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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 August 24, 2021 – a.m.

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART LXIX] – National/PA Update

Mark Fincham [candidate for Arizona Secretary of State] reported that the semi-final audit report
was submitted to the Senate, after which it will be reviewed prior to a public hearing (within days).
Also, in response to a prior memo, my syntactical choice was reinforced thusly:

Putting Journalist in Quotes has never been more relevant. I too went around the
dial and noticed same. What sickened me is James Brown’s former lackey Al
Sharpton used his platform on MSNBC to promote a political rally/protest. In fact,
some media coverage of the Pennsylvania forensic audit advances would be most
helpful at this juncture. I would call the last rally the “Make America Proud Again”
rally. To think that DJT still draws that size crowd in the rain and JB can’t fill a high
school gym should be a real disconnect for anyone with any sense.

Tim Griffin distributed an in-depth review of the national landscape, with PA prominent therein:

Today, our lead Michigan Amistad attorney, Ian Northon will discuss [1]—
emergency order abuse of Michigan Governor Whitmer, [2]—certification of the
2020 presidential election and appointment of electors last November, and [3]—
litigation dealing with a private school targeted by the state of Michigan.

1.) Amistad files suit in Pennsylvania. Fulton County and the Fulton County
Board of Elections are suing the Secretary of the Commonwealth, because the
Secretary is in charge of certifying the Dominion voting and tabulation machines
for the entire Commonwealth of PA. (Last week, Phill approved & Amistad were
retained; the PA attorneys leading the effort are Tom King and Tom Breth.) These
machines were certified, approved and used in the November 2020 election. The
secretary's guidance allows for third party vendors to evaluate and interact with
the machines. The county hired Wake Technologies (a private company that
specializes in cyber security and voting technology) to investigate compliance of
the machines after the 11/3/2020, performing an assessment while maintaining
their proper chain-of-custody; it found the election had been properly run and
the machines had been properly used. Months later, the Secretary released
“Directive 1” which stated that third parties could not evaluate machines for the
county; it unilaterally and retroactively de-certified the machines and withheld
funding to replace them. Fulton believes this was a punitive response to the
investigation. The Secretary's office never re-evaluated the machines; it simply
(incorrectly) de-certified them, violating normal certification procedures. The
plaintiffs seek a reversal of these decisions and for the law to be complied with.
2.) Elections Group in GA. Last week, the Fulton County (Atlanta, Georgia) Board
of Commissioners delayed approval of a $500k+ contract to the Elections
Group to evaluate and re-work how Fulton County performs its elections. There
is concern that this is another left-leaning non-profit attempting to usurp the
government’s responsibility to run fair elections. The matter is still pending, and
will come up again at one of the next hearings.

3.) Georgia federal Judge rules in favor of photography in elections. U.S. District
Judge considered the question of whether Georgia's new election law that bans
all photography by citizens, workers, watchdog groups, and journalists in the
absent voter process and processing centers was constitutional. He ruled that
Senate Bill 202's prohibition on all photography violated the First Amendment
freedom of speech. The judge upheld all other areas of the law. Preliminarily, it
appears photography bans in regular poll locations with live voters will be upheld,
while new blanket prohibitions on absent voter counting centers will not be.

4.) California Recall. The California recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom is
underway. Unfortunately, the ballots and mail-in envelopes have holes that
reveal whether a voter has voted to recall Newsom, allowing ballot traffickers and
harvesters to deep-six ballots that look to oust Newsom. We will hear more from
our American Voter's Alliance founder and California resident, Jacqueline.

5.) H.R. 4. This week, Dems in the U.S. House of Reps re-introduced H.R.4 (a remix
of H.R.1) intended to limit a state's ability to run its elections, to increase the
federal government's power, and to loosen rules protecting against fraud.

