri-State Area Since 1985 Resumes (indicate position desired)
tn Robert Woodworth,
Call for a free brochure Mon•• Fri. 7 pm • 11 pm lesbian & Gay Community Services,
In NY, N.J & CT (212) 580-9595 208W. 13th., NYC loo11
for small midtown law firm;
Word Perfect 5.0 and excellent phone
manner required. Send resume tn Erica
DENTISTS HElP WANTED Bell, Esq., Weiss, Buell & Bell, Room
IMPROVE YOUR SMILE r--------~-------------, 6918,Empire State Building, 350 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10118
Bonding, Bleaching & : AIDS Writers :

Porcelain laminates. Call for details. : OutWeek has several free- : PROGRESSIVE AIDS
Eric Mehler, DDS : lance positions ,for talented : SERVICE ORGANIZAlON
. 237First Ave #407 : reporters who can explain : NOW HIRING
New York, NY 1()()()()3 for its intake and Scattered Site
(212) 473-9002 I AIDS-related medical issues :
and the politics behind them I
Housing porgrams, including Scattered
Site Program Director, Residence
fiTNESS in "AP-objective" style for a
general gay and lesbian
Manager, Clinical Social Workers,
Stop I Case Managers, Drug Counselor,
readership. Journalism expe- : Entitlements Specialist. Mental Health
Restore/Resurge/rememberl rience a plus, NY based or :
Powerful Massage by Workers, Home Economist. Mainte-
out-of-town is ok. I nance Worker, and Administrative
Terrific Man
California Certified Interested reporters., should Assistant Wmen and Persons of Color
Midtown. Call I send a resuml1 and urged tn apply; Spanish a plus. For
Scott (212) 947-0693 : non-returnable clips information: Housing Works, Inc., Box
: (nq phone calls) to: ~ , 326,111 E. 14th St, NYC 10003or call
: P.R. Coleman/OutWeek (212) 206- n36. Housing Worts is an

Affirmative Action Employer.
.fiTNESS :
159 W. 25 St. '.
NY, NY 10001
: E.O.E. Women and people of INSTRUCTIONS
w What if you could eat .
: color encouraged to apply. MEN'S MASSAGE GRQUP
°e whatever you want,
whenever you want
and still keep your
L ~
Get a massage & leam to give one tool
EATING PHONE SEX MODERATORS Every Sunday, 7 pm - 10'pm; Bring a
natural shape?
AWARENESS Call Ross Jacobs Must have friendly, out-going person- tnwel, Call Terry Weisser 463-9152
TRAINING (212) 929-0661 ality, Part-time, eight hour sifts. .~.
Call Mr, ly.ons at 935-3440

fOR SAlE •


les/Fem/Gay Bookstore. 4 sale MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING
with good NYC Metro & Tri-State Gay Men's Health Crisis is the largest community based organization
Following since 1978. Center of U's dedicated to the fight against AIDS. Our triple mission is to provide serv-
lesbian Community, liz Snow c/o ices to people with AIDS and their loved ones; to educate the public; and
Alternatives Corner, 675 Woodfield to advocate for fair and effective AIDS policies. Our services are provided
Rd., W. Hempstead, NY 11552 free of charge to 4,500 men, women and children with AIDS in the five
boroughs of New York. •

The Assistant Coordinator assists in the development of HIV/AIDS
HElP WANTED . education programs for mental health professionals. Responsibilities
include marketing education programs to mental health agencies; train-
CLUB PROMOTION COMPANY ing clinicians conductin,g programs; performing needs assessments for
looking for well Groomed, reliable peo- agencies. MSW or equivalent work experience required; employee
assistance program/hospital social work experience helpful. Strong com- .
ple to pass out flyers and promotion mitment to promoting HIV/AIDS education programs for social service
materials, Must be available for late agencies needed. .
night and weekend shifts, Contact
Tony Graziano at (212) 337-1204. Call Our agency is~committed to staff development, support and growth and
provides a competitive salary/benefits package. Please send resume along
between 10:00tn 5:00. with salary requirements, to: Donna DaSh, Human Resources
Department, Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc., 129 West 20th Street, New
York, NY 10011, Women and minority candidates urged to apply. We are
an equal opportunity employer M/F/HN. .

78 OUTWEEK March 20, .._ ...


INSTIUCTIONS The Man of Your Dreams is not out there He's in here!
Have you ever wanted to give some- •

one a massage but didn't know how? THEN. . URCE

Terry Weisser, LMT offers introductory
weekend seminars in massage.
March 9-10 or April 3-14, • . Extremely Personalized Attention,
Call (212) 463-9152 for info. Video Format Optional, Incredible Success Rate!
GUiTAR-PIANO-VOICE Call 217-869-0656 for free consultation, no obligation!
Performer Elliot Pilshaw has openings . '. ~

for beginning students. Build musical 145 W, 45thStreet, Ste, 1007, NYC 10036 Call Today!
confidence and skill with a supportive
teacher at reasonable rates. First stop
· in Brooklyn Heights. 718-624-7776
t· _
INCOME TAl Yes ,Plano.'
, .
Basic - Artistic Decorative Sponging -
MANY HAPPY RETURNS Rag RolI- Anitquing Stencil Work-
Personal & Business Taxes Light Plaster, Planning & Color Selec-
Professional Computerized prepara- tion. Reasonable - References
tion at low cost Tax planning & Book- For Estimate Call 212-662-4679
keeping service available, PAINT JOB
(212) 675-6119 . Intelligent and skilled Brazilian Painter
with expoin eletr. wiring and carp.entry
is back in town and looking for work.
INSUIANCE Fernando (212)594-2647

Exotic Body Piecing by wild Bill
"""RETIREMENf PLANS- Jewelry available in,gold or surgical
CHERYL IAPOW steel all equipment sterilized in auto-
(212) 725-1220 clave, By Appointment Only .
• disability. mortgage. apartment. I I I I , I
~ ~
OT 11221
~ ~


• • I i for cover fQr hot magazine. Bodybuilder
;:: If you need INSURANCE "Eo
or model with good physique, Contact
• Q StudiliRoma at 212-989-7709.
.-5' of any kind ... l!. --

~ ~

~ please call ~.
BERNARD GRANVILLE 9 Based on over 7 years of living.
FREE Box Delivery
i' t.•

