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P. O. Box 5536, Addis Ababa, Fax (251-1) 6478800, Tel (251-1) 6-478888

Date: 14 July 2021

TENDER No. 2021/FRETH/SFEDD/111842

“Procurement of Painting and Maintenance service for Office and Corridor”

(Recommended Site visit to be held on 21 July 2021)”

CLOSING DATE: 28 July 2021 at 16:00 Hrs. GMT +3 Time

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (“FAO” or “Organization”) is an intergovernmental
organization with more than 194 member countries. Since its inception, FAO has worked to alleviate poverty and
hunger by promoting agricultural development, improved nutrition and the pursuit of food security - defined as the
access of all people at all times to the food they need for an active and healthy life.

To achieve its goals, FAO cooperates with thousands of partners worldwide, from farmers’ groups to traders, from
non-governmental organizations to other UN agencies, from development banks to agribusiness firms (further and
more detailed information on FAO can be found on the internet site:

In preparing your bid, you should take into account the international status and activities of FAO by submitting your
best commercial terms. You should also be aware that FAO enjoys certain privileges and immunities, which include
exemption from payment of Value Added Tax ("VAT" or "IVA"), customs duties and importation restrictions.

FAO intends to award a Contract for works, specifically:

“Painting and Maintenance Service: of Office and Corridor at FAO, Ethiopia”

You are hereby invited to submit your best offer in connection with the award of such works.

The following procedures have been established by this Organization for the award of this Agreement:


1.1 You are invited to submit an offer for the above-mentioned works. A description of the requested works is
provided in Appendixes A and B;

1.2 In submitting your offer you are supposed to have considered all aspects relevant to the performance of the
proposed contract and to have obtained all necessary information and data as to risks, contingencies and other
circumstances which may influence or affect your offer;

1.3 It is understood that all documents, calculations, etc. which may form part of your offer will become the property
of the Organization, who will not be required to return them to your firm;
1.4 All costs incurred to prepare your offer will be borne by you; FAO will not be liable to reimburse any or all of
such cost;
1.5 The Organization reserves the right to publish the details of awards, including supplier name and country, total
Contract value and a brief description of the services. In all cases, unsuccessful bidders will be notified;

1.6 Consortium of firms will be accepted provided that the companies indicate which firm will be the main Contractor
and will be responsible for the signature of the relevant contract. Bidders adhering to the Consortium will have to
notify FAO of their acceptance to participate in the Consortium;
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

1.7 Registration as a vendor in the UN Global Marketplace (UNGM),, is a prerequisite for receiving
an award from FAO. Please register your firm with UNGM. If you have any difficulties registering, please contact
UNGM team using the Help button on the web site

1.8 The Organization has adopted a zero tolerance approach to fraud, and it prohibits firms from engaging
in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, unethical and obstructive practices when participating in
procurement activities. As provided by the Vendor Sanctions Procedures
_Procedures.pdf), if the Organization determines that a firm has engaged in such conduct, it will
impose sanctions and may share information on sanctioned firms with other Intergovernmental or UN

1.9 A firm and its affiliates, agents and subcontractors should not be suspended, debarred, or otherwise identified as
ineligible by any Intergovernmental or UN Organization, including any organization within the World Bank
Group or any multi-lateral development bank, or by the institutions and bodies of economic integration
organizations (e.g., the European Union). You are therefore required to disclose to the Organization whether your
firm, or any of your affiliates, agents or subcontractors, is subject to any sanction or temporary suspension imposed
by any such organization or National Authority at any time during the three years prior to the contract or at any
time throughout the execution of the contract. You acknowledge that a breach of this provision will entitle FAO
to terminate its contract with your firm, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any
kind of FAO, and that material misrepresentations on your status constitute a fraudulent practice;

