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Indian Constitution and its’ values

1. Sovereignty: You may have read the Preamble. It declares India “a sovereign
socialist secular democratic republic”. Being sovereign means having complete
political freedom and being the supreme authority. It implies that India is
internally all powerful and externally free. It is free to determine for itself without
any external interference (either by any country or individual) and nobody is
there within to challenge its authority. This feature of sovereignty gives us the
dignity of existence as a nation in the international community. Though the
Constitution does not specify where the sovereign authority lies but a mention of
‘We the People of India’ in the Preamble clearly indicates that sovereignty rests
with the people of India. This means that the constitutional authorities and organs
of government derive their power only from the people.

2. Socialism: You may be aware that social and economic inequalities have been
inherent in the Indian traditional society. Which is why, socialism has been made
a constitutional value aimed at promoting social change and transformation to
end all forms of inequalities. Our Constitution directs the governments and the
people to ensure a planned and coordinated social development in all fields. It
directs to prevent concentration of wealth and power in a few hands. The
Constitution has specific provisions that deal with inequalities in the Chapters on
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.

3. Secularism: We all are pleased when anyone says that India is a home to almost
all major religions in the world. In the context of this plurality (means more than
one or two; many), secularism is seen as a great constitutional value. Secularism
implies that our country is not guided by any one religion or any religious
considerations. However, the Indian state is not against religions. It allows all its
citizens to profess, preach and practise any religion they follow. At the same
time, it ensures that the state does not have any religion of its own. Constitution
strictly prohibits any discrimination on the ground of religion.

4. Democracy: The Preamble reflects democracy as a value. As a form of

government it derives its authority from the will of the people. The people elect
the rulers of the country and the elected representatives remain accountable to the
people. The people of India elect them to be part of the government at different
levels by a system of universal adult franchise, popularly known as ‘one man one
vote’. Democracy contributes to stability, continuous progress in the society and
it secures peaceful political change.

5. Republic: India is not only a democratic nation but it is also a republic. The most
important symbol of being a republic is the office of the Head of the State, i.e. the
President who is elected and who is not selected on the basis of heredity, as is
found in a system with monarchy. This value strengthens and substantiates
democracy where every citizen of India is equally eligible to be elected as the
Head of the State. Political equality is the chief message of this provision.

6. Justice: At times you may also realise that living in a democratic system alone
does not ensure justice to citizens in all its totality. Even now we find a number
of cases where not only the social and economic justice but also the political
justice is denied. Which is why, the constitution-makers have included social,
economic and political justice as constitutional values. By doing so, they have
stressed that the political freedom granted to Indian citizens has to be
instrumental in the creation of a new social order, based on socio-economic
justice. Justice must be availed to every citizen. This ideal of a just and
egalitarian society remains as one of the foremost values of the Indian

7. Liberty: The Preamble prescribes liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and
worship as one of the core values. These have to be assured to every member of
all the communities. It has been done so, because the ideals of democracy can not
be attained without the presence of certain minimal rights which are essential for
a free and civilized existence of individuals.

8. Equality: Equality is as significant constitutional value as any other. The

Constitution ensures equality of status and opportunity to every citizen for the
development of the best in him/her. As a human being everybody has a dignified
self and to ensure its full enjoyment, inequality in any form present in our country
and society has been prohibited. Equality reflected specifically in the Preamble is
therefore held as an important value.

9. Fraternity: There is also a commitment made in the Preamble to promote the

value of fraternity that stands for the spirit of common brotherhood among all the
people of India. In the absence of fraternity, a plural society like India stands
divided. Therefore, to give meaning to all the ideals like justice, liberty and
equality, the Preamble lays great emphasis on fraternity. In fact, fraternity can be
realized not only by abolishing untouchability amongst different sects of the
community, but also by abolishing all communal or sectarian or even local
discriminatory feelings which stand in the way of unity of India.

10. Dignity of the individual: Promotion of fraternity is essential to realize the

dignity of the individual. It is essential to secure the dignity of every individual
without which democracy can not function. It ensures equal participation of every
individual in all the processes of democratic governance.

11. Unity and integrity of the Nation: As we have seen above, fraternity also
promotes one of the critical values, i.e. unity and integrity of the nation. To
maintain the independence of the country intact, the unity and integrity of the
nation is very essential. Therefore, the stress has been given on fostering unity
amongst all the inhabitants of the country. Our Constitution expects from all the
citizens of India to uphold and protect the unity and integrity of India as a matter
of duty.

