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Internship Report
The measurement of the services quality of Janata Bank

Prepared For

The Chairman
Fourth Year Exam Committee
Department of Finance & Banking

Prepared By
Md. Asaduzzaman
Exam Id: 151974
Reg Id: 40808
Department of Finance & Banking
BBA Program, Session: 2014-15

BBA Program (6th Batch)

Department of Finance & Banking
Jahangirnagar University
March April 10th , 2019


April 10th, 2019

The Chairman

4th year Examination committee

Department of Finance & Banking

Jahangirnagar University

Sava, Dhaka-1342

Through: Mr. Dr. Sheikh Abu Taher, Internship program supervisor

Subject: Submission of internship report.

Dear Sir,

You will be pleased to know that I have completed Internship Report on the measurement of
the service quality of Janata Bank Limited. Under the state of the report, I have been given
relevant information from the employees & customers of Janata Bank Ltd for collecting
primary data. I also have gone through various publications relating with Janata Bank Ltd and
its operation.

This report gives me knowledge about the service quality of Janata Bank (Savar Corporate
Branch). In this report I have attempted to discover out a few issue zones related to service
quality of Janata Bank Ltd, Savar Corporate Branch and attempted to discover out a few
conceivable arrangements to those specific issues.

I have enjoyed the preparation of the report because it provides me with the chance to put my
theoretical knowledge in a real life situation. If you need any kind of further information I
will be glad to provide accordingly.

Yours Sincerely,

Md. Asaduzzaman
Exam Id: 151974


All praise is to the one to one to whom all dignity, honor and glory are due, the unique
with perfect attributes, who begets not, nor is he begotten. He has not equaled, but he is
almighty, omnipotent for preparing fruitfully this internship reports.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my course instructor of my reverend

supervisor Mr. Dr. Sheikh Abu Taher, Associate Professor, Department of Finance &
Banking, Jahangirnagar University, for his invaluable suggestion and guidance during the
study period that has greatly inspired me in preparing this report successfully.

I am also grateful to Mr. Ramendra Chandra Haldar Sir, Manager of Savar Corporate
Branch of JBL, Puja das mam, Senior Officer of Human Resource Department for their
relentless efforts in carrying out my study. They providing me with necessary information
and extended their hands to me. I can humbly tell that without their meticulous care,
valuable suggestion and instruction it would not have been possible for me to
complete my internship report.

I would like to express thinks to my friend and all of my well-wishers for supporting me
to do best in such an academic work.

I lack the space here to acknowledge all of the other individuals whose special effort
went into this paper. I offer intend my sincere thanks, and the finished report that
they helped guide to completion.

I of course have same full responsibility for errors or facts.

Executive Summary

The objective of the report is to assess the service quality of janata bank of Savar Corporate
Branch, customer of janata Bank put across various service attributes and also to determine
how well janata Bank is satisfying the customer of those service grounds and different service
quality dimensions. The survey is conducted on 100 respondents (sample) those represent the
total general customers segment.

Customer had to mark the level of importance that they perceive about a particular service
attribute’s quality. The survey data is then analyzed with the help of Microsoft excel,
Microsoft word and then make average or mean of each dimension then find out most and
least satisfied as well as dissatisfied aspects of the service of Janata Bank Limited (Savar
Corporate Branch) . The survey outcome is not highly satisfactory. Customers are highly
dissatisfied with the service of modern technology, quality of timely service and not getting
swift service by ATM. By increasing office equipment, set-up ATMS, constructing the new
branches, employees training, introducing locker service, personalize caring, implementing
charges Janata Bank can improve its service Quality.

Janata Bank should attract the dis-satisfied customers in order to bring them to positive side
of the road strong relationship with the customers can be maintained.

