Plant Cell Outline

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Lesson 2.

Plant Cell


I. The Cell Theory

II. Origin of the first cell
• Theory of spontaneous generation
• How did life on earth begin?
o Stage 1. Organic molecules formed from simple inorganic molecules
▪ Reducing atmosphere hypothesis
• Miller’s experiment
▪ Deep Sea Vent Hypothesis
▪ Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
o Stage 2. Formation of more complex organic polymers
o Stage 3. Polymers become enclosed by a boundary
▪ Features of protobionts that make them the precursor of living cells
▪ Types of protobionts
o Stage 4. Cells evolve by chemical selection
▪ RNA world
▪ Chemical selection
▪ Chemical evolution
• Characteristics of the first living cells
• Evolution of autotrophy
• Origin of Eukaryotes

1 The Plant Cell. This is for the exclusive use of enrolled Botany 1130 students of the Ateneo de Davao
University for the first semester of 2020-2021 only. If you received this file by mistake, kindly delete it
and inform the professor of the course through this email add: Thank you.
III. Prokaryotic cell
• Features
• Parts
• Uses/Importance to man

IV. Eukaryotic cell

• Features
• Parts, functions, composition, etc..
o Cell Wall
▪ Primary
▪ Secondary
▪ Middle lamella
▪ Plasmodesmata
o Endomembrane system
o Plasmamembrane/Cell membrane
▪ Fluid Mosaic Model
o Protoplasm
▪ Protoplasm vs protoplast
▪ Protoplasm vs cytoplasm
▪ Cytoplasm vs cytosol
o Nucleus
o Ribosomes
▪ Bound
▪ Free
o Endoplasmic reticulum
▪ Rough
▪ Smooth
o Golgi apparatus
o Central Vacoule
o Mitochondria
o Chloroplasts
o Microbodies
▪ Peroxisomes
▪ Glyoxysomes
o Cytoskeleton
▪ Microtubules/Tubulin polymers
▪ Microfilaments/Actin filaments
▪ Intermediate filaments
• Why are cells so small

2 The Plant Cell. This is for the exclusive use of enrolled Botany 1130 students of the Ateneo de Davao
University for the first semester of 2020-2021 only. If you received this file by mistake, kindly delete it
and inform the professor of the course through this email add: Thank you.

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