12. International peace and a just international order: The value of international
peace and a just international order, though not included in the Preamble is
reflected in other provisions of the Constitution. The Indian Constitution directs
the state (a) to promote international peace and security, (b) maintain just and
honourable relations between nations, (c) foster respect for international law and
treaty obligations, and (d) encourage settlement of international disputes by
arbitration. To uphold and observe these values is in the interest of India. The
peace and just international order will definitely contribute to the development of

13. Fundamental Duties: Our Constitution prescribes some duties to be performed

by the citizens. It is true that these duties are not enforceable in the court of law
like the fundamental rights are, but these duties are to be performed by citizens.
Fundamental duties have still greater importance because these reflect certain
basic values like patriotism, nationalism, humanism, environmentalism,
harmonious living, gender equality, scientific temper and inquiry, and individual
and collective excellence.

Q) Difference between moral and ethical values?

Ethics Morals

What are they? The rules of conduct recognized in Principles or habits with
respect to a particular class of respect to right or wrong
human actions or a particular group conduct. While morals also
or culture. prescribe dos and don'ts,
morality is ultimately a
personal compass of right and

Where do they Social system - External Individual - Internal

come from?

Why we do it? Because society says it is the right Because we believe in

thing to do. something being right or

Flexibility Ethics are dependent on others for Usually consistent, although

definition. They tend to be can change if an individual’s
consistent within a certain context, beliefs change.
but can vary between contexts.

The "Gray" A person strictly following Ethical A Moral Person although

Principles may not have any Morals perhaps bound by a higher
at all. Likewise, one could violate covenant, may choose to
Ethical Principles within a given follow a code of ethics as it
system of rules in order to maintain would apply to a system.
Moral integrity. "Make it fit"

Origin Greek word "ethos" Latin word "mos" meaning

meaning"character" "custom"

Acceptability Ethics are governed by professional Morality transcends cultural

and legal guidelines within a norms
particular time and place
Q) Moral is important for the present society?

Morals are the rules which people use to guide their behaviour and thinking when an
individual is dealing with, or capable of distinguishing between right or wrong. Moral
values are relative values that protect life and are respectful of the dual life values of
self and others. The great moral values, such as truth, freedom, honesty, fairness,
kindness, politeness, respect, virtues, perseverance, integrity, to know about one’s
duties, charity, compassion, etc. have one thing in common when they are functioning
correctly, they are life protecting or life enhancing for all. But they are still relative
values. Our relative moral values must be constantly examined to make sure that they
are always performing their life protecting mission. Hereafter comes ethics of a
person. Ethics are moral values in action, a person who knows the difference between
right and wrong and chooses right as moral. A person whose morality is reflected in
his willingness to do the right thing-even if it hard or dangerous is ethical. Morality
protects life and is respectful of others – all others. It is a lifestyle that is consistent
with mankind’s universal values.
Degradation of moral values among young generation is at present a blazing issue.
Behaviours and actions denoting immorality such as rape, sexual abuse, robbery, drug
abuse, school violence, mob lynching, killing etc., are on the rising trend among
adults, youth and children of our society. Due to various changes such as rapid
modernization, industrialization, urbanization, globalization, excessively materialistic
lifestyles, as well as influence of western culture accompanied many problems and
evils in Indian society that cause declining ethical values in Indian education system.
The more society become fragmented the less law and morality achieved. Factors
influencing breakdown between law and morals are increasing specialization of
labour, ethnic diversity within society, and the fading and decreasing influence of
religious beliefs. If morals are not taught our children will make decisions based on
immediate needs and desired, and based on emotions, not on sound judgment and they
take the short cut and easy path even if it is wrong.

Psychological management
The psychology of management" as "the effect of the mind that is directing work
upon that work which is directed, and the effect of this undirected and directed work
upon the mind of the worker." She expresses the view that scientific management is
"built on the principle of recognition of the individual, not only as an economic unit
but as a personality", stressing the importance of including the "human element" in
management, which was lacking in the prevailing form of Taylorism at the time. It
was also the first time that basic elements of management theory were brought
together, including "(1) knowledge of individual behavior, (2) the theory of groups,
(3) the theory of communication, and (4) a rational basis for decision making".

