Daiy/Pi Bry/Pl' Ci (W-K: Iittr

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· 1

Dia:!e as .. G ~tteh ,diode &t'tcAt'n8 b'meJ):~e('()perQ

-'tore VQrlO:h'Ofl of Satu.rafion paramekrJ, dejt(jn of

tronJi,sVJ oj 0. cfti<Jl'tch, tronJiJror JtJtlcA/~ b'r'Vte-j}

i;rQnsi siDr f() cx:rturotJ'Of).

Dloc1e dipperJ, ·t-r-onjicS'!or clippers, cf/pptna 0/ kYo

trd.e{X?rdenl- Je ve jJ, Ern ilter Loupled C11i?{X:rJ /

CJ)lY)}u\"Q1vrJ, A--pplicQ..Hofl~ of 'Iott-Off CofrJpot.fo.1vrJ,

daiY\pi~ 0 per a.1<'Ofl, c brY\Pl'~ Ci~(w-k 'IJ-Irt na &h:xQe'

f,Oith d/!tevf2P>!:- inpu!-5, darnpin3 (.;1'"CJ.J..ih l:-heoreff),j

P,oc+itq/ (lQlY)pCrs 6'''tCuik, efft-tf 01 J/ode

choxQ I !en S/,'[J 0n cia rr,p"f'(J voIIttr
DiQje oS 0 sUJdcn

A c£emi eordwlor- diode eX))l'b//-J tne ~IIDW/~

p~operii~ ;­

!here l,) 0. pDien+toJ 6a(ri e y OC\rOJ~ th e p- V)

"3l:lnt t\Df\ and thls mUJt he. neutrQt"~ed befOre I Condu
- i~f1 '5~LZ3h the JUllC-1-tOf\ COI\ take place.

'The dl'ode~eCtcL'IJ Cnnd-u-~I-J When !6;).WQ'{'dJ

btaJed and lite b/QJ vol/Of tJ 8~ealtr t!un the

Cut - in I{olta~e, at, (t OtH 01 <JhDrt- u':tCLiit-

Ther<:~ l~ no
Cnndueh'()() H18tDlJ8h the devl'te
t0refl i ~ i S 'J\.0rer~e bl Qkd, &1 th@. d1e&e. Clt'k og
~{:e\\ 8wI tUJ .

The IorW'Jrd b/aJ w.eJtJ!anu: DI Qn /deQ I ct'cde

;s ~xu ond ~everJC' b/o,J lJLeJrdonce ,"j r'n/!nitg.
*"rhe Cill.9l:~nt In the diod.e /s temJErolure ckpendf'nf.
*~t-;c::, o.nDfl-lifle(l( devtte.
* ~t-;~ 0- l'lllbo/era[ devic.e
* ~t i~ choroclen'oed by 0 wrn'er Cor) kne~ {[)rj Cul­
i r1 \fD 1to./}e
-"""'> cStnuc; 0- eb'ode Condtlch IVhen ,ftrlAJavd - h/aJfd
ond block1 CDndtft-l/on /Vhen 91t'verJE. b/QJfri. JOt /t­
Can /ZInt -I/on OJ on electrvn,'c Ju;t'frh.

~') I'Jhen t t
is CorduchQ:j t /S oAf and when;" t,:S
I /

no I:- CordUtJ,';y /t /5 Dpp, lhuJ /h Och'on /j onQ / D

- ew 10 '!nat 01 Q meehan/COl oflAJ/kh.

~ DiF~n~nle between MethCln,' eoJ jfA)!tch onof eledfon,'

&itch /.5 thaI:, M.t?than/t.DJ StU/teA CeflSUfYlej the.
FVwer hJherea~ eled:ron/(' Jw/tch dOeJ no! CnnJume the
~u:&" (06) ~e.~~ ·eXJt there 1001 not-- be any LVJJe&'

~'> opera/ion ;­

Let v,,:: B1rn'er po ten h'Q I

T<r:: jbrlJJord f)(eJIStOf7(f 0/ 0. {Y}fQt -h'm! cJia1~
f(r :0 keveac 81.eJiJtan(f oj 0. p:JtQl·!lCQJ cit'ode.

D ~f 0.. :;b5..l«1rd b/cU voltOJC ~.>V'o IJ {lpp//etJ the

d/ce1e 'JIead(y Cordllch and 0 /Orword Curren!:.

12/ 'JloJU/~.

c{otJs»//-c h



C>f 0
+. •
I )0 +

Vf ~( r '1 )1
HenLe a /oYword 6/aJeJ of/ode acf.J OJ a "cloJed
Sw/lcn ~I

., -Non .

- 'Yo R4
r>i +

---ll 'VVV\i\A. -f

k VI( >I v.R >J
oreSuJt'Lc h
/.AI here VI< Co .91eved";SC biod voftog::
Rver~e bIClje-d dt'cx:k I"S oro !og()()J to an o~r0)u;lch.
v- T cmyocicns!?cJ
V\IVv ~

'7Ae Ib~word and 91ever;re 1/011- om;:ere

cnomc!(m'sh'c} 0/ a junc!;or; diode (lye J'hot()f) ~/ot(J.
eul: - in vollo/Jc 1:5 a boof 0-3 V /Or 8erman/urn dt'a:Jlt.
cut - /n voll:o:;e /5 about o·{ v lor J;'I/con d/cd~

Dicx::lc Current &;uoh'on


'The general cAamt"!ett~6'cJ of 0 p- n june-Ii

-on are cJflfi/x:d bJ i-h~ /6/loUJ/f(J Dirrenf e7uo-hi9

~& (t/'1'1r_ iJ I

Nhere 1?D:' Curren! -I:hrouJh the p-n /unt h"on

:g or To ~ R:ver~ J::rfura6'on Current

V:; Exlernal b/oJ voltCfF
vT :: ~ _ kr k 0- l38-D XtO-23crj Ok
11/600 e' 'e:; /.602. )(fO-f9
T -:. °c + 273

L :: 1 k.9, Gle

;) /or Ji


U) 1!F V :: 0, 12 1) 2 D

:, Tn the obJenlt' of on t'Ltcrra! 6iaJ yolterJe

there i.s nD wndut"hon throvj1h tfJ~ ckvi(e,

(it) j6:J1 pOJiflve volue.J 0/ J; /1 e"J ib~ JbrtA.JOrd b/ QJt

CDrduL-h'on I:PD is pOJ/-h've and /1 ;'ncreaJeJ e'KfXJl1~//'a
ll) R·f:O 0
-:;> OfP'f6:x-\rno.hm~ 'the diode ~'(d Ye~lsknce is
J-n -this
~\Qd"J <:>:nd ~ diode ;& G.:>\umed Th Cllrdud ln~ta"kneDUsld
w~~Y\ o..~pl'ed .fcnffiyd biD-Sed vol~ev is e~llQL·~ LOt-In
VD ltaee Q'f\ct -\\rc~n 1'+ is o..~~\Jmed -thoJ cwrrent- incxeo..ses

\Y\sbY\-lo.neoJ&t~ 8' v1 1 Sho-\~ht line ratUYE' o~ V~I C~"(()Ch'(iS~'C5 .