1.10 Bidders must certify that their firm is not associated, directly or indirectly, with entities or individuals (i) that are
associated with terrorism, as in the list maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to its
Resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011), or (ii) that are the subject of sanctions or other enforcement measures
promulgated by the United Nations Security Council. Selected bidders also agree to undertake all reasonable
efforts to ensure that none of the funds received from FAO under the awarded contract are used to provide support
to individuals or entities associated with terrorism or that are the subject of Security Council sanctions. This
provision must be included in any subcontracts, sub-agreements or assignments entered into under the awarded
contract. The Bidder acknowledges and agrees that this provision is an essential term of the awarded contract and
any breach of these obligations and warranties shall entitle FAO to terminate the Contract immediately upon notice
to the Contractor, without any liability for termination charges or any liability of any kind of FAO;

1.11 Bidders must certify that their company and/or subcontractors are not associated, directly or indirectly, with the
consultant or any other entity who prepared the terms of reference or other bidding documents for this tender;

1.12 Please note that Bidders who use an independent consultant to assist in the preparation of offers may risk engaging
in unacceptable practices if the same consultant assists another Bidder to prepare an offer for the same tender.
Bidders are reminded that they are fully responsible for the conduct of any consultant who may be used to prepare
offers for FAO tenders and they should take all measures to ensure that any independent consultant engaged to
assist in the preparation of an offer for an FAO tender has not and will not be involved in the preparation of an
offer for another Bidder for the same tender process.

Bidders are kindly requested to disclose to the best of their knowledge whether their company has any personal
or professional relationships with FAO. The disclosure shall include all relevant details and should include, but
not be limited to:

- ANY current or past employment relationship with FAO of your company's representatives and employees;
- ANY current or past relationship with any FAO staff member (family members, spouses, etc.) of your
company's representatives and employees.

1.13 Fairness and transparency are fundamental principles for FAO procurement activities. Firms that believe that the
procurement process was not fair and transparent may request feedback from the office that issued the tender. If
a satisfactory response is not received, a firm may present a protest following the bid protest procedures detailed
in the following link: To report
allegations of fraud or misconduct in the procurement process, bidders may submit information, also
anonymously, to the Office of the Inspector General Hotline:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

General Information

Works Description: Painting for FAO office rooms in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Project/Program Title: SFE/FRETH
Construction Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Construction Duration: 20 Calendar Days 3 weeks for the Whole Works
Expected Start Date: August, 05, 2021 (tentative)
Defects liability period: 12 Months of warranty against defects (defects liability period).


To facilitate preparing your bid the following documents are enclosed:

3.1.The "Bid Summary" form, to be used for submitting your bid;

3.2.The “Site Visit Statement”, detailed in paragraph 9.5. below and in Apendix A, Pargarapgh 5).
3.3. Appendix A to this Letter of Invitation providing the “Technical Specifications”;

3.4. Appendix B to the Letter of Invitation providing the “Bill of quantities”;

3.5. The Contract this Organization intends to award;


Your bid should consist of the following clearly identified items:

1. The duly completed "Bid Summary" mentioned in paragraph 3.1 above, using the form enclosed herewith or
copies of such form;

2. The Appendix B to this Letter of Invitation, showing the Bill of Quantities to be priced;

3. Documents Demonstrating Compliance with the Mandatory Requirements. Bidders are required to fulfil the
following mandatory requirements. Failure to provide required information/documents will result in the
disqualification of the Bidder from the tender evaluation process


 The prospective Contractor/Bidder is expected to meet the following minimum
organizational requirements:
 Bidder Should submit renewed Business License for 2021 GC (2012 EC) and Tax
Registration Certificate(s);
 Bidder must be registered in Federal Republic of Ethiopia by authorized Government
Entity to be enaged in Construction Works
 Bidder should be GC/BC FROM GRADE ONE to FIVE CATEGORY certified by
Construction Minister, Construction Companies Certificate of Competence (CoC) that
clearly indicate the LEVEL;
 Bidder must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in construction sector and
satisfactorily completed at least three (3) similar projects in the last three (3) years;
 The Bidder must demonstrate its ability to complete high quality works by attaching at
least three (3) of references as evidence of completing successfully similar works full
contact details as per the template preferably from clients such as UN Agencies,
International NGOs, Multinational companies, etc.;
 It should demonstrate its capabilities and understanding of the Scope of Works (SOWs)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

and Bill of Quantities (BoQ) in its technical proposal;

