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Date Time Cause of Signs of How did you

Stress Stress response?

December 09 4:55pm Slow Internet Having a short Eating a meal while
Connection temper waiting.
December 10 9:30pm Not having Tiredness Prioritizing hard
enough time tasks and important
things first.
December 11 5:15pm Having too Irritability Eliminating
much school distractions.
December 12 2:40am Working long Headache I take a break for
hours even just short
period of time to feel
more refreshed.
December 13 10:20pm Being under Difficulty Staying positive and
pressure concentrating focused on what
needs to be
December 14 11:27am Uncertainty Constant Taking time to
worrying reflect on the good
outcomes rather than
the bad.
December 15 3:00am Overthinking Seeing only Paying attention to
the negative my thoughts and
thinking of the happy
Grenlee Khen U. Panganiban December 09, 2020
11 – St. Francis de Sales Mr. Julius Zesar C. Ramos

Based on your stress diary, what are the major sources of stress in your life?

- The major source of stress in my life is school works.

What will you do to minimize these stressors?

- To minimize stressors, I will not be too hard on myself, take a few minutes
to appreciate myself, take a time out, be mindful, and get some restful sleep.

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