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A Research Proposal Submitted to Rift Valley University, College

of Business and Economics, Department of Accounting, in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for BA Degree in Accounting

Prepared By: Tiblet Tsadiku


August, 2019

Wolkite, Ethiopia
The study is an investigation of “ASSESSMENT OF BUDGET PREPARATION,
FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT”. The objective of the assessment of budget
control procedure and utilization and its related problems of the case of WOLKITE TOWN
OFFICE OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT is to identify the problems that
seriously hamper the success of budget. For identified problem feasible solution will be
recommended. The study will use both primary and secondary source of data in order to collect
the information. Mostly the focus is given to primary source of data which will be collected by
questionnaire and interview method of data collection. After the data will be gathered, it will be
processed, analyzed and presented. The data analysis will be carried out based on tabulation
and percentage method and the data will be re-described by descriptive method. Neat and carful
interpretation of the analyzed information will be carried out to arrive at reasonable
generalization. Ultimately the research will be expected to provide reasonable results that can
help the management to take reasonable decision for their future activity.

Frist I want to thank to Almighty God for his endless support in terms of everything and to his
mother Virgin Marry.

I would like to appreciate and owe my heartfelt thanks to my advisor ………… (MSC) for his
tremendous help and guidance that let me finish this proposal.

Finally, my deep-heart thank goes to all of my friends who supported in everything I needed.



LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................7


1.1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................7

1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION............................................................................8

1.3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...........................................................................................9

1.4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................9

1.4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY....................................................................9

1.4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................9

1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................10

1.6. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY........................................................................10

1.7. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY...............................................................................................10

1.8. ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER.........................................................................................10

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................11

REVIEW OF LITRATURE...................................................................................................................11

2.1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................11

2.2. DEFINITION OF BUDGET...........................................................................................................11

2.3. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUDGET.............................................................................................11

2.4. PURPOSE OF BUDGET...........................................................................................................14

2.5. ROLE OF BUDGETING...........................................................................................................14

2.6. CLASSIFICATION OF BUDGET.................................................................................................15

2.7. TYPES OF BUDGET.....................................................................................................................16

2. 8. BASES FOR BUDGETING..........................................................................................................17

2.9. APPROACHES TO GOVERNMENT BUDGETING....................................................................17

2.10. BUDGETARY PROCESS............................................................................................................19

2.11. THE PROBLEM AREA OF BUUDGETING..............................................................................24

2.12. BUDGETARY CONTROL TECHNIQUES................................................................................25

CHAPTRE THREE.................................................................................................................................27

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................27

3.1. STUDY AREA...............................................................................................................................27

3.2. DATA GATHERING TOOLS.......................................................................................................27

3.3. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES & SAMPLE SIZE............................................................................27

3.4. Data Processing, Analysis and Interpretation..................................................................................27

CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................................28

TIME AND BUDGET PLAN.................................................................................................................28

4.1 TIME SCHEDULE..........................................................................................................................28

4.2. BUDGET PLAN.............................................................................................................................28



Table 1: Characteristics of an effective budget

Table 2: Characteristics that adversely impact budget performance

Table 3: Time plan

Table 4: Budget plan



There is no universally accepted definition of budget, however, scholar defined as budgeting in
different ways and meanings. Anthropologists have round records of budgeting activities dating
back to early Babylonian (a Siddiquee et al., 2006). There was budgeting activities in china,
Greece, and Rome in practice of modern budgeting back to the beginning modern government at
the drawn of the industrial revolution which, like accountancy protection, originated in the
industrial 1953 (companies experienced growth in technology, improvement in communication
and transportation and exportation of expanding Worldwide market. A budget a comprehensive
and details quantitative expression of management plan in out lining and utilizing economic
resource of an organization for specified period of time plan refers to future goal that is set to be
achieved by organization (Berger and Udell 2004).

Budget is a quantity of future plan of action and aid to the coordination and implementation of
plan. It is systematic and formalized approach for stating and communicating the firm’s
expectation. A budgeting system builds on historical or actual performance. Budget is the most
widely used method of its unique feature in controlling financial resources. Because of its unique
feature in controlling financial resources, preparation of en annual or otherwise budget is
amendatory in most of the entities.

A budget is regally approved plan of finical operation embodying the organization of

expenditure for specified purpose to be made during the budget period and the proposed means
of financial them (Paul and Taylor, 2006). Most growth theories imply that industrialization is a
carrier of economic growth. Nonetheless, for developing country such as Sudan, Somalia,
Kenya, whose economy in predominantly agrarian the emphasis on budget should not be stressed
by under mining the role of other sectors in the economy rather complementary balance has to be
established between the sectors of the economy to reach the relative benefit of budget. Budgeting
is the most budgeting used accounting tool for planning and controlling an organization and
planning managers an able to anticipate and correct potential problem before they happen (Tracy,
2009). Managers then can focus on exploiting opportunities in stated of fighting fires (Journal of
Ethiopia law PP 369-3110).

The budget is a plan expressed in quantitative terms. Sales are forces as no of unit sold and the
revenue cored is then circulated. On the expense relating to that level of sales must also be
calculated. Dedication will be included to over head of factory overhead expansible which will
not be affected by the level of activities. Allowing for these factors the researcher can estimate
profile that the business will estimate the star of business fiancé at the end of coming year.
Although where primary involved in financial budgeting resource of labor or machine, etc., can

also by budgeted for how to manage budget & cash flow this study carried out with objective of
to examine or assess budget administration in Wolkite Town Office of Fiancé and Economic

Budget identities source of income and assist in planning expenditure most organizations and
many individual find careful planning is an essential activity in achieving goal. Most people,
business and government have limited fund to be spend, and so they must decide which expenses
most important to achieve the organization restated objectives. Budgeting means the act of
preparing budget. So budget preparation use not only planning and also controlling and utilizing
the financial resources. Planning always involves specifying the type and quality of service that
will be provided to constituents, estimating service cost and determining how to for the service.
In general budgets are ensuring allocation, efficiency, motivation; enhance controlling,
communication and coordination.