(212) 580-9724

-: ! FREE Estimate
Send $9,95 to 1M. Publications
P.O. Box "310743 Tampa, Fl33680
't- 5" • Local & Long Distance· Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery,
':5 ~
• UlJUlli3>[. 1iJ!lUlIf. SSiJU!S1Ul • • piano & Art Work •
.• NO CHARGE FOR TRUCK" Review of potential methionine bene-
fits for HIV and AIDS. Send $0.52 post-
10VEIS, license_ aoo-S64-STAR paid envelope to : Lithox Corp. 9505
Capitol View Dr. Austin, 1X 78747-9740
Try Brownstone Brothers instead, Pro-
fessional and reliable. Serving the Gay
Community 15 years. Sensitive, fun peo"
No job too small
pie who get the job done rightwith no Prompt and Professional DISTINCTIVE DECO APARTMENTS
bullshit Licensed DOT 10166, Insured ... Storage available Fully renovated apartments in the
Reasonable storage rates. Pianos, Art Last minute jobs art deco district of Miami Beach. Per-
Antiques, Moving Supplies. Mention (201) 434-5309 .feet full time residences or the best in
Outweek for Special Discount Fee Esti- Seeper (212) 461-2349 affordable second homes. VINTAGE
mates. 4Z6 E. 91, Call28&-1511. PROPERTIES,1601 Jefferson Avenue,
Miami Beach, Fl33139. (305) 534-1424
Better Service Less $$$$

March" 3, .._.. OU' WI!EK 79


Jersey City Artists house & studio fully
renovated 3 bdr ,oak firs, french drs, David Lindsey Griffin,
AC, Clg Fans, Ctry Kit, Pvt lot w gdn, C.S.W., C.A.C.
Pvt Pkg near path, bus, tnnls, $179,900 A supportive, gentle approach to
Appt 201-963-8386 GayAffinnafive Therapy transformation. Hypnotherapy helps you
FEES BASED ON THE ABILITY TO PAY tap your deepest inner resources to
APARTMENT WANTED modify negative habits; enhance self·
Member. NY State Federation of Alco-
Couple seeks spacious 1 Bdrm esteem, deal with problems and live
holism Counselors, Inc.
apt in Grnwh ViIVChelsea/Gramm PI<, successfully.
Member. NY State Society of Clinical
,will pay$1100/mo. Need for May 1st,
No Sublts, long term preferred, Social Work Psychotherapists, Inc. CER.IIFIED PSYCHOIHE'RAPlST/
Call: 718-956-3769lv. messg. Gay & Lesbian
• Individual/Couples DR. BURT AARON SIEGEL·
SfXUAl HfAlIlG . • Stress and Anxiety
• Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
(212) 570·9047

EROTIC MEN - SPIRITUAL MEN • Sexual Compulsion·

Relearn sex as s.acred, playful, non- • ACOAand CODAIssues
addictive, non-compulsive, and non- • Coming Out
stop, Joseph Kramer and Matthew DRUG AND ALCOHOL HELP
Simmons invite you to a sacred sex Ucensed By Appl OnlyOfficee in Stop the Angerl Stop the Depressionl
, seminar, (No lecture.) Celebrate erotic Manhattan, WoodstocklKingston
Stop the Abusel For a 24-hour profes-
rituals based on Tantric, Taoist, and sional help c alll-800-STOP-NOW
Native American traditions. learn to 212/582-1881 914/338-6456 (1-800-786-7669)
enhance and prolong orgasm with 25 THE OPEN OUEST INSTITUT~
erotic massage strokes. learn to give In our Community since 1978~
and receive 7 hours of transformative WOMEN'S THERAPYI
genital massage. New York City, Mar, ALAN SUPPORT GROUP
30 & 31 or Apr. 1 & 2, 9am - 6pm. Cost MD - PSYCHIATRIST The right group can be as empowere-
$250. For wild brochure or registration, ing as private thera py. 4 women form-
ca II Body Electric School at (415) 653- H.lpwith
ing group want two more dynamic,
1594 or Bob Yohn at (212) 929-4019. • Rela1ionShips • Depression
creative members. We'll hire our own
We accept MasterCardNisa. • Self-Acceptance • Addictions therapist/facilitator. For more info,
Honor the power Of your sexualityl • Anxiety • Disorganizalion call 212-535-1716

STORlfS WAITfD . 724-5188

135 West 10Ih s.-eet BECAUSE THE
Short pieces of non-fiction ALWAYS HAPPY
wanted--poetry, prose, remembrance, Supportive and Insight-oriented
etc., for small press publication. Sub-
ject matter must deal with AIDS- • Psychotherapy . " . '
related death. Send all new and rele- LAURENCE BAKER, PSY.D.
vantwork to: D. Pearson, 12 E. 11th
Street, N~wYork, NY 10003 Licensed, Clinical
. SUMMfR SHARIS ,:----- '-
IDEN1TIY, INC. 924-4661
ARE ISLAND PINES Insurance accepted
Spectacular 2 Sty, 4 Br drug free pool New York's Non-Profit
hal wI/panoramic views of ocean &
bay. Fplc & Whirlpool. Ouiet and Con-
Lesbian/Gay Psy-
siderate housemates. Full share $5,000, chotherapy Center 24-HOUR CRISIS LINE
half share $2;500. Call 7-11pm, 724-7213. Professional help is just a phon~ call
away NOWI Depresion • Anxiety.
Groups forming: male AIDS-related mentaVemotional prob-
THfRAPI couples, men's, and
lems· Other psychological problems, •
-Women's Coming-Out Group women's In our Community since 1978.
- Men's "Exploring Sexual Identity"
Group- Bereavement Group 118 W. 72nd Street COMPASSIONATE, CARING
- Gay Male Couples' Group THERAPIST
(212) 799-9432 Supportive individual & ~ouple therapy
Institute for Homan Identity
by instiMe-trained licensed
(212) 799-9432
sliding scale fee psychotherapist Help with relation-·
GAY AND LESBIAN CONCERNS ships, gay identity, dealing with your
-Depression, Fears, AA.lssues Care insurance accepted family, and live-in the age of AIDS.
Partners Anxiety. I can help. licensed Sliding fees, NY and NJ offices:
for insurance C.S.w. therapist, (212) 769-8796 (201) 567-2445.
Upper WestSide 212-362-7664. • ARI FRIDKIS, C.S.w.

so ou I WEEK March 20, "99"

__ c.

• •

THERAPY TRAVEl Your home awa y 'om nome in...