 It should provide a brief description of its financial standing; and clearly demonstrate its
financial strength as well as its financial plan (if any) to successfully complete the
construction project within the contract timeline;

3.2. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY: Prospect Contractor/Bidder must demonstrate financial capacity

through provision of the past TWO RECENT AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2020 GC /
2010 EC and 2011 EC) shows the avg. annual sales turnover in the last two (2) years; and

3.3. HR CAPACITIES (Technical and support staff available, qualification)

Please attach the organogram and CVs of personnel (Detailed requirements of team)
1. Site engineer: Experience: at least five (5) years in constructing and commissioning similar systems
2. Site Supervisorx1 at least five (5) years in constructing and commissioning similar systems
3. Technician x1at least five (5) years in constructing and commissioning similar systems
3.4. A detailed work plan and schedule for contract performance; Bidder to submit a painting and maintenance
method of statement and plan to complete all the works required within maximum 20 Calendar days from
contract’s signature.

FAO reserves the right to consider, and disqualify firms based on, documented prior poor performance, including but
not limited to poor quality of goods or services provided, late delivery and unsatisfactory performance. FAO also
reserves the right to have further discussions/negotiations with the Bidder prior to issuance of the contract.


The Bids received will be evaluated against the mandatory requirements. Pass/Fail methodology will be used to evaluate
each one of the mandatory requirements. Failure to comply with any of the mandatory requirements will result in
disqualification of the bid. FAO further reserves the right to consider, and disqualify firms based on, documented prior
poor performance, including but not limited to poor quality of goods or services provided, late delivery and
unsatisfactory performance. The contract will be awarded to the most competitive offer that complies with the technical
specifications as laid out by the mandatory requirements.


Bids will only be considered if they contain all of the above information and documents and observe the provisions of
the enclosed contract as otherwise it will not be possible to evaluate them on an equal basis. Since this Organization is
not allowed to sign contracts, which do not specify its maximum financial liability, bids which do not allow us to
calculate such liability may be rejected.


You should examine carefully the nature and extent of the participation in the contract performance by the Organization
as set out in Annex V of the enclosed contract since such contract assumes that all other requirements for its successful
completion are provided at the cost of the Contractor. You should therefore state in the appropriate space provided
in the "Bid Summary" (Part II) any additions or modifications of the said Annex V which you suggest for a
satisfactory performance of the contract.


Your bid should be expressed in ETB.


8.1 Your offer shall be submitted as follows:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

1. Uploading your Bid on UNGM:

Please login and upload all the documents requested in paragraph 3 of this Letter of Invitation in
the designated placeholders in the UNGM portal and within the indicated deadline.

It is the exclusive responsibility of the bidders to ensure that the files are uploaded before the tender
deadline. The system will reject any bid received after the deadline.

Please follow the instructions below to upload the electronic files in the UNGM portal:

a) Log in the UNGM website with your e-mail and password;

b) Click on MY TENDERS and select the tender;
c) Click on VIEW DOCUMENTS (green button on the left of the specific tender notice you are
interested in);
d) Click on the INVITATION TO BID tab of the tender notice;
e) Click on the “OPT IN” button;
f) To upload all the files, click on the relevant “UPLOAD DOCUMENT” red buttons under the
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the size of the files does not exceed 5MB.
IMPORTANT: Once all files are uploaded, please remember to click on the red button “SUBMIT
MY RETURN” to send your offer. If the submission is properly completed, you will be able to
view and download a receipt under the “HISTORY” tab.
2. Modification or Withdrawal of Bid:

A bidder may, without prejudice, modify or withdraw an offer before the deadline with the
“MODIFY RETURN” function. No offer may be modified after the deadline for submission.
3. No Bid Notice:
In the event that your company is not interested to participate in this tender, the Organizations
would appreciate your feedback with a brief explanation. In this case, you are kindly requested to
click on the “OPT OUT” button displayed in the UNGM portal to send your reason for non-

Detailed instructions on how to access FAO tender documents and submit your bid through UNGM are attached
herewith and can be downloaded from your UNGM Tender Management page by clicking on the “View Synopsis”
button under the “Tender” tab. If you encounter any difficulties using the UNGM system navigation and
functionality please contact, referencing the exact FAO ITB number.

