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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS/ISO 4306-3 (2003): Cranes - Vocabulary, Part 3: Tower

Cranes [MED 14: Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
- -- ------- -- -- - -

151150 4306-3 : 2003

(Superseding IS 13473 (Pan 3) : 1m)

'lflhfJ2I lfFfC/)

~ - ~16GlctJr

Indian Standard

ICS 01 .040.53; 53.02020

© SIS 2009
NEW DELHI 110002
March 2009 Price Group 8
Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related EquipmentSectional Committee, MED 14


This Indian Standard (Part 3) which is identical with ISO 4306-3 : 2003 'Cranes - Vocabulary - Part 3:
Tower cranes'issuedby the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau
of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related Equipment Sectional
Committee and approvalof the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

ThisstandardsupersedesIS 13473 (Part 3) : 1993'Cranes - Vocabulary: Part 3 Tower cranes'.

The text of the ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is
particularly drawnto the following:

a) Wherever the words'International Standard'appear referring to this standard, they should be readas
b) Comma (,) has been usedas a decimalmarker in the Intemational Standard while in Indian Standards,
the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

For the purposeof decidingwhether a particular requirementof this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS2 : 1960'Rulesfor roundingoff numericalvalues (revised)' . The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
I5nSO 4306-3: 2003

Indian Standard

1 Scope 1 Domalne d'appllcation 1 06nac:Tb "PM............

ISO 4306 establishes definitions L'ISO 4306 etablit un VOC8bulaire, HCO 4306 onpe,Q8nAeT TepMMHbI
in English. French and Russian en anglais, francais et russe, des Ha aHrnMMcKoM, 4»P8HLI,)'3C*OM ..
for the most commonly used termes les plus courants utilises PycocoM A3b1IC8X, HaM60nee
terms in the field of cranes. dans Ie domaine des appareils de WMpotro nPMMeHJ1eMbiX 8 061l8CTM
Ievage charge suspendue. I'IO,Q'beMHblX ycTpOMcTa.
This part of ISO 4306 gives the
general definition of a tower crane La presents partie de rlso 4306 HacTOAlU8A '48CTb HCO 4306
and illustrates the terminology donne la definition generate des ycTaHaenHBaeT 06Ulee oopeae-
used with each type of tower grues a tour et iIIustre ta ter- naHMe t'laWeHHoro KP8H8 H
crane by the use of figures with minologie des dJfferents types de Hnn~TPHPyeT TepMMHO~~
referenced term numbers . grues a tour a l'aioe de figures pa3mNHblX ml10B 6aweHHblX Kpa '
avec reterences aux termes . H08 nocpeACTBOM PHcyHKOB . Ha
It is applicable to KOTOpblX A8HbI CCblnKM Ha COOT-
Elle est applicable BeTCT8ytOUlHi4 TepMMH .
lower cranes that can be
assembled and dismantled : aux grues a tour demon -
OHa flpl4MeHAeTCA II
tables de cnantier:
peun anentlv erected tower
AeMa..THpyeMbiM 6aWeHHblM
cranes: aux grues rnontees en per-
manence .
It is not applicable to nocrOAHHO CMOH'THp088HHblM
Elle n'est pas applicable 6aweHHblM !CP3H8M .
mobile boom cranes which
may be fitted with a tower aux grues mobiles avec fle-
attachment: che mobile. equipees acces-
soirement d'une tour; nepeABM)l(HbiM crpenoebiM
erection masts. with or
without jibs . aux mats de montage avec
au sans fleche .
6blTb ~bl 6aW8HHO-
crpenoBbiM 060pYAOBBIIMeIll;

MOHTCPlHbIM M8'fTSM co crpe-

nalll.. WI" 6e3 HM)(.

