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Let us start this lesson by pondering upon this question below:

Why do we need to care God’s creation?

Module Coverage

This module has the following lesson/s:

Lesson Title Expected Skills Core Values Estimated
no. You’ll learn to… Time
1 Creation Doctrine: Discusses the catechesis on creation. Responsibility/ 10 days
Spirituality Researches about organizations which promote accountability
environmental protection. Stewardship
Gratitude to God
Morals: Participates in programs for ecological for His creation
preservation such as solid waste- management, Preservation of
recycling, etc. natural resources

Worship: Praises God for the gift of creation.

The learner will be able to know and understand that God is our creator and that He created the universe out of
His wisdom and goodness.

The learner will preserve, care and love Mother Nature by conserving and protecting everything that God has

 Holy Bible
 Catechism of the Catholic Church
 Catechism for Filipino Catholics
 Social Teachings of the Church
 Vatican II Documents Laudato Si
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Discusses the catechesis on creation. Researches about organizations which promote environmental protection.
2. Participates in programs for ecological preservation such as solid waste- management, recycling, etc.
3. Praises God for the gift of creation.


DAY 1 & 2

Let’s find out how much have you learned about Creation Spirituality by answering the set
of question below.

Task 1
Directions: Read thoroughly the passage below under (What do I see?) section. Then, list down below some experiences
of yours when you shared something of yourself.

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Every time we establish a relationship with someone, sharing of oneself is inevitable. This sharing may be
manifested in different forms such as sharing load, sharing food, sharing smile, and other countless ways.
Activity 1
Directions: Recall some experiences of yours when you shared something of yourself. List them down below.
Something in me Person whom I Reasons for How I feel about Effects of sharing
That I shared Shared with sharing sharing With someone


In our time today, the idea of sharing of oneself may be expressed in different manners. Sharing does not always
have a positive effect on our relationships. The challenge that is posed to us is to discover which act of sharing is authentic
or inauthentic. To know authentic sharing, we need to turn to God’s word and through the course of this lesson appreciate
how God shares Himself in Creation.

End of Explore
Good job! It’s quite easy right? You were able to recognize how God shares Himself in Creation. Now,
it’s time to strengthen your learning as you go along to the next sections.


In the book of Leviticus, God the Creator is saying to us that the land itself must be given rest and not
abused. This is one of the moral responsibilities given to us to love and care for His beautiful creation. Let
us discover and learn more about creation spirituality.
Task 2
Directions: Read the passage under What do I hear? Section.


a. What Does the Bible Say?

Care for Creation
Leviticus 25: 1-7

The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai, Speak to the Israelites and tell them, When you enter the land that I am
giving you, let the land, too, keep a Sabbath for the LORD. For six years you may sow your field, and for six years prune
your vineyard, gathering in their produce. But during the seventh year the land shall have a Sabbath of complete rest, a
Sabbath for the LORD, when you may neither sow your field nor prune your vineyard. The after growth of your harvest
you shall not reap, nor shall you pick the grapes of your untrimmed vines. It shall be a year of rest for the land. While the
land has its Sabbath, all its produce will be food to eat for you yourself and for your male and female slave, for you
labourer and the tenant who live with you, and likewise for your livestock and for the wild animals on your land.

Activity 2
Directions: Answer the question below. Write legibly.
1. What message/s we can get from Leviticus 23: 1 – 7?

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Activity 3
Directions: Answer the following.
1. What does the story of creation, in Leviticus, teach us about God and His creation? Give at least three (3) and
explain them.

2. Why is human being considered different from other creatures?

3. What is the impact of knowing that we are created according to the image and likeness of God to you, as a student
and as a creation of God Himself?

4. Compose a personal prophecy based on the message of Pope Francis that conveys care for the environment.

End of Firm-Up
In this section, you will be going to widen your understanding on Creation Spirituality. Do the task 3
below and learn more about the Foundation of Creation.


DAY 3 & 4

Task 3
Directions: Read the passage under What does the church teach? section.