8.2 Your offer should reach this Organization no later than:

CLOSING DATE: 28 July 2021 at 16:00 Hrs. GMT +3 Time


9.1 All communications concerning this tender (questions, comments, requests) should mention the tender number
(No. 2021/FRETH/SFEDD/111842) and should be submitted as soon as possible through the UNGM portal
under the “CORRESPONDENCE” tab.

9.2 Bidders are responsible for appropriately examining this tender. If the Bidder finds discrepancies in or omissions
from the documents, or if their intent or meaning appear unclear or ambiguous, or if any other questions arise, the
Bidder shall submit any request for clarification through the aforementioned “CORRESPONDENCE” tab.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

9.3 In submitting a request for clarification, do not, under any circumstances, submit a copy of your offer or reveal any
information about your intended quotation. This will invalidate your offer.

9.4 Responses to clarification enquiries will be issued by FAO through the UNGM portal simultaneously to all bidders.
The system will send automatic e-mail notifications to all bidders every time a clarification, or any other change
to the tender notice, is made.

9.5 All FAO’s responses to bidders’ questions will be uploaded under the “CLARIFICATIONS” tab of your Tender
Management page and made available to all bidders. Please ensure to read all the clarifications as they become
part of the technical specifications.

IMPORTANT: Deadline for questions is Firday, 23th July 2021

FAO will organize one-day site visit on Wednesday, 21 July 2021.

9.6 FAO shall endeavor to provide answers to clarifications in an expeditious manner and not later than Two (2)
calendar days before the closing date. Any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of
FAO to extend the submission date of the Bid, unless FAO deems that such an extension is necessary.

I take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your interest in assisting this Organization in the implementation
of its activities.

Yours sincerely,

David Phiri
SRC for Eastern Africa and Rep. to AU and UNECA

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

Tender No. 2021/FRETH/SFEDD/111842


Name of Bidder:

Please complete the spaces left blank below.

PART I: Information and documents Submitted

I certify that all the information and statements made in this Bid are true and accept that
any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our disqualification;

I certify that all the documents requested in the Letter of Invitation have been submitted.

PART II: Participation by the Organization:


I certify that the inputs to be provided by the Organization, as set out in Annex V are
adequate and sufficient for a satisfactory contract performance;


For a satisfactory contract performance, the following inputs would have to be provided:

PART III: Contract Performance:

I confirm that this company has effected a site visit to the proposed site of works, for
which it has provided an offer.

I confirm that this company has provided a time schedule for the delivery of the services
and works per location and is aware that any delay during execution will be subject to
liquidated damages.

I confirm that this Company can commence the performance of the contract and relevant
mobilization within Three (3) days from receipt of the contract itself duly signed by the
Organization and will be able to complete the works in maximum Twenty (20) days from
contract’ signature.

I acknowledge that Advance Payments will not be provided under this contract.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia


PART IV: Completeness of Bid:

I confirm having obtained all necessary data and information as to risks, contingencies
and other circumstances which may influence or affect the performance of the contract.
They have been duly taken into account in the preparation of this bid.
I understand that the contract resulting from this tender will be a lumpsum contract (not
ad-measurement) based on the total amount of the bid submitted, the amount of which will
represent the maximum financial liability of the Organization.

I understand that items for which no price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by
the Organization when executed and shall be deemed covered by the other prices in the
Bill of quantities and included in the total lumpsum.

PART V: Certification of Proper Procedures

I certify that my firm/organization (including all members of a consortium, if applicable)

and its subcontractors are not associated, directly or indirectly, with the consultant or any
other entity who prepared the terms of reference or other bidding documents for the

I understand that items for which no separate price is entered by the Bidder shall be deemed
covered by the other prices in the Bill of quantities and included in the total lumpsum.

I acknowledge that my firm is responsible for any consultant, including independent

consultants, who assists in the preparation of offers and confirm that my firm has taken
all measures to ensure that any independent consultant engaged to assist in preparing this
offer has not and will not be involved in the preparation of another bid for another bidder
for the same tender process.

