Forestry Law Enforcement Manual Interpol

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Forestry Law Enforcement Manual

Crime Scene Exploitation

for Firearms and Ballistics
Guide to evidence collection and management

Date of publication: February 2018

Original: English
Reference: 2017/1124/OEC/ILM/ENS/FNT

INTERPOL would like to thank the Norwegian Agency for Development (Norad) for its generous support of Project
LEAF. Project LEAF (Law Enforcement Assistance for Forests) is a global initiative to combat organized forestry
crimes, including illegal logging and illicit timber trade.

This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form to support capacity building and training
of law enforcement without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the
source is made. INTERPOL would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of INTERPOL, its Member
countries, or contributory organizations, nor does it imply any endorsement. The boundaries and names shown
and the designations used on any maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by INTERPOL.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression
of any opinion whatsoever on the part of INTERPOL concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or
area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.”

© International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) – INTERPOL. All rights reserved.

Front cover photographs: Weapons seized in August for Nicaragua Operation on Illegal Timber trade
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1
1 CRIME SCENE EXPLOITATION .............................................................. 1
2 CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION (CSI) TECHNIQUES ............................... 2
3 FIREARMS .......................................................................................... 3
3.1 Firearms Collection............................................................................. 3
3.2 Firearms Exploitation ......................................................................... 5
3.2.1 INTERPOL illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) ............. 5
3.2.2 INTERPOL Firearms Reference Table (IFRT) .......................................................... 6
4 BULLETS AND CARTRIDGE CASINGS .................................................... 8
4.1 Ballistics Collection............................................................................. 8
4.2 Ballistics Exploitation ......................................................................... 9
4.2.1 INTERPOL Ballistics Informational Network (IBIN) ................................................ 9
5 EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT .................................................................12
5.1.1 Marking Evidence Items .................................................................................... 12
5.1.2 Packaging and Sealing Evidence Items ............................................................... 12
5.1.3 Tagging Evidence Items and Packages ................................................................ 12
5.1.4 Evidence Receipts ............................................................................................. 13
5.1.5 Chain-of-Custody Record ................................................................................... 14
5.1.6 Evidence Submission Form ................................................................................ 15
5.1.7 The Crime Scene Investigation Report ............................................................... 15
6 MAKING CONTACT ............................................................................15

COLLECT AND SHIP THE CASINGS ............................................................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 6: IBIN MEMBER ECONOMIES AS FOR AUGUST 2016. SOURCE: INTERPOL IBIN WEBSITE ........................................... 10
FIGURE 7: CASTED FORM. SOURCE: INTERPOL FIREARMS WEBSITE/AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. ................................................. 11
FIGURE 8: AN EXAMPLE OF AN EVIDENCE SEIZURE TAG...................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 11: AN EXAMPLE OF A CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD FORM ..................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 12: AN EXAMPLE OF AN EVIDENCE SUBMITTAL AND EXAMINATION REQUEST FORM ..................................................... 15
Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

The illegal extraction of natural resources by armed groups militarizes ecologically important and
sensitive areas. These militia groups reduce the potential for conservation, while also creating the
conditions leading to severe human rights abuses. In the short term, large-scale environmental crime
threatens human populations located close to valuable resources. The destruction of natural resources
exacerbates inter-communal violence, fuels crime and corruption, and instability. Small arms and light
weapons proliferate in areas targeted by armed groups.

Logging gangs may carry weapons for a range of reasons, such as to hunt bushmeat when operating in
remote areas or for personal protection, to more sinister reasons such as to intimidate local
communities or carry out strategic assassinations of environmental activists and others who stand in
the way of their illicit activities. Illegal logging and the trafficking of illicitly sourced timber is also a key
source of income for some militia and terrorist groups.

During patrols, forestry rangers may come across logging operators, or their camps, where firearms
are located. Knowledge of the appropriate precautions and procedures involved in collecting evidence
and information regarding the use of firearms and ballistics is imperative.

