Chemistry Chapter3 Intext Q & A

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Intext Questions
On Page 40
Question 1. Give an example of a metal which
(i) is a liquid at room temperature. (i) can be easily cut with a knife.
(i) is the best conductor of heat. (iv) is a poor conductor of heat.
Answer () Mercury (i) Sodium
(ii) Silver (iv) Lead

Question 2. Explain the meanings of malleable and ductile.

Answer Malleable Metals have a property that they can be beaten
sheets by hammering. into thin
Such metals are called
hey Ductile Metals which can be drawn into thin wires are called ductile metals.
On Page 46
Question 1. Why is sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil?
Answer Sodium is very reactive metal. It reacts with air and water

A vigorously at room temperature. So, it is kept immersed in kerosene to prevent

its exposure to air/water.

Question 2. Write equations for the reaction of

i) iron with steam (i) calcium with water (ii) Potassium with water
Answer () 3Fes)+ 4H,Og) steamFe,O,)+ 4H,)
(i) Cals)+ 2H,0 () Ca(OH), (ag) H2)

Cii) 2K (s)+ 2H,0 () 2KOHag) + H2)

56 NCERT Class X Science Solutions

Question 3. Samples of four metals A, B, C and D were taken and added

to the following solution one
by one. The results obtained have been
tabulated as follows.

Metal Iron (11) sulphate Copper () sulphate Zinc sulphate Silver nitrate
A No reaction
Displacement No reaction
C No reaction No reaction No reaction
D No reaction
No reaction No reaction No reaction
Use the table above to the
answer following questions about metals A, B,
C and D.
i) Which is the most reactive metal?
(ii) What would you observe if B is added to a solution of copper
sulphate? (II)
(ii) Arrange the metals A, B, C and D in the order of
Answer Based on the activity
series, the relative position, of metals present in
the question is Zn> Fe> Cu> Ag. On the basis of results
shown in the table we
can say
(i) B is the most reactive because it displaces Fe
(it) Cu will be displaced because B is more reactive than Fe so it is also more
reactive than Cu.

(ii) B> A> C> D.

Question 4. Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid (HO

is added to a reactive metal: wite the chemical reaction when i HCl)
en iron
reacts with dilute H, S0.
2Na+2dil-HCI 2NaCl +H2 T
Hydrogen gas, is released.
Fes)+ HSO FeSO + H,)T

observe when zinc is added to a solhs

Ouestion 5. What would yøu that takes place,0n
Wree the chemical reaction
of iron (11) sulphate? colour of the sol
When Zn reacts
with FeSO4, the pale green will displa.
Answer reactive than Fe,
colourless because
Zn being more it.
changes to are also
of Fe
Fine grey particles ZnSO + Fe
Zn+ FeSO Colourless Grey
(Pale green)
Metals and Non-Metals 57

On Page 49
Ouestion 1. () Write the electron-dot structures for sodium, oxygen
and magnesium.

and Mg0 by the transfer of electrons.

(ii) Show the formation of Na,0
(ii) What are the ions present in these compounds?
Answer () Sodium (Na)
Atomic number = 11
2 8 1
Electronic configuration
Electron dot structure Na
(a) Oxygen (0)
Atomic number = 8

Electronic configuration
Electron dot structure :0
(b) Magnesium (Mg)
Atomic number = 12
2 8 2
Electronic configuratiOn KT M

Electorn dot structure Mg

(i) Formation of Na,Oo
Na Na,O
Sodium oxide
Sodium+Oxygen Sodium Oxygen
ion ion

Formation of MgO

Mg: o IMg :0:

Magnesium Oxygern Oxygen

(), Na,O contains Na' and O ions.

MgO contains Mg and O ions.

Question 2. Why do ionic compounds have high melting points?

a considerable
Answer lonic compounds have high melting points because
unt of energy is required to break the strong inter-ignic attraction existing in
ionic compounds.

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