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TOPIC Research—Human—Clinical Studies

Language and Motor Mapping During Resection of

Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Indications,
Feasibility, and Utility
Andreu Gabarrós, MD*§ BACKGROUND: Microsurgical resection of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) located
William L. Young, MD*†‡ in the language and motor cortex is associated with the risk of neurological de-
Michael W. McDermott, MD* terioration, yet electrocortical stimulation mapping has not been widely used.
Michael T. Lawton, MD*‡ OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the usefulness of intraoperative mapping with language/
motor AVMs.
*Department of Neurological Surgery, METHODS: During an 11-year period, mapping was used in 12 of 431 patients (2.8%)
University of California, San Francisco,
California; †Department of Anesthesia undergoing AVM resection (5 patients with language and 7 patients with motor AVMs).
and Perioperative Care, University of Language mapping was performed under awake anesthesia and motor mapping under
California, San Francisco, California; general anesthesia.
‡Center for Cerebrovascular Research,
University of California, San Francisco, RESULTS: Identification of a functional cortex enabled its preservation in 11 patients
California; §Department of Neurological (92%), guided dissection through overlying sulci down to the nidus in 3 patients (25%),
Surgery, University Hospital of Bellvitge,
University of Barcelona, Spain
and influenced the extent of resection in 4 patients (33%). Eight patients (67%) had
complete resections. Four patients (33%) had incomplete resections, with circum-
Correspondence: ferentially dissected and subtotally disconnected AVMs left in situ, attached to areas of
Michael T. Lawton, MD, eloquence and with preserved venous drainage. All were subsequently treated with
Department of Neurological Surgery,
University of California, radiosurgery. At follow-up, 6 patients recovered completely, 3 patients were neuro-
San Francisco, logically improved, and 3 patients had new neurological deficits.
505 Parnassus Avenue,
M780, Box 0112,
CONCLUSION: Indications for intraoperative mapping include preoperative functional
San Francisco, CA 94143-0112. imaging that identifies the language/motor cortex adjacent to the AVM; larger AVMs
E-mail: with higher Spetzler-Martin grades; and patients presenting with unruptured AVMs
without deficits. Mapping identified the functional cortex, promoted careful tissue
Received, December 14, 2009.
Accepted, August 23, 2010. handling, and preserved function. Mapping may guide dissection to AVMs beneath
the cortical surface, and it may impact the decision to resect the AVM completely. More
Copyright ª 2011 by the conservative, subtotal circumdissections followed by radiosurgery may be an alternative
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
to observation or radiosurgery alone in patients with larger language/motor cortex AVMs.
KEY WORDS: Arteriovenous malformation, Electrocortical stimulation mapping, Language mapping, Micro-
surgery, Motor mapping

Neurosurgery 68:744–752, 2011 DOI: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e318207a9a7

rteriovenous malformations (AVMs) these patients are typically managed conserva-
located in the motor and language cortex tively or treated radiosurgically.3,4 Motor or
are associated with significant risk of language function may shift in the presence of an
neurological deterioration, especially in patients AVM from its anatomic location to an adjacent
presenting with unruptured AVMs and minimal gyrus or even to the contralateral hemisphere.1,5-11
or no neurological deficits.1,2 Consequently, Increasingly, sophisticated neuroradiological
imaging can detect these shifts in functional
localization with functional magnetic resonance
ABBREVIATIONS: AVM, arteriovenous malforma- imaging (fMRI), magnetoencephalography, mag-
tion; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; netic source imaging (MSI), positron emission
mRS, modified Rankin Scale; MSI, magnetic source
tomography (PET), and Wada testing. Finding an
unexpected separation between eloquent cortex