The aim of this report is to provide practical guidance to Armed gangs involved in illegal logging
law enforcement officers on the subject of firearms and
In 2017 INTERPOL facilitated a regional operation
ballistics in order to ensure that when firearms are found, focussed on illegal logging in the Mekong basin
investigations are conducted with a strong awareness of (Operation LEAD). During this operation,
the best practices. information was received regarding a logging
gang involved in illegal logging in protected forest
areas in the Lam Dong province. Police seized a
The INTERPOL Environmental Security Programme, in
large number of weapons from the gang leader,
collaboration with the INTERPOL Firearms Programme, including firearms and ammunition.
have developed this guide on how to exploit the crime
scene evidence gathered from the firearms and ballistics
left at a crime scene. To better assist investigators in making the proper identification and comparison
necessary to link suspects, victims and crime scenes, and provide that information to a court of law, it
is critical that the discovery, documentation, collection, marking, preservation, packaging,
transportation, and managing of the relevant evidence be done by investigators in a proper and
universally-accepted manner. This guide will assist investigators in properly collecting and managing
items of physical evidence – focusing on ballistics and firearms – and then successfully presenting them
as evidence in a court of law.

This document is intended to act as a guide for forestry law enforcement agencies that may not have
used the techniques, tools and services that INTERPOL provides.

These guidelines are written in a general manner, with the expectation that individual investigators
will find it necessary to adapt varying parts according to the laws of their countries and the inherent
realities of their environment. Additionally, this briefing is not intended to be exhaustive. It is
presumed that the reader will already have knowledge or experience in conducting interviews,
searches and a range of other investigative techniques needed to deal with criminals, evidence and
the preparation of cases for prosecution.


Since the firearm and fired ammunition components (bullets and cartridge cases) are often a common
denominator that link multiple crimes together and link a suspect’s gun to a series of crimes, the
implementation of a firearm tracing system can help authorities develop and share actionable
intelligence across borders in an efficient manner to address transnational crimes. As a result,

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

internationally mobile criminals who use firearms to further their illicit activities will find escaping
detection increasingly challenging.

If firearms are found in the possession of a logger or at the site of a logging camp, the investigation
should be expanded to include firearms ballistics. Support can be provided by INTERPOL’s Firearms
and Environmental Security (ENS) programmes. The incorporation of INTERPOL’s Firearms Programme
tools, such as INTERPOL’s Ballistic Information Network (IBIN) and INTERPOL’s illicit Arms Records
and tracing Management System (iARMS), will support an intelligence-led policing approach.

With the collection of firearms and fired ammunition at the scene, INTERPOL’s Firearms Programme
tools can contribute to firearm-related criminal investigations by facilitating the international tracing
of firearms and ballistics, conducting and disseminating research and analysis on firearm-related crime
trends and techniques, as well as intelligence on firearm trafficking routes and methods.


The basic elements of a crime scene investigation are:

 Arrival at the scene

 Noting and addressing any safety concerns
 Setting initial scene perimeter
 Scene security
 Initial scene photography
 Initial walk-through
 Preservation of fragile evidence
 Re-assessment of equipment or additional personnel needs
 Briefing of other scene processors
 Scene search (this continues throughout the scene processing)
 Visualizing the locating evidence items at the scene
 Evidence location tagging
 Evidence location list
 Crime scene photography
 General CSI photography guidelines
 Mapping the location of evidence items
 Crime scene sketch
 Marking evidence items
 Packaging and sealing evidence items
 Methods of sealing evidence packages
 Tagging evidence items and packages
 Evidence receipts
 Chain-of-custody record
 Evidence submittal form
 CSI report
 Specific evidence collecting /packaging issues
- Firearms
- Bullets and cartridge casings
- Tool marks
- Friction ridge evidence
- Footwear and tire tracks
- Trace evidence

This guide will focus on the investigation techniques that pertain to the crime scene evidence
exploitation of firearms and ballistics.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

National, regional, and international actions to identify and eradicate firearm-related crime rely upon
the prompt and timely communication of relevant information by law enforcement agencies and, in
particular, effective international firearm tracing. These activities require close cooperation between
a broad range of organizations such as police, customs, and border protection agencies as well as
regulatory services.

The INTERPOL illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS), part of the INTERPOL
Information System, is an information technology application which facilitates information exchange
and cooperation between law enforcement agencies on firearm-related crime.

3.1 Firearms Collection

All firearms and ammunitions are dangerous. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded, and all munitions
as if they are live, until you have personally confirmed otherwise. If you do not have specialist
knowledge, never assume that firearms or ammunitions are safe to handle until they have been
inspected by a relevant expert. You should not approach, handle, move, operate, or modify firearms
and ammunitions unless explicitly trained to do so.

Figure 1: Arms and weapons seized in September 2017, together with illegal logging equipment, during a Brazilian law
enforcement operation (Source: Diario Digital 26/09/2017

In the specific example of loaded firearms found at the scene, these firearms should be unloaded at
the scene, using caution to preserve possible latent fingerprint evidence on the item and the
ammunition and removable magazines.

