Male Parental Care, Female Reproductive Success, and Extrapair Paternity

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Behavioral Ecology Vol. 11 No.

2: 161–168

Male parental care, female reproductive

success, and extrapair paternity
Anders Pape Møller
Laboratoire d’Ecologie, CNRS UMR 7625, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Bât. A, 7ème étage, 7
quai St. Bernard, Case 237, F-75252 Paris, Cedex 05, France

Birds differ considerably in the degree of male parental care, and it has been suggested that interspecific variation in extrapair
paternity is determined by the relative importance of benefits to females from male parental care and good genes from extrapair
sires. I estimated the relationship between extrapair paternity and the importance of male parental care for female reproductive
success mainly based on male removal studies, using a comparative approach. The reduction in female reproductive success
caused by the absence of a male mate was positively correlated with the male contribution to feeding offspring. The frequency
of extrapair paternity was negatively related to the reduction in female reproductive success caused by the absence of a mate.
This was also the case when potentially confounding variables such as developmental mode of offspring and sexual dichromatism
were considered. A high frequency of extrapair paternity occurs particularly in bird species in which males play a minor role
in offspring provisioning and in which attractive males provide relatively little parental care. Bird species with frequent extrapair
paternity thus appear to be those in which direct fitness benefits from male care are small, females can readily compensate for
the absence of male care, and indirect fitness benefits from extrapair sires are important. Key words: comparative analysis, direct
fitness benefits, indirect fitness benefits, paternal care, sexual selection, sperm competition. [Behav Ecol 11:161–168 (2000)]

S perm competition plays an important role in sexual selec-

tion (Birkhead and Møller, 1992, 1998). For example,
bird species show considerable variation in extrapair paternity,
in species with a high degree of genetic variation (Petrie et
al., 1998). The conclusion arising from these comparative
studies is that the frequency of extrapair paternity appears to
with some species having virtually none and others having be determined by indirect fitness benefits, perhaps as reflect-
more than 70% extrapair paternity (reviews in Møller, 1998; ed by immunocompetence, and that females only rarely en-
Petrie and Kempenaers, 1998). This remarkable variation has gage in extrapair copulations in species in which females
important consequences for the evolution of social mating sys- choose mates based on direct fitness benefits such as signifi-
tems and parental care, although the determinants of pater- cant male contributions to parental care.
nity remain relatively unexplored. First, sexual dichromatism Sexual selection may arise from female choice that provides
in birds reflecting differences in the phenotypes of the two individuals of the choosy sex with direct or indirect fitness
sexes has been demonstrated to be positively correlated with benefits or from male–male competition (review in Anders-
the frequency of extrapair paternity in two studies controlling son, 1994; Møller, 1994). The relative roles of direct and in-
for similarity due to common descent (Møller, 1997; Møller direct fitness benefits for female reproductive decisions re-
and Birkhead, 1994). Second, males provide relatively little main largely unknown. If female engagement in extrapair
food for their offspring in bird species with a high frequency copulations is determined by the net benefits that females
of extrapair paternity, whereas interspecific variation in male may obtain, we can begin to investigate the ecological condi-
nest building, courtship feeding, and incubation is unrelated tions that promote particular kinds of fitness benefits from
to extrapair paternity as determined by a comparative analysis mate choice by determining the factors that promote extra-
controlling for similarity due to common descent (Møller and pair paternity over direct male investment in offspring provi-
Birkhead, 1993). Third, the correlation coefficient between sioning.
male attractiveness and male contribution to provisioning of If female decisions concerning engagement in extrapair
offspring is also negatively related to extrapair paternity, im- copulations and ultimately extrapair paternity are determined
plying that extrapair paternity is common in species where by the costs and benefits of this reproductive strategy, females
attractive males provide relatively little care (Møller and may be more severely affected by male behavior if males play
Thornhill, 1998). Fourth, immune function measured as the an essential role in rearing of offspring. Females have to
relative size of the spleen is positively related to the frequency achieve the delicate balance between cooperation of a mate
of extrapair paternity in a comparative study controlling for and acquisition of indirect fitness benefits from a potential
similarity due to common descent (Møller, 1997), and the re- extrapair partner. Not all females are able to choose the most
duction in the size of the spleen in adult male birds as com- preferred male in a socially monogamous mating system (and
pared to juvenile males is greater in species with high levels also to some extent in other mating systems) because only the
of extrapair paternity (Møller et al., 1998). Finally, a study first female to make a choice will have access to that male.
using allozyme markers and RAPDs (randomly amplified poly- This point was illustrated in an experiment (Møller, 1988a)
morphic DNAs) as measures of genetic variability has dem- showing that female barn swallows Hirundo rustica engaged
onstrated that extrapair paternity in birds is more common in extrapair copulations relative to the manipulated pheno-
type of their mate. The constraint on female mate choice im-
posed by social monogamy could thus be overcome by engag-
Address correspondence to A. P. Møller. E-mail: amoller@ ing in copulations with more attractive males while still ac- quiring male parental care from the partner. This constraint
Received 12 November 1998; revised 22 July 1999; accepted 1 Au- on female choice was suggested to be directly proportional to
gust 1999. the magnitude of quality differences among males in a pop-
 2000 International Society for Behavioral Ecology ulation (Møller, 1992).
162 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 11 No. 2