744 | VOLUME 68 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2011

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and AVM nidus on one of these imaging modalities may encourage patients underwent CT scanning, MR imaging, catheter angiography,
more aggressive intervention with surgical resection, but the reso- and fMRI and/or MSI. Patients with AVMs in the language cortex
lution of these studies is often low and significant shifts in func- underwent language testing (naming, counting, reading, and verbal
tional localization occur infrequently. Therefore, preoperative fluency tests) by a neuropsychologist. Patients with AVMs less than
10 mm from the motor or language cortex, as determined by fMRI and/
functional imaging serves only as a screening test for major re-
or MSI, and with normal neuropsychologic language testing (.90%
organization of the eloquent cortex. proficiency), were selected for intraoperative brain mapping. Of the
Electrocortical stimulation mapping is widely used with intrinsic 12 patients in this study, 7 had motor and 5 had language area AVMs.
brain tumors, facilitating more extensive resections than otherwise
possible and increasing patient survival. However, electrocortical Anesthetic Considerations
stimulation mapping has not been widely used with AVMs, Patients with motor cortex AVMs were operated on with general
probably because compact AVMs do not contain brain tissue anesthesia; and patients with language cortex AVMs were operated on
within the nidus, and they typically have a distinct plane between ‘‘awake.’’ During craniotomy and surgical exposure for awake cases,
their borders and adjacent brain. In addition, AVM resections can patients were sedated with intravenous agents that included propofol
be more technical, tedious, and prone to bleeding than glioma (50-100 mgkg21min21) and remifentanil (0.05-0.2 mgkg21min21).
resections, which makes them more daunting in awake AVM Local anesthesia with lidocaine was used for scalp and temporal muscle.
patients than in awake glioma patients. In reality, a significant After the bone flap was removed, dura was locally infiltrated with li-
portion of the dissection around an AVM is not in a subarachnoid docaine. Before mapping, sedatives were discontinued and patients were
plane and instead is in a parenchymal plane beyond pia mater. awakened under the care of the anesthesiologist. In patients operated on
with general anesthesia, muscle relaxants were not used other than during
Furthermore, a significant number of AVMs have a border or
endotracheal intubation, and a low dose of potent agent, eg, desflurane
borders that are diffuse rather than compact, forcing the dissection (2-3%) and intravenous propofol infusion (50-125 mgkg21min21) was
into brain parenchyma to completely encircle the nidus. Even maintained until the end of the surgery.
minor pial violations and parenchymal invasions can be costly
in the motor and language cortex. Stimulation mapping provides Cortical Stimulation Mapping
an intraoperative technique for identifying and preserving func- The cortical surface was widely exposed and stimulation was per-
tional cortex around motor and language area AVMs. Nonetheless, formed using standard, bipolar electrodes (5 mm). Constant current
published experiences are few and small in size. generator was set to deliver biphasic square wave pulses of 4-ms duration
Intraoperative brain mapping requires a coordinated team of at 60 Hz. Stimuli were initiated at 1.5 mA and increased to a maximum
neurosurgeons, neuroanesthesiologists, and neurophysiologists of 8 mA. Intraoperative monitoring using somatosensory evoked po-
that does not exist at many centers. The high volume of intrinsic tentials was also used in all cases. Sterile numbered labels were used to
brain tumors treated with intraoperative mapping at the identify the stimulation sites.
University of California, San Francisco makes this team readily During awake surgery, patients were asked to repeat 3 language tasks
available for AVM patients. We applied these mapping techni- tested preoperatively: counting numbers from 1 to 50, naming objects on
a computer screen, and reading single words projected sequentially on
ques to selected motor and language area AVMs to evaluate their
a computer screen. Cortical sites were stimulated 3 times for 3-second
indications, feasibility, and utility. We are confident operating durations, and language deficits (eg, counting errors, speech arrest, or
on small AVMs in these areas, but have advocated caution with alexia) during at least 2 of the 3 stimulations in the same site identified
medium-sized AVMs, the so-called grade III+ AVMs.12 We a functional speech area. A neuropsychologist conducted all preoperative
hypothesized that intraoperative stimulation mapping may be one and intraoperative language testing. Corticography was routinely used
method to improve outcomes in these and higher Spetzler-Martin during awake surgery to avoid language errors owing to subclinical
grade AVMs in these eloquent territories. seizure activity. Once the sites were identified, sedative drugs were
restarted for patient comfort. In the general anesthesia group (asleep),
PATIENTS AND METHODS stimulated sites on the motor strip showed positive motor responses
in muscles of the contralateral side of the body (eg, foot, leg, arm,
The study was approved by the University of California, San Francisco hand, or face). Intraoperative seizures induced by stimulation were
Committee on Human Research and conducted in compliance with treated with topical ice-cold Ringer’s solution and intravenous propofol
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations. During (1 mg/kg bolus).
an 11-year period, 431 patients underwent microsurgical resection of
their AVMs by a single neurosurgeon (M.T.L.), and intraoperative brain Patient Outcomes
mapping was used in 12 of these patients (2.8%). Data were obtained Neurological outcome was assessed using the modified Rankin Scale
from an ongoing registry of AVM patients treated at our institution, (mRS). A single clinical nurse, under the supervision of a neurologist,
maintained prospectively as part of the University of California, San performed all clinical assessments before any treatment, preoperatively,
Francisco, Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Study Project. at 6 months postoperatively, and during the follow-up period. All
patients had follow-up data within 6 months of analysis. Patients with
Preoperative Evaluation AVM-related seizures that were controlled with medications, and
Preoperatively, all patients underwent complete neurological exami- without any other neurological symptoms, were assigned a mRS score
nation and a baseline modified Rankin Scale score was assigned. All of 0. Alternatively, neurologically intact patients with refractory


Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


AVM-related seizures that interfered with daily activities (working, In 3 patients (25%), the AVM was deep to the cortical surface
school, driving, etc) were assigned a score of 2. Surgical morbidity was and mapping guided the dissection through overlying sulci down
assessed by comparing mRS 6 months postoperatively with the mRS to the nidus. In addition, a small lobule of cortex was resected in
immediately before surgery. each of these cases and mapping helped avoid the language cortex
in 2 cases and the motor cortex in 1 case (Table 2).
RESULTS In 4 patients (33%), brain mapping influenced the attitude
toward the extent of resection. Two patients had AVM borders
Patients and AVM Characteristics that were too intimately associated with the functional cortex to
Twelve patients with AVMs located in the motor or language complete the resection safely. Two patients had deep, conical
cortex had a mean age of 31 years (Table 1). There were 5 men extensions of nidus into white matter near the internal capsule
and 7 women. Only 3 patients (25%) presented with hemor- and deep perforating artery supply from lenticulostriate arteries
rhage. AVM sizes ranged from 1.5 cm to 6.0 cm (mean size, and branches of the posterior cerebral artery. Further dissection
3.7 cm). Patients with Spetzler-Martin grade III+ AVMs were the across these areas was aborted. In these cases of incomplete re-
largest subgroup (5 patients), and 3 patients had high-grade AVMs. section, the nidus was circumferentially dissected in all planes
Ten patients underwent preoperative AVM embolization, except those associated with functional sites, disconnecting
and 3 of these patients were embolized twice. Four patients most arterial feeders while preserving the major draining vein.
had undergone radiosurgery previously, with incompletely Dearterialized AVMs were left in situ with the intent to treat
obliterated AVMs. with radiosurgery.

Utility of Brain Mapping Surgical Complications

Cortical mapping was considered useful in all 12 patients. The Two patients, both asleep, had intraoperative seizures during
language cortex was identified in all 5 patients undergoing awake motor mapping and both were easily controlled with cold
craniotomy (Figures 1 and 2), and the motor cortex was also Ringer’s solution and intravenous propofol. Two patients (17%)
identified in one of these patients (Figure 3) (Table 2). The motor had hemorrhagic complications (Table 3). An intracerebral
cortex was identified in 6 of 7 patients undergoing asleep cra- hemorrhage in the resection cavity indicated a small piece of
niotomy. Identification of the functional cortex enabled its residual AVM that was resected at the time of hematoma evac-
preservation during AVM resection in 11 patients (92%), with uation. The other patient had an epidural hematoma that was
care during dissection not to transgress pial planes. The inability evacuated urgently without neurological sequelae. Median length
to identify the motor cortex in one patient was still considered of stay was 9 days (range, 4-30 days).
useful because it enabled confident dissection in the parenchymal
planes around the nidus. A strip electrode was placed posteriorly Patient Outcomes
in this patient to try to identify the motor cortex, but this was Eight patients (67%) had a complete AVM resection con-
unsuccessful. firmed by angiography postoperatively (Table 3). Four patients

