Landscape Assignment 1

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1. Name - White Frangipani
2. Family - Apocynaceae
3. Botanical name - Plumeria alba
4. Color - White
5. Height and Maintenance - 2-8m
6. Foliage - Leaf arrangement: alternate
Leaf type: simple
Leaf margin: entire
Leaf shape: elliptic
7. Application -
1.Climatic Aspect -Frangipani is susceptible to freezing temperatures and should be
adequately protected or planted only in areas that do not freeze in the winter. Plants will
grow quickly in full sun on a variety of well-drained soils and are fairly drought and salt-
2.Environmental Benefits- container or above-ground planter; large parking lot islands
(> 200 square feet in size); wide tree lawns (>6 feet wide); medium-sized parking lot
islands (100-200 square feet in size); medium-sized tree lawns (4-6 feet wide);
recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the
highway; near a deck or patio; small parking lot islands (< 100 square feet in size);
narrow tree lawns (3-4 feet wide); specimen; sidewalk cutout (tree pit); residential street
tree; no proven urban tolerance.

1. Name - Maidenhair tree,
2. Family - Ginkgo Biloba
3. Botanical name - Ginkgoaceae
4. Color - Green and yellow
5. Height and Maintenance - 50 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 40 feet wide . When planting,
ginkgo tree care will include setting in deep, well-draining soil in an area of full to partial
sun. Regular watering and a well-balanced fertilizer regime is also recommended, at
least until maturation — about the time it reaches 35 to 50 feet
6. Foliage -Leaves Shape - Obovate, Bilobed
Foliage Color - Green
Autumn Foliage Color - Yellow
Flowers Shape - Catkins-like
Flowers Color - Greenish-Yellow
7. Application - Ginkgo has been much used in traditional Chinese medicine. Toward
the end of the 20th century, ginkgo extract became popular in many countries for its
purported memory-enhancing properties and the chemical constituents of the plants are
under investigation as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Name - Silver Maple
2. Family - Sapindaceae
3. Botanical name - Acer saccharinum
4. Color - Green
5. Height and Maintenance - 60 to 80 feet
6. Foliage - Leaf arrangement: opposite/subopposite (Fig. 3) Leaf type: simple Leaf
margin: incised; parted Leaf shape: star-shaped Leaf venation: palmate Leaf type and
persistence: deciduous Leaf blade length: 4 to 8 inches; 2 to 4 inches Leaf color: green
Fall color: yellow Fall characteristic: showy
7. Applications - An infusion of the bark is used in the treatment of coughs, cramps, and
dysentery. The infusion is also applied externally to old, stubborn running sores. A
compound infusion is used in the treatment of 'female complaints. The inner bark is
boiled and used with water as a wash for sore eyes

1. Name - Eagle Fern

2. Family - Dennstaeditacease
3. Botanical name - Pteridium aquilinum
4. Color - green
5. Height and Maintenance - 120 - 250 cm
6. Foliage - Deciduous
7.Applications - The young shoots are diuretic, refrigerant, and vermifuge. They have
been eaten as a treatment for cancer. The leaves have been used in a steam bath as a
treatment for arthritis. A decoction of the plant has been used in the treatment of
1. Name - Date Palm
2. Family - Arecaceae
3. Botanical name - Phoenix Dactylifera
4. Color - Flowers of date palm tree are small and yellow-colored attached directly to
spikelets which develop as fruits called date palm fruits
5. Height and Maintenance - 23m
6. Foliage - Evergreen
7. Applications - People use juice from the date palm for coughs and breathing
problems. The pollen from the date palm is used for swelling (inflammation) and sores
inside the mouth (oral mucositis) and for conditions in a man that prevent him from
getting a woman pregnant within a year of trying to conceive (male infertility).