Table of Contents
Chapter Particulars Page No
1 Introduction 1-3
1.1 Introduction of the Topic 2
1.2 Objectives of the Report 3
1.3 Limitations of the Report 4
2 Literature Review 4-6
3 Methodology 7-9
3.1 Type of Report 8
3.2 Questionnaire Preparation 8
3.3 Sources of Data 8
3.4 Data analysis and Findings 9
4 Questionnaire Preparation 10-11
5 Data Analysis 12-30
5.1 Reliability Dimension 13-16
5.2 Responsiveness Dimension 17-19
5.3 Assurance Dimension 20-22
5.4 Care and Empathy 23-24
5.5 Tangibility Dimension 25-27
5.6 Some other Analysis 28-30
6 Findings 31-35
6.1 Findings from the observation 32
6.2 Implications from the Survey 32-35
7 Recommendations and Conclusion 36-48
7.1 Recommendations 37
7.2 Conclusion 38
8 References & Appendix 39
8.1 References 40
8.2 Appendix 41-42



1.1 Introduction

After liberation war in 1971, East Pakistan got separated from Pakistan and become
Bangladesh. From 16th December 1971 “Bangladesh Bank (central bank of Bangladesh)”
unofficially started its journey which was officially enlisted in 1972. At that period
Bangladesh has 1,094 branches different Pakistani banks. In March, 1972 Bangladesh bank
nationalized a gazette which declares that total 12 Pakistani banks along with their branches
will be combined and make 6 new state owned banks for republic of Bangladesh. JANATA
BANK LIMITED was among those 6 new state owned banks which started its journey on
that particular day.

This report is on service quality measurement of JANATA BANK LIMITED at Savar

Corporate Branch. Now Bangladesh is a developing nation which has more than 55+
commercial, State owned and specialized banks. JANATA BANK LIMITED is among them.
This report is done to measure the service quality of the concerned branch and find out
whether customers of JBL in this particular branch (Savar Corporate Branch) are getting the
service provided by this branch in comparing customer’s expectation and the bank promises
to them. For checking service quality levels in comparing to bank promises to them and
customer’s expectation, a survey is done in JANATA BANK LIMITED in case of service. A
set of questionnaire has been made for asking the customers of JBL about what their
expectation and delivered service about JBL’s concerned branch. All of the respondents are
aware of the service of JBL of that particular branch and most of them in the survey are JBL
(Savar Corporate Branch) current account holder.

1.2 Objectives of the Report

1.2.1 Broad Objective

The main objective of the study is to know and practically observe the service quality of
Janata Bank Limited (JB) and know to learn how service quality can be improved.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

i. Finding gaps between customer expectations versus what service they are actually
ii. And provide recommendations to meet those gaps.

1.3 Limitations of the Report

i. Time frame of the study was very limited. The actual survey was done within 3
ii. Large scale survey was not possible due to constraints and restriction posed by
the organization.
iii. The research was conducted only within the customers of Savar Corporate
iv. Some organizational culture and environment was written from individual’s
perception and may vary from person to person.
v. The perceptions and expectations of customers are limited to the period of the


Literature Review

2. Literature Review

Literature review of this internship paper will give some idea about the related theoretical
knowledge and studies of this particular topic.

The SERVQUAL questionnaire was first published in 1988 by a team of academic

researchers, A. Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml and Leonard L. Berry to measure quality
in the service sector; it represented a breakthrough in the measurement methods used for
service quality research. In the SERVQUAL model, Reliability, responsiveness, competence,
access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, understanding the customer and
tangibles are determinants. Later, the determinants were reduced to five:

i. Tangibility: Representing the Service Physically

(Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 115).
ii. Reliability: Delivering on Promises
(Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 113.)
iii. Responsiveness: Being Willing to Help
(Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 114.)
iv. Assurance: Inspiring Trust and Confidence
(Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 114.)
v. Empathy: Treating Customers as Individuals
(Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler 2009, 114-115.)

Service Quality and finding service gap

Service quality (SQ), in its contemporary conceptualization, is a comparison of perceived

expectations (E) of a service with perceived performance (P), giving rise to the equation
SQ=P-E. Here to measure service gap it will be needed to customer expectation of the
service which will be subtracted from customer perception or the service what they are
actually get. A business with high service quality will meet or exceed customer expectations
whilst remaining economically is often some aspect of customer satisfaction
which is being assessed. However, customer satisfaction is an indirect measure of service

Islam and Rahman, (2015) - had stated in their journal that “Janata Bank Limited is
committed to provide high quality financial services/products to largely contribute to the
remarkable growth of GDP of the country through stimulating trade and commerce,
accelerating the pace of industrialization, and sustainable socio-economic development of the
country.” This journal was published in 2015 in Journal for Worldwide Holistic Sustainable
Development. Here both the writer talked about the importance of marketing mix in service
of banking sector. Authors Islam and Rahman, (2015) came up with 6 hypotheses to find the
role of marketing mix in Janata Bank Limited.

