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Periodical Assessment Test

Standard: 5 August, 2021
Time: 1 hour Marks: 25

L.O. Works with large numbers.

Q.1 Answer the following questions. (5)

1. Hundred notes of 100 = __________ thousand rupees.

2. By adding 10 units (ones) to 6732, we get ___________ number.

3. 5 tens + 3 hundreds + 8 ones =____________

4. If we subtract nine thousand nine hundred ninety from ninety nine thousands, we get

5. The population of children in the city is 4 lakh. The number of boys and girls is equal. Find out
the number of girls in thousands.

L.O. Estimates and verifies the outcome of four basic operations.

Q.2 Answer the questions based on the following table.

Vegetables Kilograms Price

Lady finger 01 70

Potato 03 90

Bottle gourd 01 60

1. How many rupees will you pay for buying 1 Kg of potatoes and 1 kg of bottle gourds? (1)

2. Pritiben has 200. Which vegetables can be bought maximum? How many Kilograms can
be bought? How many rupees will be left? She will have to buy more than one vegetable. (2)

3. How many Kgs of each vegetable will you have to buy to pay the equal amount of any two
vegetables? What is the total amount to be paid? (2)

L.O. Solve puzzles based on multiplication and division.

Q-3 Solve the following sums.

1. Poojan saves 150 every month. How many rupees will he save in a year? (1)

2. Minaben took the loan of 80,000 from the bank to buy a scooter. She paid back total
82,680 in a year. How many rupees did she pay every month? (2)

3. Pradip has 200.He has bought chikoo from one fourth and mango from three
fourth of the amount he had. How many rupees did he pay for chikoo and for
mangoes? (2)

L.O. Classifies the angles into right angle,acute angle and obtuse angle and represent them by
drawing and tracing.
Q.4 Do as directed.

1. Write the type of the angle and time based on following figures. (3)

Type of the angle:_________________

Time: ___________________

Type of the angle:______________

Time: ___________________

Type of the angle:_________________

Time: ___________________

2. Draw the hands of the clock in such a way that make an angle smaller than right angle and
write the time. (2)

Time: ___________________

Time: ___________________

L.O. Shows angles in the nearby surroundings as right angle,acute angle and obtuse angle.

Q.5. Look at the following pictures and classify them. Put () in the box wherever applicable)

Right angle Bigger than a Smaller than a right

right angle angle





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