It'hde ~f\ wV(>~e b\(}~ed ~(')Yld,t1ffi') when Veo, the d\()de does ~t
COnduct ~ t 0.\\
Hence wh~Y\ (hade ~,(l>Jo..:,(d ,,&-g\eJG.Y)(~ IS o..&&um~d 7..e'Yt),
1-hE' c\V'<~uit '\'(\ooe 1 C)~ d\ade ~~ ShDU)Y"\ in ~8 (0-)
Tn yevey~ e '6'O-~ed, ,he diode. i S O~\:Yl drt\)\ t -is l:,hclI..urJ

tYl ~~ (b)

A~ -the d\ad~ mY\du:is oJ. v= VI') -\he \J-I c hO-'YO-Ctevi&tiCS

\J0\ -\h £:,'t<a.\~ h~ '\iY\e. IS sho\.Un i t1 ft~ Co

o 0 0 0

opef\ Llf(ui~

en) Hnrte R~
-:If Rt- ~s tm~\de~d -m be tn'1l-e~ -th~n In V -I ctxJ.w{'kl't's+rc~J
-bWCA,{ct b\'CHed -chO:fo.. e-te'r,~-h'c g \~ Q ·s+ro..\~ht lt~ loH\" 0.. Slope
e.~lAoJ. -m ~cipsoCaJ ·o~ ~ "3:"n 'YeV€1-yse b,o&ed the diode ~ &ill
OSS>ur(K~d ~ ~ bren t''1V"C'ul'ted­

v~ 0
<>--- 1-----NVv\.-----W
I CJ------ll 0 -----------0


CO) /J rword biD-oed

.t,n/Ic kJ

.....), ­

w~ f'1I "-eve.- 'r;$ e bt0Je- d and ttc va !ur:' D/

,. e((ViQ n /w m ) vy :: 0 , 7 \/ to r J: //CDn

App I, cetI-i~(\ D_


Ih.e piece wISe l\V1eQv- OPP(ff()Jlt'rYJ(]-hDn bl d/de

CMQYQCfevc'sh'q /.5 {jJ Imrn.EdJe help in t-he omfyJiJ oJ
Q). PdeaJ d/cde o--f:+---o
f't :0, V :-0
v :I =0

b· P;et~ t.01·~e 11f-¥:n.v­

lr0ith If
c 6JL +- I/--
Ol--~7 AI
J--T 0

\ J/of<' = ij
vi,..' ':t : ~+­ _
Ditx:le ~\~I'lO i\«\eJ
~ v v V\/\/\.<:J V\/"V\A.

~ f,JG know f:no.! ad/ode J1J?O{£j' (ondut If tvhcn '£rWQ I

'ld biQjed and bloch Cotduchon tv he/') :J1 e \/Go;se 6io&d.

-7 Tf Q 91evcl'j(, bt'aJ ;j appled Qb,J(uP!(y JUhen d/ode

i.s j n Condw-lry mode I uJf: flO IurQ/1y expecl::- !:--he'

CorduchofJ to CffiJe /nJlanlanel!XLJ/y' Id(~ lDiSe /1 Q
:!6:Jtword biaJ /5 o.ppj,'ed ab()(tlpl/7 tvh('n dt'od(' I.J
O(X:!,(Q~''(J )n -the 9(ever,je bfQJ tflOJe, toe ~Xre(~
tenJu~J-iDn +0 O(WY r'nstanto.fJeoUJIc;,
I \~

1----7- BUt, /n P,J(Ol-h'cE Such 4 in"ny d1Jed no! hopK'r!

A certain time mwl tloPJc, be;Ovr the Current­
,. n the otter- rnocJ~ Uin bE (Dille <5&a1J/

lh"~ ls due. fa the /at!J ina! d f-n j{JJI~

~ +ron poJ5.eJ5eJ tranJ" J-.rtJ~ U1fX1('/l-onL~
r) UJn~Y) (C

'VtQv0C&e. - b(QSed o.nd dc'JluJ/on LopJ.(lJfonC-e ((r) [,()h.c:n

, jD'JlNord biO-Jed­
fheJ e (arOJu/antcs p,'}{e vent tn~ diode' ~

/rom 0 tb/0/r;:} S~ Sfa;e "\ ;nJI:o'7h~ !n -tnt! f)~1

r't'l.£d.~ 0 n "Je ~rJoJ Dj in t> e 'L .ferna I bf'a J l/ 0 If o(Je. I

I t1le fela.vlDur Df & d'ode dUrt1J t/;/J t-/'rne
I is Called &;,tichi::J dar,uk"J!fcs oj Pte dfnd!",

U"The. tJ'me :Y-R-f{uivel!6r ilJe d/od(! Ctt rren~ 1D i
~ver~e one/. O.tw/n a J fC'DeJ va/tic, AJ ~() 0 ;bJtt.iJ1J. J!

bi03 /s Qppi/ed -10 Q dtdde op2rrxh'lIo tn

&a.l/el"l b\ I
Vue Iqg I

~t- ij very ve[J cJrra.!! if] PWJc~'({' uew MIlD

&wnJJ) I

12 t dJJfJJ nD t Crealf ony PJLDbfern In JtOr'!-chf.cJ

f) pera:h'olLJ'
l?eVC2-f!:J: <jtetoV8rtf time;-
VVVvvv V'VV'i../J.J v'\/VV

(( The -b'rYle ~ur~d JOr the d/oclt' ~er;!- rio

9<Q-vel':1e and 01/:0 11; () Stm & va/tift When 0 ~ verJe­
b/Cd /S opf/l &::! 76 a d/odr:: 0 {)3Y'a-h ":!:J /n 1O.Jr UJarc:{

bi!A~ mDck '~

i .

. "C:xuu'cJ rfxfW1tanLeJ /n h!Jh opeed I·

to be (onJ/d0'red (ill C'f4~


-7 (onJio!e'( Smple d/cx1~ CJJteuiJ and an /n put W::1l1c I


Jov-m JhOCUf/ be!oUJ .

o,-r tLI
f f>!----L!

- IZ

~l _
- ..

7 --.------~
0 - - - ­ .. I

L,o) TrtI it me t l J the fOJrttXl-rd vo Ha:;e /.3 Gt.pp /t'ecl -'

hD!r:J ~orn p- :ftC!J/() I) d//fiJf:. Into f/- J1e /Dn 00j
elet.t'rOnJ !iorn n- 'YLo//Of) di./JaJC into P-'}(egl'on and!
dfOd@ lJ fl-9tLbrd blo.Jecl

p 0(: I-e
e(M.) h­ ~ ;J h{M)

-t 1- ,


11Ie va Iue or (/2) /.5 Jarr- enOU(}h J uLh

ilJat j9(Op O-C rvJJ .!O,')(lIXlrd b/OJed dt'tJde iJ vej
c3rna.! I CornfXlred Tn chwp acrDJJ R·

/he :;b:Jrwr-d Currell! /S then ~~ f2Vr !

neJ!ecli?J ;&UJaYd 91eJ/Jlanu! 0/ d/Dck·

Tn -!f,eJe flew ','YlSt'Ofl, fI'OjDrify Cfi'3t9\1'eJ ~w IY1 'eJ
rr,/nDnf! charge ChyriClJ (":E: halfJ /n ()- 91e.J/on and
Glee frDt1.J ?n p- 9trf1or}) ,
l' d S jbJd('l)/y
A IJme {: 6 tn(? appf/t! volta3E I
11~) 1
.) vi

~ever:j(:d ard ikev8Y]C voltage 0./ -vR

/s oppJ,'ed 'tV
-the ()~Lu/f. J!c/fnl/y the d/ode aIJo mwf bet-Drne

DFF ADm ON Stale /nJtont(y· But 1hi's dtJeJ nOt

mpfXY1, drn[(~ the fneverje vo!to/je aL fJ aJ .;/J.5ttUard

voltrye j).Jt (orge numfer Q/ m/nfxl & cam'eJ p.JtDJreJJ'
~ QJ ffirJiDl(Jh Jlze JU/2L-60 0 , tVtth Me jl/'!Julf thaI- /rutQn

. tone[;(jj}y t/le Current- cf;irp/y ':JI.everj: rnoJo{y - fe "- J}

O?rto.,'n {/me tJ needed j&J7 -br9Jc. ('f)ino3t-/!J
~~ caul'e&. fa .mfJVe into the ()'!f¥::r ~"Of) 0/
-filQ p-n /vnt-h'on'; {And become. ritaJor-iff chCLP8e

the ~el)t to - WR
-fu flow b'll G'me IT~

(t Dwire b"rrf? t( tv (J Ife mino3t'/y ch01Je

Calli· eJ(j ~Q/n S!o:J1.ed and d-ec.rea.K:Je 3m.,)!!! 1;J &M-rD,
:Hente / -!:h/S t;irre iJ Called cSttJrCije -&fflf2 dc:nv!ed OJ ~
CF;') 'A 6'rne (: ( 1 the cit'ode vollage st~1:J -to
~ or-d. -/:he diode' Menl, 0/;0; -6 ckcrea!J"fJ Qg