Power Management

Power management is a computing device feature that allows users to control the
amount of electrical power consumed by an underlying device, with minimal impact
on performance. It enables the switching of devices in various power modes, each
with different power usage characteristics related to device performance.
Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose
their governing officials or to deliberate and decide legislation via direct democracy.
Who is considered part of the people and how authority is shared among or delegated
by the people has changed over time and at different rates in different countries, but
over time more and more of the country's inhabitants have generally been included.
Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of
assembly and speech, inclusiveness and equality, membership, consent, voting, right
to life and minority rights.

Conflict Resolution?
Conflict resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a
disagreement among them. The disagreement may be personal, financial, political, or
When a dispute arises, often the best course of action is negotiation to resolve the

Importance of Value Based Education (Need of value

education in today's scenario)

Today, every parent wants to give the best education to children, which is not
just confined to the books but it goes much beyond that. The parents look at
the holistic development of their children as that is essential to edge in the
global scenario. That is why parents focus on extracurricular activities and
value education along with academics.

In today’s time, when there is a huge crisis of moral values in society, value-
based education proves out to be the solution. Through value-based
education, we can develop the children into people with strong character and
values who know how to utilize their knowledge for the advantage of

Nelson Mandela rightly said: “Education is the most powerful weapon

through which you can change the world”. Here, he talked about both
academic education as well as moral value education. And, value education
has the power to change the world.

Education is a lifelong process of development of one’s personality which

starts from the school. It is a school that builds the base for everything. That
is why school plays a significant role in providing value-based education or
moral education.

Meaning of value based education

Value-based education aims at training the student to face the outer world
with the right attitude and values. It is a process of overall personality
development of a student. It includes character development, personality
development, citizenship development, and spiritual development.

Some people think that personality is an inborn character of a child and it can
never be developed or homed. However, this is not true. Personality
development sessions and a good school selection can a radical change in the
personality of a child.

The Importance Of Personality Development

Personality development is essential to mold the child into a winning

personality. It can bring lots of changes in the attitude, perception and
behavior of a child. Some of its benefits are described below:

 The students become more responsible for their behavior with teachers
and fellow students.
 The students become regular with their home works and class works.
 They learn to cooperate with the teachers and fellow students in every
 They learn to handle every situation in class with maturity.
 The students become attentive in class.
 It helps students to take their own decision without any hesitation.
 It develops a positive mind and a good attitude.
 Value education creates a strong relationship between student and

Q) Value Crisis
Value crisis is when the practice of members of the society starts deviating from the
values we hold dear. When there is a general acceptance of corrupt practices and
unethical activities, then the society as a whole is in value crisis. It creates a new
normal of acceptance of dishonesty, lies and immoral behavior. 
Is Indian society facing value crisis?
The deepening value crisis in the contemporary Indian society is casting its evil
shadow in all walks of our life. There is lack of development of sound moral vision
among human being along with scientific and technological development. As a result,
human being can produce such powerful means of destruction like hydrogen and
nuclear bombs and destroy the whole world in no time. Wealth worshipped as god,
Pride has become a creed.The promises of the ‘tryst with the destiny’ and the dreams
of prosperity, social wellbeing and human happiness are proving to be false. One can
understand the nature of the value crisis in different spheres of our life. These spheres
may be categorized as individual, societal, intellectual and cultural.

Integrated personality ?

Integrated personality refers to a personality which integrates the various dimensions
of the personality into a balanced and integrated whole. The integrated personality
aims at developing the whole or the total human being.

What are the characteristics of integrated personality?

Integration of Personality:
Personality is the synthetic unity of all personal traits. All the mental traits—
intelligence, emotions and sentiments, impulses, volitions, native and acquired
reactions, must be organized and integrated into a unity. The uniting of all mental
traits into personality is called integration.

Complete integration is the ideal of personality. A sound personality comprises

reaction tendencies that are not loosely organized but closely related to integrated.