Budget can be applied for every economic resource like money material and human resource.
The budget division allocated the budget amount depending up on the approved budget of the
work units. All work units have a total budget of the work unit. All work units have atonal
budget ceilings up to which they can prepare their annual operating budget not compared last
year to the previous year.


Wolkite town is located in the southern part of Ethiopia. The area has estimated surface area of
19800 sq. km with the population of 278,000 and it is now estimated to be 1,000,000. The
population is more of younger and compositions regarding ethnicity it is almost wolkite and
beyond center of Gurage zone lives in real area. The administration center of Gurage zone is
Wolkite, which located 158 km from Addis Ababa to the south. The great majority of the wolkite
population is Muslim. There is annelid for addressing poverty human development, rural
development food security, capacity building greater commercialization of agriculture and
industrial development.

Wolkite town finance and economic development main coordination department established in
1996 E.C the organization has three departments such as budget and finance department,
Economic and development department and audit control department.

The objective of this public bases are:

 Controlling of this public expenditure.

 Collecting the government revenue from different source.
 Preparing annual budget loan.
 Managing and controlling government fund.
 Activating zonal economy and others.

Budgeting is the means by which organization, investors and government revise their revenue
and expense to know whether there business is flooring in the right way as they plan and also
checking the magnitude of cash invested on the business. Wolkite town finance administration
office were the office which secured economic and social development to the community in
which the government allocate budget in every fiscal budget years to this town administration to
bring about socio economic development and good governance. Each government office is
highly effected to fusilier its budget effectively and defiantly without corruption and other
problems. If the budget system is poor or not competent one, the goal of the organization is also
not being achieved in recurrence in the plan and this led the office unsuccessful performance.
Now days there are many problems with are commonly seen in any other from administration in
the finance aspect for insurance, budget administration is usually week due to many reasons in
shortage of skill man power and lack of adequate knowledge of budget experts. There were a
number of constraining or factors for development such as poor budgeting system is a big
challenge result in to challenging for the achievement of the office which made the effectiveness
of the budget ineffective (Ayyagors,, 2006). Budget is a quantitative expression for set of time
period and a proposed future plan of action by management. Budget is also comprehensive
activity that requires details planning, analysis and it is entire process of budget controlling,
reporting and allocation of available financial resource. The accounting system that provides
assistance to the administration in carrying out the plan. In any organization who fails to prepare
its budget systematically is expose to uneconomic and misappropriation in allocating and
utilizing its resource. Therefore by taking the above problems in to mind the researcher will be
able to answer the followings basic questions.

1. What are the problems of budget allocation process?

2. Is the budget fairly allocated in the office?
3. What are the factors that affect budgeting process?
4. What mechanisms dose the organization following when the approved budget amount
is not sufficient?



The general objectives of this study is to investigate how the finance organization prepare,
allocate and utilize the budget and put control mechanisms of the basis of manual, police,
procedures set by the organizations.


The specific objective of the study are

 To evaluate the strength and weakness of the finance department regarding to budget
preparation, allocation and utilization.
 To asses a problem that faces the department in planning and utilizing the budget.
 To identify the approaches to budget used by the department.
 To evaluate the budgetary estimation system.
 To determine the factors that affects the budget utilization process.
 Finally, to suggest and recommend the organization about budget planning and utilizing.


The significance of the study is the following:

 To create awareness to the organization about budget utilization and controlling.

 Help to know the basic ideas and process while preparing successful proposal.
 Help to increase the research’s experience and ability.
 Helps the department to know what looks like its budgeting system after this study has
 Give away for other researcher who wants to make further investigation in the area of
budget practice and to conduct detailed research on issue.


The main concern of this study is to see the importance of budget preparation, allocation and
utilization in Wolkite Town finance administration. Here, the focus area of the research will be
how the department plans, establish and evaluate the budget. Even though, many problems may
be found in the area, this study will focus on the problem related to budget preparation,
allocation and utilization section.


The study will consists of five chapters. The first chapter will consist of the introductory parts
which includes background of the study, back ground of the organization, statement of the
problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, and scope and limitation of the study;
the second chapter will consist of only the literature review part. The third chapter will cover
research methodology. Chapter four of this research will deal with analysis of data that will be
gathered from workers of finance. The fifth and the end chapter of this research will deal with
conclusion and recommendation.



Budget Adoptability Government in democratic society seeks to adopt their policies to the
preferences of society, granting that in the process they exert substantial pressure up on the
nature of thus preferences. Given the lack of precise, clearly defined preferences schedules,
society through government must be the level of various activities and the exact amount to be
spent in each activities. The basic power expenditure rest with the legislative body as the
representative of the voters, but of necessity, the chive executive and the administration exercise
great influence both in guidance legislative action and implementing polices within the frame
work of the broad guidelines established by the legislative. The government in practice primarily
the executive and the administrative organization select to be used to attain the goals of society
(John F. Due Friedlander’s 2006).


Budget is a detail plane of financial operation expressed in quantitative terms. It is a short term
financial plan to serve as advice to aid and guide management towards proper utilization of
recourses and accomplishment of objective set prior by management. (Anthony and
Govindarajan, 1998; 389)

Budget is not only the detail list of estimated expenditure for a given period of time, but also
embodies the proposed means of financing them (Ibid, 389).

According to Lynn and freeman budgeting is the general process of allocating scarce recourses to
unlimited human wants. More specifically a budget is a plan of financial operation involving
both expiration of activities in quantitative terms and specification of human organization will
acquire use recourses during particular period.


Measuring effectiveness and control

Most government and nonprofit organization provide, services, not tangible products. This
presents both operation and measurement or control difficulties. The problem of developing
measuring of effectiveness in providing services is particularly difficult for most non-profit

1. Revenue Budget
In developing the budget government and non-profit organization often have a usual
difficulties in budgeting revenue. These primarily because of much revenue denote result
from the organization rendering of service to individuals. Even clients oriented

institutions such as hospitals and universities may have fear for service rotation rate
artificial set at fixed level though out the year, despite the fact that they may incur
significant unbudgeted cost in providing these services.
2. Expense budget

The problem if estimated expenses are more manageable than budgeted revenue. It is
generally easier to record and classify expenses when they are actually incurred. Many times,
however it is virtually impossible to much expense incurred in providing a program service, or
operating department to any a specific revenue sources. In this case the budget will serve as tool
for controlling the program expenditure, but not for ovulating this effectiveness in meeting
members need.