6.) Public Information Case Against Cyber Ninjas, AZ. This summer, a private 501
formed by former Obama administration officials as well as media corporations
filed suit against the Arizona State Senate and the consulting firm directing the
audit, Cyber Ninjas. The lawsuit sought tens of thousands of pages in the state's
Public Records Act. The Court of Appeals has now held that Cyber Ninjas is not
government and need not hand over all of its private communications. The
Senate will still need to hand over its public records and communications.

7.) Unconstitutional Lockdowns. I am attaching a Detroit News article that

evaluates some of the pending court cases in Michigan that are still challenging
the governor's lockdown orders. Our own Amistad lead Michigan attorney, Ian
Northon is quoted discussing emergency order regulations on private schools. It
also mentions “America's Barber”, Karl Manke, who partnered with Phill
and Amistad last year in opposing the governor's unconstitutional overreach.

8.) As we work toward unveiling our new AVA website

portal, it is necessary to monitor the opposition. The lead Dem legal strategist
and litigator in the USA is Mark Elias; his group’s website allows the public to “stay
informed about the fight to protect voting rights” []. They
are doing the opposite of what we are doing with --
making elections less secure.
9.) National Association of Secretaries of State. NASS hosted an Iowa event and
will have another in January in D.C. [].

10.) No POTUS in the 20th Century gained votes and lost re-election. Reflecting
on the historical context of our nation's history of presidential elections reveals
that five presidents lost re-election in the 20th century for definable reasons: Taft
(Teddy Roosevelt siphoned votes as a third-party candidate), Hoover
(Depression), Ford (Nixon pardon, appointed previously), Carter (stagflation,
Iranian hostage, “Malaise” summer), and Bush (“read my lips, no new taxes” and
lost votes to third-party candidate Ross Perot). All lost millions of votes. Trump
is the only presidential re-election candidate to have increased his popular vote
… and not to have won re-election.
• Taft was elected 1908 = 7,678,395 | 1912 = 3,486,242
• Hoover was elected in 1928 = 21,427,123 | 1932 = 15,761,254
• Ford was not elected.
• Carter was elected 1976 = 40,831,881 | 1980 = 35,480,115
• George H.W. Bush 1988 = 48,886,597 | 1992 = 39,104,550
• Trump 2016 = 62,984,828 | 2020 = 74,216,154
Trump increased his vote total by almost 12 million votes, and did not win.

The astute reader may note how much more authoritative these data are (c/o Thomas More)
when compared with what’s been published (scantily) elsewhere; thus, know that Tim must run
a tight ship if he is to acquire terse updates within an hour’s time (inclusive of non-battlegrounds).
Fortunately, he has gradually instituted a “post-show show” that allows for extended discussion;
generally, after as many as 50 attendees adjourn @ ~noon, more than a dozen may then linger.
This has, for example, provided me a forum to air how much I abhor pre-canvassing to listeners
who increasingly warmed to the idea; this is an aperture for fraud and strips quality-control that
is routine in precincts, and it is congruent with the algorithms formulated by Dr. Douglas Frank.

Corman posted an Op-Ed on 8/23/2021 that reflects the impact of external/internal pressure:
Careful, Thoughtful Investigation is Necessary to Restore Faith in Our Elections

FTA: “The goal of the Senate’s investigation will not be to conduct a recount, but to find any flaws
in the system that could be exploited by bad actors and take action to correct those flaws through
legislative changes to our Election Code…proceeding carefully, thoughtfully and transparently.”

Each time an update is articulated, I ponder how it might affect PA; that’s why I’m optimistic that
Corman’s having relented can indeed provide a breakthrough that, alas, will still require oversight.
The irresistible force of Bannon irreversibly NUDGED the immovable object of Corman.

This posture was conveyed by Bannon/Epshteyn when highlighting creation of this BIPARTISAN
ad hoc committee (which, alas, excludes Mastriano); for sure, lotsa people (including moi) will
monitor its approach and timeline, both of which are supposedly to emerge within a few days.

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