Before handling any firearms make sure all firearm evidence items are unloaded and ACT safely:

A – Assume every firearm is loaded.

C – Control the muzzle direction at all times.
T – Trigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

Verify that the firearm is unloaded and PROVE it safe:

P – Point the firearm in the safest available direction

R – Remove all cartridges
O – Observe the chamber
V – Verify the feeding path
E – Examine the bore
Do not scratch initials or item numbers into the stock, receiver or barrel of firearms. Record the make,
model, calibre, manufacturer and/or importer, and serial number and attach a tag with the item

Do not shoot black powder firearms to unload them. Remove the cap/primer/flint and have a person
with the proper expertise in handling such weapons to unload them by pulling the projectile.

Place firearms in a padded plastic case for shipping. Cardboard boxes are not sufficient for protection
as the firearms may shift and break out of the boxes in transit and stocks and scopes may be damaged.

Leave unloaded detachable magazines in or with the firearms.

If you encounter any unexploded ordnance (UXO) or explosive remnants of war (ERW), always
remember the “ARMS” acronym:

A - AVOID the area

R – RECORD all relevant information
M - MARK the area to warn others
S - SEEK assistance from the relevant authorities


Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

3.2 Firearms Exploitation

3.2.1 INTERPOL illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System


The INTERPOL Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) facilitates information
exchange and cooperation between law enforcement agencies on firearm crime. This web-based

 provides a centralized system for the reporting and querying of lost, stolen and
trafficked/smuggled firearms by law enforcement agencies globally;
 facilitates the submission of, and responses to, international firearm trace requests, and the
monitoring of the status of these requests.

iARMS is an information technology system to aid global information and intelligence exchange and
law enforcement cooperation on firearms crime. iARMS can be divided into three functional

The Firearm Records Management Module enables authorized law enforcement officers to:

 create, manage and share records of lost, stolen or trafficked/ smuggled firearms rapidly and
 notify a country quickly and easily when a recorded firearm is seized;
 generate reports and analysis on lost, stolen, or trafficked/ smuggled firearms.

The Trace Requests Management Module provides an easy-to-use platform to facilitate international
firearm tracing activities. iARMS enables authorized law enforcement officers to:

 submit a Trace Request;

 read, monitor and export incoming and outgoing Trace Requests;
 respond to or comment on an incoming Trace Request;
 update the status of a Trace Request;
 generate and analyse reporting on incoming and outgoing Trace Requests.

The Statistics and Analysis Module allows INTERPOL member countries to analyse national data
information on firearm-related crime through tracing, and to generate tailored reports. Benefits of iARMS

The INTERPOL illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) was designed to track the
recovered firearm’s transaction history and identify the firearm’s stolen or lost status. In other words,
iARMS optimal use helps answer the question: “Who has had contact with this firearm?”

iARMS is a state-of-the art tool that facilitates information exchange and investigative cooperation
between law enforcement agencies in relation to the international movement of illicit firearms, as well
as licit firearms that have been involved in the commission of a crime.

iARMS is the first centralized system for reporting and querying lost, stolen, trafficked and smuggled
firearms. Authorized users can query the iARMS database and instantly determine whether the firearm
they seized had been reported to INTERPOL by another member country. It also provides member
countries with the capacity to statistically chart their requests and responses for international

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

assistance. iARMS assists INTERPOL member countries to analyse national data information on
firearm-related crime and tracing, and to generate tailored reports.

iARMS database tracing module gives leads on recovered firearms and related criminal investigations
by facilitating the international tracing of firearms. This information will enable the investigators to
determine how the firearm has moved through the chain of legal custody to become illicit. This will
lead the investigator to determine who are the possible firearms traffickers and the possible trafficking
routes and trends. This information will enable investigators to connect the dots in the investigation
that would not have been easily detected if firearm tracing had not taken place using iARMS.

It is an integral part of the international strategy and operational framework to combat the illicit trade
in small arms and light weapons.

Figure 2: Weapons seized in August for Nicaragua Operation on Illegal Timber trade.
(Source: Nicaragua Environmental Protection division. Criminal File 18012-2017-01435.)

3.2.2 INTERPOL Firearms Reference Table (IFRT)

The INTERPOL Firearms Reference Table (IFRT) is an interactive online tool for authorized law
enforcement users that was created by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to help the global
police community identify firearms. The IFRT provides a standardized methodology to identify and
describe firearms, and enables an investigator to obtain or verify the details of a firearm — including
the make, model, caliber, country of origin and serial number.