1824 Greek Revival HQuse, music

Licensed Clinical room, with Cathedral ceilings, $"
Psychologist Rumford fireplace, o~oor /lottub,
A tru/y,traditional B&B. ~eek/Y . lax Iccluded
Individual, Group, and wkdilyspecials. Charming, newly renovated Brownstone
Couples Therapy Contact Rt 1B B9x212 Shaftsbury, Private bath w lrefrigerator OR shared balh .•
VT05262 or;call 802-375·6985. Color TV • Telephones • AlC • Continental
Interactiona Men's .. ,.,:
• • • •
breakfast. Advance reservationssuggested
Group Forming
NE\N;~YORK (212) 243·9669 FAX (212) 633·1612
west Village location An Historic Gr~enwich Village Inn
Colonial House Inn .
Fees based on sliding scale AII' rooms with private'bath~ - '" CHELSEA 318 W. 22nd. St., NYC 10011
For Information call Most"with fireplaces and kitchenettes •
all airconditioned '
(201) 854-8161 Now
available two
Competent ~ Compassionate
• . bedroom Psychotherapist·
" ~ "

luxury suiles $140/$160

Stewart M. Crane, ACSW
Our finest amenity, •. •
Individu'al,Couple, Group Therapy
'J" ~'h'" "
the freedom to be yourself. !, •

. ,-

~~ ':'1 _':1 _'!'i1 :!1

':'1 '1'1'1
---'---'-'- ~1 ':'1
~ ,

"~ • v .'. •~.I. ~ ':'1 ""1. I ':'1 ':'1 ':'1

_~ .-
~ _':'11~ -~ ......
'---' - ~ """""-'
,,I; ..
I i l,J:::i'-...
u~-<-.//.,,,,';v-:~~~~,~- * ACOA ISSUES
!!;!l'i!6lZl ."wh/t'.-... . .'_a...
~";~ -..;
.1' ••••, .··_:~U-I * COMING OUT
New Men's Therapy Croup Forming
INCENTRA Exp"rienced * Licensed '
RAINBOW l\IOllNTAIN VILLAGE HOUSE Insurance Reimbursable
RESORT , 32 EIGHTH AVE" NEW YORK, NY tOOt4 Offiw: Greenwich Village 2.12/645-0646
2t2/206·0007 Teanack, New Jersey 201/836-4206
Your all-season resort in .~;
the PennsylvaniaPoconos. Now in Key West: ~~
For Reservations ANDREW'S INCENTRA "~

Call 717-223-8484
A tucked away inn and enchanting garden
IlllS '
villa in the heart of Old Town

KEY WEST Prepare your willi nowl Make sure
SUPPORTIVE GAY your estate goes where you decide
and not where the State thinks it ~.
THERAPIST DISCOUNTED AlRUNE TICKETS should. Our counselors will take your
Planning to go to Rio, Paris, Nairobi, information and you will receive a
MICHAEL A. PANTALEO or anywhere else in the world? completely legal, Attorney prepared
C.S.W., C.A.C. We'll g.etyou there for less. will in 7 days. Simple Wills --$19,95,
Indlvldual,Couple/Group Therapy Contact NUVO Adventures The, Right thing to do.
. toll free at
1-800-9 BRASIl.
...-_It is 1.-.&24-3575.
-Substance Abuse

With 20 charming rooms, 100 scenic UNION
mountain acres, hottub, x-country ski-
-ACOA issues
ing, peace + privacy,we're your per- SQUARE
fect vacation choice! Downhill nearby,
-Co.dependency mid-week, ·discounts. Highlands Inn, II~ . ~II
-Anonymous Sex Box 1180K, Bethlehem NH 03574 (6031
-Health (HIV) 869-3978, Grace, Innkeeper.
.Exper/enced ·Llcensed
·Insurance ReImbursable
·Che/sea Office

212·691·2312 If!
~ Pleasanl. comlortable rooms
SinglesiDoubles Irom S50 One Year Membership
Privale and shored balh
TV in every room
Only $399
FAX that ad in today! c.onlinenlal breairfasl thru March 15, 1991
Shorl walk 10
Just what are ycu Chrislopher Slreel
waiting for? Adyance ll'eservQllons Suggested VISA MoslerCord Accep1ed
Chelsea Pines Inn
In Iroo.wl, NewVorl NY10003
212-337-1220 317 Wesl 141h Sireel. New York. NY 10014
(212) 929,1023
(212) 529-4029

March 20.1_1 OUTWEEK 81

Cant I" ....
&.c:I "rom pag_ 27 \,AMB'DA CLUB PRESEt'olTS
I am always most. disappointed when
activists can't provide support and valida-
tion for each other.
If the political debate is the theory,
how we actually treat each other is the
practice, Lack of validation and sup-
port are. the types of behavior that ..,... -
..... - - - .:.:-:.:
...~-::.:~:::. :.:.:.;.::.~:::::~:::::::::
..... ~;.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:-:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:
:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
..•.•••••.•.... :.:.;.:.:-:
••• ~:•••:-:-:•• :-Jo:.:.:-:.-.:-:.:-:.:.-.:-:.:-:.-.:-:-;-:.:.:-:-::::::::::::.:.:.;.:.:.: ••::.:.:.:.:.:.:.'
cause lasting schisms within groups.
Women's AIDS' projects have
failed or foundered due to this lack of
support, Terry McGovern started the
HIV Project to provide legal assistance
to poor people 'with AIDS. This pro- • .

ject can't get adequate funding to hire
staff or rent equipment. The lawsuit
against the Social Security Administra-
tion is being waged under these con-
ditions, The New York Times asked the
Gay Men's Health Crisis to write an
editorial about the issue of discrimina-
tion against women and poor pebple ,
trying to receive disability, and it ran
without mention of McGovern's pro-
ject or its dire need for funds. :=::iiIii :.iii1 i;.~ 11111'llll::}
In fact, we often hear of men \tlttr::·:····
attempting to address the issues of
women and AIDS, and doing so inade- '............... ....••.•.•.•................•.•...•-.-.-.-.-.. .... _ ....
quately. Why can't they demand a place
for women to speak about our issues in
important public forums? ACT UP's
Treatment and Data committee recently
began an impressive treatment cam-
@1991 HARkER 917-8717
paign, "Countdown 18 Months," but did "

not place a single woman-specific

opportunistic infection on its agenda. Nx SP\\\~GA .If.11
The lack of priority in incorporating the
agendas of women, people of color and DATE: SAT., MARCH 13RD 8..1AM
• IVDUs into the. work is all too apparent.
i These are the kinds of experiences
that allow mistrust to fester. Clearly SNACKS CO-SPONSORED WITH BRONX LESBIANS UNITED IN
I there should be room on our agendas SISTERHOOD, GAY MEN.OF THE BRONX, FORDHAM LESBIANS"
for all of our issues. A selective, singie- GAYS, HOSTOS CC LESBIAN" GAY UNITED FORCE, FOR MORE
INFORMATION CALL U11)409-1691 OR U11)601-7640. DIRECTIONS:
issue focus creates discord among us, SUBWAY-NO." OR D TO BEDFORD PI< BLVD,WALK EASTTO JEROME
while giving the establishment the abili-
ty to pit us against each other and
undermine our movement. I believe
. that the rhetoric that urgency alone
must guide our agendas and tactics fails 4
- •

Pet Owners With AIDS/ARC Resource SerY\ce, Inc.