ISIISO 430fN: 2003

2 Tower crane - General 2 Grue atour - 2 6aweHHbiM KpaH -

definition Definition genera Ie 06~ee onpeneneaae
2.1 2.1 2.1
tower crane grue it tour 6aweHHwi KpaH
power-driven slewing jib type grue a f1eche orientable situee a crpenosoa nOBOpOTHbll1 KpaH e
crane with the jib located at the la partie superieure d'une tour qui MeXaH~"leCK~M npaeoaov, crpe-

top of a tower wh ich stays reste sensiblement verticale en na KOToporo pacnono~eHa B

approximately vertical in the position de travail BepxHeH -racra no-rra aeprasans-
working position H0l16aWH~
NOTE 1 La grue tour est concue
NOTE 1 The design of the crane pour rester montee hors serv ice et npI-1ME4AHI-1E 1 KOHCTpYJ<4M1I Kpa-
afIows the crane to remain in the pour etre demontee ou repliee pour Ha n03BOllReT KpaHy OCTaBaTbC1l B
erected position in out-of-service a
son transport d'un chantier I'autre . CMOHn1poBaHHoM n01l0>KeHHH B Hepa-
collditiOIlS and to be dismantled or 60YeM COCTORHHH H 6bITb AeMOHn1po-
lowered for movement to another site. NOTE 2 a
La grue tour est equ ipee BaHHblM npa nepesoaxe Ha ApyroH
de moyens permetlant Ie levage et la 06beKT.
NOTE2 A tower crane is equipped descente des charges suspendues
with means for raising and lowering ainsi que 1e rTiouvement de ces nplI1ME4AHlI1E 2 6aweHHblH KpaH
suspended loads and for the charges so it par variation de portee cHa6>KeH cpeacreava nOAbeMa H
movement of such loads by changing des charges levees, soit par un rnou- onycKaH~R nOABeweHHblX rpyaos H
the Ioad-lifting radius , travelling of the vement de distribution , d'or ientation nepeMeU\eHHR HX nyreM H3MeHeHHR
load , slewing or trave lling of the ou de translation de tout l'appareil. esmera, nepeMeU\eHHR rpyaosoa
complete app liance . Some tower Certa ins appareils peuvent com porter Tene>KKH, noaopora HnH nepeue-
cranes perform several, but not plus ieurs de ces mouvements mais U\eHHR acero ycrpoacrea. Hexoro-
necessarily all of these movements. pas necessairernent tous. pble 6aweHHble KpaHbI MOryl
BblnOllHRTb HeCKonbKO, HO He 0611-
NOTE 3 The appliance may be NOTE 3 L'appareil peut etre ins- aarensao ece 3TH ABH>KeHHII.
installed in a
fixed position or talle a poste fixe ou equipe de
equipped with means for displace- moyens de deplacernent et/ou de nplI1ME4AHI-1E 3 6aweHHblH KpaH
ment and/or climbing. hissage. MO>KeT 6b1Tb ycraaoanea HnH MOlKeT
6b1Tb cHa6lKeH cpeACTBaMH Aflll
nepeABHlKeHHR H/HIlH caMonOAbElMa.

3 Types of tower crane 3 Types de grues a tour 3 TMnbl 6aweHHbiX

The following foor groups of char-
Les quatre groupes de caracte-
acteristics describe tower cranes: ristiques suivants permettent de CneAYlOlJ..\He "leTbipe rpynnbl xa-
a) Assembly
detinir Ies grues tour: paKTepHCTHK onpenenmor 6a-
a) Montage weHHble KpaHbI :
assembled from compo-
nent parts; a montage par elements; a) MOHTa~

self-erecting (rapid erec- a montage autornatise (ei MOHHlpyeMble "laCTRMH;

tion wrthoot use of an montage rapide sans
utilisation d'un appareil caMOMOHTHPYlOLllHecR (c
auxilary appliance).
auxiliaire). YCKopeHHblM MOHTa>KeM
b) Slewing level 6e3 npHMeHeHHR scno-
b) Niveau de rotation MoraTenbHblX ~CTB) .
high-level slewing:
toomant du haut:
- Iow-level slewing. 6) YpoBeHb nosopora
- toomant du bas.
C nOBopoTOM B BepxHeH
c) Type of jib (boom)
c) Type de fleche "laCTH;
horizootal jib (also ham- C nOBOpoToM B HH)t(HeH
fleche horizontale (ainsi
merhead type):
que les grues marteaux): "laCTH.
luffing jib (boom):
fleche relevable:
gooseneck jib ; B) TVil crpenu
fleche a col-de-cygne; C ropH30HTanbHO-6ano"l-
extending jib : fleche telesco pique: HoM crpenoa (a raose H
jad<-/:nde boom . bee de canard MonoTOBHAHble KpaHbI);
ISIISO 4306-3 : 2003

d) Movement d) Mouvement C OQllDeMHoM Clp8IlCl64:

travelling ; translation : C l1OMalO~eMal crpe-
stationary (fixed ); stationnaires (a poste fixe) ; noM;
climb ing . hissage. cTe~cTpe­
C waPHHPHo~neHeH­
HCl'4 crpsnoa

r) A8H)I(eHMe


cra~bIe (38ICP&"
caMonoJJ,beMHbte (YCTa-
H08fl8HHble Ha KOHCTPY'"