1. Name - pelt lichens
2. Family - Peltigeraceae
3. Botanical name - Peltigara
4. Color - The thallus color depends on its level of hydration: when wet, it is deep green,
while when dry it is dark grey-green.
5. Height and Maintenance - there are about 15,000 described lichens that range in size
from 1 mm to more than 3 meters.
7. Applications -Most species of Peltigera have the cyanobacterium Nostoc as the
dominant photobiont but some have the algae Coccomyxa. The presence of both a
green alga and a cyanobacterium makes some tripartite; in this case, they show
cephalodium growths containing the third partner, Nostoc. Because of their ability to fix
nitrogen from the atmosphere, such lichens are influential in soil composition and
1. Name - Peat moss
2. Family - Sphagnaceae
3. Botanical name - Sphagnum
4. Color - Sphagnum Moss is most commonly found as a bright green color, but certain
types are red, orange, and yellow as well.
5. Height and Maintenance - - They are typically 0.2–10 cm (0.1–3.9 in) tall, though
some species are much larger. Dawsonia, the tallest moss in the world, can grow to 50
cm (20 in) in height.
7. Application -Decayed, dried sphagnum moss has the name of peat or peat moss.
This is used as a soil conditioner which increases the soil's capacity to hold water and
nutrients by increasing capillary forces and cation exchange capacity – uses that are
particularly useful in gardening. This is often necessary when dealing with very sandy
soil, or plants that need increased or steady moisture content to flourish. A distinction is
sometimes made between sphagnum moss, the live moss growing on top of a peat bog,
and 'sphagnum peat moss' (North American usage) or 'sphagnum peat' (British usage),
the latter being the slowly decaying matter underneath.
Bulbous plants
1. Name - Lily
2. Family - Liliaceae
3. Botanical name - Lilium
4. Color - Lilies commonly grow in white, yellow, pink, red, and orange. White lilies
symbolize purity and virtue.
5. Height and Maintenance - 1 to 3 feet 3 to 8 feet
6. Foliage - Herbaceous plants
7. Application - Lily-of-the-valley is used for heart problems including heart failure and
irregular heartbeat. It is also used for urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones,
weak contractions in labor, epilepsy, fluid retention (edema), strokes and resulting
paralysis, eye infections (conjunctivitis), and leprosy.

Cacti and succulent

1. Name - San Pedro Cactus
2. Family - Cactaceae
3. Botanical name - Echinopsis pachanoi
4. Color - Each columnar stem is pale green to blue-green when young, changing to
dark green with age.
5. Height and Maintenance - The San Pedro cactus is a fast-growing, multi-stemmed
plant growing to measure approximately 5.9’ feet wide and up to 19.7’ feet tall.
7. Application - It includes traditional medicine and traditional veterinary medicine, and it
is widely grown as an ornamental cactus. It has been used for healing and religious
divination in the Andes Mountains region for over 3,000 years.

1. Name - black-eyed Susan
2. Family - Asteraceae
3. Botanical name - Rudbeckia hirta
4. Color - Highly floriferous, Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors' is a compact, biennial, or
short-lived perennial, usually grown as an annual, boasting large, golden flowers
flushed with red, rust, and bronze, up to 5 in.
5. Height and Maintenance - Rudbeckia hirta is an upright annual (sometimes biennial
or perennial) growing 30–100 cm (12–39 in) tall by 30–45 cm (12–18 in) wide.
7. Application - Flower petals were ground up and made into a soup or tea and used for
dropsy, flux, and some private diseases, as a diuretic, tonic, a soothing agent,
cardiovascular problems, and given to children with worms. As a wash, it was used on
snakebites, burns, open wounds, and swelling caused by worms.

Herbaceous Perennials
1. Name - Japanese banana
2. Family - Musaceae
3. Botanical name - Musa basjoo
4. Color - Mid Green Leaves
5. Height and Maintenance- Musa basjoo is a herbaceous perennial with trunk-like
pseudostems growing to around 2–2.5 m (6.6–8.2 ft), with a crown of mid-green leaves
growing up to 2 m (6.6 ft) long and 70 cm (28 in) wide when mature.
7. Application - The roots are diuretic, febrifuge, and sialagogue. A decoction is used in
the treatment of beriberi, constipation, jaundice, dropsy, restlessness due to heat,
leucorrhoea, and croton bean poisoning. The leaves are diuretic. Other uses: A fiber is
obtained from the leaf stems.