If female decisions to engage in extrapair copulations are species, which formed the basis for the present study. Two
determined by the costs and benefits of such behavior, we can studies with information on the effects of male removal on
expect that females are less likely to participate in extrapair female reproductive success but with no information on ex-
copulations if male parental care is essential (Birkhead and trapair paternity were excluded from the analyses to avoid any
Møller, 1996; Gowaty, 1996). This idea arises directly from the bias. However, none of the results reported here change by
three hypotheses of the evolution of monogamy described by the inclusion of these species.
Wittenberger and Tilson (1980): (1) monogamy arising from I estimated the importance of male parental care for female
situations where male care is essential, (2) monogamous reproductive success by determining the reduction in the
males being failed polygynists rather than monogamists be- number of fledged offspring for females without a male part-
cause of ecological constraints or female–female aggression, ner in relation to male-assisted female success. This reduction
and (3) enforced monogamy by males monopolizing females. in female reproductive success caused by the absence of the
Birkhead and Møller (1996) related the frequency of extra- male was expressed as the proportional reduction in number
pair paternity to the importance of male care. Extrapair pa- of fledged offspring (or number of offspring at the latest
ternity was generally low in species where male care was es- check of brood size before fledging) compared to controls.
sential (Birkhead and Møller, 1996), although the criteria Most of these studies were based on experiments in which
used for determining essential male care were not indepen- males were either removed or kept as controls. In some cases,
dently verified. Furthermore, the study did not control for estimates of success in the absence of males were based on
similarity among species due to common descent. It is impor- observations of reproductive success for natural cases of male
tant to distinguish between facultative and nonfacultative death. Males were removed at different stages of the repro-
male responses in any discussion of the relationship between ductive cycle in different studies. I only used data from male
extrapair paternity and paternal care (review in Wright, 1998) removal during laying, incubation, or the early nestling peri-
because, despite facultative responses showing weak relation- od; later removals were not considered (e.g., late removals in
ships between paternity and paternal care (Houston, 1995), a Bjørnstad and Lifjeld, 1996). If more than a single study was
weak male response to paternity on an evolutionary scale may available for a species, I used the weighted mean estimate for
render biparental care completely unstable (Kokko, 1999). the studies in the present analyses. The sources are reported
In a series of models that incorporate ecological and evo- in the Appendix.
lutionary responses by males, Kokko (1999) has shown that Relative male feeding rate was estimated as the proportion
two evolutionarily stable strategy equilibria exist: the tradition- of all feedings provided by the male partner. I attempted to
al social monogamy with varying degrees of extrapair pater- obtain estimates of relative male provisioning by searching for
nity, and polygamy with little or no male parental care. The estimates based on observations during the entire nestling pe-
first system can only be stable if the initial cuckoldry frequen- riod. If estimates existed for different parts of the nestling
cy is low, the intrinsic benefits of cuckoldry are not high, period, the estimate of relative male parental care was the sum
males can accurately detect cuckoldry, and females are unable of all males’ feeding rates divided by the sum of all male and
