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Question number one? critically analysze the main approach of behavioural objectives. look do help
then statement of behavioural objective of the research of M.phil level program?

Answer. the nature of behavioural objectives.

Behavioural objective go by several name Objectives? Performance objective instructions objectives.

Increasing interest has been shown in them during the last two decide..

The educational community is however’s divided with a great many outstanding scholars like bloom?
Tyler ?Gagne and Taba considering them a virtual Renaissance ,while other prominent figure regard
them as tool mechanistic and dehumanizing .

The dabate continues but with current rethinking ,some sort of compromise may be reached in the

The current Interest in a behavioural objective had a Russian from several sources. Among the Dada
famous works of educational theorists like

Tyler, ,Mager and Bloom’s Mager

And Krathwohl which lay heavy stress on the need for accurate assessment and measurement of
Learners, knowledge in terms of observable and specific human behavior.

Several educational Text nominees have been offered and a considerable lectures is available on the
subject. Bilal’s taxi nominees turned out to be the most return about in the names of education.

And others source Industrial economic gains read its input output models and techniques such as cost
benefits analyses operational research this time engineering and job abulation all over which requires
practise details and clear cut objectives period to the formulation off a problem and the tragedy of
attack. These have ended positive impact on development have played an important part in popularising
now you're a behavioural objective.

According to daves? Behavioural objectives are called behavioural because they are stand in terms of
over human behaviour which is both demonstrable add Myers able. They describe in unambiguous term
the expected behavior of a learner at the end of a learning experience.

Objective are very specific and highly explicit with two no ambiguity about their meaning ,focus and
intention .

They are short range ,time bound quantifiable and operational in form and spurt.

there ever 2 the most immediate specifics outcome of classroom instruction. The most important thing
to note about the objective is that they act as a clear guide an for a wide immediate direction to
curriculum planning? Classroom instruction and evaluation. They are sharply forced own in intended
learning outcome and leave now scope far misinterpretation.

Precision, clarity, specifity and quantiablility are the principal features of a truly behavioural
statement of an objective.generally speaking? behavioural objectives and detailed specifications of
desired outcome at the end of lesson, teaching unit trim, areas of programme, and a large number of
objectives can be developed from a given phytophora goals then actual number depend on several
factors such as purpose grade level digital convince and the generative compacity of the goal.

Examples are behavioural objective

No look at the example below and consider their adequacy as behavioural statement.

Number one.. to be able to be able to write a summary to write a summary.

Numbered 2. Two explain the theory of relatively .

#3 to be able to complete a 100 atom multiple choose examination on the topic of muzlim contribution
of science within one horse read 70 correct answer as a last limit of acceptable preforms.

Add You will probably have noted that you will probably have noted that. Number one is an example of
incomplete behaviour which active eat it is not mentioned are related content to be summarise, which
could for example be an English poem an historical event or a scientice theroy.#2 both the behaviour
and the content are maintained however buy a fire the most comprehensive 3 behaviour statement is
which contained all the necessary elements of a complete behavioural objective.


Number one. List cars amongst your call is the difference among us and goals and objective which

Numbered oh #2 pick up any three and of education of each education policy and wealth goals and
objectives from them.

Questions no#2Design strategies and method for the evaluation of curriculum of higher secondary level
of education in accardance with the future need of Pakistan.

Answer Designing Evaluation Studies

Having briefly revised objectives, let us look more closely at ways ofAbile Ting the extent to which
educational goals and objectives have been achieved. Anna relations search study require ease in lot of
thinking as well as proper planning to get useful result. Generally, most action has been placed to the
evolution of the contact the based on which the curriculums development was approached. recent rain
toward more processes concept to behaviour based programmes demand more adequate definitions of
evolutions, Better related criteria for judging value add more sophisticated mechanisms Far organising
attemptedcers as models for reporting. Every relation study her virtual rated’s of its own but the
decision all the study has to be planned using rotational producers. Various that Regis add models for
dining’s aberrations studies have been tried and a summary statement of the producers involved in
some of them will now be it attempted.

In organising a curriculum evaluation, Logically and intelligently, leading to decision on the in

effectiveness all the programme and its possible improvement, one suggested strategy involves to

Number one. Specifications refinement, or Modifaction of programes goals and revelation.

#2 planning for an experiment revelation design.

Number3. flexion ardwell appointment of data gathering methods.

#4 collection of relevant data.

Number patch but without seeing somebody's and analyse of data.

#6 contrasing of data and objectives.

#7 reporting and feedback of results.

Steps in the aviation’s process.