4 Nomenclature 4 Nomenclature 4 HOMeHKIl8typa

A se lection of different types of Une selection des differ-ents types B Ta5nHlle 1, ICOT0p8f' Aen8eT
to wer crane is shown in Table 1, a
de grues tour est present~ dans CCblnlCM Ha COOTBeTCTBYlOUlHe PM-
wh ich refers to the appropriate Ie Tableau 1, qui renvoie aux cyHlCM, I1OIt83aHbI pa3t1IoNHb18
figur e. figures et aux paragraphes corres- 861,!1bl 6aW8HHblX Kp8H08
pondants .
The figures illustrate the ter m s, for PMCYHICM HnnlOCTPMPYlOT TepMM-
whi ch the definitions are self- Les termes. qu i se definissent par Hbl. onpeAeneH~ KOTOpbIX
ev ident. The terms are identified eux-rnemes, sont places en O'le8MJJ,HbI TepMMHbI JJ,8HbI 8
by their reference numbers. regard des figures et classes nop~e MX Op.4et1TMpo8O'4HblX
d'apres leur numero de repere sur HOMepoB.
cnaque figure .

Table 1 - Types of tower crane

Tableau 1 - Types de grues a tour
T a6nH~a 1 - TMnbl 6aweHHblx ICpaHo8

Ch aracter is tic
High-level 51_ing t ow er cranes ! Low-level sl_lng tower craMS

Caracteris tique
Grues a tour toum an t du haut I Gru• • a tour tou"'-nt du be.

Xap ax repa c H111a 6 aweHHbie KpaHbI c nOBopoTOIijI

- I
Saw.H""" KpaH". c nOBopOTOM
B sep xHeH '4acnt lICpaHa I B HM.MeM '4acnt KP8-

HOrizont al Jib FIgure 1 F'9ure 3. F'9ure 6

Flache horizon taie F'gure 1 I FIgure 3. FIgure 6

C rO p j.1 30 H Tan b Ho-6ano~ ~ o ~ cr pe no« p ~ C Y ~ O j( 1

I Plo1CY>+OK 3 P IolCYHOk 6
Luffin g jib or boom Fig ure 2

F lecne retevable

C nOAb eMHolo1 c rpe n o a

F igure 2

P'1CYHOk 2
Gooseneck jib Figure 4
Flectle a cot- de-cyqne \I Figure 4 I

C nOMalOU\ei1cR cr pe nos I PIolCYHOk .:

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

Table 1 (continued)
Tableau 1 (suite)
Ta6nM~ 1 (npoiJon>KeHue)

High-level slewing tower cranes Low-level slewing tower cranes

Grues a tour toumant du haut Grues a tour toumant du bas
&aweHHble KPCIHbI c nOBopoTOM SaweHHble KpaHbI c nOBopoTOM
B sepxHeM 'fKTliI KpaHa B HMJl(HeM 'faCTliI KpaHa

Extending jib Figure 5

F16che t6lescopique Figure 5

C TeneOCOI1M'f8C1COii1 CTpe.noi4 PHCyllOK 5

Jad(-knife boom Figure 7

FJeche a bee de canard Figure 7

C ~HOlii crpenoM PMCYHOK 7

Cranes assembled from component parts Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 4,

Figure 5, Figure 7

Grues a tour a montage par elements Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 4 ,

Figure 5, Figure 7

SeIf-erectlng tower cranes (rapid eredion) Figure 3, Figure 6

Grues a tour a montage automatlsll (ci Figure 3, Figure 6
montage rapide)


(yacopetlHblM MOHT8)I()

Travelling Figure 1 a) Figure 3 a)

RouIantills Figure 1 a) Figure 3 a)

~ PMCyttOK 1 a) PMcyHOK 3 a)

Stationary Figure 1 b) Figure 3 b)

Statlonnaires Figure 1 b) Figure 3 b)

~ PMcyHOI( 1 b) PMCyHOK 3 b)

Climbing element hoisted inside the structure Figure 2 b)

~l6ments hissables dans ta structure Figure 2 b)

