Aheed: Student Declaration

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Student Declaration

I___Muhammad Aheed Hashmi___ Registration No._18-Arid-4033_, hereby declare that by

attempting the paper for the course Data Base Administration and Management, I will not be
involved in any kind of cheating/copying/plagiarizing in solving the short questions based
paper of Final Term Examination Spring 2021. I take full responsibility of my conduct. If I
found involved in any kind of such activity of cheating/copying/plagiarizing, then Institute
reserves the right to take any disciplinary action against me.

Student Signature
Final Exam / Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 24 hours)
(Online Assignment Based Question Paper)

Course No.: CS-601 Course Title: Data Base Administration and Management
Total Marks: 30 Date of Exams:
Degree:BSIT Semester: 6th Section: A & B
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Obtained Marks in Words:
Name of the Teacher: HINA UMBRIN
Who taught the course: Signature of Teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 18-Arid-4033 Name: Muhammad Aheed Hashmi


Answer the following questions

Q.No.1. Write the order in which the instructions are to be executed in a concurrent Schedule.

(Marks 10)
Schedule S
R(X) W(X)
T2 R(X)


Schedule S
R(X) W(X)

Q.No.2. Discuss the various component of below Diagram?

(Marks 10)

The System Global Area (SGA) is a group of shared memory structures, known as SGA
components, that contain data and control information for one Oracle Database instance. The
SGA is shared by all server and background processes. Examples of data stored in the SGA
include cached data blocks and shared SQL areas.
The list of components of SGA are given below:
Component Description
Result cache The result cache buffers query results. If a query is run for which the
results are stored in the result cache, then the database returns the
query results from the result cache instead of rerunning the query. This
SGA component speeds the execution of frequently run queries.
Streams pool The Streams pool is an area of memory that is used by the Oracle
Streams feature. 
Java pool The Java pool is an area of memory that is used for all session-specific
Java code and data within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Large pool This optional area is used to buffer large I/O requests for various
server processes.
Redo log buffer This buffer improves performance by caching redo information until it
can be written to the physical online redo log files stored on disk.
Shared pool The shared pool caches information that is shared among users:

 Stored procedures, which are executable code that is stored in

the database

 Information from the data dictionary such as user account data,

table and index descriptions, and privileges

 SQL statements that can be reused

Database buffer Before data stored in the database can be queried or modified, it must
cache be read from a disk and stored in the buffer cache. All user processes
connected to the database share access to the buffer cache. For optimal
performance, the buffer cache should be large enough to avoid
frequent disk I/O operations.

Q.No.3. Describe the three locking operations called read_lock(A), write_lock(A) and

unlock(A) represented as lock-S(A), lock-X(A), unlock(A) (Here, S indicates shared lock, X
indicates exclusive lock) can be performed on a data item. (Marks 10)

We should permit many transactions to access an equivalent item A if all of them access A’
for reading functions solely. However, if a dealing is to write down Associate in Nursing item
A, it should have exclusive access to A. For this purpose, a special variety of lock referred to
as a multiple-mode lock is employed. during this theme there square measure
shared/exclusive or read/write locks square measure used.

Lock Operations :
There are 3 lockup operations referred to as read_lock(A), write_lock(A) and unlock(A)
diagrammatic as lock-S(A), lock-X(A), unlock(A) (Here, S indicates shared lock, X indicates
exclusive lock)can be performed on an information item. A lock related to Associate in
Nursing item A, LOCK (A), currently has 3 attainable states: “read-locked”, “write-locked,”
or “unlocked.” A scan-locked item is additionally referred to as share-locked item as a result
of alternative transactions ar allowed to read the item, whereas a write-locked item is caused
exclusive-locked, as a result of one dealing completely holds the lock on the item. Thus we
are able to say that the answer of inconsistency results in impasse downside. If we have a
tendency to don't use lockup or unlock knowledge things as presently as potential once
reading or writing them, we have a tendency to could get inconsistent states. On the opposite
hand, if we have a tendency to don't unlock {a knowledge|a knowledge|an information} item
before requesting a lock on another data item deadlocks could occur. There area unit ways
that to avoid impasse in some things. Deadlocks area unit positively desirable to inconsistent
states, since they'll be handled by rolling back of transactions, wherever as inconsistent states
could result in globe issues that can't be handled by the info system.

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