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Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Volume 4, Number 1, Oktober 2020



Choirul Anam Evi Fatimatuz Rusyidah

 UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya  UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4348-4087 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3512-632X

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the use of Madrasah E-Learning in
Optimizing the Learning of Al-Quran Hadith for Class VII students of MTsN 1 Bojonegoro. .
The research design used in this study includes field research. With a qualitative research
approach. This research was conducted at MTsN 1 Bojonergoro. Data collection techniques in
this study used structured and in-depth interviews regarding optimizing the use of E-
Learning Madrasas in Al-Quran Hadith subjects and data analysis in this study using
interactive models, data reduction,drawing conclusions and verification". While the results of
this study are the use of Madrasah E-Learning at MTsN 1 Bojonegoro has been running
optimally for implementing distance learning. The problem that occurs in learning using E-
learning is on the internet network and the quota must be sufficient for students and teachers,
because sometimes students and teachers who live in remote areas and do not have internet
quotas are very difficult to access. so that quota assistance is needed for students and teachers
so that learning using e-learning continues to run optimally
Keywords: Utilization; E-learning; Madrasas; Learning; Al-Quran Hadith

Introduction 2020 regarding Education policies during the

Covid-19 emergency that contains
Globalization era is indicated by the information regarding the learning process
development of products and the use of carried out at home through online
information technology. The learning learning/distance learning to reduce the
activities have shifted to modern-based spread of the virus. covid-19.(Agustina et al.,
learning. The results of Information 2020)
Technology have provided alternatives of
learning facilities so that they can be easily The implementation of distance
accessed by students (Euis Sofi, 2016). learning is method taken by the government
Technological development have a large so that learning in the schools continues
role in the learning and teaching process to during the pandemic. It makes an
access the knowledge, current conditions educational institution sort out the right
require educators and students to perform application to support the implementation of
online learning. (Fitriani & Susanto, 2020). distance learning. (Hikmah, 2020) However,
In the current Covid-19 emergency a teacher determines the right application so
experienced by the world community and that it can be accessed and utilized by
Indonesia, learning around the world has students. (Azhari & Silahuddin, 2019).
shifted to online-based. (Jauhari et al., 2020). Distance learning with the e-learning model
On March 24, 2020, the Ministry of is a suitable learning model during the
Education and Culture of the Republic of current pandemic. (Fitriani & Susanto, 2020)
Indonesia has issued Circular Letter No. 4 of

At the beginning of the COVID-19 application has many conveniences for
pandemic, various alternative of learning teachers, namely: uploading materials and
applications were used as a learning using making questions, working on questions for
the e-learning model. (Hikmah, 2020) students and monitoring student results. So
including Google Classroom, Microsoft that it can help students and teachers in
Office 365, WhatsApp, Zoom, Schoology and carrying out the MA IHYAUL ULUM
other learning applications. (Johar , 2020) learning process.” (Nailul et al., 2020)
However, in its use it requires the readiness Similarly, research conducted by
of a teacher and students, so that the use the Hikmah (2020) explains that "The use of e-
above application that can run smoothly and learning at MIN 1 Rembang is the right
effectively. In addition to the readiness of solution in online learning during the
teachers and students, a strong internet current pandemic and so that teaching and
network is also needed to access these learning activities continue to be carried out
learning applications. (Sahlani, 2020) during the pandemic. Based on the research
above, it can be concluded that E-learning is
E-learning model is a tool that is able to provide an convenience in the
expected to facilitate students and teachers learning process without any limitations of
in implementing learning in the current space and time so that teachers can more
covid era. (Agustina et al., 2020) The easily deliver a lesson to students during the
existence of Learning using the E-learning current covid pandemic condition.
model provides a breakthrough idea from There is a lot of research on the use of
the Ministry of Religion by the launching e- E-Learning Madrasah. However, research on
learning of madrasah with the aim of the use of E-Learning Madrasah in Al-Quran
facilitating madrasah under the auspices so Hadith learning is a research that has not
that learning can run effectively and been widely studied, this research is a new
efficiently anytime, anywhere and under any and original research. In this study,
conditions including the current pandemic researchers focused on researching
conditions. (Johar, 2020) "Utilization of E-Learning Madrasah in
The research of E-learning has been Optimizing Al-Quran Hadith Learning in
conducted by Euis Sofi, (2016) that explains Class VII at MTsN 1 Bojonegoro. Thus, it is
"The use of e-Learning can ease students to expected that this research can be useful as a
learn anytime and anywhere and can benchmark for teacher success in optimizing
increase creativity, provide motivation, and E-Learning Madrasah and can be used as a
activities during the learning process at literature for reading.
MTsN 1 Pandeglang. In addition, E-learning
research was also carried out, Naihlul
explained "The madrasah e-learning

Literature Review assistance and internet network assistance

that is used to access it. (Nugroho 2012)
Nugroho explains that e-learning "E-Learning Madrasah" is a learning
consists of letters, "E" stands for electronic in website specially designed by the ministry of
e-learning, it means a technology that is religion as a learning tool during the
used as a way to support electronic learning COVID-19 pandemic independently with
efforts. Because it requires a technological supervision from the Ministry of Religion,
Madrasah, teachers and student parents.