TABLE 1. Patient Demographics and AVM Characteristicsa

Patients Age, y/Sex Presentation Location Size, mm S/M Gradeb Prior Radiosurgery Embolization
1 28/F Seizures L Frontoparietal 47 IV (S2V1E1) None 0
2 15/F Hemorrhage L Insular 28 III2 (S1V1E1) Yes 1
3 39/M Seizures L Temporal, Insular 47 III+ (S2V0E1) None 1
4 30/F Headache L Temporal 48 III+ (S2V0E1) None 1
5 43/M Seizures L Frontal 31 III+ (S2V0E1) None 1
6 38/F Headache L Precentral 50 IV (S2V1E1) None 1
7 35/M Hemorrhage R Rolandic 50 III+ (S2V0E1) Yes (2) 2
8 33/F Headache L Rolandic 17 III2 (S1V1E1) None 2
9 24/M Headache R Postcentral 33 III+ (S2V0E1) None 2
10 17/F Headache L Rolandic 15 II (S1V0E1) Yes 0
11 42/M Hemorrhage, seizures L Rolandic 21 III2 (S1V1E1) None 1
12 32/F Seizures L Precentral 60 V (S3V1E1) Yes 1
S/M, Spetzer-Martin; F, female; M, male; L, left; R, right.
According to modified Spetzler-Martin scale for grade III AVMs.12

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FIGURE 1. Patient 4. Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (A) and sagittal T1-weighted MR image (B) demonstrated
this left temporal AVM adjacent to Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas. Digital subtraction angiography [left internal carotid artery
injection, anteroposterior (C) and lateral (D) views] demonstrated a Spetzler-Martin grade III+ AVM. AVM, arteriovenous

(33%) had incomplete resections, with circumferentially dis- deterioration consisting of hemiparesis and expressive aphasia.
sected and subtotally disconnected AVMs left in situ, attached to She underwent embolization and complete resection.
areas of functional eloquence and with preserved venous drainage. Nine patients deteriorated postoperatively, reflecting the high
Incompletely resected AVMs included 2 Spetzler-Martin grade Spetzler-Martin grades of these AVMs and their proximity to
IV lesions and one grade V lesion, as well as a modified grade III- eloquent cortex (Table 3). Two patients were unchanged and
lesion. Residual AVM was confirmed on postoperative angiog- 1 patient with a ruptured AVM improved. The mean post-
raphy in these patients, and all were treated subsequently with operative mRS was 2.9, compared with a mean preoperative mRS
Gamma knife radiosurgery. Two of these patients are within the score of 1.3. However, much of this deterioration was transient,
3-year latency period after radiosurgery. One patient’s AVM was with a mean mRS score of 1.3 three months after surgery. At late
successfully obliterated with radiosurgery. One patient (patient 1) follow-up (mean follow-up duration, 3.3 y), 6 patients (50%)
had a new hemorrhage 1 year after radiosurgery, with associated recovered completely and 3 patients (25%) were neurologically


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FIGURE 2. Patient 4. A, intraoperative mapping identified Wernicke’s area (48) and Broca’s area (40), both adjacent to the AVM. B, a distinct subarachnoid dissection
plane enabled the nidus to separate from Broca’s area. C, the dissection plane was less distinct with Wernicke’s area (behind the retractor blade). D, the nidus was
circumferentially dissected and the draining vein darkened. E, angular artery was skeletonized to preserve normal en passage arteries to distal territories. AVM, arteriovenous

improved relative to their preoperative mRS score. Three patients none of the patients experienced any significant discomfort
(25%) remained with new neurological deficits. Nine patients or complained about awake anesthesia. We did not develop
(75%) had good outcomes (living independently with mRS # 2). novel mapping techniques, but our experience with established
There was no mortality in this series. techniques has encouraged us to be more surgically minded in
Of the 5 patients presenting with seizures, only 1 patient had our management of carefully selected language and motor
seizures at late follow-up evaluation. Three patients had seizures area AVMs.
during the perioperative period and none had seizures at the
late follow-up. Indications for Mapping With AVMs
Preoperative functional imaging was performed in all 12 of our
DISCUSSION patients and it demonstrated proximity of the AVM to the
language or motor cortex. Many functional imaging options are
The safety of electrocortical stimulation mapping during available, and we have used PET scans, MSI, and fMRI. Our
surgery for brain AVMs has been reported previously,13-19 and current imaging modality of choice is fMRI because it is easy to
our small experience with 12 AVMs in motor and language areas acquire, is convenient to review on our hospital network, and
confirms its feasibility and safety. There were no complications enables excellent correlation with brain and AVM anatomy.
associated with its use. Motor mapping required minimal alter- fMRI is based on changes in imaged blood flow with functional
ation in the usual operative routine, but the neurosurgeon must activation, and we have found, like others, that abnormal
be prepared to control intraoperative seizures. Language mapping hemodynamics of AVMs interfere with functional imaging,
required significant alteration in the usual operative routine, but overestimating the area of functional cortex.6,7,20,21 However, the
there were no awkward circumstances for the neurosurgeon and information from fMRI is sufficient to apply the algorithm that

