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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 41:79–84 (1997)

Basic Investigations

Reduction of Femoral Artery Bleeding

Post Catheterization Using
a Collagen Enhanced Fibrin Sealant
Jeanne K. Falstrom,1 MA, Norman C. Goodman,1 BS, Gursel Ates,2 MD,
Robert D. Abbott,3 PhD, Eric R. Powers,2 MD, and William D. Spotnitz,1* MD
As the number of cardiac catheterization procedures increases, so do associated
complications and costs. This study suggests that the application of a new collagen
enhanced fibrin sealant, Collasealt, may be used effectively to achieve rapid hemostasis
at the arterial puncture site following femoral artery catheterization. Results in nine dogs
anticoagulated with heparin (activated clotting time 396 6 107, mean 6 S.D.) revealed a
statistically significant reduction in signs of gross bleeding in the sealant-treated groins
as compared to control (2 versus 9, P 5 .0156). These results indicate that this
commercially produced sealant might be used in human patients undergoing cardiac
catheterization to decrease complications, lengths of stay, and costs. Cathet. Cardiovasc.
Diagn. 79–84, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: tissue adhesive; hemostasis; groin; percutaneous

INTRODUCTION complication) being the most frequent problem [8].

Manual compression is conventionally used for twenty
Cardiac catheterization procedures have become an
min to obtain initial hemostasis following femoral artery
integral tool in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular
catheterization. This method typically demands that pa-
disease. In 1991, an estimated 1 million procedures were tients remain immobilized with the groin compressed by
performed in U.S. nonfederal short-stay hospitals alone, a a weight or mechanical device for a minimum of 4–6
figure which does not include the growing number of additional hours in order to ensure adequate hemostasis.
outpatient/ambulatory catheterization procedures, esti- Not only does this requirement increase the time and
mated at 12 percent of all such procedures in 1988. In discomfort involved for the patient, but it also tends to
addition, total charges for in-hospital cardiac catheteriza- increase costs associated with the procedure by making
tions averaged $10,880 in 1992, up from an average of its performance on an outpatient basis difficult. While
less than $5,000 in 1988. Hospital charges accounted for there are currently efforts being made to increase the
82% of this total, with the length of stay averaging 4 days number of outpatient procedures using the conventional
in 1992, up from 2.8 in 1988 [1,2]. As these numbers compression method [9,10], a new method of achieving
increase, so do efforts to facilitate and improve the
catheterization procedure to render it safer, more effi-
cient, and less costly for both patient and careprovider. 1Division of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, University of

One main area of focus has been to explore alternative Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Virginia
2Division of Cardiology, University of Virginia Health Sciences
methods of achieving hemostasis safely and more effi-
Center, Charlottesville, Virginia
ciently at the arterial puncture site following catheter 3Division of Biostatistics, University of Virginia Health Sciences
removal. The most common complications of percutane- Center, Charlottesville, Virginia
ous interventional cardiac procedures have been attrib-
uted to hemorrhage at the site of catheterization [3,4]. Of *Correspondence to: William D. Spotnitz, M.D., Department of
Surgery, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, P.O. Box
the total number of patients undergoing these procedures, 10005, Charlottesville, VA 22906-0005.
the complication rate averages about 1% [3–7], with
hematoma (0.9% of total, or 90% of those suffering Received 6 September 1996, Revision accepted 3 December 1996