Budget planning

Every government organization need to make basic about how it will allocate its resources. The
mechanisms of the market; however tends to simplify this task for profit oriented organization
than government and non-profit organizations.

Government and non-profit organization budget often is not easily adopted to change
circumstances during the courses of the year. One reason for this is many non-profit
organizations do not undergo significance variation in the level of service they provide over the
course of the year. As other reasons are that there cost structure often contains many costs that
are considered fixed.

Budget Participants

Preparation of budget found to involve first about any one of important who is associated with
government and non-profit organizations. This usually include the top administration of the
organizations, the lead of department or program and the transfer or do not need to face investors
who expect a good return on their investment. Budget are important tool for effective short term
planning and control in organization. An operating budget is allocation of the expected expense
for the budget period. (Ibid, 1998, 377) Basically, the following features characterized an annual

It estimate the profit potential of the business unit. It is stated in monitory term despite the
monitory amounts may be backed up by non-monitory amount (example; unit sold or produced).
It generally covers a period of one year except in business that are strong influenced by seasonal
factors where there may be two budget per year; a fall budget and a spring budget. (Ibid, 373-

A list of characteristics of an effective budget has been affected by Meyers (1996) below.

Table 1 Characteristics of an Effective Budget


Accountability Detailed control should be established which have the goal of insuring
that policy detectives are carried out by manager of contracts and all
concerned parties.
Comprehensiveness Include all uses of government’s financial resources.
Constraints Contains limitation on the amount of money that need be dominant
Cooperation Budget should exist in harmony with the other decision process and
should not be dominant.
Honesty Contains un-biased projection
Judgments Encourage participants to seek the most effective at the least cost.
Legitimacy The budget process should reserve the important decision to legally
appropriate authorities.
Perception Consider both near and long term.
Responsiveness The budget must adapt policies that much public preferences.
Time lines A budget should compete regular tasks when expected.
Transparency The budget and budget procedures should be understood by
participants and outside stock holders.
Source; Meyers, Roy T, 1996. Is there a key to the normative budgeting lock, the World Bank,
Washington DC.

Table 2: Characteristics that adversely impact budget performance.

Term Characteristics

Extra-budgetary Extra-budgetary fund do not force tradeoffs between competing priorities.

fund Extra-budgetary fund generally circumvent central controls, there by
violating the comprehensiveness standard.
Earmarked Earmarked funds are dedicated to particular uses or purposes. Agencies
funds with Earmarked funds may have title or no incentive to economize.
(earmarking) Earmarking may impede the government’s ability to be flexible in
managing it budget or in allocating resources.
Unpredictability In accurate budget estimates, arbitrary budget cuts, and non-timely fund
disbursement will substantial budget Unpredictability.
Un reliable In accurate and un-reliable information will conspire against enhancing
information budget performance.
Source; Meyers, Roy T, 1996. Is there a key to the normative budgeting lock, the World Bank,
Washington D.C.

The objective of budgeting and budget is to control the organization approved projects and verify
the annual budget to the extent of approval, and to examine carefully the evaluation and
utilization of those budget. A properly prepared budget provides government and other with
several benefits. The primary purpose of budget is to present and describe the financial
ramification of plan for the future. The budgeting process requires individual to consider future
courses of action and the resources needed to accomplish various activities. It also promotes
coordination and communication among divisions or departments within government function
effectively and efficiently there should be an interaction among departments and clarity of how
action alone affect another. Then, the manager must communicate their plant to each other in
order to coordinate the activities of the government as a whole. Moreover, budgeting also aids
allocation of limited resources by ensuring that information is available help managers determine
each activity should receive the limited resource of the organization.

A budget also serves a useful benchmark against which to evaluate and control actual
performance result to the budget to determine what area deviated from planned activities and
whether to take corrective actions. When actual budgeted results do not much, the financial and
operating activities of the government needs to be adjusted, the budget may need to be revised,
or both by the responsible authority.

Thus, the evaluation process serves to control operation by determining when and where a
company did not achieve planed results. (Anisworth, 1997; 145-146)


The role of budgeting is greatly for governmental and non-governmental organizations, and not
for profit organizations, and not profit organizations. It is useful in key managerial function such
as planning coordinating and indicates the society concerned what decisions have made of the
organizational objectives (Anthony and Govindarajan, 1998; 375).


A budget that provides a detailed action plan for organization enable the manager to anticipate
the organizational emergencies long before they arises .Then manager seek solution through
careful study and think a head to prepare for anticipated problem or condition. (ibid; 375).


One of the main function of budgeting is to increase efficiency. Budgeting, especially program
budgeting reveals the fact described be Neath ; which operational department or program or
responsibilities centers exist only for historical reasons, whether the department are
accomplishing activities for which they are responsible , and whether interdepartmental
communication is minimal or non-extent of all. Thus, the economical method to accomplish the
objectives should be used; diseconomies can be identified in organization under budget. This

contributes to great deal of efficiency to the organization. (Anthony and Govindarajan, 1997;

Coordination and cooperation

Budget control promotes better coordination among different level of departments in their effort
so that the objectives of the organization as a whole harmonize with objectives of its part. For
any organization that is each have specific, well defined responsibility and all activities are
organized along program liner. Interdepartmental program are designed so that each participant
is fully aware of its role. Thus, budgeting through managerial participation in the budget
preparation, pools together the plan of each manager in an organization and cooperation. (ibid;

Resources allocation

Organizational resources are generally limited with alternative set of computing uses. Budgeting
provides a wise means of allocating the resources among those uses in accordance with their
priority goals. (Thomas, 1978; 250)


Control is necessary to ensure that plan and objective as laid down in budget are being achieved.
Control as applied to budgeting, is systemized effort to keep management informed of where
planed performance is being achieved or not. For their purpose, comparison should be made
between planes and performance. The difference is reported to decision makers of taking
corrective action or for deciding on incentives to those who perform well. Thus, control is by no
means possible without budget. (Drebin, 1978; 66-70)


2.6.1The rational for budget classification

A primary purpose of budget classification is to control expenditure in terms of appropriation. It

also serve to secure information that will be helpful in the preparation of the budget ‘for
succeeding periods. It also insures that money is expanded economically and is also used to
prepare financial statement. Moreover it also used for comparative purpose. (Tenner and Lynn,
1960; 106)

2.6.2 Types of budget classification

The purpose of budget classification to some extent influences the type of budget classification
used. As a result, budget can usually be classified on the basic of three different but not
necessarily exclusive criteria.