8houJn (n 1"8 I [c)

clv) At -h'me 1:--t3 J the dJole state CDrnp/defy gel:J
Y.QveOJed and aNat'ru Jtea(y Sto.te in ~ ver-Je htOj

CJyy;(,i{o n Khit/I is l3/oaJ (p ~, »fQ-vtr,Ie &xtvraliar)

Ct!he tr'me florn 1:1- Iv -G f,e: '!he -/;lme JLe9Vt'.Jrfd
~ tlJe d!ode CuMer; t -ro Jf.!dute fv i Ii .xu. veAje Jatvro,
~-fton valve IJ Co/led Ira{)]i-(;D0 t'nteYve-l [cO
t:o nJt-6'vn -6'me c*noW OJ ~ :1
/ > 71?et(
ft;iq( 6'rTJe :M-qub((lc! by i:/I2 d./ocie
&/0) Df cSW..Jf.qje' b~ and ironJfb"on- HmC!
Cemp/ele!J .I.IDn
file ch0ry. 0/ SI:Qte lJ wi/eo(
.3®/erse .9Ww vnv time Q/ ihe dIode and' denoM Qj

~.)) v

[Crr t\s ttt]


(hI'.) iJ an fmJWltont Cons/derat,'on ; n h{Jh

Spead- ,StAJr tch"CJ~ app/imf!O/1J.