Salma and Shahneaz, (2013) - This article talks about performance level of private bank vs.
public banks of Bangladesh. In this text the Salma and Shahneaz, (2013) also claimed
that “When the private sector banks are compared with public sector banks, private bank
customers were more satisfied with their bank because of their multiple branches at
convenient locations and technology ,reliability and the prices which public sector
banks impose on services like cheque/cash deposit and cheque/cash withdraw (it has
been shown that price charges are lower in public sector banks than in private sector).”

Akhter, (2012) - says in her journal that “The public commercial banks are not meeting the
ever-increasing demand of their clients. To survive in competition with private sector‘s bank,
competitive and professional attitude is to be created in the mind of the employees of the
public sector‘s banks. Proper training and education is to be provided to the employees
of Public Commercial Banks.”



3. Methodology

3.1 Type of Report

This report is based on both qualitative and quantitative type of study. The methodology of
this report is totally different from conventional reports. This report basically emphasizes on
the practical observation. Almost the entire report has been conducted based on practical
observation and short survey through questionnaire and customers responses to it.

3.2 Questionnaire Preparation

The entire questionnaire is prepared based on the SERVQUAL scale. There are five service
quality dimensions Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibility. A
structured questionnaire is also designed. This structured questionnaire was the major tools of
this report. There are 17 questions are selected among which 14 questions focus this five
dimensions of SERVQUAL model.

3.3 Sources of Data

To complete the survey and make the report unbiased data are collected from both primary
and secondary sources.

3.3.1 Primary sources of data

Primary data are collected by variety of ways, first of all by interviewing employees of JBL
and directly communicating with the customers. A questionnaire survey of the customers is
conducted. Primary data were mostly derived from the discussion with the employees
& through surveys on customers of the organization. Primary information is under
consideration in the following manner:

i. Face to face conversation with the bank employees and staffs.

ii. Informal conversation with consumers.
iii. Practical work exposures from the different desks of the departments of the Branch.

3.3.2 Secondary sources of data

Different types of secondary data are elaborated in this report. Sources of secondary
information can be defined as follows:
i. Annual report of the concerned branch of Janata Bank Limited.
ii. Different manuals of the concerned branch of Janata Bank Limited.
iii. News-papers.
iv. Different websites.
v. Service marketing book
vi. Book of Banking

3.4 Data analysis and Findings

Questionnaire was made to understand the service quality of JBL (Savar Corporate Branch).
This survey was conducted in February 2019 in the Savar Corporate Branch of JBL where
100 customers of this bank responded in this season.
With the help of MS Word’s tables & Charts the data are analyzed and interpreted. Some
diagrams and tables were used in this report for analyzing the collected data to explain certain
concepts and findings more clearly. After finding gap from each question of a dimension then
calculate average or mean of service gap regarding each dimension. From that which
dimension is least and which is most will be found. Then a list of recommendation will be
given to meet those service gaps.



4. Questionnaire Preparation

This survey was conduct to measure the service quality provided by JBL (Savar Corporate
Branch). So the broad question for this study was to determine the service quality and getting
the service to an extent by the customers of Janata Bank Limited. To do that, 17
questionnaires were prepared for the survey. And all those are done by using goggle forms.
Here are those 17 questionnaires.

4.1 Reliability Dimension

1. The Bank provides services within the time promised.
2. The employees give appropriate solution to problems.
3. The Bank corrects errors and mistakes promptly.

4.2 Responsiveness Dimension

1. The employee gives your prompt services.
2. Employees always willing to help.
3. The employees are always search for solution.

4.3 Assurance Dimension

1. The employees are friendly & courteous.
2. Customers feel safe in their transactions with Janata Bank.
3. JBL’s employee’s keep the knowledge to answer customer question.

4.4 Care & Empathy Dimension

1. The Janata Bank gives attention to every individual.
2. The employee of Janata Bank understands your specific needs.

4.5 Tangibility Dimension

1. The Janata Bank has visually appealing facilities.
2. The statements easily understood, reliable and accurate.
3. The Janata Bank has modern equipment and technology that better satisfy your needs.

