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The study found out the following:

The result of the online survey that we conducted using google form shows that family
stress is one of the factors that affect the students academic performance which got 15.79% out
of 100%. So we accept H1 which states that ‘there is significant relationship between family
stress and the academic performance of Accountancy Business and Management students of
Northillls College of Asia’.
Communication with the teacher got 0%, which means that this factors didn’t affect the
students academic performance. So we reject H2 which states that ‘there is significant
relationship between communication with the teacher and the academic performance of
Accountancy Business and Management students of Northills College of Asia’.
Social Media got the highest number of vote with 28.95%. Its means that this factors
affect the academic performance of the students. So we accept H3 which states that ‘there is
significant relationship between social media and the academic performance of Accountancy
Business and Management students of Northillls College of Asia’.
The last factor is the distance. It only got 23.68% so, it means that distance affect the
students academic performance. So we accept H4 which states that ‘there is significant
relationship between distance and the academic performance of Accountancy Business and
Management students of Northillls College of Asia’.
H0 states that ‘there is no significant relationship between the factors and the academic
performance of Accountancy Business and Management students of Northillls College of Asia’.
Therefore, we reject H0 because the result of the survey that we conducted shows that the
factors: Family Stress, Social Media, and Distance can actually affect the academic
performance of Accountancy Business and Management students of Northills Colloge of Asia.

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