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Calling Objections & Rebuttals

Objection Rebuttal
Not Interested We find that customers on average save up to 30%
on their phone bills once we do a quick analysis.
Would you like to save 30%? OR
It’s the total analysis of your telecommunications,
which can save up to 30% on your existing phone
bills & I am only asking for an appointment to do a
review free of cost
Don’t want to change It’s great that you’re happy with your current
provider. This process is really quick and takes
about 5 minutes to see if we can save you money.
Do you have 5 minutes for someone to pop in to
see you next week? OR
I am only asking you to review your present setup,
and do a black and white comparison with what
we have to offer & then decide accordingly
Will Review later Our Reps will be in your area next week. This will
take about 5 minutes to see if we can save you
money. Do you have 5 minutes next week? Is
there a day that suits you best? OR
The NBN services are being rolled out & in less
than a year all of Australia will be NBN ready.
Hence, your devices should also be NBN
compatible to benefit from the changes that NBN
services would bring about.
Person in charge won’t be interested Ok no problem. Are you in a contract? I am more
than happy to call you back closer to when your
contract finishes. OR
I am sure if he/she listen’s to the updates I have for
the account, the in charge will definitely be
interested in what we have to offer
I don’t want to spend on a PABX They are not that costly. In fact, you can get a fully
installed phone system starting at just $25 a week.
On top of that, we find that customers save up to
30% on their phone bills once we do a quick
analysis. Is there a day next week that suits you for
someone to pop in to see you next week? OR
The latest phone system is not only technically
advanced but is also budget friendly starting at just
$25 a week, we even have a 3months free offer if u
sign up now
Customer Name: Hamish Anderson
-Contact number: 894535888
-No of services: 15

-Current provider : -
-5G services: No
Calling Objections & Rebuttals
-Contract End Date : -.
-Spend : -.
-Business address : 11 Tamara Dr,Cockburn Central, Western Australia, 6164
-Distance: 25 km
Appointment time and Date:22/10/20 10:00
comments : spoke to Hamish, he said got 15 mobiles and asked to come by 10:00. 
Calender Invite

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