4.6 Some other Analysis

1. The Janata Bank has strong brand name & reputation.
2. The Janata Bank gives average bank services and facilities.
3. This branch (Savar Corporate Branch) location is convenience.


Data Analysis

5. Data Analysis

Questionnaire was made to understand the service quality of JBL (Savar Corporate Branch).
This survey was conducted in February, 2019 in the Savar Corporate Branch of JBL where
100 customers of this bank responded in this season.

With the help of MS Word’s tables & Charts the data are analyzed and interpreted. Some
diagrams and tables were used in this report for analyzing the collected data to explain certain
concepts and findings more clearly. Here the value of the SERVQUAL scale (Strongly agree,
Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree) is counted as the weight.

5.1 Reliability Dimension

Aspects relating to reliability dimension of service quality were asked in 3 different

questions. Following tables and diagrams show the analysis of particular topic.

These questionnaires are as follows:

1. The Bank provides services within the time promised.
Scale Responses
Strongly Agree 2
Agree 31
Neutral 18
Disagree 30
Strongly Disagree 19
Table 1: JBL timely service

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree 2%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Chart 1: JBL timely service

Analysis: The respondents placed a high importance in this characteristic of the service.
The majority of the respondents are Negative. Here onl y 2% customers are Strongly
Agree, 31% customers are Agree 18% customers are Neutral as well as 50% customers
are negative among them 30% are disagree and 19% are strongly disagree with this

Service Gap: It is found that, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer
perception regarding JBL timely service is 49%.

2. The employees give appropriate solution to problems.

Scale Responses
Strongly Agree 2

Agree 17
Neutral 34

Disagree 42

Strongly Disagree 5

Table 2: JBL appropriates solution to problems

Chart 2: JBL appropriate solution to problems

Analysis: It is one of the most vital parts of the reliability. Customer always tries to get
appropriate solution to problem. The respondents placed a high importance in this
characteristic of the service. The majority of the respondents are negative with this
statement. There is no one in strongly agree, whereas only 17% customers are Agree, 34%
customers are Neutral and we see that 47% customers shows negative opinion and among
those 42% customers are disagreeing and 5% are strongly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: Negative responses are more so, here is the gap between customer
expectation and customer perception regarding JBL’s appropriates solution to problems is

3. The Bank corrects errors and mistakes promptly.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 29

Neutral 36

Disagree 30

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 3: JBL Errors and mistakes correctness

Chart 3: JBL Errors and mistakes correctness

Analysis: The respondents placed a high importance in errors and mistakes correctness of the
service. The majority of the respondents are Neutral. There are 5% customers are Strongly
Agree, here also 29% customers are Agree, also 36% customers are Neutral as well as 30%
customers are negative with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s Errors and mistakes correctness is 30%.

5.2 Responsiveness Dimension

Three attributes were grouped in this dimension and the respondents were asked to express
their opinion. Results are various aspects are shown below.

1. The employees give your prompt services.

Scale Responses
Strongly Agree 5

Agree 40
Neutral 25

Disagree 28

Strongly Disagree 2

Table 4: JBL prompt to service

JBL prompt to service


Strongly Disagree
0 10 20 30 40 50
Responses Disagree
Strongly Disagree 2 Neutral
Disagree 28
Neutral 25
Strongly Agree
Agree 40
Strongly Agree 5

Chart 4: JBL prompt to service

Analysis: An extremely high percentage of Satisfaction was given in this attribute of service.
The majority of the respondents are Agree. Here 5% customers are Strongly Agree, 40%
customers are Agree with this statement, 25% customers are neutral as well as 30%
customers are negative with this statement and 2% is strongly disagreeing within this.

Service Gap: Here it is found that the gap between customer expectation and customer
perception regarding JBL’s prompt to service is 30%.

2. Employees are always willing to help.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 10

Agree 46

Neutral 24

Disagree 20

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 5: Employee’s Willingness to help

Employee’s Willingness to help

40 46
20 Strongly Agree
15 24
10 20
5 10 0 Agree
Responses Neutral
Strongly Agree 10 Disagree
Agree 46 Strongly Disagree
Neutral 24
Disagree 20
Strongly Disagree 0

Chart 5: Employee’s Willingness to help

Analysis: A moderate importance was placed on this attribute of responsiveness dimension

where the satisfaction percentage is high. Employees are always willing to help but their
resources are limited so they can-not give higher percentage of satisfaction. The majority of
the respondents are Agree. Here, 10% customers are Strongly Agree, 46% customers are
Agree with this statement, 24% customers are Neutral as well as 20% customers are negative
with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s employee’s Willingness to help is 20%.