The IFRT contains:

• more than 250,000 firearm references;

• more than 57,000 firearm images;
• extensive information on firearm markings including trademarks, logos and insignias;
• thousands of useful definitions and terms for firearm parts, accessories, functions and
• company histories;
• acronyms;
• manufacturers’ codes.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

The IFRT is a comprehensive reference system designed to keep the needs of international users, or
investigators in mind with policing, importation and exportation control or checkpoints, firearm
tracking and counter terrorism initiatives.

The IFRT is an interactive online tool which can assist authorized law enforcement users to obtain or
verify the make, model, calibre, and country of origin of a firearm. The IFRT contains more than
250,000 firearm references and more than 57,000 firearm images, as well as extensive information on
firearm markings.

This information is regularly updated in consultation with firearm experts. INTERPOL also welcomes
input from the law enforcement community to identify additional firearms for inclusion in the IFRT.

The purpose of the IFRT is to provide the global police community with an easy-to-use investigative
tool. Additionally, the IFRT is designed to supplement system user information. For example, in the
event of a firearms seizure in which all firearm information is missing, the IFRT serves as a reference
tool for expert investigators and non-expert investigators.

The accurate identification of a firearm in iARMS requires the five unique identifiers of any five key
pieces of information about that firearm:

- The serial number

- The country of origin and/or country of last known legal importation
- The make (what it is known as)
- The model, and
- The calibre/gauge.

To maximize international law enforcement outcomes, it is recommended that all iARMS users consult
the IFRT as appropriate to verify the unique identifiers of a firearm for which a search will be
conducted, or for which a trace request will be created.

Figure 3: Different identification on firearms. Source: INTERPOL Firearms – Strategic Plan 2013-2015. Benefits of IFRT

The IFRT and iARMS are very complimentary in nature and are useful tools to law enforcement
communities for the proper identification and tracking of weapons.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics


Every firearm leaves unique microscopic markings on the surface areas of fired bullets and cartridge
cases – a sort of “ballistic fingerprint.” By utilizing technology that can read and catalogue these
ballistic fingerprints, such as Ultra Electronics Forensic Technology’s Integrated Ballistics Identification
System (IBIS ®), users are able to share and compare thousands of ballistics exhibits in a matter of
hours within national boundaries.

To advance international police cooperation in the use and exchange of ballistics data using IBIS,
INTERPOL has introduced a direct access autonomous database to compare ballistics data across
international borders: the INTERPOL Ballistics Informational Network (IBIN).

4.1 Ballistics Collection

It is useful to research the same initial area from the opposite or different direction as lighting changes
may make evidence items such as cartridge cases visible later in the day as the sun changes direction.

If DNA processing is not needed, gently wash the blood off the bullets and then air dry. Package the
bullets in paper envelopes.

Additionally, moisture can also degrade and destroy DNA evidence.

Cartridge cases often pick up latent fingerprints when being loaded into rifle or pistol magazines.

Figure 4: Cartridge casings often pick up latent fingerprints when being loaded into rifle or pistol magazines

Do not store bullets in plastic bags or plastic or glass vials, since any moisture, combined with blood
and tissue, will putrefy and form acids that will etch the surface of the bullets and destroy fine detail
needed for comparison purposes.

Do not use pliers or forceps to remove bullets, as those instruments can scratch the surface that is
important for microscopic comparisons.

Do not scratch marks on bullets or cartridge cases. Mark the outside of the container with the item
number and initials.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

Figure 5: Use available materials to avoid adding your own prints, or smudging the ones already there when you collect
and ship the casings

Try not to add your own prints, or smudge the ones already there, when you collect and ship the

Dry wet cartridge cases or shot-shells, and place them in paper containers.

Always consider the possibility of latent prints, and preserve/protect the items accordingly.

Important note: the newly discovered items of evidence (e.g. a pile of expended cartridge casings)
and/or objects of interest should be visualized as to location with bright flags or tape. Items that will
actually be collected (e.g. expended casings) can be additionally identified with numbered signs. Once
this is done, a few ‘over-all’, ‘mid-range’, and ‘close-up’ photos will clearly show the distribution of
located items and objects of interest at a crime scene. Additionally, a list should be made of all objects
of interest and evidence items documented (by a photograph and sketch) and/or collected at a specific
crime scene.

