The Leads Science Academy: Write Short Answers of The Following Questions

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The Leads Science Academy

Student Name: Class: INTER-I

Paper Code: Subject: Biology

Paper Time: T-Marks:

Q1. Write short answers of the following questions. 2X15=30

1. What is deductive reasoning?
2. Differentiate between Fresh water Biology and Marine Biology.
3. What are six bioelements by which 99% parts of the human body is formed?
4. Define the term biome with example.
5. What is hydroponic culture technique? Give its importance.
6. What is “integrated disease management”?
7. Define protective role of water.
8. Why glycogen is called animal starch.
9. What are lipids? Write its importance.
10. What F. Sanger concluded about insulin?
11. What is a glycosidic bond?
12. Why some enzymes are produced in the inactive form? Give example.
13. What are competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibitors?
14. Give the function of binding site and catalytic site of the active site of an enzyme?
15. Compare pepsin with pepsinogen?

Q2. Write short answers of the following questions. 2X15=30

1. State various structural modifications in a cell involved in secretions?
2. Write down silent features of cell theory.
3. What are F1 particles?
4. Cell membrane is selectively permeable membrane. Justify it.
5. What is meant by cell fractionation?
6. Define storage disease. Give at least their two examples.
7. Viruses are oblilgate intracellular parasites what is meant by it?
8. Differentiate between the capsid and capsomere.
9. Differentiate between lytic and lysogenic phage.
10. Different between virulent and none virulent phages.
11. Draw an outline and label: (A) Streptobacilli (B) Diplococci (C) Staphylococci
12. How photosynthesis in bacteria is different from green planst.
13. What is mycoplasma?
14. Differentiate between monotrichous and lophotrichous bacteria.
15. Differentiate between flagellum and flagellin.

Q3. Write short answers of the following questions. 2X15=30

1. Write down two similarities and differences between fungi and fungi like protists.
2. What are trichonymphas?
3. Write down the difference between fungi and oomycetes.
4. Define term thallus.
5. Write down the economic importance of oomycetes.
6. What is chlorella?
7. What is Chlorella? Write its use.
8. State two parallel characteristics of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.
9. Compare obligate parasite with facultative parasite.
10. Why are basidiomycetes called club fungi?
11. Compare ascocarp with basidiocarp.
12. What is histoplasmosis? Give its causes.
13. Differentiate between conidia and conidiophore.
14. Define paraphyses?
15. Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.

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