~Hb18 PMcyHOI( 2 b)
Ctimbing section hoisted outside the Figure 2 c)
Figure 2 c)
£WIments hissables a c6te de Ia structure
PMCyHOK 2 c)

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

(Blank page)
(Page blanche)
(6enaR CTpaHHI.48)

151150 4306-3: 2003

18 22 23 4 3 5 19 20 2 1

f-tI--- 30

13 .--------:Q Q


a) Travelling a) Routante a) nepeABMlIOtoM

b) Stationary b) Stationnal,. b) CTa~apHwil

Figure 1 - Toww crane assembled from component parts. high-level slewing with horizontal jib
Figure 1 - Grue • tour. montage par '''menta. toumant du haut, afleche horizontale
PMCY"C* 1 - 6awettttwil _paH, MOHTMpyeMWil 'taCTRMIt. C nOBopoTOM B sePXtteM 'UICTM,
e roPM30tlTVU.ttO-6ano'tHOiI CTpenoil
.SIISO 4306-3: 2003

Key Leg.nde I1ereHAa

1 Jib 1 Fleche Crpena
2 Jib tie 2 Tirant de neche 2 PaOo48n CTpet1b1
3 Counter-jib 3 Co ntre-fleche 3 npoTM.()8eCH~UI ICOHCOnb
4 Counte r-jib tie 4 Tirant de contra-neche 4 P8C'4an npoTMeoBeCHOM
5 Cat head 5 Porte-neche
5 Oronoeoe
6 Cab mast 6 MAt cabine
6 ~MA 6aWHM C K86MHoM
7 Slewing platform 7 Pivot toumant
7 noeopoTHaA 060MMa
8 Slewi ng ring 8 Couronne d'orientation
8 OnopHo-noeopoTHbiM Iq)yr
9 Slewing ring support 9 Pivot fixe
9 HenoeopoTHaA 060M...
10 Tower 10 MAt
10 ~MA6aWH14
11 Tower strut 11 Hauban
11 rloAlCOC 6awH14
12 Undercarriage 12 Chassis de base
12 XO,QaeaA paM8
13 Bogie 13 Boggie
13 XO,Q08lUI TenellOCa
14 Trolley 14 Chariot
14 rpY30UA rene*K8
15 Hoisting rope 15 CAble de levage
15 rpyx>eoM KlIMaT
16 Block assembly 16 Moune
16 I<plotcoeasIIlOlUMK:KlI
17 Hook 17 Crochet
17 KpIOIt
18 Counterweight 18 Contrepoids (lest)
18 npoTMBoeec
19 Trolley travelling mechanism 19 Mecanisme de distribution du
chariot 19 Tene~MaA ne6eAKlI
20 Trolley travelling rope
20 cable de distribution du chariot 20 TeneJl(8"4H..... KaMaT
21 Slewing mechanism
21 Mecanisme d 'ooentation 21 MexaHl43M noeopoTa
22 Hoisting winch
22 Treuil de levage 22 r P)'3088JIne6ellKa
23 Electrica l co ntrol cab inet
23 Annoire de commande 23 PacnpenenMTenbHblM wu¢!
24 Cab
24 Cabine 24 Ka6MMa ICP8H()fllUMlQI
25 Base ba llast
25 Lest de chAssis 25 6annacT
26 Foundation
26 Massif de scel lement 26 ~eKT
27 Foundation anchor
27 Pied de scellement 27 AHxepHoe Iq)8I'II".eHMe
28 Base frame
28 ChAssis de base 28 C>noptwI pawa
29 Footing blocks
29 Socia du chAssis 29 ~M61lOK
30 Slewing axis
30 Axe de rotation 30 oa. apauaeHMA

Figure 1 (continued)
Agure 1 (suite)
PMcyHOK 1 (npoiJomKeHue)

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

1 6 23




21 10

12 •


- 26


I ~---l'lI"t---2 8

t-Et:::::EF1+lt--- 28 32

b) c)

Figure 2 - Tower crane assembled from component parts. high-leve: slewing with luffing jib
Figure 2 - Grue tour. montage par elements. toumant du haul, a fleche retevable
PMCYHOtl 2 - 6aweH"blM 1Cpa".
MOHTMpyeMblM 'faCTRMM, C nOBopoTOu B sepxHeM 'faCTM.
8 e ~M Cl'p8I10M
ISltSO 4306-3 : 2003

a) Luffing jib a) Fleche relevable a) nOA......H... c-rpena

b) Climbing element hoisted b) Hissage des elements dans b) CaYOnoA......HW ..
inside the structure la structure e) npI4CTaBHO"
c) Climbing section hoisted c) Hissage des elements a
outside the structure c6te de la structure

