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‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Vitt ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BAYBAY CITY Office of the Schools Division Superintendent June 21, 2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 8. 2021 Additional MOOE Allocation for the Minimum Health Standards of Public Schools for COVID-19 Mitigation and Control TO: — School Heads (Elementary and Secondary) All others concerned 1. In line with DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2020 - “Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and Schools” and Division Memorandum No. 301, s. 2020 ~ “Strict Adherence to Minimum Health Standards, Protocols and Guidelmes for Prevention and Control of COVID-19", the field is informed of the “Additional MOOE Allocation for the Minimum Health Standards of Public School for COVID-19 Mitigation and Control”. 2. School Heads are instructed to prioritize the utilization of the additional MOOE allocation for the following projects: a) repairs for WinS facilities and/or establishment of make-shift handwashing facility b) replenish medicines and clinic supplies in the school clinic ; and ©) Purchase of health and safety kits for school teaching and non-teaching personnel 3. Attach herewith are the distribution list of additional MOOE allocation and the priority recommended expenses and purchases. 4, Additional MOOE allocation will be downloaded to schools and is subjected to the usual accounting rules and regulations. 5. For immediate dissemination and compliance. oo eal a superint Enclosures: Additional MOOE Distribution List, Adttional MOO ere Expenses anal Reference: DepEd Order No, 14, s. 2020, Division Memorandum No. 301, 8. 2020 To be indicated in the Perpetua Index under the following subecs: covp.19 HEALTH AND NUTRITION aricaTioN Diversion Road, Barangay. Gaas, Baybay City, Leyte (53) 563-7615 | 150 9001:2035 Certified Department of Education Schools Divison of Baybay Clty Additional MOOE Allocation for the Minimum Health Standards of Public Schools for COVID-19 Mitigation and Control Utilization Priority Expenses and Purchases List A. School Projects and Purchases 1. Repair of handwashing facilities (grouped and individual) and/or establishment of make-shift handwashing facility with at least one faucet 2. Items such as: a. Face Masks b. Disposable gloves ¢. Reusable PPE (for disinfecting personnel ONLY) 70% Alcohol ¢, Hand sanitizer (with 70% alcohol content) {Antimicrobial Soap g, Concentrated Disinfectant Solution (preferably o-Benzyl-p-chorophenol containing solution) h. Disinfectant Spray (Knapsack, 16-18 Liters capacity) 1. Foot rags (for footbath) - with ratio of: | footbath per utilized room J. Toilet Paper (3-ply) K, Digital Blood Pressure Apparatus 1. (3) Three 75 iter capacity trash bins (color: Green, Yellow, Red) m, Garbage bag n. Thermal scanner - applicable ONLY for school having NO thermal scanner B, Teaching and Non-teaching personnel individual health and safety kits 1. 3-ply Disposable Face Masks 2. Face Shield 3. L bottle 500 mil 70% Isopropyl Alcohol with moisturizer 4. 1 bottle 55ml 70% Isopropyl Alcohol hand spray 5. 1 bottle 225ml anti-microbial liquid hand soap 6. 1 pe. 60 grams Anti-microbial Soap 7. OTC Medicines and supplies - 30 pes. Vitamin C + Zinc 500mg/LOmg tablet ~ 5 pes. Paracetamol 500mg tablet ~ 3 pes. Mefenamic Acid 500mg capsule 3 pes. Loperamide 2mg capsule 2 pes. Loratidine 10mg tablet ~ 2 pes. Hyoscine N-Butylbromide 10mg tablet ~ 3 pes. Aluminum Hydroxide+Magnestum Hydroxide+Simeticone 178mg/233mg/30mg chewable tablet = 1 bottle GOml Povidone Iodine 10% Solution (antiseptic for wounds) ~ 3 pes. 4x sterile gauze pad (53) 563.7615)bayboy.cty@depedgovph Page 4 of 5

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