1. Based on time range

A. Capital budget; obviously deal with the acquisition of fixed asset. They are usually prepared
separately from the operating budget and by different people. They are likely to approve by
legislative body year at a time. But it is very helpful for wise of management\of a resource to
plan to acquisition of aided asset or project several years in advance this is so called the capital

B. Operating budget; are a concerned with the current year expenditures. They are sometimes
called recurring expenditure because similar sort of expenditure needed year after year.

2. Based on the phase of progress

A Tentative budget; are budgets that have not yet been officially approved but are still in

B Enacted budget; budgeted that have been officially approved and are a binding legal

3. Based in behavior of expenditure

A. Fixed budget; are an expenditure requests that are affixed in total dollar amount cannot be

B. Flexible budget; are expenditure request that are fixed as per unit cost of periodically (i.e.
Fiscal year). Recurrent periodically (i.e. Fiscal year). Recurrent periodically (i.e. Fiscal year).
Recurrent good and service and can increase it changes in circumstance in indicate more unites.
(Lynn and Freeman; 1974, 55-58)


2.7.1 Recurrent budget (operating budget)

It is defined as all non-discretionary expenditure payment of salaries, debit payment, legal

obligation and other office expenditures that are incurred periodically (i.e. Fiscal year).
Recurrent budget are used by government organization to formalize their activities of a given
period usually fiscal year. They included estimates of the resources expected to be available
during the year and projection of how those will be expended. For many governments
organization requires the use of and operating budget. By the beginning of each fiscal year a
balanced budget( on in which a total of the estimated funds available the project revenues and
fund balance must be sufficient to meet the anticipated expenditure) be approved by their
legislative bodies.(Babunakes,micheal;1976)


The capital budget is defined as discretionary expenditure of economic development activities

with clear defined time table. This are the planes expenditure and the means of financing thus

expenditure expected to be made for long leaved or capital asset such as land, buildings and
equipment. The usually cover more than one year period.


In well-established program, previous year’s budget with variance is usually ground for the
preparation of budget. If on the other hand, the program is new, the preparation of effective
budget requires much deviation to working with carful research to produce realistic estimator of
both revenue expenditure. They should be planned to maximize service output without producing
a surplus or a deficit. To consider past budgets as a base of preparation, it should be understood
that conforming to a budget is not necessary good, and departure from a budget (deficit or
surplus) is not necessarily bad. Because budget are set based on circumstances that were believed
to exist, a manager who discovers a better way of operating than stated in the budget should
operate in that fashion. (Douglas, 1995; 622-628)


A government budgeting system should be designed to fit its environmental factor. Some of
which way be unique. Its system should provide a planning and control balances that are
appropriate to its circumstances. The several approaches to government budgeting have marked
different on their emphasis on planning, controlling and evaluation. The approaches are
performance approach, planning programming budgeting approach, zero base budgeting
approach and objective of expenditure approach. The first three approaches are known as modern
approach were as the last are is called traditional approach.

2.9.1 The performance approach

Performance approach, according to Lynn and freeman, is concerned with an expression in

financial terms of the major activities or functions of unit, (1982 p62). The description of each
program is based up on the object of expenditure which are regard to do it. Such a budget
expresses the operation of the a government in term of output of service performed for the
public rather than in term of input, that is, manpower to be hired ,service to be paid, or goods to
be bought.

The performance approach focuses on classifying budgetary account by functions, activities and
organizational unit and objective of expenditure. It also lays attention on investigating and
measuring existing activities in order to obtain maximum efficiency and to establish cost
standard and others. Moreover, the most important contribution of this approach ; both input
and output are measured and the result of each activities formally monitored as are costs
incurred in obtaining this results, its emphasizes up on the inclusions with in the appropriated
budget of a narrative description activities with requests to supported by estimate of cost and
accomplishment in quantitative term. (Tanner and Lynn, 1997; 62-63)

The performance approach assists both the legislative and the public in understanding the muter
of activities under taken by executive branch. It provides the legislator additional freedom to
reduce or expand the amount requested for particular function of activities. This approach also
provide the chief executive with additional revenue of control over his subordinates rather than
being restricted only to how much his/her subordinates spend, and he/she may evaluate the
performance of activity in terms of both birr and activity unit standard. (Ibid, 63-64)

The performance approach according to Tenner and Lynn is most popular over other approaches
for the following reasons. It prints the legislative body to make balanced decisions provides
answers to areas such as agencies, the reason for asking appropriations, the type of services the
agency rendered to justify its existence, the type of programs or activities the agency to achieve
its objectives the volume of work regulated in each activity the level of service the legislative
and tax payers expects if the required amount are appropriated.


PPB approach emphasizes broad policy, goals, strategies and objectives rather than details of
spending. It considers long rang planes and then evaluates costs and benefiters of different ways
of meeting the goals and objectives. It also emphasize the governments over all programs rather
than specific departments.

PPB approach has many contributions mostly it is on planning process (i.e. the process of
making programs and policy decisions that leads to a specific budget and specific melt-year
plan). However, it does not replace need for the carful budget analysis to ensure that approved
carried out in an efficient and cost conscious manner; nor does not remove the need for the
preparation for the detailed and types of information support budget submission.