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b. What Does the Church Teach?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines emphasize the
following points for us to understand the spirituality of creation.
Pope Francis stressed, in His Encyclical Laudato Si, a worldwide wake up call to help humanity understand the
destruction that man is rendering to the environment and his fellow man. Laudato Si means "Praise be to you" which is
the first line of a canticle by St. Francis that praises God with all of his creation. The document looks not only at man’s
effect on the environment, but also the many philosophical, theological and cultural causes that threaten the relationships
of man to nature and man to each other in various circumstances.
As Christians, we believe that Creation is the foundation of "all God's saving plans,” the “beginning of the
history of salvation" that culminates in Christ. Conversely, the mystery of Christ casts conclusive light on the mystery of
creation and reveals the end for which in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth from the beginning, God
envisaged the glory of the new creation in Christ (CCC, 280).
The two parts of the Bible, the Old Testament suggests and the New Covenant reveals the creative action of the
Son and the Spirit, inseparably one with that of the Father. This creative co-operation is clearly affirmed in the Church's
rule of faith. Creation is the common work of the Holy Trinity (CCC, 292).
We believe that God created the world according to His heavenly wisdom and love. It is not the product out of
any necessity, neither of blind fate nor chance. We believe that it proceeds from God's free will. He wanted to make His
creatures share in His being, wisdom and goodness (CCC, 295).
In all creatures, human being is the summit of the Creator's work (CCC, 343). Our Christian faith teaches that
human being is the crown and key to God's creation. All things on earth should be related to human persons as their center
and crown (CFC, 334).
According to Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP 1, 323), it is our moral obligation to care for God's
creation. The physical limitations of our natural resources imply a moral demand, the duty of responsible dominion over
There are several organizations in the Philippines that who lead in caring for the environment. One of them is the
Ecological Society of the Philippines (ESP). It is a non-stock, non-profit, non-governmental organization. It was formed
to provide a formal institutional organization that would cooperate and collaborate with both private and public sectors of
Philippine Society; for the institution, sponsorship, assistance and financing of action programs, studies, and research
pertaining to the conservation, enchantment, and protection for mankind of nature in all its forms, and the natural
environment, including fauna, flora, landscape, water, soil, forest, and other natural resources. The Society together with
local NGOs have actively campaigned with the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines (CBCP) to come out with a pastoral
letter to promote the fight for a clean and healthy environment as imbedded in the constitution. (Retrieved from
Our Pope Francis stresses that "we must make a serious commitment to respect and protect creation, to be
attentive to every person, to counter the culture of waste and disposable, to promote a culture of solidarity and of
encounter". (Retrieved from

What Can I Celebrate?

Directions: Together with your family, classmates or friends pray fervently the prayers below. You can visit this link:
Creation Prayer
God our Father,
You created the world and sent Your own Son to live among us,
made of the same stuff, breathing the same air,
marveling at sunrise and sunset just as we do.
Help us to participate in the life around and within us as your life
as You living in us and we living in You and in each other
God of love and life, restore us to Your peace,
renew us through Your power and teach us to love all
that You have created and to care for the earth
as your gift and our home.


To deepen your understanding on Creation Spirituality, kindly answer the following activities below.

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Activity 4
Directions: Make a research about organizations (local/national/international) which promote environmental protection.

Name of Organization Short Description Contribution to Environment






Activity 5A
Directions: List down experiences where you encounter/discover God through His creation.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 5B: Share your Insights
1. Why did God create the world? Why did He create you?
2. How do we violate or put to shame our dignity as created in the image and likeness of God?
Activity 6

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Directions: Given the chance to become the DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) secretary, what
would be your five priorities to bring back the lost beauty, order, and goodness of creation and promote ecological

Priorities Outcomes and Results






End of Deepen
You have showed a great amount of effort to this lesson that leads you to a better understanding. Proceed to
the next section of this module to develop your learning.

How am I doing?
Using the scale of 1 to 5, rate your skills (1 = poor, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent)
Rate Skills

I can discuss the catechesis on creation.