3. The employees are always search for solution.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 36

Neutral 39

Disagree 20

Strongly Disagree 5

Table 6: Employee's Search for Solution


Strongry Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongry Disagree




Chart 6: Employee's Search for Solution

Analysis: Most of the respondents were in Neutral while expressing their satisfaction towards
this aspect. The satisfaction percentages of this attribute were dissatisfactory. Among them
36% customers are Agree, 39% customers are Neutral, 20% customers are disagreeing with
this statement and 5% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s employee’s search for solution is 25%.

5.3 Assurance Dimension
Aspects relating to assurance dimension of service quality where asked three different
questions to the respondents. The results are as follows:

1. The employees are friendly & courteous.

Scale Responses
Strongly Agree 0

Agree 33

Neutral 39

Disagree 25

Strongly Disagree 3

Table 7: Friendliness & Courtesy of the JBL Employees

Friendliness & Courtesy of the JBL Employees

3 0

25 33
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Chart 7: Friendliness & Courtesy of the JBL Employees

Analysis: This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important ones. In this
attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. Here, 33% customers are Agree, 39%
customers are Neutral, 25% customers are disagreeing with this statement and 3% customers
are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s employee’s friendliness & courtesy is 28%.

2. Customers feel safe in their transactions with Janata Bank.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 58

Agree 32

Neutral 10

Disagree 0

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 8: Safety in Transactions

Chart 8: Safety in Transactions

Analysis: Most of the respondents were very much Agree while expressing their
satisfaction towards this aspect. Among them 58% customers are Strongly Agree, 32%
customers are Agree with this statement, and 10% customers are Neutral. Almost the
entire respondent’s positive with this statement and there is none in negative comments.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding safety in transactions with JBL is 0%.

3. JBL’s employee’s keep the knowledge to answer customer question.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 10

Agree 41

Neutral 28

Disagree 16

Strongly Disagree 5

Table 9: Employee’s Knowledge to Answer Customer's Question

Employee’s Knowledge to Answer

Customer's Question

5% 10%
Strongly Agree

41% Disagree
28% Strongly Disagree

Chart 9: Employee’s Knowledge to Answer Customer's Question

Analysis: Here it is seen that most of the respondents were in positive while expressing
their opinion towards this aspect. In this attribute positive responses percentage is much
more. Here, 10% customers are strongly agree, 41% customers are Agree, 28%
customers are Neutral, and 16% customers are disagreeing and 5% customers are strongly
disagreeing with this statement

Service Gap: From the response it is found that here is the gap between customer
expectation and customer perception regarding safety in transactions with JBL is 21%.

5.4 Care and Empathy

Three attributes were grouped in the dimension and the respondents were asked to
express their opinions. Results of the various aspects are shown below.

1. The Janata Bank gives attention to every individual.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 42

Neutral 20

Disagree 30

Strongly Disagree 8

Table 10: Attention to Individual Customer

Chart 10: Attention to Individual Customer

Analysis: Most of the respondents were in Neutral while expressing their opinion towards
this aspect. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. Here, 20% customers
are Agree, 42% customers are neutral, 30% customers are disagreeing with this statement
and 8% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s attention to individual customer is 38%.

2. The employees of Janata Bank understand your specific needs.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 27

Neutral 53

Disagree 20

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 11: Understanding Customers Specific Needs

Understanding Customers Specific Needs

Neutral, 53
Agree, 27
10 Disagree, 20
0 Strongly Agree, 0
Disagree, 0
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Responses 0 27 53 20 0

Chart 11: Understanding Customers Specific Needs

Analysis: Here it is seen that most of the respondents were in Neutral while expressing
their opinion towards this aspect. In this attribute positive responses percentage is not much
higher. Here, 27% customers are Agree, 53% customers are Neutral, and 20% customers
are disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perception
regarding JBL’s understanding customers’ specific needs is 20%.