-V "'-----,
R , I
, I

~ n-\lf\O~I~ ./

C£l9ISlie,~ LIl~O
r~-'------------==-=~, ::::::::=::====----7t

-t\ I

,I ,
----:--,~ ---;c-::=..--===.~~~$
~~~ ¥ ~,
, r
!<c- Relf~ fjf.U{}V(!iy t me ~
J{olNe ve ~, ;dr'ooU1 ()JLa Jpedal!J rr{1f1CJ/ae I­

_ We: I ho 1/;ry c3W. veJ-J" r:J 3f-e CC) v~ -Hm e OJ.fm a"( (Jlj

(!)'71y /bJ &UJnd!­

-------':» 7hr2 lola/ SWi!chiy -h'mc: trr PUd the 6+n/lon
Me fY1()X/ mUm Ojera tr(y At'9ve7!Y D/me' diode­
7D rn/nr'rn;Cfj: -lhtJ C?././ec r tJI the .,Jf12vetfj e
(j)nQnt l the Hme pe~1I'pd 0/ /I;~ OfEm&1.J Aer;tJeny
rvuJJt ~ a I- lead! len Ir~ 0/ tt;r­
.o. 7 :: 10 i~r;

I rrQi ::: J...,. :: I >

r lotrr

ttJhere lmaf. : maxJmvm of?rOh(g flo/ ven/!'

&mrk ~~
V\f\NVV calwlole the rroXlfnUIY) Dperalt'rJ'fif5'9/.H'& CJ!
() oU'od@ tvhoJe .91Qveije .JW-co ve!J! /7'rne /j 9 nJ ./

v- I
rro :: aIn.s
T:- 10 t;n :: /0 X1 =-10nJ

:. k ox :: ~"
II. II /11/ H7
A SiliCOn eJ,'ode operakJ al .Id&rIAJQrd l/oll~ 0/
D.U \I • Caltfllole Ife .:At-hJ~ ;oh/ch /he Cllflqenf If
J\jill be m{)lIlp~fd Wkn ifJr: /em;;e ralolC iJ incrriU'd

ADm E6 to /5D C ?

6Jven dolo;­
vvvv VVV\A

~:: O./fV •
-r !1J.3 i ,}::iC:; 0,D26 V
a I . JlS"C r ;: .(r,GOD
I V . l(/bD D

Jo3r ~'kLon{ ,?::,Q

... l' 2 1, [/'?~r 1)0
1} ~ &:'100 Zb --. (j)
I 1,¢fJO o'-!

10 , [ 2-XD·O!l>
4 ]
e- -j

. (, 6>,)
D • (. D 7- 2) J Where l ~ ISO
7; -­ dJ-·


gU3D fo X 2J-lD
2.2D D ~



::. q20


@ A DI (IXJ.l is plated in J'e:JI/es lOiih a \
geJlmanium cLiock /diN!' .nlvel;le 9Jlvra6iJ amen!
{}l .95C fS 5 Ii A. Moke () ..Q./O,' (rJ; ,/0 k 01 ftIf'
volt -01l'1fE 9,e charo clfJ'isJic 0/ /:k &s /{'J Cunbi mlj;
over the :norge 'pDT)! 0 )j II tv 50 A in lhe /dJtaJ' @
-d c6~ecti'Dn?


To : 5/J. A af a soc

dJodE /s 0£e/[f/lOniurn rdJ 1~ I

T :: r
Po Lc vD !7z vr_/]

Vo ~ LVi iTt [ l- +]
T ~i3+2J ~ o-ou, V
il, 600

VD , {xOD1, fA &~1(5' fJ - -C1J

V'~ '- '1! x f( :: P Y IOD (D

10laf vDlt((9E {LI j :- tin + VI< - - @

Sub.sfilvk J! ;)(f)n!Jt'ry flDrn I'D J.) II to SJrn {-} if)

e~/)cr-/;'o /1j (f) @ I am @
~ V
n v v
.to J.1A O·oL8bV 0-00 I v 0- m..q b V
BJjJfJr O· D6JSV O,OOSv D· 06 :rJ v
lOOlJ.tt O·O"F1y O'O(v
o-O~9 v

5DOJJA: ()- 1'2... V O,osv

0-/1 v

1 rn rJr 0- 13&V 0-1 v () I 238 v

5mA C} 1& v 05/V D'6'&v

rO{r) Pr O-l qe-v 1v

I, /1 g- v

V,211 v 5v S- '24 v
6D «i. A


o \
4 5 v
~ TmrvisforJ On? Widejy wed

()Jr) (Xv; tchifJ opp)'cap'ons

J2 t-heJe app/lcaliOflJ/ me vDI!fje 'eve/; perlodi

c. fDw)
_Lo.\~ Q\kmQ~C betLDeen and '-h(Jh) voli

duth OJ CJ v ·ond +5 v·

~ 1h 0CiJitch/'J CJ:ntw'h / 0. tronJfS-fo'JI is operawd

01: Cut 0/7 :;b.Jr ffie ()FF Conc/;I-/oo and if) JJtora

-ch"o n :PJl the ON Corx://-I/OI7'

-7 ConJider 0 /ranJ/:P09. opero1-trJ fn (ommOf) emilier


_v (!.c.
'J's =- 'i3aJe CTnput:J Cu '(rent

1t =- CDllee tor Coutpv/) CWQef\t

VEE:: 2flPOt vo/iqge

'it: :0 output vofceje

en When both emittEr - b:JJe and Co/teem r - boJe.

junch'DrLS ore ~vede bio..t-d -/:he ironJiJ1v r Op?rafus

in ~ Cui - oJI '''"yjivn ond it OCK OJ an DfY'n

,I h ('~ Current- floWJ in the 100 d {'{~wd:·

cSWf cC

[ilj When
• JJ J nD

Me emitter - baJe junc!iOO L\ !oijfWOtd.

bt'oJcr1 Ond (tJ!letm r - hoJ e Junch'tJlJ iJ ~ve<\Jc bi~,
tte QutpO! c»rrrYlt ?Jtfll,pDndJ moJ t !t'neGr!J To 00

input cSt'Jnatl 2t oppr/tokJ tn ocllve ~tD() and

mfJ OJ o.n Amp/t"/;er .
Tn 2xvil:ch'{J OfX3~QfiO()JJ thiS ~ion iJ not·
fJ! !}':JIeal /'n!erJf hetoWe lIie -{ronJ/JlcJr Jw U:c~ obJ1upt
:flom I:-hf} wi all 51t9/01) . fDN)(~ Jotorath)r) :Jli{jt'00
Cor /n the ~ ve<l(\e di:nethD0 and 0pencJJ I[}ea!jy a
~!(J!r'v& inJign/fiC£)17! trine ;n the Qcl/ve ~/()f) •
. t1i7) Wh:n bDYn emitter _bOJc Dnd Co/lt'tlor - !:){:M(' d
j/)nch or7J ore ,A..9tcUord b/o.Jfcl /!- J r- tQ ceI
(J.I):J !' i-he
&Iural/Of) JlQS/DfJ ttnd -the dev/Cf? he/r::{ Ve!J !/ke a

~O:J(t CifltCutt, dO, i I- Or K oj c!oJ(:d SWitch. @

> /he tmrulJ/w, (Jperated tU a

,4. JIJJitc 0/ Nhen
if;s JuJi/cAed ADm (ul- DJ! to SQtoro77Dn
and !lDrn Salura-hDn .tDW t - all 11); II) n~/l8 (
- bJ e Q ciNe .?fiJ?8fo l/.

---7lJhen IxONiJm" /J in oaforaf/tJn junth'of)/v()lto

Ore VC[} Snail'

(!Jperah'ry wrrentJ 0. re loge.

\ '

~ When iranJ/Jmr (0 In Cut- 0/1 junchD/J

volhyfJ 0 ve !O!JE'
{v.rr(2nfj Ore &m.

~ > 8, the tronJ/Jltx 4J Can be wed tD UJ0tted

and d/suMneLt -th!? !rod ~ :frvfll the &or((' Vet'
I 1 0':Je";/
App~ kvL 1n Me ovr:P<JC VA

9e-k: L "TVc.c, +vCE=fJ

c£ -=- V c -
1:<:. K.L


~ l:: ___
Vee - VC£
I?L - 0

'(Zl.­ ~O,()t
, ,
, ~_- ~ > ~~ [!lJ.1!J
lice f!JPr ~ "-

d:l tine \. \.

~-- 11s:: TJ3~f)

}(\..J e "!'-~\
ca\10(l ~. ~t:


(he 3tegloFl belotU 1?B (J r'J CJJI-·Q!7 Y1fJio,! 2

point LA) denokJ C»!- fJ!! poln!, ''If Ih/.s POlrJlt&Je

Current (jJB') r~ ~o Ord Colledv r wrref)t- /J fY(JliJlhlc.

porn .e; cr)

When ~c::o
Vcr; (CiA f - D/I).: vet.

7he !;,QafL!JI:S h)(;tdJi Opera/er Ilk! QIl t) ~n

the pO/rd:. . 1:3 cLel/ole; Sa-!urQ-n'f)n. At M0 PDtiJt/
Ixve. wrrel) f
C5?B) :? 7!{j (Jot) OJl d Co/I~( (0 ( Lurref)t
