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NCM 105 Basic tools in nutrition


- My pyramid
This course deals with the study of food in
relation to health and diseases and the
- Food labels
processes by which organisms ingests, digests,
- Nutrients guidelines for Filipino
absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food
substances it will also focus in the therapeutic Six essential nutrients
and food service aspect of the delivery of
- Carbohydrates
nutritional services in hospitals and other
- Proteins
health care institution.
- Fats and water
Learning objectives - Vitamins and minerals
- After the first trinal concept, students “Based on the video presented”
are expected to:
You are what you eat?
- State the definition of nutrition
- Explain the base terms in the study of Is a core belief of many culture in the wold
nutrition history, in India they do not eat onions and
- Explain the base concepts of nutrition garlic because they belief that foods that have
- Distinguishes the nature and kinds of strong odours like aggressive and offensive
carbohydrates, fats and proteins behaviours
- Identify the functions of each
macronutrient in the body Around the world in the history we see
- List good to excellent food and fascinating and desire example of traditions
sources and factors affecting that center around of all idea that you embody
requirements what you eat
- Enumerate and explain the essential You are what you eat
functions of vitamins in the human
body - The meaning of this phrase is if you
- Identify the major minerals and trace eat crappy food you will going to feel
minerals and describe their functions crappy, if you eat healthy food then
of the body you will feel and look heathy you are
- Discuss the functions of water in the what you put on your body.
body - What you eat in terms of composition
- Understand specifically assessment of your cellular membranes, all the
and diagnosis way down to tiniest building blocks of
entire body those little blocks that
Over view builds your bone, heart, muscles and
 Basic concept in nutrition and diet your brain you are what you eat
therapy - In adult loses a 3 hundred billion cells
 Nutrition tools, standards and to all age in every single day, how the
guidelines body replace those cells? With the
food we eat, the food becomes the fuel
 Dietary guidelines and food guides
of our body own manufacturing to
 Nutrition care process (ADIME
replace cells that die.
- If we eat toxic, chemically not
Introduction to nutrition nutritious food our body had a hard
time manufacture a new healthy cells
- Definition of terms, nutrition concepts, - Drink more clean water, eat more
classification of nutrients vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds
- Allow your digestive system to work don’t want to be crappy you need to eat
as it should and reducing chronic healthy food.
information with a better diet and
Example of you are what you eat
consistent exercise and you will be
able to abstract more good stuff out of
your food.
- More than 3 hundred billion cells
depend on the fuel you have your
body, make sure you make a good
Different pictures of healthy and unhealthy
A very vital role in the disease prevention and
health promotion. Nurses must have adequate
knowledge about nutritional needs of
everybody and sick individuals, many lifestyle
and environmental patterns influence health
and well being
Nutrition is major modifiable and powerful
factor in promoting health, providing and
treating disease and improving quality of life.
Nutrition is important for all health
professionals. Food – any substance usually composed of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water that can
Nutrition – the result of the process (digestion,
be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for
absorption and metabolism) whereby the body
nutrition of pleasure.
takes and uses food for growth, development
and the maintenance of health (roth,2007) Made up of different nutrients needed for
growth and development
The study of food and how the body makes
use of it (Caudal, 2009) Nutrients – chemical substances found in food
that is necessary for life
The science of foods and their components
(nutrients and other substances) including the Anything which provides holistic development
relationship to health and disease, processes
within the body and the social, economic, Organic and inorganic substances that is
cultural and psychological implications to obtained through ingestion.
eating (Ruiz, Claudio, Diamonon, 2011) “organic – lipids, carbohydrates and vitamins”
Nutrition = Life “inorganic – water and minerals”
Nutrition is the study of food in relation to Includes development of body organs, supplies
health. All living cells need food and water to energy, build and repair cells tissues
live, the primary components in the food are
the energy givers and nutrients both need -An essential nutrient cannot be manufactured
water as the regime of their activities in the body in adequate amounts needed for
specific functions.
According to the video if you want to be
healthy then you have to eat healthy, it is a It means it has to supply from food or from a
kind and quality of food and water that more nutritional supplement.
consumes that determine a quality of life, if
-An essential nutrient is linked to a specific Nutriture or Nutritional status
deficiency disease.
- Refers to the condition of how well-
For example, a child who lacks protein nourished is the human body
develops Kwashiorkor a person who doesn’t - Depends on:
get enough vitamin c. the main treatment of  Physical signs and symptoms
the deficiency disease is to supply the specific of food nutrition
nutrients that is additive.  Medical history
 Blood and urine tests
 Anatomical changes seen in
 History of dietary intake
- Mal – means bad
- Is an undesirable state of one’s health,
which could either be an
undernourished individual or someone
who is over nourished.
Undernourished – caused by starvation,
secondary effect of metabolic disorder or a
medical condition that interferes the
nutritional processes in the body.
Over nutrition – example obesity, toxic
defects, excessive intake of specific
Nutrient Distribution in the body
- Water is about 60% of total BW
- Fat/lipids are about 20% of total BW
- About 20% of total BW is a
combination of mostly protein plus
carbohydrates, mineral and vitamins

Note: not all nutrients are essential for all

species of animals.
For example: vitamin c is essential nutrients
for human beings but not in dogs
The study of essentiality for a nutrient is a
continuous process.
There are at least 45 ingredient nutrients that is
essential for human beings

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