5.5 Tangibility Dimension

There are three questions relating to the tangible dimension were asked to the
respondents. These questions covered various tangible aspects of the services provided by
Janata Bank. The results are shown below.

1. The Janata Bank has visually appealing facilities.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 26

Neutral 43

Disagree 23

Strongly Disagree 8

Table 13: Facilities Are Visually Appealing

Facilities Are Visually Appealing

8%0% Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Chart 13: Facilities Are Visually Appealing

Analysis: Most of the respondents were in Neutral while expressing their satisfaction
towards this aspect. In this attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. Here, 26%
customers are Agree, 43% customers are neutral, 23% customers are disagreeing with this
statement and 8% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.
Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding JBL’s facilities are visually appealing is 31%.

2. The statements easily understood, reliable and accurate.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 10

Agree 55

Neutral 24

Disagree 9

Strongly Disagree 2

Table 14: Statements Easily Understood, Reliable and Accurate.

Statements Easily Understood, Reliable and

60 55



30 24
10 9
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Responses 10 55 24 9 2

Chart 14: Statements Easily Understood, Reliable and Accurate

Analysis: This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important ones. In
this attribute satisfaction percentage is much higher. H e r e , 10% customers are Strongly
Agree, 55% customers are Agree, 25% customers are Neutral with this statement,
8% customers are disagreeing with this statement and 2% customers are highly
disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding JBL’s statements easily understood, reliable and accurate is 11%.

3. The Janata Bank has modern equipment and technology that better satisfy your

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 2

Neutral 26

Disagree 34

Strongly Disagree 38

Table 15: Modern Equipment and Technology


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree 26%


Chart 15: Modern Equipment and Technology

Analysis: This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important ones. In
this attribute dissatisfaction percentage is much higher. Only 2% customers are agreeing,
26% customers are Neutral and 34% customers are disagreeing with this statement and
38% customers are highly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding modern equipment and technology JBL’s is 72%.

5.6 Some other Analysis

In spite of the five dimensions, some other questions were also asked to the customers for
better understanding of their satisfaction or dissatisfaction and the reason behind this.
These questions and their analysis are given below:

1. The Janata Bank has strong brand name & reputation.

Scale Response

Strongly Agree 0

Agree 29

Neutral 51

Disagree 20

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 16: Strong Brand Name & Reputation

Strong Brand Name & Reputation

100 51
29 20
0 Strongly Agree
0 Agree
Strongly Agree 0 Neutral
Agree 29 Disagree
Neutral 51 Strongly Disagree
Disagree 20
Strongly Disagree 0

Chart 16: Strong Brand Name & Reputation

Analysis: Different customers view the products and services in different way. The reason
for taking service or buying products from organization is different among the
customers. This attribute was also found to be another one of the most important ones. In this
attribute satisfaction percentage is not much higher. Here, 29% customers are Agree, 51%
customers are Neutral with this statement and 20% customers are disagreeing with this

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding strong brand name & reputation of JBL’s is 20%.

2. The Janata Bank gives average bank services and facilities.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 10

Agree 43

Neutral 29

Disagree 16

Strongly Disagree 2

Table 17: JBL Services and Facilities Are Average

JBL Services and Facilities Are Average

2% 10%

29% 43%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Chart 17: JBL Services and Facilities Are Average

Analysis: Customers always compare the products and services of one organization with
another to find out the best one. Here, 10% customers are Strongly Agree, 43%
customers are Agree, 29% customers are Neutral with this statement and 16% customers
are disagreeing and 2% are strongly disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding Janata Bank give average bank services and facilities is 18%.

3. This branch (Savar Corporate Branch) location is convenience.

Scale Responses

Strongly Agree 41

Agree 30

Neutral 19

Disagree 10

Strongly Disagree 0

Table 18: branch location

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

10% 0%



Chart 18: branch location

Analysis: Number of customers and superior service also depends on the location of
branch. Convenience of branches or the branches availability also influences the customer
to get involved with the bank. Here, 41% customers are strongly agree, 19% customers
are agree, 30% customers are indifferent with this statement, and 10% customers are
disagreeing with this statement.

Service Gap: So, here is the gap between customer expectation and customer perceptions
regarding Janata Bank branch location is 10%.