The main peculiar characteristics of PPB are; it focuses on identifying the objective of the
government and the relating all activities these regardless of organizational placements, future
year implications are explicitly identified, all pertinent costs are considered ,and systematic
analysis of alternatives is reformed.(Ibid ;67)


One methods of continually evaluating programs and services is ZBB approach. It’s primarily
idea is that each program must justified its existence every year. No program is assumed to be
continual from one year to next. The starting point for the budget each year is zero.

The essential idea of ZBB is that the continued existence of programs or activities is not taken
for granted; each service must be justified in its entirely every year. It is designed to force
annual revises of programs, activities and expenditures to save money by identifying out dated
programs and unnecessarily high level of services to concentrates the attention of officials on the
cost and benefits of services, to cause a search for new ways of providing services and achieving
objectives to improve the objectives of the managements to plan and evaluate to provide better
justifications for budget and finally, to improve decisions made by the executives and

legislatives branches of the government. On the other hand, ZBB is time consuming and a
pleasant from point view of managers where operations are being review. (Lynn & Freeman)


Object of expenditure approach also called traditional approach has an expenditure control
orientation. It continues to the most widely used. Object of expenditure approach is simply list
expected expenditures and say how much is required for each one. The amount of expenditure
required spend will be depend in how much control the budget authority wants to exercise over
the department head. The level of details on such approach detail of expenditures, there is more
exercise over the department head control and less flexibility and vice versa. (Lynn & freeman,
1982; 60)

This approach becomes popular as the bases for legislative control over the executive branch. It
involves; subordinate agencies submitting budget request to the chief executives in term of
expenditures to be made that is, the number of people to be hired in each specified position and
salary levels, and specific goals or services to be purchased during the upcoming period, the
chief executive compiling, modifying and submitting an overall request for organization to the
legislator in the same object- of- expenditure terms, the legislature making line items
appropriations, possible after revising the requesting along the objective of expenditure input
lines, and a great degree of legislative control will be typified if appropriations are stated in
terms of the most detailed levels. (Ibid, 60-61).


The budget process refers to a complete cycle of activities of the government and it has come in
to use describing the complete cycle of activities of the government. It includes budgetary
planning and preparation of requests or appropriations, executive branches reporting on budget
execution, and consideration by the legislative body of manner in which its authorization has
been carried out.


Financial planning requires that the preparation of budget should be stated in time for its
adoption before beginning of the period to which it applies. To ensure the adequate time will be
allowed, a budget calendar is frequently prepared lasting each step in the budgetary procedure
and the time allowed for its completion. The budget officer considers series of steps, to prepare
the yearly budget. This includes must revenue estimate, expenditure planning and preparing the
budget document.


Unless there is possible source of revenue estimates from different sources, expenditure planning
is not possible. Therefore the possible source of revenue have to be known and the revenue

should be estimated based on them before taking steps to expenditure planning. According to
Tenner &Lynn (1960; 15) the budget officer must have an excellent idea of the revenue which
taxes currently provided by law will yield at current rates. Having produce that such an estimate,
the budget officer and the chief executive can compare it with their knowledge of change
demand on the government. Such a comparison should be provided an impression of the
adequacy of the estimated revenue to meet the need of expenditure. Thus, before taking any steps
to expenditure planning, the possible source of revenue has to be known and the revenue should
be estimated based on the possible sources.

2 Expenditure planning

Expenditure planning is considered as a year round activities that includes the following steps.

Step 1; communication of budget instruction. The budget instruction includes a statement of

broad goals, polices expectations and other appropriate comments from the executive to the
department heads. Practically should also include the budget calendar, supporting documents and
procedure for filling out any necessary forms.

Step2; call for department head; collects estimates of expenditure from the sub-units revises
them and combines them in to determinant budget.

Step3; estimate of other charges;

Step4; revision of estimates; the chief executive with knowledge of priorities and total
estimated revenue revised department estimates .This is especially important if the expenditure
requests have exceeded the revenues estimated.


The chief executive, after considering the requests and taking necessary action on them, prepare
the budget document to be selected to the legislative body for approval. (Lynn and free man.
1974; 78-90)


Steps are taken to control the budget properly after appropriation ordinance are passed. Budget
execution refers to the implementation of plan of organizational unit in to real action and
includes every decision and transaction meet during the budget period. The budget execution
process includes allotment, accounting treatment, pre auditing and reporting activities.

Appropriations ordinance or act does not specify the rate at which expenditure are to be made
throughout year. Allotment is evident however that the follow of revenue and expenditure is not

unit for. Allotment are executive assignments of appropriated sums by time period or to
organizational unites or activities. (Hay Wilson; 1995, 70)

Allotment is the allocation of the amount appropriated indicating the time appropriation is
consumed, the rate of usage and the organizational unit responsible for consumption. Unlike
appropriation which is made by legislative body and frequently can be changed by that body
only, allotments are made by the chief executive and can be changed by his/her without any
action of the legislative body.

The first step in expenditure control is a cable by the chief executive departmental allotment
schedule. At this, each department knows the maximum amount, which his department may
spend. His task now is determine how much of the appropriation is spend during each month,
quarter or other period; and must determine how the sum will be spread among his/her activities.
(Tanner and Lynn 1968, 37)

The department allotment schedules together with any addition data supporting the remaining for
allotment such as work programs are submitted to the chief executive, which has received
statement from the budget officer showing estimated receipts by month, quarter for other periods
up on receipts of department allotment schedule, the total allotment are requested to each period
during the year, are tabulated and compared with the anticipated receipts as far as possible,
adjust are made to being expenditure with in the actual resources available for the particular
period. If the budget is effectively control, organizational unit must stay within their
appropriation and the amount allotted to them for a particular period.


According to the tanner and Lynn, budgetary accounting is one of the principal devise through
which control of budget execution is exercise 1960, 45). The estimated revenue and
appropriation in the amount approved by legislative body are actual recorded in the books
where .they may be compared with the actual development of the period. However the activities
with which appropriation account are set up depend on the detail with which appropriate are
made separate general account are established for estimated and actual revenue. This separate
accounts for appropriation are set up in the general ledger manual.