Indoor plants
1. Name - Devils ivy
2. Family - Araceae
3. Botanical name - Epipremnum aureum
4. Color - The traditional pothos variety is golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum). It
features heart-shaped mid-green foliage splashed in creamy gold. If you grow this
variety up a totem and give it lots of light and warmth, you'll find the leaves can grow
quite large.
5. Height and Maintenance - Epipremnum aureum is an evergreen vine growing to 20 m
(66 ft) tall, with stems up to 4 cm (2 in) in diameter, climbing using aerial roots which
adhere to surfaces.
7. Application - It has been found that each part of this plant possesses antibacterial,
anti-termite and antioxidant properties. However, apart from these it can also turn out to
be anti-malarial, anti-cancerous, anti-tuberculosis, anti-arthritis and wound healing etc
which are a severe international problem.
1. Name - Spider plant
2. Family - Asparagaceae
3. Botanical name - Chlorophytum comosum
4. Color - green and white
5. Height and Maintenance - 6 to 12 inches
7. Application - The spider plant is considered among the easiest air-purifying plants to
grow. It is effective in removing harmful chemicals from the air, such as carbon
monoxide, xylene, formaldehyde and toluene.

1. Name - Rubber Fig
2. Family - Moraceae
3. Botanical name - Ficus elastica
4. Color - The leaves are in various colors of dark green, deep maroon or marked with
yellow, cream, pink or white. The Tricolor rubber plant (Ficus elastica 'Tricolor') has
attractive green, cream and pink splotched leaves
5. Height and Maintenance - Height and Growth Rate: In their native environment, Ficus
elastica Robusta can grow to many metres tall. As an indoor house plant, it is up to you:
simply trim to maintain your desired height. Typical indoor heights are anything from
30cm to 2m. Moderate to fast growing.
7. Application -Packed full of vitamins and rich in sugar the fruit of the ficus elastica
contains a substance called mucilage which is also present in Aloe Vera plant and some
cactus. It is very helpful with a host of stomach problems such as nausea, general pain
or digestive problems.

1. Name - Egyptian Lotus
2. Family - Nymphaeaceae
3. Botanical name - Nymphaea caerulea
4. Color - Blue.
5. Height and Maintenance - Height: 0.75 to 1.00 feet
7. Application - Blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea) is a psychoactive plant, also
known as blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, and sacred blue lily. It's been used in
traditional medicine for thousands of years as a natural aphrodisiac, sleep aid, and
anxiety reliever.

1. Name - Water Fern
2. Family - Salviniaceae
3. Botanical name - Azolla filiculoides
4. Color - Under intense sunlight, the green change to red due to degradation of
chlorophyll. This in turn change the colour of Azolla into red. In a way this reduce
photosynthetic activity.
5. Height and Maintenance - 0.25 to 0.25 feet
7. Application - Azolla has been used for at least one thousand years in rice paddies as
a companion plant, to fix nitrogen and to block out light to prevent competition from
other plants. Rice is planted when tall enough to poke through the Azolla layer. Mats of
mature Azolla can also be used as a weed-suppressing mulch.

1. Name - tropical hornwort
2. Family - Ceratophyllaceae
3. Botanical name - Ceratophyllum submersum
4. Color - In most instances this is a dark green plant, though lighter green shades can
occur in warmer environments.
5. Height and Maintenance - Hornwort coontail leaves are arranged in delicate whorls,
up to 12 per whorl. Each leaf is divided into many segments and feature bendable teeth
at the midribs. Each stem can grow up to 10 feet (3 m.)
7. Application - Fast-growing plants like hornwort are good at “cleaning” aquarium water
because they consume waste compounds from the water (e.g., ammonia, nitrates, and
phosphates produced by fish waste and excess fish food) and use it to grow more
1. Name - Meadow Grass
2. Family - Poaceae
3. Botanical name - Poa
4. Color - The appearance of annual meadow grass is unattractive. Poor nutrition will
change its mid-green colour to a lighter green. The colour will change in dry conditions
and when there is insufficient moisture in the top layer, annual meadow grass will
immediately turn light green and then begin to flower profusely
5. Height and Maintenance - Annual meadow grass flowers at an early stage, and its
height does not exceed 25-30 cm.
7. Application - A wild field of meadow grasses can provide food and cover for animals,
enrich the landscape, and prevent erosion. The same meadow grass can be a pain in
the neck in your vegetable garden, turf lawn, or ornamental beds.

