The Five Pillars of Islam: 1. Creed (Shahadah)

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The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Creed (Shahadah)

● The Shahadah translates to the’’ testimony.”

● The Shahadah is the Muslim profession of faith “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad
is the messengar of Allah.”
● Muslims believe in one God.
● No one and nothing should be worshipped but Allah.
● The Shahadah is the sign of belonging to the Muslim community.

2. Prayer (Salat)

● Salat translates to “prayer”

● Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day.
● Salat involves quiet verbal prayer and gestures.
● Prayer can take place at home, at work, or anywhere, as long as the place is quiet
● On Fridays, Muslims attend mosque for prayer.

3. Charity (Zakat)

● Zakat translates to mean “purify”

● The Zakat calls believers to give to those in need
○ This is approximately 2.5 % of their income.
● Each year, Muslims who have more than a certain amount of money or goods are required
to donate a portion of their savings, after debt, to the needy

4. Fasting (Sawn)

● Sawm translates to mean “fasting.”

● Muslims fast during the month of April for 29 days. Ramadan is the month in which
Muhammad received the divine message of Allah.
● Muslims are encouraged to spend more time reading the Qur’an and praying.
● Muslims abstain from food water, evil thoughts, drinking , smoking, and sex during the
daylight hours of the fast.
● During the evenings, Muslims gather with friends and family to break the fast with a light
meal and some merriment.
● It ends with the Fiest of Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of breaking of the Fast.
5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

● Hajj translates to mean “pilgrimage’’”

● Muslims are asked to make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca once in a lifetime.
● It is filled with symbolic rituals that recall events from the time of Abraham and Muhammad.
● Muslims strive to live honest and holy lives and their minds on Allah during hajj.
● Muslims strengthen their sense of unity with God, with their religious heritage, and with other
Muslims through the hajj.

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