748 | VOLUME 68 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2011

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entire nidus, and dissection rarely stops short of complete re-

TABLE 2. Utility of Language and Motor Mapping During AVM section. In contrast, high-grade AVMs are large, can have diffuse
Resectiona borders with unclear dissection planes, or can extend deep into
Cortical Extent of sensitive white matter. Mapping is useful with these larger AVMs
Patients Mapping Preservation Approachb Resectionc because an adjacent lobule of brain may need to be removed to
better visualize a dissection plane and, in some cases, resection
1 Language Yes Yes Yes
must be stopped to avoid surgical morbidity.
2 Language Yes No No Patient presentation is another important indication for
3 Language Yes No No mapping. Patients that present with hemorrhage and associated
4 Language Yes No No hemiplegia or aphasia were not mapped because many of these
5 Language, motor Yes Yes No patients were comatose and not suitable for intraoperative speech
Asleep testing. In addition, many of these patients’ functional cortex or
6 Motor Yes No Yes
associated white matter tracts may have been injured by the prior
7 Motor No No No
8 Motor Yes No Yes hemorrhage. In contrast, patients that present with unruptured
9 Motor Yes No No AVMs and seizures without deficits can cooperate with intra-
10 Motor Yes Yes No operative speech testing and appreciate the importance of co-
11 Motor Yes No No operation. The surgical risk, therefore, in these nonhemorrhagic
12 Motor Yes No Yes patients is considerable and mapping is more informative.
a The 12 patients who underwent language or motor mapping
AVM, arteriovenous malformation
‘‘Approach’’ refers to mapping’s utility in guiding the dissection through overlying were selected from a larger group of 36 patients with AVMs in or
sulci or brain to deep AVMs. around the language cortex and 28 patients with AVMs in or
‘‘Extent of resection’’ refers to mapping’s utility in deciding whether to completely around the motor cortex. The 52 patients who were not mapped
resect the AVM or abort resection after subtotal circumferential dissection around
the AVM.
had either Canestra group I lesions, or Canestra group III lesions
that were small, compact, and/or associated with significant
neurological deficits from hemorrhage. Excluded patients were
sufficiently different from included patients that a direct comparison
Canestra et al14 developed for peri-Sylvian AVMs: group I of outcomes would not demonstrate the benefits of mapping.
patients (minimal risk) have AVMs at least one gyrus removed
from language activation and are operated on asleep; group II Usefulness of Mapping With AVMs
(high-risk) patients have AVMs intimately associated with lan- We judged mapping to be useful in all 12 cases of AVM
guage function and are considered for Gamma knife radiosurgery resection. Even when mapping fails to identify the motor cortex
or observation; and group III patients (undetermined risk) have (as in one of our patients), it enables confident dissection around
AVMs adjacent to the language function and the risk of language the nidus. Mapping had 3 specific effects during AVM surgery.
deficit cannot be predicted with fMRI alone. The patients in our First, it identified the functional cortex, promoted careful
study were group III patients and were operated on awake with handling during the dissection, and thereby preserved function
cortical stimulation. The Canestra algorithm applies to language (11 patients). Second, mapping guided the dissection to AVMs
mapping, but we adopted a similar scheme for the motor cortex. beneath the cortical surface, identifying safe sulci away from
Patients with AVMs 1 gyrus removed from the motor cortex or functional cortex and overlying lobules whose removal might
with major reorganization of the motor function were operated improve access to the nidus (3 patients). Third, mapping im-
without motor mapping; patients with AVMs intimately asso- pacted the decision to resect the AVM completely, encouraging
ciated with motor function were considered for Gamma knife more conservative, subtotal circumdissections in 4 patients.
radiosurgery or observation; and patients with AVMs adjacent to Schaller et al1 refer to the precentral cortex, basal ganglia,
the motor function were operated on with motor mapping. and brainstem as areas of ‘‘high eloquence.’’ Knowing the exact
Therefore, we recommend preoperative functional imaging to location of the language and motor cortex, and the impact of
help select AVM patients for mapping. a deficit in intact patients, clearly makes the neurosurgeon more
We applied mapping techniques to larger AVMs with higher conservative. In this experience with 12 patients, the rate of
Spetzler-Martin grades. AVMs in the language and motor cortex subtotal resection was 25%; in the senior author’s overall AVM
are, by definition, eloquent, but many of them lack deep venous experience in the other 419 AVM patients, the rate of subtotal
drainage. Therefore, medium or large size is a common feature in resection is less than 2%. An informed attitude to these eloquent
these mapped AVMs. Low-grade AVMs tend to be more com- AVMs is appropriate, as reflected by a surgical morbidity rate of
pact, with clearer dissection planes and better separation from the 25% in a challenging group of patients. It is often difficult to halt
eloquent brain. The usefulness of mapping with these AVMs is the dissection short of complete resection, but the neurosurgeon
less because approaches to small AVMs are more direct, adjacent must allow the mapping to inform intraoperative decisions and
lobules of the brain do not need to be removed to encircle the occasionally stop operating. The small size of this experience and