PART VI: Conflict of Interest Disclosure. Either:

To the best of my knowledge, I confirm that none of my firm’s representatives or

employees have a current or former employment relationship with FAO, and none of my
firm’s representatives or employees has a current or past relationship with an FAO staff
member (family members, spouses, etc.)


I have provided below details regarding the following representatives or employees of my

firm who have a current or former employment relationship with FAO and/or who have a
current or past relationship with an FAO staff member:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia


PART VII: Contract Provisions:

I confirm that the terms and conditions of the contract/s as enclosed with the letter of invitation are
acceptable except for the reservations explicitly set out in this offer.

I certify that my firm has not and will not engage in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive,
unethical or obstructive practices during the selection process and throughout the negotiation and
execution of the contract.

I confirm that my firm, including any affiliates, agents or subcontractors, is not subject to any
sanction or temporary suspension imposed by an Intergovernmental or UN Organization, including
any organization within the World Bank Group or any multi-lateral development bank, or by an
institution or body of an economic integration organization (e.g., the European Union). If my firm,
or any affiliates, agents or subcontractors, has been subject to any temporary suspension or
sanction by any such organization or National Authority within the preceding three years, I have
provided further information below:

I certify that my firm is not associated with any individual or entity appearing on the 1267/1989
list of the UN Security Council or with any individual or entity subject to any other sanctions or
enforcement measures promulgated by the UN Security Council.

PART VIII: Validity of Bid:

This offer is valid for acceptance for a period of SIX (6) MONTHS as from the deadline for the submission
of the offer indicated in the letter of invitation.

Name of Firm:

UNGM Number: __________________________

Mailing Address:



Person(s) to contact:



Name & Title:

Company seal:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia
1 page of 8 pages


Painitng and Maintenance of Office and Corridor at FAO Office, Ethiopia

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

1. The Contractor will be responsible for providing tools, equipment and enough trained
personnel in order to perform the work without problems and delays. They shall be able to
provide personnel to work in two shifts at the same time.
2. The Contractor must follow all working safety regulations attached to this document and provide
their personnel with appropriate safety equipment like gloves, security shoes, ocular protection,
3. The Contractor shall be required to prepare and submit reports, bill of materials, product
literature, drawings, specifications, quality control schedules, safety plan and construction costs.
These documents shall provide the necessary interfaces, coordination, and communication
between FAO and Contractor for the delivery of a completed project.
4. The Contractor shall provide quantity surveyors, construction personnel, equipment, materials,
tools and supervision as needed to complete the services that meet the technical requirements in
this Scope of Work.
5. Site Visit: The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk, is highly recommended
to visit and examine the Site and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary
for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the construction work. Those Bidders who are
interested, shall send an email providing their company’s name, their representative details and their
passport or copy of ID to XXXXX In the subject of your email, kindly specify the ITB number.
The site visit will help verifying the conditions of the existing office configuration. This means the
Contractor shall inspect visually the space and investigate to determine any problem to perform
the works and to ensure no other information useful for the assessment is missing.

a. FAO will pay only for achieved work on ground, no provision will be allowed for any activity,
material or operation that will degrade the environment of the areas and affect the social and
ecological livelihood of the local communities. To address environmental, technical, socio-
economic and any evolving factors of potential threat to the sustainable operation of the assets,
International Standard Specifications shall be used. However, American and British Standard
Specifications are acceptable with regard to technical, and equipment requirements etc. All
standards proposed for use in the project are to be approved by FAO before use.
b. The contractor shall conduct all measurements necessary for the survey process to the FAO
Engineer in each location or his designate before commencing work.
c. Due to the limited construction site, prompt and immediate action in the supply and delivery of
materials and equipment for the site is required, the contractor must provide suitable equipment
that is compact, light- weight, and that can be quickly and easily assembled, erected and

Quality control
All materials, equipment testing apparatus supplied and work executed by the Contractor in this
contract, shall conform to the requirements of the latest International Standards Organization (ISO),
DIN, British Standards or other approved applicable Standard in Ethiopia, unless otherwise specifically
"B.S." shall mean the latest edition or amended edition of the relevant British Standards
Specification published by the British Standards Institute, British Standards House, 2 Park
Street, London, W1A 2BS, England.