I can research about organizations which promote environmental protection.

I can participate in programs for ecological preservation such as solid waste- management,
recycling, etc.

I can praise God for the gift of creation.

Now that you have gained enough knowledge about Creation Spirituality, let’s apply your learning in a real-
TRANSFER life context.


DAY 5 - 9
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Performance task

Directions: You are a member of a ‘Beautification Campaign Organization’. Your organization is planning to have a
symposium next week via webinar addressing on the environmental issues. This symposium is intended for all local
government officers across the nation. As part of the organization, you are asked to record a video prayer presentation to
be utilized on that day. You will be graded based on the following rubric. You will be graded based on the following

Rubric for a Video Prayer Presentation


(10) (8) (7) (5)

Student is well Student is well Student is not well Student is obviously

PREPARATION prepared and it is prepared but the prepared and would unprepared for the
obvious that he/she presentation of the benefit from many task. No evidence of
rehearsed his/her prayer presentation rehearsals. any rehearsals.
prayer presentation requires a few more
thoroughly. rehearsals.

MEMORIZATION The student has The student has The student has The student has not
memorized the entire memorized the entire memorized the entire memorized the entire
prayer presentation prayer presentation prayer presentation prayer presentation.
and is able to present and is able to present and is able to present,
it without error. with just one error however makes three
from which h/she or more errors and
recovers. doesn’t recover.

CLARITY AND The student speaks The student speaks The student speaks The student does not
EXPRESSION clearly, distinctly, and clearly and distinctly. clearly but is, at speak clearly,
with appropriate and Some minor lapses in times, indistinct, too mispronounces words
varied pitch and tone pitch and tone, and quiet, and/or pitch and is inaudible.
modulation. Recites volume or the was rarely used or the Spoken in monotone.
loudly enough to hear emotion conveyed did emotion it conveyed
throughout the not always fit the often did not fit the
presentation. content or emphasis content.

VIDEO QUALITY Video is well lit and Video is well lit and Video is fairly lit Camera may be jerky,
frames subject frames the subject within minimal making it difficult to
appropriately. Editing within the frame movement. Subject is view, poorly lit, or
enhances without excessive usually within the subject not clearly in
cohesiveness of the movement. frame. video.

SOUND QUALITY Sound is clear and Video is Video somewhat Video is difficult to
volume is appropriate. understandable and difficult to hear or is hear or is too loud.
volume is appropriate. occasionally too loud.

Garnered points

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N.B. Please refer your prayer presentation on page 4, “Creation Prayer”. Please submit your prayer presentation through
my Messenger Account. You can do it! 

Messenger Account: Teacher Philip Wenceslao Delguera

Hopefully, you have learned many things about Creation Spirituality. Continue improving your learnings as
we go along with our next lessons 

DAY 10

Activity 11 – True or False
Directions: Read the following statements below. Then, write true if the statement is correct, and write false if the
statement is wrong. Write your answer on the blank before the number.

_______________ 1. The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai, Speak to the Israelites and tell them, When you enter the
land that I am giving you, let the land, too, keep a Sabbath for the LORD.

_______________ 2. Our Pope Francis stresses that “we must make a serious commitment to respect and protect

_______________ 3. There are several organizations in the Philippines that who lead in caring for the environment.

_______________ 4. Our Christian faith teaches that human being is the crown and key to God's creation.

_______________ 5. We believe that God created the world according to His heavenly wisdom and Man’s will.

_______________ 6. The Old Testament suggests and the New Covenant reveals the creative action of the Son and the
Spirit, inseparably one with that of the Father.

_______________ 7. Catechism of the Catholic Church means "Praise be to you" which is the first line of a canticle by St.
Francis that praises God with all of his creation.

_______________ 8. As Christians, we believe that Creation is the foundation of "all God's saving plans,” the “beginning
of the history of salvation" that culminates in Christ.

_______________ 9. Human being is the summit of the Creator's work

_______________ 10. All things on earth should be related to human persons.

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