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Service line
1.1 Product /service
The service is primarily a pre-purchase-oriented service Where we help a buyer select a vehicle.
Our product/service is a consultation service where experienced automobile experts from will
help people understand their transportation needs and select the quality and type of vehicle they
should acquire. The selection will be based on the various information about one preferences,
commuting requirements, budget etc. The services is provided by the company are categorized
into 2 categories.
1.1.1 Pre purchase services Web based platform
The company website will have form provided on the web page which the customer can fill
which will ask the customers transportation needs, budget, preferences of power, comfort and
various other attributes they want in the vehicle. the customer also can choose the priority level
of the criteria fulfilled by the vehicle. The information is then matched with a data base
containing technical and economic information about vehicles. A range of vehicle choices will
be displayed with the required specification, reviews by previous owners and review videos and
texts by various automobile experts on YouTube and vehicle related blogs. A feature will be
present which will be able to tell how a effective would it be if you switch to electric vehicles or
other clean energy vehicles because the company will be promoting clean energy vehicles
according to your type of use ,financial capability and current infrastructure of the technology .
The web based service will be free of cost. On call meeting
The customers will be able to contact the automobile experts on the phone which will be a
premium service and is a paid feature . the customer will also be able to selects expert
themselves form the website. If the customer is interested in specific vehicle manufacturer
he/she can select an expert of that specific company. This feature will also be able to provide
guidance for financial management for the vehicle. meeting
The customers will be able to find experts based the type of vehicle like 2 wheelers, 4 wheelers
or even electric vehicles or the specific vehicle manufacturer. The customers can book an
appointment with an expert for the consultation. The meeting will be held at the main of office
of the company which will also have a café. The customers can interact with other customers
also and add some more considerations for their vehicle selection. The expert will be able to
select a vehicle suiting to your financial capability, commuting needs, comfort Preferences,
driving conditions, size of family, type of business that you are involved in. if the customer is
happy with selection made by the expert. Our company will be able to connect you to the dealer
or seller for the best deal available. This feature of the service will also is a paid feature of the
1.1.2 Post purchase services Vehicle services and maintenance tracking and notification
The service of the company extends to the post purchase requirements as well like maintenance
and servicing, selling, modifications and will help the customer keep track of the vehicles
general health, tax payment of the vehicle, part changes and the service will notify the user for
timely maintenance and tax payment. with a registered account in the company website. A
program that will keep track of date and time of the last servicing or maintenance of the vehicle
and will allow the user to book a servicing appointment at most convenient service center. Vehicle sale
The service offers the feature of selling used vehicle on the website itself or handover the
vehicle the company which the company will keep up for sale . The company it self can buy used
vehicles and recondition them to be sold again on the market.

vehicle consultancy

Pre purchase services Post purchase services

servicing and maintinance tracking

web based platform notification

on call meeting Vehicle sale

in person meeting
2. Pricing structure
The pricing will be based on the type of service the customer wishes which is a premium
pricing strategy . The bundling pricing strategy is also used for customers who are interested in
using all the features of the service and a option product pricing for customers who opt to utilize
only some features of the service . The pricing structure is given in the table below
2.1 Pre-purchase services
on call meeting + financial In-Person meeting +
web based platform(free) guidence financial guidennce
(Rs 1000)+(Rs500) (Rs 1500)+(Rs 500)
It will give the customer an cosultation through a phone consusltation in person
option to prioritize a critera call. added considerations for
like finance or comfort ability to choose to talk to vehicle selections
the expert of the vehicle find the best deal for you
will choose a range of company that you prefer. with the vehicle dealer or
vehicles that suits your needs Financial guidance supplier.
account registration and
client ID

2.2 Post purchase services

Servicing and mentinance tracking

Vehicle sale
and notification
(Based on Vehicle Prices)
(RS 100/mth)