Equipment to be purchased shall be from well recognized manufacturers whose products are
standardized and controlled by any recognized Standards Organization.
All dimensions and measurement units shall be in S.I. units. The Contractor may propose to the
Engineer an alternative Standard other than specified. In this case, he shall submit two copies of the
English translation of the proposed Standard and all the information for the materials, equipment and
testing, together with written proof from a recognized Standards Organization that the proposed
Standard is equivalent in all significant respects to the Standard specified.
FAO Engineer shall review all testing procedures, materials and equipment. In the event of
unsatisfactory results, FAO shall ask the contractor to discontinue the service.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

The successful Contractor/Contractors shall start the topography survey and construction works
immediately after the contract is signed off. It is imperative to note that the works are required to be
completed within 20 calendar days after mobilization. Mobilization to site will be within 3 days of
signing the contract.

Management meetings
The Contractor is required to attend a management meeting on a daily basis to review the plans for
the remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.
The Project Manager of the contractor and UNFAO’s Engineer shall record the outcomes of
management meetings and provide copies of the record to those attending the meetings. The
responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken, shall be decided by the budget holder of the
project at the management meetings or after the management meetings and stated in writing to all
who attended the meeting.

Data logging and report generation

The Contractor is responsible of submitting a monthly ‘Periodic Status Report’ covering all Task Orders
and Work Category, including:
 Progress Data;
 Labour, materials, equipment and cumulative expenses in both dollars and hours, balance, and
percentage of total remaining for hours and dollars, percentage of work completed;
 Schedule: software indicate changes from baseline schedule and explain deviations;
 Discussion of Issues Relating to Project Expenditures and Work Progress;
 Ability to complete the project within funds currently authorized (cost-type task orders only);
 List/status of deliverables and dates submitted;
 Discussion of any issue that affects completion of project on schedule and within budget;

Environmental protection of the site

1. Care must be taken in the handling and storage of all drilling fluids, oils, greases and fuel on site,
to avoid any environmental degradation.
2. All toxic materials, drilling fluid and other additives, cuttings and discharged water shall be disposed
in an environmentally responsible manner so as not to create damage to public and private

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

Site photos:

Current condition of some stained walls

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

A. Technical Specifications
It is essential that the text contained therein be read in conjunction with the measured items which
shall be priced accordingly.
It is assumed that the contractor's supervisory and estimating staff are fully conversant with the
normal standards of good workmanship and relevant publications of trade and technical
the Contractor shall include the rates for all road, railway and other transport and other costs in
bringing materials, to the site, all labour in unloading, unpacking, storing, stacking, sorting, protecting,
making, assembling, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing, return of empties, fabrication and
manufacture of goods at the Contractor's works, all wastage on materials, all plant, tools tackle,
ladders, approved scaffolding, formwork, centering, moulds and templates, delays and idle time
caused by inclement weather, flood and all other causes, loss or damage by theft, overtime, artificial
lighting and facilities to enable the Works to be completed before or on the date for completion, all
protective covers to prevent injury to finished work including protection against frost and excessive
heat, transport of employees to and from the site, all royalties, rent and the like for getting out
quarried materials, all customs and other statutory duties, increases in cost of transport, plant,
scaffolding, formwork, temporary structures, tools and equipment and all other materials used in
connection with the Works
The following are the definitions of terms used in the BOQ and contract documents:
1. "Approved" or "directed" shall mean respectively approved or directed in writing by
the FAO, through its named focal point.
2. "Or similar " phrase shall mean an alternative of equal quality and price, which has
been approved in writing by the FAO, through its named focal point as being a
satisfactory substitute for the item described.
3. "Measured separately" shall mean that the work to which the term refers is included
elsewhere in the Bills of Quantities for pricing and does not require pricing in the
item in which it is so described.
4. "Provisional Sum" shall mean a sum provided for work or for costs which cannot be
entirely braked down and foreseen, defined or detailed at the time bidding
documents are issued.


