E. Sub Bituminous

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43. The second type of coal also called as black lignite.

a. peat d. bituminous
b. lignite e. sub bituminous
c. anthracite
44. The third type/rank coal with less than 20% moisture.
a. peat d. bituminous
b. lignite e. sub bituminous
c. anthracite
45. Plant debris that undergoes processes to form coal deposit.
a. peat d. bituminous
b. lignite e. sub bituminous
c. anthracite


1. Occur where new lithosphere is being produced and move away from each
other. Typically this occurs in mid-ocean ridges.
a. Divergent boundary
b. Convergent boundary
c. Triple junction
d. Transform boundary or transform fault
e. Plate boundary
2. Occur where plates are colliding. The higher density plates sinks or subducts
beneath the leading edge of the continental plate.
a. Divergent boundary
b. Convergent boundary
c. Triple junction
d. Transform boundary or transform fault
e. Plate boundary
3. Locations where three plates join.
a. Divergent boundary
b. Convergent boundary
c. Triple junction
d. Transform boundary or transform fault
e. Plate boundary
4. Occur where the offset segments of two plates slide past one another.
a. Divergent boundary
b. Convergent boundary
c. Triple junction
d. Transform boundary or transform fault
e. Plate boundary
5. The line of intersection between the planar feature and a horizontal plane,
taken according to the right hand convention.
a. Strike d. Hade
b. Dip e. Net slip
c. Limb direction
6. The magnitude of the inclination, below horizontal, at right angles to strike.
a. Strike b. Dip c. Limb direction d. Hade e. Net slip
7. The study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units with respect to
their deformational histories.
a. General geology
b. Historical geology
c. Structural geology
d. Mineralogy
e. Discontinuity geology
8. Applied stress, when released, the rock returns to its original shape.
a. Elastic strain d. Brittle
b. Plastic strain e. Net slip
c. Brittle
9. The deformation (change in shape and/or volume) that results from stress.
a. Stress d. Limit
b. Strain e. None of the above
c. Brittle
10.The hanging wall moves up the dip of the fault relatively to the footwall.
a. Reverse fault d. Transform fault
b. Normal fault e. Hanging fault
c. Strike slip fault
11.The hanging wall moves up the dip of the fault relatively to the footwall.
a. Reverse fault d. Transform fault
b. Normal fault e. Hanging fault
c. Strike slip fault
12.Discontinuities that result from a deformation mechanism called “pressure-
a. Fracture fault d. Fault
b. Layering bed e. Massive jointing
c. Stylolite joint
13.Fault where blocks move horizontally past one another.
a. Reverse fault d. Transform fault
b. Normal fault e. Hanging fault
c. Strike slip fault
14.Low-angle reverse fault is called a?
a. Extensional fault d. Joint fault
b. Thrust fault e. None of the above
c. Shear fault
15.In vertical movements along fault, the upper block is called?
a. Footwall d. Breccia wall
b. Hanging wall e. Mylonite
c. Shear wall
16.In vertical movements along fault, the upper block is called?
a. Footwall d. Breccia wall
b. Hanging wall e. Mylonite
c. Shear wall
17.Folds having limbs that dip at the same angle, but in opposite directions.
a. Asymmetrical d. Dipping
b. Symmetrical e. Conform
c. Monotrical
18.Folds having limbs that dip at different angles in opposite directions.
a. Asymmetrical d. Dipping
b. Symmetrical e. Conform
c. Monotrical
19.If the fold axis has a dip, the anticline or syncline is considered?
a. Plunging d. Striking
b. Inclined e. Dipping
c. Hanging
20.If there is one limb, the fold is called a?
a. Monocline d. Recumbent
b. Syncline e. Incline
c. Anticline

C. Mine Engineering III ....................30%

1. General Geology
2. Mineralogy and Petrology
3. Economic Geology
4. Structural Geology
5. Principles of Metallurgy
6. Mineral Processing
7. Assaying
8. Ecology- environmental concerns in mining such as environmental plans,
EIA/EIS, ECC, mine waste and tailings management, environmental laws, rules
and regulations and other topics.

Atomic Weights: Gold-197 grams, Silver-108 grams,Fe-56 grams, Cr-52 grams,
Cu-64 grams, Ni-59 grams, Mg-24 grams, Mn-55 grams, Zn-65 grams, Pb-207
grams, Ti-48 grams, Al-27 grams, Sulfur-32 grams, Ca-40 grams, K-39 grams, Na-
23 grams