th e
f'l\Q t 1 I"'Y\ lJ ff) .

the -t-rQnSiS-!fJr CJj€r-a/ej !lk~ CloJed &v/tch.

~ Whet) f:rafl5tJ-hr VJed ()j Q &1&.0 r"n CDrrmo'l- !


D0.5e CJJntau raft 'Of) f '!he' t'f) pu I err') II: Wrref) I.- ~u/:J(ed I

10 q;erole M~ &'dtch /S nom ;ra!!J OJ (o[Je OJ the

CJJ{ledDr 6J. rrent 1xv'c9 c1nitclJ ed.

o 1?() Common _ ColIN lor lonft/jUra-bbn / the ;npvf

~; hftl'~ 8'8 1l a.1, wrreflt or voltOfF ls c3moJl " 'I
lorY\~I' &a n 11\)1'\11 the cSWi tched (;Jut pu t (j)rren t ov
\ ·.tt Cv n/;3 t) rQ -hb. f') I'.s
t:ne CDrnrno n - em I er \
f t UJejUl :!03f a tronJ/Jror- 0W i t(f).
ger,fSQ!J :tfJe moJ j
:-') A(j tranJisfDv ClrnpJiHer irat hal /J,e p' l'e
y of
! •

I f)V(2fJ,"o() can be wei OJ Of) if)verkr-


-7 The trQnjl~WY -!fat o.cf) CM Q dwitc./J "~d9tt'v'(,f)

be tWE'f'n tu! _ Df! and ,so.tora-lio n.
1'0 4. ·han SiJ-for ; (werk r r"J 8houJD below:

\' : \


' ,~

cJ):P3t (ow Input vi:: v(oj the I

Cftt-o!! SD I
the outpot /'J

i li;) j'oJi hiJh input, v; , v (I), -Me {ranJiJ""

'IIU &1'rqh'Dn
TV I 00 -!:~ ODt put v.I'~ lice (kJl).:. V{vJ
II ~ 1$,1J Ct~Cu,.1: mh /l j Q (l, J
cJ«J I (' <
J, L'-<-J 1.1 (\.. U/.J
~ "lO t'rr,pJ(Dve the tranjl'JIv" ~nJe oflite /n verfev.,
YfJe Cop1uiov lC-I/J UJe.d aOVJJ tiJe 3(QJ;Smr R1 •
lhi~ Nlp) in ~('(\ovr'~ mlfl{)rl1:j l..«:u~I'er c.h~3e If)

th e bOJe 0hen ~he <sena! cna'19C'J bJw [9J7c Sto.~.


. :, i) When v.. : v(o) voNo.ge -+he tranSrS1ar r"0 in
l (u~-ofP
lhe q:::;e() U 3..( ur' t b:u e va !feee /j
i l
VB:: V (0) eZ.
I !3+'RL

i~ v(o)::'\)v,-fnen

!hiS 1
vo / (Of! (1 L 'd be
c)fIDU/ 1
I--/>rl lI/3r
CcUt -01/J
Wlqvi:J/..ed P:J1 Me tro(l§s1Dy ".e) DV -~ I'tievn
-0,1\1 - &e'fIY\a.()\llrf\.

The value Df l?, I"J ckfer«JI'n ed 'On -the

tDfl d,-t1o na( ihcd :kr the. LOtIJeS t C"- peckd -!fJrlper-a~Ye,!
--the -t'(-()f\~i8mv t,01\\ 'J\.ef'f\.o.ln 'in S:rl:ora-h'Dn bec..ouje hpr;
de cre.a1ej wi i-tl cleLf ro..Il' rs .{f.J,() F€ rQ tun:..

the Cvrre n t fh~0!J8n the c91MIJton((' F?\ ; ~
1\:: vCr') - v 6F ()Ut)

V [I) - VBE (Jal:) _ Vat; (SQt-J- C- vS8


V BE,: [Jat) - L- v(13) vn - VnUotJ


~, __2_, .:..::R.:=.-L ~B=_c-~ i

@ ealwbk -/he ovtpJf fevelJ of'the uctMI Shawl) 1

below Iv, ih'P'-'l.5 01 ov and _tv ~nd venfJ tha{ the I

LJ~tu.il:- is Qn frwerter. What 10 the rnl'ni'rnurn !

vawe o! hp( cp.quis..ed. NrJlfLl jund/Dn <Jafur-QlrroFJ

va [t-oa~ arcl OJ)v rne on ,cleal cIr"Dde I
. .

,,-------'~ ! _.-.....-. '--._.' \) V()
:...,.....r.!,l - - ­
(, \f .­

.,. .

::;iJ~ I The- vallay a{ -EM J,Qje 0/ ihe tranJiJm'

VBG :: v·I P2.. e­
+ V&3 e,+f2i..

Pi -rf4- .

1') ~hen v·,-~ 0 ..•..•.

I £.,
.,.,., '

Vfj; ::. V$0
I el+QL
V()t: ~

- g- X ~ S'
I Si2.D

I VS{; :: t' 6 v
c3.nl~ rt is Q p.n-p trardtJToy ond baJe voltr:J e.
i,S pO)i-hve., 3D the I..rans/JfoY (j evt- Dff
: , 1/ := -fs-v Since dJode ,'!J /ded·
1) I

When VI":: -g-v! the tranJiSior Cnnduch Q nd

neeJlecl-i7J 'june/ion VO/fo;;fJ-

CQ s :­ - 15' ;> + ~
Sk,fL ~SL

TB -- - I, 2. IY)A
tofted-Dr Corren t- lT~):: veL - V,-[' (so!:)

P031 the -trQnJ/S70r Tv be r"n JatuTar/-/00! 1:i1e

h ~qu/Jlfd /!:>
rnfol'fl(lJ r{\ vo. lue ()! FE
_ _ ~
- 10-;:T

926 -/·1.
I i

@J(')~ 0. CommDn @Jll i lier O':3r. (Ull/ ~t ~ L0' VI f2( 2!vk JL \

and ~20'3mA' a)jy:'krm,'ne I:ne valve 0/ 0Pc(rnlrJj ,

!o~ So to raflon 10 Oll 0 re ' b) J}I Pc ,'j (har:JC"d fo SDDR I I

IV ,'II • the fronJiJror be Jed ora !eel ·1

-2i;- aJ lhe Colletior Corren!- I~

V(c-- Vc & (Jed)
:0­ '1- t fY) A

7hQ minimum value 01 0PF ~9Ui';}(t!d tV keep tile

1.rQnsl'Jfor l" SJw rat1'on /J

hpG' (min) ~ ~ _ c;.g­

fEe ~ 0·3

hp 6 (mIn) -'- 32-{, {,

(.Jon s:d -fo Sllo JL I me()
:. Vet - Va' {)('1f)
.!L'c... -~ lS-O-'2-:l

lDb e
%(rn1tV=' o·9f'r)!i

~\'f\le TB CetdlJcxJ) -( 2B_Cm~q) 'iJlQJ)ui.:nEd



~ th 'Vu _ ~ Vc.r; +;Qc}2L

10 pio f lhe ell c LtJad fIne.. I 06 toJf1 th e C:itr ~1Y1 ~
r.n,' () J< /-h (.) If) I'trl It'n P.
I·.9 P 0. Wrnmon em,/ier 0:J-rw;t with Vec::/JV J

Rc;;:. I,s kJL eolCJJIa/e /lJe (ronJ/'jmr p0tftJr d/JJ/pa//on

0) at o,f ~Jf and b) at Ja!v,rrkfl.

I Jr


6.,[ - off', iI-J poW'" diJJI,roh·1

0) !,Arlen if>e- &r-anJI'Jfov ,'2>

_ 0(1 IS ~ bet..O-Lls~ Hie UJ.'(Y"enH Cut - off Q t"e

~e.\"U ~eLt\..\'0~ ~@ ~

6') When #Ie trQ()~i.':.il)r i~ j n &·h..m:;flion on Qpp!!j!

KV L. --ro f:he otJt 'Pot (j-)wit I ~~ (Jet

vel ::
'«.:<-, rn

.J::. t Pr.. 1­ VcG l Jar)

CQ(:: Vu - v tf (J(}l-j
Q ( ~u{'t)e
V(~2 o~ i
'> h/0en LA tranJ1S11)Y- t~ Wed ~ a JtOi tOil ,. 1: ,. ~
wua~ rrud ~ -to opevak O/f~rf'(JHve~ in' 'l:l}e Cul­
o!! Condr.-f,'on ()nd in*he &1t-()ro+,'O() wndti,'Df\
• ~ Tlie. ~p8ed Wff:h f0hfC.h 0.. trao)l'Smr tqn be I

8wihhed 0"-' Qnd cSwi I:ched DFF t.s Q 6lu.ao,./J.at1oy

Tn h{Jh JpNJd JCJJI'fcfn'r:J Dp(?rD-Il()~ .

o ---;>
L \ / 1 - -_ _

-r Whe-n -the {5ase "npuf cunenl i8 (Jpplied > -fh e
-f1ans,.s!ot doesYlol Sklifch ()tl l~rnedia:kiJ . ?hiS ('$ beCt1llJ
of 1h e pJ.Ylc-lr' IJlI (.0. po. Ld;Un ce dJ't[:/ -fh (J fr()fl S II-;on

i(rYle 01