The evolutions process should included the following steps:

The involvement of all concerned in the study as facilitations of programmes evaluation such as :

(A) Related groups ,boards, parents,

(B) Professional individuals , psychological, teachers,
(C) Students progress.
The formation of a choose model of borders goalsask classified behavioural jected arranged in
hires order from journal to specify outcome in respect of all all the three domains of objectives.
the translation of specific objective into communicable form applicable to objective, arranged
In hierarchical order from general to specific outcome in respect.
Methods of curriculum evolution
Some of the methods used to determines Programme are outlined below.
(1) The cosmatic Method deals with the apparent activities and face value of the programe.
(2) The carbiac Method involves an empirical approach.
(3) The curricular Method recommend the discussion of the finding on the programms
(4) The curriculum Method attempted to show the new programe could fit into the old one for
Students characteristics.
2. Teachers characteristics.
3. Curricular content.
(1) Community flow
(2) Time allocation .
(3) Sequence of events .
(4) Social climate.
3# Outcomes.
(1) Students achievement.
(2) Students attitudes.
(3) Students motor skills.
(4) Effect on teachers.
Courses improvement throughout evolation.
In order to find out ways of improving a courses to enhance, it is about unit effectiveness must
be assessed. data collection should included information which will help in evaluating the
difficult areas of the effective outcome of the newly developed developed curriculums. the most
useful aviation information is bad which allowed for adjustment examing, the end product only.
This of course would be a division from the traditional testing approach. Any test use should fit
into the contact of the curriculums and should produce really reliable and world sources. best
result may soon be forgotten, behaviour, inside all being followed up for use. remember that
the purpose of evolution is to study the change in the purples falling the programmes and to
choose the information to end if I where improvement should be made to facility improved
learning. Opinions about an educational programme are of turn based. the gathering of data
using appropriateTest produce more objective result. The achievement of student should be
measured throughout the use of standards test the of all relevant areas of professionally while
attitudes can be accessed throughout interviews and question. But statements revelation
involved involved more than simply administring test it’s and analysing the result. Apart from
measuring proficiency and attitudes, approaches to evaluation can include,for example, process
students of classroom event and follow up studies of the later careers of the subjects.

Question #3 Identify the recommendations regarding curriculums bee farms contained in our
educational policy of Pakistan. The guest add test give recommendations for curriculums reforms to
meet the needs of 21 century?

Answer .Number one a recommendation.

Althought almost old whelping **** Please everyday the learning and socially useful pro productive
work should be impressed to learn all at levels of educational to prepares them for the world of work? In
practise it is not fully recognised that skill education is to develop in the lens a positive attitude towards
need based activities in the community. However it is felt that is most developing country skill education
has low property. It is realised that without sufficient social , administration and financial support,it
would be impossible to implement skills education properly .

For this reason ,two basic strategies need to be employed:

(A) To conduct reached and development activities fo to develop of efficient and effective skills
education programms as an integral part of general education.
(B) To Alert the government throughout interagency activities about the importance of skilled
education as a part of journal education.
Number two approach to skill education.
All over the world both formal and non formal approaches are being used formal approach in
this contacts before the two an approach used in employing meaning skill education in the
regular school system such as primary schools can re school vocational school etc.
Non formal approached means an approach in employee meaning skill education for the whole
are not in regular schools system
#3 formal approach.
Each country has its own programme of skilled education which are being employed matter
throughout formal approach. this type of approach have any unique characters for each country
do depending on these condition and situation.
#4 programme.
Although add each country has its own specific Social needs. it's a bears that home economic 2,
agriculture would add metal work technical skills are an carpet and thought of this are the
common programme. However Instruction materials may vary depending upon the specify your
needs of each country.
#5 nature of the programme.
Journalist skill education does not am at developing males skills only, but also add other forms
all development, Relating to connective and affective domain This address is a courses, given to
skill development. in developing the skill some, contrast am at direct production, but soul seek
#6 target groups

Contrasting such as and Indonesia and India, offer productive scale programmes in all grades. other
countries such as Afghanistan of offer these programmes only in grades seven and eight, Malaysia asked
arts at the lower Scanned re level. some accepts of home economic needs such as cooking and dress
making, farther summer intends for girls, in some other countries are means for both boys and girl girls.



All third the time location for productive skill where is from country to Country and from grade to grade
do you range journal is from 2 and it periods a week.

#8 adminis traction of the programme.

Every country which provided skilled education for all children offers both compulsory subjects in
journal and variation school.

Number two education and ruler development.

Most Asian countries have a large construction of ruler population. While urbanisation is increasing at
an acceletating Rate. The ruler population remained considering these reality’s, many countries in the
Asian region in their strategy to attain national development goals ,are and more on their efforts on
development in rural areas.

And social life Anne off ruler poor. it involves extending the benefits of development to those how she
can livelihoods in ruler areas. the economics dominations of ruler development in ways due economic
up left the radiation of property so that rule are poor get adequate food, clothing and shelter.

#3 education in and for ruler development.

It is desirables to distinguish between two sets of Educational activities, by their main objectives and
target groups, and categorised those an education in ruler development and education for ruler

#4 education in ruler development.

The forces are activities is on the curriculums of a school at the social agency for important knowledge,
skills and values, throughout in school and out of school activities and experience. In most countries
curriculum are changed to incorporate such alimenta in the educational programme.

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