us repeatedly. I am not opposed to
heeding our own sense of urgency. Far
from it. But urgency alone, acted upon "God bless you and .1
by single-minded activists using even
It the most radical of tactics, is simply not
those you help"

a viable strategy for the long-haul •
struggle' of building. meaningful,
respectful coalitions that will, in tum, New York's only complete pet
benefit all of us and radically change care service for HIV+ people. Because We Care
the way in which we live.T (212) 744-0842

82 OUTWEEKM.rch 20,1_
, •

I i I I '1ISSIGf' .,
Deep and relaxing by good-looking . '(oung German Man~gives Massage gives stimluting massage & •

guy. Also do couples. Reasonable. $50 call Mark beeper 212-713-9339 private hair design, your place
In/Out$75 Marc (212)864-0091. . After you dial1he number punch in or mine. Legit Onlyl
your number and I will call you back. (212) 969-8836 .
A1hletic bodYwork from boyish 150# PLEASURiNG THE HEART BODYBUILDER MAS.SEUR
5'9" 27 yo with very musc.ular build and Sensuous,deep,h9~ling ·bodyWQrk. Excellent masage wi1h release, tall
a nice tan line. cut and friendly. In/Out PauI(212):228-1889
~,' .. sculptured German Italian, Big Balls
•• and feet I am very good, not like 1he
Also available with Damon. Noon to 4 POET'S roUCH MASSAGE

am. CHRIS (212) 496-6710 restl Call Bruce (212)922-9186 ..

• Sensual Beyond Imagination
MIDWESTERN BOY . 212-691-7934
5'10",150# 19y-o college studentwi1h PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE BY
beautiful body and cute face available FITNESS TRAINER .'
for bodywork. Very friendly. Call for . West.45st
in/out appts.10am~4am any day. Also Swedish/Deep Tissue, ,
available wi1h Chris. Damon (212) 496- Sports Massage
6710 ' In/Out (212) 586-6149,
FREE10-DAYACCOUNTI BROWSE 'Sweet man with great hands' seeks .
DETAILED QUESTIONAIRES FROM clients for nude nonsexual vigorous
100'S OF GUYSI THE WORLDS MOST Swedish/Esalen massage. $50 an
THE AUTH CODE: 6904(818) 566-nn / •

Gary 212~228-2243: Serious onlyl

(213) 370-2266
Ex Football Player
By attractive, sensitive, considerate, 6'3' 220 Lbs Muscular
and talented guy in mid-40's. For 1he Huntl9" + Thick
massage you won't soon forget, in Bodyrub and More
beautiful surroundings in East Chelsea, Call Brian (212J gss..1442
call 9:00 am - 10:00 pm, 7 days a week.
$75 for 11/2 hrs. $90 for 2 hours. WHOLE HEART BODYWORK
MARC 212-255-8854 Shiatsu'
Deep Tissue Massage
6 FT BLONDE DANCER Tan1r.icMassage
- I .

Swedish or Timtric Massage

West 141hStreet Area
Professional licensed
Terry Weisser (212)463-9152.

Robert 212-929-4019 THIS IS !Till , This Young exec GQ Master will
The strongest, most incredibly , initiate 1he novice or expand 1he
HANDSOME, CHARMING WASP, sensual massage you will.v.r
. 6'1".33 YRS OLD horizons of the experienced, Call luke:
get by a truly handsome, S1IlIeet, 10am-12pm only 212-n2-1097 .
Swedish Institute Grad., Swed/Shiatsu, exotic sensual massuerlll
Safe, Strong Scenes from $100 1N/135 Out
Call Ariel 212-331-4179
$50 1n/$75Out, Village .Iocation ALWAYS HARD
/Chris Macbe1h (212)254-4527 6'2'190# Very good looking blond jock,
8'/cut/thick w/big juicy low hangers
Ken (212) 206-7138
POLICY 24 year Old Pretty Boy 6' 170 Brown
. Hair and Eyes 212-410-1590
, * All orders and cancellations must be BIWONAIRE BOYS ESCORTS
..' . received by noon on Friday. No exceptions! If you haven!ttriedus lately, you don't

know what you're missing.
* Orders must be lI1Ciiledto or dropped off in' . .' In / Out 24 hour
sealed envelope at OUTWEEK address. Call . Philip . (212)

* All telephone numbers in ads must be veri- loDElS/ESCoRTS

fied prior to publication.,'
* Full payment must accompany ad order COMPETITIVE 28 yrs., 5~9",225Ibs.,
huge pecs, mQnster legs XX hung
form and must be paid by in-dividual placing , Italian Kris 212-213-8657
* All• corrections and changes are $10.00

March 20, .._.. OUTWEEK 83

,. Handsome/clean cut/great nude mas- Attend the
sage, also into wrestling &sensuous
I situations John 212:741-3282 "'ESBIA~AND GAY
ATHLETlC,SEXY, VERY hosted by the
OLD.VERY FRIENDLY.(212) 721-3810. • Saturday, March 16, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
• Lesbian and Gpy Community Services Center
IDDElS/ESCDRTS 208 W 13th St., NY
,{ ~ • Refreshments will be served .
Neat anq Discrete
Handsome and Hung • It's free, and all are welcome.
Only 10 Minutes from Manhattan

Call Neil 201-309-2252


326' Blond Blue eyes All that Hot no
Risk Sex Can Be 212-410-1590 -

, Men of All Colors Together are men
. 2 Himky, horny BB's very masculine, x-
handsome watch or join in. Will travel united in struggle, refusing to be,
Visa/MG, Amr, accepted Kobi or Tomer divided, celebrating our diversity.

. Join us! We meet every Friday atthe

Lesbian & Gay Community Center, 208 West13th St., at 7:45 pm
Mact/NY P.O.Box 1518 Ansonia,NY 10023 212/222-9794

'I .