gJ.eerrOrl g o..cT()q,~ the ~ V-YletiC!T1?i

-7 rn, e puLge' '-'Ylvejoff't1 'makas j,{mB/,«:/on 6elUJeeh -!he

vOlfflJe- -/ evelS and v,

At VJ., -fhe -!ran8islut ;6 af tJ-Lf ~o/j-

At 11,:> -f/tie -haJ1sis-hn ;'1:. aJI ria.Juro.-li on ,

crhe ~llfJu:l- Wavejrrrrn Vi 15 (lpp~'()d between 'Ihe base

anc! -the eYl1ilfer -Hrfo'1Jh (). rr!6i!Jm ~

10 the ?npul !
-t ~e 'Y'e3pb11fJe oj tho colJeeler Curren I- Ie I
o /-0 -tJ,a1- ,A1ave I
l..Jave -FO'fYfl) -1D e1fr:3i Wll1J itS fT...oe rew.:li l"l (',
j 01 m 1& I8~DU) 11

-t (J;tlet:loy Curren"; 1c cIDer) f}DI irllmedra.-fcl(J puncJ

-In -Me ..flY/fu:! ~/Jnal . .!fnb-lead r/f,tye defog: all d '
~'1J1I ~ I'"llti I
U ';i. 0 -lime fd"ee." -f(,o aNti.- a! /""), 0 ,"/",

aVId #Ie CornrllG'r1Ceme t1f .~ col/(Jel-if

flow, trefli'eV I


w,lh 1.0 j;",o .f'" -!he Cfj.,,,,,,-I '" rise Iv /0'/ I

f)f ;15 maLi mum (.b:/uyati \'ifIJ Va.I.ue (94.$ Rc7 ~ ~(,
_1 ;g toJJe J the . I
d,tf) -li",e f,; :J I

, "\J" -lime "rUfw°roJ /Jr co/ieJ.r IUYfrm+ 1'," i

'riSe fr;m /0,/, 10 90 ·j. 11J j f G ma.x,i/11lMY] levd C1s) 0 i

Calle d "I05e -lime 1,

tfhLLsh.e '/otal
~ -fr!y(} rOn !i",f? IrJAJ is lite e5 u

0/ delo-(j -Hm(} Md . .N5e J;m e

--tON:Z td ..., t y

----'r U ) /AlI-Jen
<8;MilQ1 1l;#- inmi- U a / 'Ye}U:m to ilS
r-- oJ/qfl indal
! J-raie , -!ho COlLfJctd Cutrer11 1'1.- .lorD.(lor fjD 1-0 7JerO
Ii ,=v, 11" J 0 _I .L J I., D a 0/..: -Jo '(f!CJL)()hd Ih'l Md".; '" te~Lf)
ifI'I",,,,,ia.,e';j C"', Jc J"-' J I . " if
tllftte in1erva-G wWc,l1 twpse5 hefwee ll -/he'
ba.ns BOl1 oj ~e ~Pt.L+ ItJO-vejfJJ"rn ClYld fhe r/t'yYlt? h,.Jke-n..
Q j",j d"'ppe J -/rJ 90'}' 0; 2« fj eaLt
cJ M-Je /;me t/'
fjj, e cflo1dCf /,,,.wv. ) Ps j ,UvUla d b'd f.e fOil lim' :

~l %B ~me 'fe.Q,ufY'ed
r J(Jf
J . L0t ill fall fartn 9ooj. IrJ
/0' /' OJIJ .JGS
'J is called -jm 1-I'mc fj ~
Clhus -fha totaJ !u.1n ~ q}f -ffrne fPff 1'5 #~(] j
-!he J~Wl 0; t4e blur~e tifld latJl -limeS.

toU ? !:J -7- l;-.

GelfJ firwe:
. Cfkse Cfre '-Ih,ee jQCbrG 1haf COl1h,'huh fa
'-file (It..teJ .,.

!) /AlheYl -Ihc JrPvPna J~nQI it> apphd 10 -the -JrOJtjJ!,hJy

1t1pul~ J CL nDfl ~ 1:JeiD -Jim e 15 -V{lCJtU?yej -}o clto.- fJ e u.p Me
'J!.iflm()ll (ApO-uf:ance cDo -Ihat /-he -frO-Yl'Oi!JftJr ?7'1~ be

l,r.fro: (;uj- .... of! fTJ ac:hve l1/eqPan.

(~D (j c.

. 'I, ,
. >.'i~


6» £,/C-YI /AJhefl -Ihe fran8t'bln ( has ken b'lOfjld Iv Me

vun", .
WI trltJri.Iv. ca:frkN'!, have bCC),n
0 ,-
"10 CJO"'~

J.,flcttan Pn-!o' -the ~-' a nOn~ zetO
ffe 8rnil-tei
-frme is r~teJ be/oro #lo<6'e GlrrleYD can GY(JS$ .;he
base ~/on -In -f/,.{' CfJRle cte- r JUflc:lr ()71 and YaL(j(de d C!<-$
CDt..Leetc,'( 0U.rren b ,
3) Jl nOn- ZJe( 0 ..;;Yrl e (8 rr:qu7red bo/OT e /he col.tedoy
Cuyve rr} Carl Yir§o fo 10'/- f)jlf5 JtfoL VahlJ3 .

/(i~e --lime o.rJ faU -ti:rnG:

%e 'fise -/frYe and rJz!L fJrne are due 10 -MerJ:u.fr 1
-Ifni ) If a I::ase Gl1.rreJ'l +.'oleI /75 used 10 /flfureJe -the
-!rans;s-lo '(Or) --k telutn i-r jrom cf;a:lw(}.}i/J1l /i1fo od- Df/-;
-the coUeclut cu:rrenl- mu,sl- ,fyo;yar<€e- -jJ,e adil/e rrf(Jt)
Cfhe co lteclut (Uirer>-f,on erG ac5e .((Ji) dec..1 aSe 6 '0,1 or;

a.Yl &po nert-h q / GUY'fe,

610raae lIme;
10 fhe I
'/he ja,.;/zae tf the franoib/or 10 reeJpord I

.l8 Jar Ihe I/me (JnhrvoJ" i

rartrng ctt uj.fho
/ 0 0
pLLVl (J J' 0

/;6, 1etJuU-S from -!fie j(J..C/ !hoi a- fran!:,if;M /(1 /;o.!wahon

htlb a DafuYa./ion dZQ.(Je vi c-zee!J!:J #11'hOYi~ cJJ:rrier8
,jh7'ed 111 the lAse the f/rlnSlf,hrt 'tanl10 r 'tebfJo~d unlit
-tk Ja:la1Q../i()Y1 l~e!:;,J ci()..1Jf!.. tad he& il -remora'/'
73reah cIaun in p~tJ JtUJciion Q/od~6 , I

--+ I;Jhe'YI -the "p-tJJLwdi un chock i6 rcve vS e ~'a 6 eel

i'(evefse aJa-haerli em CtJ:(r'e(j f :;0 dlOWb due
10 m/~ori?!
(,QYrl ey S .

--7 '!JJere 1'0 a c!'tuJua.1 J~c:rease I~ l"eveY'$<' cu¥Yen+ l,.J.iG-h

a .
~n('iallS~8 kJiQ~ due +0 ./i.,e (JAmie /ea/<.o..ge eurreflto o..,rota1cl;

-/he rk-rj'ace of -the run Jitm, , •


---7 WI-c11 the mvan;e l::i'0.-6 VD/..to.(}e. _ approo::che,5 -!he b;eaJ,d()ton

v'Olcage- tleO) !he7l'e IS a.. tudden 111creaSe fYi n ye.rge c;u:rr6hf.
due -tv
h"(QCtx dow""
.~ eY/ce bfB2k dat..iJ rJ 0 e.uJ..-"t S
-the d;ode 1'.0 1ortf~y btoe,k?:,
O-nd tne ~c&
GU-''f~ \-- <CtV\ YOLO loe wYl-!-roUeJ
o/.;he tyJeYhol cj-tcl.d~~

en~ b~ the i'G!:J/.b1:an<4.

o~vo.lQrthe breakd~n;
1heirruL/~ (fne"(~j f'I1jnD'fi~ (1ur te"rS ~ rfh0
deple-hOYl 'aairm "etrd a.cq,uirG a,jfo.en)-. IAfneJic. ene-ra~ ,
. from the oppue,J pl)\:Q,-rrb:Cll1 +0 (XodlLce new c.QT'flex~. i
~ cemD,Pa Va.lenee el",-!rrn6 porn Dfhe v bonds. ,
rrlrJe new Car-nerf!! wiJI PI1 fum u,1l,ck lA)I.f-h ()fhe~
o..tVmS a-nd -thu,a ?nexea8r3 the numbeJ1 if gJeclrons
~d ~ole!J ('Jvo,olable jor $...VndLLC-han., 5eea.uSE' oj 1he-1
Cumu.Lativo iVlCre(}0B I'n . Cd,-rrie.Y 'deYt&i~ &j+e1 eac.l1
eelitbir.:m 1 -tho p10GeS8 i~ known aD avo1o..ncJe
brw,kdet.On ~J

Urter 'break. JoLlJn : 2..0

{ven' !f /he fnfh'alll/ ()Yo//a))a, cafYiCYf!; IJt..oYloJ­