 They are gradually reorganized and reconstructed according to more

dominant interests and ideals. Although gradually changing during long
periods of time, the personality usually possesses a continuity of pattern
which the person himself and others recognize. In every person there is
the primary or dominant self, which is his innermost characteristic self.
 It has a special unity which tends to endure, and is expressed in certain
familiar reaction tendencies. McDougall regards integration of personality
as integration of intellect and integration of character all the conflicting
reaction tendencies should be harmonized and organised gradually and
integrated with the dominant trends.
 A personality should be well-integrated and flexible. An integrated and
inflexible personality cannot adapt itself to the- changing environment. An
ideal personality should be integrated and flexible. It should reveal in
some degree the characteristics of integration, consistency, persistency,
and flexibility.

Leadership ?

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and

guide followers or other members of an organization. 

Leadership involves making sound -- and sometimes difficult -- decisions, creating

and articulating a clear vision, establishing achievable goals and providing followers
with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals.

Self exploration ?

Self exploration is a process of discovering that there is something innate,

invariant and universal in all human beings. This enables us to look at the
confusions and contradictions within us and resolve them by becoming aware of our
natural acceptance.


Self exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me by investigating

within myself. What is right for me and true for me has to be judged within myself.
Once we start paying attention towards investigating into our present beliefs and
aspirations, we get to know whether our aspirations and what we really want to be
(i.e. what is naturally acceptable to us) are one and the same or not. If they are the
same, then it’s no problem. But if the two are different, it means that we are leading a
life against our natural acceptance. Such a life cannot bring us happiness.

What is the purpose of Self exploration?

Purpose of Self-Exploration: Self exploration helps us to identify our innateness
(Svatva) and move towards Self-Organization(Swantantrata) and Self-Expression
(Swarajya). 

 It is a process of dialogue between ‘what you are’ and ‘what you really want to
 It is a process of self evolution through self-investigation. 
 It is a process of knowing oneself and through that, knowing the entire existence.
 It is a process of recognizing one’s relationship with every unit in existence and
fulfilling it. 
 It is a process of knowing human conduct, human character and living
accordingly. 
 It is a process of being in harmony with oneself and in harmony with entire

Process of Self-Exploration: The process of self exploration may initially begin as a

dialogue between two people, but eventually it becomes a dialogue within yourself. It
is a dialogue between ‘what you are’ and ‘what you really want to be’. Self
exploration enables us to look at the confusions and contradictions within us and
resolve them by becoming aware of our natural acceptance.

Difference between Professional and Profession?

Professional Profession
A professional is a member of A Profession is a disciplined group of
a profession or any person who earns a individuals who adhere to ethical standards and
living from a specified professional activity. who hold themselves out as, and are accepted
The term also describes the standards of by the public as possessing special knowledge
education and training that prepare members and skills in a widely recognised body of
of the profession with the particular learning derived from research, education and
knowledge and skills necessary to perform training at a high level, and who are prepared
their specific role within that profession. to apply this knowledge and exercise these
skills in the interest of others. 
A person who belongs to a profession A promise or vow made on entering a religious
A person who earns their living from a A declaration of belief, faith or of one's
specified activity opinion.
A reputation known by name An occupation, trade, craft, or activity in which
one has a professed expertise in a particular
area; a job, especially one requiring a high
level of skill or training.
That is carried out for money, especially as a That which one professed; a declaration; an
livelihood. avowal; a claim; as, his professions are

Spiritual Values

Spiritual values are the integrative values of human soul consisting of altruistic,
humanistic, personal, divine, and affective values leading to spiritual growth of

The 5 most common spiritual values

1- Harmony
Life is generally full of contradictions, conflicts and disagreements. The spirit is a
unity that must be based on harmony. In this way, by expressing and keeping our lives
in harmony, we are working hard to reach a state of Spiritual awareness .

When this state of harmony is reached, the spirit opens itself to unexpected
opportunities, there is a process of expansion of consciousness outside the physical
plane and the human being experiences a permanent state of joy, having the ability to
discover its reality in another way And acquire superior knowledge.

Harmony allows human beings to crave wellness for everything around them. It is a
state of peace and fulfillment that allows the soul to move towards happiness.

An example of harmony can be seen when an individual is dedicated to doing what

makes him happy and in turn, seeks to make other people happy.

2- Truth
Truth is the ultimate expression of divinity. Truth is essentially reality. To have true
thoughts, both words and actions must be aligned with the rest of our lives in a
coherent way, only then can we reach a greater state of consciousness.
Being honest is not just talking to the truth, it is being completely transparent with our
attitudes and attitudes towards life.