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FIGURE 3. Patient 10. Digital subtraction angiography [left internal carotid artery injection, lateral (A) and anteroposterior (B) views] demonstrated a Spetzler-Martin
grade II AVM adjacent to motor cortex. C, the AVM was located in the central sulcus, and motor mapping confirmed motor function immediately anterior to the nidus (10).
D, the superficial dissection was in subarachnoid spaces, but deep dissection was in parenchymal planes. The nidus was encircled (E) and resected completely (F). AVM,
arteriovenous malformation.

the absence of a control group of patients with AVMs operated on Securing the airway may interrupt surgery at a critical juncture.
without mapping make it impossible to conclude that brain Intraoperative anesthetic management should include vigilance
mapping with language and motor AVMs improves outcomes. for sudden hemodynamic changes that might require mas-
However, mapping does allow for safe surgical dissection that sive fluid resuscitation and pharmacological manipulation of the
resulted in more complete resections in these 12 patients than circulation. The anesthesiologist must be prepared with large bore
might have otherwise been achieved. intravenous access, numerous intravenous sites for multifaceted
There are, however, substantial risks to resecting an AVM in an resuscitation, vasoactive agents, and warm fluids.
awake patient that should not be underestimated. Loss of airway
patency, significant hemorrhage, and hemodynamic instability An Alternative Strategy for Language and Motor
can present daunting challenges in a patient in rigid pin fixation Cortex AVMs
with an unsecured airway. Even mild hypoxemia or CO2 The AVMs in 4 patients treated with incomplete circum-
retention can impair brain relaxation and surgical exposure. dissection (dearterializing the nidus while preserving the

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TABLE 3. Surgical Results and Patient Outcomes After AVM Surgery With Brain Mappinga
Seizures mRS
Additional F/U,
Patients AVM Resection Complications Postop 3 mo Treatment Preop Postop Last y Obliteration
1 Incomplete None No No Radiosurgery 1 2 3 1.0 Hemorrhage, embolization,
complete resection
2 Total None No No None 2 3 3 0.8
3 Total None Temporal Temporal None 1 1 1 6.0
4 Total ICH No No None 1 3 1 1.0
5 Total EDH No No None 1 3 0 2.0
6 Incomplete None No No Radiosurgery 1 4 3 Within latency period
7 Total None No No None 3 4 1 11.0
8 Incomplete Intraop seizure Focal motor No Radiosurgery 1 4 1 2.0 Obliterated
9 Total Intraop seizure No No None 1 1 0 2.0
10 Total None No No None 0 4 0 2.0
11 Total None No No None 3 1 1 1.0
12 Incomplete None Generalized No Radiosurgery 1 3 1 8.0 Within latency period
AVM, arteriovenous malformation; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; EDH, epidural hematoma; ICH, intracerebral hematoma; Preop, preoperative; Postop, postoperative;
F/U, follow-up; Intraop, intraoperative.

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752 | VOLUME 68 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2011

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