Inspection of the works

The contractor is to inspect the site to ascertain for himself the full implications of the work
required to be carried out in this section
No claim whatsoever will be allowed from the contractor due to his failure to so inspect the

The contractor is responsible for ensuring that adequate protection is afforded to the structure,
fabric and services of the buildings being altered or refurbished, including those parts not
actually being refurbished but within, adjoining, adjacent to or forming a part of the affected
building. Particular attention should be paid to the protection of doors and windows, their frames
and finishes generally and all equipment within the existing buildings. Any damage, howsoever
caused, if in the opinion of the engineer it could have reasonably been avoided shall be re-
instated at the contractor’s expense to the entire satisfaction of the engineer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

ASTM D 16- Standard Terminology for Paint, Coatings, Materials, and Applications.

The products Data Manufacturer's specifications, details and application/installation instructions
for products to be used

Price to include:

 Apply each coat to uniform coating thickness in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, not
exceeding manufacturer's specified maximum spread rate for indicated surface; thins, brush marks,
roller marks, orange-peel, or other application imperfections are not permitted.
 Allow manufacturer's specified drying time, and ensure correct coating adhesion, for each coat
before applying next coat.
 Inspect each coat before applying next coat; touch-up surface imperfections with coating material,
feathering, and sanding if required; touch-up areas to achieve flat
 Do not apply succeeding coat until FAO engineer has approved previous coat; only FAO engineer
approved coats will be considered in determining number of coats applied.
 Remove dust and other foreign materials from substrate immediately prior to applying each coat.
 Where coating application abuts other materials or other coating color, terminate coating with a
clean sharp termination line without coating overlap.
 Where color changes occur between adjoining spaces, through framed openings that are of same
color as adjoining surfaces, change color at outside stop corner nearest to face of closed door. H.
Re-prepare and re-coat unsatisfactory finishes; refinish entire area to corners or other natural
 Material Quality: Provide best quality grade of various types of coatings as regularly manufactured
by acceptable paint manufacturers. Use only materials displaying manufacturer’s identification as
a standard, best-grade product
 Washable emulsion paint. 1. Low Odour. 2. Stain Resistant. 3.Density at 23°C, Approx. : 1.38 kg/L
4.Solids Content By weight : Approx. 57% By volume : Approx. 41%
 Remove hardware, electrical switch and outlet plates, lighting fixtures and other items already in
place. After completion of work, reinstall items using workers skilled in the trades involved.
 Protect adjacent surfaces and items that are not to receive painting finish, but which cannot be
removed, from finish work. Use masking materials that will not damage protected items and
surfaces. Leave tape 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) from the edge of plaster surface for easy, clean removal.


The contractor is advised to refer to the specification prior to pricing of this section of work

The rate shall include for all temporary rules, screeds, grounds etc. for raking out joints of
new brick work or hacking new concrete for key, internal & curved angles, joints between
different surfaces arises quirks, inter sections between curved or irregular surfaces, etc. and
all making good around pipes, sanitary fittings & and the like.

All samples shall be provided for approval by the Engineer prior to purchase of materials.
All quantities are provisional and contractor will be paid on achieved quantities
which will be measured before and after completing the works

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

Stained walls and ceiling ONLY

To existing stained internal walls and ceilings ONLY

Prepare stained surfaces and apply two coats of colored Police Stain Stop (Strainers sealer),
as required including cleaning and smoothening surface thoroughly
Including preparing surface, undercoats, all necessary fixings, fittings and accessories,
brand of Ceiling Paint KILZ Stain blocking or similar
brand has to be submitted to FAO engineer for approval
color has to be submitted to FAO engineer for approval , preferably creamy white

Wall Painting

Paints and Colors needs to be approved by FAO engineer

Prepare and apply best quality approved brand
one coat of bonding primer or similar,
one mist coat and
two finishing coats of first grade vinyl matt paint, of approved color to all internal faces of
Including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of approved putty etc. on
the surfaces, if necessary on all surface
the above works for
meeting room, 2office room, two corridors and stair area
Washable emulsion paint. 1. Low Odour. 2. Stain Resistant. 3.Density at 23°C, Approx. : 1.38
kg/L 4.Solids Content By weight : Approx. 57% By volume : Approx. 41%