Key Legende n.reHAa

1 Lu ffing jib Fleche retevaoie nO.o beM H a~ crpena

!• 2
Jib head
Jib foot
Po inte de neche
Pie d de flech e
r oncesa CTpenbl
OCHo8aHI46 crpenbl
4 Jib angle 4 An gle de tJech e 4 vrcn HalO"lOHa CTpenbl
5 Jib tie or pendant 5 Tirant de neche 5 CTpenoeoa paC'481l
6 Luffing block ass e mbly 6 Moufla ge de relevage 6 Crpenoeoa nolll4CnacT
7 Lu ffing rope 7 Cable de reiev aqe 7 Crpenosoa I<8H8T
8 A·frame (g antry ) 8 Porte -fleche 8 .QByHOrall CTQI4K8
9 Slew ing platfo rm 9 Plate- forme tournante 9 nOBOpoTH8A nnaT<tx:>Pflo'8 (paull)
10 Slewing ring 10 Couronne d'orienta tion 10 OnopHo-noeoporMbli4 KP yr
11 Slewing ring support 11 Pivot fixe 11 HenoaopolH3Sl 060MMa
12 Tower 12 Mal 12 5aulHA
13 Luffing mechanism 13 Mecanisme de relevaqe 13 CTpen OB8R nef>c.Q",t
14 Slewing mechan ism 14 Mecanisme d'orientation 14 Me xaHM3... <101l0po r 3

15 Ho isting winch 1~ Treuil de le vage 15 rpyJOBaA ne6e:1Ka

16 Hoi sting rope 16 Cable de levage 16 r PYlOllOM l,a,;3T

17 Block assembly 17 Mou fle 17 Kpl()t(08811 no,noeCKlI

18 Hook 18 Croc he t 18 Kp!OIC

19 Cab 19 Cabine 19 l(a6"",.1 ,paHOOIUl'IICn

20 Co unterweigh t tro lley 20 Chario t de con trepoids ; 0 Te: ,eJl('<a I1p<i Tlo'flO Reca
21 Counterweigh t 21 Co ntrepo-ds (lest) 21 Flpo r..eosec
22 Au xiliary hoisting wi nch 22 Treuil de levage ituxiha:re 22 I1e6e.'l-:B acnov ora re ns-oro
23 Aux iliary ho ist ing rope 23 Cable de ievage aux illarre
23 r ~Y30BO" f)("..nOM ora 1e nbl'lb'"
24 Aux iliary blo ck assembly 24 Moufle auxiliaue
25 Au xilia ry hook 25 Croch et au xiltaire
24 k plO- OHaq nOJ1AOCl<a
26 Mast-hoisting frame 26 Cadre de his sage des el eme nts (ac no v or a 1 e n"'H<lSl )

27 Mast-hoist ing ladde r 27 Eche lle d e hls sage de s element s 25 Bcn owor a re ObHbll< "PlO-

28 Mast-hoisting jack 28 Ve nn de bissaqe des e l ~m enl & 26 PaMCl Bblll8101)1(e ''I'IA

29 Climbing element 29 Element de hissage 27 0000><_ " ClnpaBnA~ooe

30 Climbing section 30 Cage tel escopiQue 28 Y CTPQt4<:TBO :lI1~ fl bIllBi4)l(e .... p

31 Supporting shoe 31 Trav ers e d'ap pui 29 nQJlbeMHblM 3ne UCMl 6a WHIo1

32 Tte-in onto the build ing 32 Haubanage au ba timent 30 Mo HTa)O(H3Si o6o~Ma

33 Mast lie frame 33 Cadre d'ancrage 31 Onopa

32 CSAlb ICp6nneHl'I1'I
3'3 PaMa C"'Il 3M "PenIleH..",

a See Figure 1 I Voir Figure 1 / e M p~ 1

Figure 2 (con tin ued)

Figure 2 (sUIte)
PMCywo_ 2 (npodon)f(eHue) 9
ISIISO 430fr3: 2003

3 2 2 3

15 16


24- - - t - - ¥ " I
23 _~F---r-I



-- 21 O?f------~~_
25 c)