r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

80 Falstrom et al.

safe and rapid hemostasis with reduced complications purpose of the study, both femoral arteries were cannu-
would allow earlier mobilization. More rapid mobiliza- lated with size 8F introducers and sheaths (Hemaquet II,
tion might permit more outpatient procedures which have 6468, USCI, Tewksbury, MA). 30 min were allowed to
been found to cut costs [11–13] as well as ease patient pass prior to any efforts to remove the sheaths. The dogs
anxiety and discomfort [14,15]. A new hemostatic tech- were anticoagulated with systemic doses of heparin
nique might also eliminate the need to reverse hepariniza- chosen and administered every 10 min to maintain an
tion at the end of the catheterization which can lead to elevated activated clotting time (ACT) from 350 to 400
coronary arterial thrombosis. with a mean of 396 6 107 (mean 6 S.D.) using a
Of the alternative methods being explored, some previously published algorithm [44].
involve using a collagen plug device to seal the arterial
puncture site. Collagen has a long history of surgical use Composition and Preparation of Fibrin Sealant
for its hemostatic properties [16–18]. For this application, Enhanced With Collagen
several different collagen plug devices have been devel- This adhesive is a composite of fibrinogen and throm-
oped and investigated in extensive laboratory and clinical bin derived from human-pooled, purified, and virally
trials over the past several years [19–30]. More recently, inactivated sources enhanced with bovine Type I colla-
the application of fibrin sealant has been considered as a gen. Each application involves the preparation of two
method for sealing arterial puncture sites. This biological separate components. The first component consists of a
tissue adhesive combines fibrinogen and thrombin to 60 mg/ml fibrinogen mixture with fibrinogen and colla-
form fibrin. Fibrin sealant shares with collagen its exten- gen as the main constituents, plus trace amounts of Factor
sive clinical use as a hemostatic and sealing agent in a XIII and fibronectin. The second component consists of
wide variety of applications [31–42]. A previous study 50 U/ml thrombin in a 40 mM calcium chloride solution.
has suggested the potential of fibrin sealant for success- The two components are designed for application approxi-
fully sealing femoral artery catheterization sites [43]. In mately 5–10 sec following their mixture in the delivery
this new study, we evaluated the effectiveness of an system.
investigational product, specifically, fibrin sealant en-
hanced with collagen, Collasealt (Cohesion, Palo Alto, Delivery of Adhesive and Observation
CA), for sealing arterial puncture sites. We hypothesized The fibrin sealant enhanced with collagen was deliv-
that by applying this combined agent percutaneously ered to the soft tissue space adjacent to the arteriotomy in
following femoral artery catheterization, safe and rapid order to obtain adequate hemostasis at the puncture site.
hemostasis may be achieved even in a heparinized model. An identical catheter system was employed as was
described in detail and used in a previous study [43] in
MATERIALS AND METHODS order to avoid injecting the sealant into the artery. An
arterial sheath was linked to the adhesive administration
Animal Preparation assembly via an introducer, which was positioned with its
This study employed a canine model to evaluate the tip entirely within the body of the sheath. The administra-
efficacy and safety of fibrin sealant enhanced with tion assembly contained two 5-ml syringes, one contain-
collagen to seal arterial puncture sites following femoral ing 3 ml of the fibrinogen/collagen component, the other
artery catheterization. All dogs were treated in accor- containing 3 ml of the thrombin component attached
dance with the ‘‘Position of the American Heart Associa- using threeway luer lock stopcocks (Discofix, Burron
tion on Research Animal Use.’’ The study group consisted Medical Inc., Bethlehem, PA) to a single DuoFlo mixer
of nine adult mongrel dogs (30.3 6 7.0 kg) anticoagu- unit (Hemaedics, Inc. Malibu, CA). Also, attached to one
lated with heparin. The dogs were administered general of the three-way stopcocks was a 10-ml syringe half-
anesthesia intravenously using Nembutal (30 mg/kg IV to filled with saline, which was observed in order to monitor
effect) (Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL), and arterial blood pulsations to indicate the catheter tip
were intubated and ventilated mechanically with a dual- position. As the entire sheath and introducer assembly
phase control respirator pump (Model 613, Harvard was slowly withdrawn from the artery, the tip of the
Apparatus, Dover, MA). Additional Nembutal was admin- sheath was considered to be in the soft tissues adjacent to
istered as needed to maintain anesthesia. In order to the artery when saline syringe pulsations ceased. At this
achieve venous access, catheters were placed in the point, pressure was applied to the arterial puncture site,
foreleg (20-gauge catheter, Critikon, Johnson & Johnson, the fibrin sealant enhanced with collagen was easily
Tampa, FL) and in the external jugular vein (16-gauge immediately injected, the assembly was quickly with-
catheter, Critikon, Johnson & Johnson). Normal saline drawn, and manual pressure was increased and continued
was administered intravenously over the course of the for 20 min. The mixture was administered on one
study to keep the dogs sufficiently hydrated. For the randomly chosen side, with the other side left untreated as
Hemostasis Using Collagen Enhanced Fibrin Sealant 81