6. Findings

6.1 Findings from the observation

Besides the formal questionnaire survey it was find out some important facts. Those facts
were revealed from the observation during the three months of period. Such facts reflex the
customer’s expectation regarding the service provided by the bank. Such facts are as follows:

i. Though the ATM machines are latest in technology but every the customers are
coming up with complaints regarding the ATM booths are not available in this
ii. Quality of service is the most important part of the Janata Bank. But they do not
give quality full service. So it is very necessary to improve their service quality.
iii. Janata Bank does not give individual attention to the customer.
iv. Most of the customers feel safe in transactions with Janata Bank. So that it is one
of the most vital or strong part for Janata Bank.

6.2 Implications from the Survey

At the time of intern many subjective and objectives elements were observed in Janata Bank
Limited (Savar Corporate Branch). And these are key points the survey questions. In the
survey questions respondents provides their perception about Janata Bank Limited (Savar
Corporate Branch). From their responses and after analyzing each questionnaire a summary
of the response regarding each dimension are made.

6.2.1 Service Gap Regarding Each Question
Here service gap is derived by comparing customer expectation with customer perception.

Dimensions with Questions Service Gap

Reliability Dimension
1. The Bank provides services within the time promised. 49%
2. The employees give appropriate solution to problems. 47%
3. The Bank corrects its errors and mistakes promptly. 30%
Responsiveness Dimension
1. The employees give your prompt services. 30%
2. Employees always willing to help. 20%
3. The employees are always search for solution. 25%
Assurance Dimension
1. The employees are friendly & courteous. 28%
2. Customers feel safe in transactions with Janata Bank. 0%
3. JBL’s employee’s keep the knowledge to answer customer question. 21%
Care & Empathy Dimension
1. The Janata Bank gives attention to every individual. 38%
2. The employees of Janata Bank understand your specific needs. 20%
Tangibility Dimension
1. The Janata Bank has visually appealing facilities. 31%
2. The statements easily understood, reliable and accurate. 11%
3. JBL’s modern equipment and technology better satisfy your needs. 72%
Some other Analysis
1. The Janata Bank has strong brand name & reputation. 20%
2. The Janata Bank gives average bank services and facilities. 18%
3. This branch (Savar Corporate Branch) location is convenience? 10%

6.2.2 Drivers of the better service

If banks are to improve their better service quality, satisfaction loyalty ratings and
differentiate themselves from the competition, they need to understand what really drives
better service quality, satisfaction and loyalty. They also need to know which areas have the
greatest room for improvement. Thus Janata Bank managers need to know what levers to
push to increase these measures of success In the following section the most important
attributes will be discussed.

6.2.3 Most important attributes of the service

The analysis of the importance scores across various attributes of service quality dimension
pointed out some attributes that were highly important to the customer. These attributes are
listed below according to importance:

i. Speed of Service.
ii. Availability of ATM.
iii. Friendliness & courtesy of the employees.
iv. Quickness of error correction.
v. Location of the branch.

Here, these attributes were considered as the drivers of better service quality and
satisfaction for the customers. Some other attributes, which were important to customers
but not considered as drivers of better service quality are listed below.
i. Individual attention
ii. Problem solving interest within employees

6.2.4 Most Satisfied Aspects of Janata Bank Service

The respondent showed strongly agree or high satisfaction scores towards some of the
attributes of the service dimensions. Though most of these were not very important to
customers they do represent the good side of the service provided by Janata Bank.
Some such strong or satisfied attributes are listed below starting from the strongest or
satisfied ones.
i. Safety with Janata Bank
ii. Statements easily understood, reliable.
iii. Location of the branch
iv. Clarity of the statements
So, these were the attributes that resemble strength of service provided by Janata Bank
services, which were ranked as satisfactory by the respondents.