to compensate for loss of male parental care (Kokko, 1999). female feeding rates combined. This method for estimating
Any deviation from these assumptions leads to evolution to- relative male parental care thus emphasizes the periods when
ward the second equilibrium (i.e., polygamy). These model the absolute male work load is the greatest. Estimates were
scenarios are interesting because they demonstrate that social obtained for the same population as that in which males were
monogamy with considerable male care can be the evolution- removed whenever possible. Males were assigned a missing
arily stable strategy if males cannot reliably assess the faithful- value in the precocial species without male provisioning of
ness of their mates. Relatively high frequencies of extrapair offspring, although this effect of developmental mode of off-
paternity are predicted by the models by Kokko (1999) in the spring on parental care was also investigated using develop-
situation where the benefits to females of extrapair copula- mental mode as an independent variable. The sources for the
tions are large, if it is easy for females to compensate for losses information on relative male feeding rate can be found in the
of male care, and if males cannot accurately assess female be- Appendix.
havior. I estimated the frequency of extrapair paternity as the per-
I tested two main questions in the present study. First, does centage of offspring sired by males other than the attending
the male share of parental care reflect the importance of the male based on molecular studies and allozyme studies where
male partner for successful reproduction of a female? The the estimate was corrected for the probability of detection of
importance of the presence of a male partner for female re- extrapair paternity. If estimates were available for more than
productive success has now been determined using male re- a single population, I used the mean estimate in the analyses.
moval experiments in a large number of studies. The use of Estimates of extrapair paternity in different populations are
reproductive success in the absence of a male would provide variable but significantly repeatable: A recent analysis of vari-
an independent assessment of the role of the male partner in ance based on 47 studies of 20 species of birds revealed a
successful reproduction of a female because it can be com- highly significant repeatability of 0.86 (Petrie et al., 1998),
pared directly with the estimate based on the proportion of which implies that most variation in extrapair paternity occurs
parental care provided by the male. Second, is extrapair pa- among species. Estimates were obtained for the same popu-
ternity related to the importance of the male partner for suc- lation as that in which males were removed, whenever possi-
cessful rearing of offspring? These questions were investigated ble, with other estimates being excluded. If several estimates
in comparative studies based on female reproductive success were available for other populations, I always chose the esti-
in the presence and the absence of a partner, relative amount mate from the closest population, based on the assumption
of male parental care, and extrapair paternity in birds. that similarity will be greater for neighboring populations.
The sources for extrapair paternity are given in the Appendix.
Sexual dichromatism was estimated as the difference be-
tween mean male and female color score in the visual spec-
I searched the literature for information on the effects of trum made by three independent scorers (Møller and Birk-
male removal on female reproductive success for the 170 bird head, 1994). Such scores are highly repeatable among scorers,
species for which there is information on the frequency of and they correlated well with extrapair paternity in three oth-
extrapair paternity. Such information was only available for 31 er studies (Møller and Birkhead, 1994; Møller, 1997; Petrie et
Møller • Extrapair paternity and male parental care 163