Figure 3 - Self-eredlng tower crane, low-level slewing w ith horizontal jib

Agure 3 - Orue • tour ill montage automatise, tournant du bas a f1eche horizontale
PMCYMO« 3 - CaMOMOtfTMpytOU4MMCR 6aweHHblM KpaH , c nOBopOTOM B HMJ«HeH 'faeTH,
e roptl3OHTanbMO-6anO'tHOM CTpenOM
ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

a) Travelling a) Roulant. a) nttpeA.MllOtOM

b) Stationary b) Statlonnalre b) c~~ i ...
c) Road transport c) Transport routi... c) TpattCnOpTHOe no~

Key L.nde ~
Jib 1 Flkhe Cl'peN
2 Jib tie 2 Tirant de "acne 2 P~crpeI1bI

3 Jib support truss 3 Poinc;:on de IIeche 3 CToMQ

4 Pendant 4 Hauban
5 Telescopic tower 5 MAt telescopique

B~8MllOW1 CIltCl4IdI 6awHM

6 Outer tower 6 MAt exterieur 6 HaPY*H8" 6ewHJI
7 Counter-jib 7 Contre-neche 7 Pacn0pt(8
8 Slewing platform 8 ChAssis toumant 8 rloeopoTl48A nnaT¢lopMa (~)
9 Slewing ring 9 Couronne d'orientation 9 0n0pH0-n0e0pc:n ICPY"
10 Undercarriage 10 ChAssis fixe 10 )(o,Q088tI peMII

11 Trolley 11 Chariot 11 rpY3ON" TeIlPOlll

12 Hoisting rope 12 CAble de Ievage 12 rp)'3Cl8Oll QH8T
13 Block assembly 13 Moufte 13 KpiollouA no,QIl8CQ
14 Hook 14 Crochet 1" I<ptOI(
15 Trolley travelling mechanism 15 Mecanisme de distribution du 15 T 8nellC~HlIA ne6e.!1u
16 Trolley travelling rope 16 T8ne~HblM GHaT
16 CAble de distribution du chariot
17 Slewing mechanism 17 MexaHM3M noeopoTa
17 Mecanisme d'orientation
18 Hoisting winch 18 rpY30NR ~1Qt
18 Treuil de levage
19 Counterweight 19 rlpollttlOlMlC
19 lest de chAssis toumant
20 Cab 20 Ka6MHlI~
20 Cabine
21 Bogie 21 )(o,QotaaR TenellCQ
21 Boggie de translation
22 Screw jack 22 8MMToea" onope
22 Vitrin ~ vis
23 Ballasting device 23 MowTPHOe )'CTP<lMcTeo
23 Potence de lestage
24 Telescoping rope, 24 nQAIteCK8 MOHTUCHOrO
erection rope 24 CAble de t6lescopage. y~
cable de montage
25 Rear axle 25 JaAHA,. 0Cb
25 Essieu a~re
26 Front axle, 26 l1epell_ 0Cb
steering type axle 26 Essieu avant
essieu directeur
27 CMroewe npM60pw
27 Lighting of road undercarriage
27 I:dairage du chAssis routier 28 0Cb apaweHMA
28 Slewing axis
28 Axe de rotation

Figure 3 (continued)
Figure 3 (suite)
PMcyHOI( 3 (npo<}omlCeHue)

151150 4306-3 : 2003

12 3 1


Key legende nereH,Q8

1 Gooseneck jib 1 Flache a co l-de-<:ygne l1oMalO~aSlcR crpena

1a Fore jib 1a Pointe de neche 1a ronoBKa crpenu

1b Basic jib 1b Pied de neche 1b OCHoeaHHe crperns
2 Jib tie 2 Tirant de neche 2 CTpenOBOI1 pae-an

3 Jib guy frame 3 Chevalet de haubanage de 3 nOAcTpeno K

4 A- frame (gantry) 4 AByHora R CTOHKa
4 Porte -neche
5 Machinery platform 5 noeopoTHaSl nnaTQ>opMa
5 Plate -forme des mecanisrnes
6 Cab 6 Ka6HHa KpaHOB~MKa
6 Cab ine
7 Trolley 7 rpYJOBaSl renexea
7 Chariot
8 Counterweight 8 npoTIo1BOeec
8 Contrepoids (les t)
9 Luffing medlanism 9 CTpeTlOBaSl ne6eAKa
9 Mecanisme de relevage
10 Hoisting winch 10 rpY30eaR ne6eAKa
10 Treu il de levage
11 Slewing mechanism 11 MexaHIo13M noscpcra
11 Mecanisme d'orientation
12 Lu1'Iing rope pulley bfock 12 CTpeTlOBoilnonMCnaCT
12 Moune pour cab le de relevage