f/, eTlou!lL e""'(J~ 10 dibrup&- tv.ds, II ;6 pObMM,
o ./,
(t1/tT CA-
.J L J
[)Yer:Cf\ d{jWy/'
M '.tah

-/he bD't,d5
bcCtws~ OJ -Ihe cY.i&fence f(f &kOflfJ §kclrlc jiCiLd·
undc';Y 7~ese o''(wmsf{}..r> CC6 -/fe brealrJo6J (1 ib caLted CbS
~er /rreakdo t>.9l'Y
-> ':cenerb'feakcloU3n Oc.w..,b af- VO/txYl-b L. 6V ~
AVQ/a,l1che breakdOLOfi 'Occ.u. ro at VOLtDtr6 >6V

,:e ~ a)eVGra J VOlta 7u cfR;Vnal ~'UndvrJd volt 6 lNilh

p0L001 rixlf1J upfo so IN,
-). 'ffue 'lJeY10Y diode acfton dis/Jl(f a f1ey-~' v a
CiJicic y/,,/ . ire~ fk brxt/;dbwn , lIolta5lQ;. decreaseb WIll, fhCletJJ-€
?n -IemfX!-ia/urf!-. U
-t tj'yu.e 'o:volaYlcAe JJ.ode. OrAl 071 et,J, ;bif-r:J £L poM~'ve
--Iemp:,'tXIura (f)effiCienT ,',e ~ -the braakdouJYJ VDLtatr jn~~

ftUNh ,~C)(k1.JeJ "QI1 -f~erafuye '

, 1'~L~~

, ~ea k down in P-N

'S \<Lu ~') ,lInl1JDn rJ,'t"lrJ",
13...-ea,k ckJl.Qr> V'OLeaae~ qf a lrans'6!v'f:
~ Dreal, dOLi)(l voltD-gf2- 'tJ! !:Ja6e - em;Hey (8 VOb) Po
less -fh(AYl -/he bfeakc!ouJfJ' vo ItO-tJ f(/ ~ouedor- am

19vG~') js less ,"""Q() the brea-kdowo vouage- G~c1Pt -b/Lffl


·+}jfl a. J.....~l'.' L.
,r(L.IOl57U' ~t.DlbJh -fj, e vo~e Cha1J e t1Jh/cJ OCWY':;

CAt -{ho ColJ,edo'f wilh dUJi-/;c.hf I~ lIor~ £f(;tJIXl 10 fJ,e.

ColLec.hr-r "c8utP~ voU::.ogc>.- Vu
rJ?flCO itJiS- voe.tnae- will he used -Iv OfX3YO.-Ie ofhu
O~Ycu.?fs and ckvices J ihen Jerf 1110 bake ~F reia bNl2! rd-
OPQ,mhlJYl~ VCG ~htlutd be., made- a.s h~11- "cJ,5 pos~PbLe .
~e MQ.:lO, rt1u ro o.llJ:l U)(;,b Le \JotJ:O--~ e tJepe.nck nor an}(/
en ~o. C\ri()-(o.c~l'btjc~ oil iIIo TranSi5hrr hut 0,1£0 ~
il'> c ~<J.,ted, -TIon Dit:dnr ha.8e Ciycu:.h"J
-t ~e mmJmU()1 -ve.,vGlSe. bi.o.';?f)~ volJ:i.[je lXJhiGh maO
be- aprJ.i;eJ hej(J1e b~ro.:¥\d~fl hP,!uJeen f-t,e coUecm Ctnd
{p.ue -/ffrfr1J~ bf -%e wns/s-lu-r) UnJe-i the ccmcJdian­
-tmr -the &ni#-CY lro..& be. opem-<..,I'Y"c.,U.... f-e,J 15 repreJcn-ted

0-& 8 \Ie B() •

I) W~~'f\ 't\~s h'f~e~ M tCMt1n\Je::, Y\eo..'fl~ UN'~ lJ()h~/ V
(}.{>{YoDO-the 0 .~~ c6~e f() BVCB o '0+ which the '~Y1t M goes
D?Wo.'(dG O-blupH-ti.
''I) \).)hen n ~~ ~\\ J "'\he (}(\se~ 0 f- b'f'(:O-kdDliln 18 ~y(}cluol.
y\\) lA)~~YI Vee,::: ·~Vce,o ; M '" 0() J~'D oJ: t-k;.s the 6~okd()l.Un OCC.urs


b) :Ideol;,~d C-E chcrrod--en'~-h'cs extended tn-fD 'b~o.Kdown DeBi C5rl •

~ c'2> o-o.neteolSl"lcs extehde cl \YltD 1'feoJdDLUfI ~iOYl~ The

w'\Ve -?o'i" .lj:-;:o {so..~lDb-J Q~ 0. tnc-h'oo o~ Vq,cJ the

\llc:JUC.t tl ~ \Re 'f€-~ 'r£,e co\l~ dna t'JTI'eYl t- .leo OJ\d O-\Jo.brx:.he
tl\u\-\:\~\\ C-O-\\an .fo..c61 H
~Y\ ~~, ~ett- I€, 0Y"\ ab'rU{) t q'rOwH1 ~h Ie CLS Y3Ve.~o
i~ ~\'l'mo.C-h~d 0J'.c\ 1t.eye ·t~ ~bw fnc{'eO-~e in "Ie DVQ¥ ~e.
CAL \:1\Ie 't'e-8l(j(\ "
-> T~ 0. LU'6Yent £e t~ CO-UJ,~d h ~low 1Rm\')~h ~~ ernitky
~\J'{\~\\(SY\ ) ~e.'f\ I\~lec t1n8 '~e a..\.oJ:JJ\che e~fect J Q f-oo.-ch'cm
O<.J Ie w.o..l:h~ "\t.e CDUecb'l dlmcblcm
oZJ :0 ~ ~ Ie. -:= aLI£:

V0'n~Y'Q 00 =- CCJnwncm l2cue C~O'f\Ult ~~rt.

o ThkA~ MuJ.\lpUco.:ft'on "\nTh o.cCDunt- ~ Ie- ho..3 ~e rraan~-6de I
Mt><0 J..~
~ Due n~e o.-\IO.hnche "€~d: '~e.. CCW\\'I\cm w.se LD""O'Q.f)t­
~fI ~~e:>.I& tD be c<}
\;.)h.ere cv"-t" ::: "-"06
0'" C! Curren! 8o/'n in fhe pxeJent.e 01 {]VQ/nna:
vnuft-ipFcatrbn /s hfl
Wrere hfE*' :::. 0(*__:: mcx:.
L-o("~· I-IY/c>(

- r;m"1i
~ ve 11t.m6er ord tt lo.s Q 1MyJ leJJ /Jan
7)ntb but ve!!l neQ r -10 vnit-!f t n ~n!iu:Je,

mx "- rrv:J e.tjual to vn/ty fn rYf9n /tud e...

o b\Jhen II)IX is untt! hPl/~ beCDtnl?J in-h·ntk

I,e-: "'r:[:::
:j( Mo{::. ~:: -l ~ inHntte.
I-/VI 0( I-I 0

'rl •
Jh. that
vvhen om/ baJe UAJ1enl:,
Me( =-{
fJ/ve MrJ e on arbifo ~
I )

no rrcd:lt.r hew Snail f,t)///

lacr Cd/eclo r Curren!.

2t meQf1J bmeakdocm oaUf] NhffJ me< ~I
(IY) ~ J)

~. Wnefleve r,

down oavrJ

m e90allOf).

M.: L0. ­­

"• V :: B v f)I ~
eB CJ30 \J I - DC­
~ cSinte \~-B 01: b~eakdow() ,oS mULh (ClYfje'( the
t:tre cSrra// j(xxword DaJf -w- em/Her vo/lege ~6')
k1 e
tan ~epl{leJ! VcB tt ~G' rn Me above
f!Jluolon ~

B \~GO ::- 8 Yct3~JJ=:;­

where 6V ~ ::- Collectoy To em" tter Dm (!Q!-( OOW() .
with open - (j~ Cu/t:ed taJe.


1_ 0( ::. eX Smu: 0( ,:S vefJ c!QJe to 1


1- c( ::. rr r;:
! ~

f~~ "IQ,"ert10n
of 0Jfvrot,
VV\A.~ pororneterJ

~ /he $atvro<-!;'Dn fXJrarr-t:ters Ore.

D VeE (JOt)

Q) Va: (!:atJ
3) htf
D V BE (Jat) ~
" 'bf;,


,4 g9tO[Jh.J(p. gerlf)Qn//)m 1J1'Uc q'!J!'nJt c",braN

. ie~~m(e l~ oJ ConJt-Qn? hOJe.- and O::Jlledor
MQeol-S, the !(J{ward !:ode -fa-ern/tier volroa~
!vBGJ hDJ 0. topicctf km~rQmre SenSi-hVI~ lit
~08e -I· s -h> -2-0 f'rw 1°c­
A S,'rni\o.v- charQcferi.shn.Ps. Si!f(on ~ Opp
_ ~O){.imQ k\~ !:he &m e 51ope.
01) 'veE UQf);­

~ Tn Snt-orQ-tt'on/ the hon~15ror CortSiStg Dftwo

fo:J..ward b/a.Je-d jo{)c!/onJ bad: 10 lot-K Jer-leJ I

0pfXJJ,.n3 .
~ <[)t ~s CnnJe9iA?n!!J to be on-h"C/paled i/Jal- Mf?
vOIt.Of1e Change due -to fernpera6re. In one. Jbndi
-on wi\\ be Co neeted in e50me rYlR./1JUre. ~ tIx:.
Cho.(9e- (fl the ()'ff7Lp Junch'on,

