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Week 1 Environmental Science


         Planet Earth has secrets for humankind to unlock. This Biosphere, the world of nature
has laws for us to discover. Science came as a product of the Noosphere, the world of human
consciousness. Through scientific methods of systematic observation, analysis and controlled
experimentation, humankind has discovered the laws of nature and continues to unlock her
secrets. A scientific knowledge accumulated, division into sub-areas and sub-sub areas
followed; specialization in one could consume a lifetime.

               Science now may be generally partitioned into NATURAL, the SOCIAL and the
BEHAVIORAL sciences. The natural science may be classified into physical and the
biological sciences. The physical may further be divided into chemistry, physics, geology,
astronomy and environmental science. Chemistry includes inorganic, organic, qualitative,
quantitative, biochemistry. Biology, the study of life  includes botany, zoology ecology
molecular biology and genetics.

        In this lesson, you will learn the concept that you can use to explain all about the
environmental studies conservation of natural resources, ecological aspects, pollution of the
surrounding, controlling the pollution, social issues connected and impacts of human  to the


As the simplest definition, ENVIRONMENT is everything outside one’s skin. This

includes the immediate surroundings like the room inn which we are situated, the
neighborhood, the province, the country, the planet and the remote environment of the stars,
the universe.

Environment is the conditions that surround someone or something that affect the
growth, health, and their progress. While, SCIENCE is the study of the natural world based
on facts learned through experiments and observations.

Environmental science is the study of the interactions of the physical, chemical and
biological components of the environment and also the relationship and effects of these
components with the organisms in the environment. It brings environmental situation or
event-physical, biological, atmospheric as well as technological, economic and political.

The field of environmental science can be divided into three main goals, which are to
learn how the natural world works, to understand how we as humans interact with the
environment and to determine how humans affects the environment.

The scope of Environmental Science is very wide and it deals with many areas:

a.) Conservation of natural resources

b.) Ecological aspects
Week 1 Environmental Science

c.) Pollution of the surrounding natural resources

d.) Controlling the pollution
e.) Social issues connected to environment
d.) Impacts of human population to the environment


A profound difference separates Environmental science from ecology, Ecology is

defined as the study of the relationship between an organism and its environment.
Environmental science has defines as applied ecology, from micro and macro viewpoint,
environment interrelationships are governed by the laws of ecology.

One of the significance of environmental studies from other sciences is that it

broadens the field as it includes more emphasis on the political, economic and social aspects
related to the environment including sustainability.

Learning task No. 1

Complete this semantic web to describe the nature and scope of Environmental science


Learning task No.2

Fill the graphic organizer to show the general fields of science and their branches
Week 1 Environmental Science

Learning task No.3

Complete the following table to distinguish Environmental science from other field of science
Week 1 Environmental Science


Deals with….. Deals with… Deals with…

Learning task No.4-A

Choose the correct words or group of words from the box to complete each statement below.

Ecology Environment Science

Environmental science Biology
Week 1 Environmental Science

1. _______________is the study of life includes botany, zoology, ecology molecular biology
and genetics.

2. ____________________ is the study of the natural world based on facts learned through
experiments and observations

3. __________________ is defined as the study of the relationship between an organism and

its environment.

4. ________________________is the conditions that surround someone or something that

affect the growth, health, and their progress.

5. __________________________is the study of the interactions of the physical, chemical

and biological components of the environment and also the relationship and effects of these
components with the organisms in the environment

Learning task N0.4-B

Make an essay about “Our environment is our life”


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