health tracking of the vehicle based Sell advert on the company website
and servicing and maintenace Reconditioning and buying services
records. from the company itself
notification system for upcoming or
pending servicng and mentinance
tax records and remainders
booking servicing appointments
3. Product Life cycle
3.1 Introduction
Our services firstly will be introduced as a website where customer can use the data base and
algorithm built by us to find the perfect vehicle for themselves. A website with a very user-
friendly interface is developed as Potential vehicle buyers include all the people above 18 who
have a driving license so both people who are and are not informed about E-commerce can use
the website. During the introduction stage, marketing and promotion are at a constant high and
as the web based consultation are free and customer flow on other features like on call meeting
and in person meeting will be low the revenues will be very low. As these services are provided
by only by the vehicle seller that also with an intention to sell his own brand of vehicle. This
service will give a non-biased review of vehicles. This service will allow a broader range of
considerations to be introduced when you buy a vehicle which will weighted and systematically
analyzed because the main aim of the service is not to sell a vehicle but choose the best vehicle
for the customer. Our service will allow people know how much money they can save while
buying a vehicle with the right financial plan. With this being a service first of its kind in Nepal
competition at initial stages will be low which will help promotion as the product is unique and
first of its kind.
3.2 Growth
As the service proves to be effective helping the people save their time and money and from the
confusion of choosing a vehicle for themselves the amount of people using the service will
increase. With proper feed back from the customers we can build a better algorithm for vehicle
selection. With revenue pulling in we can add new features to the service with contracted deals
with suppliers and dealers for another source of revenue and a good deal for our customers. A
communication network will be built among the customers as well where they can share reviews
of the vehicles which is valuable data and can be used to make the experts more informed and
knowledgeable which leads to more accurate decisions .As the website traffic increases we can
use advertisement as a new revenue source with advertisement section on the website especially
for vehicle manufacturers. The primary additions to ensure the growth of the company.
 Addition of post purchase services like servicing and maintenance tracking and
 Addition of automobile experts who are more inclined towards technical aspects of the
vehicles for enthusiasts and other concerned bodies.
 Feedback and review collection and evaluation for future improvement in decision
making process and advertisement.
 Addition of vehicle sale feature.

3.3 Maturity
When market saturation is achieved and sales volume is at a maximum the company will begin
innovating to maintain or increase their market share. The company will focus on two important
methods to draw the maturity period longer .
 changing or developing our service to meet with developing technologies like hydrogen
fuel cell powered vehicles, Electrical 2 wheeler vehicles or electrically powered
commercial vehicles.
 changing or developing our service meet a new demographic like vehicle enthusiasts,
vehicle collectors, luxury vehicles, second hand buy and sell of vehicles.
3.4 Decline
As competition increases and behavior of the consumer changes the service might not look
attractive to the consumer base . the company might loose market shares with unsatisfied reviews
of the customers. As we see that interaction between human resources and consumers is
decreasing with computers being able to replace them. Our on call meeting feature and in person
meeting feature might not prove to be effective and worth the cost. To stop this decline we plan
to heavily invest in out data base and vehicle selection program on the web based platform so we
can develop a more refined algorithm for vehicle selection and can generate revenue out of the
automated system.
4. Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segmen
 People with a Driving  Vehicle selection for 1. For budget buyers  Satisfaction of the  Budget buye
licence and capability confused buyers  Vehicles selection consumer from  Vehicle enth
to afford a private according to their based on technical guidance received  First time bu
vehicle need and desire and economical  cost deduction of  Vehicle deal
 Service centres  Financial guidance for aspects customer while  vehicle own
 Vehicle Dealerships vehicle loans, terms  Good deals help in buying a vehicle wanting to s
and suppliers or payment, cost saving  financial guidance vehicles
 Vehicle review depreciation valuation  Low cost financial worth the money and
bloggers and video of vehicle. guidance time
makers  Consultation for both  Better knowledge  usability of the
 Automobile experts of buying and selling about vehicle leads to service worth talking
specific vehicle vehicles cost saving during about
manufacturers  Servicing and maintenance.  consultation based on
 Web developers and maintenance tracking  Convenient genuine the level of
software developers and notification source of advice for knowledge of the
 Finding the best deal first time buyers. customer
for the specific 2. For review bloggers
vehicle in the market. and youtubers
 Reconditioning and  Increased followers
selling vehicles and free promotion of
 Promotion of new their blogs and
environmentally channels
friendly fuel powered  A market for good
vehicles reviewers is
motivation for quality
content generation.
3. For vehicle
dealerships and
 A rapidly spreading
customer base.
 Scheduled hassle free
Key Resources servicing activities. Channels
 web developers  Promotion of quality  the company website
 Vehicle review of service of vehicle  mobile phones by
bloggers and video manufacturers using a chatting
makers 4. For vehicle system or an on call
 Financial experts enthusiasts meeting
 Vehicle Dealerships  Information source  satisfied customers
and suppliers for vehicles technical  in person meetings in
 Reviews from old specifications and café operated by the
customers owner reviews. company
 Efficient data base  Genuine guidance on  Vehicle Dealerships
management server vehicle buy and sell. and suppliers
and software .
 Technical experts on
different type of
vehicles .
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
 Development and maintinance of website and vehicle election  Consultation fees
program  Subscription for vehicle mentinance and health tracking syste
 Database management system  Selling reconditioned vehicle s
 Payment to experts and consultants  Comission from dealeships and suppliers for customer base
 Promotion and marketting on TV,radio, social media sites etc.  Promotion and advertisement on the company website.
 Buying copyrighted information legally from vehicle manufacturers  Fees for additonal features like financial consultation
and dealers
 Payment for reconditioning of vehicle plus purchase of parts and

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