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Advanced Retail Operations Management 4

Assignment 1
Weighting: 25%
Group Size : Individual or a maximum group size of 3 members (1-3 members)
NB! Only one submission (one member to submit) per group
Due Date: 27 March 2021 @ 24.00 Blackboard submission only

Special Instructions:
1. If a student’s name appears on two assignments a zero mark will be allocated
2. Only the students initials, surname AND student numbers must be entered on the
assignment, if the student details are incorrect a penalty of -10% will be incurred by
the ENTIRE group!
3. Late submissions are subjected to late submission penalties (20% if submitted after
the due date and time, then 10% per day thereafter) a zero mark is allocated after 5
4. Use Arial font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and single margins.
5. A maximum of 20% will deducted from your total score for poor presentation ito no
Table of Contents, Introduction, Page numbers, conclusion..if no citations appear in
the text an immediate -30% penalty is incurred).
6. A plagiarism percentage of between no more than 20% similarity will be accepted.
7. A minimum of fifteen (15) literature sources need to be used (excluding the
prescribed text, so additional literature needs to be consulted and please note the
enclosed article is merely a basis from which to conduct your additional research.
8. Content pages should not exceed 10 pages!
Name and Surname Student numbers

CRITERIA Exceeds Meets requirements Does not meet

requirements requirements

Presentation: Cover page, Neat, professional Some untidiness; only Untidy; slovenly typing
appearance; no few errors in typing and and layout.Appearance
Table of contents,Indexing ,Page typing errors; layout layout. Appearance still unprofessional. Topic
numbering,Layout ,Introduction (10)
correct.,good pleasing.Topic poorly introduced,if at
indexing and page introduced satisfactorily all,no page numbering
numberingTopic well ,poor indexing,no table
introduced of contents, errors on
cover page.

10-8 7-4 3-0

Content (70) Full explanation. The The explanation is The explanation is
explanation is satisfactory and skimpy/ inaccurate and
detailed All relevant includes some irrelevant nformation
supporting supporting information. is included.
information is
14-8 7-0


1.Analyse the mission statement of Mr Price 20-15 14-8 7-0

Group Ltd in terms of all its components.
Fully discuss.

Does their vision statement include a future

perspective? Motivate your response and
provide comments on it.Set four (4)
corporate objectives for the Mr Price Group
Ltd (20)

2.Is Mr Price Group Ltd acting responsibly

towards society and the environment? Fully
substantiate your answer.

One of the principles of good corporate

governance is transparency. Fully discuss this
with reference to Mr Price Group Ltd.(20)

3. Conduct a Macro, Market and Micro-

environmental analysis of Mr Price Group
Ltd, after which you are also required to
conduct a SWOT analysis. A detailed
explanation of the SWOT factors is required.

Conclusions (Citations and Bibliography (20) All entries in Mostly correct, but a In text Referencing and
accordance with few inconsistencies or bibliography
30% Penalty if no citations or in-text accepted method, errors in Bibliography incorrect/incomplete/
references are evident Excellent conclusions and in-text referencing. absent.Weak
drawn Sound conclusions conclusions and

TOTAL (100) 20-15 14-8 7-0

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