Appropriation account

Expenditure account

Encumbrance account


This refer to function of approving transaction before they have been takes place or recorded.
Responsibility for the function is always assigned to the chief accounting office through the large

department, who perform some or all of the pre-auditing function for revenue transaction, pre-
auditing include; verification of auditing, accuracy of task, revenue base, calculation,
classification and coding for entry in the recorded, from the expenditure side pre-auditing may be
directed toward prevention of miss appropriation of funds. Over spending of appropriation,
expenditure for illegal purpose and finally it ensure the use of proper method and procedure.

Control of miss appropriation of fund is exercised by combination of appropriation procedure,

pre-audit and post office accounting this is done under direction of the chief accounting officer
of the government to determine whether prescribed procedure have been followed. The
examination of the book of accounts by an independent past auditor is also a powerful tool for
identification of miss-appropriation. Furthermore the use of proper methods and procedure is an
integral part of the process of internal control.

Expenditure are illegal if they exceed the appropriation that authorized them or it they are made
for purposes not considered by the appropriations.


Reporting is an essential element of budget execution for which the executive branch all the
government is responsible. In performing this functions, the executive should meet the need of
many different ,group .the annual financial report is made to provide the legislative body ,
investors, public finance students, political scientists, and the general public is the information
which each group needs. The monthly statements are primarily designed to meet the need of
administrative persons such as the chief executive, supervisor at the general level of the
government and budget examiners. The principal part of the foreign budget report is to provide
information for action, solutions, and variation from the budget. The annual financial report is
prepared by the financial officers of governmental unit to show it is financial condition and
operation. (Tanner and Lynn, 1960; 347)


After preparation of final budget officer, budget document including massage of chief executive
is termed over to a specially by committee, which make any investigation it deems necessary,
calls on departmental needs to justify their requests and on the chef executive to explain his/her
recommendation and conduct public hearings on the proposed budget. The committee then
makes it recommendations over to legislative body. After completing the budget hearing
investigation and considering the committee recommendations, the legislative body proceeds
adopt the budget through passage of appropriation ordinance. (Hay and Wilson, 1991; 68)


Budget evaluation is analysis of alternative specially the full costs of each and the magnitude of
benefit that can reasonably be expected, from each option seeking to satisfy one or more

objective. It is the systematic method of examine specific problem and finding alternative
solution while identifying the cost and benefit of each solution. It also provides meaning full
alternatives and priorities in decision making, besides trying to determine whether resources are
allocated in the best way to be effective in

Achieving objectives, It also measures progress towards achieving these goals and help to test it
programs attaining there objectives. Furthermore, it can help administrators demonstrative to the
legislative body and the public that existing programs and planned further programs accomplish
their stated objectives. It act as catalyst in that it provided the estimation for change. That is
budget evaluation help to; make decisions, modify, expand, reduce, continue or terminate
programs. (Michael, babnakis, 1976; 51-52)

Evaluation involve defined goals and specific measures of impact. This involves the
establishment of the unit of measures of productivity, cost and actual accomplishment. In other
words as a pre request, evaluation needed the availability of the feature or conditions associated
with performance and program budgeting system. (p 53)

The term “evaluation” has been expressed in a different way and has been variously described as
a performance auditing, implementation review and program monitoring. Evaluation can be both
prospective and retrospective. Retrospectives refers to the assessment of progress and impact
analyzing the reason for success and failure and deriving lessons that in turn, could contribute to
the achievement of government objectives. Evaluation is not mare analysis of expenditure flow
but is wider than this. More specifically its feature are;

An analysis of objectives of each program, the approach to their formulation and target
setting and the adequacy of the system evolved for their implementation.

The examination of the effectiveness of the procedures and scheduled used for the
implementation of the budget.

An assessment of the impact programs in the light of their objectives and analysis of the flow
of benefit and their use.

To ascertain the wastage of man power, materials, and money.

It increased economies, efficiencies and effectiveness in governmental operations.

It provides justification for elimination of uneconomic project and programs.

It provides the introduction of increased nationalities in to the decision making process


The advantage derived from budgeting system are so obvious that there would hardly be concern
were the system is not in use in one form or the other. Despite, such a wide application, budget

have certain limitations, which would be kept in view and taken care of if full and effective use
of the budgetary system is to be made. The limitations are as follows;

A. budgets are based on estimate :

The budget are essentially based on the estimates and forecast. Estimates and forecast
relating to future can never be perfectly accurate since future is always uncertain. At
the time of interpreting the result, these limitations should be kept in view otherwise a
slight error may lead as to adverse situation.

B. Lack of balanced budget ;

Government is expected to promote development, provide social, reduce
unemployment and even social security funds, which require large amount of budget
on the other hand, there is a remarkable persistence in the nation that government
budgets ought to be balanced debts. And these two goals are critical problem in
government budgeting.
C. Time effective;
Budgeting is a length and time consuming process. The preparation and finalization
takes a lot of the time. During the periods, the organization conditions may change and
estimates may go wrong by that time.
D. Budgeting is not an authorized process;
Continues effort are necessary on the part of the officials responsible for the execution
budget. The successful operation and execution n of budget depend up on the
efficiency of the executive personal. They may vary in their efficiency. Moreover,
there may be tendency on the part of the executives concerned to show off and try to
pass on their mistake to other. Interdepartmental rivalries in getting a large share of
budgetary allocation often create special problems.
E. Rigidity in control;
The budgetary control system tends to bring about rigidity in control; it based on
quantitative data. On the other hand, organization conditions are dynamic which
require adjustment to change circumstance (L. Mathura, 1996; 20)
F. Delay of budget;
Most of the time in our country budget is released at the middle and at the end of the
second quarter of the year. Until the requested budget is approved and released, the
office entitled to use of the last authorized budget. When it approved and released it
may not equal to that of the last year. This create difference problems on work plane
and finally it will be exposed for misuse.
G. Budgeting is not a substitute of management;

Budgeting is essentials a tool of decision making and it helps the management in

taking sound decision. However, it cannot replace the management. The efficiency and

utility of budgetary system depends on the skill and experience of management. If used
cautiously, it can aid management in caring but decision.


