Week 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Direction: Read carefully the statements below and encircle the letter of your chosen answer.
1. Which 1963 law successfully reduced air pollution by 57% by 2011?
A. The Clean Air Act B.Th. Superfund Act C. The Clean Water Act D. The Montreal Protocol
2. Which pollutant is responsible for the hole in the ozone layer?
A. sulfur dioxide B. carbon dioxide C. chlorofluorocarbons D. methane
3. Which treaty signed in 1987 resulted in a drop in CFC production?
A. The Montreal Protocol
B. The Montauk Proclamation
C. The Montana Bandana Act
D. The Clean Air Act
4. The hole in the ozone exposes humans to more _________.
A. greenhouse gases B. acid rain C. ultraviolet radiation D. carbon monoxide
5. Select the ways how we can reduce the effects of water pollution.
A. Clean up polluted beaches and rivers.
B. Throw only metal straws along the rivers.
C. Provide bins along waterways
D. Clear rubbish-clogged rivers.
6. Select the names of common air pollutants.
A. Oxides of nitrogen B. Carbon monoxide C. Carbon dioxide D. Oxygen E. Sulfur dioxide
7. Why do we need fresh air?
A. To stay healthy and carry out daily activities C. So that our cars can work
B. If our air is fresh, our water is also fresh D. None of them
8. What is the term for an area of land that drains into one river.
A. river system B. recharge zone C. aquifer D. watershed
9. What is the term for a land above an aquifer?
A. river system B. recharge zone C. aquifer D. watershed
10. Toxins often appear at higher concentrations in higher trophic levels due to...
A. Bioaccumulation B. biomagnification C. bionicle D. bioengineering
11. Which of the following examples is considered potable?
A. Sewage B. lead paint C. bottled water D. standing water
12. Water pollution that comes from many sources is considered...
A. point source pollution B. nonpoint source pollution C. thermal pollution D. ocean pollution
13. Bacteria, viruses, and parasitic worms are considered ________ and must be removed from water.
A. heavy metals B. solid waste C. pathogens D. poisons
14. Fertilizer, sewage, and animal feces can wash in to water, leading to... 
A. thermal pollution B. artificial eutrophication C. desalination D. biomagnification
15. Water pollution that comes from a single source is considered...
A. point source pollution B. nonpoint source pollution C. thermal pollution D. ocean pollution
16. Filtration, settling, aeration, and chlorination are all steps in...
A. water purification B. water pollution C. groundwater recharging D. desalination
17. Boiling water and collecting steam to isolate fresh water from salt water is best known as... 
A. water purification B. water pollution C. groundwater recharging D. desalination
18. The water held behind a dam is called a __________.
A. natural lake B. reservoir C. nature preserve D. river
19. 97% of the water on earth is _________, making it undrinkable for humans.
A. fresh water B. ground water C. salt water D. surface
20. The ocean suffers the most pollution from...
A. leaks in personal boats B. large oil spills C. near-coast activities D. leaking
underground tanks

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task # 1: Word Hunt Pollution

Direction: Hunt and encircle the word below and be able to give its meaning.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task # 2: Air Pollution Causes

Direction: Match the air pollution causes with corresponding clipart./pics. Write the number on the box

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task 4: Layer & Gases of the Atmosphere

Direction: Match the Layers and gases of the Atmosphere. Write your answer on the space provided

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task 5: Environmental Assessment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task 6: Water Pollution Word Search

Direction: Put a line mark on corresponding term used in water pollution. Be able to look for its meaning.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________
Learning Task 7: Acid Rain

Direction: Read the statement below and fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. The ______________________ in power stations, factories and motor vehicles releases __________ and _____________.

2. These gases dissolve in _______________ in the atmosphere and are converted to ______________ and _____________.

3. Acid rain is formed when sulphurr dioxide and nitrogen dioxide dissolve in rain water. The pH of rain water

is below ________.

3. Effects of Acid Rain

a) Damages the leaves of plants, thereby reduces _______________.

b) Soil becomes _____________________ and less suitable for planting crops.

c) Causes _______________ of heavy metal irons from the soil into rivers and lakes.

d) As a result, phytoplankton and aquatic organism may die

e) Reduces the _______________ of animals and places as well as soil organisms.

f) Causes destruction of chlorophyll and photosynthetic tissue, thus affecting place_______________.

g) _____________________building, limestone and sandstone structures, airbases, cars and iron bridges.

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________

Direction: In your journal, make a reflection about:

How can we protect our environment?

Focus: 30 % ____________________________________
Content/Depth of
Reflection:35% ____________________________________
Organization of ideas: 20%
Cleanliness/ Neatness of
output:15% ____________________________________
Total: 100%

Name:___________________________________________________ Score:__________

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Quezon

Gr. & Section:___________________________________________ Date:___________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Chlorine is added to water during treatment. Why?
A. to remove large debris B. to kill pathogens C. to remove heavy metals D.to improve tooth health
2. Which is not a use of fresh water in industry?
A. Cooling B. waste disposal C. electricity generation D. crop irrigation
3. Historically dry areas now have water due to...
A. shifting weather patterns C. iceberg relocation programs
B. large scale water conservation D. water diversion projects
4. Which of the following is a way to save water?
A. Water the lawn at high noon
B. washing half loads of dishes
C. taking shorter showers
D. running the water while brushing your teeth
5. Which of these is an example of nonpoint source pollution?
A. an unlined landfill
B. a leaking waste water pipe
C. a leaking oil tanker
D. runoff from feedlots
6. Wide dispersal, clinging to rocks, and slow recharging are all challenges associated with...
A. ocean pollution
B. groundwater pollution
C. surface water pollution
D. air pollution
7. Drinking water for cities most often comes from... 
A. Groundwater B. surface water C. the ocean D. well water
8. Nitrogen makes up what percentage of earth's atmosphere?
A. 21% B.1% C. 78% D.50%
9. Water vapor cools and forms clouds through which process?
A. Evaporation B. precipitation C. condensation D. sublimation
10. Which 2 natural processes release CO2 into the air?
A. volcanic eruptions B. driving C. operating a coal-fired power plant D. wildfires
11. ____________ pollutants are already dangerous when they enter the troposphere.
A. Secondary B. Primary C. Point D. Nonpoint
12. ____________ pollutants result from a chemical reaction involving a primary pollutant.
A. Secondary B. Primary C. Point D. Nonpoint
13. Humans burning _________ is the source of most air pollution.
A. fossil fuels B. wood C. ethanol D. leaves
14. Which 3 of the following are sources of particulate matter?
A. smoke from a wood fire B. burning natural gas C. dust in a coal mine D. pollen
15. Wind can kick up more dust when humans allow animals to ____________.
A. Overgraze B. overfarm C. overexist D. overpoop
16. ___________ is when warm air sits atop cooler air and traps pollutants.
A. Primary pollution B. A thermal inversion C. Thermal Pollution D. Nuclear meltdown
17. Which gas is helpful to humans in the stratosphere, but harmful in the troposphere?
A. Nitrogen B. carbon dioxide C. methane D. ozone
18. Developing nations experience more __________ smog because they have less cars and less regulations.
A. Industrial B. photovoltaic C. thermospheric D. stratospheric
19. Which of the following is NOT a source of water pollution?
A. Discharge of untreated industrial waste B. Oil spills C. Sewage D. Usage of plastic straws
20. from ____________________________ nearby farms is a source of water pollution.
A. Rain B. industrial wastes C. sewage D. fertilizers and pesticides


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