*It is better if one investigator collects, marks, packages and tags all of the located evidence items at a
crime scene. Also, a located evidence list can be incorporated into a more comprehensive crime scene
investigation (or evidence collection notes) report.

4.2 Ballistics Exploitation

4.2.1 INTERPOL Ballistics Informational Network (IBIN)

IBIN is a platform for the large-scale international sharing and comparing of ballistics data. In
partnership with Ultra Electronics Forensic Technology, this network connects member countries or
territories that use IBIS and enables the cross-border exchange of ballistics data, taking the IBIS system
from a national to an international level. More specifically, IBIN enables INTERPOL member countries
using IBIS technology to submit ballistics data to a centralized database for effective cross-border
comparison enabling international ‘potential hits’ while providing maximum flexibility and security.

Just like fingerprint data can link crimes and criminals across international borders, so too can the
international sharing of ballistics data. IBIN will find connection between separate crimes that would
otherwise have gone undetected. In addition, initiating searches between two or more IBIN
participating countries where there are known links between criminal entities or groups will generate
the greatest possibility of success. Over time, we anticipate that analysis of the shared ballistics data
will reveal illicit firearms trafficking routes and provide police with critical information about firearms
traffickers, and transnational organized crime.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

Figure 6: IBIN member economies as for August 2016. Source: INTERPOL IBIN website

Note: When an IBIN user uploads ballistics data into the national IBIS system, a copy of the data is
automatically sent to one of the IBIN servers unless the reporting officer indicates otherwise. Copied
data are not automatically correlated into the system. A ballistics expert must manually request a
search in IBIN and indicate which countries and/or regions to correlate the data against according to
the investigative leads of the case. A ballistic expert only correlates against the entire database under
rare circumstances, as doing so creates additional workload for the ballistics expert.

An INTERPOL member country that is not a member of IBIN yet possesses the IBIS technology, an
INTERPOL member country without the IBIS technology, or an INTERPOL member country with a
different technology can still benefit from IBIN’s reservoir of international ballistics data. Coordination
is made between INTERPOL member countries through NCBs for assistance in international ballistic
searches. Through this service, test fires or double-casts of ballistics evidence are processed for entry
into IBIN and correlations performed. Correlation results are sent to the requesting country and
INTERPOL General Secretariat. The requesting country will also receive a list of the IBIN countries
ballistic national databases searched.

The procedure for submitting exhibits for entry into IBIN is as follows:

1. Contact your national INTERPOL NCB and an INTERPOL IBIN representative to inform them
that you have ballistics exhibits that you wish to submit for entry into IBIN. A case by case
study will determine the process.

2. Test fire the weapon in question or, if the exhibits are from a crime scene, use the double-casting
techniques to create casts of evidence.

For more information on how to create a double-cast, please refer to the INTERPOL Ballistics
Information Network: Handbook on the Collection and Sharing of Ballistics Data.

3. We recommend that you complete the Casted or Test Fired Ballistics Evidence Transmittal
Form (or similar form) to ensure all submitted exhibits remain accounted for throughout the
process. Attach your official laboratory report.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

Figure 7: Casted form. Source: INTERPOL Firearms website/Available on request.

4. The following information must be supplied:

 Which regions or countries within IBIN would you like the exhibit(s) to be searched?
(Where does the investigative information and intelligence lead?)
 Will you need the exhibits returned to you?
 What was the offense?
 What was the date of occurrence of the offense?
 Is the date of the occurrence unknown?
 Is there a time constraint? (Is there a defendant in custody?)
 Were there additional bullets or cartridge cases recovered that have not been submitted? Benefits of IBIN

The IBIS technology has enabled countries to detect links between previously unknown crimes on a
national scale. IBIN allows police to detect these links in an international arena. By joining IBIN,
member countries become part of an international network, giving participating countries the
opportunity to search their ballistic data against those of another IBIN participating country. Bullets
fired from the same gun used in multiple countries can be searched (correlated) with data from other
countries. Hits within IBIN can provide essential leads for making connections between crimes and
crime scenes in other countries and for locating criminals who escape prosecution by jumping borders.
Over time, as IBIN grows, it will also provide statistics and intelligence about the movement of illicit

The success of this database, like any other, is dependent upon the inclusion of records and active
searches against its records. The more participants, the greater the probability of discovering links
between countries and investigations.