In this way, it is said that all circumstances are lived inflexibly true, allowing the soul
to rise above the plane of human consciousness, reaching spiritual height.

To live according to the spiritual value of truth is to live consistently. For example, if
we fervently believe in something, we act according to our beliefs and not in a
contradictory way (Stapledon, 2014).

3- Charity
Spiritual progress means going beyond the limits of the ego. The ego only cares about
your well-being and pleasure. To genuinely change the direction of our lives, we must
change from ego to spirit.

Many times, it is normal to see that in practice, one individual helps another expecting
something in return. These actions are not charitable and seek love, material goods or
favors in consideration.

Charity means that we do not feel superior or give others what they need to feel better
about our lives. Charity brings with it genuine and deep joy to do good to other
people, without being very aware of what is given.

This spiritual value is understood as compassion for a person alien to our reality. He
tries to feel the pain of the other as if it were his own, to seek a remedy for this pain
without expecting anything in return (Jesus, 2015).

4- Faith
Faith is often regarded as a faculty and not as a value. However, the mind can accept
the idea of faith and turn it into a dynamic principle of life. Faith is described as the
knowledge of the soul that the mind does not yet master.

Everything we do in life requires having faith in something, in our capacities, in

technology, in the law, in the honesty and values of other people, among others.

Often our faith is limited by our past experiences and our willingness to trust others.

In order for faith to be part of a person's spiritual values, we must first change the
orientation of our confidence from ourselves, other people, money, or any material
element, to our spirit. When you trust in the spirit, you understand life from a higher

Faith is the blunt affirmation that there is a higher divinity willing to contribute to our
personal development and well-being.

5- Hope
Hope is a spiritual value that plays a fundamental role in Religions Like the Catholic
and Christian.
At the spiritual level, this value is based on the belief that the spirit of human beings is
not a ephemeral element, but transcends a supernatural plane after death.

Out of the Christian religion, hope is more than a spiritual value and is also
understood as a personal value that gives human beings the possibility of living life
with optimism, directing energy to the fulfillment of goals.

Difference between Self confidence and Ego ?

Ego Self respect

Ego is negative. It is an emerging belief Self respect is positive. There is a deeper

arising from deliberate comparison of consciousness where we commit only to
oneself with others. actions that don’t cause shame while
We compare ourselves with both the doing it or afterward. 
higher and lower people we consider in A heightened state when there‘s self-
terms of money, power, authority, acceptance regardless of possessions and
appearance, anything. Either we feel identities. 
superior or we get hurt.

We are in constant comparison and We don’t compare ourselves to others.

competition with others. We desire to We aspire to touch our deeper selves.
beat them anyhow.

We never ask for others’ opinions. We seek others’ opinions and value them.
According to us, whatever we say is right You never impose your decision on
and whatever we do is the best. We others. And if they have a better solution,
impose our decision on others. you appreciate it. 

People don’t like us and they avoid We create a positive aura all around. 
meeting. The reason is clear… we are not People feel comfortable and everyone
good with them. They may fear us but loves us, barring the ones who are
trust me, they don’t love us. egoistic.

It’s a weakness. If we are egoistic, It’s a strength. When we ride high on self
appreciation makes us feel strong and respect, we are uninterested in both
criticism feels weak. Both feelings are appreciation and criticism. We may enjoy
infectious. Especially critics, we have appreciation, but we don’t need it.
trough times dealing them.

Interpersonal relationship
Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association among individuals working
together in the same organization. Employees working together ought to share a
special bond for them to deliver their level best. It is essential for individuals to be
honest with each other for a healthy interpersonal relationship and eventually positive
ambience at the workplace.

Importance of interpersonal relationship at workplace.

