White Tiger Reading Response Questions Second Night

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White Tiger: Second Night Reading Response Questions

Please answer the following questions using complete sentences.

Use present tense when discussing the novel.
Use spell check and edit your work.

1. Balram’s father was taken to a hospital but still died – why? How does this show
corruption in India? Please answer in at least 5-8 sentences.
- When Balram’s father is sick, he and his brother take his father go to the only one
hospital in their town. The area of the hospital is dirty, the equipment is old and broken
and the hospital having without doctor, so he needs to see his father is coughing with the
blood until die. The old man is saying the doctor in this village is sharing their salary with
some officer government, so they can mark be present while they are not at the hospital
to get a full of amount salary. This show at that time, in India the government give
enough money for poor village, but the officer of government will took all of the money
and use it.
2. Mr. Ashok is different from the Stork and Mukesh. How is Mr. Ashok different from his
family? Name three ways explored in this chapter and explain HOW THIS SHOWS
THAT he is different BECAUSE of a reason.. Use direct quotes to support your ideas.
- Mr. Ashok is kind with Balram because when he enters to Balram’s room. He asks
Balram to change the room because he thinks Balram’s room is dirty, he wants to helps
Balram have a good area. This show he is difference with his family because his family
will not care about the area that their servant stays.
- Mr. Ashok treat everyone by fair, because when he sees his father hit the servant. He is
feel pity for servant. This show he is difference with his family because his family will
not care about servant. They want their servant so everything that they want.
- Mr. Ashok does not discriminate about Muslim people. When he heard his father correct
a boy do not call himself as Muslim name. Mr. Ashok feel disagree with his father
because he thinks Muslim people and Hindu people are same.
3. Does Balram have a good life as a servant under The Stork and Mr. Ashok? Should he be
happy? Why or why not? Please write at least 5-8 sentences.
- Balram doesn’t have a good life as a servant under The Stork because he controls Balram
doing works is not include the driver. For example, Balram needs to wash The Stork foot
but Balram’s job is a driver, he doesn’t need to wash his owner foot. He also need to have
to shares the room with another driver, but he needs to sleep on the floor because the
room doesn’t have enough space. Even he has a bad situation of the job, but he can have
a job and has a higher salary than other whom is live in his village.
4. Is the caste system in India fair? Please explain in at least 5-8 sentences.
- The caste system in India is unfair because everyone need to be fair and need to be treat
equal, but in India who is have money they can control everything, poor people needs to
listen to their voice. For example, the two level at the bottom part is for poor people, even
they are smart and likes to study but they don’t have money, so they need to work hard.
Like Balram, when he was young he likes to study and wants to know new thing, but his
family is poor, so he cannot have continued for education, he needs to go out and have a
job. At the high level in the castle, the rich people can control everything, all of people
need to listen to them even they are wrong or doing something over the rule of servant.

5. Balram is telling this story as a series of letters. Is this an effective way to share his story?
Do you enjoy the letter format as the basis for a story? Why or why not? Write at least 3
- It is not effective to share his story because this helps the reader likes and feels interested
to read this story. I enjoy the letter format, because I can be more understand the narrator
feeling for all of his story. I also likes this format because this looks like I am watching
the movie, the main character is telling me about what they did, and this helps me will
not feel bored.
6. How does the Stork feel about Muslim people? What are his comments in the chapter and
why are his comments racist? Write at least 3 sentences.
- He does not like Muslim people and discriminate them. He tells a boy to do not call him
with a Muslim name “Call yourself Gavaskar. Azharuddin is a Muslim” (59) Which is
mean he doesn’t like Muslim people and dicriminate them.
7. Is Balram an effective narrator? Does he do a. good job at explaining the characters to
us? Has he done a good job at explaining his life thus far? Why or why not? Please
explain in at least 5-8 sentences.
- Balram is an effective narrator because he exports out the word and things that he thinks
about the character in the story. He comments and writes out the right things in India to
let the reader be more understand about India. For example, when his father gets an
illness and go to the hospital, he shows to the reader knows what happens at that time.
When Balram meets Mr. Ashok, he describes his boss personality and the way his boss
treats him to let the reader understand the story.

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