84. OUTWEEK M• ...,h20, 1_1

. the personals magazine, has ex- pSYChe,fascinat- ron, gardening,
panded and left OutWeek. With newarti-

lOlli'S ed by "Ishmael" politics and cruis-

from "Fanny & ing the pagEl of .
clep on sex, humor; plus personal~and plrso.lls Alexander. Seek- Elle and Mirabel-
ing similar w/Sim- la, Sweep me off
. phone-line ads~ Hunt is available in gay ANDROGY- ilar Fascinations my feet and into.a
NOUS, GWF, 27 for romantic domestic partner-
bars and community centers nationwide. Healthy body & friendship rela- Ship. Photo/
tionship. Must be Phone gets mine.
honest, able to Outweek Box
communicate,& 3771
slightly academic.
Send letter, Out- CHINESE.
week Box 3776. SAPPHO
Photo helpful. WANTED
For marriage in
ARTSY BUT China. Help your
NOTFLAKEY, friend and mine
.yuppie but not make life easier
square ...but defi- in difficult envi-
nately artistic- ronment. GCM,
looking, so not re- 37, intel, Prof,
ally yuppie, but seeks PTR for
could pass at·the social arrange-
country club and ment. Discretion
TIOUSI But spiri-
tual...vegetarian ... O.K. -WE
kind,sweet, WORKED TO-
sensitive, young- GETHER ALL.
ish, pretty, long- TOO BRIEFLY
haired,yet strong I at that ridiculous
Iconoclastic and excuse ·for a pub-
absolutely origi- lishing company. I
·nal. Very smart had a major.
(both in the way crush on you, but
,'.' '.'
• you'd describe a . couldn't quite fig-
...... ...... hand bag and a ure you out. It •

- -.-.-
scholar). All you was always fun
'.::::'l~~:::;:Wit:){:.::::::::;:~; .., have to be is talking to you - .
wildly clever, as write back, 'willst
_·.::tt~ tomboy as they du? E.L.Outweek
come, over 30 Box 3315 •

and not too termi-

::::::::'::'::;':::':::':::'::;::'::::':::':::::::':::::::::::':::':-::~:::::::'::':'::::'::~ '.'~!tjjf::~i:tji::ff:t:il:;:::~:it:· .....' .'::.:. - ....
nally cynical or DAWN! I:IEY,
• •

chicken to for YOU FIERCE

. L,t th, GlIyConn,ction h,lp you find thllfcp,cilll hllIn heaven's sake' Strong smart,
, •
frOhl rig:ht hm in th, N,w York IIr'lI. write instead of able woman'1 I
~p'lIk privat,ly Oh,-on-on, with othu tllY hI,n, lind with our r'hllItch f'lItur" guessing. want to see how
OutweekBox far love can go, I
you control who you cp'lIk with whil' hllIintliining:your privuy. 3659 want to go there
To lict,n to, or I'lin IIp,rconllilid for oth,r hI,n to h'lIr, with you. Hand in
try th, :olIl-hllIl.'GIIY~,I,ctionc. 'CHINA hand. What do ya
PATIERNAT say? To our
BLOOMIE'S strength ..oosh.
(,ill" c'. " GF, 35, 5'6", 135, XO, Yvette.
(,Al" BVgr, alcohoV
(~ONNI~el'ION' SI~IJ~el'IONS'" drug free SF na- HAPPILY MAR-
tive/Manhattan RIED LESBIAt!!
1-QOO-f?SO-4!;4!; dweller seeks to
end years of seri-
Seeks nice boy
Probability of lIIatthint vlri.o, Only p.r lIIin, gge Only pot lIIinut.,
al monogamy. for our 'n~ly

Murt b.lg,'yuro or oldor, ©Jartol, Int" 1991

Softball, Diane unattached best
Trg our Gag Conntttilin d.lllo #: (212) 967 -ggo9
Kurys films, Fer- friend. He is 28, •

March 20....... OUTWEEK 85

. trim, has sexy available) to romance and 100% lesbian be my fuel? I week Box 3769
dark eyes, and a "Yentas," c/o treating you right. who needs to can burn even
sweet smile, He Sap, RM 8, Mil- Enjoy cozy meet more fun the most inflam- OKSOI
is into Art 'Deco, bank 3009 evenings by a dykes to hang mables, 5' 6" SMOKE &
depression B'way, NYC fire place. Take a out with,'NO 23y.o. GWF DRINK
glass, historic 10027 chance on some- specifications- short brown These are not
photos, great old one nice. Your just like to have hair-eye glasses my worst habits,
movi~s, brunch, HELP! I'M photo will get one h!'lll of a make my vision. (I also bite my
friendship, & STARTING TO mine. No dri.Jg$ good time. Out- pierce your soul nails, but les-
sex, If you have LOOK AT MEN. non-smoker pre- week Box 3945 to depths you bians should not
someone similar 33, 5'3", br hair ferred.Outweek never knew it have long nails
r', . in mind, maybe seeks sporty-fem Box 3707 HOT DYKE had. A photo! anyway) 1his-26
we'can make a women for rela- SEEKS SAME phone # will get GWF is looking

. Send . tiq.nship. Into HEY THERE Baby I'm an in- you the same-if for someone to
• •
, .,
note."& photo (if hUn:i0r honesty I'm a nice, cute, ferno--will you you have the play with on Tue
f'~') ".<
,.\~.~, , I courage to see & Wed (the
,,. I
-~~- __ i, 'S!H:~. in your self what worst days off
I can show possible) or
you,Outweek after midnight
Box 3719 . (how did I get
,;, this j'Ob?) If you
lAMA stil eat meat
MATURE 1'9 YR &cook with but-
OLD ter drop me a
Slim, attractive line we'll see a
black lesbian at movie or I'll
5'7" 120 Ibs cook you
seeking a les- dinner, we'll do

bian or bisexual snow bongs
who is white, on the roof.
Hispanic or mix- OutweekBox
ture of races. 3722
Any age under
, ,. 19 up to 30 for ONE DATE AT

friendship or re- A TIME
lationship, GWF, 29, Attrac-
Please respond, tive, sincere,
all will be an- funny, inSightful,
,; swered Photo stable, attentive,
Optional I somewhat spiri-
, Please send tual and p6liti-
.' respond to callyaw~re
OutWeek 'Box seeksth~se
3889 qwiliti:es in an
, "out" woman
LITTLE MISS who .. is :emotion-
ally artipulate,
If you have sensually spiri-
taken the car tual, dynamic
• out, please re- yet grounded,

turn it. Valen- willing to Iistep
tine's Day is fast and learn and

• approa~hing allow for a pos-
and we want to sible relation-
, be on our best Ship. Old
behaviour, Four- enough to know
teen months better; young
and Fourteen enough to take
Days. All my risks? Send •
• love, the Aupair. photo and letter
to: Outweek Box
Followers of my . RENAISSANCE
new religious .WOMAN
, order practice seeks same in
unspeakably . SSF Bay
delectable ritu- Area.41, les not
als. Devotional bi. Classics .
worship and iIIustr, Comics,
human sacrifice, Atlantic Mo.
• I love all God's Zen Oriented
, children. Out- Christian. Oh