al., 1998), implying that scores estimate important features of

color signals related to sexual selection. Developmental mode
of offspring is closely associated with extensive male parental
care, with altricial offspring receiving extensive male parental
care and often being fed by males. The species were classified
as either precocial or altricial. The entire data set is reported
in the Appendix.
The predictions under test were investigated using standard
comparative analyses that control for similarity in quantitative
variables due to common descent because species-specific val-
ues cannot be considered statistically independent. The statis-
tically independent standardized linear contrast method was
used to calculate standardized differences between values at
the tips and the nodes of a phylogeny (Felsenstein, 1985),
using the CAIC software (Purvis and Rambaut, 1995). The
analyses were based on a hypothesis of gradual evolution, with
branch lengths being proportional to the number of species
that they contain (Purvis and Rambaut, 1995), although cal-
culations based on equal branch lengths, which mimic a mod-
el of punctuated evolution (Purvis and Rambaut, 1995), gave
qualitatively similar results. I used the phylogenetic relation-
ships among birds proposed by Sibley and Ahlquist (1990)
based on DNA–DNA hybridization combined with informa-
tion on emberizids from Patten and Fugate (1998). However,
the results reported here are independent of this particular
phylogenetic hypothesis becuase the use of a standard tax-
onomy of birds (Howard and Moore, 1991) provided similar
conclusions. Reduction in female reproductive success, rela-
tive male feeding rate, and extrapair paternity were square-
root–arcsine transformed before analysis.
I investigated the relationship between relative male feed-
ing rate and reduction in female reproductive success using
linear regression based on the standardized contrasts, with the Figure 1
regression line being forced through the origin as recom- Relative male feeding rate in relation to reduction in female
mended (Purvis and Rambaut, 1995). This procedure ensures reproductive success in the absence of a mate. Values are (a) mean
that cases of a consistent change in dependent and indepen- estimates for species and (b) statistically independent linear
dent variables are correctly identified as coevolution of two contrasts.
variables (Harvey and Pagel, 1991; Purvis and Rambaut,
1995). Similarly, I investigated the relationship between extra-
pair paternity and the reduction in female reproductive suc- correlated with the reduction in female reproductive success
cess in the absence of a male partner in a linear regression in the absence of a male partner when the relationship was
analysis. The potentially confounding effects of other variables investigated using species-specific values as data points (Figure
such as sexual dichromatism, which has been shown to covary 1a). Because values for species cannot be considered statisti-
positively with extrapair paternity and male parental care cally independent, the relationship was tested using statisti-
(Møller, 1997; Møller and Birkhead, 1993, 1994; Petrie et al., cally independent linear contrasts, and a strong positive re-
1998), and developmental mode, which covaries with amount lationship was found accounting for more than 30% of the
of male parental care (Lack, 1968), were controlled in step- variance in the data [Figure 1b; F ⫽ 13.99, df ⫽ 1,27, r2 ⫽
wise linear regression analyses, with the regression line forced .341, p ⫽ .0009, b (SE) ⫽ 0.426 (0.114)]. This conclusion did
through the origin. Analyses of reduction in reproductive suc- not depend on the extreme data point in Figure 1b, as a lin-
cess revealed a single extreme data point (see Results) that ear regression analysis of the ranked data for reduction in
potentially could cause bias in a linear regression analysis female reproductive success still gave a significant result [F ⫽
based on contrasts. This potential cause of bias was removed 7.25, df ⫽ 1,27, r2 ⫽ .212, p ⫽ .012, b (SE) ⫽ 0.004 (0.001)].
by ranking the variable and repeating the analysis. Ranked The potentially confounding effects of extrapair paternity and
data disregard the absolute difference between observations sexual dichromatism were entered as linear contrasts in a step-
and only consider the order of observations. The null hypoth- wise linear regression analysis with contrast in male contri-
esis of no relationship between contrasts of the dependent bution to feeding as the dependent variable and contrast in
and independent variables was tested using a linear regression the reduction in female reproductive success as an additional
analysis forced through the origin. If contrasts for the depen- independent variable. The only variable that entered the
dent and the independent variable tend to covary, the re- model was reduction in female reproductive success (with the
gression coefficient will significantly differ from zero. regression model remaining as stated above). Hence the pos-
itive relationship was not confounded by these variables.
An analysis excluding the species with complete breeding
failure in the absence of a male did not change the conclusion
The importance of male parental care measured as the re- from the analysis reported above [analysis of contrasts: F ⫽
duction in female reproductive success in the absence of male 17.70, df ⫽ 1,19, r2 ⫽ .482, p ⫽ .0005, b (SE) ⫽ 0.440 (0.105)].
parental care varied from no reduction to complete breeding Extrapair paternity was hypothesized to be more common
failure among bird species (see Appendix). The relative con- in species where male parental care was less essential for suc-
tribution of males to feeding offspring was strongly positively cessful reproduction, and values for species indicated such a
164 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 11 No. 2

trasts: F ⫽ 6.17, df ⫽ 1,19, r2 ⫽ .245, p ⫽ .0225, b (SE) ⫽

⫺0.585 (0.236)].