6.2.5 Service Gap or Most Dissatisfied Aspects of Janata Bank Service

The respondent while expressing their views toward various service quality or service
attributes, they ranked some of the aspect of the service quality poorly. Some such poorly
ranked dissatisfied attributes are called as service gap. Such service gaps of JBL (Savar
Corporate Branch) are as follows:
i. Lack of modern equipment and technology
ii. ATM booth service
iii. Willingness to help or attention to every individual
iv. Services within the time promised
v. Searching for solution or appropriate solution to problem
vi. Friendliness & courtesy of the employees

& Conclusion

7.1 Recommendations

Janata Bank is one of the most flourishing Bank of Bangladesh with wide growth
opportunities in the service industry. The survey on the customers of Janata Bank was
conducted with an aim of the measurement of the service quality of JBL (Savar Corporate
Branch) and finding service gap as well as provides the appropriate
recommendations to meet those gaps and improving the overall service quality of Janata
Bank Ltd. This study gave valuable insights as to where improvements were necessary to
improve the quality of service. These are given below:

i. Improve Office Environment: Office environment of JBL (Savar Corporate Branch)

should be changed. It is not that attractive which may attract the customers to visit this
bank. They do not focus on the decoration of office. Savar Corporate Branch of JBL
have old furniture and other accessories.That’s why 72% responses were negative. So
JBL should improve office environment by using modern equipment and technology.
ii. Go Online: Savar Corporate Branch of JBL have little online banking facilities. In
this current world, if a bank does not have online banking facilities than it cannot
survive in long run.
iii. Should Ask Feedback From Customers: JBL should ask for feedbacks from their
customers after providing a service. They can do this at least twice a year or in four
months interval. It will help them to get idea about the quality of their services. They
can improve their services according to the feedback of customers.
iv. Requite Qualified Employees: JBL (Savar Corporate Branch) has 16 employees but
all of them are not well qualified. Most of the employees do not have a commerce
back ground or BBA/MBA degree. They follow a very old recruitment system where
they hire anyone who has done graduation from any background. This thing should be
v. ATM Service: Savar Corporate Branch of JBL have no ATM booth. ATM Booth
helps the bank account owner to get money at anytime from anywhere. No one likes
to stand in cue for long hours to get money. People like to deposit their money in that
bank which has more ATM booth. So ATM booth should be set up.

7.2 Conclusion

This study has provided some interesting insight in to what quality of service they get
from Janata Bank Ltd and to what kind of what service the customers give
importance. It is quite obvious from the study that the customer requirements are not
fully met and they are very dissatisfied with some of the aspects of the bank. Again
the study revealed that only a few customers are strongly agree with the service of
JBL and only one third of customers were more or less satisfied with the service of
the bank and more than half of the respondents were on the neutral side of satisfaction

Finally, it would be said that this report at Janata Bank has increased my practical
knowledge of Business Administration and made by BBA education more complete
and applied. In this report, it was got the opportunity to apply various tools and
concepts that were learned in BBA courses especially in service marketing.

Customers are the vital for every business. It is not possible to make a profitable
business without providing customer a better service and concerning the customer’s
benefit. Janata Bank is a great domestic bank. To achieve the desired position in the
market, timely improvement in service is essential.


References &

8.1 References

AKHTER, M.M. (2012) Service Gap of Selected Public and Private Commercial Banks

in Bangladesh. Global Disclosure of Economicand Business, 1(2), pp. 27

Book Study from Service Marketing by Valarie A. Zeithaml , Mary Jo Bitner & Gremler


Book Study from Marketing Management(Philip Kotler),Eleventh Edition

SALMA, U. and SHAHNEAZ, M.A. (2013) Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative

Analysis of Publication and Private Sectors Banks in Bangladesh. European

Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), pp. 2

8.2 Appendix

Survey Questionnaire

Dimensions with Questions

Reliability Dimension
1. The Bank provides services within the time promised.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
2. The employees give appropriate solution to problems.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. The Bank corrects its errors and mistakes promptly.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Responsiveness Dimension
1. The employees give your prompt services.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
2. Employees always willing to help.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. The employees are always search for solution.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Assurance Dimension
1. The employees are friendly & courteous.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
2. Customers feel safe in transactions with Janata Bank.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. JBL’s employee’s keep the knowledge to answer customer question.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Care & Empathy Dimension
1. The Janata Bank gives attention to every individual.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
2. The employees of Janata Bank understand your specific needs.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Tangibility Dimension
1. The Janata Bank has visually appealing facilities.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree 41
2. The statements easily understood, reliable and accurate.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. JBL’s modern equipment and technology better satisfy your needs.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Some other Analysis
1. The Janata Bank has strong brand name & reputation.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
2. The Janata Bank gives average bank services and facilities.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. This branch (Savar Corporate Branch) location is convenience?
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Agree (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree


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