PGFK Training Course Plan - Drilling Engineering, Operation & Management

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Training Course Plan

Drilling Engineering, Operations & Management Systems

Course Objective
Drilling projects are considered as one of the most expensive and crucial stages through field
development phases. This training course aims to review fundamental elements in drilling and
enhance participants knowledge about engineering, operations, latest standards, technologies and
systematic well drilling project management and delivery. This course should be able to describe
consistent skillsets and communication between different engaged departments in projects.
Explaining project’s understanding supported by detailed engineering and comprehensive
management system to ensure safe, effective and efficient project (well) delivery.

Course Duration
Program should be delivered in 20-25hrs (4-5 days) both as ILVE and CBT. Agenda should be
fitted into program in timely manner.

Target Delegates
High-level company personnel, managers, top managers etc. from different departments (majorly
non-technical personnel)

Course Plan & Agenda

Following lines define an overview of training course agenda and estimated time dedicated for
each subject matter.

Day 1. (4-5hrs)

- Course Introduction, Structure & Agenda (15-20mins)

- Session 1; Oil & Gas Generation & History (30-40) (ref 1 & 3)
 Organic & Inorganic (Abiogenic) Theories (ref 1 & 3)
 Subsea Burial & Geological Timescale
 Maturation Definition
 Migration, Source Rock, Reservoir Rock & Traps
- Session 2; Petroleum Industry & Business Structure (60-90mins)
 Exploration & Production History, First Wells & Drilling
 Petroleum Business Structure (ref 1, chap. 13)
 Upstream, Midstream & Downstream Sectors
 Supermajors, Operators & Contractors

- Session 3; Well’s Life Cycle; Exploration & Production Activities (45-

 Field Life Cycle Definition (ref 4)
 Rights & Licensing for Exploration & Development
 Exploration Activities, Surveying & Exploratory Drilling
 Decision Making & Field Development Planning

- Session 4; Drilling Engineering & Operation (45-60mins)

 Introduction, Importance & Application
 Role of Drilling in Field Development
 Contracts
 Well Types
 Generic Drilling Operational Sequences

Case Study 1 - Exploration & Development Drilling Program; Review,

describing different sections, importance, teams in charge etc. (30-45mins)

Day 2. (4-5hrs)

- Day 1 Review, Day 2 Overview (15-20mins)

- Session 1; Drilling & Well Management Systems (60-75mins)
 Fundamentals of Well Management System
 Well Planning Process
 Risk & Hazard Evaluation
 Roles & Responsibilities

- Session 2; Fundamentals of Geology & Geomechanics (60-75mins)

 Geomechanics in Drilling
 Stress Regimes
 Pore Pressure Prediction
 Fracture Gradient Evaluation
 Wellbore Stability Understanding & Review
- Session 3; Formation Integrity Test & Casing Seat Selection (60-75mins)
 Principles & Methods
 In-situ Stress Correlations
 Casing Point Determination

- Session 4; Casing Design Understanding (60-75mins)

 Casing & Liner Specifications
 Kick Tolerance
 Design Criteria

Case Study 2 – Typical Casing Design Process; Review, describing different

sections, applicable engineering solutions etc. (30-45mins)

Day 3. (4-5hrs)

- Day 2 Review, Day 3 Overview (15-20mins)

- Session 1; Cement Design & Operation (60-75mins)
 Cement Types & Classes
 Characteristics & Additives
 Design Criteria & Process Overview
 Testing & Quality Assurance
 Cementing Technology

- Session 2; Drilling Fluid & Hydraulics (60-75mins)

 Drilling Fluid Classification
 Circulation System
 Characteristics,
 Design Criteria
 Testing & Quality Assurance
 Drilling Fluid Technology
 Hydraulics Understanding
 Flow Type & Characteristics
 Pressure loss & Pressure Management Consideration
- Session 3; Drill Bits (60-75mins)
 Types & Application
 IADC Classification
 Design Criteria
 Bit Selection Fundamentals
 Technology Solutions

- Session 4; Drillstring Design Fundamentals (60-75mins)

 Components
 Design Criteria & BHA Selection
 Basics of Performance Analysis & Optimization
 New Technologies

Case Study 3 – Drillstring & BHA; Review, description of selection method,

applicable engineering solutions etc. (30-45mins)

Day 4. (4-5hrs)

- Day 3 Review, Day 4 Overview (15-20mins)

- Session 1; Directional, Horizontal & Extended-reach Drilling (ERD)
 Application
 Well Trajectory fundamentals
 Well Survey
 Future Trend & Technology

- Session 2; Well Control & Emergency Response (60-75mins)

 Kick Detection
 Influx Control & Killing Methods
 BOP & Well Control Equipment
 Contingency Planning & Procedures
 Well Capping & Relief Well Planning

- Session 3; Drilling Units & Rig Equipment (60-75mins)

 Onshore & Offshore Rigs
 Equipment, Facilities & Systems
 Pre-drilling, Site Preparation & Moving
 MODU Jacking, Positioning & Station Keeping
 Decommissioning
- Session 4; Drilling & Wellbore Problems (60-75mins)
 Lost Circulation
 Formation Fracturing & Breakouts
 Hole Washout
 Excessive Cutting Concentration
 Pipe Sticking
 Lost-in-hole & Fishing Operation
 Influx & Well Flowing

Case Study 4 – Drillstring & BHA; Review, description of selection method,

applicable engineering solutions etc. (30-45mins)

Day 5. (4-5hrs)

- Day 4 Review, Day 5 Overview (15-20mins)

- Session 1; HPHT Wells; Engineering & Operation (60-75mins)
 Essentials & Differences
 Challenges
 Technology

- Session 2; Deepwater Wells; Engineering & Operation (60-75mins)

 Essentials & Differences
 Challenges
 Technology

- Session 3; Well Cost Analysis (60-75mins)

Case Study 5 – AFE; Review, challenges, specifics etc. (45-60mins)

Course Close-out; Review Course Process, Material, Content (20-30mins)
Course References
1. Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production - Laik, Sukumar - CRC Press (2017)
2. Fundamentals of Sustainable Drilling Engineering - (Wiley-Scrivener) M. Enamul
Hossain, Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Majed (2015)
3. The Oil & Gas Industry - A Nontechnical Guide - Joseph Hilyard - PennWell Corp
4. Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering - Mitchell R.F., Miska S.Z (2011)
5. The Pennsylvania State University – Online Course Materials
6. Drilling Engineering & Operation – A.Sarshogh (2020)

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