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia
Volume 4, Number 1, Oktober 2020

This application is used by all institutions of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic
within the ministry of religion, namely: independently and it needs the supervision
Radhatul Altfal (Ra), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah from the Ministry of Religion, madrasah,
(MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and teachers and student parent. In this E-
Madrasah Aliyah (MA). (Ministry of Learning Madrasah there are several
Religion 2019) features in it so that it can be used as a
During the learning process, E- means of support in learning Al-Quran and
learning madrash has principles that must Hadith (Rohmah 2017)
be implemented when it is applied to the E-Learning Madrasah has several
web such as ; a) must comply the advantages, namely; a) it can be accessed
competency standards, b) pay attention to from a computer or cellphone, b) the website
basic competencies (KD), c) ease students to can be accessed anywhere without time
learn the material, d) ease students to do limit, c) the website contains several features
assignments according to directions, e) the that ease students, d) students can access
material delivered must be in accordance easily without an account, d) When
with the abilities and developments of accessing the students have their own
students, f) the material presented must be username and password -self, so that when
systematic in order to motivate students, g) accessing it is guaranteed the security of
the material presented must be in student data, f) teachers can communicate
accordance with reality so that it is easy for virtually.(Fitriani and Susanto 2020)
students to absorb and practice it, h) the Al-Quran and Hadith are part of
method used must be effective and easy to Islamic religious education subjects taught
understand, i) evaluate the teacher to to understand and practice the Quran so that
measure students understanding of the they are able to read the Quran fluently,
material .(Rachmawati and Rusydiyah 2020) translate the Quran, conclude the content,
E-Learning has requirement in its copy and memorize selected verses and can
use. The terms of learning using E-Learning practice (Fitriani and Susanto 2020) Selected
are: learning activities must use the internet hadith as a study on the subject of Al-Quran
network, have a learning service that can be Hadith (Harmony 2020) that aims to
used by all students, have a consulting prepare students in Madrasah so that
service for tutors or teachers that can be used students are able to read, write, memorize,
by all students when facing difficulties. memorize, interpret, understand, and have
Furthermore, another requirement skills in practicing the contents of Qur'an(Ar
for using E-Learning Madrasah is there is an Rasikh 2019)
institution that organizes and manages e-
learning activities, there is a positive attitude Research Method
of an educator and education staff towards
the development of PC and internet This type of research is field research
technology has a design in the form of an (Suryabrata, 1998). By using a qualitative
education system that can be learned by each research approach. (Maleong, 2014) This
student and has an assessment for the research was conducted at MTsN 1
progress or growth of participants.(Fitriani Bojonergoro which is an Accredited
and Susanto 2020) Madrasah A. Madrasahs have a vision of
In this discussion, E-Learning realizing madrasa graduates who excel in
Madrasah is a website designed by the achievement, have strong faith in piety, and
Ministry of Religion for the implementation are environmentally friendly. Meanwhile, its