Budgetary control is a technique of managerial control through budget. “the term budgetary
control applies to system of management and accounting control by which all operations and
output are forecasted as far as possible and the actual results, when known, ,are compared with
the budget estimates.” Thus the tem budgetary control in designed to evaluate the performance in
terms of goals budgeted through budget reports. Budgetary control is categorized in to legislative
control and administrative control.


It is through the parliamentary process of appropriating the amount of expenditure and the areas
or purpose of expenditure and approving the sources and levels of revenue through hearing
report of the auditor general and prescribing corrective action


Such a control comprises the plane of organization that are concerned mainly with operational
efficiency. It may include controls; such as time and motion studies quality controls through
inspection, performance report and statistical analysis. Administrative control has the following
aspects; most government money does not flow automatically for agencies after legislative
approver appropriations the central budget office for at least three reasons allocate it monthly,
quarterly, or at other intervals.

To avoid premature exhaustion of appropriation, necessary supplementary appropriations.

To keep the rate of expenditure in line with flow of revenue and

To provide the fund agencies actually need in the course of budget implementation.

The accounting system control actual expenditure from appropriations to allotment. Most
proposed expenditure must run through the accounting system to make certain that it complied
with the term of appropriation bill, the allotment and the financial law of the government. The
accounting and financial control includes control accounts bank reconciliation, self-balancing
ledger and internal auditing etc… such control ensures accuracy and reliable of financial records
adherence to prescribed managerial polices and state custody over asset.


Auditing is an examination of records facilities, system and other evidences to discover or verify
desired information. Auditing is of different types that are internal versus external and pre-
auditing versus post-auditing.

Internal audit are those performed by professional employed by the organization being

External audit are performed by outside professional independent from the organization
being audited.

Pre auditing is an advance verification of legality of transactions before resources are

commuted on their completion.

Post auditing is an examination of records and activities after they have already been

It is a means of assisting modern organizations management in discharging its function. Internal
control is defined as the method procedure with in the agencies established to safeguarded asset,
check the accuracy and liability of financial and other data. Promote operational efficiency and
encourage adherence to the prescribed policies and procedures of the agency.

Objective of internal control are the following;

To eliminate the act of Fraud and error

To prevent the misappropriation of cash or goods

To exercise more pressure over the staff members.

To detect fraud or an error prompt.

To ensure that the accounting system produces reliable information.


Contingency-based research proposes that there is no single approach to budgeting suitable for
all businesses and organizations. Instead, the suitability of a particular approach is argued to be
contingent upon the characteristics of an organization that is; its size, strategy, culture and the
environment in which it operates to best link the core functions of budgeting (King et al.2010).
Contingency theory is part of behavioral theory which claims that there is no best way to
organize a corporation or to make decisions and that an organizational style that is effective in
some situations may not be successful in others.

For many years traditional budgeting approach has been used extensively by many organizations,
but with regard to being efficient, it is generally considered that traditional budgeting process is
very bureaucratic. Significant concerns regarding the apparent ineffectiveness of traditional
budgets include: they are seen as rigid commitment, restrict staff creativity and prevent them
from responding to customers, strengthen departmental barriers while hindering flexibility and
that they emphasize cost minimization rather than the maximizing of value (Hope & Fraser,
1997). In addition, traditional methods rely on past information which can have negative knock
on effects. An example is the incremental budgeting tool, where previous year’s budget is
slightly adjusted for the New Year without any analysis into areas which are over/under

An alternative option for incremental budgeting is Better Budgeting. Better budgeting entails
five techniques that can be used to overcome some of the limitations of traditional methods
(Neely et al. 2003).

Activity based budgeting involves planning using value adding activities, following a similar
concept to ABC and ABM. In supporting this view Hansen et al. (2006) resources and capital
allocation decisions are consistent with ABM analysis, which involves structuring organization
activities so that they better meet customers and external need.

Zero base budgeting forces managers to justify their budgets every year to try and prevent
dysfunctional behaviour and budget games. Furthermore Hansen et al. (2006) this approach
requires extensive and in-depth analysis. Although ZBB has been used successfully in industries
and government, it is time consuming and costly.

Thirdly, a Value based technique encourages a focus on creating shareholder wealth and linkages
with strategy. Profit methods consider both short and long-term projections whilst ensuring
sufficient cash is generated.

Finally, Rolling budgets create frequent budgets to provide more accurate forecasts. Thus, every
month or quarter a separate budget is prepared, which means that the budget tends to be more
realistic and a legitimate measure for evaluating performance (Garrison et al, 2003). A major
problem with better budgeting techniques is that they can actually take more management time to
be used effectively, which is likely to cause greater dissatisfaction with the processes.

Turyakina (2004) pointed that, budgets play a highly important role in performance evaluation.
Attaining corporate objectives is per amount to success. Performance of any organization is often
evaluated by measuring success in meeting the budget objectives. When budget is successfully
implemented and executed will enable realization of company objectives and once this has been
done the organization is said to have achieved at performance level. Thus, efficient budget
management is important for smooth performance of any organization.

In a study, Douglas (1994) used a case study approach and found that budgeting places high
importance on budget-actual- comparison for performance evaluation purpose; both at corporate
and subordinate levels. Moreover, there are other factors that influence motivation to perform;
participation in the whole budgeting process that is involvement of all employees, from
subordinate to corporate level in preparation of budget. Budgeting and budgetary control mainly
forms and give an organization the structural support to achieve its goals and objectives and
maximizing performance through effective resource allocation.

A study by Joye and Blayney (1990) found that budget variances were used by 93% of
respondents for setting goals and evaluating performance by Australian firms. Guilding et al.
(2000) found that accountants in New Zealand and United Kingdom tend to see variances from
budget as being important and performance appraisal was based mainly on budget achievement.