Figure 4 - Tow... crane assembled from component parts, high-level slewing w ith gooseneck jib
a a
Figure 4 - Grue • tour montage par 61""ents, toumant du haut, fleche col de cygne a
PMCyHOIC 4 - 6aWfitHbU4 KpaH. MOHTMpyeMbiM 'faCTJIMM, c nOBopoToM B sePXHeM 'faCT",
c nOM81Olq8MCR c-rpenoM

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

11 12 4 3 5 2 8 1

9 10

Key Legende nere~

1 Extending ji b 1 Fleche telescopique TeneCKontoNeCJ(8l'1 crpena

2 Jib tie 2 Tirant de neche 2 Crpenosoa pac-can

3 Counter-jib 3 Contre-flecne 3 n poTI4808OCH3l'1 KOHCOnb

4 Counter-jib tie 4 Tirant de contre-necne 4 Pacxan npoTl4aoeeCHOI4

5 Cat head 5 Porte-flecbe
5 OrO/1080K
6 Cab mast 6 MAt ca bine
6 Ka6I4H..aA l:eKUMl'I
7 Trolley 7 Chario t
7 rpy3Oeal'l rell8l1OO1
8 Extending mecha nism 8 Mecanisme de telescooaqe
8 Mexa I<M3111 Te/l8Cl(()n ~ _
9 Fixed co unterweight 9 Contre poids fixe c Tpenbl
10 Movable counterweight 10 Corurepoids amovib le
9 HenO;.lBl(lICHblM npoTMI!IOeec
11 Ho isting winch 11 Treuil de levag e 10 nepe.nB14J1(H()i4 npoTM8OI!IeC
12 Electrica l control cabinet 1;- Armoire de commande 11 rpyJOBaIl ne6eJ:1Ka
12 Pa>iblM wKa4>

Figure 5 - Tower crane assembled from component parts, high-l.vel slewing with extending
a a
Figure 5 - Grue tour montage par elements, toumant du haul, • f1'ch. t....copiqu.
P"CyHOK 5 - 6aweHHblM KpaH, MOHTMpyeMblM ..aCTAM", C nOBopoTOM B aepXHeM ..aCTM,
CTenecKon .....cKoM CTP8110M

151150 4306-3: 2003

3 15 16 2 1




Figure 6 - Self-erecting tower crane, low-level slewing with horizontal folding jib and folding tower
Figure 6 - Gr ue a tour a montage automatisa. tournant du bas , a fleche horizontale
at pliante et tour repliabla
c o CKllC!AHOH crpenca H CKIlC!AHOH 6awHeM