The reproductive success of monogamous females unassisted
by their male partners has been used to assess the importance
of male parental care for female reproduction (Gowaty, 1983).
Many of these studies have demonstrated a considerable
amount of interspecific variation in the relative importance of
male parental care for female reproductive success, ranging
from no effect to complete breeding failure (see Appendix).
The difference in reproductive success of females attended by
their male partners and unattended females was assumed to
provide an estimate of the relative importance of male care.
Alternatively, the reduction in reproductive success of unat-
tended females may provide an estimate of differential paren-
tal investment by females. For example, it is possible that fe-
males may invest differentially in reproduction in the pres-
ence of a male partner, as shown in many different studies of
birds (first described by Burley, 1986; review in Møller and
Thornhill, 1998), whereas the absence of a partner reduces
or eliminates any reproductive value of offspring. Hence, fe-
males may not invest or reduce investment in reproduction
when the male is absent. However, we can hypothesize that
this reduction should be directly related to costs and benefits
experienced by females. We should expect females in either
situation to achieve a net benefit from their reproductive de-
cisions. I found a positive correlation between the male share
of provisioning of offspring and the reduction of female suc-
cess due to the absence of the male partner (Figure 1). The
increasing importance of male parental care for female re-
Figure 2 productive success with increasing male share of food provi-
Extrapair paternity in relation to reduction in female reproductive sioning was independent of developmental mode because the
success in the absence of a mate. Values are (a) mean estimates for two precocial species with no male feeding of offspring were
species and (b) statistically independent linear contrasts. excluded. Females are known to compensate partially or fully
for the absence of male parental care by increasing feeding
rate (e.g., Saino and Møller, 1995; Wright and Cuthill, 1989),
in which case the value of male care to females may be an
negative relationship (Figure 2a). A statistical analysis of in-
underestimate. The present study assumes that the extent of
dependent standardized linear contrasts confirmed that ex-
female compensation is negatively related to the importance
trapair paternity was negatively related to the reduction in
of male care. This assumption is supported by females being
female reproductive success in the absence of a male partner,
unable to compensate for the absence of male care in species
accounting for 30% of the variance in the data set [Figure 2b;
with large reductions in reproductive success or complete
F ⫽ 12.56, df ⫽ 1,29, r2 ⫽ .302, p ⫽ .0014, b (SE) ⫽ ⫺0.272 breeding failure. The tests presented here suggest that the
(0.077)]. This relationship did not depend on the extreme reduction in female reproductive success in the absence of a
data point to the right in Figure 2b because a regression anal- male partner indeed reflects the importance of the male for
ysis of the ranked data for the reduction in female reproduc- female reproductive success.
tive success still was statistically significant [F ⫽ 9.96, df ⫽ 1,29, The second major finding was that the frequency of extra-
r2 ⫽ .256, p ⫽ .0037, b (SE) ⫽ ⫺0.002 (0.001)]. This was also pair paternity was inversely related to the reduction in female
the case when the potentially confounding effects of sexual reproductive success in the absence of a male partner (Figure
dichromatism and developmental mode were taken into con- 2). This relationship remained significant after controlling for
sideration; a stepwise regression analysis only entered the var- two potentially confounding variables (sexual dichromatism
iable representing the reduction in female reproductive suc- and developmental mode of offspring). Hence, extrapair pa-
cess in the absence of a male partner into the model (regres- ternity appears to be particularly common when males play a
sion statistics as above). Hence, the importance of male pa- relatively small role in the successful rearing of offspring. This
rental care appeared to be the single most important variable result confirms the suggestion by Birkhead and Møller (1996)
accounting for interspecific variation in extrapair paternity in that females generally do not engage in extrapair copulations
the present data set. to adjust their choice of social mates when male assistance is
An analysis excluding the species with complete breeding essential for the successful rearing of offspring. The reduction
failure in the absence of a male did not change the conclusion in female reproductive success in the absence of a male part-
reported above [analysis of contrasts: F ⫽ 8.34, df ⫽ 1,19, r2 ner was solely estimated from the reduction in the number of
⫽ .305, p ⫽ .0094, b (SE) ⫽ ⫺0.296 (0.102)]. fledged offspring. It is likely that the presence of a parental
Finally, the male contribution to feeding offspring was sig- male may also affect components of reproductive success such
nificantly negatively related to extrapair paternity (F ⫽ 9.55, as the quality of offspring. The effects reported in the present
df ⫽ 1,27, r2 ⫽ .261, p ⫽ .0046, b (SE) ⫽ ⫺0.737(0.238)]. study thus appear to be underestimates, in particular for spe-
This was even the case when excluding species with complete cies with dramatic reductions in female reproductive success.
breeding failure in the absence of a male (analysis of con- The alternative interpretation of the result in Figure 2 is that
Møller • Extrapair paternity and male parental care 165