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics


5.1.1 Marking Evidence Items

Whenever possible, all collected evidence items (or at least the evidence packaging) should be
permanently marked for later identification with:

 The investigative case number

 The unique item number
 The investigator’s name (or initials) or badge number
 The date of collection

5.1.2 Packaging and Sealing Evidence Items

As appropriate, evidence items should be packaged into new and clean:

 Paper envelopes
 Paper bags
 Cardboard boxes
 Plastic jars or vials
 Metal cans

The package should then be sealed in such a manner as to prevent undetected access into the package
by unauthorized persons. The purpose of a sealed evidence package is to ensure that the contained
evidence items have not been switched or altered in any manner during storage and prior to
presentation in a court of law.

5.1.3 Tagging Evidence Items and Packages

All sealed evidence packages and all loose (non-packaged) evidence items should be tagged for
identification with an Evidence Seizure Tag which is attached to the exterior of the evidence package
or loose evidence item, and contains the following information:

 A unique seizure tag number

 The agency investigation (case) number
 The date and time of seizure
 The seizure location
 A description of the evidence item(s)
 The name and badge number of the investigator making the seizure

Figure 8: An example of an Evidence Seizure Tag

For further background reading see the INTERPOL Handbook on Ballistics Information:
.pdf available October 3, 2017

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

Some Agency Seizure Tags also include a removable ‘Seized Property Receipt’ (which can be filled out,
torn off and given to the owner of the property at the time of seizure) and a chain-of-custody record
(usually on the back of the tag).

Figure 9: An example of an Evidence Seizure Tag with a removable Seized Property Receipt

Figure 10: An example of an Evidence Seizure Tag with a Chain-of-Custody record on the back

5.1.4 Evidence Receipts

As a general rule, if an investigator takes custody of an item of evidence, that investigator must either
1) remain in possession of that evidence (ideally in a sealed evidence package, and placed in a locked
storage area), or 2) possess a receipt for the transfer of that evidence to another person or storage

An evidence receipt can be:

 A copy of a signed Chain-of-Custody Record

 The torn-off receipt (signed) from an Evidence Seizure Tag
 The signed back of an Evidence Seizure Tag
 A separate evidence receipt form
 A hand-written and signed receipt

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

5.1.5 Chain-of-Custody Record

A Chain-of-Custody Record documents the possession (custody) of evidence items from time of seizure
to the time of final release or disposal.

Important note: the original Chain-of-Custody Form (bearing original signatures) should accompany
the sealed and tagged evidence packages and/or loose tagged evidence items.
Persons releasing custody of evidence packages and/or loose evidence items to another individual or
evidence storage facility should keep a copy of the completely signed Chain-of-Custody record as a
receipt for the released evidence.

Figure 11: An example of a Chain-of-Custody Record form

Crime Scene Exploitation for Firearms and Ballistics

5.1.6 Evidence Submission Form

When submitting items of evidence to a forensics laboratory for analysis, the use of an Evidence
Submittal Form will clarify what evidence items were submitted and what examinations were

Figure 12: An example of an Evidence Submittal and Examination Request Form

5.1.7 The Crime Scene Investigation Report

A Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) report is a compilation of all activities performed, and all evidence
items located, documented and collected by the CSI team or other persons.

Note: CSI notes and reports can be made in any format (including on blank sheets of paper); but pre-
printed forms help ensure that all necessary information is recorded at the scene (an important
consideration when investigators are tired or working under stressful conditions).

Important note: CSI reports and all other crime scene forms must be filled out in ink, never in pencil.
If a mistake is made, draw a line through the error and initial the correction.

For additional information or questions on iARMS, IFRT, and/or IBIN, please visit the INTERPOL
Firearms Programme information page on the dashboard or e-mail or visit the

INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization. Our role is to assist law enforcement agencies
in our 192 member countries to combat all forms of transnational crime. We work to help police across the world
meet the growing challenges of crime in the 21st century by providing a high-tech infrastructure of technical and
operational support. Our services include targeted training, expert investigative support, specialized databases
and secure police communications channels.


Our vision is that of a world where each and every law enforcement professional will be able through INTERPOL
to securely communicate, share and access vital police information whenever and wherever needed, ensuring
the safety of the world's citizens. We constantly provide and promote innovative and cutting-edge solutions to
global challenges in policing and security.
General Secrétariat
Environmental Security Programme
Project LEAF

200 quai Charles de Gaulle

69006 Lyon
Tel: +33 4 72 44 70 00
Fax: +33 4 72 44 71 63


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