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Practical 1 Indentification of fiber/Fabric by Visual Inspection

Student Name: UID:

Branch: Section/Group
Semester: Ist Date of Performance:
Subject Name- Fabric study Lab-I Subject Code: FDP-113

1. Aim/Overview of the practical: Identification of Fibers and fabrics through visual identification method

2. Task to be done: To understand the methods with which one can identify the fibers, and fabrics.

3. Apparatus/material required: Following material is required to prepare the sample.

(a) Collect care labels attached to your branded garments and take a picture or cut that label and attached to the
work sheet.
(b) Minimum 5 labels needs to be collected and name of the fibers need to added in front of the care labels

Department of Fashion & Design (UID)

4. Steps for experiment/practical: Steps to be followed for performing Identification of fiber by visual
inspection are:-
1) Collect different types of clothes from your wardrobe.
2) Click the pictures of the care labels present in your clothes.
3) Open the MS Word.
4) Insert the images you clicked.
5) After inserting the images write down the fabric and the brand of the clothes you selected just beside the
image of the care label.

Learning outcomes
1. Identification of different types of fabric.

2. Knowledge of instructions given in care labels.

Exercise 2.

Take any five fabrics or garments and hold those fabrics in your hand and close your hand tightly, after 5
minutes open your hand and analyze the change you have found in the properties of fabric (like it has developed
wrinkles or not, your hand feels sweaty due heat developed by the fabric). Click photograph of the same i.e.
before compressing and compressing and write your observations on the worksheet.

Before compressing During compression After compressing


Department of Fashion & Design (UID)





4. Steps for experiment/practical: Steps to be followed for performing Identification of fiber by visual
inspection are:-
1) Take different types of fabrics.
2) Hold each to the fabric for 5 mins.
3) Release the fabric and observe your hand and look what happened to the fabric.
4) Click the pictures of each observation (before, during, after).
5) Open the MS Word and insert the images in the boxes and write down what you observed in each fabric.

Department of Fashion & Design (UID)

Learning outcomes
1. Properties of different fabrics.

2. Observation of different fabrics.

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. Parameters Maximum Marks Marks Obtained

1. Collection & description of care labels 4
2. Collection of pictures and description of 4
samples (compressed)
3. Presentation and Neatness 2
Total 10

Department of Fashion & Design (UID)

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