a control. The control sheaths were removed in the same TABLE I. Observations in Heparinized Dogs*
fashion as for the treated side except that no adhesive was P Value
instilled. After 20 min, manual compression was stopped Collagen enhanced (McNemar’s
and both sides of the groin were observed for signs of fibrin sealant Control exact test)
swelling or gross hemorrhage. Swelling was defined as GB 2 9 .0156
visible increasing soft tissue enlargement, and gross *Quantitative differences and statistical significance of findings in the
hemorrhage was defined as active continuing blood loss. collagen enhanced fibrin sealant and control groins of heparinized dogs.
Neither swelling nor hemorrhage would stop without GB, gross bleeding.
resuming manual compression. In the time frame chosen,
these two observations were the only local changes
detectable. Following 5 min observation, the dogs were catheterization. Similarly, groin pressure was applied for
euthanised. 20 min following catheter removal to achieve gross
hemostasis, as is done following human cardiac catheter-
Statistics ization. This investigational product has been designed
Because this study uses the same animal for comparing for use in humans as a commercial product and has been
treated and control femoral arteries, McNemar’s test for virally inactivated in a series of steps involving solvent
correlated proportions was chosen to evaluate the signifi- detergent as a primary inactivator and heat as a secondary
cance of success of achieving hemostasis using the fibrin inactivator. Moreover, the delivery system used has been
sealant enhanced with collagen. Moreover, the limited constructed to communicate with standard sheaths and
sample size meant that an asymptotic chi-square distribu- introducers currently in clinical use. The dogs remained
tion could not be assumed when applying McNemar’s anticoagulated with systemic heparin, as are some human
test. Therefore, a Fisher-like exact test was employed to patients at the time of complex catheterization, making
assess statistical significance [45]. All hypothesis testing hemostasis even more difficult to obtain. The model
was based on a .05 level of significance and was employed 8F sheaths to create a large arterial opening,
two-sided. thereby increasing the difficulty of sealing the puncture

RESULTS Previous Investigation

Physical Signs Several different collagen plug devices for sealing
arterial puncture sites have been investigated in extensive
As seen in Table I, in this heparinized model all nine
clinical trials. Though the mechanics of these devices
control sides showed gross signs of bleeding, while only
vary, they all work to position and secure a collagen plug
two sealant-treated sides exhibited any evidence of
at the puncture site. These devices have been shown to be
inadequate hemostasis (P 5 .0156) after completion of 20
generally successful in achieving rapid hemostasis even
min of manual compression. In none of the animals were
in anticoagulated patients when deployed, with patients
there indications of arterial occlusion or distal emboliza-
ambulatory as little as 2 hr and even 30 min following
tion of the adhesive. There was no evidence of pallor or
catheter removal [21,46].
cyanosis of the distal limb.
Of the two different collagen plug systems currently
Exclusions being investigated in clinical trials, one requires that two
successive plugs be delivered to seal the puncture site.
One experimental animal was excluded over the course Unlike the collagen enhanced fibrin sealant administra-
of ten experiments. This animal was accidentally injected tion assembly examined here, this collagen plug system
early in the experiment with a massive overdose of lacks a device to monitor consistently the position of the
Nembutal making it unsuitable for use. A total of nine application sheath relative to the femoral artery, increas-
consecutive animals were consequently available for final ing the risk of inadvertently administering the two plugs
analysis. intra-arterially. One clinical study found a higher rate of
access site complications when comparing this device to
DISCUSSION the conventional manual compression method, including
an increased incidence of femoral artery occlusions due
Human Simulation to intra-arterial placement of collagen material [27]. The
This model was intended to simulate complex cardiac other collagen plug system currently under clinical inves-
catheterization without heparin reversal in human pa- tigation contains a relatively small amount of collagen in
tients. The catheters were left in place for at least 30 min comparison (6 16 mg vs. 6 180 mg) [29], but this system
to mimic the amount of time necessary for complex requires an additional device to anchor the plug to the
82 Falstrom et al.