86 OUTWEEK March 20, 11_11






adults over 18 only, $2 per minute

, '. •

yes-Sex maniac. tuaVSwitch/toptB blue eyes, some- _ Los Angels Out. CATCH SEEKS . body, hairy legs.
Outweek ottom, Looking what hairy. Seeks week Box 3729 A HERO and ass, healthy
Box 3718 for friends to play 18+ lover. Very I
GWM good look- HIV+. I want a . •
with, hot exclusiv- submissive and, BLOND in~ smooth 155 hairy strong top ,
STREAMLINED ity, so I'm not eager to pleasa TOPMAN 511" dark hair man to ride
. me, in.
GBF32 cmptr concemed that you in any way 6' 175, uncut, late green eyes Ivy Clpermanent rpan .,
artist advtsg; at- any 1 person possible.' Into 40'Body - Builder Ed. seeks manly. to man relation-
tractive athletic share allmy inter- anything you .like. and Runner digs fellow ardent and ship, must be
sensuous; advtsq ests-some are: Write toS:U.,.Box jocks, jockay true to be my HIV+and hungry
student; en/'oys caning old 1729, K~ngsland, shorts, leather, Hi hero enjoy full for a totally erotic ••••

sports trave •m.u- movies, group GA 31548. . - Top sneakers, ran~e of urban and caring life _
seums movies play, clinic escort, "
etc, Looking for activities love style, Obviously a
dining out; seeks large numbers of ARE YOU A good bottom men dogs books being photo is nec9S7 ..
GWF 30-40 at- tiny, nasty YOUNG MALE into servicing, a stalwart- stand sary, Rick, P.O. t ,-
tractive athletic clothespins, pub- Latin or oriental Box 1077 Anso- up guy and taking Box 6044' Arling- ,.

career-oriented lic places. Leave preferred but not nia Stn. NYC a protective male ton, Virginia .
educated humor- message at 459- a must who 10023 stance and can . 22206. .
ous out.:going 4811 or write would like a Euro- adore a smart
confident honest POB 497, limes pean Man early CAN YOU TOP (aleck) funny guy DOMINANT TOP
I ,~

sincere affection- Sq. Stn. NY 60th than answer ftilS? who will lean on Handsome'· , "
ate sensitive sup- 10108 SOrry, no tRis ad quiet life Habitual top your shoulder healthy jock 40,
portive and like
cats. No
tobacco/perfume style no drugs
P.O, Box 524
seeks stronger,
taller man to put
and .treat you like
a king I'm HIV
6'2" 190 , ..
bn /.
blue, hairy 'chest, .

roles/head trips, WARM, SENSI- New York, NY me in my place. negative a photo musc, hung; ag-
Outweek Box TIVE, HONEST, 10268 Me:
- 5'11"I' 160 , letter to Outweek gres, prof, fun
4026 androgynous, 'Br/Gr, stache, Box 3618 seeks intelligent
5'5", 30, blonde, ASPIRING gym bod, 26. hot buddy with ".
TIRED OF blue eyed, Virgo ACTOR You: 25-45, built, D.C.NA clean cut All', ,
QUEENS wants to get to Hisp Male, 22, tough yet mus- SUBURBS Americangd Iks :
The borough, that know you, I like to 5'8" 135, BL. BR tache a plus. Not Gdlk Ex-Marine, to enjoy winter wi
is. I've left all my sit in a cafe and seekiqg to meet tender. Leather a Blue eyes th, Photo and .•
girl friends in- sip cappuccinos, WM in'the movie must. Photo/ salt/pepper phone a must for . ,
,Long Island City, go to the movies industry both in phone to Out- beard, 51, 5'7" reply I Outweek
Just moved to or just stay home New York and week Box 3696 130# tight
smooth Box #4009,
Park Slope, look- and cuddle by
ing for fun and candlelight. Let's
fantasy between keep it simple
Fourth Avenue and slow, Tell me .J,

. and Prospect about yourself.

. ,
Park West. Out- Honesty,non- •

week Box 3770 smoker, sober

and drug free a .. '

VENICE IN THE must. Send photo

SPRING and letter.Out-
The Bridge of week Box 3662
sighns ... Water .. ,
lapping the quays '.
of Murano ... lea's
Sweet kisses in
. the dark. Sensu- perslRlls
ous, exceptionally •

pretty, zaftig (diet-

. jng), much pub- GOM, 42, 155, -,- .
'Iished author, 5'6" , ,
" femme, 40+, avg looks, se-
'. seeks accom- cure, with sense
. plished, attrac- of humor, in <
tive, (preferably shape seeks sim-
vegetarian), soul- ilar guys 35-50,
mate/traveling for fdshp & safe • -. •
companion. Pho- sex. Likes music,
tograph appreci- reading, & gym
ated.Outweek excs, quiet ,eve~
Box 3824 at home, No· Gay "TALKING PERSONALS" to meet
drugs, smokers, 1 Nice Guys for Dating and Friendship
VOLUPTUOUS nite, Hairy a +. and meet Hot Guys that like to
QUEER Let's talk. Out- get WILD! Categories for your lifestyle!
Bisexual woman, week Box 3699 It's Fun-Safe-Easy-24 Hours
43, seeks per-
sons interested in 18 YEAR OLD
Gay owned & operated. $2/min. More info: (305) p65-4455, Ext: 4322
both activism & GWM, 6'2",170#
SM, Open to mu- dark blond hair, ,
~------I I~ --~
March 20. 't981 OU. WEEK 89
• • •, .. ' .f'" C,·" ",
• •

