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Set No. Build websites scenarios by using Flask in Python.

SET-1 Create a website of a weather forecasting which consists of Four pages .The first
page is home page which contains three titles viz Add Temperature of a particular
city, List all Cites with their Temperature, update particular City record. The user
should be able to Add Temperature of a particular city, update particular City
record and List all Cites with their Temperature.
SET-2 Create a website for B.Tech Student Portfolio which includes three pages. The first
page is home page which contains two titles viz Add portfolio and Display all
Portfolio. Portfolio consist information like Name, Email Id, Contact number,
Educational Qualification(10thpercent, year, School), (12th percent, Year, School),
(B.Tech Percent, Year, College), Training, Seminar, Project, Technical Skills,
Strength and weakness.
SET-3 Create a website for Blog. Website includes login page, if login credentials valid
then go to the home page which contains two titles viz Add Blog and display blog
otherwise Error message display. Add blog page which includes Category of blog,
Post date, Title of Blog, Content and Submit Button. Display blog page list all the
bog titles, user id/name, post date.
SET-4 Create a website for Feedback Form for Teaching Faculty. The first page is home
page which contains two titles viz Add Feedback and Display all feedback Faculty
wise. Add Feedback Form consist information like Faculty Name, Section ,
Subject Name, Parameter must contain option button for rating Teaching skills,
Punctuality, Subject knowledge, Ability to clear doubt, Usage of English .Display
page display all feedback faculty wise.

Create above layout as a website page. The first page is home page which contains
two titles viz Add Employee Interest survey form and Display all Survey
department wise. Add all information of form in database and display all the
information department wise on display page
SET-6 Create a website for ordering food online. The first page is home page which
contains two titles viz Add order and Display all order date wise. Add order page
will include customer name , address, contact number, food category options like
fast food or regular meal, payment options like cash or card, order date, one-line
descriptions for food items. Display all the information of order date wise on
display page.
SET-7 Create a website as word counter. The first page is home page which contains two
titles viz Add content and Display all content information. Add content page
include fields like blogger name, content box, and word counter button that show
the number of words contained in a content box. Save all this information in
database and display blogger name, word count on display page.

Create above layout as a website page. The first page is Voting management
System, on submit button save all the information in the database and display all
the information on the display page.
SET-9 Create below mentioned layout as a website page. The first page is CSIT
Conference Registration , on submit button save all the information in the database
and display all the information technology wise on the display page
SET-10 Create a webpage for Seminar hall booking which includes fields like from date,
to date, session include options button for full day or half day, your name, email id
,phone number, Seminar hall name, number of persons to be expected and Purpose
of the event. Save all these information on clicking submit button and display page
will display booking date wise.
Create a website of a bank which consists of four pages .The first page is home
page which contains three titles viz Add an account, List all accounts, Delete
account. The user should be able to add an account, delete an account and list all
existing accounts.
SET-12 Create a website of a Hotel which consists of four pages .The first page is home
page which contains three titles viz. Add rooms, List of vacant rooms, Delete
rooms. The user should be able to add a room, delete a room and list all available
Create a website of a Shopping Mall which consists of four pages .The first page is
home page which contains three titles viz. Add an item and its price, List all items
along with its price, Delete item. The user should be able to add an item to
database, delete an item and list all existing items.
Create a Tourism website which consists of four pages .The first page is home
page which contains three titles viz List of places to visit of a particular city, Add
a new place to visit ,Delete a place. The user should be able to add a place to
database, delete a place and list all existing places.
Create a website for Student management system which consists of four pages
The first page is home page which contains three titles viz. List of all students in
college , Add a new student ,Delete an existing student. The user should be able to
add a student to database, delete a student and list all existing students.

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