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Learning Objectives

General Information
● Name: Caitlin Pokladnik
● Internship hours: about 50 hours / week
● Internship placement: My Vinyasa Practice (online)
● Internship Supervisor: Susan D’Andrea
● Internship Job Title: 500 hour yoga teacher in training

● I started my journey in yoga at seven years old when my aunt took me to my first yoga class. Ever
since then yoga has been an integral part of my life and how I practice self care and fitness. As a senior
in highschool, I completed my senior project by shadowing a few yoga teachers and eventually
teaching my own class. I knew I wanted to become a yoga teacher at some point in my life, so I took
the opportunity when the opportunity came to pitch my idea as an internship for my kinesiology degree.
Yoga has always been a way for me to focus on myself in that it takes dedication, effort, and patience. I
started to meditate during my practice and I find this peaceful and stress relieving. Therefore, I would
love to spread my knowledge and help others like each and every teacher I have ever had.

Professional Objective with Activities/Resources, and Evidence

● Supervisor: the yoga teacher training course is self paced with modules through the Teachable
software. My internship supervisor is Susan D’Andrea.
● Objectives
○ Objective 1: Learn the history and philosophy of yoga in order to improve my practice
■ Activities and resources
● Readings and video lectures
● Research yoga history through books I have bought on this topic
■ Evidence
● Notes taken from readings and video lectures
○ Objective 2: Fascinate yoga nidra, a type of mediation
■ Activities and resources
● Readings and video lectures
■ Evidence
● Video of me fascinating yoga nidra on two volunteers
○ Objective 3: Be able to apply and combine my knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and
kinesiology to improve the way I build a yoga flow and format asanas (poses)
■ Activities and resources
● Use old KIN course notes, as well as notes from the advanced anatomy and
physiology section and advanced sequencing section of the 300YT certification
■ Evidence
● Justify movement through a yoga flow or sequence of asanas using KIN course
○ Objective 4: Be able to accommodate mothers-to-be through prenatal yoga practices
■ Activities and resources
● Readings and video lectures on prenatal yoga in the 300YT training material
● Research prenatal yoga modifications using trusted sources
■ Evidence
● Prenatal yoga section notes
● PubMed articles on prenatal positions and exercises
○ Objective 5: Be able to accommodate the older adult population when determining the
sequence of a yoga class
■ Activities and resources
● Readings and video lectures on yin yoga in the 300YT training material
● Research asanas and stretches that are best for the older adult population
■ Evidence
● Yin yoga section notes
● PubMed articles on stretches and positions best for the older adult population

Internship Details
● Internship duties
○ Purchase 500YT package through Teachable program
○ Complete readings and modules then watch videos for 200YT certification
○ Complete readings and modules then watch videos for 300YT certification
○ Complete self reflections for each section of the modules
○ Complete 200YT and 300YT exams and receive passing scores
● Internship evaluation methods
○ Material is broken up into 200 hour and then 300 hour yoga teacher training. I will first complete
my 200 hour training, which is broken down into eight sections, and complete an exam to
receive my 200YT certification. Then I start my 300 hour teacher training which encompasses
12 sections, and then once again an exam to receive my total 500YT certification.
○ Complete self reflections on progress which are embedded into the modules on Teachable
○ Record completed tasks at end of work day
○ Plan each weeks tasks and write to-do lists for each day
● Internship work days/hours
○ 5-6 days/ week; 8-10 hours per day
○ Start date: July 1st, End date: TBD

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