~ Such 1:.5 the COJ(1,pr \leG CJafJ .

~ At 3rro// (]nd mcderate lronJ/sror wrrenfJ; ih~

Cvmpen5a-n'on rYloy he VGr:}j good·
~ AI:- hi!)h mwrrenf, the vo/fo-!}e . dtJt.op {} lf1)JJ
1::f1e bo& 81..eJlsfance of /he em/"ttcr and Col/edf)
rn.qy berome wmparalJe -to (orJ c VCn tarye r 6!>ef) 6Iw.
d91IJp aCrQJJ ~ '/unc!/OI)0, dl'nce -t/1e o/)~ d~J I I
are acfj,.H've ) the Cantellanon r:S nDt pOJ~ihl e

at h!JA Currer)(j-
1h.CM, at f1lJh Curren!5 lIo;{JofJ;$ rrox. SenJih've
-fo Cenir:eratD'fe,:rl: if\l¥'to.~ej WIth \eri)~'ralore·

. "

?{-() ~ q 0 . 'H> >­

\ ---..1-.-,-"--r-"·~·'-I--····"·
.•.\ h 0 0 Z-O \.\0 ~o €D
Itl) pi? 0 ~

At Smotf and mockrofe CvrrenH, r:tr: t'ncrd1~eJ

8ub~tantiQIfJ fj.)ith f:efOJ(Y2ra Wre.
L, h ;j LeJJ oefl y-/;'ve +0
At: hiJh eu rrenCJ , tc

tfrl)pe rQ m(Q ,

['! .ofCi'ol; 1:ed.

'r1~ 6


-60 -40 o 2--0 1..1.0 60 o€ ,;

~ v'V'-"~.
in Satora-hbn'
-----'7 fAlfen frQrlSl:smr SuyicA /J dff1/ ftOfY) SJtorq-11ei\
-b wf- off: Dne 0/ ihe /at-IvTs fA}h/ch nOJ On im(:,x
_tanl: died on the cSpecd Dj" '}1.{!JpDnJ
e i.s the t-!tne

~ui'J{f!d to 'chotr:r the copou%n(e J0h/ch o-ppeQrJ

tn jhvnt (1troJJ the ootpuf term/roll 0./:8)~ trQnJ;S

~ rhi'S CQpJd!ante rnuJf chorJe. J/I<Jf()2fh /lie {cod
~~r~t-on(e !ti J ft:J1 ;1h/.5 3lf!aJon, /n .JoJr JW"!chl?j
Lt~(ur'hl 1.1 muJf ;!J /:e.p!: Sma//.
o r) :En e5Qtora6on} ;the tronSt'sror Current- ':5 nomin
_," I _

Srna.1I ;n o(d~r +0 <stay f1J ith /f) the !t('r)('fexh'Ot1.J:, 11Y)p
-b-\ed by )he t-rons;slor Of) -the mOJ()mum Cuuenl: Clnd
dlS~i p3.t1DI\·
1~7 Ih.e --I-dA\ voll:~e 0u:J l r:!} od- Me -6ronJ!oibr Swd-c h
,.S IIcc - VCG (JatJ
--------;, 'The l09.seJ pDJ~jble. oct pot- ~4);C8 i 8 de..lhab~ If\
o'lde.\" "\u ~dOL(' ihe &nSib v'!J oj the owrl:ch/~
cJ91..lU( t to nO/''se / SJpP!J voll-ClJe Jlue fv atfz'ol1J J

- -1ov' 0W~j'~ and ~etJCl.te' (lien\:-­

~it) these OrG ailo oC(O,S,siollJ} wh~ the DUtPUt- of
olle 6w,6ch 1':5 DrC. Couped io ihc: /nPJt r/ 0 '/her

Sw,.l:cheJ; Ond Q Smql! c hoyt'. /1) ~G (J7fJ wrl!

de lex(Y)\ne. k>he ';l1c: r ~ 8uceee.dJr;:; <SUJ!l:cht'.J are Cut;­

of! (prj d ~I'ven -to Satura "lon.

Fo:J1. bo'th j:Ae cJ1.eoJonJ, 0 ((l{)l7u/o (lured of 0.

wi tch(;y trQnS/s!Dr In VQn' abIJ speo'l'es \leG {jQ~j

order fUrH wlo. r <:)pera+t'~ Cordi-h'Dn0 (pr) -r()r()r'Sh~ lrJ£r

-mO:\-1o(\ ftom Nh/eh Vee (Jof) tOI9.J be de{errnirtcd.
'The -tranS 1:3 -Iv r SwitcA ':s Shown In ';;'8 (oj / /1- /S cl,.
_ : e.utt-" -to jlea.d vc€- Uaf) p.orn .(;;3(6) §y cha'l:9/'r!:; ~t
we Co<tl c/y(QttJ I!J 0:J frO«) /,j (6)


-------y-u_ -O'~(f\A
'-_________ TI:!. ~ - tl •'!;OM A
_ _ 0 •• _ ' ..._ . ..

, ----_.,'--,
--,- - -.~-.,
--",. _'-,-, -,~-,-~_.-...

~ •• ", > _ •• " . _ •••

'J' (!,: • o· 7-'¥I\ A
,.U· " __V __ -"V""'_"_'_"'--R __ ."_,,,-._,"'~

'S' B -OdS' fl\~



;) A-/.:- '1(3:- - b·21lrnflr / t"OJ\~\5,-\-oX- ~~ \V\ SaJurQhQt1 On.d

lV u? I : 11 j- f'r\ V
----7 P0j] 0 -t':N1f)JI'S-!o" (9~rah'nq t'n the (' J. ,
J <.Joror-o 17 Of) J'f&BIBf)
0. ?U Qn I-r ty 01 "n{evQJt (J ihe ~& 6'0 VcGdaf)
--=~- '~\5

pCUQmekJ I~ ta.tled tornmOn . e..rn,He( ~Jt\)V>"l+1

''-' C'1 ~ ISM
_nee., f2c.G{JaIJ·
10 Sp. CJ(j; ~c (Jof J pull) p2r!J eve rrWJ UndilQk

Me 0peJro.:n C9
/. p' /
a'" r"h'ch
L vv I
,t tJQJ deterrninf'd,

E'A.: Tc : - LO 1'Y\4 ( 5: f:>:: - 0- ~SrnA ( 0 I:- fB. :: -D, 3:, I hI(t.

'-:. SSL

!--;)- /he eX:tfura-h'0fl vo/cC(J1e VCe-- 60t) d~pe~ flfJt-O~ i

I e~r0:-4~ point I but Q!Jo on the
0(\ {he .
II, i) 3efY'l \ Co rdoc.-m y fY\Q'\~'
'l'(Q/ Q( (tte(orJ-S,:) and
It ~ 0(\ the t-yp2 Dd cne tronJ/Jf-or wnJ[.9ruchb0
I 0) AtlOj - JlJnCHDn hQn~\s mrj.
b) . Gptto.Xr'o1 .fy-Qn'>lS~O'
----'7 All'!J - Juno-lion -l ro f\J i510 ,5 and 1!pli", a I {mes is
-k\'";) ca("~ tov:e~~ vatuu -/O~ Vce{Jo~J
• ~ f'. ., r, tron)\~~ [Jive!, h;3~ vd%~
-7 \:J1..0tOW n - jonc. ilO fl

v CE CJot) ,

~> 6evrnarS om

Q (lq) _Junc/,on GerrnQn/o/Y) -tronJiJ-f-ov rnCCJ al /Dl0

adepuote boJ€ CurrenH /vaIWd.;t5.<J Vc~{JatJ'
Low ~ {.e..-r\.~ oj rnill/~ vo/~ at Colleclar (fi. Y'reflb,

L0hrc.~ ~e
0omco -kng,. oj rndlr'omreren.
~ An epitcuJoJ SiLlCIJfJ -trQnJIStof$ ~ yie.ld SalvrQ1?'or-.,
V()l~ Od tow ClJ C)-LV POdh Collecfor Cunren~ G1!

hf9h OJ an ampere·
-7 ~t.D1") ~\)(\l+JOf) &rfl\on!'o(Y) hOnS01cxs ~I[e e.5J.1urG.
•-1m (). v011.t:ffJ Which 01'(0 0eV@rQ I /et1iM, afQ volf­
~ a8l0WfJ jO()Ch'D n Si!,'wn -fronJt~-tm'3 have. 5Jturo.~lon
hI' Ii aJ Several volf!,·
VfJttrJ eJ oJ 'J
DC- wrrent 3 o / n (lifE (Dr) f3)
vvv \/VVVV'- 'J\/V'- ~

~f'I --the Sow ra.-h' 0 f) ~ ion, It FE t.) Q ~I

ro'(Qro~~., Gf\d l~ St:lP?\ie.~ ~ .the monuloclv e'0

~ know V2e-:: ~a [Lnd hpG

l . ~
/he Orrvvnt 0/ boJe. Current- 1?B ~ hP-G­

needed "lui <SCt1UV'Q\e. -/:fIe. -\:ro.n~\~-mV'3 Lo.n bej)u~.

~ CernmevCt'aIJ o..vOJ./lo.b/e lronJismvs ho.ve VQ1Wj

0/ 0pG· thaI: Co ve ( the S(Q na e /Jorr, min 151) at

c.u.yyeJ1P> O£ ~\\ OJ:, SmA QOG M Lose eJ m 3DA,

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