ISIISO 4306-3 : 2003

Key Ll~gende

1 Folding jib Fleche plia nte CIlJ1;U"'lR cr pena

2 Jib tie 2 Tirant de fleche "2 Pao-an Clpenbl

3 Jib sup port truss 3 Po incon de flec he 3 (; TO" l<a

4 Pe ndant 4 Hauban 4 K.u..a THaR TRra

5 Tow er, u pper part 5 Partie su pe rieure du ma t 5 Bep'(H ~ celQjl1R 6aWHI1

6 To wer, lower part 6 Bas du mat 6 Hl1lKHRR cel<~ I1R 6a WHI1

7 Co unter-jib 7 Contre-M c he 7 Mo HTa)l(HbI~ KPOH w Te~ H

8 Slew ing platform 8 Chassis to urnant 8 Flosopon-as nna T¢lOpMa (paua)

9 Slewing ring 9 Co uronne d'orientation 9 OnoPHQ-OOBOpoTHbll4 Kpyr

10 Un de rcarriage 10 Chassis fixe 10 XOAOBaR paNa (onopHaR paMa)

11 Trolley 11 Cha riot 11 rpy30Bal'l re nexxa

12 Ho ist ing ro pe 12 Cab le de le vage 12 r py30BoH K3Hal

13 Bloc k assem bly 13 Moufle 13 KpIOKOaal'l nO:lBCCI<il

14 Hook 14 Cr oche t 14 KPIOK

15 Trolley travelling mechan ism 15 Mecanisme de dis tribution au 15 Tcne",e"'Ha~ ne6C,1I<.1

16 Trolley travelling rope 16 T e ne x e......... 11 KaHaI
16 Cabl e de distri bu tion d u cha not
17 Slewing mech ani sm 17 MexaHI1)t.' noeopora
17 Me ca rusme d'o rientation
18 Hoist ing winch 18 rp Y30a3R neoeaxa
18 Tre uil de le vage
19 Counterwe ig ht 19 npOTI1BOBeC
19 Contrepoids (lest)
20 Adjust ing connection lug for jib 20 Pery nl1pOB()'.Hoe YCTpoMCTlW
inc lination 20 Tirant de regl ag e pou r neche
21 Oc s Bpa U~ e l1I1R
21 Slew ing ax is
21 A xe de rotation

Figure 6 (continued)
Figure 6 (suite)
PHCyHOK 6 (noooonreuoe)

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003




8/ ~ 14

-17 '

Figure 7 - Tower crane assembled from component parts. high·level slewing with jack-kn ife boom
Figure 7 - Grue a tour a montage par elements. toumant du haut, a fleche a bee de canard
PMc:yHOI( 7 - 6aweHHblM KpaH. MOHTMpyeMblM 'ta~MM , c nOBopoTOM B BepxHeM 'taCTM,

ISIISO 4306--3: 2003

Key L'gende nereH,Qa

1 Basic boom 1 Fleche interieure OcHoaHAIl crpena
2 Fore boom 2 Fleche exte neure 2 ryceK (xo6clT)

3 Rope gu ide support 3 Chevalet de gu ide-cable 3 Ceetop

4 A -frame (gantry) 4 Porte-neche 4 nO,Q<;Tpe1lOK

5 Tie ropes 5 Cable de haubanage 5 OrrsllKHble KaHaTbI

6 Yoke 6 Ec hsse de raccord 6 Coe,QI4HI4TenbHOe 388HO

7 Bloc k assembly 7 Moufle 7 KpIOKOBaSl IlOnBeCKa

8 Counter-jib 8 Contre-fleche 8 npoTl4BOB8CH81l ICOHCQnb

9 Co un terweig ht 9 Contrepoids (lest) 9 npoTI4BOBeC

10 Ho isting w inch 10 Treuil de levage 10 rpy308aR ne6e.AKa

11 Jack-knife motion unit 11 Mecan isme de rele vage 11 MexaHI43M 143MeHeH14R BblneT8
12 Slewing mechanism 12 Mecanisme d'o rientat ion 12 MexaHI43M noeopora
13 Electrica l control cab inet 13 Armoi re de commande 13 Pacnpe.nenl4TenbHbll4 wQ¢

14 Slewing ring 14 Co uronne d'orientation 14 Onopso-noeoponesa KPYf

15 Slewing ring support 15 Pivo t fixe 15 Heno80p0THaR 060MMa

16 Cab 16 Cabine 16 Ka614Ha 1<p8H08U!I4Ka

17 Tower 17 Mat 17 baW HR

a See Figure 1 I Vo ir Fig ure 1 I CM. PI4CYHOK 1

Figure 7 (con tinued)

Figure 7 (suite)
PI4CYHOK 7 (npodonJKeHue)

ISIISO 4306-3: 2003

Bibliography Bibliographie

(1) 1504306-1 :1990. Cranes -- 111 ISO 4306-1 :1990. Appareils [1) IilCO 4306-1:1990. noiJbeM-
Vocabulary - Part 1. Gen - tie lovage a charge sus- Hble ycmpoiicmee - Cno-
eral pendue - Vocabulaire eapb - lJacmb 1: 06U(ue
Partie 1: Generalites nOnOJKeHUR

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS IS a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to prom cC
harmonious development of the activitres of standardization, marking and quality certification .•
goods and attendmg to connected matters In the country.

BIS has the copyright vf all ItS pubtications. No part of the these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission If) writing of 81S. This does not preclude the free use, In the
course 01 Implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and Sizes, type or qrad.i
designations. Enquiries relaling to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), 81S.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard alongwith amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates
that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. MED 14 (0938).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date 01 Issue Text Affected


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