mission is to foster a spirit of excellence for of E-Learning Madrash with Al-Quran
all madrasah residents, develop the Hadith Teacher ., 2021).
personality of students who have noble
character, and improve graduates who are Al-Quran Hadith teachers feel neutral
highly competitive. about the E-Learning Madrasah Site always
(, containing new things such as updating the
accessed on April 11, 2021) Madrasa E-Learning application at the
The data collection technique used in this beginning of each semester. The teacher felt
study uses structured and in-depth that there were no significant changes on the
interviews regarding optimizing the use of E-Learning Madrasah site. Although the site
Madrasah E-Learning in Al-Quran Hadith has undergone a change. It is also reinforced
subjects. In this study, the researchers came by the results of interviews with teachers of
directly to the school to ask the respondents, Al-Quran Hadith subjects.
the informants in this study were teachers of "In my opinion, the E-Learning
the 7th grade Al-Qur'an Hadith. while the Madrasah site does not contain
data analysis technique in this study uses an significant changes to every update of
interactive model, data reduction, drawing E-Learning Madrasah application site
conclusions and verification. at the beginning of each semester.
These changes are only improvements
Discussion to the existing menu on the E-Learning
Madrasah application site. Rarely there
In utilizing E-Learning Madrasah in is an addition to the menu on the E-
schools, teachers agree with the features Learning Madrasah application site.
found on the E-Learning Madrasah site, Although the changes are not too
because these features are easy for teachers significant, the E-Learning Madrasah
to understand. The teachers before site helps and provides a solution of
peforming learning to students in the problems in teaching students during
classroom firstly the teacher has known and this pandemic.”(Interview of Utilization
understood the features contained in the E- of E-Learning Madrash with Al-Quran
Leaning Madrasah application so that before Hadith Teacher., 2021)
introducing the features of the E-Leaning The explanation above is also
Madrasah application to students, the strengthened based on data collection that
teacher has understood so that it is easy in can be calculated and interpreted in the form
explaining . It is reinforced by the results of of diagrams. after the researcher distributed
interviews with Al-Quran Hadith teachers at an observation questionnaire given to the
MTsN 1 Bojonegoro respondents. then it can be described in the
“We teachers of Al-Quran Hadith at diagram below:
MTsn 1 Bojonegoro are familiar with the
E-Leaning Madrasah site and the teachers
have also implemented the site in the
learning process during the pandemic.
Before introducing it to our students, we
must first know the features contained in
the E-Leaning Madrasa application so that
it can ease us to optimize learning Al-
Quran Hadith "(Interview of Utilization

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia
Volume 4, Number 1, Oktober 2020

Optimalisasi E-Learning Madrasah Pada

Pembelajaran Al-Quran Hadist
3 Sangat
make it easier for teachers to carry out the
1.5 Tidak
0 Setuju
online learning process to students,
especially in learning Al-Quran
Hadith(Anam, 2021)
Thus, the use of E-Learning
Madrasah, students do not have to come
in the classroom to meet the teacher
directly in the learning process during the
current pandemic. E-Learning Madrasah
can also be used to prepare learning time
so that it can save costs incurred when
Table1. Optimizing E-Learning Madrash in implementing education programs.(Hafiyah,
Al-Quran and Hadith Learning 2021)
The use of the E-Learning Madrasah
The use of E-Learning Madrasah in the application site may ease teachers/educators
education world had been carried out firstly at this time because with the covid-19
by MTsN 1 Pandeglang Banten in learning pandemic, teachers find it helpful to deliver
the history of Islamic culture, (Euis Sofi, a hadith material from the Quran to
2016) the use of E-Learning in learning is students, even if only in a virtual or online .
also carried out at MA IHYAUL ULUM in So that the teacher does not find it difficult to
learning Aqidah Akhlaq, (Nailul et al. ., convey a material.
2020) MIN 1 Rembang in the E-Learning Madrasas have features,
implementation of learning during the layouts and menus that are easily
covid-19 pandemic also used the E-Learning understood by teachers and students. So that
Madrasah application, especially in learning when the teacher will carry out the online
Aqidah Akhlak, (Hikmah, 2020) besides the learning process students will not find it
use of Madrasa E-Learning is also carried difficult and be able to understand the
out at MIN 1 GRESIK in the fiqh learning features, layout and menus contained in the
process during the pandemic, (Hafiyah, application site. And the process of learning
2021) as well as e-learning learning had been Al-Quran Hadith can run smoothly.
carried out at MTsn 1 Malang City in Arabic In using E-Learning Madrasah
learning. (Fitriani & Susanto, 2020) Application Site can be accessed anywhere at
Some of the results showed that one any time by educators and students. In the
thing with the discussion that the implementation process, teachers do not
researchers will discuss, namely the use of E- have to come to school to deliver material in
Learning Madrasah in the learning process E-Learning Madrasas, so that it can make it
during the covid-19 pandemic. That easier for teachers who are implementing
distinguishes the research above from this WFH (Work From Home) and can provide
research were the subjects and locations the material at home or other places. As for
studied in the use of e-learning madrasah. students, the E-Learning Madrasa
In this discussion, researchers will application site can be accessed by students
describe the use and utilization of E- anywhere and anytime so that students can
Learning Madrasah at MTsN 1 Bojonegoro. access it anywhere as long as there is an
The use of E-Learning Madrasah at MTsN 1 internet network and internet quota that
Bojonegoro has been started since the supports the online learning process of Al-
beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. The Quran Hadith using E-Learning Madrasah.
initial use of E-Learning Madrasas was to

The use of E-Learning Madrasah comes a quota aid from the ministry of
application sites has advantages and religion and the school to help students and
disadvantages. The shortage comes from the teachers in order to optimize and make it
educators (teachers). Because sometimes easier when learning to use the use of E-
there are a small number of teachers who are Learning Madrasah
clueless about technology. A small part
usually comes from teachers who are elderly References
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