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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: You see that castle over there? I bought it for a ____ from the previous owner, who thought
it was haunted.
A. note B. tune C. song D. beat
Question 2: As coronavirus-driven lockdowns continue in developing countries, the issues of
unemployment and food insecurity are rearing their ugly ____ once again.
A. edge B. side C. head D. face
Question 3: We haven’t found a cure yet - but we are ____ the right track.
A. in B. on C. under D. along
Question 4: The opening performance was impressive, but it was the last one that stole the ____.
A. stage B. show C. light D. crowd
Question 5: There are a few small things that I don’t like about my job, but by and ____it’s very
A. by B. from C. forward D. large
Question 6: She assured me that everything was all right, but I detected a ____ of doubt or anxiety in her
A. hint B. side C. spot D. part
Question 7: It’s important that you learn to do things by yourself from now on since I can’t always be at
your beck and ____.
A. help B. call C. back D. cry
Question 8: If your child can’t swim, don’t let him or her play around any ____ of water.
A. bundle B. body C. figure D. construct
Question 9: He shouted at the ____ of his voice, but nobody heard him.
A. high B. peak C. top D. brink
Question 10: Do you think he’s been lying to us ____?
A. eventually B. sooner or later C. at the beginning D. all along
Question 11: His theories are admittedly interesting, but there are no solid proof yet so you should take
them with a ____ of salt.
A. pinch B. grain C. drop D. hint
Question 12: Be careful! He may want to ____ your goose.
A. catch B. kill C. cook D. steal
Question 13: I promise I will never tell him the truth about you. ____ my heart!
A. Take B. Cross C. Beat D. Hold
Question 14: What you said was completely ____ the point, so it’s no surprise that people didn’t pay
much attention to it.
A. beside B. outside C. off D. around
Question 15: I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my ____.
A. tongue B. mouth C. lips D. eyes
Question 16: I’m going to need a few more hours to get a ____ for how to use this software effectively.
A. feel B. sense C. touch D. brush
Question 17: In the end, I just lost my ____ and started gabbling incoherently.
A. head B. mind C. brain D. intelligence
Question 18: Zachary has long been considered a dead ____ of the volleyball team, only allowed to stay
because he was the coach’s son.
A. loss B. knot C. link D. waste
Question 19: Robert was ____ in sweat when he got home, so I guess he had gone climbing again.
A. drenched B. dipped C. flooded D. swamped
Question 20: The peace initiatives have already fallen on stony ____.
A. soil B. ground C. land D. site
Question 21: I suggest that we hear his ____ of the story to make sure we can take everything into
A. point B. take C. stand D. side
Question 22: This device can pull double ____ as a decent laptop and an adequate tablet.
A. order B. duty C. control D. act
Question 23: Experienced athletes were not allowed to join the tournament in order to create a level
playing ____ for the rookies.
A. ground B. field C. zone D. floor
Question 24: It’s a ____ shame that you couldn’t join us. The party was so enjoyable!
A. crying B. screaming C. roaring D. wailing
Question 25: She was so frightened that she was shaking like ____.
A. a leaf B. jelly C. the wind D. a flag
Question 26: The public is undoubtedly worried about the current state of ____.
A. events B. affairs C. matters D. concerns
Question 27: Don’t worry Harry! That creepy video is just a(n) ____ of fiction.
A. piece B. feat C. work D. act
Question 28: In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad ____.
A. wish B. dream C. hope D. concern
Question 29: Don’t try too hard. Don’t ____ off more than you can ____.
A. eat - chew B. eat - swallow C. bite - chew D. bite - swallow
Question 30: “I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive.” – “Me too! I have
already paid for the course. Great minds ____ alike!”
A. think B. hear C. listen D. tell
Question 31: Did it take you long to find your ____ when you started your new job?
A. feet B. step C. spot D. stand
Question 32: Most of the ____ in this country do not work very seriously or productively.
A. tooth and nail B. rank and file C. eager beavers D. old hand
Question 33: If you’re ever ____ a jam and need any help, ask me.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
Question 34: I’m tired of playing ____ fiddle to Christina! I’m going to look for another job!
A. bottom B. under C. second D. after
Question 35: If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the ____.
A. perfect B. well C. good D. bad
Question 36: I know you have been working very hard today. Let’s ____ and go home.
A. pull my leg B. call it a day C. put your back up D. pros and cons
Question 37: Gia Hung can calculate large numbers within the ____ of seconds, which is exceptional.
A. space B. gap C. slot D. split
Question 38: One of the most miserable things that millions of families have to suffer from wars is that
wars have set brother ____ brother.
A. against B. about C. apart D. with
Question 39: It was the first time I’ve ever seen a ____ of lions.
A. cluster B. herd C. swarm D. pride
Question 40: The birth of my son was the one ____ spot in a terrible year.
A. light B. loomy C. dark D. bright
Question 41: Many people feel that President Donald Trump is, whether by accident or ____, starting a
war with Iran.
A. design B. intent C. purpose D. motive
Question 42: As she didn’t understand his question, she merely gave him a ____ look.
A. clear B. simple C. useless D. blank
Question 43: She opened the book ____ (= not at any particular page) and started reading.
A. at random B. at a loss C. at least D. at first
Question 44: With his excellent qualifications and a good command of English, James is ____ above the
other applicants.
A. head and hands B. head and hair C. head and ears D. head and shoulders
Question 45: The result of the match went down to the ____, with the only goal scored at the last
possible moment.
A. wire B. string C. rope D. line
Question 46: Why don’t you want to see him again? “Oh, use your ____!”
A. neck B. nose C. head D. eyes
Question 47: I’ll submit the essay in two ____, just wait a little bit longer.
A. shakes B. flashes C. blinks D. leaps
Question 48: If you have no witnesses, you don’t have a ____ to stand on.
A. thumb B. hair C. toe D. leg
Question 49: I haven’t eaten a single thing since yesterday! I’m so hungry, I could eat a(n) ____.
A. whale B. horse C. elephant D. bear
Question 50: Scotland is demanding a larger slice of the national ____.
A. biscuit B. cake C. sweet D. candy

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