netic variation (Petrie et al., 1998; indicated by a positive re-

lationship between genetic variation and indirect fitness ben-
efits in Figure 3) and larger immune defense organs (Møller,
1997), than species in which females choose mates based on
direct fitness benefits. Hence the presence of indirect benefits
promotes extrapair paternity as indicated by the positive re-
lationship between indirect fitness benefits and extrapair pa-
ternity (Figure 3). A high level of genetic variability may also
directly promote sexual selection and extrapair paternity be-
cause a high mutational input can maintain intense sexual
selection for longer than a low mutational input. Males of
these species appear to vary considerably in phenotypic and
perhaps also genetic quality, and females often engage in ex-
trapair copulations. Hence, levels of extrapair paternity often
reach high levels in this group of species. Because females are
able to rear the offspring with no or relatively little male as-
Figure 3 sistance, this group is characterized by a weak influence of
Hypothetical causal relationships between genetic variation, indirect male parental care on reproductive success of females. The
and direct fitness benefits from sexual selection, and extrapair reduction in female reproductive success in the absence of a
paternity. male partner is therefore small. This is the situation in which
females differentially invest in the offspring of attractive males
because the cost of parental care is relatively low and because
this trend arises as a consequence of a trade-off between male females stand to gain indirect fitness benefits from their mate
care and pursuit of extrapair copulations (review in Wright, choice. The two different categories of species may represent
1998). This explanation may not seem likely when considering two distinct classes of species, as indicated by the negative
that males particularly pursue extrapair copulations immedi- interaction between direct and indirect fitness benefits ac-
ately after the end of the fertile period of their own mate quired by females through their mate choice (Figure 3). This
(review in Birkhead and Møller, 1992) and that extrapair mat- scenario has similarities to the results of a series of models of
ing effort consists of a small fraction of the time budget of the relationship among male genetic quality, the importance
males (e.g., Brodsky, 1988; Møller, 1985; Stutchbury, 1998). of male parental care for female reproductive success, and the
A final result of the comparative analyses was that males ability of males to assess the probability of cuckoldry (Kokko,
provided relatively less parental care in species with a higher 1999).
frequency of extrapair paternity. This result confirms the re- Certain ecological conditions may allow females to rear off-
sults of previous analyses demonstrating a negative relation- spring without much assistance from their male partners, and
ship between extrapair paternity and male parental care males may in such circumstances evolve extravagant second-
(Møller and Birkhead, 1993; Møller and Cuervo, in press). ary sexual characters that reflect indirect fitness benefits.
I can place the current study into a general framework re- Large variation in male phenotypic and genetic quality pro-
lating sperm competition to sexual selection for direct and vides opportunities for females to acquire indirect fitness ben-
indirect fitness benefits to females (Figure 3). In some species, efits from extrapair copulations with attractive males. This
females may choose mates for direct fitness benefits such as group of species is thus characterized by a high frequency of
male parental care, and the preferred males with the most extrapair paternity. The alternative situation appears in spe-
extreme secondary sexual characters generally provide the cies where males signal their parenting ability and females
largest share of food provisioning to offspring, as compared choose mates based on direct fitness benefits. Because such
to less attractive males (Møller and Thornhill, 1998). Extra- benefits only are acquired to a small extent through extrapair
pair copulations and extrapair paternity are generally infre- copulations (e.g., Gray, 1997), the frequency of extrapair pa-
quent in these species apparently because females may obtain ternity tends to be low in this group of birds.
no or few indirect fitness benefits from extrapair copulations
(hence the negative relationship between direct fitness ben- Three referees provided constructive criticism. E. Creighton, L. Gar-
efits and extrapair paternity in Figure 3). A second category amszegy, B. Hatchwell, F. Hunter, B. Kempenaers, E. Korpimäki, M.
of species is that in which attractive males with the most ex- I. McGrady, J. Moreno, I. Newton, D. Parrott, D. Shutler, and J. Wiehn
treme secondary sexual characters provide the least amount kindly provided unpublished information. A.P.M. was supported by
of parental care, and these species appear to have more ge- an Atipe Blanche from CNRS.
166 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 11 No. 2