Rittenger’s law- crushing or grinding is proportional to the new surface area

produce on the particles.
Kick’s law- crushing and grinding is proportional to the reduction in a diameter of
the particles.
Bond’s law- crushing and grinding is inversely proportional to the reduction in a
diameter of the particles.
Calcine- material which has been heated to drive off volatiles
Speiss- mixtures of Arsenides and Antimonides
Spelter- impure zinc
Black copper- impure copper produced in smelting process
White metal-impure Cu2S produced intermediate stage of converting
Blister- impure copper produced in a converter
Brass- an alloy of copper and zinc
Bronze- an alloy of copper and tin
Chromic acid- a derivative product of chemical grade chromite, base material on
the manufacture of the other value added chrome-based industrial product
MgO- important component of chemical grade chromite aside from Cr2O3 content
Galena- it is the economic mineral of lead
Chromite- minerals used in coloring green bottles
Ferrochrome- primary product of smelting metallurgical ores
Amalgam- the product of dissolving gold in mercury
Gold- presently used widely in electronics and microchips industry
Serpentine- the most common host rock of chromite mineralization
Arsenic- a diliterous element contained in the copper concentrate of Lepanto
Consolidated Mining Company from Mankayan Copper mines in Benguet
Word index- refer to the total energy in Kw-hr needed to reduce an ore material to
a size where the minerals are liberated at optimum conditions
High Cr to Fe ratio- most important characteristics of a metallurgical grade
Chemical grade chromite- is a type of mineral chromite used in manufacture of
paint pigments, colored green and yellow
2.5- mineral hardness represented by fingernails
Feldspar- the common glazing agent of tiles and ceramic products
Gypsum- retardant for cement
Quartz- is a mineral that exhibits a perfect uni-directional cleavage

Mineral Processing:
Tyler standard series in sieve screens = 1.414
Retorting- treatment process after amalgamation, to evaporate and recover
Blister copper- product of copper converting process
Chiddy method- gold and cyanide
Cyanidation- refers to the process of recovering gold by dissolution on cyanide
solution at pre-established concentration
Critical speed- Nc = 76.6/sq.rt. of D (RPM)
Comminution- refers to the size reduction of rocks and minerals to desired sizes
Micro encapsulation- refers to the process of coating certain mine waste to
prevent the oxidation of pyrite. The mechanism involved is leaching the waste with
a phosphate solution with hydrogen peroxide. The surface of the pyrite is oxidized
by the peroxide to release iron oxide which reached with the phosphate precipitate
thereby coatingthe rock fragments.
Return rollers- in conventional conveyor arrangement, these are the roller that
guide and carry the belt to the tail pulley
Flotation- in mineral recovery processes, it is the most applicable to sulphide ores
particularly chalcopyrite
Thickening- refers to the processes of allowing the bulk of water from concentrate
slurries to overflow thru large circular settling tanks and at the same time increase
the density of pulp to make filtration more efficient
Flocculants- reagents accelerate fine particles to coarse to form bigger particles
making them easier for thickening and filtration
Volute pump- it is the equipment installed at the tailings thickener, it pumps the
resulting high density pulp to the tailings
Refractory chromite- it is the mineral produced by Benguet Corp. at its Coto Mines
in Mazinloc, Zambales.
Attritioning- process of further reducing crushed rocks specified granulation sizes
so that most of the economic minerals areliberated to the extent making them
amenable to applicable beneficiation processes such as floatation, gravity
concentration and cyanidation.
Cone head- the moving or gyrating component of the gyratory crusher
Carrier roller- in a conventional conveyor belt arrangement, it is the roller where
the loaded conveyor passes
Sampling- is a process of taking small portion of a body as representative of a
larger volume and is done on a regular and mechanical manner as possible
Leaching- the process of recovering economic metals like copper and gold from
low grade ores by treating the with chemicals with controlled pH to dissolve the
subject metals and later precipitate the same with other agents
Cyanide- best used reagents in dissolving gold from finely ground ores through
Slimes- the overflow product of conventional screw classifier
Ferrosilicon- a product of smelting iron ores with high charge of silica
Ferro-manganese- a product of smelting iron ores with high charge of pyrolusite
Iron- is the most common precipitation agent of leaching lowgrades copper oxides
Retort- it is an equipment used to vaporize mercury then later condensing it back
to its liquid form
Scalper- an equipment that removes small rocks that don’t need to be crushed
Frothers- in flotation, they are the reagents that are used to create vigorous
effervescence or repellent bubbles in the slurry
Counter Current Decantation Process- the cyanidation process where weaker
cyanide solution are introduced to fresh ores while stronger solutions are
introduced to the ores that have been earlier treated with cyanide
Apron feeders- compact conveyor that feeds the crusher constantly using feeders
Foundry moulds- uses of refractory chromite
Counter weight- component that provides proper belt tensioning at all times to
reduce or eliminate belt sliding and or sagging thereby assuring belt speed
Gear box- is a type of equipment that translates high rpm drive motors to a speed
options for mechanical belt conveyance in the arrangement of conventional belt

Reducing Power- grams of Pb reduced from PbO (PbO/gram)
Soda Ash- it is the reagent that enhances fluidity in fusion process
Dore- product of cuppelation
Matte- artificial sulfides in dry method
Silver inquartz- it is known amount of silver added to obtain an ideal Ag to Au
Niter(KNO3)- oxidizing agent
Slag- fusible compound of metallic oxide and silica after fusion
25 grams- ideal wt. of lead button
Borax(Na2B4O7.10H2O)- in actively fusible acid flux often used as a cover for
fusion in crucibles of furnace
Nitric Acid- in assaying, it is use to separate gold from silver
Annealing- it is a heat treatment process wherein metal or alloy is heated to some
predetermined temperature and time and then cooled very slowly.

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