• FAT IS mature to GWM 30 5~10" make .Iove by I. HOT SPANKING show 4 u Send
WHERE explore who we 165 BRIBR 'candlelight, take GIVEN letter & #What U
IT'S AT! are. Foto/Phone Hairy chest Italian long walks in the ,On bare bottom want to see·.Out-
H~avyj~isexuaL .' j{ possible to born speaks Ital + , park? I'm 22, ·over the, knee of
week Box 3797
man; 38:, is seek':,' . ,1=>.<D.:,BQx 20,. . French looking for' 5'6",150#, Italian, handsome GWM Outweek Box
ing to correspend . N,(y, NV:10012)riendly attractive. attractive and 6'3" 195# with 3797
with heavy bisex- :., .' "'; :" ", '.' and masc. same 4 REAL. Try me on,
.' strong arms and
ual/gay inen and, '.".>: ""GAY: " '.' for friendship + I might be the · muscular legs LEAN SEXY
bisexual/lesbian "BtOND" fun Photo + lover that fits. age 35 will use SANE CUTE!
women. Does SEEKS ' Phone write to PhlPh,Outweek my hand,hair 160 Ibs Indiana
anyone share my FUN Paul P.O. Box 828 Box 3688 · brush or:wooden bred, not white
conviction that an GWM 25-35 to NYC NY 10023 or leather paddle bread in bedl 40
"abundant" body enjoy life, hot . HOT SPANKING whatever is need- and looking 32.
is beautiful and safe-sex & GWM, 40, :190 GIVEN ed to get your ass You could be 20,
that being termed monogamous re- LBS,6'1' On rare bottom red hot and let's see Photo
,."ol)ese': is an~~q- lationship, I'm 30, HEALTHY over the knee of squirming also Outweek Box
" colada::. Nota . '. 5'1'1.";175tLNO Uncut, NYC Artist handsome GWM . top into GRrroys. 3970
mark of .shame? fats, fems, fakes. 'type, who is inter- 6'3" 195# 35 with Answer this ad
Let's befriends, . . Send P,h.dto/ J" : esting, tolerant strong arms and . and only your ass NEED A
perhaps morel phone/letter& c,. . and operi~mind- muscular legs will will be sorryl P.O. GENTLE PUSH
Write: Bill, PO .. ". fantasy. Ou~eek ed. Seeks en- use my hand, hair Box 1467 Old GWM 25 looking
.'BOx 62 Little··' ·,130)( 3808" counter.with slim brush or wooden Chelsea Stn. for a man to help
Genesee, NY; '.' ,'" young boy 19-26 or leather paddle- New York, NY me get my life in
14754. Phof')e: GWF, 28; . . . ;~ittl smooth bot- whatever is need- 10011 order. I'm not a
716-928-2692 CAREER- tom and likes to ed to get your loser in search of
ORIENTED tease Daddy in ass red hot and · I HAVE GREAT a daddy. I just
GAY AND IN- . Cute, feminine, bed with slutty squirming also TASTE ... want to meet
TERRACIAL seeks same 28:' betlavior. a little into GR and toys and so do you, someone who
• GJM' .' 43" If you like' bit fem OK, PABT answer this ad That's why we'll has the power to
40, 5'10"155Ibs, Etheridge, Gloria" Box.20982, NYC and only your ass ~et along. Our help me end my
cute,' blue eyes Estefan, 705 hits . 10129 will be sorry I P,O, first date, you'll perpetual strug-
and wise desires' + Crayola green- Box 1467 Old s~y how much gles. Even if only
masculine Bi or blue, Write me HOPELESS Chelsea Station, you'd like to kiss advise and moral
Gay Black man Box 27 Manht, ROMANTIC? New York, NY me..,and of support. I'm kind,
sensitive and . NY 11030
..' .'
Love to cuddle, 10011 course, we'll kiss, int gd Ikng,sin-
etc, I'm a 23y,o. cere, Just need
queer, just back push in rt direc-
, .' , in NY, great tight tion.Outweek
, •
body,fine' face, Box 3737
• •

. mind, humor.
, Send a picture NEW FRIENDS
and 3 reasons WM 35 '6'1"
", '_,' I

..' why.! shOuld re- 185' hands-ome

I· . ,

spond.Outweek . mascuHne, works
Box 3493 out, anp sincere,
ITALIAN OR . business profes-

, LATIN GUY sional, but hot &
, All American reg- creative;. humor-

ular guy - 6" 175, ous,probing, and
. 30, blue eyes, supportive. Seeks
,. . handsome similar very tall
• straight - acting, guy for explosive
fun & horny'. action, intense
seeks good look- friendship,and/or
ing Latin or Italian caring, long-term
boy to explore relationship. Call
NYC & each Art,btwn 8pm-
other. Your Photo 12mid, at (212)
. and Phone gets 675-7352 .
mine. CIAO /
Adios,Outweek NJ SINGLE
. Box#3994 GWM, 36, 5'11",
.New York BuddySystem™ LATIN STRIP-
175 has Christ-
mas wish to be-
PER ·'half of a couple ..
G~yCh'at Line 25 Body builder Seeking intell, ro-
,,(212) ..3'19-2270
• hung Big Nuts mantic,sincere,
Seeks Men 50 up attract, GWM to
No Credit Cards-Needed·, Free Information, Be 18 if you get off on share music,
NoLA "9,90" Or"5$O··Ca.IL No One Charges Less, , Strippers I Get off films,books, cud-
'-,,' "",. .,_'.
-' '.-.
. ..'
. ,Stripping This
'" dling, hugs, kiss-

•• •

- , •
• •

message or
Leave a
one left by
listen to
other men,

With up to B hot guys

~xclusive one-on-
rematch feature
Privately coded


, t •

,. ,- .
,I -;.... ;". ."'.~
• '
, ·1
• "

.' 5_ •
• •

es, leive, life. A 39, looks 39, in qU$stions,Bright, TALL Phone get prompt shape body, ro-
furry chest to shape (but flot down-to-earth, ATTRACTIVE response, To Out- mantic,sponta-
snuggle against body beautiful) midwestern GBM week Box 3971 neous, sta, act-
would be nice, if wants BM for GWM,31, 6'5", 225 Ibs, 30 THINKING SERI- ing, no druas,
honest, caring, friendly, regular 5'8",145, bl/br, yrs, Seeks a style OUSLY? NS. I'm 5'101i'145
monogamy are sexual meetings seeks attractive conscious 25-35 GWM, 26, 5'11" Ibs., 30 yrs. old
in your vocabu- (frieilds not unpretentious.guy black male of 1751bs,hand- and want to date
lary, send lovers), Not look- of similar build similar build who some, successful some one who
descriptive ing for any spe- . and age, into interests include: health profession- will be both a
Itr/ph/ph,Out- cial "type" or age, some of the Movie, theater, al, interest: best friend and a •
week Box 3736 Send letter.Out- above for friend- arts, books, For music, theater, lover. send photo
week Box 3680 ship, dating and companionship or travels, dinning & letter to Out-
Sol. , ...? Send to Out- possible'relation- out, intelligent week Box 3684
GBM SCIENCE, 'week Box 3790 Ship. Must have a discussions, good
WANTED SCI-FI OutweekBox good sense of books, is seeking WISE MEN
St. George WM, GYM, film, big 3790 humor. Photo / similar for honest STOP HERE
• relationship. No GWM,385'9"
drugs, Please 150 br / br mous-
write about your tache and trim
interests and beard, hairy, de-
hobbies I Include fined, muscular
telephone num- build, handsome,
ber and photo masc., intel!., un-
(only if you want), pretentious. En-
Outweek Box joys movies the-
4022 ater photg" cook-
'ing bicycling
VERY nature, Seeking
ATTRACTIVE other rare find
MAN who is good look-
. Msclr, dk ing, masc., very
hair/eyes. smth health-conscious,
skin, cln shvn 6Ft intell., well-built w
• 170#'sane n2 / musc., arms &
dark-haired men, peds, sense of
humor, movies, humor, enjoys the
gyms, reading, arts, mature, hon-
writing, walking, est, affectionate,
flea markets, sex, non-cig. smoker.
politics, commit- Let's exchange
ment, kinky sex, letter and photo.
long conversa- Outweek Box
tions, commit- '3623
ment, cooking,
fixing broken WRESTLE
things, big dicks, Ex-collegejock
kissing, commit- lacks opponents
ment, hugging, . at:ld floor space,
arguing, laughing, Slow and easy or
camping, comput- rough and'
• ers and commit- , sweaty, Ring,
ment. Reply 245 mat, or mattress.
8th Avenue, Or do you just
#174, NY, NY like to watch?
10011 Photo, phone,
and fantasy to
WANTS TO Outweek Box

redhead actor YOUR PLACE
dancer looking Handsome, sexy
for some one to GWM 30's needs , .
share my life space with piano
with, Mysterious to teach 8HRS/ '
eyes and an un- Wk in excharig$
forgettable smile ~forpiano lessons
are definite re- or other musical':
quirements -also Services Queens/
a sens eof who Nassau Border "
you are, fun, ad- Area Scott 718-
venture,witty, 392-0520 serious
able to laugh, in- only ..