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

Painting for FAO office rooms in Addis Ababa, Ethipoia


BILL No. 01: PRELIMINARIES (quantities in this Bill are for ALL
WORKS under this Tender)
If the Engineer's Representative is of the opinion that any item in this
section has not been fully attended to by the Contractor, the Engineer's
Representative may adjust amounts quoted by the Contractor for the items
The Tenderer is required to visit the site of the proposed work, as it is their
responsibility to ascertain the conditions governing access to the site, the Note
external working space, storage area etc.
Cost and expenses in connection with any other preliminary item which is
not listed below, but is necessary for the due completion of works, is Note
deemed to be included in the tender rates.
Mechanical plant and equipment which emits excessive noise, smoke,
fumes, obnoxious gases etc., will not be allowed to be used in the site, Note
without the prior approval of the Engineer's Representative.
The contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the works,
existing structures, adjoining structures and unfixed materials.
The contractor shall be responsible for providing necessary lighting,
watchmen, and other suitable security measures during construction until Note
handing over.
If no price has been stated against any item hereunder the Contractor will
not be entitled to claim any money for such items even though he is
obliged to execute the work or provide services described therein. Note
Preliminary items priced by the Tenderer are deem to include the cost of
not-priced items.
Cost and expenses in connection with providing any protective netting,
fencing, screens, barricades, railing, walk-ways at site and any other
safety precautions to the required standard, is deemed to be included in
the tender rates unless otherwise measured separately.
The Tenderer shall read, understand and acquaint himself with the
requirements in the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Instructions to
Bidders and Bidding Data. It is the Tenderer's responsibility to see that Note
their price includes for compliance with all the above requirements
whether specifically referred to in the Bills of Quantities or otherwise.
Allow for maintenance of site including removing debris, cleaning and
1.1 keeping the site tidy at all times to the approval of the Employer's 1.0 Item
Representative until completion, leaving all in good order in handing over.

Allow for providing all necessary safety measures to workmen. The

bidder shall submit his comprehensive safety plan with description and
number in each safety device and other safety equipment proposed. The
1.2 Employer's Representative has the right to determine a percentage on this 1.0 Item
item due to the Contractor, or he may suspend, reduce or delete the item
from any Contract Payment if, in the opinion of the Employer’s
Representative, the Contractor is not fulfilling his obligations.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Representation in Ethiopia

INSURANCE PREMIUM COST - insure against liability for any

material or physical damage, loss or injury from whatever cause which
may occur to any property, including that of FAO as well as the Works
1.3 themselves, or to any person, including any employee of FAO, arising out 1.0
sum -
of the execution of this Contract for a limit of not less than 2,000$
(amount to be specified by contractor) per event and based on the laws of
2 Painting
The contractor is advised to refer to the specification prior to pricing of
this section of work
The rate shall include for all temporary rules, screeds, grounds etc. for
raking out joints of new brick work or hacking new concrete for key,
internal & curved angles, joints between different surfaces arises quirks, Note
inter sections between curved or irregular surfaces, etc. and all making
good around pipes, sanitary fittings & and the like.
All samples shall be provided for approval by the Engineer prior to
purchase of materials.
All quantities are provisional and contractor will be paid on achieved
quantities which will be measured before and after completing the works
2.1 Stained walls and ceiling ONLY

To existing stained internal walls and ceilings ONLY

Prepare stained surfaces and apply two coats of colored Polycell Stain
Stop (Strainers sealer), as required including cleaning and smoothening
surface thoroughly
Including preparing surface, undercoats, all necessary fixings, fittings and
60 m2 0
accessories, complete
brand of Ceiling Paint KILZ Stainblocking or similar
brand has to be submitted to FAO engineer for approval
color has to be submitted to FAO engineer for approval , preferably
creamy white

2.2 Wall Painting

Paints and Colors needs to be approved by FAO engineer

Prepare and apply best quality approved brand

one coat of bonding primer or similar,
one mist coat and
two finishing coats of first grade vinyl matt paint, of approved color to all 600.0 m2
internal faces of walls
Including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of
approved putty etc. on the surfaces, if necessary on all surface
the above works for
meeting room, 2office room, two corridors and stair area

Total Cost


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