1. Name - Buffalo Grass
2. Family - Poaceae
3. Botanical name - Bouteloua dactyloides
4. Color - Buffalograss produces a uniform and attractive turf that ranges in color from
spring green to blue green. A short-grass prairie native, it reaches a mature height at 4
to 6 inches. The narrow leaves curl downward to produce a shorter-looking turf even
without mowing.
5. Height and Maintenance - Low growing buffalo grass needs only infrequent mowing.
Left unmowed it will get to a height of 4 to 5 inches (10 -18 cm). But, to keep the male
flowers down and to get a uniform appearance, mow with a sharp blade, at a height of
about one inch (2.5 cm). This will help improve the appearance of the turf.
7. Application - Buffalograss is a native prairie grass that can be used for low-
maintenance lawns and other turf areas. This low-growing, finely-textured grass
requires less mowing, watering and fertilizing than traditional lawn grasses.

1. Name - Bahiagrass
2. Family - Poaceae
3. Botanical name - Paspalum notatum
4. Color - It is green to brown in color.
5. Height and Maintenance - notatum are ascending, usually ranging from 20 to 75 cm
tall, and the dark green leaves are 4 to 10 mm wide and linear-elongate in shape. The
leaf blades are typically 6 to 25 cm long and the leaf sheaths are generally 4 to 20 cm
long and slightly inflated. The membranous ligule is less than 1.5 mm long.
7. Application - P. notatum is widely planted and used in the United States for forage
and erosion control.

1. Name - Guiana Chestnut
2. Family - Malvaceae
3. Botanical name - Pachira aquatica
4. Color - Money trees delight any room with vibrant, green leaves and a stylish,
braided trunk.
5. Height and Maintenance - 20–30 ft. tall, 20-30 ft. wide (smaller indoors)
7. Application - In its native area the wood of the tree is utilized as timber. In traditional
medicine the seed is used as a cure for eye diseases; the bark and immature fruits to
treat liver afflictions in Guatemala; the bark against diabetes in Panama.

1. Name - common grape vine
2. Family - Vitaceae
3. Botanical name - Vitis vinifera
4. Color - dark purple to blackish with a pale wax bloom
5. Height and Maintenance - Mature grapevines can grow up to 48 cm (19 in) in
diameter at breast height and reach the upper canopy of trees more than 35 m (115 ft)
in height.
6. Foliage - Deciduous
7. Application - Unripe grapes were used for treating sore throats, and raisins were
given as treatments for consumption (tuberculosis), constipation and thirst. Ripe grapes
were used for the treatment of cancer, cholera, smallpox, nausea, skin and eye
infections as well as kidney and liver diseases.

1. Name - bottle gourd
2. Family - Cucurbitales
3. Botanical name - lagenaria siceraria
4. Color - The Cucurbita gourds produce yellow flowers and unusually shaped fruit that
can be smooth or warty, plain or patterned.
7. Application - Gourd, any of the hard-shelled ornamental fruits of certain members of
the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. Many gourds are cultivated as ornamentals or food
crops, and some can be dried and used to make utensils, cups, bottles, scoops, ladles,
fishnet floats, whistles, rattles, pipes, birdhouses, and other useful objects.

1. Name - Old fashioned weigela
2. Family - Caprifoliaceae
3. Botanical name - Weigela florida
4. Color - Green Purple Variegated
5. Height and Maintenance - 6-8 Feet
6. Foliage - Deciduous
7. Application - It is often utilized as a foundation plant, massing planting or a shrub
border. Many of the dwarf cultivars can be grown as container plants.

1. Name - the northern highbush blueberry
2. Family - Ericaceae
3. Botanical name - Vaccinium corymbosum
4. Color - Fruit blue-black, covered with waxy bloom, 7-12 mm across (summer).
5. Height and Maintenance - It typically grows in moist woods, bogs, swamps and low
areas. Mature plants will reach around 5-8' tall with an equal spread and a dense,
rounded habit.
6.Foliage - Deciduous
7. Application - Blueberries are rich in phenolic compounds and anthocyanins and have
been demonstrated to have certain health benefits, including improved cognition and
reduced cardiovascular and cancer risk.

1. Name - the Amur maple
2. Family - Sapindaceae
3. Botanical name - Acer ginnala
4. Color - Amur maple can be distinguished by its reddish-brown buds. Its leaves are 3
lobed, have serrated margins, and are a dark green color in the summer turning orange,
red, and yellow in the fall.
5. Height and Maintenance - The leaves, which reach up to 4” long, are serrated and
broad-ovate. They have a fresh, bright green color through the early spring and
7. Application - Their extracts have astringent properties and are used in cancer
research. The young leaves of the Amur maple have been used as a tea substitute. The
dried leaves of the Acer ginnala are used to prepare black, blue and brown dyes.

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