According to Joshi et al. (2003), examines budgetary planning, control and performance
evaluation in developing countries. A questionnaire survey of 54 medium and large sized firms
including both listed and non-listed firms was conducted. His findings revealed that most of the
firms prepare long-range plans and operating budgets, and use budget variance to measure
performance for timely recognition of problems and to improve the next period’s budget.
Moreover, findings showed that the main purposes of budgeting in most companies are to:
forecast, assist in profit maximization and control performance by investigating variances. Poor
cooperation and ineffective planning are the main reasons for not achieving the required standard


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (BoFED) which is found in SNNPR of Ethiopia at distance of
158 km away from the center Addis Ababa.


To collect the necessary data the researcher will use both primary and secondary source of data.
The primary data include questionnaire, direct observation and interview.
The researcher will use primary source of data collection method through questionnaire and by
conducting interview.
A questionnaire possessing a number of questions with close ended type of question that are
relevant and exhaustive as to the subject of the study will be designed in such a way that the
respondent feel easily, on the hand to get detail information about the factors affecting budgetary
process. Interview will be used for selected managers of finance and economic development of
the general manger of the organization.
Finally the research will use secondary source of data collection method which are obtained
through review & selected materials such as related reports and balanced transaction budget
expenditure manuals of the year (2006 – 2008) budget. But such materials are not disclosed for
any external body as reference.


The sample selection will be carried out by a research so that it is reliable as to the representation
of the total population who are believed to be workers of the organization. The research therefore

will focus on specific target group by using random sampling technique to acquire the necessary
information from respondents and to make clear investigation for current study. Taking this in to
account on factors it is found necessary to use personal judgment since it is difficult to determine
how large the population is so that sample size has been used from three departments based on
their quota 9 people will be selected from finance department 6 people from economic
department and from budget planning department 4 people will be selected.


While conducting the study different types of data will be collected, so that the intended outcome
will be obtained. To analyze and interpret the collected data tabulation and percentage method
will be used. Tabulation will be used among data in a table or other summary format to facilitate
the process of comparison of various data analysis that will be made by the help of descriptive
data analysis.



No Activity April May June July August Sep. Oct.

1 Topic Selection x

2 Preparation of proposal x

3 Collection of useful material x

4 Data Collection x

5 Data Analysis and writing of x

final research

6 Submission of research x

7 Presentation of final research x


Item Quantity Per unit (Birr) Total Cost (Birr)
Equipment and

Paper Pack 1 500.00 500.00


Pens 6 5.00 30.00

Pencil 1 1.50 1.50

Binder 1 50.00 50.00

Total Cost - - 581.50

Transportation - 500 500.00

Personal cost

Internet - - -

Typist 1 500.00 500.00

Print 3 150 450

Total cost - - 1450.00

Contingency - - 203.15

Overall total cost - - 2234.65


Wilson kattlur hay. 2006), Accounting for governmental and non for profit
entities, McGraw Hill, twelve Edition, 2006.
Mohad. Arif Pasha, Allah Bakash.s(2007) Cost accounting.
John F. Due,Annf, Frielaender(2006). Government finance.
Anderson/Need les/Caldwell(1989), managerial accounting.
Anthony R. and Govindarajan V.(2004 &1998): management control system,
Eleventh edition. McGraw Hill.
Tenner and Lynn, municipal and government accounting. Fourth edition.,
Thomas E.(1978), Cost accounting; budgeting and control. South western
publishing, Cincinnati.
Lynn S.E and Freeman J.R.(1982), Fund accounting and theory and practice,
second edition., prentice, Hall Inc, Newberys.
William E. Thomas,(1978) Reading in cost accounting budgeting and control,
fifth Edition.
Meyers, Roy T.(1996), is there a key to the normative budgeting Lock, the world
book, Washington, D.C.

I, TIBLET TSADIKU is Wolkite University’s student who is making a research on ASSESSMENT OF
FINANCE ADMISTRATION. For this reason your contribution by filling this questioners to the
researcher is greatly appreciated and responses on confidential and the respondent is not required to write
his/her name. Thus the student kindly request any respondents to fill and return this questionnaire
honestly simply by ticking ( ) as many reasons as apply or by giving short answers of a case may be.

Thank You!
Age __________________
Sex Male Female
Education Degree Diploma TTI Grade 12 complete
MA and Above
1. Do you participate in budget planning or controlling process?
Yes No
2. If your answer for Question # 1 above is “yes” in which area?
Administrative Capital
Plan and control No responses
3. If your answer for question # 1 above is “No” in which type?
It is not your responsibility
Only special worker participate
4. Which budget control system mechanism is or are practicable in your organization?
Preliminary (preventive) control
Feedback (after process) control
Concurrent (in the process)
5. Does your organization prepare budget utilization report?
Yes No
6. If your answer for question # 5 above is “yes” at what time interval
Monthly Quarterly
Semi – annually annually
7. Which your organization prepare budget utilization report is there any over or underutilized?
Yes No
8. If your response for question # 7 above is “yes” what do you think about the cause for the problem?
Lack of skill manpower
Lack of job training
Lack of proper control
9. What problem do you observe with budget preparation control and utilization in your organization?

Lack of feeling responsibility
Lack of regular training for the workers
Lack of proper management
Shortage of budget
10. What do you think should be done to solve these problem in question # 9
Training employees as possible
Hiring experienced evaluating activities
On regular time
Using clear policy and procedures
11. Budgetary allocation is mostly allocated by?
The organization manager
High periodical performance
The finance department
12. In what way budget must be utilized in the organization?
By recording fund available and expense
Budget planned accordingly
Other way (specify)
13. What are the budgeting process under token in your particular reorganization?
Budget planning and formulation process
Legislative enactment
Budget execution
Budget evaluation
14. If your response for question # 13 above is budget planning formation process if follow?
Recurrent budget planning and formulation
Capital budget planning and formulation
15. If your answer for Question # 13 above is budge execution what the different stages that if follows?
Budget disbursement procedure
Budget and payment control procedure
Reporting procedure
Expenditure authorization
Auditing procedure


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