92 ou. WEEK 'Ma....h:ZO' .. _ ..


"'-- '"


• .r~......
12_19_ 1S

"In a compromised fiscal climate . ..

you can't often create sensational pro-

grams," said deputy commissioner
Atkins. "You can create good pro-
grams, you can create useful programs,
but you may not make the papers." • •

~ Atkins cites the department's Real-

~ ity House program in Harlem as an
~ example. That program provides
:1[ numerous health services, among them
~ HIV education and substance-abuse
~ treatment to pregnant women. The
ffi ~Reality House project has received lit-
E tle play in the media.
if Recently, the department fired up
initiatives dealing with gay men and
lesbians. The health department's City THE COMMISSIONER IN QUESTION-
He-althInformation, a monthly newslet- Dr, Woodrow Myers
ter, d{(voted its entire January issue to
bias violence against gay men and les- deputy commissioners, especially Ong,
bians. That newsletter, originating in more frequently represent the depart-
deputy commissioner Ong's office, ment when dealing with community
was distributed to 24,000 physicians groups, Myers is reported to have
and 9,000 health-related institutions attende.d only one meeting of the HN
citywide. Planning Council, the body charged
Following the initial brouhaha in with writing the city's application for
the press over Myers' appointment, . funds
, made available under the Ryan
. which created the frrst high-level con-
flict for the newly-elected mayor,
White Act.
"Myers belief and his manage-
advocates and former employees alike ment style is to hire the best people
assert that Myers is isolated and avoids he can find as deputy, associate and '...
, .:
. debate on critical issues. assistant commissioners," counters
Contrasting Myers with former deputy commissioner Atkins. "It is

health commissioner Stephen Joseph, appropriate to use his executive staff • ,
one former employee said, "Joseph to represent him."
made a lot of enemies, but at least he In fact, citing scheduling con- •
was in the fight. Myers is just standing flicts, Myers declined, through a ,
on ,the sidelines." spokesperson, an opportunity to be
, .. Responding to charges that Myers interviewed for this article, preferring •o

avoids debate, department appointees to arrange interviews with_department

claim that that complaint arises more representatives.
from the sharply contrasting styles of While it is clear that Myers' distant
• Myers and his predecessor, Stephen style and his department's budget con- .<

Joseph. straints have not won him many

That difference couldn't be friends in a community that opposed
greater. "For 12 years prior to this his appointment, his management
administration, New Yorkers became style is unlikely to embroil him in fur- , .
used to a bully-pulpit way of dealing ther controversies.
with issues often spearheaded by the But will it win' him friends
mayor," said deputy commissiohe~ among a community devastated by
Atkins. •. AIDS and plagued by bias-related ,
Joseph ignited several controver- physical attacks? That, say activists, Eve ...}' F...
ido}' ,

sies during his tenure, often by intro- will -happen when the gay and les- ot
ducing major initiatives or policy bian community, long alienated from
changes in the press first, infuriating the city's health department, once liMEliGHt ,
advocates and drawing loud protests again feels that the DOH has its best Ente ...ot 47 W. 20th St
from several communities. interests in mind, and the resources (between 5th & 6th)
It is also true, however, that to follow through ....


• • •

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• ,

by Greg Baysans
Edited by Gerard Mackey

7. Wall St. figures

1" 12 13 14 5 16 7 18 10 111 12
8. Scream
13 14 9, AAstop
10. Famed Irish exile
17 18 11. Some humor
12. Cornered
20 21 22 23
•, 15. Dross
24 26 21. Church official
22. D.C. figure
27 128 129 26. DOE's opponent
33 36 38 39 27. Tax
28. Kind of school: abbr.
40 45 29. Anagram of 10 down

31. Bite for dobbin
46 51
34. Moines
52 I 153 56 36. Obscure
• 38. "Whatever wants ..."
• .57 158 60 I 161 39. Wallet fl1lers
42. Sine non
44. Tropical vine
68 71 47. Ratite bird
• 49. Changed
72 74 51. Practiced
75 77
53. French friend
55, Farm
57. Della or Peewee
58. Stage direction
61. Ingrid in Casablanca, et aI.
50. East 64. Shanter ,

'. •

52. " a lumberjack ..." 65. Olive and peanut
1. Type of le~ce 54. Some math 66. San lucas, Mexican resort
5. "Dear " 56. Vicinities 67. Area in NW Yugoslavia .'
9., Word with ball or drink . 57. Begin again 69. Vane letters
13, Maple genus 60. Singer Lopez
14, Some horses 62. Business letter abbr,
• 16, Peter or Nicholas . 63. Anagram of 20 across
17. With 3 down, vitamin deficiency 68. Harrow's rival
18. Bikini, for one 70. Mountain pools
19, "God's Little " 71. Prevaricator
20. Famed expatriate 72. Stitched
23, King topper 73. "... are I saw "
24. Actor Kevin 75. A Gardner
25. up (got ready) 76. Lyric works r-c~OO A M A A C 0
. 27, Yielded 77. Brit. selVice awards A VOW U SUA L
30, Sell-out letters 'P E N N S PIN E
32. Novel --- TMAN
33. In seventh heaven liE F RAN '!!I"
.35. Opposite of 33 across .. J E A N G E.N E T
37. Sight at 55 down ~«II( I:T+.,+.;- MARl S REST

40. Sun. sPeech •

'1. Ali __ IOAL AORTA

E 0 E LEN 0
41. Need: abbr. 2. Reykjavik's country: abbr, F R I S L ~A+-T;..4;E-JR!I!I!A!IIII!I
43. Sesame 3. See 17 across HART MAGI ALA
, 45. Nol, of Cambodia 4. B-B-Q item: var. E R 0 I EAR L EBB S
46, Pirate in Peter Pan 5. Valuable violin RAN G LUG E PIE S
48. sponte (of itself) 6. Conductors' needs

98 OUTWEEK March 20, 1991

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