arterial wall. According to one clinical study, this anchor-

ing device failed to deploy properly in 3 out of 32
attempts (9%) [30]. In those patients where this failure
occurred, hemostasis was not achieved until conventional
manual pressure was used, or until a new collagen plug
system was employed and its anchoring device success-
fully engaged. In contrast, the assembly used to adminis-
ter fibrin sealant enhanced with collagen to seal arterial
puncture sites does not depend on the successful deploy-
ment of an anchoring device.
Fibrin sealant/collagen mixes have been successfully
employed to achieve hemostasis in other surgical applica-
tions [47,48]. A fibrin sealant enhanced with collagen can
be administered via the same mechanism as any other
fibrin sealant product, but it may create a more immedi-
Fig. 1. Graph of gross bleeding observed in the groin area of
ately stable longer-lasting plug due to the addition of heparinized dogs following catheter removal and manual com-
collagen. It is possible that such a longer-lasting plug pression. The graph documents reduced evidence of bleeding
might cause local scar formation and increase difficulty of in collagen enhanced fibrin sealant-treated dogs.
future repeat arterial puncture. However, in this acute
study, clearly no observations of long-term changes were
artery catheterization and with heparin anticoagulation
Comparison with Previous Fibrin Sealant
Investigation Risks
This study documents a similar efficacy as compared to The fibrin sealant enhanced with collagen system must
a previous study which employed an identical model to be employed with care in order to avoid inadvertently
administer a fibrin sealant without collagen [43]. The administering the sealant intra-arterially, thereby causing
animals used in this study were heparinized to a larger but embolization. This complication can be avoided, how-
similar extent as the animals in the earlier study (activated ever, by following the method described in this report to
clotting time of 396 6 107 compared to 374 6 22). confirm that the groin sheath is positioned outside the
Moreover, a smaller volume of collagen enhanced fibrin femoral artery before instilling the sealant. In addition,
sealant was administered in this study, a mixture of 3 ml this agent, like other fibrin sealant products derived from
collagen enhanced fibrinogen and 3 ml thrombin, as pooled sources of fibrinogen, does carry a risk of viral
compared to the 4 ml fibrinogen combined with 4 ml disease transmission, at least theoretically. Both the
thrombin [43]. Despite the smaller amount of adhesive in fibrinogen and the thrombin used in this product have
this study and the small difference in heparinization of the been virally inactivated by the manufacturer primarily by
animals, the investigational product was effective at solvent detergent and secondarily by heat. These methods
controlling hemorrhage, as illustrated in Figure 1. may reduce risks of viral contamination to less than one
in a billion. Finally, recent reports have suggested that
Practical Implications antibody production possibly producing significant abnor-
This technique using fibrin sealant enhanced with malities in coagulation might result from repeated expo-
collagen might be applied in human patients to seal sures to bovine thrombin [49]. The use of human
arterial puncture sites following femoral artery catheter- thrombin present in this investigational product elimi-
ization. The relatively brief time needed to achieve nates this danger. In addition, the bovine Type I collagen
hemostasis would allow earlier mobilization and would used in this product is derived from a closed herd in order
consequently reduce the discomfort associated with ex- to help minimize any risks of disease transmission.
tended compression methods and prolonged bed rest.
This technique might also enable cardiac catheterizations Study Limitations
to be performed more frequently on an outpatient basis by This study did not demonstrate a clear advantage for
reducing the need to hospitalize patients following cath- collagen enhanced fibrin sealant over standard forms of
eterization for observation and monitoring. By obtaining fibrin sealant [43] either because the sample size was
rapid hemostasis even in heparinized subjects, this method limited, because smaller volumes of sealant were used, or
may reduce complications associated both with femoral because no significant difference exists.
Hemostasis Using Collagen Enhanced Fibrin Sealant 83

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