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(Channing D. Pips ‘sting United Stats Anorny Dist of Conti daly 19,2021, VIAEMAIL ‘Loews Dans, sy nesta com Re: United Sines. Henry Taio (Case Now 2021 CF2 000105 end 2021 CMD 000106 ear Counsel ‘This agreement ses forth the fll and complete pes offer fr your cle, fom the OPice ofthe Usied States Attorney for the Disist of Columbia (hereinafter slo refered t 25 “he GGoverament” or this Ofice). The Goverament eserves the rit fo evoke thie pea offers 2m) time before your clin eters guilty pleas in these eases. Tf your client seep the tems and ‘condton st forth below, please have your client execute this document in the spae provided below. Upon receipt of the executed document, this agreement wl become the plea agreement beeween you let and he Goverament. The cms ofthe offer a follows 1, Yourclen agrees to admit guilt and enters ples of guilty tothe following offenses: fin case number 2021 CF2 000105, one count of Attempted Possession of Lange Cepaciy ‘Ammunition Feding Devi involution o7 D.C. Code §2506.01(0) and 22 D.C. Code § 1803, nd incase number 2021 CMD 000106, one count of Destruction of Property in violton of 23 our clen understands that each one ofthese offenses caries a poesia ‘maximum penalty of 180 days’ imprisonment andor a $1000 fine. Your client understands that ‘the Court may order th the sentences imposed in each of hese two case be served consecutively 'o one anthe. Your lent further understands ta, pursuat to 16 D.C, Cade § 711, the Court may nadia o any eer sentence imposed a8 a coadtion of probation o asa sentence sell, ‘quire your cin! to make reasonable resition or reparation, pursustt othe factors set forth thera, 2. Your clict understands tat the Goverameat will waive stepbeck pending sentencing wil waive any sentencing enhancement papers, and will eserelloction at sentencing. "The Government may move to change you client's conditions of release, including requesting, that yor client be detained pending sentencing if your client engage in further eiminal conduct roto sentencing or if the Goverment cans information tat didnot posses atte time of 1 andthe Your cleat ages tat is agement Hing on he Gore, ace nig Ct 9 ae meee arses of any ence cm. fe Tene Govemument'sallacuion ad may request fesse Senne ttryourcet st jo in this plea is intended to prevent the against your client in these two cases. Ne aoe eet pu man on} tae charges, Your cen ndetds t caret er he event tha he goverment charges him with ter Ons 2 Garged in hese css. &. Your cen ares thatthe goverment may ust his statement in tis pee roe ein ny sus oe, ning mbsegpen oes in ese a fhe pleaser withcows 9. Your liens agrees tht if any ileal fears regs contraband were seized ty ay aw cts agency Tote possesion forthe eto nic coat of You, 10, Inestering this plea of guilty, your client understands and agrees io waive certain in ofthe United States and/or by statute. Your client rights afforded to your cent bythe Coasttut remely and voluntary wares or gives up his ht aginst selincriminaton with respect the offense() to which your clients pleading guilty before the Court which accepts your client's ‘la Your int also understands tht by leading pity your cin is waiving or giving up your {our client's plea of gully and that is relevant to whether your client is likely to flee or pose ‘Senge to any person or the community. Your client also agrees that any violation of your client's release conditions or any misconduet by your client may result inthe Government fling a motion with he Cour requesting that a bench warrant be issued for your client's arrest and that your cent be detained without bond. aepegrattinauy yaanai enbnbb e wt sp eae ying nb dh ‘tence leg saat eto, ESET tee ese ‘ShcekTinuetennd we ape ti mae a Sipe brn coc onteb ecoic 12, Te ago ce i ite gaye is xis on aes eos a Se ey SB Tanya ee ee, pene, ‘ay Aeon mPa DEEENDANTS ACEETANCE inl ieee nd ct oe ve er ig ey, Siaraceit ig pad tts tos treo “Slerhe hence of ying nt ole yy rn is pee a. ‘Sringeri h po oteneoheen ‘eee sai ons annem wh eon cs payee net in Spice mance rent pandy amen son pen Duh IN Qos q ATTORNEYS ACKNOWLEDGMENT Tm ed oe ge ening ipl yremen evened em ih le to icon te posi ce spree wey es ly. The pges score) indepth pes ez ux_tuly 19,2001 (i tmce bans Tibi Pp ‘omy Deft

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