Reduction in female reproductive success in the absence of a mate, relative male feeding rate, extrapair paternity, sexual dichromatism, and
developmental mode of offspring for birds

Reduction in RS Male feeding

Species (%) Reference (%) Reference

Accipiter gentilis 100.0 Holstein, 1942 98.00 Holstein, 1942

Accipiter nisus 100.0 Newton, 1986 70.10 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Agelaius phoeniceus 0.0 Shutler D, pc 4.92 Møller and Birkhead, 1993

Anser caerulescens 5.0 Martin et al., 1985 — Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Cardinalis cardinalis 54.0 Richmond, 1978 55.90 Ritchison et al., 1994
Columba livia 86.0 Burley, 1980 50.00 Johnson, 1992
Eudyptes schlegeli 100.0 Moreno J, pc 38.50 Marchant and Higgins, 1990
Falco sparverius 88.0 Bowman and Bird, 1987 53.10 Wiehn J, pc
Falco tinnunculus 100.0 Korpimäki E, pc 80.00 Cramp and Simmons, 1980
Ficedula albicollis 36.4 Garamszegy L, pc 53.00 Sheldon et al., 1997

Ficedula hypoleuca 34.0 Alatalo et al., 1982 44.00 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Haematopus ostralegus 100.0 Heg and van Treuren, 1998 50.00 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Hirundo rustica 8.3 Møller, 1988b 46.70 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Junco hyemalis 14.0 Wolf et al., 1988 55.50 Wolf et al., 1990
Lagopus lagopus 9.0 Hannon, 1984, Martin, 1984 — Cramp and Simmons, 1980
Melospiza melodia 19.0 Smith et al., 1982 71.20 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Nectarinia osea 60.0 Markman et al., 1996 32.97 Markman et al., 1996
Parus caeruleus 20.7 Sasvari, 1986 55.00 Kempenaers B, pc
Parus major 22.3 Sasvari, 1986 53.97 Verhulst, 1995
Passerculus sandwichensis 19.0 Weatherhead, 1979 30.00 Freeman-Gallant, 1996
Passerina cyanea 0.0 Payne and Payne, 1996 5.00 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Phylloscopus trochilus 7.02 Bjørnstad and Lifjeld, 1996 36.43 Bjørnstad and Lifjeld, 1996
Pica pica 100.0 Dunn and Hannon, 1989 50.00 Parrott D, pc
Pygoscelis adeliae 100.0 Moreno J, pc 50.00 Marchant and Higgins, 1990
Sialia sialis 23.1 Gowaty, 1996 45.50 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Spizella pusilla 0.0 Carey, 1990 50.00 Carey et al., 1994
Tachycineta bicolor 4.3 Dunn and Hannon, 1992 47.60 Møller and Birkhead, 1993
Tockus monteiri 100.0 Kemp, 1988 100.00 Kemp, 1988
Troglodytes aedon 26.5 Bart and Tornes, 1989 55.25 Johnson and Kermott, 1993
Turdus merula 75.4 Desrochers and Magrath, 1996 51.00 Hatchwell B, pc
Zonotrichia albicollis 0.0 Whillans and Falls, 1990 45.40 Falls and Kopachena, 1994

RS, reproductive success; EPP, extrapair paternity; SD, sexual dichromatism; DM, developmental mode (A, altricial; P, precocial); pc, personal

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