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Good morning ma’ams and sirs!

I am tasked to report managing organizational stress and information system for managing organization.
I hope that everyone of us may relate to these following topics because we, teachers, are experiencing
these at home but mainly in our workplace. Before I’ll discuss the main topics may share an interesting
fact about stress.

“A rich man who lost all his penny may have the same stress with a person who lost his bet in a singing

The thing that makes them similar is that they’re have the chance to lost their sanity. It is true that,
phenomenologically they are not in the same standing and based on the appearances the rich man lost
more that the bettor. However, logically if these two have different tolerance they may feel the same
agony. For the reason that agony remains constant to all of us. This is the reason why we cannot say that
we have greater problems to other people.

According to Fred Luthans, “stress is an adaptive response to an external situation (stressor) that results
in physical and psychological and or behavioral deviations for an organizational participant.” Or simply
an individual.

Being an adaptive response, stress could either stimulate or serve as downer for an individual. This is the
reason why an individual may opt to fight or flight in a given stimulus. For instance, a teacher may opt to
finish all his/her reports in the given time or stretch it for his or her own sake and pass it anyway
regardless of the deadline.

Unless we are suffering from internal conflict or behavioral problems, stress is significantly a result of
external situations. A simple question may trigger our brain to transmit its message back to our sense
which produces hormones in the process, specifically adrenaline or norepinephrine. The former keeps
us alert while the latter keeps us lax but both of these may bring good and bad effects to us.

Too much alertness may result to fatigue and to much calmness may result to melancholia but both
instances may result to depression.

Anyways, stress is inevitable for humanity. One way to explain this phenomenon is that, we are very
complex. Our organs work unimaginable incredible. Because of these complexities, our body cannot
afford to sense irregularities, otherwise our body would be forced to cope up with it which results to
stress, this is called STRESS RESPONSE. For sociologists, we call this as structural functionalism that
transpire in human body.
So it is already clear, that not all stress will result to negative vibes or feelings or DISTRESS in a more
technical way of saying it but we also have positive stress or EUSTRESS.

For a working individual, it is statistically proven that we are experiencing stress most of the time in our
workplace or to our work-related activities. From the moment we wake up we think of our work already.
The backlogs that should be met and etc. The time we spend inside the bus or jeep going to the school
or while we are riding on our own vehicles or motorcycles would mean stress. The time we spare to talk
with our co-workers would sometimes create stress. The moment we are called to enter the principal’s
officer for no reason is stress. Knowing what we do not know is a horrible stress. So, you see ma’ams
and sirs, we hold the greatest responsibility. We meet the demands at home, in our workplace, and the
expectations of all people around us, at the same time. This concept is known as JOB STRAIN, except
that I mentioned about home.

Let us compare the workloads of a Farmer and a teacher. Farmers are exerting a lot of energy to
cultivate their farms but this mainly involves motor functions. Their body may be exhausted but not
their minds, at least they do it repetitively. So, a power nap may recharge their strength. While teachers
are exerting a lot of energy that comes from different sources, mentally and physically. And our nature
of work poses works that are seemingly new to us every now and then. This gives horror in every
morning we wake because we find that the burden that we have is always brand-new.

Signs of stress…..

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