 An individual spends around eight to nine hours in his organization and it is
practically not possible for him to work all alone. Human beings are not
machines who can work at a stretch. We need people to talk to and share our
feelings. Imagine yourself working in an organization with no friends around. We
are social animals and we need friends around. An individual working in isolation
is more prone to stress and anxiety. They hardly enjoy their work and attend
office just for the sake of it. Individuals working alone find their job monotonous.
It is essential to have trustworthy fellow workers around with whom one can
share all his secrets without the fear of them getting leaked. We must have friends
at the workplace who can give us honest feedback.
 A single brain alone can’t take all decisions alone. We need people to discuss
various issues, evaluate pros and cons and reach to solutions benefiting not only
the employees but also the organization on the whole. Employees can brainstorm
together and reach to better ideas and strategies. Strategies must be discussed on
an open platform where every individual has the liberty to express his/her views.
Employees must be called for meetings at least once in a week to promote open
communication. Interaction on a regular basis is important for healthy
 Interpersonal relationship has a direct effect on the organization culture.
Misunderstandings and confusions lead to negativity at the workplace. Conflicts
lead you nowhere and in turn spoil the work environment.
 We need people around who can appreciate our hard work and motivate us
from time to time. It is essential to have some trustworthy co workers at the
workplace who not only appreciate us when we do some good work but also tell
us our mistakes. A pat on the back goes a long way in extracting the best out of
individuals. One needs to have people at the workplace who are more like
mentors than mere colleagues.
 It always pays to have individuals around who really care for us. We need
colleagues to fall back on at the times of crisis. If you do not talk to anyone at the
workplace, no one would come to your help when you actually need them.
 An individual needs to get along with fellow workers to complete
assignments within the stipulated time frame. An Individual working all alone
is overburdened and never finishes tasks within deadlines. Support of fellow
workers is important. You just can’t do everything on your own. Roles and
responsibilities must be delegated as per specialization, educational qualification
and interests of employees. An individual needs help of his fellow workers to
complete assignments on time and for better results.

Integrity ?

Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and

uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

Social Values?

Social values form an important part of the culture of the society. Values account for
the stability of social order. They provide the general guidelines for social conduct.
Values such as fundamental rights, patriotism, respect for human dignity, rationality,
sacrifice, individuality, equality, democracy etc. guide our behaviour in many ways.
Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives; arrange their priorities
and choosing between alternative course of action.


Meaning: -Social Values are values (standards) concerned with social aspects of
human life. For example, truth, honesty, justice, kindness, generosity, tolerance,
patriotism, perfection, excellence, etc. the business organisations are expected to
participate in the development of social values through educative advertising, cultural
programmes, national integration programmes , assistance to educational institutions,

Economic Progress: -Social Values foster economic progress of a society. For

instance, if truth and honesty are practised by every body, it will promote fair dealings
in all walks of life such as business, education, political, social services, etc.

Social Development: -Social Values foster social development also, for instance,
several industrialists and charitable institutions have shown generosity and started
schools, colleges, hospitals, cultural centres for the benefit of common people.

Social relations: -Social values like co-operation, tolerance, respect for seniors, etc.
tend to improve social ties or relations. When a person extends his hand of co-
operation to others, even the enemies will have to check their inimical relations.

Regional Co-operation: -Social Values like co-operation, patriotism, and tolerance

can help to mitigate the differences between the regions, states and countries. These
three values, if practised it will promote social and economic development of the
Love, peace and happiness: -Values like respect for others, co-operations, tolerance
develop a bond of togetherness. As a result, conflicts and clashes get solved through
mutual understanding.

Standard of living: - Values of perfection and excellence enables people to develop

new methods, process and techniques. As a result, new and better products and
services become available in the market. This ultimately led to raising the standard of

Human rights ?

Human rights are moral principles or norms for certain standards

of human behaviour and are regularly protected in municipal and international law.

The basic rights are

 Dignity
 Fairness
 Equality
 Respect and
 Independence.

Sense of Responsibility ?

A strong sense of responsibility affects how an individual carry out life and how one
makes an effort and undertakings to achieve all the desires in life. As we mature, our
responsibilities become more comprehensibly obvious – responsibility to ourselves, to
our family, to our friends, to the community and to the whole society. It is very
important to personally feel responsible in life. It is just right to take control of our
life and learn to carry the weight of responsibility and the blame when something goes
wrong. We ought to do things that have been tasked to us whether for the benefit of
ourselves or for others. We need to awake the general consciousness within us to be
aware of the responsibilities assigned to us. Setting aside the fear of unknown could
help us get in the way. Trying to do new things or going into another path will help us
grow and realize many things that we have to keep in mind. Giving ourselves limitless
chances to grow and putting no boundaries in learning would help us face our
responsibilities in a lighter way – unleashing our true potentials and stepping out our
comfort zones. A case when sense of responsibility is working with us.

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