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MCQ Unit 6

1. Which of the following microorganisms are used to make bread?

A Lactobacillus

B Pneumococcus

C Plasmodium

D Yeast

2. Which of the following causes bread dough to rise?

A carbon dioxide from photosynthesis

B carbon dioxide from respiration

C oxygen from photosynthesis

D oxygen from respiration

3. What are the products of anaerobic respiration of yeast?

A carbon dioxide and water

B carbon dioxide and ethanol

C lactate

D lactate and carbon dioxide

4. Which of the following microorganisms are used to make yoghurt?

A Lactobacillus

B Pneumococcus

C Plasmodium

D Yeast

5. Which of the following rows correctly explains the pH change that occurs when making yoghurt?

pH change explanation
A higher production of lactic acid
B higher production of ethanol
C lower production of lactic acid
D lower production of ethanol

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6. Which of the following could cause a reduced yield when growing microbes in a fermenter?

1. not maintaining sterile conditions

2. allowing to pH to change

3. not allowing cooling water to circulate around the water jacket

A 1 and 2

B 1 and 3

C 2 and 3

D 1, 2 and 3

7. What is the name of the enzyme that is used to cut DNA?

A amylase enzyme

B ligase enzyme

C lipase enzyme

D restriction enzyme

8. What is the name of the enzyme that is used to join DNA?

A amylase enzyme

B ligase enzyme

C lipase enzyme

D restriction enzyme

9. Which of the following correctly explains the term transgenic?

A changing the DNA of an organism

B altering the genes of an organism

C transferring genes between organisms of the same species

D transferring genes between organisms of different species

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10. Which of the following are vectors used in genetic engineering?

1. plasmids

2. viruses

3. plasmodium

A 1 only

B 1 and 2

C 2 only

D 1 and 3

11. Which of the following is not a use of genetically engineered animals?

A production of human growth hormone

B production of human insulin

C production of organs for transplantation

D production of genetically identical cows from a cow with high milk yield

12. Which of the following are uses of producing genetically engineered plants?

1. pest-resistant plants

2. herbicide-resistant plants

3. rice that produces vitamin A

A 1 and 2

B 1 and 3

C 2 and 3

D 1, 2 and 3

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1. D - Yeast
2. B - carbon dioxide from respiration
3. B - carbon dioxide and ethanol
4. A - Lactobacillus
5. C
6. D - 1, 2 and 3
7. D - restriction enzyme
8. B - ligase enzyme
9. D - transferring genes between organisms of different species
10. B - 1 and 2
11. D - production of genetically identical cows from a cow with high milk yield
12. D - 1, 2 and 3

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